Philippineshelp with mama

160,000 php is about $3700 US dollars. Plus you traveled to the Philippines three times in nine months. What did that cost in dollars? Ten grand?

What the hell did you think her family would think!

You set yourself up for this.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-22 22:05:00
PhilippinesFiancee's aunt co-sponsoring my fiancee

Is her aunt a US Citizen?

That does not matter.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-10 19:26:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting

Why does a man talk about his relationship with God on the internet?

And he and his wife's relationship with God?

Why does a man talk about his wife's virginity on the internet?

Better yet, why does he talk about her virginity in the same thread wherein it is clear he de-flowered her prior to the marriage?

I wonder if that act was in the site of God. And what God thinks about that.

And this same man has the gall to criticize his sister's relationship with God.

The only thing sadder than the hypocrisy of the mans' rants is the situation of a virgin bride caught in matrimony with such a man.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-29 21:44:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting
This is a silly game.

I don't know why you give a damn what your family thinks now. You didn't care while the relationship was budding.

Darren, pretty much nothing in your relationship is anything like what the rest of us experienced. I think a lot of us had some trepidation about telling our families and friends. But we did and we did it long before the arrival and the wedding. We did it because ultimately we needed their support. You haven't talked to your family for a couple of years. Why does it matter now? Frankly, it just looks like you are using Gretchen to assert yourself over an environment you've had no control over in the past.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-23 12:41:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting

Rebecca Jo is back.... :innocent:

Talked to my parents tonight as well as my brother. Parents and brother are happy. they have lots of Filipino friends. They both have a high respect for Filipinos. My parents are going to try and go with me next fall to the village for the celebration. I think they are happy for me. My brother seemed more happy then my parents. (My brother has grown up a lot since we last talked.) Amazing part is my brother does not use facebook, but his wife does.... amazing how she never found me on facebook.

So, nothing major now... at lesat that I know of. Gretchen and my parents talked on the phone for while. Soon they will meet in person.

Rebecca Jo never left.

I see you managed to accomplish your goal. Bring the girl here and wait till almost 90 days to marry her, to make sure it's "right". I was really hoping she'd run like hell back to her family before she married you. But you knocked her up. All before your wedding. Before the commitment.

Way to go dude. You're a tribute to males everywhere.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-21 20:21:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting

This is the banker's daughter bringing home the wrong guy for dinner.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-21 20:04:00

Also, some people here on VJ didn't submit an I-693 with their AOS packet, and they didn't receive an RFE.

I would presume these applicants had a form DS-3025 in their packet?

Or are you implying that some applicants did not address the issue of vaccines at all? And were approved?
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-03 12:37:00
PhilippinesMedicaid for Pregnant women

Medicaid is a need based federally funded benefit. Immigrants are limited in what they can obtain, I believe requiring 5 years of residency until they are eligible. The sponsor of the immigrant will responsible for repaying the government for any benefits received, until the immigrant has 40 quarters of work or becomes a citizen. This what the I-864 was used for, to make the sponsor responsible and not the tax payer.

Emergency medicaid to cover the birth of child is NOT a means-tested benefit. It has nothing to do with the I-864.


Just to make a correction in my posting, for pregnant women in Florida, you can get it without the five year residency.

Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women (PEPW) - PEPW provides temporary Medicaid to provide pregnant women immediate access to prenatal care. County Health Departments, Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Centers (RPICC), Federally Qualified Health Centers, Maternal and Infant Care Projects and Children’s Medical Services units all determine eligibility for PEPW and concurrently submit an application for Simplified Eligibility for Pregnant Women to DCF. All pregnant women with family income less than or equal to 185% of the Federal Poverty Level may be eligible for coverage. There is no asset limit and citizenship/alien status is not a factor of eligibility. The presumptive period begins with the date the eligibility determination is completed by the Qualified Designated Provider (QDP) and extends for an additional two months while DCF makes a determination of eligibility for ongoing Medicaid. PEPW covers outpatient prenatal care only
Simplified Eligibility for Pregnant Women (SEPW) - SEPW provides full Medicaid coverage for pregnant women. Eligibility is determined for the pregnant woman only and does not consider the potential eligibility of other household members or eligibility for other programs. All pregnant women with family income at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level may be eligible. There is no asset limit for coverage. The pregnancy must be verified. Coverage extends through delivery and two post-partum months. Pregnant women with income above 185% may be enrolled in Medically Needy with a share of cost

But that does not mean the sponsor is not liable for paying back the benefits received.

