IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting England

Or do you mean you might have a problem landing in Ireland? I don;t see why, you aren't sporting past 6 nmonth long tourist visas to Ireland. Alternatively you can just say "Well my husband lives in the UK, we used up our visits there so we are having a 2 week holiday here." Why would they think you would stay? You'll have your ties to the US on you anyway.

I'm saying border guards in Dublin are well aware of the porous land border between the Republic and the North and don't willy-nilly stamp the passports of ANYBODY coming into their country because of that very reason. It's not hard to find accounts in this community and others of entrants to Ireland having their passports stamped for only a day or two beyond their return flight date rather than the full 90 days which Americans somehow think they are entitled to.

Breathe the words "husband", "wife", "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" or even "family member" and expect a grilling. I'm not kidding. Ireland isn't a hopping off point to Europe. They're already in enough trouble with the EU.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-25 09:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting England

If you are in doubt and you don't want to waste your plane ticket, I had an idea.

Go to Southern Ireland (Dublin airport) but not as a stopover, actually buy a ticket there to visit the country. Instead of flying in to the UK, cross the border to Northern Ireland, and do your visa explaining there. If they don't refuse you, you can buy a local plane or ferry ticket to the mainland once issued with your visitor's visa. If they do refuse you yu're like a half hour plane ticket from your spouse who can visit you in Ireland. Obviously, do this when your spouse can get time off work.

This is what we are probably going to do, because we used up our "6 months per 12 months" visitor visa allocation and refusal is extremely likely.

I don't know how viable it is. The idea came to me when I was stressing and I thought "if only the UK was bordering another country so we don't waste a plane ticket.... wait a minute."

Alternatively you can do what I did when I was racking up visits to Japan. The UK checks when you enter the country, and records it. Apparently they don't record when you leave unless you overstay! I know this because the Lib Dems were calling for legislation for this to get the true immifgration figures to the country - re. we don't know how many legally leave so we don't know how manhy illegal immigrants are here! If you've used up a 6 month stay, you can "lose" your passport and get a new one to come back in on. Only divulge then how long you were there last if they ask. I did this to Japan - went in on 3 month tourist, got it extended to 6, left country, "lost" passport, came back in, married my ex, applied for COS (not illegal in Japan.) This was before they took fingerprints though but the UK STILL doesn't record when people leave!

we won't do the above because we are applying for a UK visa (probably) and don't want to compromise it. But if it's just a visit it's probably worth trying to avoid interrogation, obviously only if you stay for really really long periods.

You still have to deal with Irish border control, you know. It's not like a person can just land in a country and not have to explain why they are there. No one has to admit you and it they do they don't have to give you 90 days or 6 months.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-25 07:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat if there is a approved visa but a pending divorce
Persons who file under 245(i) don't get visas. They don't need one.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-05 19:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDublin IS A POE....SERIOUSLY?

u kiddin'? why would they deny entry after a year-long ordeal to get the visa?

The gentleman in question had a minor blemish on his UK police report that the consulate had not addressed. CBP at Dublin caught the glitch and turned him around.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-02 21:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDublin IS A POE....SERIOUSLY?
Not all flights out of Dublin (to the US) clear immigration. Flights out of the new Terminal 2 will clear immigration AND customs in Dublin. Others will clear immigration once they land in the US.



I'd suggest you pick the shortest, cheapest flight and not fret over POE. It's rarely a hassle with your visa in hand. If Dublin is your closest departure airport, the sure--pick Dublin. The people who go out of their way to clear in Dublin tend to be ones just going for a visit and fear they won't be admitted into the US. So if they get denied entry at Dublin, they didn't spend 9 hours on a plane to get sent back on another 9 hour flight. You're not going to be denied entry.

FYI- Houston is a very easy, friendly POE.

Concerning the clearance lines at US airports-- You will have an immigrant visa, not a greencard. You will not be a permanent resident yet. You will be a "visitor" going through the lines. Ask somebody official which line you should process through, because each airport can have their own preference. Some even have a special line just for visas. Maybe they will send you to the shortest line.

