Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

:no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:

:no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-14 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

awww but school soon finish. whens the last day of work

Dec. 31st :crying:

That sounds really nice!! You know Steve's birthday is in July too and he LOVES to celebrate

Brooke, don't get that man started. He thinks every restaurant we go to, he is supposed to tell them its his birthday :bonk: :rofl:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-14 09:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

yup i am actually next year i want to do a big bbq for our birthdays in july so we shall see...

if you do we will try to make it with my unemployed self :crying:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-13 20:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Who was that that came on and said they were trying to get off VJ because all of us were saying we were pregnant and it wasnt fast enough and they were pregnant also.

I cant remember who that was at all!!!! :wacko: :wacko:
But they never came back

Also Dan Dan had her cute baby!!

mrs p
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-13 20:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey there Yardies! I hope everyone is well. Lawd what is up with all the babies. Keep the wata far away from me. I need to open up a daycare for you guys. I'm going to charge $500 a week and I'm going to teach Patois. The first word we will learn is B-U-M-B-A-C-L-A-T. Just kidding! I'm so happy for all of you and may God be with during your pregnancies and throughout motherhood.

I know its been forever, but I had to get school and the vow renewal out of the way. Now life is somewhat back to normal and Ivan and I are doing well. We will be back in Jamaica in November so let me know if you are planning to be there. Also wanted to know if there are any yardies near Dallas, TX. Enjoy your week.

Take care!

Nice to see you. Quana and Nat live in TX I believe but not sure what parts.
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-12 13:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Personally, if the house you currently live in works for you, why move? You also feel safe living there.. I say stay,
oh and also make sure you look at the school district for the other neighborhood. You want to make sure the kids
will get a good education! :thumbs:

Edited by MRStee, 12 October 2010 - 11:40 AM.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-12 11:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Exactly DW..the little things. I don't think any of us could have really known unless we went and lived there for months and got to experience the day to day things. Oh well, at least we found our loves, even if this road was a little more difficult, we could have never found them and been much worse off.

LOL @ strong willed women...nicer than what I would say...ummm "witch" (since it's almost halloween) I know I was a witch on more than one occasion and has learned to cool it and pick my battles, but it was rough , especially for hubby while I learned this. I think approaching our one year anniversary is what got me started to think about this. It has been the hardest year for me, but at the same time the best and I look forward to what the future will bring us. I think or maybe just hoping the first year is the hardest to adjust to one another. We really got robbed of our dating experience, but soooo thankful that I was first of all able to meet my husband and then be able to go visit enough that I knew without a doubt I wanted to marry him. With all this being said I think if both people can overcome these obstacles then it really creates a love like no other. Blessings to all VJ marriages!!

Yes, and what makes are marriages unique is two different cultures coming together and making it work. That to me, is a difficult part of the process. Some of the JA men come to the states with a perception of how life is and see its totally different from what they expect. Some know exactly how to deal with it because their coping skills are pretty good. Same with us, sometimes we treat them differently because they are from a country with limit resources and its hard for them to accept things from us. I think that as couples once we establish our boundaries with one another and are willing to put the time and effort into our marriage, they can work successfully.. Yes we were robbed of dating. Some more than others. At least you had the opportunity to go several times before you married. I only went a total of 3 times and we got married. This visa journey isnt called a journey for nothing. Im happy to have my hubby in my life too. He makes all the difference in my world (L) All the things I never wanted in a relationship, him remembers not to give them to me :) Team Gardner :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-11 12:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Since it's slow up in here, I thought I would share something I was thinking about the other day. Maybe it's only me, but if anyone would understand it would be my beloved Vjers!

Ok,don't know why I was thinking about this, but my basic thought is that: I got to know hubby enough to know I loved him more than anyone else and that without a doubt I wanted to spend my life with him, but some of the day to day things I didn't get to know through our LDR. Some may have been due to being on our best behavior, not wanting to spend our little time together fussing (I know some of you go into it and that's great), but some other stuff like how he would care for me when I was sick wasn't know purely because I never got sick while visiting him. BTW he takes such good care of me. It's better than I could ever ask for. I'm not trying to say he takes horrible care of me and if I had known I wouldn't have married him. It was just an example I could thing of that we didn't happen to experience while on our short visits.

