Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
I don't think the hijab rule could really apply to a man, for them I think its all about actions.[/quote]
In Islam, the hijab rule applies to both. They have to cover themselves from, at the very least, navel to knees. The beard is also a must (some don't agree... depends on your school of thought I guess).
They also have to lower their gaze and not mix unnecessarily with non related women as a part of modesty.

IMHO, the fact that some women find beards attractive is not a reason for men not to wear them.... some men find women in hijab attractive.... there are veil-fetish-perverts all over the web! mad.gif but that doesn't mean women shouldn't wear it. (eta: the mad face is for the perverts not you lol)

So, why would the beard be considered a must? There are alot of muslim men who either dont know that or dont believe that and what happens if they dont have a beard? and surely all men should lower their gaze but unfortuneately that doesnt happen all that often. I cant stand seeing a man staring at a woman so hard that their eyeballs crawl out and follow her ! And it happens in all cultures and religions!

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2008-07-25 19:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Alhamdulillah @ Jul 17 2008, 10:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Virtual wife @ Jul 17 2008, 07:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hijab and modesty aren't only for women. What do your men do to not be attractive to other women?

He cuts all his flippin curls off!!!! mad.gif ranting33va.gif
You're right though and this ticks me off about a lot of men.... you'll see women covered up head to toe at the store and her husband wearing shorts and tight tank tops! That really gets my goat!

agreed! good.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2008-07-17 21:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Virtual wife @ Jul 17 2008, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hijab and modesty aren't only for women. What do your men do to not be attractive to other women?

grrrrrrrrrrrreat question VW!!!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2008-07-17 19:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Jul 17 2008, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In Islam any step u take for the sake of Allah is counted and Allah will reward u for it... so some women do more with the intention of pleasing their Lord.

well that being said and the case, then why do they question sooooooooo often my muslim co workers about the way they choose to dress?
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2008-07-17 18:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
im always wondering why here in USA where the pressure or culture or tradition isnt so dogmatic why does women feel the need to be extremely modest or why does the husbands demand that? more often do I see the muslim women who come shopping with the 5 or 6 or so children all dressed head to toe in dark color and face mostly hidden followed by a husband wearing shorts, t shirt and flip flops going grocery shopping? Sure modesty is the best way to go but really is it that necessary for all that ? It brings more of the wrong kind of attention to them by looks, stares, and questions than anything.
I work with alot of muslim women and most all but not all dress with the head covering and long sleeves which to me is perfectly modest and they get questioned by the total covered (hands,feet, face) ladies about why they dont do that... whats the point ? why the question as to why my muslim co workers choose not to dress that extreme? I even had one of the above mentioned ladies ask me why I wore gloves over my hands and if it was for religious reasons...

just my thought and questions... rose.gif

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2008-07-17 18:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Alhamdulillah @ Jul 17 2008, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (crazyinEgypt @ Jul 17 2008, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would think that a man would want their wife to look good when he's out with her.

Not mine. He doesn't want other men looking at me or flirting with me nor does he have any desire to show me off like I'm on display. He's quite jealous and protective of me.
I also don't consider myself "ugly" without makeup so it's not like when I go out with him he's with some kind of hideous monster wacko.gif Makeup, hair color and hair bows are just that little something extra to make me feel like a princess for my prince biggrin.gif
We don't go out a lot where men and women mix anyway....

agreed to disagree innocent.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2008-07-17 17:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
hey Rajaa! Hope you are doing great !!! rose.gif
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2008-07-15 20:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Had a woman this week at my job talking on the phone and used GODS Name with a curse word... I said out loud... thats Blasphemy! and she didnt even budge... but the lady in front of me said .... yah thats right...
some people have no concept of that ...

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2008-06-28 09:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (julianna @ Jun 28 2008, 05:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (palilover @ Jun 28 2008, 03:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dumb question maybe. But how ocme some people write God as G-d? I saw that in Jewish sites (I don't remember why I was looking up Jewish site, lol) and now here.

There is the English word "god" which can refer to any number of gods. Of course our English word God refers to YHVH, which is His Holy Name. G-d is in rememberance for Elohim, the Hebrew title for "my God" (actually, grammatically, it's "the G-d of me") of as we would use "God." L-rd is in deference to the actual word Adonai, which means "my L-rd." (the L-rd of me). HaShem is another title which is sometimes used in replacement for either, which means "the Name."

