Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hi all!!! Is everyone ready for turkey day??? Gobble gobble. Well I'm here @ work & honestly I think I been
Now ladies who have more than one child, when did & how did you tell your kids you were pregnant? My son is seven & I didn't tell him yet. I feel he has an idea b/c he claims he's wishing on a star to have a baby brother. I was thinking to tell him on Christmas. Any suggestions? By then I will be a little over 3 months.
DW, hows your hubby?
MrsT, USCIS is really out of order w/the questions. I hope they decide the way THEY BETTER or I will get them.
Hey JQ!!!!!!

Hey Mo, I gave you a shout out on Fb and then noticed you aint my damn FB friend. PM me yo info so we can be friends.

Girl I told my kids one day and they were cool with it, but to make it a surprise would be ok, if you son would be older, not sure if he would really understand the signifigance (sp) if you tell him on Xmas, but he might depends on if he will focus on the news or what present he will open next!!

Good luck with that!

Edited by JQ Smiley BOOM, 24 November 2010 - 02:16 PM.

JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 14:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

BOOM u an u madd rass picah dem...I need one with a leafblower because mine just blew up

Posted Image

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 14:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Posted Image
Posted Image

damn now I got the giggles and cant stop laughing, everyone at work looking at me funny :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 13:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
13 User(s) are reading this topic
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1. JQ Smiley BOOM,
2. MoLuvsAcory,
3. MRStee,
4. bajankutie,
5. JAPrincess,
6. Thompson2,
7. DedicatedWife,
8. Always Blessed

Its booming in here today yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 13:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Steve is at work right now and has this big inspection. He has been working overtime. I texted him and said "don't respond because I know you are busy but I love you so much" and he texted me back anyway to say "I love you no matta what" :blush:
That's all I needed to hear! I know God got us!

Thank you to everyone on this board who supported us and been with us on our journey. It means alot to me personally to have met such a wonderful, supportive group of ladies. I look forward to more link ups and beautifully formed friendships.. You guys are the BEST!!!!! (F)

Thats what we izzzzzzz here for!!! (L)
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 13:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

ROFL :whistle: :whistle:

It look like pregnancy has SOFTENED JQ lol! Looking for HUGGING smileys? LOL!

Before she'd have the M16s out!!!

Who me!!!!!!!!!! Posted Image

Hell naw You werent on here the other day when someone (I think it was KJ's emotional azz)was saying they were crying like crazy and I told them to take some prenatals because they were hormonal.

Thats one thing I am not now is Softened. Girl to much hood in me for that!!! Been there and done this pregnancy thing aint nothing new :rofl:

Girl everything is funny to me, the lady fell in the store and I couldnt stop laughing she wanted to fight and if I was pregnant I would have beat the ** outta here, because its a free country and I can laugh, but I know it wasnt right but damn she fell in some boots hi-tailing around the corner running to keep her space in line Posted Image :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 13:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

See that is why I stay the F away from this site!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. Boom, always, DW, KJ, Mstee, Brooke I let u know when I have the baby.

Awww 1 luv PM me your number again, you gonna let me know about that baby because we are neck and neck except for the 2 weeks you got pregnant before me, because my sisters and I are coming to Canada in April, all girls trip!! I wanna see you!!!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 11:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

What color are the bed sheets?
What color are the rugs
How many times have you been married.
How old are her children?
Do you get along with her son?
What is she in school for?
What time does she get home?
Do you give her money? :blink: :blink: :blink:

Lord Jesus! Give me strength USCIS is a mess :angry:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 11:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

That is some bullsht Jap. So before posting anything, we must first take into account every blasted persons circumstances or who may or may not be offended by what we say?????

if you are proud and content and happy and comfortable by your own personal lifestyle and the choices you have made, why would you be offended by what anyone has to say?

No thats not what needs to be done everytime, but understand that you dont be on here everyday Finesse not even everyweek, there are some that come on here for the support and if this is an offending board why should they come back!!