I kind of feel like in some ways our relationship started backwards. What I mean is when you are dating (in the same town) you learn each others day to day doings and pretty much encounter all situations, such as being sick (stick with my example, lol). You build up a solid base and things progress, as I would say normally and eventually you love the other person and decide you want to marry them. For us with just seeing each other a few days here and there, I fell in love with him, but now we are having to go back to like we were just starting out and learn trivial day to day things about each other. It's not all bad. I just thought with this visa journey we have to do, we progress in a different way. I think this can cause fights and we may think it's more devestating because now we are married, but we most likley we would of had these same fights if we were just dating, settled them, moved on and no big deal. I guess I just wanted to say that while we all found a love we wouldn't trade, we kind of got thrown in to a difficult situation and it's OK that things aren't always going to be smooth. In the end our love with see us through, but this is a unique process.

Thanks for listening (reading).

I'm sure you are saying (typing) what a lot of us wanted to say and for that I commend you! Some JA men nah easy, especially married to some of us strong willed women. As we approach our one year anniversary, this was one of the HARDEST years for me.. EVER. I just thank God for helping me, through love, overcome alot of it. On to bigger and better things... I pray we ALL have a healthy and happy marriage.
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-11 01:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Goodmorning vj,

It has been 4 months that the petition i130 in the process for my step daughter. I called uscis and they tell me the same ting to wait 5 months. I pray that my wife and I hear her approval this week or sooner.

When I filed for my wife june 09, I sent wife and daughter pic,documents and all that but was told to do separate petition for the child. It has been 4 months the petition for the child is sent and no noa2 yet. I'm going crazy waiting and just the other day the child cries for mother to get her. Its too long and hard on mother and me too.

We pray you hear about you case soon, just sad. We too are still waiting on our GC :( They told Steve something about it going to the Philadelphia office, so we shall see
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-11 01:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

They Orlando Yardie Link Up is Oct 22-25th. I think there are some other link ups going on too. So far Tee and KJ (and hubbies) are coming for sure. Then there are a few maybes. So far the plan is Friday night we're going to have some drinks downtown (as long as the travelers are still up to it). KJ is going to have a mega sexy party and meet up with us on Saturday after she has shopped until she ALMOST dropped. Not sure what the rest of us are doing in the day Saturday, but Saturday night is Tee's birthday (KJ and Hubby's too) celebration at Bob Marley's (dinner) then maybe hitting some other clubs at CityWalk or just stay at Bob Marley's. Then Sunday is Wet N Wild (water park for all you dutty minds). I know a cool place that has kareoke/drinks/dancing if anyone is up for it Sunday night, or we can have our own party at my house, or go downtown to a comedy show and for some more drinks (whatever, I don't care). Then Monday we do a little something (???) before people fly out.

Any changes or additions???

Congrats to all the mommies to be!!! So excited to see all the VJ babies!!

Happy 1st anniversary to Bajan!!! Happy bday to hubby too!!! Soo much to clebrate and best of all is being able to do it together.

Happy Birthday (in a few hours) Cat!!!!

Matt- loved you wedding pics. You both looked gorgeous!!

Always- loved the sonogram pic too. Soo cute!

Did I see KK made an appearance up in here? Or was I still drunk??

Finesse- Love the advice you got and past on to us. Hope you two had a great date night!!

Jess- Yuh man back in your arms where he belongs? I know that was hard!

Tee- Let the retirement party planning begin! Wahooo!! You were planning on leaving soon anyways!! I'm happy for you and the new adventure you are about to begin.

Tara- I agree with Sus, see if you can just do photography full time. I love that party special you are running.

DW big up on starting WW. I know it's NOT easy!! Just starting though is a HUGE step. Keep up the good work!

Nat- Does Steven still want a dozen kids? Vaughn did when he moved here, but then just told me America is not a place to have a bunch of kids and 2 is

JQ- I know you had too much fun registering for the baby. Did you find everything you wanted? How's babygirl?

Hubby is talking and destracting me so he is to blame for me ending this now and forgetting someone I am sure. I still love you all though!

Hey Brookums! Thank you.. only God knows what will happen but thank you just the same!!

