Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1


Yes Gurl MOFO!!!!!:angry: :angry: :angry:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 11:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Oh and they asked me if I had a Facebook account and did my husband have the password... and do I have pictures on there... he tried to get on but it BLOCKED him hahaha!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 11:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

See that is why I stay the F away from this site!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. Boom, always, DW, KJ, Mstee, Brooke I let u know when I have the baby.

Thank you 1luv, happy thanksgiving mama......
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 11:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Oh and he said after Steve left, You seem like an intelligent woman and I see you have things well organized
Before Steve came back he said, He seems like a good guy and I don't get any bad vibes from him"

Yeah then you told me how Jamaica is a high fraud country and basically make sure he is not using you for a Green card bullshyt :angry:

I know they are doing their job but #### him! :angry: I started to ask him what color were his bed sheets :angry:

OMG Tee :angry:
He sounded like an AZZ...Im praying for you guys sis (L)

He can go suck his modda cause this rassclot was a faggot anyway! *Kissteeth*:angry:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 11:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
First of all, I agree with JaP and thats all Im going to say about that.


Our interview was an interview from hell! The officer was very militant... He started us off by reprimanding us for talking... which fine, I get that. It is an interview. Then he asked for our LPR documents and my documents of proof as a US citizen. Then he proceeded to talk about our age difference. Then he asked for our documents of shared things. We didn't have a lot to begin with. I explained why. He asked if either of us was married before or had children. He asked random questions off of the I-485. He then proceeded to seperate us. I kept saying a prayer to God to help Steve and I be on the same page with things and to tell the WHOLE truth as we knew it. When Steve left, he proceeded to remind me that Jamaica is high fraud country and that I needed to be careful because they needed to make sure he wasn't trying to use me to gain access to the good ol U S of A.

Questions asked in no particular order: (This is when I looked him square in the eyes in "Rashida mode"

Have you ever been married before?
Do you have children?
How many?
What are there names and ages?
Oh they have different fathers..
What hours do I work?
What hours does he work?
How much money does he give you?
Does he give you extra money?
What are you in school for?
What is the make and model and year of your car?
How do you get to work?
How does he get to work?
Do you have wedding pictures?
Who was at your wedding?
Can I have two of the pictures for your file?
Who helped him get his job?
What color are the bedsheets?
What color are the rugs in the bathroom?
When did you meet?
How did you meet?
How many times have you been to Jamaica?
Why did you go to Jamaica?

Im probably forgetting the rest of them. Then he called Steve back in and questioned him:
Where did you meet?
What year did you meet?
How many times has your wife been to Jamaica?

What color are the bed sheets?
What color are the rugs
How many times have you been married.
How old are her children?
Do you get along with her son?
What is she in school for?
What time does she get home?
Do you give her money?

Probably more questions but I can't remember...

Steve told them the wrong year and I kept kicking his foot. He then remember by saying "I got the dates confused, I met her in blah blah blah"

After all of the questioning, he said well you started off rocky, but I will make my decision by the end of the day. You should receive something in the mail in the next 2 to 3 weeks. If you don't agree with the results you can schedule an infopass appoint and blah blah blah thats all I heard. I damn near ran out of the building. We were there for 1 and 1/2 hours.

I DESPISE USCIS!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Edited by MRStee, 24 November 2010 - 11:14 AM.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-24 11:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
I just wanted to say, if I had the opportunity to still live with my parents and they were fine with it, then thats where the hell I would be because this economy is so hard to live in! As a matter of fact, more people should live as a family to cut down on expenses. If both parties are okay with it, then hell I would be too! So for those of you who do, I say "Cheers"!!!!(F)Those who don't agree, well you aint livin that life so no worries. Things happen for a reason.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-23 23:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May your day be blessed with family and friends.

Much Love!

You too :star:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-23 23:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I wish you the best of luck but I know you and Steve got this.

thanks mama :blush:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-23 22:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Good morning all:

Just wanted to say that I will be posting the results from our interview tomorrow. I hope you all have a great day! :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-23 11:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Girrrrl! You just made my day by telling me about that dream :yes:
Well, hopefully later! But it would be so nice if you'll have her home by thanksgiving :star:

Lol @ vj godmother, you can only be the godmoher if you'll babysit while me and hubby go on an official honey moon, just kidding but I know you and big belly Brooke (by then), will be there1

Say no more!!! You know I will babysit while you and smiley go... don't play! :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-23 10:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1


Oh wow!