There are alot that stopped coming on here for very good reasons, this year because of offensive sht that was said. They were as they call themselves seasoned veterans, so even if I am happy with my life style soemthing that you said about Mickey Mouse could have offended me!!!

I know many say after 13 years you shouldnt have another child. Well I did it and you did it, but that may offend but as you said if you are good with your life style and choices you shouldnt worry, Me personally Hell to the NO Ima tell them to go ** themselves because this is my life and not theirs, and I have the financial to do this and wont ask you for a penny!

So like I was telling Jae its not about sugar coating but if it was your situation wouldnt you defend yourself, just for your peace of mind. :whistle:

Some things dont sit well with folks, thats how my spirit is, I just sometimes cant let things pass me by, its the christian in me!!!

Now what was said both ways may have went to far but I think feelings were hurt! Thats all I care about keep the friendships (where the hell is my hug smiley) oh here it is Posted Image :dance:

SO!!!! Finesse hows them baby girls, this they first Thanksgiving, they gonna tear some food up in those high chairs :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

hey all morning,

Just passing through about to go to the drs to find out if my princess is ready yet LOL! anyway for some reason I thingk next week although this woul have been perfect timing. OH well everyone take care of yourselves and stay blessed. Happy Thanksgiving

Hi always tell hubby Posted Image Posted Image and more Posted Image so that baby can come!!!
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 11:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Soooo..I have a friend here who lives with her husband and his parents. She has a decent job and he has an ok job. So she was telling me how they were trying for a baby. I was like why on EARTH would you be living with family in some basement, obviously can't afford a STABLE home of your own but yet PURPOSELY bringing a baby into the mix? Shouldn't your priority be MOVING out, getting a place of your OWN before having a baby? Sigh....

I wasn't even talking about her, I was talking about a REAL life person and had already expressed my disgust with her. Along comes this girl and adds herself. So all of a sudden, I should change my opinion/sugarcoat it when I have ALREADY said what I thought of it?

Why does MY opinion mean anything? ESPECIALLY when NOT directed at her?

Ok I understand that you were talking about a real life person, but that real life person has some of the same characteristics as alot of our fellow sisters on here. I understand thats your opinion but when it effects so many, it came off offending someone. You started it as a topic for someone to comment and thats what I did. Not to be a cheering section, but to also put my opinion in.

Now if someone came on here talking about they dont agree with long distance relationships, or women that have kids that get into new relationships with someone from another country, thats there opinion, but if its negative like that and affects alot on here then it has to be addressed.

Ive noticed that you are very blunt and strong with your comments, and off the internet I am also, but Im a little guarded because these are relationships I wanna keep and not tarnish and this is a learning experience for us all!

So with that being said.

Why does MY opinion mean anything? ESPECIALLY when NOT directed at her?

Yes your opinion matter, because your not a newbie, your a seasoned veteran, but KJ is young and new and we need to build her up b4 we put her down :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: just joking KJ

But for real, your opinion matters as much as anyone elses so you dont need to sugarcoat but when it affects someone on her you do have to think about feelings!! (Just my opinion)

Still love you JaE, hope this didnt tarnish our relationship :blush: because we want to take pictures of the baby when she come :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 11:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Morning Yardies...Whats Poppin? Well we leave for NYC today I cant wait to be with my entire family. My mother will finall meet Garfield this weekend. We will have a blast. I wish everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving.

Awww C thats great!! Hope your mom finds him charming and they get along great as I did!!!!!!! Hes is a very humble man!!!

Have a great Thanksgiving
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 10:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

cuz some people have low standards, or lazy, and ghetto...personally i would feel ashamed to live under anyone else's roof but my own...i didnt' do it when i had my first child at the age of 18 when it was a oops and wouldn't do it 13 years later when my babies were on purpose


That;s exactly how I feel, if the baby wasn't planned, fair enough, but PLANNING a baby under someone else's roof?? Okey dokey then...

Im not even gonna comment cuz yall not right Straight up that sht aint cool!!!!

No I think I will comment!!

