Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGreetings to all!
Welcome to VJ and the "Russia" Forum, Steven! Good luck to you and Liliana! Hope to see you around smile.gif

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-08-28 09:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusleaving today
Even though it's still a few days away, good luck to both novotul and turboguy! I can't wait to see your visa approved posts! both Kotenochek and I, and a few others have all passed interviews recently. The guy was nice and polite, and I am sure it will be successful!

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-08-31 10:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved :)
Thanks everyone smile.gif
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-08-30 12:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved :)
Hi Everyone,

So I just got back to Wroclaw from Moscow. Sergey got approved on August 23rd. We had brought a bunch of evidence to the interview but they didn't look at a SINGLE thing, just asked him questions for 10 minutes, and said he was approved. The interview was in English. It turns out it was the same guy who interview "Kotenochek" and he asked all the same questions, so you can read her long post to find out smile.gif, I am just too tired to write anything now! I am so glad this is over and now we can move on to the next part! smile.gif We are both so excited! Thanks everyone for all the support and answers!

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-08-28 08:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEvidence
We sent quite a bit of evidence, but to agree with Satellite I wouldn't let trying to collect more evidence hold up sending the application. It seems like you have plenty right now! We got through in exactly 90 days, but it could be longer, obviously smile.gif Good luck, and I hope you get it sent as soon as possible!
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-04 04:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-134 question
Thanks guys, now I understand :)
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-07-17 06:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-134 question
Can you please be a little more specific about this letter from the bank? What exactly should it include? My co-sponsor is a self-employed writer, with some other odd jobs here and there. We were planning to just bring 1040's for the last three years, and even on the embassy website it doesn't say that 1040s aren't acceptable! Does anyone have an experience where they weren't? Just for my information, how do you go about getting the tax transcripts from the IRS? Is it free? If you have a tax transcript does that mean you don't need any letters from the bank? Thanks in advance :)

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-07-16 10:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI got approved today for K1!Finally!
Congratulations Iya, Finally!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-08-17 08:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest of Luck with interview Novotul
Good Luck Novotul! Hoping to see some good news from you!!!!! I am sure all will go well!

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-11 06:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAddress Questions
We just put as much of the patronymic as would fit (we filled it in on the computer) and then just made an attachment. Didn't cause any problems smile.gif
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-13 02:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAddress Questions
We didn't send Sergei's and as far as I know, it's not recquired when you file the I-129F, you just have to bring a translation, copy, and original to the interview. You have you send your birth certificate, or passport, to prove your citizenship. I sent a copy of my whole passport, and no problems, or RFEs.

Edited by Milenka, 11 September 2007 - 06:13 AM.

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-11 06:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences
QUOTE (Satellite @ Sep 12 2007, 04:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Milenka @ Sep 11 2007, 04:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have seen a couple other shows where they did the same, in Poland they do it as well.
If shows are completely redone and not just dubbed its cool. But when they dub American movies and sitcoms, I think half the humor dies with it. The monotone voices just can't replace the real actors voices I am used to hearing in the US.

I agree with this completely, and in case it wasn't clear I was talking about the shows that are redone smile.gif I don't like dubbing, at all! So annoying...
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-12 07:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences
I have seen a couple other shows where they did the same, in Poland they do it as well. For instance "The Nanny" has both a Polish and Russian version smile.gif I can't remember the others now...maybe someone else does...In Poland they also made a version of "I Love Lucy" Which I think is pretty funny smile.gif
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-11 06:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences

OK.... something else I just noticed today. (Well, I noticed a long time ago, but figured I'd share today.) When my wife opens stuff, she rips through the packages or doesn't open them (or close them) in the correct manner, usually renderring them useless as storage containers. For instance; we all know the cereal box tops have the little tabs on them to keep them closed once they're open. Well, she opens them by ripping the whole top off the box, or tearing it down the side or at the corner, etc. If we get a resealable bag of candy or meat or soemthing of that nature, she'll rip through the bag, completely disregarding the "stay fresh seal." Is my wife special? Or is it because there are smaller quantities and less leftovers (and no standard of "covering" food) in Russia that she's not used to doing this sort of thing? Or, is she just messing with me?

