Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

mi nuh rate shopping AT ALL lol

You not alone Q :whistle:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-08-04 09:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hi Sweetie, glad to hear that you haven't forgotten about us...but trust we all understand. I'm waiting to see some pics of Kaci's first few weeks here in the U.S. So happy for you both, September soon come...what a great month that is...especially September 1st September 18th :whistle:

Hi was the hubby's birthday? I know you set things off for him proper!

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-08-04 09:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

We sure were having a good time. I think V's friend thinks we're alcoholics but we were just enjoying our company and acting like we were on vacation too.

Vaughn picked up some sick vibes from you. I was talking about his sister and her having the flu and for some reason he said "Tracey got the flu in the Bahamas?". He just knew his drinking buddy was under the weather. Feel better soon!

This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

Thanks Dillz. I think she is going to Ochi though right? We may have to mail it. Yikes!

Ugh poor hubby heard wow yuh fat the whole time when we went to JA, I felt so bad because like you guys I think he looks better with a little more meat on his bones, He was underweight before, but his friends and family love to call him fat.

Yes, write a book. PLEASE!!!

Aww that's cute. They can still dress a like and take adorable pictures. Doesn't matter they aren't twins. I've been doing some baby shopping for 2 of Vaughn's little nephews. One was born in Feb and the other June. I have lovin it, but I want to shop for a girl for a change. All my friends have boys too. Hoping I will be shopping for my own daughter soon enough.

Lol @ Vaughn.. I don't have the flu.. a bad head cold. Tell him don't worry, he will have his drinking buddy back by the time I reach! :)

Hello all...Sorry I haven't been on as much. No I have not forgottin about all you ladies, I swear... :innocent: What can I say I spend every second I can with Kaci when I am away from work...She's is "mia bella principessa". I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. Congrats to Bajan again, Sunday soon come. Also I am hoping September comes quickly for you JAP... :D

We understand as long as you pop in once in awhile :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-08-04 09:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

i cooked 2 different things last night....forgot to bring any of it.....AND i forgot my wallet so i have to wait til i reach home to eat :crying:

As the kids would say, what was on your pilsbury that you forgot everyting?
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-08-04 09:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

LOL@ D-dub, Dills, you too much, but I love it!
Aww Marley and Jazz are both adorable!
Mista and I are doing well. He got a keyboard finally so I swear that is all he eats and I'm not even there sometimes. He stays up sometimes all night upstairs working on beats and working out songs...he still is waiting to start this gig at the club in downtown Atlanta...the band leader told him, they should be up and running by time we go on vacation to Jamaica next month. I can't wait for the gig to start...and also for our vacation. :rofl:

Good morning everyone.. Yayyy Den. He aint playing!

I feel like Sugared Honey Ice Tea today :(
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-08-04 09:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Thank you Lord for creating vaginas!!

A friend of hubbys recently got a new place only a few blocks from our house....needless to say dude is over at our crib several times a week. he is cool, respectful, and fun which is why i haven't tripped but i really don't care to look at dude so often....anyway, he finally got himself a woman so he doesn't come over as YAAAAAAAAAYYYYY for vaginas!!!!!!

:rofl: you never cease to amaze me finesse :rofl:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-08-03 10:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Good morning everyone.. im off today and i caught a dayum cold ugggh! I hope everyone has a great day! Thank you Brooke! :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-08-03 09:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Well hello everyone! I am back from my lil vacation. I really enjoyed myself. It was really nice meeting Always Blessed! :) She is a sweetheart. The cruise was a blast and I ended up get my first tatoo.. The artist said he popped my tatto cherry. lol He was kinda cute too :blush: . I stayed intoxicated for most of the trip. I was doing the congo, dolla wine, cupid shuffle, ya name it, mi did ie! lol...The best part was coming home to my wonderful hubby who cooked me a wonderful dinner, fried fish, bok choy w/onion and peppers, corn and rice! I (L) him!