No, the sponsor won't be liable for paying back the benefits.

Your spouse or someone who signed the affidavit of support is responsible for covering your pregnancy.
Sorry it is not tax payers responsibility.

Sorry you are incorrect.

Regarding unemployment,,, if you qualified,,, you should of applied. It is not welfare it is insurance paid by your employer and DOES NOT having any effect in regards to your affidavit of support.

Note: I think food stamps fall in a non-reimbusable category too,,, as it is funded under the agriculture dept and not considered
welfare... Might want to double check that one.


Food stamps are tricky. A lot depends on the case worker and how they calculate the household size. In most cases, the alien won't be eligible. But the USC spouse and US citizen children will be.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-15 22:23:00
Philippinesi need an expert advice


You are aware of the CFO requirement for Exit Clearance, right? How to you plan to secure that if you're still legally married to your ex-husband in the Philippines?

It is generally agreed that the US Embassy will issue a K-1 Visa to a Filipino who is divorced even if that divorce isn't recognized by the Philippine Government as the US Government recognizes the divorce, the problem is getting CFO Exit Clearance which is required to clear Philippine Immigration in order to leave the Philippines.

How can you still be married to a dead person?
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-15 22:33:00
Philippinesbad american or bad problem

"Browntail tuna" = Highly offensive and....Enough of this "waaaaa...I'm backwoods....waaaaa" Bullsh!t.


OP habitually racial stereotypes and degrades Filipino men, women and culture. OP repeatedly starts (multiple simultaneous) bait threads with the objective of insulting and degrading Filipinos. OP spins & defends his offensive behavior by playing the part of (an obtuse naive) poor communicator with a peculiar sense of humor. (but) The repeated (almost weekly) inititiation of new stereotyping threads and offensive posts expose his true intent (portray Americans and himself superior to Filipinos).

Additionally...his threads create chaos in the PI forum, offend and anger many VJ's.

IMO...OP should be site suspended and instructed to stop his chronic racial stereotyping / offensive & degrading / abusive sexism / male chauvanism /....(all directed at Filipinos) posts and threads.


(I promised my wife I wouldn't use the F-bomb this time. :blush: I was scolded for using it in my site suspension post. :hehe: )

Not saying you don't have a point, but there are other forums where stereotyping happens as well. And nothing gets done about it.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-06 19:21:00
OK, you said you don't know if she cooked before she came here.

I think you should find out.

Because this pretty much explains things.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-18 18:15:00
How much cooking did she do before she came here?
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-16 07:42:00
Philippinesprincess rose

I am Darren's little brother. You are exactly right. Man you should run for office.

According to Darren he hasn't been speaking to his family for months now...................
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-09 19:47:00
Philippinesprincess rose
She's beautiful. And I'm so glad she's all right.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-08 08:41:00
Philippinesprincess rose
I sure would like to hear how Gretchen and baby are. Hope everything is OK.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-06 19:31:00
Philippinesprincess rose

Dont get too emotional about what i said just bcoz you had a c section. Dont bring your frustration here. Who would want to have a c section if they can help it. Just be happy that our babies are healthy. You dont really need to make such a big deal about what i said bcoz the post wasnt meant for you. :) now snap out of it and move on. Im outta here :P


People don't usually have c-sections unless they can't help it.

Like Gretchen.