Exactly, he trying to be cute! Lmao

I agree with you and Danna but only time will tell... The procedure is next week and that brings me closure to knowing what the sex is!

Oh ok.

Girl, I tore up that Sardine and rice for breakfast and I guess she liked it because I did not have my head in the toilet!
Brooke, the bread is heaven so I can see how he would think its enough. When I get it from the bakery its nice and warm and just so darn good! For thanksgiving I usually give one to a few ppl and by the time I get home my phone is ringing, asking where I bought because they want more. I have to remember to raw you guys there when you come for the shower. I hope the weather will be nice by then so I can have it in my backyard.

I'm sure he knows it, depending on where you're from, it can be a different name. Rum/wine cake, black cake, Christmas cake, fruit cake and I can't recall anymore names. Ask him and let me know if he remember one of those names. Idk about the liquor but I had a piece and it was good. I'll send you the recipe on fb.

You know Imma be the first one at the shower since Im making myself the VJ Godmother of the likkle one! :blush:

Good Morning All,

Here I am at working wishing I was in labor already LOL! KJ maybe later today who knows LOL ! I walked and sexy parties and everything you can think of to try to start it but all I am feeling is braxton hicks contractions :( well hopefully sometime this week. I will keep you all posted. By the way your procedure will be fine and all will go well no issues. I dreampt you had a baby girl she looked just like your hubby but had your cheeks and lips, very beautiful.

Anyway hope you all have a fantasic week, Thanksgiving, and all.

Always, happy thanksgiving to you and your family, blessings to the likkle one and take care in case we don't hear from you!(L)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-22 10:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Im taking my twin (daughter) lol to see the movie "For Colored Girls"....I hope you all have a great day!

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-21 11:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

My doctor said Lilla needed to at least have her first set of shots before we flew to JA.

I believe you have to have had the child for more than 6 months to claim on taxes...

I dont think it has to be 6 months.. I had my daughter in August and if memory serves me correctly, I believe as long as it's before 12/31 you can claim them.
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-21 10:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

My Dad got here today Posted Image he will be here all week! :dancing:
On Thursday morning we will drive a few hours up to my Aunt & Uncle's. It's been 2 & 1/2 years since I've seen them! :wow:
:no: No Black Friday shopping for me! I can't stand crowded stores :wacko:

As for all the pregnant mama's in here, I'd be scared to even enter this room if I was getting any action Posted Image

2 kids is enough for me! Hubby wants one more, and he'd be happy with 8 :bonk: :help: :rofl:

Meanwhile, Brooke is doin the backstroke in that VJ wata Posted Image


KJ (F)

I remember how BADLY I wanted a little girl when I was pregnant with Imanni. :no:
I pictured her in my head, dressing her up, brushing her hair, what I would name her, how we would have the kind of relationship my Mom and I had :wub:

I was truthfully disappointed when I found out I was having a boy Posted Image

Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers ;)

This baby girl don't want nothing to do with me most times, she's independent, she has this astounding "ignore" feature that kills me! If she don't want to hear you, she don't :blink: and I can already tell she is going to be a HANDFUL!! Posted Image

And then there's my son... :D that boy loves his Momma! He helps me get through the days sometimes for real... I don't know what I would do without Imanni. He is sensitive and kind, he knows when I am upset and he is there by my side trying to make me smile. He LOVE his baby sister! He plays with her, protects her, makes her laugh out loud... Imanni is the best big brother anyone could ever ask for, and I thank GOD for that. For reals!! (L)

So when you are hoping and praying, remember God has a plan, and you may not see the big picture now, but one day you will thank him. :)

I have to agree with JAP on this one... I wanted a girl SO bad that when they told me I was having a boy, I cried and cried and cried some more. Now speaking as they are older, I was blessed to have a boy first. We went through some really bad times but now that he is and adult 19 years grown, he is so loving and protective of me and my daughter. I can depend on him for ANYTHING. He is very intelligent and we are always challenging each other educationally. I love my daughter too, but she has Rashida moments just like me lol and thats scary LOL.

My niece on the other hand is a handful and is gonna give her mother the run of her life :rofl: My nephew is sweet, caring and kind and loving. Very protective of the women (me, my sister and my daughter and his sister) My son can't even cope with my niece cause she is a bad behind like he was!

