Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Forgot I was on here lol i started frying chicken and watching the NBA draft :lol:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 18:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

7th-9th but u said something bout KoP... is it far from u???

Bout 20-25 minutes

You have time eh?? :blink:

btw: it's LABOR DAY weekend... if it was Memorial Day I would be pregnant already :rofl:

hush!! mi neva say dat!! :wacko:


Yes, that's QUEEN-SMART-BUTT to you Posted Image

Oops my bad.. always did mix those two up!!! :bonk::rofl:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Im still here

MRStee... Philly? :whistle:

Be like that then :(

seriously what dates
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

can you imagine if I have to file OVER again???

I am gonna be an immigration expert :wacko:

You sure wil
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Trelawny - Frying parrot fish and festival; having a date night tomorrow

1 luv, Always Blessed and JQ - Can't find comfortable preggy positions to sleep in; JQ mad at sister for forgetting to take her to lunch

Besaangel - missed everything and don't want to play catch up

Darlene, Shemmy and MsNelly - graced us with their presence today :star:

Sus - Teeth hurting from dental work; going to chew her boss out if she doesn't get her extra 50k she deserves

Dada - MIA (this is her job by the way)

Dillon - Having mucho sexy parties while kids are gone

DW - AOS approved

JAP - Going to see her man memorial day and might come back married; continues to have Skype showers

JAE - getting plenty of job offers but decided she rather stay unemployed to work on her photography

TAMH - being good and not spending money

Dancehallquana - had a heck of a party which was successful

Finesse - well what can we say? lol... She celebrated her born day

Mrs Palmer - celebrated her born day too and graced us with her presence today too

Missus - black folks are rude; looking for a job

Matt - Can't wait to go get his boo and get his wedding/honeymoon started

Life's Journey - graced us with her presence

Kj - New color and cut hairstyle; she can't catch up nieva.. lol

MRStee - Hubby got a job! yayyyy

Hope I didn't miss anyone..... (L)

Edited by MRStee, 24 June 2010 - 05:49 PM.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Wah do u now???

Thanks what :blink:

For the explanation and you didn't do nothing mama :star:

Lata Q
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

making mental note to not throw vj wata on Nells or Tee...

is like rubber and glue an mi noh need any vj wata sticking on me thank-you-very-much!

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Okay, now I have an immigration question :ot:

IF we do decide to get married in JA and re-file a CR1

what is considered:

Documentation showing co-mingling of financial resources?

would we have to open a joint bank account in JA?


Birth certificate(s) of child(ren) born to you, thepetitioner, and your spouse together

California would not allow me to put his name on Lilla's birth certificate because he was not here to sign an acknowledgement of paternity and we were not yet married.

They did allow me to put his birth place (Jamaica) and his birth date :wacko:

is that enough???

I wish I could help.. no nothing about the CR1
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

BOAL - Bust out a laugh
Troll - Someone who posts on internet forums with intention to cause trouble
Noob - someone that lacks intellegance or common sense

Thanks :thumbs:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Find me on FB people.. JaE... we need to link up... MRStee mi still a wait pon u but we booked the hotel near King of Prussia (SHOPPING)

1luv, same thing here, the same position no work every night. For the past 5 months I used to just fall asleep on his chest and that worked but now I shift around... Maybe the heat and frustration a cause we fi move roun' while the man dem just knock out :angry:

aww man okay well pm the dates... *kissteeth* lol
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

okay, this is my blonde moment,
WHYYYY would two men need a #######????????
he makes the girl use it on him or wha??? :unsure:

LMAO Q maybe he was conducting orgies and men used them women used them... who knows lol
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

okay, so now imma tell you the story of HOW Lilla happened...

When I went down to JA with all the K1 paperwork and he took me straight to his mothers grave to "introduce" me it touched my heart so deeply....

So that week was my birthday and on my birthday we went to his sisters house and ended up staying the night... Sister left and set the place up so romantic :wub: One small problem, the condoms were back at the hotel... We talked about it and agreed IF it happened it would be okay. We already knew that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, right???

So the next morning as I'm laying there in his arms, I asked him if we could name our first daughter after his mom.

I will never forget the smile that came to his face then. :D

Yes, our baby was named from conception. (F) My likkle Lilly Flower (F)

She is here for a REASON! :yes:

Who knows why things happen the way they do... I am now 35 and pregnancy is more of a risk after 35.... maybe that is why... I would not take that moment back for anything :no: (L)

what a sweet story
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Yall im the anonymous :ph34r:

but how when I sign in
Mi nuh understan

and mi stavin like lee marvin

Yep and im going to enjoy these last few days left together with hubby then it's whip cracking time... GET TO WORK!!! LOL Its going to be nice seeing him get up and leave before me. I will even pack his lunch for him! (L) He will still probably make his own breakfast though :luv:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!