Bajan congrats to you!
Missus congrats to you
Q dawg hope you feel better
Dilsy I miss ya boo!
Brooke it was nice chattin to ya.. Being in FL just made me want to be there more. Didn't care if it was hot or not!!!!

*Waving hi to everyone*
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-08-02 19:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Just wanted to say hi. We had a connecting flight in the ATL. Just waiting for the plane to take off
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-29 07:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Shatter my dreams and break my heart! Guess you aren't going to miss me.

Somebody needs attention today!!! LOL

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 14:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Girl I come from a huge family so yes we cousins, I'm claiming it! Wow, a huge family. I love big families though...just not trying to have one of my own that big... :rofl:

I know thats right cousin DW... poe thang LOL

It was by email - and she isn't speaking to me today - She put her out of office on bc she was "in meetings" and to contact me with tech issues - so my phone was blowing up, people were standing over me - I was on a mediation call, and didn't even know she was going to be unavailable - I blasted her to remove my name from her out of office and never do that without asking first, so she replied that I was her backup and I need to keep her advised of my schedule - Ummmmmmm.............. nope, I do you a FAVOR by backup work, it's not in my job duties, I am not being paid for it - And I keep my boss advised of my schedule, not you!

guess you told her rass! lol

Likkle more Yardies...I need to go and get some work done for the day! Have a good evening and holla at y'all tomorrow!

Gonna miss you! :crying: Talk to you on Tuesday!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 14:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!


You know! Mostly my mom's side. Their last name was King. We got folks in Decatur, Wrens, Atlanta and Augusta.. My grandma had 22 brothers and sisters! :blink:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 13:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Mmmmmhmmmmmm see how rude she is to me!

It didn't mean the same thing to me. To me its the same think as sayin" girl please, you betta go somewhere"
Don't listen to JQ, she is a trouble maker aka shyt starter LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 13:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

That's wonderful to hear Matt...glad to hear you guys are enjoying your time together...enjoy every minute of it...I'll never forget Den's first weeks here. Seems like ages ago now. :yes:

At least you had you a day of all that Sus...some of us been stuck at desks all week... :yes: I'm so in need of a serious drink or two after work. B-)

Don't forget to take pics Tee...

My kids broke my camera :angry: but never fear... I borrowed one! :yes: So yes, I will take them :)

Hi Yardies...Whats Poppin?

Congrats Bajan :thumbs:

and thank you all for your prayers and advise (L)

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 13:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Girl my auntie use to say that all the time and that what it means #### u :rofl:

she said that way b4 he said it it must be a down south thing

Oh I know that because most of my family is from the south.. Most in Georgia.. me and DW might be related lol

We ended up going to Forever 21, and Express and she also liked JCPennies. She wasn't into BEBE that much, not really her style. But we had a wonderful time, then yesterday we went to Wal-Mart for the first time and she was sooo excited to go to Wal-Mart cause she heard so much about it... :rofl: Were having a wonderful time. The wedding planning is going great, with less then 2 months we are on track with everything and the invitations will be going out the end of next week... :D

That's wonderful to hear Matt...very happy for you two! :) May it continue this way :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 13:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hey D dub! This day is dragging!

It sure as heck is :angry: Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn vacation! lol

Hi Matt *waivin*
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 12:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Tee... I pm'd u

not getting pm's maybe i need to clean out my inbox

whats the difference from any other day??? lol j/k thats nice, enjoy..

You are so bad Q :bonk: (L)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 12:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
K folks be back shortly.. yall know Im not doing no work today lol.. Going to have lunch wid mi fadda! See you shortly...
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 11:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

OK, let me give yall the update on where my mom stands with hubby.