Upon whom I am anxiously awaiting word.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-06 08:57:00
Philippinesprincess rose

I say its too bad bcoz of the recovery...i am not against c section...if thats how the baby and mother can be saved why not...I was the same size with gretchen when i had vaginal delivery with my first born thats why i kinda felt bad for her that she will have c section...taking care of the baby while recovering from c section plus still adjusting the life in US and the married life at a very young age...i would think it can be overwhelming sometimes. thats why i said its too bad. But hey maybe its not too bad for both of them thats just what i think now if you think theres something wrong with what i think oh well thats too bad. :)

I tell you what will make a c-section mom feel a whole lot worse than pain from her incision. That's people implying or saying that there was something "wrong" with how she gave birth.

Since you didn't have a c-section, you're actually not a very good judge of recovery from it. It's really not that difficult.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-06 06:29:00
Philippinesprincess rose

I have seen that with my job. That is a serious life threatening situation. Was he in he ICU for awhile? I delivered a baby in the field that had inhaled meconium. Since her heart rate was below 60 we had to do CPR. That was a scary call. My heart rate was elevated and that NEVER happens to me on the ambulance.

Congrats Darren! I wish good health for your newborn and Gretchen!

Thanks for asking about my son. As soon as he was born, they put a long tube down his throat and sucked everything out. I have it on video and it was much scarier in retrospect than while it was happening. There was no "baby cry" right away.

Today, he's a very healthy normal 24 year old college grad, looking for work!
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-06 06:27:00
Philippinesprincess rose

Thats too bad to have a c section at her age... But anyway congrats and baby is always a blessing. You are both blessed. :)

What is that supposed to mean? There's nothing wrong with having a birth that way. Women of small bone structure sometimes cannot deliver vaginally. My son would not enter the birth canal because of my small bone structure. He swallowed meconium and the heart rate plummeted on the fetal heart monitor.

It's not "too bad" for a woman to have a c-section. It's a way for her and her child to have a life together.

Darren - her recovery will only be slightly longer than with a vaginal birth. Her tummy area will be very sore and she'll need to keep it covered when she bathes. She'll have lifting restrictions for a short period of time. It's really not that bad. And the good news is her bottom won't be hurting.

Edited by Rebecca Jo, 05 July 2012 - 09:24 PM.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-05 21:21:00
Philippineshospital and advanced terms

in warning signs, I am saying to make sure it is honest and accurate. Things are understood. And things are being done with proper input.

the one form sparked so much interest, I cannot even explain the issues. Explain CPS to a filipino is like explaining PnP to an American.

If there are issues, I want them dealt with. However, this all has ramifications with me. And can get into worse issues if there are issues with my ex. What I hated most was HOW the hospital said many women leave the hospital taking postpartum antidepressant drugs.

Americans can catch those phrases which other cultures don't. Many/most/some being general statements without a definable quantity. Statements leading you to believe that by doing something, you are helping yourself without penalty, but you are admitting to deeper issues. Once you open Pandora's box, it is hard to close again. This mis-done form is part of her medical record now. There is a report form the investigation. There will be followup. All from misunderstanding and not doing things properly in the beginning.

then if something happens, the hospital investigated and is not liable for any issues. Plus can say I was warned and mislead by not knowing cultural differences and point to the K-1 visa process being at fault.... yadda yadda yadda..... texas two step in the corporate healthcare world....

Darren, what does this mean? The part I boldened?

And are you sure it was CPS at the hospital? Or was it APS?
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-09 17:38:00
Philippinesst lukes discussion
I think he won't marry her.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-18 18:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNo Joint Bank Account--Is that OK?

That and push out a few puppies. If you don't have at least one child you obviously don't have a real marriage because everyone wants to have children. Clearly the only way I managed to get conditions removed with no joint checking account, a different last name from my husband and a feeling that babies are icky was by passing a nice wad of cash to USCIS. The going rate is $545. ;)

Oh wait, everybody paid that? :unsure:

You have to have more than one child to be a real parent, don't you know. :lol:
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-21 13:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNo Joint Bank Account--Is that OK?

what individual posters think about not having a joint checking account means to a marriage doesn't really matter - many, many people have been approved without them including me and my husband

next thing I'll hear women "need" to change their name in order to be properly married and satisfy removing conditions.


You're right of course you are. My observation wasn't a judgment anyway. Just strikes me strange when people don't bother to do it because it's such a simple way to show joined finances.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-21 07:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNo Joint Bank Account--Is that OK?
Very funny the way some people look at this whole immigration business. Really.