Hubby and I was in NYC this weekend and what a blast. I took alot of photos... soon come....
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-11 01:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

nope not bigger they only have the same size but the end where we are is drama so we are going closer to the rnetal office...till we buy a house

Oh I see... well good for yall!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-08 13:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

When I tell ya its so easy to put on...not so easy to take off :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I love the way you phrased that!

Thank you, it just sounds better than diet lol

moving to a different unit where we are for now

A bigger one? Aww thats great mama
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-08 13:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

tell steve me seh tap a noise...

Right Jess.. why you packing? Where you going?
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-08 13:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

What's up VJ fam? It's Friday and I'm stoked...I'm -5 lbs lighter today...I started WW on Monday and I know I need to stay off the scale but I need to see that these adjustments and portions are truly working...I took a look at myself and said self...we've got to get it together and get on track with our health!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: I'm so excited about it y'all! I have a ways to go but I'll get there!

How is everyone doing?

You did an awesome job!!! Amazing~! :yes:

:yes: Thanks, Sugar!!

Finesse, I hope you and your hubs have a romantic evening!

Wow, that is some great advice...I need to share this with a close friend of mine who is a new mother.

I'm raising my hands on the SEXY party for tonight! I've already sent my text request in to my hubby :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Congrats on sticking to what I like to refer to as your "weight reduction, management program" a.k.a. "diet" :rofl:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-08 13:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

hope you did't get peed on! :lol:

anyway, SO SO SO glad its Friday!! Hubby and I are actually getting a babysitter and going out together ALONE tonight!! Lord have mercy, let me tell you, our relationship has changed a lot since the girls have been born. Not in a bad way, just in a babies take over our life and we never have time for anything else kinda way. We realized that we still need to make time for each other...even if we have to schedule it on the calendar so the days dont go by and we get too busy and forget.

A friend of mine, who is also a family counselor, gave me some great advice. She said, as parents, the same tender loving care that we give to our children we must give to each other. The same patience, kindness, nurture, support and love we show to our babies that we love so much, we must treat our mate with that same tlc...

ok, sorry for the sappy post. who else is having a SEXY party tonight??? :rofl:

LOL I kinda like the "sappy" side of Mrs. Finesse! :thumbs: And you gave great advice to us too... We are head to the "concrete jungle" for a wedding this weekend :) Hubby so excited, just mad that he can't come to the bridal shower LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-08 13:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
They are very cute but errr umm I will have a classroom full of cute chilren's. Until then no baby talk for me LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-08 08:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
blah blah blah.... *closing my ears off to baby talk* :rofl:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-07 13:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hello, everyone.

Wow! Congratulations to KJ & Mrs Palmer on the babies! How exciting.

Sus, great to hear that you're quitting. Hang in there.

MrsTee, I also just started working out with some regularity last Monday. That was the first day of our 6 week fitness challenge at work. We formed teams and each week, one team competes against another for who has the highest # of "miles" of activity. I was so proud of the 6.61 miles I had last week, as that was up from... ZERO. But turns out I had one of the lowest # of everyone participating. lol Oh well. That was still good for me.

Miss Philly? Do you mean Fashionista Philly? She's pregnant, too!?
Finesse is pregnant AGAIN? Wow.

Question: To travel internationally after you get a LPR card, you just have to have your passport & LPR card to get back in the USA, right?

At least you are trying Nat...
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-07 13:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Morning Ladies...just a swing through smadi did a look fi mi on the other thread -- hope ya'll doing well. Mi wah knoa weh my baby duss deh r mi baby watah...ow unu a treat mi so bad...dowse mi wed di blessing cho mi all a drap weight n a git magah---

dutty dry head finesse weh u deh

MRStee -- when u comming to get your rumcream -- I've been feeling up the bottle

soon very soon nah touch mi cream Tre :angry: :star:

Edited by MRStee, 07 October 2010 - 01:19 PM.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-07 13:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

LOL! yes it is cute and funny too. We are like a comedy act him and I. He is a mess though! But most of all my mess. I forgot to tell you I most likely will not be able to make the link up in Orlando. Hubby is working nights at the moment and he does not want me driving all that way by myself (Like I am not a big girl and can handle it) but I am sill trying to work on that. to bad you guys arent here this weekend my family is having a baby shower up that way this weekend for me and I have a friend riding with me so I could have killed two birds with one stone. :(

:crying: :crying: :crying: Okay I understand :crying:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-06 21:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1


What you say!Posted Image

Lol aww my bad shawtie LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-06 13:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
*doing cartwheels* my SECOND shipment of Arnica Gel came in today woooooooooooo hooooooooooooo (looking at Sus) LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-06 12:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Thanks JaP, Finesse, and MrsTee! MrsTee you better watch out--miracles have been known to happen! :lol:

Hey Sus! How r u?

