K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Filing Services

I have noticed that there are quite a number of websites that offer visa filing services. Is this recommended? To me it does not seem like it would not be too hard to just do yourself. What do you all recommend?

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-21 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-sponsor affadavit of support question..
Group coverage through employment generally only places a 12 month period on pre-existing conditions.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-04 07:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAmerican engaged to an Englishman, worried about tons of stuff.

I have to say this, and I don't mean to come across as crass or harsh in any way. Please understand the favor you'll be asking of whomever you ask to be a co-sponsor. I would assume that the same person would be your co-sponsor for AOS, and the I-1864 would be in effect for 40 quarters of work (not always 10 years if the beneficiary doesn't have a steady job), until he would naturalize, or death. I'm not calling your relationship into question, but so many people blow right through the severity of this, then later are asking 'how do I get out of this?' I understand everyone has to do what they have to do, but especially to be asking a friend to sponsor your fiance, you really should let them know exactly what they are getting into.

eta: Good luck to you!

If the sponsor is the married partner of the immigrant, and they both are working during the same twenty quarters, then the liablitity ends.

This of course doesn't apply when the sponsor is not the immigrants spouse.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-05 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAmerican engaged to an Englishman, worried about tons of stuff.

I have absolutely no desire to live in England and he wants to get out of there ASAP and has since he was a child, so finding out what good my BSP degree would do me in England is a non-issue because we refuse to live there for a myriad of reasons. Living there is considerably more expensive than it is living in Missouri, jobs are more scarce, even in my field, because they have more people leaving university each year with degrees (upwards of 300,000 new graduates a year in a country much smaller than America) who are unable to find jobs in their field. Our absolute best bet is to stay in America where my family owns a business and can employ Brendan once he's legal to work, whereas in England he hasn't been able to find a job even after getting his A-levels (besides volunteering for Fabian Hamiliton's campaign a few months ago, but that was unpaid).

I don't think you were being cruel but I think you made a lot of inappropriate assumptions about me. You assume that we have "life issues" that we haven't considered. Wanting to be together doesn't mean that we're unable to think clearly about the financial situation going into this as well as what will happen financially once he's here, and we've also been over the fact that marriage isn't sunshine and roses anyway, and that we will definitely fight and have our problems because we're human; not because we're naive or ignorant of what's to come. It is presumptuous to think that all we can think about right now is being together or that we haven't thought about having children, where housing would be affordable (I mentioned in my post that I'm a caretaker and I can't imagine housing being any cheaper than that). Healthcare in both places is bad but in England it's worse. While they do have 'free' healthcare (meaning it's paid for in taxes), they wait in line forever before they're able to be seen. Brendan has been on a list for surgery since August of 2009 and still hasn't been able to get it. Meanwhile, the problem has gotten worse. It isn't life-threatening which is why it's been put on hold, but in America, it will be taken care of in a more timely manner than over a year.

I appreciate your input and I would probably give the same advice to anyone else in my situation, but I feel you made a lot of assumptions about us and think we're being naive and are rushing into something. But we have already been over all of this several times and are constantly going over everything again and again so that nothing is forgotten about, nothing falls through the cracks, and nobody is wearing rose-tinted glasses. Most of what we have obsessed about is what will happen once he's here rather than what is happening right now with us being apart. That's why I joined VJ - I want to see the bumps in the road so they don't sneak up on me, and that's why I'm asking questions before I even file anything.

I wasn't making any assumptions "about you". I was speaking the same advice I would to any UK/US couple in your situation. Meaning young people without kids.

I would disagree with you about the NHS and health care in Great Britain, but that's a political hot topic and there's no point in arguing over it. I know that NHS service varies widely from trust to trust. My spouse has had the opposite experiences from your Brendan. So it's just a "thing", you know?

At any rate, as you seem to be settled on the idea of living in the US, I will reiterate and expound on the part of my advice which you didn't mention. There are areas of the US desperately in need of mental health professionals. You could earn a good living in those areas. You wouldn't need the free room and board you have now because you could afford a decent place. You'd have health insurance. You'd be earning enough that you wouldn't need sponsorship from another person. I suggest you check it out.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-05 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAmerican engaged to an Englishman, worried about tons of stuff.
You are both essentially "free", meaning no dependent children. You should evaluate which country you really want to live in. In both countries, there are employment opportunities BUT you may have to move locations to access them. If your desire is to live in the US, there are states with a shortage of mental health professionals. I'd strongly suggest you research and learn about those opportunities. I'd also suggest strongly you research how your degree would "translate" to employment in Great Britain.