Actually, one of the few K1 entry denials I ever read about occurred at Dublin.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-02 20:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe're both in tears over this. Please help. I can't be without her.

I'm really going to try to contribute to this community, I have found a lot of great information here. I'm a writer and a scientist; paperwork and follow-up is what I live for daily. This place is a gold mine!

Our plan as of now is to do what was suggested -- I'm going to move our stuff down first and get us set up. From there, she's going to come on in for a visit, then subsequent visits. I travel a lot for work all over the freaking globe, so when I have to do an extended China trip (a month or two weeks) or something, she'll go hang out at home. We're going to figure this out; but believe me, this was a shock. A real serious "holy #######, what are we going to do" kind of shock. I plan, I figure, I do these things. This one was in a list of things we needed to get to, and the task before us is way larger than either of us initially had gotten perspective on seeing. I was working 75+ hour weeks and managing two product lines, this got moved into the "we'll get to it" category, which obviously was a miscalculation.

Flamers, I know your individual cases are important. Ours is too, especially to my wife and I. I never said that your cases were unimportant, that was put in my mouth. Thanks for all of the help here though, it is invaluable.

You're a busy guy, aren't you?

If this lady is as important to you as you say (and I do think she is, btw), then I hope you'll take a little lesson from all this.

All that working stuff - important, sure. It pays the bills. But.......stuff can sneak up on you. Like this did. If this throws you, what will you do when something really bad happens?

It looks like you're on your way to figuring it all out. Hope so. It's just the beginning of your lives together. I hope it's grand for you. It has been for us.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-13 06:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe're both in tears over this. Please help. I can't be without her.
Family based immigration is about real lives and real marriages. Or at least it should be. It isn't about quick fixes and sneaky ways to accomplish a goal. It's about how to have a real life together. A real life that goes beyond the separation of visa processes, blah blah blah.

I would like to tell you a little story. It's about a man and a woman who met online and fell in love. They were 4000 miles apart and couldn't wait to close that gap. They researched and filed all the papers. They got a visa. He moved here. They got married. They moved house and they changed jobs. They made friends online and in real life. They loved each other. To bits.

He got sick. And sicker. And sicker still. It was silent and quiet and they didn't really know how bad.

Now she worries. Day. And night. How much longer? What will this test say? And that? What is next? Why is he so thin? Does this one positive thing mean he is better? Or does it really mean nothing? How much longer? How much longer - how much longer will she have him? This - this center of whatever in her that is good? How. Much. Longer.


People just need to develop some perception. It makes the little things seemm so much.........easier.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-12 23:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe're both in tears over this. Please help. I can't be without her.

I agree that people should look into it. BUT how many people have "common sense"? I mean look at the Rick Mercer reports. He walks around Harvard, Yale and Princeton and gets students there to give congratulations to Canada for legalizing touch tone phones.... Really?

People just don't think beyond what's right in front of them. It's why people constantly ask "NOA1, what now?" "NOA2, what now?" What does this piece of paper mean etc. etc etc... Get used to it. Doesn't make it less frustrating but it is what it is.


You're kidding me, right? Because people want an answer right here and right now, we are just supposed to "forgive them"? Human beings aren't suppose to be accountable for their own lives?

Life isn't like that.

LOL. Wait until Boiler jumps in...

To the OP... In my experience Canada has a Social System, and if she needs assistance with housing I am sure that before you BOTH leave HER country you should start there. She may need to go back to work. She may need to work out staying with Friends. She may need to see if she can stay with MOM. You will be separated.. and she will need to survive. You seemed concerned for her.. then You may need to figure out how to afford housing in BOTH countries.

Original poster.. I am speaking from experience.. trust me when I say.. I am a single mom, thanks to our choices on how to handle this immigration situation. I am here in the US with a 2 year old and WE have to send each other money all the time back and forth until this is all over. I housed my husband in Canada for 6 months to get us through the Birth of our child. I traveled back and forth thru a Michigan / Canadian winter until 2 days before I had our daughter. All I am saying is... it wont be easy.. but you can do it. Stop crying, think logically, and figure out a means to an end. This will be over soon, and you will get thru it. But don't break the rules, figure out cheaper housing for her in Canada, and file for your visa. go girl! :thumbs:
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-12 23:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe're both in tears over this. Please help. I can't be without her.