So God does have a plan for you. You may not get your girl the first time but you will be blessed no matter what!(L)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-21 10:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Lol, but I really wouldn't have the heart to tell someone they're not showing.
I would like to get a bigger tv in my room HOWEVER, walmart has great deals on household appliances I can use for when we move for $2.97 and up!! I always wanted the shark steam mop that costs over $100, it will be $36! A pot set for $27, ok I'm gonna stop now. But I have to decide what I'm going to buy.

And yes he will be in his Florida jacket, he swears up and down that he likes the cold! I just look at him like please, who he fooling!

I don't like doing in person readings because some ppl study how to read palms and faces. This guy I speak to over the phone and its well worth my $2 per minute! Don't try it, you'll get addicted, lol.

Oh thanks, I really like it too but if I choose that name, her name won't have anything from my name...

I do take my prenatals but sometimes I mess up on taking them everyday :(

Omg, I'm sorry but I would lmao too!!! Stay away from the supermarkets girl, lol.

I had a in person reading and they didn't really look at me at all and was DEAD on point.... I got a lil scared lol

Lol, but I really wouldn't have the heart to tell someone they're not showing.
I would like to get a bigger tv in my room HOWEVER, walmart has great deals on household appliances I can use for when we move for $2.97 and up!! I always wanted the shark steam mop that costs over $100, it will be $36! A pot set for $27, ok I'm gonna stop now. But I have to decide what I'm going to buy.

And yes he will be in his Florida jacket, he swears up and down that he likes the cold! I just look at him like please, who he fooling!

I don't like doing in person readings because some ppl study how to read palms and faces. This guy I speak to over the phone and its well worth my $2 per minute! Don't try it, you'll get addicted, lol.

Oh thanks, I really like it too but if I choose that name, her name won't have anything from my name...

I do take my prenatals but sometimes I mess up on taking them everyday :(

Omg, I'm sorry but I would lmao too!!! Stay away from the supermarkets girl, lol.

leave mi friend G alone> he may be cold but he'll be cute LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-21 10:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

:rofl: Also my bff and I were in the store and this lady was running because the line was long and she was holding it up to get some bread. So she ran to get the bread and ran back, well when she came around the corner she slipped and fell, girlllllllllllllllllll i couldnt stop laughing, she was mad and wanted to fight!!! It was the ghetto store in the hood, but I aint care I just laughed and laughed and laughed. I had other people inthe line laughing because i couldnt stop. :rofl: :rofl:

I have real issues in grocery stores, ever since I whoop that biotches azz in that one earlier this year!!!! :bonk:

Ya gone mad mi gyal!!! LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-21 10:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Lol, Lmfao, dwl!!!!!!
You better stop telling me I'm not showing before I start crying, my hormones gotta be up to the roof coz I cry for everything. The other night I cried coz hubby told me I was pushing him off the bed and I thought he was trying to say I'm fat!

lol poe thang lol
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-21 10:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Did you all hear about DJ Zebra?
He is a convicted rapist, this is his FIFTH charge for sexual assault. He raped and sodomized his 13 year old step daughter with her mother's knowledge. He got 30 years, the mother is being sentenced in Feb I believe.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 13:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey Miss KJ, Girl two months is young unless absolutely necessary. You dont have any family that can help watch the baby while you take a vacation? That is very young to have on the plane for those hours with all those germs, Im just thinking about a baby's immune system. Think about that, I know someone else that did that but the baby dad was in Jamaica and they couldnt wait because daddy was really excited :)
Oh and KJ you already got a belly and you 2 months wow, your baby will be big. Is that right your 2 months??
Hi Just, glad everything is going great for you
Monique how many months are you??
Tee girl I am praying that it goes fast just like Lady C's did, everything will be fine
Dana is such an inspiration, people like you are great assets to our society
OMG baby is kicking I feel she has no room in here, hubby says there is no way she can grow any more :bonk: I still got 8 weeks to go


We had our baby shower, my daughter has received so many presents. So glad we didnt buy anything, because everything on the registry was bought, GOD IS SO GOOD.

