Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Here's my one thought for the day... found it on a friends facebook page:

I blame Eve for my never ending piles of laundry. If it weren't for her, we'd all still be naked. And I'd have hours of more free time!

Now, thats the truth! :lol:
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-10-20 21:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Skipbo is a card game, absolutely fun!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-10-20 19:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Hey! Happy Wednesday! Hope all is well. Things are great over here! Did my workout last night with one of my sister in laws. We like to go together real late at night, bcz theres almost no one in the gym and we can freely move around on all the machines. This morning I made sweet potato casserole and rested most the day.
Jeanne, I neverrrrr get a flu shot... I've known about 3 people who got violently sick a couple of weeks after that shot that just seemed to make the flu 10 times worse.
I'm chillin with the sister in laws around here, probably going to take the one from Louisiana out to dinner then play skipbo with her, the other sister in law from here and my mom.
Adam is still sick but he went into work. Hopefully he wont be stuck there the full 12 hours, I feel bad for him.

Hope every one has a great evening!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-10-20 17:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Hey Mena Peeps! Happy Tuesday! So glad Monday is over with! Im off for two days and today at 3pm I have a doc appt to see if the cyst on my right ovary is better or worse. Trying to get pregnant is simply not that simple for me but I'm going to continue to do my checkups and keep trying.

The house situation is going smoothly and nearly finished, we just got the appraisal in and all is well with that. Im going from Lowes and Walmart picking out color tabs to figure out what colors we will paint the house. Adam has worked 19hrs of overtime last week and will continue to do so.
On the citizenship note: My brother in law (sisters husband from India) is eligible in December to apply for citizenship. Adam is eligible in August next year. Time is flying by for that!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 19 October 2010 - 01:19 AM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-10-19 01:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
And Jenell & AndSam... yah, that is one of the biggest reasons I wanted to leave Atlanta after 12 years there. The crime is horrible! Our apartment complex got robbed about 8 different times in 1yr. My walmart had been robbed at the service desk and at gun point. That was my night to close but I had to work earlier that day so it was my coworker that got robbed and the cashier had the gun to her head. My SS # DOB, phone number and name had been stolen last year and used all up.... even used back in Atlanta while I've been here in Texas. We had women robbed at knife point and gun point in the walmart parking lot, alot! I've been stalked by a male when leaving a store and he tried to get inside my car with me, then when I backed out, he got into his car right across from mine and tried to follow me in the parking lot. It was wayyyyy toooo much!

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 15 October 2010 - 11:36 AM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-10-15 11:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Hey Mena Peeps!

Paper work is all signed and sent off back to the loan office to start on our loan, hoping it will be finished by our closing date of Nov 5th.
Jeanne, I've tons of ideas but havent bought any paint yet bcz I'm waiting til our closing date. The living room and kitchen run right into each other. As soon as you walk in through the front door you see the kitchen back wall... I'm thinking to do a candy apple red color on the front and back wall and a lime green or mint green on the living room and kitchen side walls. I'm also looking for someone artistic to paint Eygptian murials on the computer room for Adam. The other room, master bedroom, the bathroom and laundry colors are all undecided at the moment.

Adam has been working 12 hour shift for 5 days at a time, then off 2... I think he'll be doing that for 2 months. So, 20 hours of overtime a week is going to be nice on the next paychecks from here forward!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Aya, that is crazy about the price of the hospital! Was going to a regular doc clinic possible? I believe that would have been less expensive... And on the bill you have... you can ask if you can just pay alittle at a time, as long as its payments being made, they should be fine.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-10-15 11:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
LOL Sandy!!! Your profile picture cracked me up! :lol:
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-10-06 19:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Yay to all the baby news! Congrats to you ladies! I'm having a killer week... Adam has been getting home around 330am from work and I have to be up at 430am for work, so I get woke up at 330am, then officially get up at 430am for work! Tiring!

