
We had an "Islamic" marriage and I didn't have to show proof of my religion. I said I was Muslim, they took my word for it. Non practicing and all.

Wow! Then that was pretty easy! I kept hearing and reading that those that said they were muslim had to show some proof or certificate of converting?
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-08-15 12:45:00
Hi! Since you are catholic no you wont be bringing a paper from your Church or anything. When you go to the Embassy and tell them you want to get married, they give you a paper to fill out of your info and his info and to write what your religion is. Very simple on your part. They only make it slightly harder when the American says they are muslim.

Have fun in Egypt!

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 15 August 2011 - 11:58 AM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-08-15 11:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMerry Christmas MENA
Merry Christmas!!! Our Christmas gifts arrived to Egypt today!!! Nearly a week earlier than we expected! Our nephews are so happy & I wish I could have seen their faces!!!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-12-25 13:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy 5th Wedding Anniversary Habibi!
Happy 5th anniversary to you two !
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2011-12-30 01:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaJanuary 2012
Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby! My grandfathers was on the 25th, Adams cousin on the 27th, my sister in law on the 28th and mine tomorrow! Plus tons more in the fam at the beginning/mid of January! I love January!!!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-01-30 17:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaJanuary 2012
Happy New Year!!! Next week will be 4yrs that Adam has been in the USA. He still hasnt filed for his citizenship yet but he sure does talk about it more often now, just gotta fork over that $680 for it. I sooooo want his mom to come over here and visit so Im working on getting her to start the process. She calls him every single week just to hear the same thing from him and I know she misses him to pieces! I already told his sister to tell their mom that in one day of flying she can come here and spend a couple of months with us and it would be worth that one day of flying! I hope this happens this year!

The end of the month is my 30th bday! Party time & dreading it all at the same time. I always gotta party on my birthday but not thrilled Im about to step into the 30s! Im planning a trip to see a girlfriend in Washington DC pretty soon, think I'll be going with out the hubby. Since he's been here we have only been away from each other for 2 days. I think he'll survive a few days without me!

Hope everyone has a great year ahead!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-01-04 22:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaFamily Support
Hi welcome to VJ. I know this is alittle off topic but I know after Adam & I married in 2006 I didnt see him before his interview and he was still approved back in 2007. Not sure that would be an only reason to deny someone.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-05 20:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarried to a MENA Man
Welcome to VJ Menagirl! My hubby is Egyptian and has been here for 4yrs now. We met online 6yrs ago and have been married 5 1/2 yrs. He is more of the homebody and I love to be out and around people doing things. The only time I would say he loves to go out is if its to the Mall to get some jeans/shirts from American Eagle or Hollister, Best Buy for electronics or out to eat chinese food! We both work alot, he works very early in the mornings and is off the weekend and he still isnt into going out with friends or family that much on the weekend. I have to drag him out to party and then he will have a great time. I on the other hand love to go shoot pool, bowling, cards ect but usually go out when hes at work or asleep so we can spend time together when we arent at work.

Everyones situation is different and what works for one may not work for all. Heck even now Adam and I are home together and on the same couch at opposite ends and he's chilling with his Apple computer and playing with the tv remote while Im on facebook and VJ. But we did spend time together in church this morning, then out to eat and Bestbuy ;)
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-05 20:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaHubby getting a job in USA

This has been suggested in other places before - it's often good for the newly arrived person to volunteer services while they're looking for a job. It helps in multiple ways - obviously helping others is a great thing and boosts the spirit and morale. It helps people feel useful and purposeful. It gets the new arrival out of the house and interacting with others, and it builds the US resume and references.
Also, what about English classes? My husband enrolled at the local immigration assistance program when he first got here. It got him out of the house and he met other people who were or had been in the same situation as he was.
We were very blessed though that he got a job in his field within the first six weeks of him being here. Good Luck.

