Middle East and North AfricaHow to deal with leaving
Happy Anniversary Jeanne & Wael ! (L)
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-10-28 12:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaMedical Exam..
Off topic BUT Good morning Julianna !
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-05-28 10:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMedical Exam..
Come on Kat, don't be hard on the guy. We really don't know anything about him other than what he's posted recently & he does handle the criticism well and to me he seems genuine.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-05-28 09:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaI got a call from consulate
So a legit question Zagray. Regardless of why anyone here thinks you were denied... out of the reasons it could be... Why do you think you have been denied?

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 05 November 2012 - 07:42 PM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-11-05 19:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaOath Ceremony for Hubby
I introduce our newest US CItizen, my husband.... Adam Yussif! Name Change granted!!! :dance: There was 105 people there getting sworn in & he was the only Egyptian :)

Now to rest and then dinner party tonight for family/friends!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-11-07 13:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaOath Ceremony for Hubby
A day & a half to go! :dance:
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-11-05 23:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaOath Ceremony for Hubby
Yayyyy Hubbys Oath Date is November 7th at 8:30am :dance:
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-10-13 13:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaOath Ceremony for Hubby

Mabrook !

Wassim, I'll be planning a getogether meetup in Houston again in celebration of Adams citizenship so I'll keep you & Shatha posted on when we get a date set!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-10-10 20:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaOath Ceremony for Hubby
Hubby requested a name change so hopefully it will be correct. Im curious to know for those of you ladies who's hubbys already became a citizen.. did any of them request a name change and how was the process of changing everyyything over afterwards!? Oh, and I'll be letting everyone know hubbys name change over on my fb page after he has his certificate in hand! Very few know which is a few in my family and his mother but no one else knows so it will be exciting to share for us!

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 10 October 2012 - 08:19 PM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-10-10 20:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaOath Ceremony for Hubby
Thanks!!! :star:
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-10-10 18:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaOath Ceremony for Hubby
Ok so finally here's our update!!!

On October 9, 2012, we scheduled you for your oath ceremony and sent a notice providing the date, time, and location. If you move prior to the scheduled ceremony, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

Sooooooo exciting! I'll be checking the mail every day to find out the date of his oath!!! Plus, my grandmother who is an American citizen born in Germany wants to attend his ceremony with us! I cant wait to call her up & give her the date !!! Keep ya'll posted!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-10-09 18:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

Don't know what people think about me when i speak openly about everything.. Am i evil? am i disrespectful when everyone is adult here??
I'm freeeeeeeeeeee
talk freely
don't give a damn what people will think about me

I'm not angry, see??
I'm just avoiding to get bored with serious people here..

Ok and when you openly disrespect Arabs then cry over no one liking your opinions... certainly glad you can care less... as some of us can care less what your opinions are of Arabs. How many arab friends do you have?
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-09-13 20:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

I said many times that my English is bad. so what?

Lighten up Zagray. I just prepped you for your interview! and you failed! Dont crush under pressure dude.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-09-13 19:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

They're double faced.. that's my opinion.. why you told me it's just rude to say that, when you don't know a damn thing about them?

I'd love to have a double faced hubby.. he's so damn sexy! :blush:
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-09-13 19:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

All citizen us women here in this forum love their Arabic men and they know they're not double faced and they respect others opinions but you.. my question is why you felt like i was talking about you???

Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself how awesome you are... Or reach your hand behind your back & pat yourself on the shoulder and tell yourself how awesome you are. :star:

Seriously, just go back and reread your comment here: "I don't know what to say but i know an unfortunate thing about Arabic people, they are double faced, living hypocritical life.."
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-09-13 19:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

I don't know why you told me it's rude.. why didn't you respect my opinion knowing i didn't harm you??? i was not even taking to you.. now you tell me its immature comment..

You asked opinions about Arabs, then you insult them. Ok, so I told you my opinion. Dont cry over it.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-09-13 18:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

Yet, i didn't attack your man, friends and his family, Those people you know must be perfect like prophets without doubt.

Another immature comment Zagray.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-09-13 18:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

Oh! did my words touch you?? I'm talking about the fact.. i was not talking about your man.
It's rude to let me know that my opinion was rude what i'm talking about the fact not your man.

my man and his family and my ARAB friends in America and in Egypt havent portrayed anything what you accuse ALL of them to be like.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-09-13 18:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

yeah it's wow and sad. hahaha

No, its just rude thats all. Love life with my african arab ... soon to be african american

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 13 September 2012 - 06:29 PM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-09-13 18:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??

I don't know what to say but i know an unfortunate thing about Arabic people, they are double faced, living hypocritical life.. This is only my opinion.