IMO you two have some "life" issues to sort out before you begin the visa process. That might not be what you wanted to hear and I'm truly not trying to be cruel. As you know from being married before, marriage consists of lots of adjustments and compromise. Marrying and asking one of the parties to leave behind everything they know and move thousands of miles from home adds another layer to the adjustment of marriage.

Look at the situation you are in as an opportunity to evaluate how and where you can have a good life together as a couple. Where are the jobs? Where are the cultural activities you enjoy together? Where would you like to raise children? Where is housing affordable? Where is health care affordable and accessible?

I know you want to be together. I remember that desire. But I've been married to my foreign partner for many years now and can't reinforce enough that you need to have a solid economic footing for your marriage to bloom. Now while you are apart all you can think of is being together. You need to look beyond that and try to envision what your life will be once you ARE together. Figure out how to stack the cards in your favor.

Good luck.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-04 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPossible red flag?

You are in the same situation as i am. i had the same thing. BUT i was legally divorced when i filed the I-129F. Foreign affiars manual says that we need to be able to legally marry. I guess we are good. But depending on the consulate they might think the morality of the issue. Lets hope nothing goes wrong.

It's never a morality issue at any consulate.

It's only an issue because of marriage fraud. At "high fraud" consulates one of the oldest tricks in the book is for a foreign beneficiary to get themselves to the US via marriage to a USC; divorce as soon as they have a 10 year greencard; then petition for the former foreign spouse to come to the US.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-02 06:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to calculate wages for Waiter Job?
I'm pretty sure that in order to make a case for tips as income, you'd have to be reporting them on your US tax return.

If he has done this, then he should be good to go.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-02 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad the more waiting???

Administrative Process (AP) takes anything around 4 to 8 weeks. They do some background check and name check in that. If you are clear, nothing to worry.

Sal, that's an incorrect blanket statement.

AP can last as long as the specific consulates cares for it to last. It can be four weeks in London or two years at Casa.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-02 06:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresToughest Countries to get approval from
LoriT - Can you spell cakewalk? :)
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-03 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresshould i use k-1 filing services

do you think i should use the K-1 filing service? it's $159 for the filing process, $600 to go through till the end of the interview, if only subscribe for filing, it seems i am still the one that does most of the work, but at the same time, I really want the filie and process to be error-free.

any suggestions? thank you

Which K1 filing service?
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-12 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need cenomar before filing K-1?

hello,your first order of buisness is the us citizen is to file the i-129f here in usa.this is the us citizens responsibility.of course youll need a copy of her birth certificate and a few various documents from her.file this asap.once approved the next stage will be nvc and the us consulate in manila.there she applies for the visa with all her papers.please read the guides above.dont be affraid to ask questions,weve all been thru this

The beneficiaries birth certificate is not required simply to file the petition.

CENOMAR is needed at the interview. Not to file the petition.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-13 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresC1/D Visa can I still apply for K1????

Hi jonnyquest,

Thanks for your response on my topic but I think you missed the point. I completely understand the rules regarding each individual visa however, my question was:

'can my fiancé apply for k1 visa for me once I hold the c1/d visa or will the c1/d visa make any application fail?'

I do not intend ti enter the country on my c1/ d visa and get married. Nor do I intend on risking the process by going ahead with the c1/d visa if it will directly affect my application for the k1 visa.


Hi Tristan yes I saw that part of your query. But you seemed to ask that question because of the phraseology on the C1/D about adjusting status. So I explained why it was there and what makes it unique from other visas.

As pay clarified, it won't affect anything about your K1.

Stop worrying about it and double-check your previous J visas.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-15 06:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresC1/D Visa can I still apply for K1????

Hi all,

I recently became engaged to my girlfriend of two years from Oklahoma and I am from England. We met working at a summer camp and can't wait to get married! However there could potentially be a spanner in the works.....

I am training to be a naval officer and am required to get a C1/D crewmans visa to finish my qualification exams. The wording of the visa says that a holder may not adjust status to permanent resident. Now I know this seem silly but does that mean that if I have a C1/D visa my application for a K1 visa will automatically fail or does it just start a new visa application process. We plan on getting married Spring/summer 2012 once I have finished my final exam but next summer will be away at sea for 5 months from June to November. When would be the best time for my fiance to file for the visa next year so that I could be sure of being back on english soil to do my bit in November/December/January time? Once she has completed the process at her end and got the authorisation how long do I have to go for an interview in england.