I daresay there are several posters to this thread who wouldn't even be married if it weren't for the US government saying they had to be.

If you've gone that far, why not open a joint checking account?

Forest. Trees.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-20 23:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNo Joint Bank Account--Is that OK?
USCIS considers co-mingling of assets to be powerful proof of a legitimate marriage.

This is well known and one of the most basic tenants of family immigration.

Given that, why do people who are on this journey NOT enter into the single most basic "transaction" of a married couple - opening a joint checking account?

It isn't like you have to put all your money together. Open a joint account and pay the household bills out of it. Husband and wife can still maintain their own separate accounts.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-20 14:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMortgage denied because temporary residency expires?!

The Fair Housing Act protects discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, familial status, or national origin. Claims on the basis of legal status or alienage are not protected, however, these types of discrimination are often due to national origin, which is protected.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-16 19:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMortgage denied because temporary residency expires?!

Yep, they're prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or handicap (disability). But immigration status isn't among those listed things, so it doesn't put one into a "protected class". They are NOT prohibited from discriminating based on any grounds other than those listed, even if the other grounds are unfair. For example, a lender might lend only to left-handed people. That would be unfair, morally wrong, indefensible, and wouldn't make much business sense, but it wouldn't be against the law. Being left-handed doesn't put you into a protected class, just like being a conditional permanent resident doesn't put you into a protected class.

Discrimination based on citizenship status, current nationality, or immigration status is NOT against the law. It may not be right, it may not be fair, but it's not illegal. The government does it all the time (voting, certain government jobs, security clearances, etc.)

That said, it may be worth clarifying to the lender that you DO have valid legal immigration status. They may have misunderstood the meaning of the expiration of the conditional green card. If it's explained to them properly, they might reconsider and not use that grounds to deny the loan. But they're under no legal obligation to do so.

The lender cannot deny the loan based upon their misunderstanding of immigration status. THAT is where the discrimination lies. They would be within their rights to ask to see the extension letter. They would be within their rights to deny the loan if the alien does not have a satisfactory credit history or work experience. They cannot deny based upon a false impression.

Fannie Mae clearly states they will buy a loan made to aliens. You don't even have to be a permanent resident. I've heard before of lenders giving the excuse that the loan is not negotiable in the marketplace and that is bunk.

I once queried a bank on this very matter by asking their underwriters to contact FNMA directly. They came back to me with an apology and an offer to make the mortgage.

I really don't believe a legal resident should take this kind of thing lying down.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-16 19:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMortgage denied because temporary residency expires?!

You are kidding right? There is NOTHING discriminatory about a bank not willing to lend money to an individual who's long-term legal status is not certain, regardless of the 1 year LPR extension. Lending is all about mitigating risk and while I'm sure the OP is a great person and their case will be approved, as a lender it would be a NON-DISCRIMINATORY red flag until the her 10 yr GC is approved (less risk). This risk can be reduced of course via many ways (i.e. large downpayment, USC income/credit (LPR income not factored due to status uncertainty), co-signers, etc).

Certainly shop around if the bank denies the loan, but don't call it discrimination because its not. Its common sense really.

No I'm not kidding.

Aliens don't muck about getting a green card for no reason, you know. A permanent resident is a permanent resident. They have the same rights (save for voting) as any US citizen.

In Mortgage Lending: No one may take any of the following actions based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or handicap (disability):

* Refuse to make a mortgage loan
* Refuse to provide information regarding loans
* Impose different terms or conditions on a loan, such as different interest rates, points, or fees
* Discriminate in appraising property
* Refuse to purchase a loan or
* Set different terms or conditions for purchasing a loan.

Edited by JohnnyQuest, 16 March 2010 - 05:32 PM.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-16 17:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMortgage denied because temporary residency expires?!