For our good news, the contract on the house is officially agreed to well in our favor... The loan has started in process today. 4.5% fixed interest, 100% financing no down payment! Im really excited and cant wait to sign on closing day!!!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-10-06 18:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Hi Ladies! Good morning! The home inspection on the house we want to buy went really good! A couple of things that are minor the seller will be asked to fixed, then we can proceed for the loan! Adam is about to start working 12 hours a day soon and today and tomorrow is our only days off together for awhile. We are going to spend today with my grandparents, going to Frys electronics store which is Adams and my grandfathers favorite place outside of fishing. Then out to eat with them and visit a few relatives around town. Hope everyone has a great day!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-10-02 11:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Hey Mena Peeps! Happy Friday! I cant believe its October 1st! This year is flying by! Hope everyone is having a great day. Adam and I are off Friday-Sunday... then after that he will start working 12 hour days at work and one of his days off. Lots of over time coming soon! We just found out that our paper work for the house was signed off and sent to the title company, so tomorrow morning we will be having a home inspection! Im so excited about this house and keep thinking about when we get it all the different colors we will be picking to paint all the rooms. I like bright, so it will be a very colorful house!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-10-01 13:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Good morning MENA ladies! I love this time of year!!! The weather in eastside Houston has been awesome! Much cooler and I love it!
The seller of the house we have looked at has agreed to a price with us, agreed to pay $4100 of the closing cost, offered to give us $1200 for appliances such as stove and refridgerator and buy us a $450 home warranty! Sooooo different than with the first house we looked at. Now we will be getting a home inspection on it and working our way to the closing!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-09-28 12:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
So, we are watching The Titanic and I see Adam staring at Leonardo DiCaprio... Im asking him ... Wow you're really into the movie huh?! He says, "The kids in school used to say I look like him when I had hair!" ... then I burst out laughing! :rofl:
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-09-25 22:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Good Morning Amal and Jeanne! (L)
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-09-25 10:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Good Morning Mena Peeps! This is the last of my 3 days off, I'll be working 5 on then off for next 3 days of the weekend!
We bidded on a 3 bedroom 1bath, carport brick house yesterday. Down the street from my family and we found out the mayor of our city owns it! Sooooo, this might be the one for us! We are working on a loan that is 100% financing with 5% interest and no down payment required. This house is beautiful and plenty of space for us! Im really praying this is the one!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-09-25 10:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaFort Hood, Texas Military Base Shooting
QUOTE (Safiya&Samir @ Nov 17 2009, 12:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
PTG, I think you have good intentions, but I don't think you can understand what it's like to get dirty comments and stares all the time when you just want to go about your life. I don't like feeling like an outsider. It's painful, and sometimes it's incredibly dangerous. During the war in Gaza almost a year ago, someone almost ran me down with their car in a grocery store parking lot. I'm just glad my son wasn't there, because I can't even how much more painful it would have been to feel his terror on top of mine.

And someone saying "I don't believe in God," is really not the same as random people saying, Oh you're Muslim, oh well then EXPLAIN this!! all the time.... I used to make videos on youtube, and I really enjoyed it, but I had to walk away after awhile because I just felt so down by being attacked all the time. Every time I said anything about anything, someone would come in with their snide comments and be like, Oh did your husband let you out of the house today? Or something like that.

Please, just.... I don't know why it hurts you so much that others feel attacked and hurt. Do you want to argue us out of our feelings? You seem like you're trying to invalidate our experiences since you have not experienced the same things. Leave it be.

Bcz it really seems like 'some' keep the chip on their shoulder every single day. Do you feel like a victim every single day? It seems like some people day after day after day feel like they are getting attacked or hurt. Im just sayin' dont keep carrying all that on your shoulders all the time.

and btw, I dont have to be muslim or wear a headscarf to go thru the same stares or similar questions. I had a jewish mother, grew up in an adopted home became a Christian, girls in my family ONLY wore long dresses and skirts for all the teenage years even on vacation to Colorado in the freezing cold or in the summertime vacation to Florida wherever, was homeschooled, didnt date, went to church ALL the time and anytime the doors were open literally. Got alot of questions and alot of stares all the time. I just dont dwell on it on a daily basis as I feel some people do.

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 17 November 2009 - 12:01 AM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-16 23:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaFort Hood, Texas Military Base Shooting
Well Palm Tree Girl
I have friends and family of different religions also. I don't hate them. I don't insult them either. Nor do I insult what they believe. But making comments that insult my faith yes I have a problem with that. If you disagree that is different than making puns and degrading things taken at my faith , at Allah, Quran and so on. That is not acceptable to me and I have no compassion or feeling for that person. If I feel angry at that degradation of my faith I have that right.

Do I feel hated because I am Muslim? Yes there are People who hate Muslims. I can not change that. Do I feel angry at a bunch of young, uninformed, mislead who go to a Muslim Country and desecrate Mosques, Qurans and brag about it? Yes I do. I feel even more angry that is is done in the name of my freedom under the flag of MY country. As I also feel angry at those who take innocent lives, those of their own people in the name of a faith I adhere to. When it is clearly not actions that have to do with my faith.

Honestly, there is people doing that but NOT every single person from our Country in the military that is in foreign countries are doing that. Just like there have been suicide bombers in Pakistan, India, Egypt ect blowing up their own mosques, and their own people, or destroying churches. Its a shame any of those things are happening whether its coming from our country men or their own country men. Neither is right. I almost think that you feel its coming from ALOT of our own people.