Get away from me Mrs P! LOL

No Always, I will NOT let you live it down cause its cute! :blush:

Hey everyone just a quick hello today.

I started Lamaze class yesterday BORING! but informative basically thing we already know with some information added. Next week hopefully will be better Labor and delivery YAY! LOL

DW- I am shocked your not prego yet ! KJ had posted she was prego and I swore it was you so my dear you must be next on the list Have you checked lately?????? LOL

Mo-Soon my dear it will happen probably when you least expect it.

So the results havent arrive yet for the DNA hopefully today but I will have to hold off on giving the news to hubby either way cause his bday is Sunday and I do not want to ruin his day!

That is kind of you!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-06 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey Yardies! Haven't been on in awhile...been tired and sick because...I'm preggo! Yep, someone doused me with the VJ water! Due May 5 (Cinco de Mayo--I want Corona in hand please! :dance: ) Been trying to take care of myself as best I can. Hubby is super excited--believes it was the concoction that he was drinking that did it :hehe: :bonk: ...I'm excited and scared and nervous and a bazillion other things! But I put it all in God's hands and I know His will be done. Hope this message finds everyone well...I'm about to go lay it down because I've been exhausted...likkle more!

Congrats to you... yall need to stay away from me though for real LOL Im soooooooo happy for you mama(L)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-06 08:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Mrstee a wah kine a wud dat?

lol it has different hams and salami meats on it...

Well I spoke with our HR person and Im going to take the retirement. 54 days left.....
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-05 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I'm so damn hungry I'm about to eat my EYELASHES I'm sitting here day dreaming

I just ate an Italian hoagie with chips and a pepsi...:unsure:

It's so funny that I keep teasing Steve about how skinny he is but for real, Im gainning the weight for him... my behind is gihugic! LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-05 11:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

What's up people...Mrstee I'm stalking you --

Mo -- my son when he was in Kindergarten (did I spell that right) looks funny...anyway, he was always calling out, and it was a constsant problem, so we had a meeting with the teacher and the teachers coordinators. My son told them that the other kids took too long to answer the questions and that's why he was doing that. I had to explain to him that he has to let other people have a turn at answering questions so that they will all learn. It took him a while, but after a few months he was okay. He's in the 2nd grade now and while he's not 100% he is getting there. I don't play. I've been reading to him before he could sit up on his own and trust me that goes a long way -- he's proof that they do remember things. They use a colour system at his school for behavior. He better not come home with a RED or and ORANGE...yellow, he gets something taken away from him and I don't hide it I put it where he can see it and I DARE him to touch it. So, far so good, he has all GREEN since the start of the school year. I told him school is for learning not for clowning around and playing games. You can do that on the weekends. I'm blessed because he likes to come home and tell me what he's learned for the day and he likes to read to me. Sometimes I forget he's only in the 2nd grade. I keep thinking he's older.

Sugapple those grades are not bad at all. I help my friends that are teachers with some of their admin work and those grades are high compare to what I've seen. My son always scores high in reading and he always has, but for some reason he doesn't care too much for math so I go online and find games that help him with that....he does well on his other subjects as well, just math is not his favorite. Teacher told me not to worry as long as he doesn't fall below the average line.

Tre LOL...
That is good that you go online and find games for him :thumbs:

Oh and sus, my family isn't on my medical but if they were, they would cover them too. So its a good deal.. I just have a hard time with change sometimes but imma do what I have to do!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-05 11:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey All,

Just passing through to say hi

Hey fbb how are you? LOL

That paid medical is HUGE - especially if it covers your family as well. Plus, just because you take the package doesn't mean that you are ineligible for unemployment - Honestly, if you can afford to do it, I think I would take it - start looking for another job, or do temp work for now, focus on school, and then find a teaching job - You can easily temp and work when you want to work if your medical is paid. Realistically, you could walk out the door of your job, into a temp job the next day, and sock that 9 1/2 weeks of pay into the bank.