I have had 3 past J1 visas, have never overstayed my welcome, have been visiting every three months and have no criminal convictions so would hope this is a fairly simple process(apart from the paper work)

Hope to hear some replies shortly

The wording means you can't adjust status from the C1/D visa, not from another type of visa.

If a legally inspected alien is on US soil and marries a US citizen, they can file to adjust based upon that marriage. People do this all the time when they've entered on various and asundry visa types. People do this who have entered on the VWP. Canadians do this. In most cases, as long as you have passed legally through US border control, you can adjust status to permanent resident based upon marriage to a US citizen.

Holders of C1/D visas can't do this, even though they were legally inspected when they entered the US. They are one of the few categories of entrants who cannot.

If you enter on your K1, and not your C1/D, you can legally adjust your status. However, you will not be able to go in and out of the US on that crewman's visa while you wait out your adjustment process. You may need to check with the Navy and make sure that won't be problematic.

Oh while I'm at this, you should be checking out your J1's to make sure there is no 2-year home residency stipulation on those visas.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-14 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi Everyone! New to this whole procedure and a bit nervous

so what about this time around just filing for what i have to send in for the first packet for the K1 petition? should I get a sponsor if I'm short, or can I add in my stock account?

Use them.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-17 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi Everyone! New to this whole procedure and a bit nervous

hmm, so i wouldn't need a sponsor then? is there a site that states that?? i tried searching for it but couldn't find it. thank you 1!!

You can't find it because there really are no hard and fast rules for the I-134. All the instructions say is the sponsor must have adequate finances.

So some if not most consulates go by the rules for the I-864, which you will file later on for his adjustment of status. For an income shortfall at that time, the rules are specific that cash assets must be three times what the sponsor lacks (for a family based adjustment).
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-17 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi Everyone! New to this whole procedure and a bit nervous


Yes it counts. But you need to have saved about three times the amount of money you are lacking.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-14 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi Everyone! New to this whole procedure and a bit nervous

Yeah I figured it would be tough though to be honest. I know that just doing what I do now is not going to be able to support us in the long run, and that he definitely would need to have a job, hopefully soon if possible when he does get here. *sigh* I just feel bad because now he's got a promotion at work and it's just really hard. Just a huge decision, that's for sure. I'd be worried about having to get a job over there as well though, cause I know it took a really long time for him to get the job he has now ! I have a feeling he and I have a lot of talking to do!!!!

I can't even imagine the rush! I was so excited that he and I started discussing this :) It's definitely helping :)

Hi Kristen.

Not wanting to be a wet blanket here.

What I'd like to see you and Dan talk about is where IN THE LONG RUN it would be best for the two of you to live your lives.

US/UK couples are lucky because it's relatively easy to get a marriage visa for either country (compared to others).

I read your comment above about Dan wanting to live here in the US because it's "cheaper". :innocent: Now as I said I don't want to be a wet blanket, but I've been traveling back and forth across the pond for many years. Been married to a Brit for ages also. I can tell you for a fact that most people living in Great Britain feel the way Dan does and I've never quite figured out why. Housing is cheaper in the US, yes that's true. But we build 'em cheap over here out of lumber with asphalt roofs. A brick and morter house with a tile roof in the UK lasts forever. As far as everyday necessities go like groceries and clothing, things are the same. Petrol is cheaper here, but we use more of it and drive further to get everywhere, so it comes out in the wash. New cars are a bit more expensive over there, but used cars are far cheaper than a used car here. Not to mention the fact you can effectively live WITHOUT a car over there. Health care. How much does THAT cost in the US compared to the UK?

Talk about these things. They'll matter as your life goes on. Talk about where the cultural activities are you both love. Talk about where your children will get a better education. Talk about HOW you want to live.

Life on either side of the pond can be good.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-02 05:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to close my petition
Amyydukk, I'm sorry this is happening to you. It can't be easy. As usual, Nik & Heather's advice is perfect. As she has said, don't do anything hasty.

My next comments aren't just for you, but for anyone else reading your thread.

I remember all too clearly those days of being apart from my spouse. Those thousands of miles; those time zone differences; those lonely nights. I remember processing for the visa and the heady excitement of every step. Long distance international relationships coupled with the "challenge" of "government interference" is truly the stuff of romance.