Do I get angry if I am in the super market and someone asks me about my head covering? NO Do I get angry at my neighbors, or my children s friends who don't understand what they are saying and just repeat the rhetoric they see and hear on tv? NO I try to inform them. Do I get angry at people who are educated and know what they are saying such as Evangelical preachers on tv that say Islam is Evil.?I should not feel they hate me? they do.So it is my duty as a Muslim as well as other Muslims to inform people as often as we can. And leave the rest.

I have experienced hate in my own family. My brother who served in the Air force and is now working for a military contractor and my cousin who used to work in the Pentagon made some comments on my facebook.. i deleted them. i guess i wont be talking to my brother anytime soon.
Since I was raised Christian I know all about Christianity, I can debate anytime. However I would never ever ever NEVER insult and degrade what they or any Christian believes.

And as for the hate. Im going to tell you straight up that I dont agree with many things in Islam. My beliefs are different than what islam teaches , but I will tell you that Jesus told us Christians not to hate even our own enemies, (not that anyone in here is my enemy). I dont even agree with what some evangelical preachers on tv might say bcz I honestly doubt they are speaking in love regarding how Christ asked us to speak. I have muslim family (even before I met my husbands family) I have muslim friends way before Sept 11th. I dont hate ANY of them even though I dont agree with many things they believe. Have you ever met someone who really loved you but they just didnt agree in believing what your religious beliefs are? I really believe that is possible, but there probably isnt alot like that. And that is exactly where I stand.


~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-16 23:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaFort Hood, Texas Military Base Shooting

I agree with you that we should let things roll off our shoulders sometimes. And have maybe even some compassion for ignorance. However , if someone insults Allah (God), Prohpet Mohammad(pbuh), the Quran ... I have a major problem... and its my right to have that problem..

So Merijan, do you honestly feel yourself hated on bcz some people dont like Allah, Mohamed or the Quran?

just curious about that bcz I have friends that are all different religions and I honestly dont feel hated bcz they dont agree with christianity or the bible or even if they dont choose to believe in GOD.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-16 19:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaFort Hood, Texas Military Base Shooting
well for me, If someone wants to insult GOD, or Jesus Christ or Christianity or the Bible... thats for GOD to judge and I'll honestly try my best not to make a problem with it and not assume that the world is against me. Bcz in the end, they wont be answering to me anyways, so here on earth I should just let it go. Again, theres not that many people in a days time IMO that make MTNS out of molehills.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-16 19:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaFort Hood, Texas Military Base Shooting
This is OT from the Ft Hood tragedy, but here is something I wanted to say in regards to people feeling like they are hated.

Heres how I try to look at things in life. I'll give work for an example since Im a manager and always there. Surely in nearly every day theres going to be "someone" whose going to say something ugly, something smart, call you out your name for whatever the reason, but in every day theres a thousand more people that are kind, sincere, good hearted. I dont let the one customer get me down the whole day, week or my lifetime bcz of something they did or said to me. Maybe more people need to keep looking at life like that. It really does make life go smoother. I dont feel hated on bcz one person makes a christian joke or comment, or stare at me when I wear long skirts or dresses covering my legs, or when people ask me what my religion is ect. I focus on all the good people out there that crossed my path through the day than to worry about one person who tried to get on my nerves.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-15 22:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaFort Hood, Texas Military Base Shooting
just a note to add. No, my husband hasnt legally changed his muslim name. People still know it and he isnt bothered by it. He goes by Adam anyways and we go by his last name when referring to our last name even though one day he will have it changed by his own choice, not bcz hes been harassed for having a muslim name. No one has treated him differently around here since the murders at Ft Hood and I assure you they all know hes Egyptian Arab.