She is falling in love with him. What more can I say. It started off by us just going there after church on Sundays, before he started working. We would all sit down and eat dinner and talk, and Eric would try to be shy, but mom ripped right through that. Then she asked him to put a computer desk together for her. He did and moved computer down stairs as well. So when Eric went for driver's license test, she volunteered and let him use her car. Then she blew the surprise and told me he got it. They are drawn together by his new found hobby of yard sells. My mother's favorite thing to do when she is off. She bought a mirror at a church yard sell we had (Eric helped them all day), he offered to restore it for her. It came out wonderful and she hasn't stopped talking about that dang mirror since he gave it to her for a Mother's Day Surprise. Now

We tell her and my dad that we are pregnant, and she starts going at. I thought you said you wanted to wait a year, he don't have a job, you gonna be paying for everything yourself. So I looked at her, got up, kissed my dad, and told Eric to lets roll, wasn't going to sit and listen to that BS. I don't know what happened cause all of a sudden she is making arrangements to come to doctor's appointments and even bought me some maternity clothes. I was like who are you and what did you do with my real mom????? Then we are in the store and she tells this random stranger that we are having a baby. I needed to take a seat. So my thinking is that my dad talked to her and whatever he said really hit home. Now she is on board and even excited about it. Thank God, cause I wouldn't be able to go another round with her in my current condition, without using a few choice words(know what I'm saying).

what a happy ending to that story.. thank god cause momma was finna git it! lol

Did i do something wrong??? U havent responded to me- call, text, pm???

awwwwwwwwwwww no honey! Ive just been busy im sorry...
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 10:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Oh I must have missed this entire part...let me go back and reread! :hehe:

Good Morning DW! Marley has used that line on me about 1000x since she has been home. She got it off some kids show and I thought it was the perfect line to use on MrsTee. LOL!

Chile please from "Ochocinco" of the Cincinati Bengals LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 09:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Good Morning Ladies! MrsTee have a great time and don't forget to get drunk!

You dont have to tell me twice! :no:

I'm done talking to you! I thought I was next! :angry: Just shatter my dreams and break my heart.

You aint NEVA gonna be done with me.. your kinda stuck with me!!!! LOL what I was trying to say is, Imma swing by and get you and then WE goin to Finesse's house LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 09:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
I love linking up! Next.. Finesse's famous parties so I can drink some tropical lover and strip!:rofl: :wow:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 09:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
always, i responded via yahoo... looking forward to meeting you :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 09:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Yes I will PM you my phone number and we can see what happens,Odean has a job now and he usually gets off later in the evening, However even if we just meet up for a few minutes to say hello it will be nice.

Yes! I agree.. I don't even know what we are doing but I would be happy to meet up! :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 08:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Really!What time do you get in? Any plans?

Believe it or not, Im not sure because my bestie made all the plans but I believe the flight is only about 2 to 3 you want to do a mini link up?
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 08:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Have a great time, Please drink several for me LOl I sure could use a drink lately.

By the way Congrats Bajan! I just read your approved, That is great.

Thank you ladies, Always Im actually staying a night in Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow. My flight leaves at 6 am :wacko: so I will be there until Friday morning

MrsTee-- Have fun and drink a few for me. As long as you don't forget to get the underware :whistle: LOL!!!!

DW--I knew you were out there hitting me up on FB, but I rarely check that. I will have to do better at FB.

Right? LOL
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 08:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Good morning, again everyone..

Well this is it. My last day at work until next Wednesday :dance: :dance: :dance: I hope everyone has a great week. Don't chat it up too much because I will have to play catch Peace and blessings for all the approvals, visas, gc, ap, ead, marriages, births..etc. Gonna miss yall... Im going to have a drink for each and everyone of you...

My hubby and I been having sexy parties hold us over :rofl:

Oh and on a funny note (it may even be TMI) but how about I packed everything but undies??? LOL I have to go to Walmart or Target and buy some. I always buy new underwear when I travel. I think I have an obsession with it. I own so much underwear its ridiculous! :bonk: :rofl:

Edited by MRStee, 28 July 2010 - 08:06 AM.

MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 08:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Lady C, it takes a village to raise a child and apparently. G have to give you 100%. I agree 200% you need talk to your husband and give him an ultimatium with a time line and really I think that time line is up you have given it a lot of time. First why is G feeding a big boys like that, if he nuh wan eat then he go to sleep hungry. Me nuh feed my children if the carry on with BS i make them sit at the table when I had enough of watching them groan go in your bed.
But the same thing G say your his husband and your his wife, so guess what he need to listen to you and respsect you and make your life easier as an husband.
Second the mother probably aint making it no better because she should stop the little boy in his track from disgracing your name I aint saying that she talking badness with him but she aint stopping either so to me she helping him disrespect you.


I have a coworker who was and I say was having problems with her stepsons she and their father band together and cracked down on them. Well one day the son took his disrespect to another level and he tear him a new ####### and tell him he going to send him home. well ever since then he has been a good boy.

I am going to say a prayer for you babes

Sugar I respect everything you are saying and I agree. Some ting nuh right wid im. I know in a "perfect" world we want children to behave and respect at all times. This child knows exactly what he is doing. He just never has consequences for his actions from his fadda, therefore, he test limits. I say let his modda deal wid ie!

Good morning.

have a safe and wonderful vacation and thanks again for going the extra mile to help ease my mind.

You are very welcomed! Now I can't wait for him to come home to you. I know the reunion will be sweet! :)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-28 07:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Ok let me say my 2 cents on this child bringing to US thing

1. lady C I feel for you because if the daddy dont have no cotrol over the child, you sure as heck aint gonna either, because you not the child's biological parent. Then you said the mom knew about the child behavior before, so it was not a surprise but you didnt know the extent of it! Dangggg Jaheim, I thought he was going to get it together. I wanted to ask you when we were talking yesterday what was up with it! But I just thought since you didnt say anything about it it was fine. I am praying for you to make the right decision, for you, your family, your marriage and jaheim, because he will be apart of your life for the rest of your life!!!

Ladies, ladies ladies, a word of advice for you and me Hell all of us!!!

I know yall love yall men and all, but if you have not spent time with these kids dont try to bring them. My husband and I have been together since 06. His daughter was born in 04. Since we first met, since the 2nd day we met and had our second date I met his daughter. Ever time after that she came over when I visited the 10 times i visited, and also whenever I would talk to him on the phone and she was there and we spoke. These are children, they have to get to know you! You cant just think that since you are married to there father they will like you!! It dont work like that. You dont know what they were fed before they came and what they think on their own about you. Dont forget their fathers lived in Jamaica where they could see them when they wanted. Now they live in the US and they can only talk to them. They dont know what goes on here, or what to expect. Make sure the kids are not acting up, uncontrollably to where when they come they have the same problem that C has. And make sure you hubby is strict and can discipline them. These are very important factor. If this thread has taught us anything, its to take the expperience of our fellow Yardie and learn from it, or help others out with it. Before I brought my kids to see my hubby I got to know him and knew they would like him. Because of how I raised them. All kids are raised differently. In Q's story, her ex hubby is negative you never know what he is telling those kids. (Q I pray they open up to Roger because you are a sweet persona nd you deserve it just like Lady C) My kids father has been in prison for a while and out there life so the only one feeding my kids anything was me.
My husband is very strict but thats what they need, they were trying to act up a little bit but he nipped that in the bud when he first got here, but I had his back on it also because he was right and they were trying to push him to see how far they could go. Also when I was in jamaica with my kids, my hubby made sure his daughter was there for the full 10 days so we could see how they interact with each other.

Now they cant wait for her to come, and every day I talk to her she asking about her brothers.

I just hope that we make informed decision before we drastically change the lives of our families as a whole. Everyone excited to get the kids here but make sure you know the kids and let them figure out for themselves if old enough, if they even want to come here.

Ok I have said enough, this baby is kicking and its time for me to go home and cook my hubby dinner.

:dance: :dance: :dance: Kids gone for a week at bible camp with 6 other cousins :dance: :dance: :dance:

Time to play hide and go get it :dance: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

pretty sound advice but i believe jahiem has servere issues.. In my opinion Lady C is the only one who truly has his best interest at heart and she going crazy... so what to do now?

im not saying this is true of lady c but what if the daddy don't even know the child...