I've been in this marriage many years now. It's the best thing that ever happened to me. I always hope it's that way for everyone on these boards. So many times I've read the expression I once used myself - "if we can make it through this, we can make it through anything". The truth of the matter however, is something entirely different. It's not those long lonely nights and international uniqueness of these relationships that destines them to last. Quite simply, what makes these marriages work is the same thing that makes any "domestic" relationship work. It's the quality of character of the people involved and their devotion to each other.

I hope and pray for each of you here at Vj, that your relationships are true, long lasting and fulfilling. I hope you as individual couples are looking at what is the same about each other, and not captivated by what is different. I hope there is no ocean too broad that you would not cross to be together. I hope there is never a clash too broad to separate you once you are united.

And I hope there is healing, for those with the courage to put behind them a lovely memory of a love not known to many.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-01 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is going on in Vermont K-1 visa NOA2 Approval?
October 3rd was - 11 days ago?
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-14 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYou be the consul ! Would we be approved ?

Never said she was. The OP did say for us to put on a consul hat and gave little info for us to judge their chances. If I thought they wanted only rosy answers then I would have not said what I did. As it is though and I have seen from another consulate that CO's look at attempts to enter the U.S. and failings as one of many things to take into account. They also take into account incomes and jobs and many other things. The OP asked for an opinion and I gave it. The OP will for sure receive mostly positive things and of course the OP will now feel good and be happy and discount the negative. I am sure that the OP and his babe will have no probs and live happily ever after.Posted Image

Just as likely as you and yours. :innocent:
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-29 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYou be the consul ! Would we be approved ?

There is a reason many go to Guam and take all these licensing tests. It happens all the time. Guam is still part of the U.S. and the tests there are pretty easy to transfer to any state for licensing. It is cheaper to fly to Guam. Many do this hoping to pass the test and once they have the test results they then apply for a job and get a job visa sponsor. It is a golden ticket.

And this immediately makes her a fraudster?
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-29 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYou be the consul ! Would we be approved ?

Guam is part of the U.S. and if she had passed the test she could have practiced anywhere in the States and the job offers would have come rolling in, you moron.

Not really, txn. She would still have to be licensed and credentialed in any state she was offered a job. Not so easy. I know people who are licensed physicians in China but can only practice to the level of Physician's Assistant in the US.

Not to mention the fact you make a lot of summations about the OP's relationship without seeing all the facts.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-29 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYou be the consul ! Would we be approved ?

She has tried and failed to come to the U.S. and failed by passing that test and failing it. She then finds another avenue for entry. She now finds someone that has little income and every reason to want someone to come and that person is a lot older and invalid.


It was Guam, you idiot.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-29 21:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 I-134 Self-Sponsorship Query

This is incomplete. The wife counts whether they file jointly or not and all children under 21 count no matter where they live or whether they appear on the tax return.

To the OP, the co-sponsor states only their own income, not the joint income and then documents it. A tax transcript won't work for this because it shows joint income. Instead, use a complete tax return with all W2 and 1099 forms so it's clear which income belongs to which individual.

Thanks for clarifying.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-13 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 I-134 Self-Sponsorship Query

Something else just sprung to mind:

If both her parents work, but we go with her dad as the sponsor, does her mom count as a member of the household?

Do you include everyone in the household, or just the dependent members?

Everyone listed on the sponsors income tax return is counted.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-12 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa holder and state based health care

His agreement is with the FEDERAL government. Not the state. If it is a state program there is no violation. Bear in mind that many "state" programs are actually "state run Federal programs" She is not eligible for medicaid, for example, not only because of the I-864 but also because of a 5 year qualification rule for permanent residents. If he DID get her covered by a federal FUNDED program, then he did so by fraud or they gave her the coverage in error.

Every state runs their medicaid programs differently. In some cases the immigrant can qualify.

And Medicaid is never a "state run Federal program". Federal dollars are funneled into many Medicaid programs, but the States run them. And the states make the rules about who can and cannot be assisted.

Besides, we don't even know what program this woman qualified for. It might not be Medicaid.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-18 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer or not

A lawyer guarantees only that you'll finish the process in more time and with less cash. It will take more time because the lawyer can't fill out any of the paperwork without first getting the information from you and your fiance, and if you have to write this stuff down for the lawyer then you might as well be writing it on the forms yourself. You'll have less cash for obvious reasons.