I had my first son still in high school so yes I was still under my folks roof but the next was under my own and you know now at married and 30 im not living under nobody's else roof, but its not cool to come and look down someone else thats doing it, after the girl already said that!!!!!!

But yall perfect Right!!! :blink:


Sometimes we have to be supportive and not so blunt. She aint a family member that you have to scold, she is a newlywed with her hubby and still trying to make it, so that when the baby come she can be financially stable.

KJ on the real, I understand your situation, and when its time for you and yours to move just do it!! Its your life not anyone elses.

Sometimes yall dont understand that people are looking for support on this site and not ridicule. Even if you dont agree with me dont make it a joke on me!!!!!

:wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:

Edited by JQ Smiley BOOM, 23 November 2010 - 04:28 PM.

JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-23 16:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Good Morning All,

Here I am at working wishing I was in labor already LOL! KJ maybe later today who knows LOL ! I walked and sexy parties and everything you can think of to try to start it but all I am feeling is braxton hicks contractions :( well hopefully sometime this week. I will keep you all posted. By the way your procedure will be fine and all will go well no issues. I dreampt you had a baby girl she looked just like your hubby but had your cheeks and lips, very beautiful.

Anyway hope you all have a fantasic week, Thanksgiving, and all.

Hello, Always,

Hope you go into labor you have been on my mind all weekend!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-22 11:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

LOL.. Can't believe what I started by bringing this up. JQ probably is going to go into Jan and miss out and this was all for nothning, but since she has a halloween baby already then I think she should do another holiday and New years is better than any January

I agree January baby please God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :star:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-22 02:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Girl that must be nice. only 14lbs gained. I have gained about 35lbs so far and still a few more months to go. Look out big

Wow you look good mama jew dont look like 35 lbs at all, girl scratch that 14,,,, in the last 2 weeks 3 more lbs, I am feeling more hungry lately. :dance: :dance:

I go to the dr again Wednesday so we will see :blink:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-22 02:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I guess you're right, I will love either one I get but I just never had a great relationship with my mom and I'm anxious to have that mother daughter relationship with my girl. But 1 month until I know for sure

I have great relationships with my boys also, but I cant wait to see my likkle girl :blush: and really bond with her.Im taking 4 months off of work, I wanna get to know her and her me everyday of the beginnning of her life. :blush:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-22 02:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

OMG :rofl: :bonk: :rofl:

GIRL, you need to TAKE IT EASY!! Chat bout Dr. wanting to put you on bed rest one minute and starting a fight in the ghetto grocery store the next :bonk:

Please ease up Mrs.BOOM! Nothing matters more than the life inside you right now, the company will be fine!
You need to rest and apparently you may need to send your hubby to the grocery store from now on :rofl:

JaP im being good I promise. :innocent:
I just went in the store to get popsickles for the kids, I didnt know the girl was going to fall :angry: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

My hubby will only go to the store with me :bonk:

OMG :rofl: :bonk: :rofl:

GIRL, you need to TAKE IT EASY!! Chat bout Dr. wanting to put you on bed rest one minute and starting a fight in the ghetto grocery store the next :bonk:

mi naw start fight in da store momma JaP :unsure: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-22 02:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

That's true, you don't need to worry about a deduction at all. Sorry Nat came through me for a I don't know how the days work with the IRS. I thought as long as they were born by the 31 do dec. they could be claimed, but that's not a concern for you so whatever. I still think a new years baby is nice and that wouldn't be to early right? Or maybe it's one love gonna have the new years baby. I know one of you is gonna be baby dropping along side with the ball in

Oh and you and the grocery store are just too much. I can just picture that lady falling and you not being able to stop laughing as you replay it over and over in your head.

LOL @ AKA sexy it! Does he have any names suggestions or is he just turning yours down? What is Moy Moy's govt name and did he have a say in that?

Brooke I am hoping and praying I have a January baby but you know they say 2 weeks before or afetr so I feel this baby is going to come before.

Girllll that grocery store was to much, I was damn near peeing on myself, if its funny ima laugh no matter what!!!