I wanna thank my VJ sisters that sent presents, and gave well wishes also. I promise Im going to take pictures in the outfits and blankets and use also the items that you bought for her!!!!
Hubbby said they dont have baby showers in JA so he felt this was to much stuff for one baby. I let him know this is what happens when you have family and friends that care.
So we are going to have to move after the baby is born because my daughter room is to small for the new baby's things

****We still havent picked out a name. This is is my #1 delima****** I want it to fit her but I dont know what she look like :(
Also did I already say Im tired of being preggo.
Hubby is off the hook with the sexy parties, but Im not feeling sexy!!!!
He is going out his way to give me all the attention, and Im pushing him off and ignoring. I need to get it together, he is so sweet. But I dont want this belly getting in the way, ** I know im crazy but damn its getting big***

As of Monday I go to PT at my job, my doctor says my cervix is still getting weaker, and he wants to put me on bedrest. I begged him to keep me at work, but I told him I will go PT. I hope this baby stay til January but yall with my track record I think Im going to have a December baby! :crying:

Pray for me because I need to take it easy but I cant on my job because without me the case mgmnt part of the job will fall apart "REAL TALK" and Im trying to teach my boss my job but he going on vacay for two weeks starting thanksgiving :bonk: Hope when he get back Im still working.

Thank you, but you take it easy with belly boom!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 13:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

waz up y'all?
just checking in

life is crazy right now- new job, new apartment, stepson coming in a month from JA!
i am too excited!

I am SO happy for you! This was much needed for you :) Congrats on your son coming :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-19 12:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Morning all! Presently I'm on a school bus w/a whole bunch of 2nd graders going on a field trip! Please wish me some luck throughout this day. 1st off I'm tall & my legs are up against the seat in front of me. ii don't know howvit is I could forget a group of kids this age are so loud! This bus is loud right now. I'm feeling exhausted already.
Anyhow, later all

LOL good luck Mo (F)

Oh you did? Smiley cool mon, everytime I ask smiley what he thinks, he goes "everyting ago arite mon! and I just wanna :bonk: him! He never got no input on nothing :angry: But I love him though :blush:

Rashida you'll be fine, I mean Tee :rofl:
No but for real, you know you an Steve ting real so no worries :thumbs:

Why are you on a school bus with kids? You work at a school or your son's trip?
Other than exhausted, how do you feel? Did you get hubby something for his bday?
I am happy to say my nausea ease up nuff nuff! I think this baby don't like chinese food, white rice or pork because the toilet won't see my face for days and as soon as I eat one a those, boom, head in the toilet! Hubby was like the baby is a rasta, don't eat pork :rofl:

Lol tell smiley hush! LOL

KJ, Im going to show them my Florida lap dance pitcha.. Mek ie see wha we made of :rofl:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-18 10:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Well ladies,

Just wanted to say our interview is 11/24 @8:15, I would say pray for us, but instead, Im asking yall to pray that "Rashida" don't rear her ugly head at the interview.... :rofl:
Funny thing is Im not nervous, just don't see why they are making us do this interview. It just doesn't make sense to me, but nevertheless, it must be done the government's way
and I just have to accept that! :angry: Paperwork is gathered, just trying to get it over with.

I know you guys will be with us in spirit and that alone makes me confident we will prevail!!! :yes:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-18 09:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

You're right, I always say that!
And oh yes we are some prideful people! :yes:
I'm actually excited about having this baby, special needs or not. For the last couple days I was down and not eating and just plain upset about the whole situation. But I woke up this morning and was praying and I had to smile and thank God that he blessed me with this pregnancy that I thought would never happen. So today is a better day for me, unlike the last couple days. I'm still really nervous to do the procedure and get the results but I have a month before I find out anything so I have no choice but to be patient...

And me too!! :yes: :yes: :yes:

Amen!!! Now that is more like it!!!! :)
I am down!! And you're saying I might not be able to because I'm preggo, by then YOU will will be preggo and can't go nowhere! Just say bye to me and Tee :D

Right!!! LOL

Well, the procedure is 11/30 and the results usually takes 2-3 weeks to come back so I have about a month before I'll know exactly what's going on.Anywhere between 12/15-12/21. :o

Keep us posted, you are in our prayers....
Why the heck would it cost $3,000?? MrsPalmer are you still in Jamaica? You don't have insurance? I'm confused! :blink:

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-18 09:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

They don't know what is wrong with her. She has stomach pain and runs a fever here and there but they haven't been able to find the cause. Poor lady went to Jamaica planning to spend six months but was so sick she had to come back and now has been in the hospital for almopst a week. They are still running tests.

:dance: :dance: :dance: That was pretty quick! Everything is falling into place for you guys. Hubby got a job and you sent off the paperwork for babygirl!