Not everyone thinks that way though. Especially between Canada and the USA. My husband was surprised to learn how difficult it was to move to Canada (about a 2 year process) and how difficult it was to move here. He's used to rules and regulations, he was USAF for 8 years. But because our border is really so open, it's only been since 2009 that you've even needed a passport to visit the USA. Before anyone could just drive or fly with just regular ID. Heck in 2000 my wallet was stolen while I was doing an internship in California. My mom was able to send me a new birth certificate but that was the only ID I had for the rest of the time I was there. I answered a few extra questions at the border, had a police report of my stolen wallet, and proceeded through customs without incident.

IMO, the excuse that some people just don't think that way is similar to saying that something isn't a crime just because one is unaware of a law about it.

I just don't buy the fact that people can enter romantic relationships with foreign-born and not wonder if there might be some governmental hurdles to get over.

Well - I guess I shouldn't say that I don't buy it. Becuase I've been watching this kind of angst for years. I guess I should say it never fails to amaze me. I guess it's no sillier than all my friends thinking that my husband is automatically a citizen because he married one!

Still though............when something is as important as your relationship.......don't you think you should invest some brain cells into it? I mean, it's clearly important to the OP. Who should he be mad at?

*edited because I can't spell sometimes*

Edited by Rebecca Jo, 12 March 2013 - 10:57 PM.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-12 22:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe're both in tears over this. Please help. I can't be without her.

OP, explain exactly why you and your girlfriend, or soon-to-be-wife sitting on a couch crying? Because you two have to be separated for a bit while for her petition process to play out for her to obtain an immigrant visa?

And the reason why you can't live without her just for 6months or so? How was your girlfriend surviving before you met her?

Oh fiddlesticks.

Even what you are saying isn't the point.

Where do people EVER get the idea that our borders are just THAT open?

I mean, if you want to drive, you have to get a license. If you want to go to college, you have to send in an application.

I'm eight years into this whole immigration nonsense and I STILL never fail to be amazed by people who don't think there just might be RULES for this sort of thing. It was the first thing I thought of when I got serious with my husband. Oh hai - he's from ANOTHER COUNTRY! I wonder if there are RULES................ :lol:
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-12 22:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe're both in tears over this. Please help. I can't be without her.

Given our situation -- are there any special case circumstances or scenarios that allow for some sort of emergency visa or anything of the sort?
We have nowhere for her to live in Canada if I leave without her, I am the FAMILY PROVIDER.

Do one of you need a kidney or something?

I mean - seriously.

Think about what you are saying.

you've been here long enough to know moderation doesn't do pm boxes.

for the op, be very leery of any advice offered strictly through pm. if it's not peer reviewed in open forum, it's probably not advice you want to follow.

Oh yeah, I'm way way familiar with what goes on through PM boxes around here.

awesome link, everyone beginning this process should read it.

Thanks. :)
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-12 22:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe're both in tears over this. Please help. I can't be without her.

Hey MsHogan (and all of you who are helping), sorry that I snapped. This has basically become the entire focus of our lives and it's completly f*cking freaky! I cannot even fathom the thought of L not being with me, I looked for her forever.

That's all really. I'm not one to stare at the proverbial equine present. Seriously. Sh*it is rough over here right now! Sorry, you guys are awesome.


Read This.


You fell in love with someone from a different country. So did everybody else around here. There are rules for this kind of thing. It isn't that hard if you just play by them.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-12 22:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe're both in tears over this. Please help. I can't be without her.

one tos violation removed along with one quoting.
"semi-legal" suggestions have no place on this site. refer to the terms of service:


How are you gonna clear out all the suggestions flying around between PM boxes?

*see post 38*
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-12 22:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAgency or lawyer in CR1, does it help?

Professional assistance cannot speed the petition approval process but for some, it may help avoid delays caused by errors. Not all people have the same aptitude for or ability to deal with the process on their own. If you don't feel confident in doing it yourself, and getting it right the first time, you would be wise to seek professional assistance.

Just make sure you get real professionals. Not hucksters.