Sexy lips yep thats my hunny, He talking about "ganja" thats his only suggestion. Everything I suggest is a no, so ima just pick something and stick with it

Moy's name is Antonette. Cause his middle name is Anthony and he had no part in it, because him & her mom named her something else, but at 3 years old mom changed it. Not sure why we jusy seen it when we were trying to send the papers in to bring her to U.S. 3 years ago
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-22 02:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
:rofl: Also my bff and I were in the store and this lady was running because the line was long and she was holding it up to get some bread. So she ran to get the bread and ran back, well when she came around the corner she slipped and fell, girlllllllllllllllllll i couldnt stop laughing, she was mad and wanted to fight!!! It was the ghetto store in the hood, but I aint care I just laughed and laughed and laughed. I had other people inthe line laughing because i couldnt stop. :rofl: :rofl:

I have real issues in grocery stores, ever since I whoop that biotches azz in that one earlier this year!!!! :bonk:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 23:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Lol, Lmfao, dwl!!!!!!
You better stop telling me I'm not showing before I start crying, my hormones gotta be up to the roof coz I cry for everything. The other night I cried coz hubby told me I was pushing him off the bed and I thought he was trying to say I'm fat!

aWWW chic you trippping are you taking your prenatals with all that crying!!!!1
With me and this pregnancy I am super mean and everything is funny
I was watching Saturday Night live and they were doing the fart ghost skit, OMG I was laughing so hard I was crying.
But not hormonal at all
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 23:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

JQ, you are too fcuking funny, talking bout you got less than 9 weeks to go!

TRU TING MON :dance: :rofl:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 23:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

DWL :rofl: :rofl: You are just too much sometimes JQ. This Thansksgiving get working on a baby name. :bonk: I know it's hard though. I will be the same as you when my time comes. This baby is going to be a New year baby. She is going to make it into Jan, but just barely. Hmm maybe the 31st of Dec. wouldn't be bad for tax reasons. When is your actual due date again? You and MamaJew are the same day right? What about One Love? I can't keep up.

Yes I have a few names but they are all being rejected by his royal highness aka "sexy lips" so I dont know what we gone do
Girl Im not tripping about claiming this baby I thought you had to have the baby before Nov 15 or Dec 1 to claim for the year.
Not sure but we got 3 kids to claim already and thats plenty $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
My actual due date is January 11 or the 15th it keeps changing with the measurement of the baby with my crazy doctor. Yep thats around mama jew b-day also and her baby girl due date. One luv due at the end of December with always but she due the beginning of december i think

Edited by JQ Smiley BOOM, 19 November 2010 - 11:15 PM.

JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 23:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I'm so mad, call me crazy but I did one of those Chinese gender predictor thingy and it said I was having a boy :(

I did one also and it said a girl for me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Were going to my aunts house that did the baby shower, since my granny died this year Thanksgiving is going to be hard and also Xmas. :crying: :crying:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 19:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey Mo! Girl you know they say you don't start showing until around 11-12 weeks right? Lol, I used to get mad as hell when ppl would say I'm not showing! But in my world, I was showing since the day I found out I was pregnant,

Thats gas and bloating Posted Image cuz you aint showing yet!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 19:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Oh ok but as long as you rest before you go, you can't be up all day and night JQ.
That's good for your son, what grade is the other one in??
Enjoy your night mama, I'm home in bed about to take a well deserved and awaited nap!

One is 7th grade, 13 in December and the other is 5th grade just turned 11 on Halloween.

Yes girl make sure you rest. Rest easy its Friday!!!!!!! Im so happy because, I almost didnt get up and go to work this morning cuz hubby was in the bed and was feeling so warm beside me!!!

JQ, i'm 9weeks pregnant with a little baby bump. So just as KJ, my jeans irritate my belly.
KJ, i know what you mean about resting. I did that today. And i had intentions of going on road but the bed was so comfortable.

Awww nine weeks that is so cute I have less than that to go :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 19:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Pick up something to eat on the way home too so you won't have to go home and make something.