:yes: Aww expressed so well Tee! You know right after I said we will all visit I thought I should have said well I can only speak for myself and Tee! :rofl: I'm sure we can get a few more. KJ would be down if she wasn't growing a human.

Can't believe we are almost done with 2010. Time is flying by. (just a random though)

Lol, its okay and yes I bet Kj would be down too! :)
KJ I talked to smiley for a quick minute yesterday :) at least I know he cares now! :rofl: even if it was for a minute...
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-18 09:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Posted Image

Thats more like it! I just love you to death and have always had nothing but positivity coming from you! I will never forget how you talked me into staying on this site, cause I was mad as hell and planned on never coming back into the Yardie room!!! So yes, to me you are phenomenal. Ive witnessed your journey, I feel your pain, I know you're heart. That is what makes you special to me! :) I will come visit you in JA! Me and Brookums!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-17 15:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Aww, your story softens my heart and actually has me thinking that a disability isn't that bad afterall. I am just devasted at the simple thought of hearing the bad news and having have to decide what I'm going to do, whether to keep this child or not...
Thanks for the encouragement!

I know but as I was telling one of my friends, it's funny how I wanted this baby so bad, tried for so long and now this, heart breaking.


You always chat about how God never gives us more than we can handle, and this applies to you too. We are a prideful people sometimes, but no matter what Krys, you just love that baby!!!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-17 15:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Aww... I say ** U.S. immigration - VJ sisterhood to the world!! Seriously though what you have done is amazing! You have brought husband and wife together!!

Hubby says "of course that is enough time" nuh worry! lol Remember if you ever need any help along the way on the house his unlce is a very good contractor. I'm glad Astley know's someone and I bet he's happy to be able to take care of all of this for you after all you have been doing trying to get you two together. You're gonna need to have a house warming party and we'll all come! :yes: Girl, you may need to build a hotel instead of a house. :rofl:

Well,we had a really nice visit with Vaughn's great grandma. Eventhough she is sick her spirit and faith are high. She recently celebrated 53 years of marriage and said the two key factors to a happy, long lasting marriage are love and determination. It kind of made me chukkle because I think those are the two key requirements to enduring this visa journey. What I also found great about her is that she recognized that times are different and although she has lived her life one way she knows that isn't always possible these days. Bless her!

Hope everyone has an enjoyable hump day!

You go great grandma... now thats wisdom!!!

Hey ladies just peepin in hi to all and hubby got a job startin today so we are thankful for that.

Thats a blessing! I remember how good we felt when Steve got a job... :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-17 15:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1


thanks for knocking me back down a peg or two :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Posted Image

Hahahaha com'ere girl give me a (((((((((((hug))))))))))) (L)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-17 14:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

please... noh mek mi out to be a hero :blush:

we all help each other in the ways that we can...

that was the way I could help, God put it on my heart to do so, and I did...


You aint no hero :rofl: just a phenomenal woman.. all you've had to overcome and STILL willing to help others when called upon! Now just take the title mi give ya! Cho! lol
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 15:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Morning VJ Family (F)

I think sometimes we understand each other better than our own family could.
This process takes everything out of you. It tests your patience, your nerves, your trust and your faith. Without having been tested like this, how could someone ever really understand what it feels like...? I am sure that is why this place is so valuable to each of us, because we can come here when we are feeling weak and defeated and have a sounding board of people who truly understand!

When jamerican told me that her co-sponsor backed out at the last minute I was VEXED! I mean, okay, it's a big responsibility, and if you don't understand the immigration process, it can be daunting... but if you don't feel comfortable, tell me you're not comfortable... right? Don't wait till a week before my life is on the line to tell me you're backing out :angry:

So all that week I glanced at the stack of papers I had prepared to file our CR1, and every time I looked at those tax transcripts I thought of jamerican. :( Knowing my husband and I have no chance of getting through the embassy, and having all these papers just sitting there... papers that would give someone that chance... I told myself that if she could not get a co-sponsor, that I would talk to my husband about helping her...