Edited by Rebecca Jo, 06 April 2013 - 08:19 PM.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-06 20:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBringing Canadian wife to US... complicated
There is no consular processing for Canadians. The lawyer is wrong.

Understand this and understand it now. Customs and Border Patrol don't care about this:

"Sitting out a year is not a practical option really as it would be completely detrimental to her career as a physician."

As you are both busy people and have important stuff going on in your lives, you took it for granted that your personal business wasn't the business of governments. But it is. And now because you made false assumptions, your personal business just became harder to conduct.

She is now going to either need a visa to enter the US, or a paroled entry. Her "career" is not important to the US Government. Her university might be able to help get the government's attention through their foreign student services. Try that.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-23 22:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaA favor if you please
Could we implore someone to please take a look at this thread in the K1 forum and comment?

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-03 11:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 Visa Annulment

It's a message board people depend on to make decisions that impact their future happiness, so we all benefit by treating it as such.


I did acknowledge I made a mistake.

But the next time it happens, (which I'm sure I will since I'm human) I'll be sure to grovel more.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-10 13:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 Visa Annulment

It takes no effort to make someone who provides wrong information ("ah yes you bad") to look like an amateur. As a suggestion, keep your feelings out of this and concentrate on providing accurate information to posters who are relying upon receiving it.

Chill out, old man. I made a mistake.

Fortunately for me and the rest of the community, we've got people like you to go up behind us and clean up the mess.

I have no personal feelings at all in the matter. Other than observing the comedy of you running up behind your bromancer and admonishing others to "read and heed".

I think you need to relax. This is a message board - not a business.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-10 06:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 Visa Annulment

The child IS a US Citizen by birth, not by virtue of either parent by by virtue of having been born in the USA.

Ah yes well my bad.

VJ is so lucky to have you around. You make everybody who went before you look like an amateur.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-09 13:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 Visa Annulment

For the zillionth time, NO. Read and heed what pushbrk said.

Like the bit where he says the child is a USC?

Not if the OP can prove paternity and has the court amend the birth record.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-09 12:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmy 75year old father married a 65 year old korean lady and wants to bring her to the usa.

my father is 75 years old retired and does not work. he recieves a pention and social security. can he use his pention and social security as proof of income to the 125% requirement.


Yes he can.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-22 09:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTragedy! Visa Denied!

Appeals through a Congressman or Senator are certainly worth a try. You asked earlier about filing a new petition. You do NOT do that until or unless the approval of the current petition is revoked. You don't need a new petition. You need a second interview. You need qualified professional help from somebody with whom you can share all the details of your case, in confidence.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-05 14:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis

Some people here are heartless and cruel. Yes i have explained why she cannot be in the us alone and i bet those giving advices for me to let my baby go are people that do not have a child. I am all for those people that have serious reasons for expedite go ahead and file. It is not my fault that others have to wait. I wish this was easier on everyone. I have been thru hell and back and i am not going to let anyone tell me i dont have valid reasons. Why dont you ship you baby to the us alone for months and have a nanny care for her ? Lets see how you feel.

I have a child. :(
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-28 19:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis
There is an old saying about walking a mile in someone else's shoes.

I think that can apply to quite a lot of comments in this thread. Both sides really.

That being said, to BZMommy, this is what I would say to you. I would be very hesitant to put the health and well-being of my child in the hands of the United States Customs and Immigration Service. Like you, I am a mother. I think I can understand pretty well how upset and worried you might be. But your daughter's care is in your hands. USCIS will listen to your request for an expedite, but it might not be in time for the result you are hoping for. You and your husband have the power to take care of your daughter. Please don't put that care in the hands of a government bureaucracy.

There is a story in the Vietnamese forums of a man whose child died in Vietnam while his wife awaited visa processing. I'm not telling this to frighten you. I am just saying not to count on USCIS for this expedite in as timely a manner as you wish for.

Edited to add that I do very much care about what you are going through.

Edited by Rebecca Jo, 28 January 2012 - 01:03 PM.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-28 12:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis

Childcare help in arizona is actually frozen you know due to the state of the economy they are not being able to accomodate everybody's needs. Also it would have to be a private nanny/ nurse with experience to place the tube as she pulls it out and thats not cheap. I cannot leave my daughter with anyone.