Girl my son got some good grades on the report card. He is in 7th grade, so we are going out to eat today. he wants to go to Joes Crab Shack So we will be there tonight Im not cooking anything for those hungry creatures!!!! I didnt get to cook til 7 last night and finished about 8:15 every 5 minutes all they azz was asking when dinner ready blah blah blah!! Ugggghhhhhhh

Edited by JQ Smiley BOOM, 19 November 2010 - 02:52 PM.

JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 14:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Im going to take it easy, I just called and picked up my breakfast (DENNY'S)

Posted Image

French Toast Gingerbread syrup and powered sugar!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 13:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Oh ok I see, I didn't want to leave the baby, I wanted to take her! :star:

I'm 11 weeks, 1 week short of 3 months. What picture were you referring to? I'm guessing the pic at the Florida link up, the sonographer said I had a lot of fluid so maybe that's why...

I looked at your post and saw the time and was going to comment that the baby was probably wide awake kicking up a stor, but you said she actually was.
Maybe a name will pop up when you see her JQ.
My belly is nowhere near the size of yours but I thought I was the only one who's had it with the damn sexy parties, ugh, it's freaking tiring and all I wanna do is SLEEP :crying:
Well mama, you only have 8 more weeks to go until you meet baby boom, don't worry it'll come fast! Think positive, that you will actually hold out until January. Since you're going to work part time, you need to go home after work and REST!
The procedure I'm going to do usually has a 2 day recovery but since I'm high risk, they're thinking about giving me a week off. As much as I like to be lazy and just sleep, I can't lay in bed and not move much, sometimes I forget I'm pregnant :bonk:

Morning everyone,

I understand you wanting to take her to JA when she is born (she already saying its a girl) :rofl: :rofl:

11 weeks ok, I started showing around that time also, I asked because you were saying that your pants didnt fit. :unsure:
Yes girl my hubby did his DJ thang so I was watching T.V. and ended making me some snickerdoodle cookies for my and Baby and went to sleep about 2am :bonk:
Im going to have a name by the next few weeks

I love the sexy parties believe me Posted Image Ilove them but now its all about getting that good position and being comfortable and not having the baby belly in the way (TMI) :rofl: :bonk:

Girl everyone is saying please go home and rest after you do your 5 hrs. Its going to be so hard but IMa try

Yes girl Ive been high risk my whole pregnancy like I told you before I go to the Center For Maternal-Fetal Medicine 2 x's a month and see my doctor regularly once a month.

now I see my doctor every two weeks because its a count down 8 weeks.

I still get these shots in my butt every week

So i know all to well about being high risk.

My first son came at 30 weeks. 3 lbs 11 oz. So Im just hoping she stay in as long as possible.

Edited by JQ Smiley BOOM, 19 November 2010 - 11:55 AM.

JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 11:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

We gotta wait for her to settle in and plan the party, I mean house warming! Plus, she did say she thinks she's cutting it too close by aiming for May/June.

Speaking of which, am I crazy for wanting to take the baby to JA @ 2 months old?? By then its going to be a year and a half since I haven't went and I miss it so much!

Brooke, with you and VK's sleep schedule, you're gonna need a early morning sitter! Lol

I miss Dillon too but I remember when I took a break, it was somewhat of a relief to not have to come here and read then post, sometimes we all need a break.

Hey Miss KJ, Girl two months is young unless absolutely necessary. You dont have any family that can help watch the baby while you take a vacation? That is very young to have on the plane for those hours with all those germs, Im just thinking about a baby's immune system. Think about that, I know someone else that did that but the baby dad was in Jamaica and they couldnt wait because daddy was really excited :)
Oh and KJ you already got a belly and you 2 months wow, your baby will be big. Is that right your 2 months??
Hi Just, glad everything is going great for you
Monique how many months are you??
Tee girl I am praying that it goes fast just like Lady C's did, everything will be fine
Dana is such an inspiration, people like you are great assets to our society
OMG baby is kicking I feel she has no room in here, hubby says there is no way she can grow any more :bonk: I still got 8 weeks to go


We had our baby shower, my daughter has received so many presents. So glad we didnt buy anything, because everything on the registry was bought, GOD IS SO GOOD.