I agree msheesha! Volunteering and interacting with people is an excellent thing to do! I remember when Adam came he & another Egyptian guy went to help paint an elderly persons home & did some yard work that was needed. We spent time with the people that we went to church with with get togethers/dinners at each others homes. We visited an Iraqi familys home that had just come to the USA and brought them dinner, christmas gifts, and even a couple of trips to the grocery store. Also it helped out when we had gotten a 2nd vehical that way when I was at work he wasnt stuck at home. I remember when he got my kia sportage & he bought his first GPS and picked up his friend. They got "lost" on the interstate about 4times it was scary & hilarious at the same time but he needed that freedom to do that though!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-20 11:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHubby getting a job in USA
Which reminds me of when Adam first got his EAD & was waiting on Walmart for a job. He went to talk to the manager @ IHOP bcz it was owned by an Egyptian man & the manager & another mgr were Egyptians as well. They had him start working on a Saturday night. He was there for about 6hrs before calling me and this is what happened. He said the whole time the 2 managers there were speaking in arabic and talking about the mexican workers & the female waitresses calling them names. They kept saying other things referring to Adam being a muslim bcz his name is but he's not. At some point he sliced his finger with a knife pretty badly & instead of sending him home they sent him to the back to wash dishes in scalding hot water! By the time he called me it was 11pm & had told me what had happened... I was livid! I told him to come home immediately & let me see his hand. His hand looked like a prune so bad & his cut was so deep I was sick to my stomach. He refused to go to the hospital to get stitches so we cleaned it & bandaged it up. Never again did we go back to that IHOP for anything!

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 17 February 2012 - 10:19 AM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-17 10:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaHubby getting a job in USA
My husband came in Jan of 2008. We filed for his AOS in March, he got his EAD(work permit) shortly thereafter and got his first job in June. Our 2nd yr anniversary was the next month and 2 weeks after our 2yr anniversary was the greencard interview where he was approved for his 10yr card in Aug of 2008. Adam has been with Walmart ever since and is working for their international import DC. He works his butt off constantly getting raises and letters of commendation from his bosses. Im proud of my hubby!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-14 21:57:00
Middle East and North Africasad times

, I used to post here many years ago as we went through the torture of getting a visa through cairo. I am posting under an anonymous name as it would cause additional strife if I were voicing these problems in a forum. My husband is here now with me - we have built a nice life together - both have cars, bought a house, he got a decent job. But since day one it has been a struggle of views and culture. I am expected to do everything although he is not critical if things don't get done. His only responsibility he has excepted is to take out the garbage once a week and work 40 plus hours. I too work full time and take on additional work.

The main problem is communication if anything is discussed about politics or religion all hell breaks loose. We end up in huge fights/arguments. Its stupid @# %$^^$% #### o but I am to the point i don't want to talk about anything for fear it will start a battle. I feel he has depression since he came and have spoken to him about this. If he is not at work he is in bed on the computer - he has a hard time making friends and is critical of everyone as being not up to his moral standards. Its so hard to express this in a post as it comes off sounding so simplistic and there are two sides to every story.

I also am tired of carring all the weight of the household form cookin,laundry car care and the house repairs! I have to do everything he is unwilling and by this many years I dont see it changing.

The latest overcast on our relationship is he's a "faliure" compared to his friends in egypt and he ruined his life by marrying me - but it doesn't matter now cause its to late to go home as its to late to rebuild his career to where he left. Im sad I can't take it anymore there have been great times and horrible times but to me it feels like the final straw that I am the default result. I don't know what I am wanting by posting this perhaps others have had similar situations in there mena relationships and found away to improve the situation or how do you know when to part ways :(

Hi! And welcome back to VJ! P.S its never too late for him to go back home as there are daily flights going back to Egypt. Im very sorry for your sadness and for him being a douche by telling you he ruined his life by marrying you.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-05 20:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaAny VJers in Egypt right now?

That would be great. Yes I am on Facebook. Would love the info. Im in Cairo now, heading back to the states on Sunday. Just wanted to try and meet up with a couple maybe tomorrow (Saturday) in Khen El Khalili, so we could talk with another couple going through what we are. Its always nice to meet new people especially VJers ! :D

Actually there was a few women that had a get together yesterday in Khen El Khalili from our group. They had a great time I heard!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-25 09:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaAny VJers in Egypt right now?
Hey! I dont know if you are on facebook or not but I am in a "Only women" group that is married to Egyptian men. ALOT of women in the group are living in Egypt and many of them have been for quite some time... theres over 100+ of us women in the group... we talk about everything and is a great group of women. If you are interested in being added, just send me a message on here and I'll talk more to you about it.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-23 19:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaTwo Western Journalist die in shelling in Syria

My husband is very stressed about the situation. He has a career here and cannot leave, but yet knows his family is there literally guarding their house and possesions with guns. Very torn between his responsibility of being the oldest son of 6. His family is living in a Christian village outside of Homs, which is the hotbed of all the violence. The violence is getting closer and closer to his home, from what he can discern talking to his brother when communications are open. For the last 3 weeks he hasn't heard from his phone lines and no Internet.
Interestingly enough, the Christians are in support of Assad, because they feel he is the only one that can protect, and has protected Christians from what they believe are Islamic terrorists. Not saying they're in full support of what he's done, but they're conflicted because they know he's protected them in the past and they're scared of any kind of Islamic govt taking over the country.
He wants to go and protect his family..he has 3 sisters at home who he feels very protective of, but knows he would be leaving his family here..very hard situation :(