Wow, umm just Wow!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-09-13 18:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
I like Adam Michael or Omar Michael for a son

and for a girl I like Hanaa Yasmeen (arabic) or Hanna Yesmina (hebrew)

Definitely going to incorporate hebrew and arabic names when the time comes.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-10-28 11:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoodlebug?
I thought Bridget is married to an Egyptian ?
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-11-19 21:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaOregon Shooting
I just heard about the Oregon Mall shooting & am watching it on the news. If Im not mistaken I believe Sandinista lives near the area? Hope all is ok for you if that is near you. -Tamara

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 12 December 2012 - 03:13 PM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-12-12 15:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage Registration and Egyptian Citizenship Questions
I thought the OP was Aya ( & John)...
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-12-24 09:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaHusband here 4 years Christmas Day
Congrats to you ladies & Merry Christmas!!! Adam will be here 5yrs on January 9th, just became a US Citizen last month and we are about 6 1/2 yrs into our married life! Loving life with him!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-12-24 21:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhich names to book ticket
Same for mine. His first name then his first middle name which is his fathers first name then the family name. Omitted was the 2nd middle name which is the granfathers first name.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-12-31 19:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhich names to book ticket
I'll see if Adam can remember when he bought his ticket 5yrs ago what he put since he had 4 names back then.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-12-29 20:45:00
Middle East and North Africa9 years ago today
Happy 9th Anniversary O & W!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2013-03-18 18:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April

Jalal, I'll be praying for your family! 

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2013-04-30 20:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
Congrats to you!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-09-27 15:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
12hours til our anniversary!!! Gonna get the house all clean & get packed for tomorrow bcz we are heading to Galveston for a few days! Hoping for some good weather !!!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-07-21 12:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
work sucks!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-07-07 01:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
I remember back home in Georgia at our apartment, we left Adams hookah on our front porch. I was about to head out the door for work and decided to check on something for the cats. I went into the living room and heard this thug sound! I had the blinds closed but I could see right down the blinds that someone had jumped over our railing of our porch and had something in his hands. I went outside when the guy ran off and realized he stole Adams hookah... went to go make the report at the apartment & police report.... kinda awkward explaining a hookah to them when we lived around druggies... was like ... you know some people use this for sheesha.... the flavored tobacco.... pretty darn sure thats not what it was going to be used for from then on !

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 27 June 2012 - 06:44 PM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-06-27 18:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
Adam just got his receiver from and we now have like 700 arabic channels ... O.M.Gosh!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-06-25 15:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

Egyptians elected Morrissey :P

Adams family isnt too happy about it except his sister. All of our close friends rather Shafiq. Lesser of the two evils, Shafiq in our opinion. Alot of unhappy Egyptians!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-06-24 23:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
Watching CNN & Al Jazeera to see whats going on with Egypt and who they have elected!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-06-24 09:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThanksgiving in MENA forum

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Its been forever since I've posted in here as I've had a crazy year. 1 with having my brother, his wife, 4yr old nephew & 6yr old niece temporarily moved in with us in March because my brother had to have a major back operation from getting hurt on his job in Louisiana.  And then for my own health with 2 blood clots in my leg since June.  The smaller one was about 3 inches further down my leg & the higher one was 8 inches.  Last week was my 5th venous doppler & it said the smaller one was gone & the larger one is now down to 3 inches.  Been taking a full adult aspirin a day since August. Its been a hectic year for sure.  Thankfully, my store manager has let me work with the personnel manager my 5 days a week to hire & train new employees instead of running around & all over the store as a front end supervisor.  


Adam & I are doing great.  He took a promotion with asset protection & transferred closer to home with the company.  I hope everyone is doing well, had a good thanksgiving with family & a wonderful soon to be Christmas time & New Year.  heart.gif  Tamara 

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2013-11-30 22:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaSnow in the Middle East! December 2013

Beautiful!  Adam was shocked about the news of snow there and in Alexandria!  He's been asking every week when we will be getting snow down south in Houston... as if I have a magic ball lol   It would be nice down here though, we're feeling a little left out.   

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2013-12-12 22:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMerry Christmas to my MENA friends

Merry Christmas VJ Peeps!  This year totally flew by. Last year this time if I were to guess how my year would have went I would not have thought things would happen the way they have with us taking in family into our home to temporarily help support, 2 blood clots & now as of last week our first vehicle accident where we were hit. We are good & our jeep is still in the shop getting fixed.   Also, Im about 2 days away from officially announcing to my co workers that I will be the new HR assistant at my job- something I talked about 2 years ago but this blood clot issue has led me to being in there to help out to the opening and position for me to be in permanently this coming Monday.  In all things give thanks & I'm thankful for yet another year with my husband by my side.  heart.gif  Tamara 

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2013-12-21 23:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Gardens
Its exciting how many different ways to make vegetables into something totally different. My neighbor made that pie & I told her I'd google the recipe & make it this week. She also made homemade salsa all from veges from her garden. That salsa is fantastic! Way better than I've ever eaten anywhere else actually. I can totally taste a difference from the veges in her yard vs buying them from a regular grocery store. There is a big difference!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-06-14 19:49:00