I have been in the mortgage industry for about eleven years now worked for brokers, lenders and hard money. You name it I have done it. Now I am a Paralegal at a Lender. So I can give you thoughts to this. Our money our rules, we underwrite and approve only loans with minimal risk. You can not get a lawyer and fight that. When I worked for a private hard money lender we would lend on a student visa with forty percent down. We knew if they left we could still recoup our money and sell the home. It actually happened to us once. Most likely once you get a new card with a new date it will be approved. You just may have to wait a little while to buy your house. They are seeing the card and thinking it may not renew. High Risk. You must understand the mortgage companies with their laxed guidelines screwed up bad and have lost a lot so now they want to have strong underwriting guidelines. It is a risk factor that the lender is assuming. Can you husband or wife qualifies on their own? Did you go to a direct lender to get this loan or a broker? And may I ask what Lender? I hope this makes sense to you. Welcome to email me and I can have some other ideas for you as far as lenders.

I disagree.


Noncitizen Applicants: If an applicant indicates in his response to Question J that he is not a U.S. citizen, and also indicates in his response to Question K that he is not a permanent resident alien, the lender may wish to ask whether he is a nonpermanent resident alien or otherwise is lawfully present in the United States. Fannie Mae will purchase loans where the borrower is not a U.S. citizen provided that the borrower is lawfully present in the United States. We do not designate specific documentation that is required to establish lawful presence. Lenders should consult their counsel or other sources for information on standard documents that can be used to establish lawful presence. An Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) alone does not establish either that the holder is lawfully present or that he is not lawfully present. Fannie Mae does not require that the borrower have a Social Security Number.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-16 17:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMortgage denied because temporary residency expires?!
It's discrimination pure and simple.

You are a legal permanent resident.

Did they give you a denial letter? If they did, I would tell my loan officer that if he doesn't run the denial past his legal counsel, that you will.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-15 21:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI can't log in to my account in
How many times per day are you all logging in to check your case?
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 06:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDMV Investigations Won’t Issue Drivers License
We've been through BS with the DMV also, although not to that extent.

When it happened to us, we contacted the Governor's office, our Senator, and the head of the DMV. We never knew if any one was disciplined, but at least we had our say.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-20 11:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPLEASE HELP!!! PLEASE HELP PLEASE!!!
Hello Richard.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-12 14:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAre affidvaits required?
We didn't send any affidavits.

But we sent "the kitchen sink". Deed to old house; deed to new house. Bank accounts. Car titles. Mail addressed just to him at our mutual address. Health insurance cards. Credit cards. Reciprocal wills.

Because it took so long to get the green card, we'd been married almost four years by the time he could remove conditions. I'm sure that didn't hurt either.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-16 21:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI - 751 Evidence

I did the same. My master cover-page said that, behind it, there would be a mini-cover page for each quarter that we were married. I entitled each "1st Quarter 2009," "2nd Quarter 2009," etc., and listed 2 to 5 enclosures that followed each such page. These included everything from the mandatory bank statements and tax returns/correspondence to things like renewal appeals from our electricity provider and donation or pick-up receipts from the Salvation Army.

I highlighted, circled, or drew arrows toward information that deserved to be pointed out.

It was actually quite fun to compile the eclectic set of documents, and the organization here on the front end probably saved the adjudicator a lot of paper-shuffling. We were approved without an interview. Try it.

Hardly anyone gets interviewed for removal of conditions.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-29 08:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHave 10 yrs green card but remarried..have to file for 2 yrs green card or not?

Your G Card allows you the privilage of being a LPR for those 10 years. During that time you may do as you wish while complying with the laws of the USA. That includes divorce & marriage.

Once a legal permanent resident, always a legal permanent resident.

The date on the card is not an expiration date. It's merely a date by which you need to file for a replacement card. So they can keep track of you.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-14 10:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPut life on hold?

You're being ridiculous here, in my opinion. First, waiting to have conditions lifted is not that big of a deal at all, as you are with your spouse and have a letter that allows you to travel and work. Yeah, it's annoying, but if I had to dedicate resources to either A) ensure that people get their conditions lifted faster or B) ensure that people don't get butchered by the Assad regime and/or Al Qaeda militants operating in Syria, I would unhesitatingly choose B. Sorry if that impacts you, but that's the way it goes: there is a terrible war being waged in Syria and no one should be condemned to death just so you have the pleasure of getting your green card a couple weeks early. Learn to deal with it.