I'm so sorry to hear of this situation for your husbands family. Praying for protection upon them & others that just want to live in freedom & a better life!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-24 18:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaCigarettes
Adam smokes Marlboro menthol here. I wish he would quit, he even said when he came to the US he would... what a lie! but anyways, he smokes about a pack or less a day so he buys a carton plus a couple packs once every two weeks. Much cheaper than a pack a day
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-29 10:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaFebruary 2012

It is hot humid and the mosquitoes are here in deep south Texas. :blush:

Girrrrrl tell me about!!! And everythings bigger in Texas & that sure includes those darn mosquitos!!!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-27 21:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaSuccess!
So exciting!!! Congrats!!!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-29 10:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaFlorida? Anyone?
Adam is already talking to me about taking vacation again in Destin! Something about that beautiful blue/green water & white sand! Those of you that live near those colors are pretty lucky!!!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-02 21:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaThink Really Hard Before Marrying Someone from MENA
I dont know anyones own personal situation, I just know that Adam & I would love to have our own child. We talk about it, we try to make it happen, we pray for it to happen. We already even have a daughters name picked out if one day we do have a child. I've always wanted to be a wife & mother- to give a child a home of love. Things wouldnt go well between him & I if Adam wasnt in agreement with me in trying & praying for it to happen.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-13 16:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaThink Really Hard Before Marrying Someone from MENA
OP, Im very sorry for the pain that you have been through bcz of your husband. I hope your heart can be healed from this situation.

Its my own belief that not all middle eastern men are users & abusers that cheat on or beat on women. Some relationships just dont work. Some men just dont know how to be a partner in life. While I do believe some women need to wake up and smell the coffee so to speak bcz there are plenty of red flags in some peoples lives, I just can't ever believe that all men are like that. I do feel bad for the ones in both situations though, and it would be hard to get over something in life like that.

I love my husband with all my heart. His family is always on my heart & mind & we speak to them often. Adam is a great provider & hard worker. He has flaws, as do I. I get on his nerves & he's a pain in the butt ... but the love I have with him is worth everything I've ever been through in life. I know I havent spent a life time around middle eastern people but in the 7yrs of knowing them I have met/spent time with some of the most wonderful loving kindhearted people in my life. I couldnt judge all middle eastern people based off of the ones I know that have been used & abused or who had failed marriages. I just know way too many more that are wonderful!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-02-29 19:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaAge difference
Also, this early into the relationship I dont think would be worth her spending the money to hire a lawyer... a lawyer cant make a visa get approved... and from the red flags so far... more than likely the money would be well spent with her spending money to visit you and your family next time.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-19 11:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaAge difference


IDK, seems like they are more interested in the visa process or how fast they can get a visa?

Cuz come on, waiting 6 whole months for a fiance visa when you havent even told your family about her or had her meet your family but so willing to get the visa to come over here? Imagine being married to someone & waiting years to be with them and they met the family & are involved in families lives... thats much more painful than 6months of a fiancee visa...

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 19 March 2012 - 11:00 AM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-19 10:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaAge difference
Im always curious as to why its always the 20 something yr old male MENA guys that are engaged/married to the much older women that come on here for advice for the visa process but the older American females almost never come on to ask.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-19 10:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaAge difference


So far we met in person once, we spent about 10days together and we are planing a second trip for July. As for my family, they don't know about our relationship. Bad?

Yes! Thats bad! I wouldnt have went over to Egypt to meet my now husband the first time if his family didnt know about me or that we were engaged! Heck no, Hail no & HELL No!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-18 11:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs there anyone lived my story
Well Farid,since she has her own computer then let her know we are asking for her to come on visajourney & talk to us. We can communicate with her & maybe give her some ideas on what to do next. Theres alot of us who have been on Visajourney for awhile & can be a great support to her.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-21 18:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs there anyone lived my story
Farid, does Lisa have a computer & can she come to Visajourney to write to us ladies?
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-21 18:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgyptian Passport & Becoming a US Citizen
Ok so if he becomes a US Citizen and stays an Egyptian citizen... once he gets his US Passport does he have to renew his Egyptian passport when it expires?
And if he changes his name and its on his US passport, does that mean he must change his name in his Egyptian passport ???
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-30 18:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgyptian Passport & Becoming a US Citizen
As I'm reading on here, you can be dual citizens.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-28 00:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgyptian Passport & Becoming a US Citizen
Well my brother in law who is from India & became a US citizen last year informed me today that Adam will need to renew his Egyptian passport before it expires this year unless he does his citizenship & gets his US passport. His greencard is good for 6 more years but his Eygptian passport expires in 6 months. So, now within the next 2 weeks Adam will be applying for Citizenship... but I still had no idea about the passport thing... and thankfully it isnt expired! Has anyone else run into doing Citizenship within the same year the passport expires?