What a world we live in.....:wacko:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 20:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
tell her jap hmph...:angry:

hey , howdy, hello, bonjour... wahpen...etc

i hope the stress of waiting for the visa isnt getting those of you hoping for it, too down. I know it will at times, but thats when faith kicks in. like they say at my old church "you got to know that you know that you know that you know, its gonna be alright" lol. Hold on.. keep your head up.

well ladies i have to say that the last few weeks in this forum has been awesome, good to know that there are some yardies here in MI going through this and to have a chat that just reminds you of home. I have made the decision to come off visajourney for a while, to focus on getting a job and trying to get preggers. I'm old , 40, so i need to put all my energy into it ( the ttc part that is). I hope that everyone of you will be happy like no ones business, and have strong productive marriages and families. I can be added on facebook should anyone feel the need.. or if anyone wants help with Detroit( not that i know much lol)
I hope 2010 is your year of favour, testimony and fulfilment ..... yougetmedough!!!

all the best, sending prayers of fruitfulness and a ton of approvals your way.


I can respect that, but how we gonna add you if we don't know who to add... you get me? lol
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 18:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Thank you guys for putting up with my crazyness.

dont put us through this mess no more though! :rofl: really happy for you mama!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 15:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

ok ladies we are approved

BAJAN!!!! how about I thought it was tomorrow :help: :dance: :dance: :dance:

CONGRATS!!!!! See all that worrying for nothing! So happy for you.

Since Marley has come back from her summer away we have already had a talk about what we expect this year. She sat down with Mikel and told her why she was the way she is with him and for her it came down to her thinking that he is going to leave just like her Dad did. I don't know about your step son Corlis but maybe he is testing you to see how far he can push before you don't want him anymore? Marley pulled that with Mikel but now sees he isn't going anywhere and has changed her ways.

Thats great Dillon :star:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 15:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

yess girl..big ups to your son girl!! thats wonderful, i know son's are something else, thank God for giving you the strength and perserverence..
i know sooner or later how we raised them will come out..
i know i was alot like my kids are no, very anti social and rebellious, and i turned out GREAT :rofl: :rofl: so they too will grow and improve, but imma have to get that firm hand going so its sooner than later!!!

I think thats one of the reasons I wanted to become a teacher.. I want to look at behaviors and why they happen. Sometimes I look at what my son has put me through as a blessing. It gives me the ability to help other children who
might not even understand why they act the way they do. Im so emotional on the children subject today :crying:
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 12:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
I can't spell today what the H*** lol
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 12:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

hey girlie!! i got vj up, but trying to get on it when i hear my supervisor busy like now LOL
i actually came to rant bout my kids and i see lady c going thru the same on the other side..
i feel bad for you c and like everybody say, if g won't help, you can't do it alone, jaheim has all the power right now and until that changes.. nutting nuh guh appen.. i just pray g steps up cuz like u say, he will resent not having his son around, even ur daughter is trying to tell him HE is the key!! PRAYING 4 u sister..

im taking pointers too cuz my 2 LAWD..they are so against showing any kind of emotion towards roger.. we went to the water park yesterday and they distance themselves completely away from him, if he trys to horseplay with them, they look at him like he is STUPID.. they are not anymore comfortable around him than they were one year ago it seems sometimes..we talk and talk and talk till we are freaking blue in the face.. roger trys ,but theydon't want nothing to do with him..i dunno if their dad tells them stuff.

we talked last night and roger was very upset w/ stephani for being rude and refusing to walk with us when it was time to leave. i left him to handle it and went further up w/ the other kids we had brought..he said he wanted to spank her, but was fearful of how i felt, i told him, she deserved it and he didn[t need my permission.. i only ask that if he is gonna discipline that he also trys to be playful, don't just talk to them when they are being disobedient and have no positive reinforcement.. well we shall see what this new chapter brings :unsure:

what the? dem pickney nuh easy these days... lawd...