For certain Orthodox groups, the usage of Elohim and Adonai are restricted to religious-only settings, and they will either stick with HaShem, Elokim (intentional mispronunciation), or AdoShem, etc.

The English way to account for the names in the texts is usually with capitalization. If you read an Eglish Bible, you'll see sometimes there is God, and sometimes GOD. GOD means Elohim was used in the Hebrew, and God is either El or something else like HaShem which was meant to replace the title. LORD is in replacement of Adonai. We really only have those two words we use as direct titles. YHVH is replaced with I AM quite often, and sometimes GOD. Sometimes they try to spell it out with vowels, but no one knows the vowel points anymore and it is not good to even try.

Some also say it is also to avoid erasing or using the name of G-d in vain, since you didn't fully write it out in the first place. It's a reverence across the board, though.

Hope that helped smile.gif

good.gif very true! and its shows the highest reverence to HIS Name ... and unfortuneately too many people take their Creators name in vain without thought to HIS Holiness... HIS Name is above any name on earth! !
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2008-06-28 08:38:00
Middle East and North Africashould i be happy ?
Congrats buddy! What a great start for you this year! Definitely a blessing to be with your wife, to work, pay bills, start college, and be happy. Always keep your wife in your eyes and do the best in whatever you do. Im sure she will be forever proud of you and you will be proud at what all you will accomplish. Great job so far! Congrats!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-06-30 00:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread June 2011
Yes it was great! minus the heat! It was sooo nice to see Chantry and Traven & Jackie again and meet Mr Tbone and his wife and baby! Adam & I both had a great time! Shall try to make it over to Chantry and Noors home now that i know how close they live to that restaurant!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-06-19 18:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread June 2011
Adam & I went to Dimassi's today and Jackie met us there for lunch. Very nice time!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-06-11 20:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread June 2011

Happy June from hotter than hades Texas :devil:

Somewhere between Lousiana and Texas my car told me it was 113 outside :blink: rly?

Hope ya'll are having a fun summer.

Jax (F)

You picked the hottest weeks for Texas! I hate the heat! I have a brother up in Montana and he said it was 30degrees! I'd love to be up there! Im on my 3 day weekend. I dropped off the little Lily cat to get spayed today, tomorrow I get some blood work done then free free free!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-06-09 09:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread June 2011
I think it reached 100 degrees here! Crazy hot !
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-06-02 19:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaEvil sister inlaws... Grrr hahaha
And I also wonder does MENA men really believe what they say when they say they dont care what their family says or thinks about who they marry? I know that Adams family and I are very close and get along perfect. They have never said anything bad about me to Adam while we were apart or together and I would never think of saying anything bad about them bcz they are so sweet and adorable. All of them knew about me from the beginning.
Not all the inlaws are so loving and inviting of a person of another culture marrying their son or daughter. I know of many that the family, and even aunts/uncles ...cousins do not approve of the relationships and the men seriously do feel the pressure and do care what their families are saying about the relationships that even the relationships do not turn out for the guy and girl bcz of the family pressure. Just a thought.

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 10 June 2011 - 06:40 PM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-06-10 18:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgyptian Food-- Help!

Yes--as I would say similar about Lebanese-to-Indian comparison (I actually have tasted authentic Lebanese food in US--at Cedars Restaurant, Lenox Rd, Atlanta).

Adam and I been to Cedars back home. Loved it!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-06-10 23:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgyptian Food-- Help!

My brother in law is from India and Adam is Egyptian. I would say similar but totally different if that makes sense. Riz likes alot of briyani and chicken dishes, Adam pretty much only likes Egyptian rice and mostly beef dishes. Garlic, cumin, onions,turmeric, corriander, and that stuff seems to be similar but Riz's dishes are alot more spicy than Adams IMO. Adam does like spicy, but mostly from jalapenos. Oh and curry for Riz but not for Adam

Btw, Adam says on our next visit, I need to spend a whole week or more in the kitchen with his mom so I can learn how to make Egyptian food. I suck at it, terribly! Even with VJ's MENA recipe book! :blush:
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-06-09 21:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgyptian Food-- Help!

I'm inferring from your post that the OP could easily get away with making Indian food, as it is fairly similar to Egyptian.