For 95% of people this process is entirely bureaucratic rather than legal. There's nothing a lawyer can do to make things go smoother, unless you just happen to be particularly lazy and don't like reading form instructions. Unless your fiance's friend is an immigration lawyer then he'll be just as much a "noob" to this process as any of us were when we first started. Even if his lawyer friend reads all of the relevant federal laws, as well as the policy manuals for the Department of Homeland Security and Department of State, there are still things about the process that you can only discover with experience. VJ is a repository of the experience of hundreds of people over years of time. There is more collected experience and knowledge here than many experienced immigration lawyers have, and far more than any attorney who doesn't usually practice in immigration.

On the other hand, if your case is one of the 5% where there are difficult problems to deal with - an overstay ban, inadmissibility, certain criminal convictions on the petitioner's record, etc. - then you need an experienced immigration lawyer to assist you.

The home page of this website clearly states that the advice rendered on VisaJourney is not a substitute for competent legal counsel.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-19 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresonly 4 paystubs
sara - there is no reason to immediately believe the affidavit will be denied. What country are we talking about?
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-22 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf Fiance does not get married within 90 days

Quite possibly so. I took that particular section of the post as illustrative or descriptive poetic license as opposed to informative and moved on. Interpretation is in the eyes and control of the reader.

That's true, it is.

The part of newlyweds post that I liked was where they talked about what the immigrant gives up to come to America. You have to admit that gets overlooked sometimes. I have no idea what the membership ratio on VJ is of foreign spouses from developed countries vs. poorer nations. Or nations where there is political strife vs. nations with relative peace. My husband is European. It wasn't his ambition to move to the US despite past political turmoil in his homeland. People from other countries may have a desire to stay in the US even if the relationship which brought them here does not work out. But many many foreign spouses have given up quite a lot to come here. I've always been amazed at the sacrifices of my husband and (because of his sacrifices) my perspective lends to sympathy for the foreign partner whose relationship has failed.

I'm rambling - sorry. I do think some people have another motive besides love when moving to the US. I think some don't and that's where newlyweds was coming from. I think some people here are quick to assume an ulterior motive when the relationship fails. It's better not to assume that and just stick to the facts (as you have said) that the K1 cannot adjust status in the US without marriage to the USC petitioner.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-26 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf Fiance does not get married within 90 days
I think our friend newlyweds2010 is referring to Post #5 in this thread by the member Boing.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-26 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfeels like the end before the beginning...

It might not be enough time together for some countries but for the UK, not such a big deal. We take the good with the bad here. It comes with the territory. The issue works both ways. Both some of those asking the questions and some answering them, don't realize how much difference the country makes in getting or giving useful advice.

Well, people really should look at the country of origin before they answer. Not doing so was a mistake I made when I was new here. It does sometimes frighten the person they are answering. I would hope no one answering a question hopes to make someone fearful.

The reason we need to know the country involved is because we have anecdotal evidence of what happens at the different consulates and what the CO's are looking for. We know one big thing they are looking for is "cultural norms" for a relationship.

I am not so sure that I would go so far as saying one visit is not a big deal for the UK. I don't feel like I know enough about how long ago Lori and Colin spent that two weeks together. It might not be a "deal breaker" as you say; conversely I am certainly not going to say it's a kiss of death that they've begin together only once. I do though specifically remember our CO spotting me come into his field of vision during the interview, and saying "Ah I see she is here so I'm not going to ask you when the last time was you were together". Since that time 6 years ago, I have read of the same question being posed to other UK visa applicants. Not "when did you meet" but "when was the last time you saw each other". I can only surmise this question comes up because of the ease of travel between the UK and the US. And because anecdotally UK/US couples usually take advantage of that freedom and visit as often as possible. Therefore - a cultural norm.

I would really like to see Lori attend Colin's interview. I say that partly based on our experience. My own affidavit of support was weak and I felt strongly about being there in case there were any questions. There were absolutely none. I can't say for certain if my presence made a difference, because I know the UK consulate is not as "picky" about the affidavit as other consulates, and I know that I qualified as a sponsor, though marginally, with child support included. I do believe they put more weight on the legitimacy of the relationship and do not look at "holes" in the I134 as an excuse to issue a denial.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-27 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfeels like the end before the beginning...
I don't understand why your ex-husband is paying your mortgage instead of paying support directly to you? Was this the court ordered arrangement? If not, then is his name still on the note and he is taking the mortgage deduction?