Through DHHR, there might be some care where a nurse would come in daily to take care of these things.

I'm just saying might, but it might not hurt to check.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-28 12:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis
BZmommy -

There are services in the US that could help your husband if he had your daughter over there alone. He would need to talk to Department of Health and Human Services in his area. There is help with care givers.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-28 12:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite news.. Finally got something..
hang in there
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-31 21:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get married so we can start IR-1/CR-1 process
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-23 21:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get married so we can start IR-1/CR-1 process
Where do you really want to get married?

If you want to marry in the UK, there is a visa through the UK that is specifically for that purpose. I believe the fee is nominal and it doesn't take long to get.

Google is your friend. Try "visit for marriage visa UK".
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-23 20:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner/Sponsor (USC) has adequate income still CO wants Joint Sponsor

maiortum, I'm sure you've heard the consulates in India can be difficult. So let's start there. They ask for things other consulates don't, like extra years of the USC's tax returns. They are vigilant about trying to weed out individuals who are using a US citizen's affections to get out of country.

Without any offense intended, I feel you should know some consulates are aware of a practice of USC's looking for someone to assist them as a carer. In other words a true spousal relationship would not exist between the parties. This would be deemed fraud as a sham marriage would exist with mutual benefits for the parties - life in the US for the citizen of that country; a caretaker for the US citizen. Sometimes abuse of the foreign spouse occurs in these scenarios; consulates try to protect the citizens of the native country too. I hope you understand I accuse you of nothing when writing to you here; my writing is for your illumination only.

All that being said, I disagree violently with the information you have thus far been given regarding sufficiency of your I864. "Having enough" is indeed enough as consular officers well know. And as you have previously stated, you've got about $6K income above the minimum. For your reference I attach a link to a USCIS interoffice memorandum dated June 2007 wherein the (at that time) new affidavit was clarified for adjudicating officers.

I would be remiss if I did not note that the problem you are having is with the State Department, and not USCIS. But as you say, your I864 was already vetted by the Service. Consular advisories and notes that we are not always privy to are at work here, yet still the underlying fact remains that the affidavit is sufficient for the Service. I suspect the CO's in Mumbai are aware of this and are aware that a return of the case to the Service for insufficiency of income could be disputed.

So, in short, while I don't suspect any discrimination on Mumbai's part due to your Veteran status, I do suspect they have some doubts about the bonafides of your case. They are waving the I864 about as a way of seeing if you are willing to produce another; not because the first doesn't pass muster. You say you are doing such and including new information which strengthens the affidavit. You say you are seeking a joint sponsor; I unfortunately think you must do that because they insist. I do also suspect they will return the joint sponsor affidavit to your wife as it is not the real issue.

I'll be interested to see if you learn anything from your advocates inquiries to enlighten us. I suspect you won't because the end game is to unite you and your wife. But if you do I hope you'll share them with us. :)

Edited by Rebecca Jo, 20 May 2012 - 07:58 AM.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-20 07:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan a POE be in London?

*** back on topic please. If you wish to discuss the merits of pre-inspection outside of the USA, take it to the Politics forum ****

Excuse me?

No one was arguing. Nothing was wrong. It was just the natural flow of conversation from one related topic to another............

I'm really confused. What are you moderating here?
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-23 05:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan a POE be in London?

So I actually think I figured out one reason it was bothering me. Under international law, countries can't return bona fide asylees, refugees or torture victims to their home countries. So if a refugee makes it to the U.S., the U.S. is prohibited under international law from returning that refugee even if the refugee wouldn't ordinarily be admissible. As a result, many people have accused the U.S. of embarking on the preclearance program as a way of preventing refugees from entering U.S. territory. If aliens always had to be precleared, conceivably no refugee would end up in the U.S. Even if the U.S. did decide that it wanted to grant asylum from an extraterritorial P.O.E., it wouldn't be required to do so under international law. International law would tell that refugee that he needed to stay in Canada, Ireland or the Bahamas but didn't have a right to get on the plane to the U.S.