My brother in law is from India and Adam is Egyptian. I would say similar but totally different if that makes sense. Riz likes alot of briyani and chicken dishes, Adam pretty much only likes Egyptian rice and mostly beef dishes. Garlic, cumin, onions,turmeric, corriander, and that stuff seems to be similar but Riz's dishes are alot more spicy than Adams IMO. Adam does like spicy, but mostly from jalapenos. Oh and curry for Riz but not for Adam

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 09 June 2011 - 09:25 PM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-06-09 21:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaTo be with fiancee on interview day, will it help at all?
I agree, save the money. You dont really have all that to spend and it could be better used for when your lady gets over here. Wedding, vacation, ect.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-08 21:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaI Need Help to Schedule interview in Cairo -Egypt
I just wanted to say welcome and best wishes for this process!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-20 22:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaTomorrow Ahmed and Amber interview
Amber & Ahmed ~ Best Wishes to you both! I hope & pray for good news for you!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-20 21:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou all are not going to believe this!!!
WOW! That is awesome! Congrats to your hubby and you! Shocking that they only asked 1 friggin question!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-21 09:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor those waiting for interview in EGYPT

Cairo embassy is just sucks and so slow they do that on purpose to make people frustrated

No they dont do it on purpose to make people frustrated. Theres a process that has to be done to determine if one will get a visa to the USA or not. Yes it can be slow depending on many different things. I think its slightly slower now that the revolution happened, which is what Egypt choose to do. Cant blame the Embassy for what was going on during those months of fighting & rioting.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-27 10:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaOn this day 5yrs ago...
Awwww thanks everyone! We had a great time together out and about yesterday! (L) And of course we look forward to many more years of life together!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-23 16:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaOn this day 5yrs ago...
5 years ago today I married my best friend! Happy Anniversary to my hubby Adam! :luv: I love him with all my heart & he's the best thing in my life! God definitely blessed us when He put us together. (L)

Every day this week I shared a memory with Adam and family/friends of my first week in Egypt. We had such a sweet time together as we walked around Alexandria and some in Cairo back in 2006. 2011 is even sweeter as we still walk hand in hand together and our love has grown so much in the past 5yrs. I'm truly blessed with Adam in my life and thankful for the wonderful opportunity that GOD allowed us to be husband and wife in this lifetime!

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 22 July 2011 - 12:09 AM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-22 00:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 visa denied Cairo
QUOTE (~~~water~~~ @ Aug 13 2008, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I feel if you and your man want to be together it is not the place of the government to condemn you because of your beliefs!!!
I wish you speed in the resolution of this nightmare

I wish more people felt like you did, but thats easy for us to say here but look at Alwin who is American Christian and his wife Eygptian Muslim... facing what they are facing if he goes to Egypt to be with his wife... condemnation by all... and not allowed to stay together... very sad !

Edited by TamaraLovesAdam, 13 August 2008 - 07:22 PM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2008-08-13 19:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 visa denied Cairo
Those are right Julianna. Adam has told me these things before when we talk about the end times. Thank you for sharing where in the hadeeths they were at bcz I wanted to mention it too but didnt know the exact places bcz Adam was asleep.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2008-08-13 09:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread July 2011
Had a great day with hubby at the beach. All is well for us. 12 days away from our 5th yr anniversary. Thinking to get up real early that day and go to the beach to watch the sun rise. :) Hope everyone is doing great!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-10 23:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread July 2011
Hey Rosie! Good morning! Im about to head out to the wave pool in town with some of my family. Adam and I had a great night out with dinner, icecream and a redbox movie! Hope everyone has a great day!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-02 11:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 or CR-1 ???? For Cairo

This one sounds like a troll to me!

He might very well be, or just one that wants to complain about the Embassy. Hopefully hes just a troll bcz if he's for real... he's in for a long tough ride with the Embassy.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-30 00:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 or CR-1 ???? For Cairo

The USA embassy in Cairo is just sucks

Dude, I really really REALLY dont know what your problem is that you have to write on every topic that the US Embassy in Cairo sucks. Be cautious what you say about them bcz some CO's read VJ. They have a job to do and I think they do a darn good job for what they have to do! Stop pouting and fussing and going on nearly every old and new topic writing about how you dislike the Embassy. Everyone one of us on here have been through or are going through the visa process. It takes time. Deal with it!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-29 01:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 or CR-1 ???? For Cairo
Welcome to VJ! I dont know which one is better or if there really is a 'better' coming from Cairo... However, Adam & I married in Egypt in July 2006, then I came home and filed K3. His interview was May 2007, he received his Visa on Jan 1st 2008. All of us from the Embassy in Cairo have had very different experiences whether it was K1,K3 or CR1. Best wishes for whatever you choose! -Tamara & Adam
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2010-04-29 15:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaPlease help me to understand e-mail from the Cairo Consulate