And I assume but havent read up on it yet, that there is no dual Citizenships for here and there? Fine with us but my brother in law had to pay nearly $200 just to turn in his Indian passport once he paid for and received his US passport last year. All these extra fees all over again... cant wait to get it all done and be over with everything! I wish he would have just done it last year & been done with it then.

Also to add: dont really want to be renewing the Egyptian passport especially since he'll be asking for a complete name change when filing for Citizenship and for the US passport.

Edited by ~PalmTreeGurl~, 27 March 2012 - 11:57 PM.

~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-27 23:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarch 2012
Blood tests results were all fine except for my liver -which is more than likely from the metformin I'm on for PCOS. So, still a bacterial infection but thankfully nothing worse than that. Back to work tomorrow for me !
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-21 18:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarch 2012
We have severe weather heading our way... Alot of red & yellow on the map. Already a tornado hit in Hurst Tx and the weather is almost in Houston heading east. Not a good start to spring for us!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-20 07:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarch 2012
Day 12 of being sick to my stomach... had to have blood work today to narrow some things down. So far its a bacterial infection but day 12 & Im exhausted from always being sick to my stomach!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-17 19:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarch 2012
Oooh last week Adam & I got to cook outside on the grill & somehow managed to escape mosquitos! I dont know how I got so lucky! Today Adam & I were both off and we found this huge Outlet Mall about 60 miles away from us... it was sooo worth the drive. I must admit I have the pickiest husband in clothes. The jeans have to be a certain shade, style, length. The shirts have be a certain fit & go with certain shoes. The shoes have to look a certain way, be a certain name brand, be a certain color, not too high. The hats he tries on have to look a certain way with the exact fit. Oh goodness gracious, next time Im going to the mall with only women!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-15 22:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarch 2012
So Im off work for a couple of days due to a bacterial infection possibly from food. I think its from seafood from Sunday night bcz I've been sick ever since. It feels like knives stabbing my stomach morning til night!

Daylight saving time starts at 2am tonight in most states so dont forget to change that time! I did it at 6pm to get a better idea of reality plus the medicine is making me fall asleep off & on. Adam has to be up at 3am for his job so I hope he wakes up in time!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-10 23:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarch 2012

Oh....North County San Diego and feels like summer!!! 75 and at the coast!!!
Just took a break from the pool and jumped on to say good night to my hubby :blush:

@PalmTreeGirl~ when you write his it foul mudammas??? Yummy for breakfast with olive oil :yes:

How wonderful to shop with your

Yes its mudammas... he loves them.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-04 22:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarch 2012
You too Rosie! Im having a great day off work & relaxing. About to head over to my moms house. Adam went to the Phoenicia market yesterday & went to town on the shopping! He bought bisturma, pita breads, some kind of Egyptian cheese that looks weird but tastes so good, a huge can of grape leaves, cans of his beans, egyptian rice, lamb kofta kabobs, beef sausages & some kinds of desserts with pistaschios. He made me breakfast before church this morning. Loving life with hubby!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-04 15:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarch 2012
This Yankee along with my Egyptian hubby might just have turned near Cajun on everyone :D Just ate about 6lbs of spicy crawfish! I just called mom over to finish off the rest!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-02 21:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarch 2012
Happy March! I love hearing updates on how everyone is doing with their families! Alot of babies are growing up so fast & it seems like many of you just had them! Adam & I do look forward to the time we will be able to have a baby. Just this week Adam just got approved to move to the weekend shift where he will be working from 5am to 530pm Fri-Sun then off Mon-Thurs. More time to drive me nuts I suppose! He is completely maxed out in pay until he gets a yearly cost of living. Im really proud of him! He's already been studying for Citizenship & I look forward to when the paperwork will be filled out & mailed off. I think a heavy weight will be lifted once everything is complete & he becomes a citizen.
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-01 18:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaO...M...G
Im so happy for you!!! This sounds like its visa time!!!
~PalmTreeGurl~FemaleEgypt2012-03-26 11:55:00