I wanna thank my VJ sisters that sent presents, and gave well wishes also. I promise Im going to take pictures in the outfits and blankets and use also the items that you bought for her!!!!
Hubbby said they dont have baby showers in JA so he felt this was to much stuff for one baby. I let him know this is what happens when you have family and friends that care.
So we are going to have to move after the baby is born because my daughter room is to small for the new baby's things

****We still havent picked out a name. This is is my #1 delima****** I want it to fit her but I dont know what she look like :(
Also did I already say Im tired of being preggo.
Hubby is off the hook with the sexy parties, but Im not feeling sexy!!!!
He is going out his way to give me all the attention, and Im pushing him off and ignoring. I need to get it together, he is so sweet. But I dont want this belly getting in the way, ** I know im crazy but damn its getting big***

As of Monday I go to PT at my job, my doctor says my cervix is still getting weaker, and he wants to put me on bedrest. I begged him to keep me at work, but I told him I will go PT. I hope this baby stay til January but yall with my track record I think Im going to have a December baby! :crying:

Pray for me because I need to take it easy but I cant on my job because without me the case mgmnt part of the job will fall apart "REAL TALK" and Im trying to teach my boss my job but he going on vacay for two weeks starting thanksgiving :bonk: Hope when he get back Im still working.
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 02:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

That pic had me dying laughing cause it's my friend to a T - Me on the other hand, I get to the airport looking like the second pic with the items in my bag - coming off the plane I look like the first pic, lol!

Sussssssss thats me also, when my bestie and I went to Jamaica February 2009. My hair wasnt done. No really my sht was fckd up. We sat in Miami airport for a 4 hr layover
at first my sht looked like this Posted Image then she weaved me up
when we finished here is the actual picture Posted Image Posted Imagethought I was Beyonce sister!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-17 19:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Posted Image

This made me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-17 12:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Mrs.Palmer. you're making me tell the board what Ii wante to wait another month or so to tell.
When I went to my first prenatal visit and did ALL those blood work, it came back that 1 of my X chromosome has a slightly high level of fragile x syndrome. So I had to see a genetic counselor and schedule what's called a Chorionic Villi Sample procedure, where they're going to take a sample of the cells around the placenta and test if I passed the gene to the baby. It is best if this baby is a girl and not a boy because if it is a boy then it's chances increases drastically of the baby being mentally retarted. All my family had their kids in JA and so I don't have the comfort of looking at my family history for comfort. I am overwhemled, stressed and just want to curl up and cry until I get the results, which will be month from now. Be thankful that you are not in my shoes and just pray that as your pregnancy progresses that the baby will be fine, but I know all too well what it means to worry...

Just pray they told me that when I first started also, they took the test and made me come back and take 2 other test!
Then the took one more ultra sound and ruled it out!
So its not set in stone, be positive and know that its your love creation, and you have to love it no matter what. And Im sure you will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you girl
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-17 11:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Took me a day and a half to respond to that one

Love the smiley and remember you are not going to have everyones support!!!!

So from the beginning I feel you need to tell people, if its not positive please dont say it to me because as a quick reaction I might do this Posted Image
Before I married hubby I went to Jamaica 9x's people were talking bad. But my bills were paid and my kids were behaving and I was in love. Now everyone is smiling in his face, and loves the hell out of him. The onles that was talking mess, I just let it go, because JaP those are going to be the same ones tryng to come visit. Mark my words.

Jamerica is still not sleepy, Ima have to play sleep for her to calm down, Mtn Dew is not my friend, why did I drink it, oh yeah because its my fav and I havent tasted it in 2 months lololol


Edited by JQ Smiley BOOM, 16 November 2010 - 02:14 AM.

JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 02:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Maybe since you have seen the mom and she looks just like her then you can't see hubby at all. From the first picture I saw of her I saw hubby, but maybe it's just me. It must kind of stink for you to keep being reminded of her mom when you look at her, but atleast you know you are a FAR better woman and Moy Moy is WAY better off with you as her mom than her egg donor. Still confused on how she got through without a dna? Is your hubby on her BC and then does that mean you don't have to do a dna test? I thought they were testing all these kids. Either way thank God for Moy Moy that she got through and is with you guys.

She looks exactly like her mom EXACTLY!! Lol
If the father is on the birth certificate, he is automatically the father in JA. Thats what the lady at the embassy told me.
So nope no DNA just approved and a wisk away on the plane to be with daddy.
My husband loves that little girl to death. I mean death. He is really strict on her but you can tell he only wants the best for her. She is adjsuting well, and trying to loose her accent. Its so funny. Ima video tape her on my camera so yall can hear her. America is getting to her! My kids laugh all the tiem because school,Disney channel, our house and Nickolodeon has changed her words and tone. Speech intelligibilty is at a very high level lol
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 02:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Ok ladies, (to those who have kids) in the heezy did you make it through pregnancy without having a coronary from worrying about how your baby's doing, and all the things to prepare for? I mean, there has not been a day, or seemingly a minute since I found out that I was pregnant that I have not thought about this little person that is growing inside of me, and what I can do to make sure he/she is safe, will have all they need, is healthy, and so on and so on. I had a check-up today b/c I have a hx of problems with hypertension, but my doctors are pleased because it has been going well so far. In fact it was a perfect 120/80 and I can only believe it's because this baby is truly a blessing and is taking care of me as much as I am trying,, and vow to take care of him/her. We get to find out on the 6th what we're having. We're both excited about it. While we both want boys, I think it's gonna be a girl b/c according to my family it will only be right that I have a girl and relive all of the experiences and stress that I created for them! :lol: :blink: I didn't think I was THAT bad! :unsure: Anyway, sorry for rambling...this has just been such an overwhelming experience so far, and I'm only 4 months in!

Thats how I was in the beginning, but when you start to feel real kicks and not butterflies you will have reassurance that he/she will be ok.
Its natural to feel like that Mrs P. I felt like that and I gave birth 2 x's already, its justthe mother in you. So take it easy, and know that its a blessing to even go as far as 4 months and that bundle of joy will be here soon enough!!!!
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 00:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Guess what


Edited by JQ Smiley BOOM, 16 November 2010 - 12:41 AM.

JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 00:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I don't know girl I thought I could see hubby in Moy Moy. I'll have to look again. They didn't DNA test her? How come some people have to and others don't. You know these skanks picked the best most stable men, so that on the plus side it means ya'll married some good men (as if you didn't already know). Still it's horrible and not right what these women are doing. SMH

Ok well you see him in her, well thats good, I just dont see it I see no one but her mom!!!
But yes these lies aint right it all gotta come out, but as my grandma used to say "All thats dirty will come out in the wash" and that is so true. A lie can only be a lie for a minute or a day or a year or a few years and then BOOM!!!!!!!!

Edited by JQ Smiley BOOM, 16 November 2010 - 12:38 AM.

JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 00:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I have a friend in JA who was selling a stove, practically giving it away for the price, but she needed to make her rent, and well, we need a stove. :D
So we bought it, and he went and picked it up on Saturday... who would have thought I would be so happy over an appliance :wacko: :lol:

Posted Image

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: Get it girl, so excited for you
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-15 19:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

You look beautiful.

Aww thanks always so do you , with about to pop, you are all belly for real, hope im like that still at delivery time
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-15 19:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

JQ, you look real nice with your belly. It looks like you're practically all belly. Kindly correct me if wrong.
Overall, nice pic

Yep they say so far 14 lbs gained and 7 months. i think that the baby is about 4-5lbs and the rest better be water in my stomach :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

I love you guys, but...


:bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
JQ Smiley BOOMFemaleJamaica2010-11-15 18:56:00