So to answer the OPs question... my husband is doing just fine in life with his muslim name, being Egyptian Arab after 9/11 and after Ft Hood.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-15 21:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaFort Hood, Texas Military Base Shooting
bcz he had hate in his heart that he acted out on... Murder is always an act of hate and always comes from an evil heart.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-15 11:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaFort Hood, Texas Military Base Shooting
Well its a shame that the terrorists that flew into the buildings, pentagon and ground didnt care to think about how the ripple affect would hurt muslims worldwide. Neither did Hasan think about how his brother and sister muslims would be affected for what he did. Those guys and like OTHER people that murder innocent lives carelessly dont think about how it affects other groups of people at all. I care primarily to not loose sight on the ones that tragedy hit. Us who are alive and have no bullet holes thru us and no memories of seeing co workers falling to the ground or a building crush on them... I think the rest of us handling criticism or insults will Be OK in life.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-15 09:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaFort Hood, Texas Military Base Shooting
What I want to add is that not only did the 13 loose their life, but over 30 others were SHOT. Nearly 50 people had their and their families lives changed forever. That is a tragedy. Its not about peoples visas, or what religion any of us are... its all about the lives lost, and the lives now changed forever. rose.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-15 00:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaT.G.I.F!
Ive got work for the next 5 days... This weekend Fri-Sun Im 2-11pm yikes! BUT ... Im very thankful that in 9 yrs with Walmart this is my first Thanksgiving O.F.F. ! kicking.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-20 14:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday!
Good Morning Jeanne, Charles and Jackie energy.gif Enjoy your day!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-21 11:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed your prayers please !!!
Still on my mind and in my prayers! heart.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-20 13:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed your prayers please !!!
Thank you for letting us know... heart.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-19 20:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed your prayers please !!!
Im very sorry to hear this! rose.gif I would think if by the morning he doesnt show improvement he should go to the hospital. Im praying for Nathan and for you! heart.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-19 19:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday's here!!
Have work today from 2-11pm Its afternoon time for me! Hope everyone has a nice day energy.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-22 12:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Monday!!!
Annie, I forgot to tell you to drain the liquid out the canned corn.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-24 00:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Monday!!!
Adam loves the cream cheese corn dish. VERY easy. Heat up some kernal corn on the stove flavor with some salt and pepper. Once its HOT, add about 1/2 the bar of the philly cream cheese to it. Mix it up and serve warm!

Then down below is the Spinach cheese casserole VERY easy as well!


2 pkgs. frozen spinach, cooked and squeezed dry
1 lg. container cottage cheese
1-1 1/2 c. shredded Cheddar or Jack cheese
2 eggs
2 tbsp. butter
2 tbsp. flour

Melt butter in oven or microwave casserole dish. Add flour and 2 eggs. Mix well. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Salt and pepper to taste. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour in conventional oven. On high in microwave for 25-30 minutes

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-24 00:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Monday!!!
Im drained from work! Gotta get thru tomorrow... then Im off Wed and Thanksgiving day. My first Thanksgiving off in 9yrs... We will have grandparents, mom, adam and I, my sister, her husband and 2 little girls, a brother and his wife and their 3 daughters. Full house for Thankgiving but missing awhole lot more brothers and their families. I gotta get my thoughts together and figure out what all I plan on making. Defintely got the cranberry sauce and dinner rolls and ham. Thinking about making a spinach cheese casserole and a cream cheese corn dish.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-24 00:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaDHL Confusion
Unfortuneately, Adam didnt get packet 3 that had his interview date... We found out from online and by emailing them. So sorry thats no help Aya!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-19 16:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
Oh gosh, cant wait to get this work day OVER with! Adam came home and started reading VJ kicking.gif another VJ addict in the house!!! bwahhaha devil.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-24 11:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaWEDNESDAY
Definitely had a HUGE scare this morning. Adam was off work last night and woke up around 4am and went online looking at some sales. He decided he wanted to go to my Walmart to see what sales they had, and buy something. He was running out of gas so he stopped at a gas station about 3 miles from my walmart around 5:30am He was the only person pumping gas but there was a car parked up front with two guys. Once he started pumping his gas the guys left their car and went over to him while he was pumping gas, didnt speak to him but kept circling his car and staring at him. He jumped into his car and they went around to the gas tank lid and flipped it open for whatever the reason but Adam didnt get out his car he took off. He called me right after that bcz he still wanted to go into my store, I was freaked out by that.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-25 16:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
I have a date with Massage Envy at 4pm!!! kicking.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-19 16:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Happy Thursday ! Im enjoying my day off ! energy.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-19 10:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaBLACK FRIDAY!
Im Home now! I SURVIVED the Blitz... thoroughly exhausted!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-27 13:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaWelcoming a new MENA munchkin :D
Congrats on your daughter! heart.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-21 11:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Thanksgiving '09
Lunch being served will be: Turkey, Ham, Lamb. Mashed potatoes n gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, rolls, sweet potato casserole, greenbean cassserole, corn casserole, cream cheese corn, stuffed grape leaves, deviled eggs, spinach casserole, pumpkin pie, chocolate pie, fruit salad, pecan pie, and lemon pie.
We have great grandmother, grandparents, mom, step dad, adam,me, sister, her husband and 2 daughters, a brother, his wife and 3 daughters and anyone else in the neighborhood that wants to show up!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2009-11-26 08:56:00