When I got the news that Michael had been turned away, all I could do was remember what it felt like... to wait months and months for that interview day, and to leave disappointed, deflated, and wondering if it will ever happen :( For us, there was nothing anyone could do, but for jamerican there was :yes: How could I possibly look the other way??? :no:

So I called Astley, and I tell him the situation, and I tell him that I want to help her. Of course he agree we should help. He knows all too well what it feels like to be turned away at that embassy in Kingston :(

Jamerican, when Michael called me that night to thank me and tell me he would not let me down, I told him all I care about is that he does not let YOU down. Love each other, with all your talents and your flaws, do your best every day to lift each other up and not tear each other down. It's as simple and as hard as that.

God bless (F)

:crying: :crying: You are a gift to ALL of us JAP... a Phenonmenal Woman you are!!!! :star:

Edited by MRStee, 16 November 2010 - 01:44 PM.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 13:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

LMAO, I ready whenever you ready remember now I three boys age 7,5,2. and Lord knows me and hubby needs a night out on the town. The other night we tried to do a date night saying that we will do movies and then dinner HA!!! Jokes we was so tired after movies we went home and slept. Laughing at myself sccchuuppps hot mess we were.

Thats okay.. I can do it. Just keep me a bottle of rum cream for after I give them back :rofl:

I completely get where you are coming from KJ - but honestly, the first battle to overcome is thinking that way - A child with a disability is not disabled - they have a different way of accomplishing things. There are so many riches in their lives that do not exist in ours, and different views of their abilities will bring great joy. I worked for a long time with the mentally retarded and autistic, and they have so many gifts - Children with downs are also born with an overwhelming capacity for love and happiness and joy -

My cousin is mentally retarded - he and his girl friend were the first MR homeowners in our state - they both live in their condo, work in the community, take more vacations than any of us, and have a great life - They have staff that pops in a few hours a week to help them with menu planning / bill paying / shopping, but that's it.

I agree, Im learning all about that in my special education classes!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 13:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

You know it was the other day that I was thinking to myself and trying to remember who it wa that said something in regards to being a parent and you flipped on the person and said they can judge when they have had experience raising a child who is bipolar I could be wrong or imagining things but it rung a bell when you said that.

That isn't just a disablity or learning disorder, it's mpre than that me. All I'm picturing is my child being 3 and ready to go on to preschool but instead, has the mentality of a 1 yr old, being a teenager and having the mentality of a 6 yr old...

But your story made me smile though.

Yes it was me. I can understand where you are coming from but you have to just give your child love love love! Im glad I could make you smile :) I will still offer my babysitting services :yes:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 11:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

KJ - I can only imagine how hard that is. A very dear friend of mine has a daughter with Downs - actually, She married a Jamaican man through a K1 visa, this is their 2nd child together and she's 2 now - she has a blog about their experiences. which might give you some help, and she is wonderful if you want to reach out to her. Her blog is here:

I will tell you that the Likkle Empress is a DELIGHT - and don't let the DS label fool you, that child is bright as anything!

Not sure since when- I know they had recent changes to their baggage policy, but I just went to double check it and that's what I saw! I have been flying Jet Blue for the longest now, but this trip will fly down on Air JA -

You would be surprised at most of the children who are labeled with disabilities... Very intelligent. My son is bipolar and smart as a dayum whip. We are in competition with using big words correctly in sentences. We discovered when he was younger that part of his anger with me is because he feels as though Im smarter than him. I am his biggest competitor. I told him Im only smarter because Im older..... He is a mess! LOL

Who is Danna

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 10:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

THAT is great, I hope I don't gain much weight either.

Mrs.Palmer. you're making me tell the board what Ii wante to wait another month or so to tell.
When I went to my first prenatal visit and did ALL those blood work, it came back that 1 of my X chromosome has a slightly high level of fragile x syndrome. So I had to see a genetic counselor and schedule what's called a Chorionic Villi Sample procedure, where they're going to take a sample of the cells around the placenta and test if I passed the gene to the baby. It is best if this baby is a girl and not a boy because if it is a boy then it's chances increases drastically of the baby being mentally retarted. All my family had their kids in JA and so I don't have the comfort of looking at my family history for comfort. I am overwhemled, stressed and just want to curl up and cry until I get the results, which will be month from now. Be thankful that you are not in my shoes and just pray that as your pregnancy progresses that the baby will be fine, but I know all too well what it means to worry...

Lol, I hate those nights that I am tired and just can't sleep!

Ppl need to mind their own damnit! Should've told him/her a good ol jamaican "** off!"

Wow, that's exciting. Makesure you start working on the guest room as soon as you can because I wanna come over and play with Lilla, her cute self! :yes:

Amen! As I always say, who knew we would form such great friendships just from going through a similar process and meeting up here on VJ to talk, rant and relate.