Honestly - the fact that you have a child already means NOTHING - things change as people age / bodies change, etc.. = stress can effect fertility, illness, LOTS and lots of factors -

Sus.. I was waiting on a response from you!!!! You give good clarification..... thank you. I believe Im going...:thumbs:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-05 11:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Tee 4 1/2 weeks for 22 years of service, that sounds rough, but I agree with Lady C you might be able to focus on school more. I know you will make the best decision.

but 100% paid medical for 2 years.... I would have had to quit next year. So I either leave with the 4 1/2 weeks + 5 weeks vacation + 2 years 100% medical paid OR I leave with nothing and a chance to go on unemployment IF they lay us off..... or leave with nothing if I quit.

Not all teachers knows how to deal with children. It is hard, especially when the teacher herself dont have much recommendation for the parents. AWWWW it makes me want to scream. I have to be on that child so much.. he will behave good this week get a star and then next week he would not shut the hell up!!! and when u talking to him he gives me this look that makes me want to slap the ###### out of him. It is the same look his father my ex use to give me when I caught him doing his dirt, and he look just like him. hmmmmpppp Tee i cant wait until they big, like yours. lol

Lol girl it doesn't get any easier.. teenage drama aint no joke. I just wanna slap all the kids from ages 12 to 30 LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-05 10:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Girl I need to try what u are doing and give him additional workin the afternoon. He can get a A's he busy helping the other children next to him and not doing his work. Extra assistance is not what he needs pay attention in class cause you already knows the work. The teaher say that he is so bright when she ask questions he answers them right but when it come time to do the test. He looks around crack jokes. play with his pencil. AWWWWWW it had a day I had to go over to the school for him. He drives me crazy. anytime I make him correct his work when his teacher give him a second chance he gets it right, so what the hell happened. Well he is grounded. I will make do the reading part and do little book reports for me in the afternoon. Thanks for that tip.

Again, its the teachers job to find a way to make it so he doesn't have the ability to clown around. It's all in the way you group the students and how you present the work to them. For example, in one class we were taught that if you have a group of 4 kids working together, you put an advanced child with a average learner child and two "mommy" girls lol "Mommy" girls are the ones that act like their mother and keep them on task....

Kjenkins your making me laugh over here. Well i am energetic so i better get with the program and start the head top business again. What you say, dash it pon him without warning wen him asleep?!
Remember i have a child already so "I KNOW ITS NOT ME." Let me stop b/c i cant stand to hear some people say that. As ive been saying in due time. In the meantime i will be enjoying the rides.

Make him drink that guiness mixture stuff, okra, beet roots, carrots, irish moss.. ya know that build ya back drink! lol
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-05 10:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hello Sugarapple! So im not the only one with a class clown. Im going through same thing with my 2nd grade knucklehead. Teacher called me today b/c he failed to wait until hes called on. Because he knows the material and teacher selects someone else, he tends to get upset or so it appears and calls out the answer. Im beginning to be at my wits end with him b/c he keeps doing this like every other day.Plus he has a tendency to "make kids laugh at inappropriate times." Very bright child but a handsome class clown!
To be honest, hes been somewhat grounded since school started. NO tv during the week. After homework i make him read books and do book reports as well as additional work. I cant bother with the spankings as much. I do it but his father and i said take away things he enjoys, put him in corner to look at wall while hands above head and or holding a book out in front of him. He seemed to cry more while doing this as opposed to a spanking.
I already reassured him that i shall not buy a blasted thing this holiday!!! His only gift is the trip to Jamaica. That to me is even to big a gift. But at his age, i know he would love that new game for the Wii. Well not this year. Im tired of the
Hopefully my sons actions is a horrible phase!!! Best of luck. And your little guy probably just needs assistance with those subjects. Good job in math and science though at his age.

The teacher needs to find a way to help him overcome the calling out. Maybe she needs to find a different way to see if the kids know the answers to the questions....
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-05 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

MsTee, seems like trouble is in twos on and Kelly lost our jobs like the same day....