Second, your Peruvian friends are nuts if they think that Bush left the economy in good shape. You may not remember this, but in late 2008 the entire financial sector of this country absolutely imploded, causing fast amounts of wealth to be destroyed, the credit market to become extremely restricted, and unemployment to skyrocket. Next time someone asks you why American's aren't getting all nostalgic for the good old days back when we all saw our 401ks lose half of their value, you can tell them that.

Third, using Peru as some yardstick to measure the United States against doesn't make any sense. The reason why the sol has gone up has little to do with the economic health of the United States and more to do with Peruvian economic indicators. Since the fall of the Fujimorato in 2000 Peru has experienced tremendous growth in GDP. For a while they were averaging 9% a year. Peru had the fortune of having the largest-producing gold mine in the entire world right as the price of gold shot up as a consequence of the DJIA plummeting under Bush. Vast amounts of wealth were created. Peru has also had the ability to greatly expand its tourism sector, with Machu Picchu being declared one of the "new" wonders of the world, the crime situation being brought under control, and the internal conflict against the PCP-SL and MRTA brought to and end. As I'm sure you know, ever since about 1987 Peruvians have been paranoid of inflation with good reason and the government thus never prints up gobs of cash like other Latin American countries do, nor does it allow the state to grow. With a booming economy, a small state, and little money being printed, yeah, the Peruvian nuevo sol has gone up. If you measure the dollar against the Euro, a currency that people actually care about and spend, obviously you see the exact opposite effect -- the dollar has gone up and the Euro down since Obama took office.

In any event, I don't like Obama or Romney or Bush, and I think that USCIS does a pretty bad job at a lot of things. If someone wants to vote for Mitt Romney because he had to wait seven months to get his removal of conditions petition adjudicated, I guess that's his right, but it is extraordinarily silly. Tell me, what is Mitt Romney's plan to ensure that ROC petitions are adjudicated faster? I've looked at the RNC party platform and strangely I've missed the part about petition adjudication. Can you let me know what page its on? Thanks.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-07 17:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPut life on hold?

This very weekend, I expect to attend a function where my Congressman will attend. USCIS blew off his immigration-liaison staffer in regard to my question of "what effect will the Deferred Action processing have on traditional-petition processing" at the USCIS service centers. If the Congressman has no answer, he can write an official Congressional letter of inquiry, which USCIS will NOT be permitted to blow off.

I'll find out and will report ASAP.

If the Deferred Action program is a chief part of any holdup at the service centers, then THAT'S what 0bama will have had to do with it.

Film at 11.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-07 17:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSurprised to get RFE

What you sent seems to be quite substantial if you would ask me so no clue why the IO handling your case would like to see more. Maybe some personal stuff like pictures of certain trips will do.

It is very unfortunate your realtor was such an idiot because the house would have been an excellent way to get him a credit history. You bought the house on your own which shows that your score and resources were enough. They could have tagged your husband on. No credit history is not a bad credit history so no problems there.

A lack of credit history pulls down a credit score.

So indeed his lack of a high enough rating would have eliminated them from certain more desirable loan products.

It's no different than having a spouse with a poor credit rating. That person's credit can inhibit the purchasing power of the other spouse. So the simple solution is to leave them off any big credit purchases.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-19 21:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSurprised to get RFE

This is my instinct, too. My main frustration with the RFE, as I mentioned above, was they didn't specifically ask for anything. The list of types of evidence they sent me in the RFE is the exact same thing you'd read on the USCIS website, and I'd already included many of those things. I'll send them a few additional things that might help, but I wonder if I should also explain in a letter why certain things, such as the mortgage, are the way they are.

It wouldn't hurt to attach a letter to your RFE response explaining why you DON'T possess certain documents that other people may have.

As to why your previous evidence was not enough, there is always the possibility that some of it was lost from your file. So re-send your old evidence along with any new.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-18 20:53:00