Right Nelly.. they don't understand.. someone in here always tryin to throw vj wata on me but it just bounces right off LMAO :rofl:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

if u coudah evah c di big grin pon mi face -- made curry shrimp over white rice last night and nothing is left my son ate twice -- well I have fry fish and festival (who want some) --

girl, I found parrot fish at a market in MD and I damn near bought out the is so damn good, but not like the fish back home -- these came from Panama.

I want soooooooooooooooooomeee.. hope Im not too late...
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 17:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

heehee..i love the skype shower..mek mi wanna send roger away somewhere so i can do it.. :devil:

Lol almost caught up but time fi mi to go... chat to ya likkle more....
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 15:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!


Posted Image

This is the best I have felt in MONTHS!!! Posted Image

Thats wonderfullllll
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 15:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Hi Darlene.. Thank you for your nice kind words. I appreciate it...

They had me working like a runnaway slave today.. now I have to catch up when I get hom shucks
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 15:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

no jae..she can't even get online..she got on my laptop and her facebook page said "you may have a virus" so it must have come from one of those crazy fb msgs they mask as from ur friend.. i would appreciate any suggestions

same thing happened when my son used it.. Its hard to explain everything I did.. I had to remove a driver from my computer, buy a anti-virus software program, clean the cookies soo much stuff I had to do. Since your not computer savvy, I suggest you take it to a shop.. sorry I couldn't be more useful to you!

i have had some terrible viruses on my computer (must be from all the blue movies i downloaded.. :lol: ). do you have any computer friends that could help? jae is right - you should run a malware and virus scan. if the virus is persistent enough, you may have to do a system restore...the scan should do the trick tho

Yep I did that too
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 10:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Thanks fi di b-day wishes! a ms palmer b-day yesterday and har di EXACT same age..Happy B-day Ms Palmer..hope your day was great!

mi an hubby both took off work yestuday fi mi tiyad!!

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 10:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Yall making me hungry, fried fish, rum cream...mmmmm
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 09:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

1luv I'm here didn't sleep at all last night. So, I was up frying fish for company that's comming in town for DC carnival. Don't like it when I can't sleep. I go through this a few times a year mi feel like mi ago mad out. Mommy comming to Toronto in a few weeks. She'll be there for 3 or 4 weeks. She visiting family and shopping. I wanted to go with her, but didn't want to pull my son out of summer camp. How you feeling dis mawnin?

Good morning ALL.. tre, try melotonin pills from the herb store.. It's helped me a lot and its natural.
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 09:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

good morning YARD people --

1luv (((((((chups)))))))) thanks sis

Matt tell Kaci fi lef di package alone and don't try to find out what's in it (she) will see it when she reach POE. All the paperwork they had after our visa was approved and stacked in a pile in front of us at the interview that's what's in the package. I know because I was in front of the IO at BWI when he opened it. Like Tee said DO NOT OPEN IT -- even though I've know of people who did and it cause one big headache when them reach the US. It's not like they're going to send you back to Jamaica, but it doesn't look good to tamper with it (you) understand, right.

sus -- u better not!

another YEAR no raise:crying: -- but thankful the same say mi have a good job with great benefits and I can take care of myself and my family.

Arite mi gaane go mek mi kafee n rum-cream mixup:angry:

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 09:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Kaci said te same thing. She said it looks normal, she didn't touch it were good. Im the one who was worried, she was like "boo it looks normal" Thanks Tee

Your welcome....
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 06:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hello everyone. I asked Sus in a PM nd she wasn't to sure about my question. I spoke to Kaci she said she got the visa and the POE package. She said its weird the Package that says DO NOT OPEN; she said she can see part of it but part of it is sealed. Is this normal? Its like its opened but not, its like its opened on the corner. Thats how it came when she opened it. She said it looks like it was purposfully opened on the corner?? I thought I heard some people discussing the same issue when I was in the earlier stages but I'm not sure???

DO NOT OPEN THAT PACKAGE!!!! That's the way it's supposed to be. If you open they wont accept it and you will have to take it back to the embassy to have it re-sealed. Let me see if I can find a post on it for you...

Hello everyone. I asked Sus in a PM nd she wasn't to sure about my question. I spoke to Kaci she said she got the visa and the POE package. She said its weird the Package that says DO NOT OPEN; she said she can see part of it but part of it is sealed. Is this normal? Its like its opened but not, its like its opened on the corner. Thats how it came when she opened it. She said it looks like it was purposfully opened on the corner?? I thought I heard some people discussing the same issue when I was in the earlier stages but I'm not sure???