And, putting meat in a shopping bag (like the ones your groceries come in) before freezing instead of using freezer paper or a ziplock. Sure, I guess it works, but something about it just doesn't seem all that clean to me. But, I ate the meat in Korea, and it just sat in the sun all day. I guess a "morozelnik packet" is the better option!

I think the "covering" food is unique to the person as Jewel said, since I never saw that. Sometimes I get too impatient and rip something open though :)

I do the same thing with meat, I guess because I saw my mom doing it. I always thought it was because it seemed silly to her to buy special bags for storing these things, and my mom never saw such things before moving to America.
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-23 10:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences
That joke is one of those, sad, but true things, about America, foreign languages are just not important. I was lucky since I got to live in Russia until I was 6, then we moved, so before that I didn't speak English at all. Then once we moved here and I started school, my parents sent me to a hebrew school on wednesdays and sundays after regular school, I can't say I really learned that much Hebrew there, though...My grandma still doesn't speak more than a few words of English though, and spends time in the park with her Russian friends, and goes to stores in LA where they speak Russian, etc...

I would agree that sending them to an "Ethnic" kindergarten would be the best thing if you are living in America. It's a hard thing, and if they are going to be fluent it definitely takes a lot of work and effort...
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-23 05:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences
Also wanted to add that I do agree with Jewel about the water in California, I don't drink the tap water. We always bought bottled water.

One small warning as well, watch out for Russian ice cream! I have gotten sick at least 3 different times from it, and once I had to go to the hospital for 2 weeks (something I would NEVER want to do again in Russia) not sure if it's just bad, or I have bad luck, but Seryozha never choose Russian brands...and since that time I haven't either!

Sorry if that's off topic...
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-16 04:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences

Your Sergey is pretty similar to my Sergey :) except for the leaving food out thing, he and his family never do that, but I wouldn't like it either!

I grew up with Russian parents so I didn't have to adjust much. I do like tapochki, and people in Poland wear them too.

Seryozha usually takes a shower every other day, in the summer more often :) But the worst is on the bus or metro when there always seem to be a lot of people who haven't showered in at least a week!

I have never been to Siberia, my Seryozha is from Moscow, and we usually buy all fruits and vegetables in "rynek" it's definitely cheaper. He says that there aren't chemicals and horomones in the food because they are too expensive, not sure if that is true or not, but that is his theory...

One of the funniest things he says, when we are practicing English that some older meat for instance is "bearded" he might say something like "Mila, we need to throw away the bearded chicken" I am not sure where he came up with that...but it really makes me laugh...

Overall we are very similar, except for the male/female differences :)

Edited by Milenka, 16 June 2007 - 04:19 AM.

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-16 04:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslations for documents
Ok, I understand the difference now, thanks :) I guess I just feel better if something is stamped...
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-07-29 05:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslations for documents
I guess I thought that was what certifing the translation meant!... :whistle:
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-07-28 05:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslations for documents
What Novotul said is true, but only if the original document is in Russian. If it's in Polish for instance, it has to be done by a third party, certified, as is said on the embassy website, as far as I understand it...
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-07-27 23:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGood Luck Turbo
Congratulations Turboguy!!!! Such great news! I am so happy for you!!!!

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-11 06:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGood Luck Turbo
Good Luck Turboguy! Can't wait to see some good news from you!

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-10 01:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAOS Interview Complete
Congrats to you both! Great news! :dance: :dance: :dance: Good Luck!
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-15 13:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusB-2 visa for parents
I have a question that is actually related to the k-1 and leaving Russia with it, hope no one minds me posting it in this thread. Sergei's passport expires in September 08, and he is planning to fly to the US at the end of January, so that means the passport will be valid less than a year. Could this be a problem? Should he get his new passport before he leaves? I know they give back the old passport with all valid visas...Any thoughts on this? Thanks very much!