Q honestly it sounds to me there are being fed negativity. I pray your situation gets better.

You know what bothers me the most? That people can use childrens as pawns and what fascinates me even more is children who are manipulative. I know first hand. I had one. I just want to encourage all the parents out there to be strong, firm and loving with our children, eventually they do come around. My 19 year old son has four diagnosises and believe me, if I were to sit down and tell you what he put me through you all would look like this :o Sometimes when you think you've done all you can do, you just have to keep pushin and praying... Now I can proudly say my son got his high school diploma and is going to school to be a medical tech and on to a doctor. He still has days when he tries me but with a strong, firm hand and a loving heart, we are going to be okay... (((((hugs))))) to all the parents... the devil is busy!
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Im home today because my job has no power so Jaheim stayed home with me. He was making so much noise because i took away the TV from him until he learns some manners and respect. I said to him instead of making so much noise come and do some school work....who told me to say that well it started from there I called G so he could hear him in action I put him out my house but since I dont want no cops knocking on my door I brought him back in. He would not stop I took him to the sitter cause I fell like I would beat his azz terrible if I touch him. I have had it. This is not me this kid is costing me my peace of mind. Thanks Ladies for listening to my Rant.... (F)

Pure evilness... I will be available later sis ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))

Q bug I see you down there ((((((((hugs))))))) How are you?
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 11:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I would have to agree with u two ladies and this is going to have a hugh impact on your marriage.

If he stays then it makes matters worse.. if he still makes matters worse.. so what to do?

Bajan.. you know im rooting for you mi sista! (F)
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 10:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hi Dills

We have talked about it but you can tell in G response that he wont be happy if we do. So if we do send him it might start a new one for me and G. Girl I might call Nanny 911 myself.

C - but you gotta give him a choice. It's either go to counseling and try to do what's in the best interest of Jahiem. Give him a time limit. If Jahiem doesn't start to show some improvement then he has to return home. I know G loves the both of you but when its causing such a conflict within the family something drastic needs to be done. It's not just all about Jahiem. Even though in Jahiem's mind it should be all about him. What about your daughters? He is affecting your ENTIRE family. I worry that you are going to have a breakdown and then what?
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 10:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

THAT'S IT!!!! I AM CALLING NANNY 911 on that boy!

Seriously I really feel for you and I know you are frustrated beyond belief. There is only so much a person can take especially if you aren't getting the support you need from his father. Have you guys discussed sending him back to his mother?

Amen Dillon!!! I feel so bad for Lady C because she has done so much for her ENTIRE family. It's so unfair for her to have to
undo the mess that was made. She is only one person. Maybe her husband doesn't understand what its like to be a parent. How can they be a united front if G is not even understanding parenthood himself?
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 10:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

LadyC..sorry that you are having to go through this. Is the boy currently seeing a counselor? I feel like I vaguely remember hearing that he was going to see a counselor? Also, you might want to look for behavioral therapists in your area who can work with you on specific interventions to modify and change his behavior. Unfortunately what I know for a fact is this: this child's behavior WILL NOT change unless the behavior of the parents change. Your husband is going to HAVE to step up and be active in changing his own behavior and expectations, as well as his son's. He cannot continue to sit back and allow you to do the work on your own. U can ask any counselor/behavior therapist/whatever that systemic change starts from the top. Once you (and husband) commit to working on changing yours and his behaviors, then the child will have no choice but to fall in line. But it has to start with you two. And really, it has to start with your husband! Somehow you've got to make him understand that he really is the key to getting you all to live together as a family and eradicating these negative behaviors. Good luck to you...I know it's extrememly hard, especially when the adults aren't on the same page in regards to behaviors/discipline/etc. (L)

Don't forget the child's mother. She plays a big part too..she and G are the reason for Jahiem's behavior. They let it go on for too long....It's going to take A LOT of counselling to get this child right. I heard him for myself, first hand.
MRSteeFemaleJamaica2010-07-27 10:35:00