This is largely academic now, because I'd bet money that all three of those countries have more generous asylum/refugee laws than the U.S., but I am not sure.

Usually, most things that DHS do depends on historical patterns. I'd say it's a fair bet there wasn't much of a pattern at Dublin or Shannon of people turning up wanting asylum.

This is a photo of the facility at Shannon. I remember going through the Dublin facility last June and thinking the signage was pretty far out. :lol:


Edited by Rebecca Jo, 22 May 2012 - 08:19 PM.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 20:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan a POE be in London?

This is the part I don't really believe. Aliens can request certain benefits only from inside the U.S. or at a U.S. port of entry, such as asylum. Asylum seekers either have to be in the U.S. or at a P.O.E. It would be contrary to the purpose of this rule if asylum seekers could petition from Canada. Or, to take another example, what if someone "entered" through a Canadian POE and then tried to adjust status--all without setting foot in the U.S.?

I think there's probably a rule that even if you are inspected for entry at one of the foreign POEs, you're not actually considered admitted until you get on U.S. soil.

I don't believe the declaration of asylum at an airport is an actual petition. More here:

"If, however, the U.S. officials don't want to let you in, you can explain that you fear returning to your home country and ask to apply for asylum.

At that point, things will move very quickly. You may be put into a detention facility while you wait to be sent to a "credible fear" hearing with a USCIS asylum officer, which usually happens within a day or two. The officer does not have the power to approve your request for asylum -- only to decide whether you truly seem to be afraid of persecution and, therefore, deserve to have a judge hear your case. However, the officer has the power to deny people's requests and send them home without further appeals.

If you convince the asylum officer that you have a credible fear of persecution, you'll get no more than seven days to prepare to see an immigration judge -- which can make it very hard to find an attorney and properly prepare your case.

Applying in the U.S. If you successfully make it past a border or entry point and into the United States, you'll have more time to apply for asylum. In fact, you can take up to a year after entering the United States to start the process."
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 19:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan a POE be in London?

Not as absurd as you think. An Iranian refugee famously lived in a terminal in CDG for 18 years: http://en.wikipedia...._Karimi_Nasseri

In certain circumstances, arriving aliens can petition to adjust status right away, and you don't need to find an official to request asylum as you can do it by mail.

I don't know why asylum couldn't be handled at a facility like Dublin. If the officers knew how to handle it. (Old article but interesting).

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 19:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan a POE be in London?
Correcting the corrections.

Dublin doesn't do pre-clearance. It's full stop customs and immigration.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 17:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDublin IS A POE....SERIOUSLY?

I doubt you will avoid any drama, the procedure is the same either way. Yes, Dublin can be a POE as well as London, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and probably many others where the USA has CBP at the foreign airport by agreement with the host country.

The only flights out of London that get pre-clearance are flights routed to Shannon before the plane turns towards the US.

Here's the list of port of entry in other nations:


Edited by Rebecca Jo, 03 September 2011 - 11:20 PM.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-03 23:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDublin IS A POE....SERIOUSLY?
Well, most of the folks who read VJ these days have forgotten the story of how the officer at Dublin threw Wes' I-94 in the bin and said he wouldn't need it! :lol: :P :P
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-03 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGod called him
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-12 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTo Use or Not to use
PS - If you are going to have someone else prepare your petition, use someone with a license in that field.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-04 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTo Use or Not to use

I see date ranges from less than 60 days to more than 100 days for some. CSC seems to be more consistant with time lines than VSC. I was wondering if there was a connection to use or not to use Attorney to file K1 petition as to length of time. I can not figure out why there are such large gaps in some NOA 2 approvals. I know this is only the beginning of the VJ and I chose to use Attorney and the package that was assembled for our journey was complete and in order. But that was before I even knew this site existed :bonk: . IMHO Knowing what I know now and if I had it to do all over again, I think I would have kept my money in my pocket. :thumbs: I have heard horror stories and positive stories on both ways to go about this process. I would like to see some numbers, maybe it will help future VJ's make an informed choice.

Please share your opinion,

Well, you asked or an opinion and you got one! :lol:
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-04 20:47:00