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-21 04:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAttending the interview with your fiancee
It says on the website that you can't go inside. I would have liked to go in, but I wasn't going to argue with anyone about it smile.gif We got there really early and he was one of the first people inside, and we stood there in line together until they let him go in, I slept in the car for a while, then I just walked around, and found a cafe that was somewhere near the zoo... So there are definitely places to wait, if you walk around a little. Our interview was August 23 so the weather was luckily still very warm then.
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-19 02:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview a success :)
Sorry I am a little bit late...But congratulations! This is great news!
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-10-03 08:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAleksandr has arrived
ahhh, he is so cute! hope the whole family is doing well smile.gif Take care smile.gif

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-11 06:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAleksandr has arrived
Congratulations to both of you! Glad to hear they are both doing well! Take care.

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-04 04:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat Are Your Experiences With Language Issues
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 2 2007, 01:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (novotul @ Sep 1 2007, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My main problem is that since I don't have a native tongue, I sometimes don't understand myself.

Sometimes this makes things interesting with my wife, who sometimes understands me better than I understand myself. And sometimes not. And the other way around -- both ways.


Yeah I agree with Slim ??????
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-09-04 04:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Movies

Another movie I liked was "???????" the American title is "Tycoon-A new Russian" Has anyone else seen this?

?????? ??????, ??? ? ?????? ?????! is still and will always be my favorite. Haven't seen "???????" yet, maybee on the flight on Sunday.

I haven't seen that yet, but I am definitly gonna check it out :)
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-05-24 03:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Movies
Another movie I liked was "???????" the American title is "Tycoon-A new Russian" Has anyone else seen this?
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-05-21 11:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Movies
I saw "???????????" It was good, not an action movie, more independent-like. Would also recommend it.
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-05-21 11:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Here is an updated link for the k-1 appointment schedule:
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-08-13 08:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC
Just thought I should keep this thread alive :) We haven't made it to the embassy yet :( Still waiting...tried the whole DHL trick, found two packages, but nothing to Moscow...
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-21 03:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC
Hi everyone! I just wanted to report that we are out of A/R and were sent to the consulate on Monday. We are both really excited. But we will still have a few months before the interview, Moscow usually takes 2 months from the time it gets there to interview date, but WOW so much to do!
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-14 16:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC
Congratulations to all those who have gotten interview dates! Good luck at the upcoming interviews! Just wondering, who else is still at NVC besides Nagi and I?
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-13 12:28:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC
Nagi is right, we do need as many prayers as possible, so THANKS! On Friday I was told that they will be sending it to DC, but I am calling today to "see" if I can learn anything else from them...Trying to stay positive...Glad to see other people moving on safely through NVC and onward...


Edited by Milenka, 11 June 2007 - 03:05 AM.

MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-11 03:04:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC

Approved May 11th, still no hard copy NOA-2, no E Mail saying we are approved, either. Case is with NVC as of May 21st, and now it will soon be on it's way to DC for A/R.
Yes NVC did send me a letter dated May 24th saying it will go to the Embassy within a week, but what a flat out farce that is considering they changed their minds and wanna do this so-called random check thing.

We have hard copy of NOA2, 2 actually, I wish I could give you one! No e-mail from NVC, except in reply to one I sent to them asking if our cased was received. BUT that e-mail was from Friday, the same day that I called! And it didn't mention ANYTHING about A/R though on the phone she said it was being sent to D.C. I will be calling tomorrow to see if we are really in A/R and why we are going to D.C. I am so confused right now!
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-10 09:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC
Has anyone had this problem: I called NVC and got my case number, but now every time I enter it on the automatic system it says that there is no record of my case? I was trying it yesterday, and the day before. I am just trying to avoid having to wait every time for an operator to find out if my case has been sent to the consulate yet. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, and good luck to everyone! Glad to see everyone getting their packets already!
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-09 04:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)February Filers Goin To NVC
Well I finally called NVC today for the first time, and it turns out they got our case on June 4. I only had to wait about 5 minutes to talk to an operator, I guess I got very lucky...It's still there, but hopefully it will go to Moscow in a few days :) Thanks for the info about tracking the case to the consulate, I will give it a try...
MilenkaFemaleRussia2007-06-07 12:21:00