USA embassy in Cairo is just sucks they keep people on waiting and waiting to make them frustrating and when you email or call they just give you the same stupid standard answer


Again chill out ... Freedom and Human rights have nothing to do with people getting visas to the USA. Not everyone gets a visa that applies for one. Its not a right to get a visa, it is a priviledge.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-07-29 01:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaI need your support and pry please
Best wishes for you and your little ones! Keep us posted on how it goes! And my hubby is from Alex too!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-08-06 21:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaEager to learn Arabic - speaking and writing
Most of what I learned in Arabic is from Adam and from the ladies of the arabic church I used to attend. Hearing the preaching and singing in arabic and having someone tranlate the words helped me learn quicker as well as start to see them up on a screen and understand which writing went to which word.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-08-10 21:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother year....
Congrats! Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-08-02 18:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in hand
Happy for you Samer! Congrats!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-08-17 20:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaCombating the "yo mama don't live here" issue
For us, Adam & I both work. Hes said before that its the womans job to cook and clean and I just tell him then its not my job to work and make any money if I'm going to spend all day cooking and cleaning.

One thing that I know for sure is that he does not want to be told what to do or nagged. Im not his mother. I basically put the pressure on myself by trying to keep a perfect house when he would care less that its perfect or not. He never nags on me as to why anythings not cleaned so I had to stop putting pressure on myself about getting every single thing done right now.

He knows if his dirty clothes isnt in the washing machine then they wont get washed. He's slowly but surely learning to go throw his clothes in the washer if he wants them washed today. And when I do laundry and he didnt put his clothes in there, I just say... hey you know where dirty laundry goes and that I do laundry daily, I didnt see any of your stuff in the wash. Then he knows tomorrow to put his clothes in the wash. If he has stuff in his pockets and I do pick up something, it gets washed. And I tell him if you want your clothes washed take your stuff out your pockets so they dont get washed. So basically I make a habit of what I do and he's learning/learned what he needs to do.

Since he works early mornings I take the trash to the road and since Im at work in the daytime he brings in the trash cans. He washes the dog, I wont. Dishes he never does so I dont hurry to do them anymore. Im not going to stress myself out over every fork or spoon in the sink.

I admit my house is not perfectly clean as I would like on a daily basis but it is good enough. Im not going to yell, scream, beg, nag daily and Im not going to stress myself out over something that I have a lifetime to do. Yes I wish he helped more on his own, but it is what it is.

On a awesome shocking note: When I came home from work on Saturday, he was acting like he was starving and just waiting on me to come home and cook immediately. I was ready to come through the door and say, IM NOT GOING TO COOK TODAY! ... I walked in to a table with a homemade baked whole chicken, egyptian style rice, and some kind of okra that is egyptian style made. I was shocked! ... of course guess who ended up doing all the dishes?... ME... but on Sunday :)
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-06-29 11:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaVacation with the hubby
Aww thank you all! Adam just finished his last day of work. Tomorrow we head on over to Baton Rouge. My friends baby was born this morning at 9am @ 9lbs 2oz 20 inches long and named Chloe Paige. Mommy is from India and her daddy is my friend I grew up with. She is a beautiful baby w/ full head of black hair. Cant wait to see and hold her!

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-08-25 17:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaVacation with the hubby
Hey Peeps! Today is the start of my 13 days off for vacation! Adam & I are heading over to Baton Rouge on Friday for the weekend to see my brothers and their family and a guy I grew up with and his wife are having a baby girl tomorrow -naming her the same name as my 4yr old neice in Baton Rouge. We had no idea until we saw them at our house in May and was talking about baby girl names. They had no idea my little neices name was the same exact name and spelling they came up with!
Monday - Thurs Sept1st (Adams bday) we will be in Fort Walton & Destin Florida on the beach! Soooo looking forward to vacation time! White sand and blue/green water is going to be sweet! We are really looking forward to spending time together and relaxing.

For those of you that have facebook and are always on our page, be looking for plenty of vacation pictures!

Take care everyone!

-Tamara & Adam
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-08-24 17:23:00