I suppose none of this is my business, except if this is the reason you have deviated from your court ordered agreement, then it's time to change that arrangement. Perhaps you could allow your ex to claim the children on his income tax return, rather than claim the mortgage interest?

Also, as pushbrk said, file your tax return differently than you have in past years. Don't reduce your bottom line as much as in the past. It's a choice many who are self-employed have made in order to make the affidavit of support "work".

sounds like you work quite a bit and have children. my guess is that you don't have a lot of free time to travel. you two met on facebook two years ago. how many times have you been to UK and spend time with one another?? if only once, income is the least of your concern.

She's going through London, not Gangzhou.

The OP might want to consider going to the interview with her fiance. They do usually ask when the last time was the applicant saw the petitioner. They asked my husband the question. I felt better being there.

Edited by Rebecca Jo, 26 December 2010 - 11:43 PM.

Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-26 23:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance not working?

If a personal experience will make you feel better....

We're UK, over 50, and 10 years difference in age. We've zipped through each part of the process from K1 to greencard with no problems or RFEs. London is easy when you get to that part of the process.

I was 47 and the husband was 41 when we went through London.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-28 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresworried about k-1 being denied
Well it doesn't matter whether it's Thailand or London, the dude is going to have to come up with some tax returns at some point. I'd suggest he get those filed.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-07 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Denied

People, don't you realize that with this international relationship and your inevitable dance with USCIS you have to think and act outside your normal box.

Stay at a hotel, even for one night, just to generate that evidence. Generate the evidence. What is so hard about this concept?

It is well known, at least to us VJers, what most folks provide and get by with. You can do the same. You don't have a normal relationship because of USCIS.

When Alla and I met in Kiev for 10 days, we did things together, sometimes for the sole purpose of generating evidence of meeting and to show our relationship.

I would wager that at least half the people in international relationships don't have a clue what they will need to do if they decide to live in the US.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-30 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Denied
Is this petition denied or has the OP just gotten an RFE?
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-30 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSerious question relating to moving to U.S
Dave -

Why not "read ahead" and learn a bit about the process for staying in the US after you have entered it?

I'm not suggesting you dive in and try to learn every next step. But I'd suggest you and your fiancee both take a look at the forms and fees required after your arrival.

Knowledge is power in this process. Getting here is only half the journey. There's more work to be done after you get here so you can legally work and reside permanently in the US. Knowing what those steps are helps ease the mind.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-20 06:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS Testimonies and Speeches

she pops up in every thread and yams on about how its not our right to have our spouses imigrate here. That comment alone is pure ignorance as to 1) what our country is founded on 2) If it is a privilege then who decides who deserves that privilege and who doesnt? 3) the simple fact that a right is not something that is given, have you not heard natural born rights? thats enough of these threads really some people are just ..... I dont know fill in the blank, thats why the OP left the thread and I will do the same.

I think you are just upset because you are waiting. That is natural.

We've had these conversations around here before about "rights" and I've heard others talk of "natural born rights".

Immigration law does give you the right to petition for your spouse. But really, that's about the end of it. Unfortunately.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-21 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS Testimonies and Speeches

Villaspurs, go and shove it, you posted the same thing on many threads and your arogance and ignorance is unmeasurable. Im not even going to bother and argue with your twisted logic as to what our rights are. There is no such thing as privileges between people and goverments only rights. ONLY DICTATORS GIVE PRIVILEGES TO THE PEOPLE.

Gocka, I don't see any arrogance or ignorance in what villaspurs has posted. She's telling you the truth.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-21 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled USCIS

I don't need to answer u.

Ramisgreat, what do you think would happen to VisaJourney if all the members who were already reunited left the site? Do you think there would be any information on here for people like you who are still in the thick of the process?

My husband's case was processed in 2005. Since that time, he came to the US and we got married. It's been five years now. Five years. It's hard to explain to you and the others how this whole mess fades away once it's over.

For those who stick around though, i guess we want to help or we still wouldn't be here. I've always wished we could be some sort of "beacon of hope" for the rest of you. Like, look we survived it all! We remember it; we know it sucks; we lived to tell about it; you can too.

We tell you the reality. We tell you how to get through it. We tell you it will pass. Some people say things differently than others. But saying that those of us who are reunited don't remember - well that's just wrong. We must remember or we still wouldn't be here trying to help you out.

I hope you get what you want soon. Then you will understand.
Rebecca JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-23 08:34:00