Read this post Matt, it should shed some light on the situation:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 19:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I been growing this since forever... he would never forgive me if I cut it!!

Posted Image

:wow: This is why mi never wear heals!! :no: I would kill myself in dem :bonk:

I would not be surprised, im family breed same way :lol:

Di man have 17 brothers and sisters!! :help:

Posted Image


What a way you got me on your mind eh?? I feel so special! Posted Image

your hair is beautiful
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 19:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Likkle more everyone..
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 15:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

i cant catch up much going on >>> My sister in law graduation and my nephew wish we could go down but not now...
so whats new how are all the pregnant woman and anybody got new that i missed

DW's I-485 approved!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 14:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

A lie she tell!!!! Don't believe her for a minute.

:angry: Mi STILL a wait de pon Tre:angry:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 14:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Tell G holla at me on FB if he needs moral support.. thats by buddy and you can't be doin him dutty! lol

Thanks Sus.. I just might...

What Dills? lmaooooooo
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 14:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hi everyone!
I swear I thought my eyes decieved me when I logged in and saw page 91 and I left it at page 73 this morning!! I won't even try to catch up until later.
I can officially say I'm addicted to facebook and vj! :yes:

Anyhow later, trying to leave work early and go to the salon to do some drastic changes to my hair! Plan on doing some highlights and cutting it, hubby not home and I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees me!

Tell G holla at me on FB if he needs moral support.. thats by buddy and you can't be doin him dutty! lol
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

He already has the pink wig :rofl: :rofl:

LOL and there it is problem solved LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

lets party then!!!
cent, 5 cent, 10 cent, DOLLAR.. give it to em tee!!!
eh dills, wha di french dolla?? mi frighten fi find out :unsure:

*dolla, dolla, dolla, dolla.. doin my dutty wine* *pop it pop it pop it* LMAO.. I don't dance at home anywhere, but baaaaaaaaaby when Im in the J to the A ANYTHING liable to jump off, out, up lmaoooooooooo
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

That's good - but you should grab 1 more pair of capris, then it should reach $50 - and you get $10 in Kohls cash, so that's like paying $5 for the second pair.

I know I thought about it after the fact dangnabit! lol
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

ie nuh keep har from saying it to me :angry:

cause lil man say him need a sistah :angry: :rofl:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Thanx for the update hon... he might be singing a different kind of song when him get to jail and have some-body a... unu get the pitch-ta

A liad dem...

He would be okay about it since they found dildos in his place .... they will nickname him Coka :lol: "Hey girrrrrrrrrrrll" two snaps and a circle!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

JAP...tapeeh u making me cry -- she is beautiful I see hubby's face.

Right.. Since I can't have any babies you should give me can always make anodda lmaooooo I see her daddy too..
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

ohh i can't imagine..dem wan do a root canal pon mi.. mi seh.. no sah, tek ie OUTTA mi mout! its in the back , mi nuh cyare..

Q im with you on this one. I had 3 of my wisdom teeth removed at once and wasn't even knocked out.. then I had another tooth in the back pulled because it had a small hole in it and it hurt when food got lodged in it, and the orthodonist said "I will not remove anymore of your teeth because you have beautiful teeth". He said just have it filled or capped.. I said yeah umm hmm right.. take it the heck out if I don't need it and it hurts..

Edited by MRStee, 23 June 2010 - 01:24 PM.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hey ladies wha gwaan?

Just taking lunch so i thought i drop in and say hello. It so humid here today my human hair ponytail frizzing up...####### :angry: having a bad hair day and nature working against me...LOL

Mi pinckney no learn...he wan mi to break his damn neck...LOL.. yesterday i give him cooking lesson and teach him how to grill, so he cooked/grilled a whole plate of pork chops, when he finish i made him clean the grill and cover the meat, last thing i tell him is make sure you put it in the fridge, before you go to bed.

Why i wake up this morning and the damn plate of meat still sittin on the stove!!! :angry: ( fortunately i dont eat pork so no huge deal to me, but damn who got money to waste, him and his brother already eating me outta house and home!!!

yall think if i make him eat any of those chops he get sick and die???? i dont wanna kill him... :whistle:

Lawd Ja, don't kill em lol you remind me so much of myself and my one son.. its like having 5 kids and he is 19 :bonk:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Wish I could join you Tee, but hubby gi mi a stern warning Sunday wen mi mention dat dem sen mi 15% off coupon( him seh mi nuffi bassa go spen off di ole a di money). Mi jus a guan ole mi corner fi now cause 4th of July soon come.

awwwwww not fair lol ... I got two shirts, two pairs of sandals, a pair of capris for $35.00
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:14:00