But I would JUMP at your offer!

Thanks, I need to hear this imput. Honestly, I really think I am taking it.
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-05 09:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

WOW !! Tee where I work did that about 2 years ago. 4-12 is what weeks or months, that is a hard decision and if you dont take what can happen.

I meant 4-1/2 weeks, if I don't we don't know what happens.. I have a feeling they are selling the company or merging it. There is no guarantee they will keep all of us or some of us...:unsure:

Well LadyC at least they are listening it is in his best interest for him to repeat. I have heard of children that go on and eventually they hit a wall. At least you care enough not to let that happen.

I agree!

Tee if it will give you more time to complete school and its financially sound for you I say do it....

Thank you C I need to hear this

Ok ladies tell me if I being to hard on my little crumbsnatcher. his progress report

Reading 75
English 79
Math 90
Science 95
Health Satisfactory
Social Studies Satisfactory
Spelling 92
Handwriting Satisfactory

What I am pissed abt is the to 70s because he plays to damn much and the teacher he self hot with him saying that he can get all A if only stop being a class clown.

I got the report at the same time I had 10 invites for him to have a sleep over. for his birthday on Oct 22. Should I change my mind so that he sees I am not playing.
i mean right now he ground no TV until report card.

Oh in 2nd grade.

From what you posted his strongest points are math and science. It is usually like that if they favor math over english/reading.. however.. I feel as though you should ground his lil rass so he gets the point....when he improves then allow the sleepover so he sees you mean business!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-04 22:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Oh ok, what days you gonna be here? Maybe I can steal you and Steve to go to karaoke (sp)
night at G's job. I started packing already, I'm beyond excited! :yes:

If I haven't learned anything in life, I hve learned to accept the past because I can't change it. Thank God you're in his life now and is sensible enough to do wht you can do to make things beeter for him. Bless your heart.

Preggers maybe???

Thank you

ooh sounds like fun.. oct 8 to the 10th the wedding is sunday
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-04 22:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Could this day get any worse? My job just sent a memo out offering voluntery retirement... I am so lost as to what I should do. My plans were to leave by 12/2011. If I take the package they will give me 4-12 serverence plus 100% medical for 2 years. I still have 5 weeks vacation too. I would carry me through until june 2011 :wacko: I just don't know if I should stay or go. I have 22 years in... :unsure:

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-04 15:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

LMAO - we are going to have to have an Arnica intervention!

Lol I mean I knew you said it was good but baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby (In my Monique voice lol) It is the greatest thing eva! It is good for tendonitis and arthritis... Im telling you to wear those shoes I posted on Fb I used the gel and popped a few motrin, you couldn't' tell me nothing, I was strutting! LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-04 13:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Sus - I successfully used an entire tube of Arnica gel... Im on to the next one and just order two more today...

Oh my God its official Im on Arica "crack" gel LMAOOOOOOO you aint neva lied when you said that! :rofl:

Edited by MRStee, 04 October 2010 - 12:16 PM.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-04 12:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Well im trying to get the school to put Jaheim back into the first grade because he is not on the 2nd grade level at all. I have been trying to get them to put him back for a while now. So today the principal called me and they will give him a test to see what he knows and then put him back. Homework with him is a 4 hour nightmare even the afterschool program he goes to is having a hard time with him. SMDH. Everytime I see his mother on FB I want to scream. The amount of time she puts into FB she should have put that into his education.

they shouldve listened to you the FIRST time you asked them to leave his rass back in 1st grade and the way its going, sounds like he needs to be in Kindergarden..... I tell you.. and the momma.. shame on you smdh!!!:angry:

Thanks you hopefully we will have a blast

Edited by MRStee, 04 October 2010 - 12:14 PM.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-04 12:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Afternoon Ladies...Sorry about your job JaEnglish. Better will come your way.

MrsTee...where are you hiding out at. Have fun in NYC girl.

Hey mama, Im here.. I was out of work. Ive been sick... i threw up this morning ugggh
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-04 12:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

You could have said hello!!! i am so hurt, lol it cool.

Lol aww mama dont be hurt I wubs you!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-10-04 11:29:00