Aww Krystle Im sorry to hear this, but YOU are going to get through this and be okay too! Wow...(((((((hugs))))))))(L)

WOW !!!! A blessing in disguse BLESSING indeed. AWWW!!! you making me want to cry. DANNA That is wonderful of you.

I must say this website is the best thing that ever happened to me. I never for one moment thought that I would have found such wonderful women on this site. A site that I GOOGLE and was having second thoughts of actually creating a sign on name for. I am so happy that I did.

Jamerican everything work out sis as you can already see.

I want to cry.

Sugar, just make room for me when mi come visit! I will even babysit so you and hubby can go out :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 10:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hello everyone....wanted to come on here and officially give the update on how our interview went on Friday... Most(if not all) may already know some of what happened but here it is in full....brief but full.

Michael went for the interview and at first he said the officer couldn't understand him so the CO told him to hang up the phone and try again...Michael said though that he could see before he even started asking questions that there was his name written on the blue slip already. After the normal questions...he was told that I would need to let them know when I could come back to the embassy for an interview and I would need to bring a cosponsor paperwork. Some of you may remember I was attempting to use assets in my Affidavit of Support but thought that they might require a co-sponsor as well. Long story short...I had a "friend" lined up to be that co-sponsor and the week before she backed out wanting me to have an immigration attorney write up some sort of amendment to the AOS...ray ray ray....ultimately I told her NEVER-MIND and we would attempt the interview with assets alone.... can all imagine how I must have felt to #1 have to go down to JA short notice and #2 find a co-sponsor. Trying to remain positive I went ahead and booked a mileage tkt(blessing #1) :dance: I had been holding onto for me to fly out Sunday Dec. 5th and return Friday Dec. 10th. This was the only time open in Dec to use these miles and happen to fall the week before my finals so I will only miss my review (blessing #2) :dance: I wrote a letter to the embassy telling them how much of a financial hardship this was and how when I had asked to attend when I could have planned I was denied.....rae..ray...rae..I told them if they were unable to waive my attendance then I need them to accomodate my schedule and book the interview on Dec 7th or 8th... OF WHICH THEY DID :dance: (blessing #3) Next I started compiling a letter to write to my friends...taking great care to explain all of the technical mombo jumbo and putting it in laymans terms to advise of responsibilities and requirements to be a co-sponsor. Having to dispell many of the myths that those not involved in this process have...Not feeling 100% comfortable with the feeling of begging people to help me. Along with opening up all of my personal business....THEN MY 4th BLESSING OF THE DAY.....

One of my VJ sisters sent me one of many emails supporting me and assuring me that it will all work out....along with saying that she said she really felt that she needed to be my/our co-sponsor. She understood how I must be feeling not because she had been in the same situation but similar and people really reached out to her so she felt that it was her turn to reach out to me... (F) (F) (F)

I was in such shock that someone who only knows me from this board and FB would show me so much love...I could do nothing but cry :crying: and thank her repeatedly. Now, I know yall is some nosey heffers :rofl: and part of me want to leave the story hanging since we havent had one of Dara's story in a while.. :whistle: So...But I won't be mean... MY ANGEL WHO WILL BLESS ME WITH MY HUSBAND IS....... (L) Danna (L)isn't that just the most amazing thing??? :crying: :crying: :crying:

Oh and to my ATL sisters...I have a 10 hour layover in Atlanta on my way may be looking to one of yall to rescue me from the airport (at least to go for drinks or dinner???)

:o What a blessing!!!!! ((((hugs to you and Danna)))))))))))))) Awesome women of VJ :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 10:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Always, always, always... the truth will come to light! :yes:

:rofl: I told hubby that this morning :rofl:

we were talking about my friend whom we got the stove from, and how after 5 years on the island she may be coming back to Cali... he asked me if that bothered me that she may be leaving as I am coming... and yes, I think it would be good to have someone other than hubby and family that I trust and can talk to, but then I tell him with all the people mi know who come down, he probably will not get a rest :lol: :bonk:

I am truly blessed to have made the friendships I have made through this little computer screen. I am going to need all the support I can get and I am very thankful for yours B (F)

People in my life are already beginning to freak out about it and I got one NASTY message last week about how stupid I am to even think of moving to JA with my kids :blink:

Took me a day and a half to respond to that one Posted Image

:bonk: To the nasty person! Good thing there isn't a lil smiley with a knife slicing and dicing LOL I know it has to be scary but you are a very strong determined woman... I know God's got your back. You have come a long way and life will just continue to look up for you! You are blessed and among the best.. Keep being you Danna! (F)

Edited by MRStee, 16 November 2010 - 10:39 AM.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 10:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Yes, Imanni has had a lot of good times in JA :D
But I have not talked to him about it yet, and I probably won't for some time... there is much to do before we are ready.
I don't think kids process time so easy, and if I tell him now he will think we are moving tomorrow.
I think it better to get things ready, and bring him to visit the home this spring.
Show him his bedroom, and tell him then, so it's something tangible to him.

It is exciting, but I would be lying if I did not say I wasn't scared. a little...
And then I think of the fruit trees, and the rivers, and the sea, and the things I love about being in the country in JA...
I think about God, and his will for me, and I think of having a complete family structure, and being with my husband!
I just have to walk in faith, and know that everything will be okay. Most importantly, I have to be able to make sure my kids are taken care of.

SO yes, I understand your anxiety all too well :unsure:

Wait till the baby actually COMES OUT :lol: and all you can do is sit there and stare at them all day long. :blink:
The responsibility weighed heavy on me with my son, but I have calmed down considerably with Lilla :yes:

You will be FINE Posted Image

The most important ingredient in childrearing is LOVE, and your last post shows you've got PLENTY to give (L)

Why did you do this to me??? :crying: Im at work blubbering.. You said those words so eloquently and with conviction.... I just love you for that JAP!!!! Be strong :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 10:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Ok ladies, (to those who have kids) in the heezy did you make it through pregnancy without having a coronary from worrying about how your baby's doing, and all the things to prepare for? I mean, there has not been a day, or seemingly a minute since I found out that I was pregnant that I have not thought about this little person that is growing inside of me, and what I can do to make sure he/she is safe, will have all they need, is healthy, and so on and so on. I had a check-up today b/c I have a hx of problems with hypertension, but my doctors are pleased because it has been going well so far. In fact it was a perfect 120/80 and I can only believe it's because this baby is truly a blessing and is taking care of me as much as I am trying,, and vow to take care of him/her. We get to find out on the 6th what we're having. We're both excited about it. While we both want boys, I think it's gonna be a girl b/c according to my family it will only be right that I have a girl and relive all of the experiences and stress that I created for them! :lol: :blink: I didn't think I was THAT bad! :unsure: Anyway, sorry for rambling...this has just been such an overwhelming experience so far, and I'm only 4 months in!

First, don't worry or stress. Whatever you are feeling, your baby feels it too. Secondly, I always put a radio near my belly. Both my kids are musically inclined! Third, just try to eat healthy and don't over exert yourself. Next, enjoy your pregnacy!! Marvel in the fact that there is a lil one growing inside of you and what an awesome thing that is, in and of itself. Most Importantly -PRAY. Ask God for protection and keeping your family in His care.... :star:

That's my advice to all you new mothers, about to be mothers, thinking about being mothers! :yes:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 10:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I had a pretty good weekend too...

We have been talking and planning on the house, and I love that we agree about almost everything :wub:

The foundation should be laid by January, and I hope to take a trip down in Feb to see him.

I have a friend in JA who was selling a stove, practically giving it away for the price, but she needed to make her rent, and well, we need a stove. :D
So we bought it, and he went and picked it up on Saturday... who would have thought I would be so happy over an appliance :wacko: :lol:

But it is the first piece of a new life, and I can't wait to see it installed in our kitchen! Posted Image

Better yet when he start cooking on it :whistle:

Cause the man know seh mi cyaan cook :hehe:

this is music to my ears.. I feel SO extremely happy for you mi sista....(L)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-16 10:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Her mother isn't in the picture anymore, since she signed over her rights to our daughter. But we still have a way to get in contact with her. We are just going to wait until Janay is here and consult with an international adoption agency and lawyer to see where and what our next steps will need to be.

The LORD don't put more on you than you can handle, and we will come out VICTORIOUS!!!!!!! Gotta claim it right

Thats right sis... good attitude.. I remember her being out of the picture but who did she sign the rights over to?

So now you have to babysit in Florida and NJ, better yet we'll drop them off!

Not a problem :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-11-15 13:21:00