Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
QUOTE (Maggie724 @ Mar 2 2009, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are you farmer girls on vacation? Where are the gifts??? unsure.gif Slackers tongue.gif

Sorry maggie, I've been too busy harvesting. I will make up for it tomorrow!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-02 23:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
I finally was able to make a big purchase, so i chose a woodshed! now i can cut some of the trees and make more money for a chicken coop!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-02 19:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
I got alot harvested today but not enough to buy a barn!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-02-27 18:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
I have a special request: i would like if u send me anything to be orange and cherry trees. I feel i have enough animals and would love to be able to buy a barn and get rid of some. I'm more into the crops and trees then the animals anyway! thanks! How do u get credits?
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-02-26 18:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
Can the farm be played on a blackberry??? I'm considering getting that when i renew my phone!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-02-25 23:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
I want orange trees and less animals haha
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-02-25 15:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
I want orange trees and less animals haha
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-02-25 15:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
I want orange trees and less animals haha
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-02-25 15:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm

we need a support group for this addiction! rofl.gif rofl.gif
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-02-25 13:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Feb 24 2009, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (amal @ Feb 24 2009, 02:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
omg fb has sucked me in and I just crawled out of the fb "pitt of doom" that I like to call "muh farm" and "muh farm town" and "muh pet society" ..... I swear to the sweet chocolate cake I had for supper last night that I spent 15 hours....count'em 15 hours.... in these 3 applications alone on sunday.....

Muh farm .. I have a maze of mango and cherry trees that the goats have infiltrated and gotten lost in. I have a spiral plum patch, a pyramid pear farm, an apple square, a huge mass of horses and cows, my name written in coconut trees and my arabic name spelled out in banana trees.... Then the orange and pear orchard around and beside my house..... omg..i'm soooo addicted..

I wish I could be one of the ppl who could randomly put stuff in random places but I just can't do it.. everything has to be with "its own" *snarl* ocd, I know...

On top of that..I'm missing out on VJ coz fb has consumed all of my time and if I don't constantly check on animals/crops/pets will become hungry, dead, or dried up... we can't have that!!!

The animals in "farm town" will eat ur crops if you don't keep them within a fence. they're awfully cute though!!!!

I love the fact that in "farm town" it only lets you send 1 gift to each friend per day...this way you don't have 300 gifts every 30 minutes....

I had something else to say but can't remember now.... I have wheat that needs to be harvested...soooooooooooooo off to FB I go...

oh, and I agree with whomever it was that said "if u don't have a fb account....GET ONE... coz then I won't miss you so much and we can at least see each others statuses so we know what's happening.....

This is exactly why I won't download that app!!! blink.gif

OMG Amal! rofl.gif
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-02-24 17:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
I'm so addicted to FB farm too! Allousa, add me to your FB. Under Turia.
My husband saw me playing with the farm the other day and asked me how old i was! wacko.gif
He wants me to spend this time on my lessons rther than this. LOLOL
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-02-24 13:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy precious son
My dear Henia, my prayers are there for you sister. I hope you find all the answers to your problems with your precious son. But I agree about getting back here to a children's hospital. They will be your best luck. Good Luck!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-12-16 13:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
Sinus infections must be goin around cause tuesday it was like 70 something here and on Wensday it was down to 30 something and i got sick! My asthma has been kickin mah azz. so i callled the doctor and got some predisone, and had some antibotics here at home, and i coughed my brains out last night, but am not coughing that much this morning. i hope you both feel better!

Jess, Josh is so cute!!!!

Edited by Turia, 22 March 2009 - 10:58 AM.

Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-22 10:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
Morning! I for one don't like coffee so i drink Pepsi in the morning. Thats mah caffinne. I hope everyone has a good day, looks like a nice one in store here!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-22 10:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother Monday!
Morning! On my way to work, oh well, someone's gotta do it! I'd rather be in bed next to my sleeping hubby and dog tho! 3rd shift is he]]!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-23 07:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaI Spy Caturday!
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Mar 21 2009, 10:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good to see ya tasha!

Please say a prayer for my granddauther, Alexis. She is in an emergency room tonight in Wisconsin, and might have scarlet fever.

Friday, after she left for Wisconsin for Spring break, the school called and said there is an outbreak of scarlet fever in her school. ohmy.gif Now, she's in the hospital with a 102 fever and a rash. After the doctor sees her, they will call us with the diagnosis.

Any nurses in da house? Is this common in schools? I'm sitting here feeling helpless. Lexy must be so scared. She is up there with her great aunt. Me and jessica are at least 6 hours away from her at the moment. sad.gif


I will say a prayer for your little princess! Insha allah she will be ok!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-21 22:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaI Spy Caturday!
HAHA thats cute Jackie, I actually fell for it! headbonk.gif

Happy Caturday!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-21 08:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaA favor, from my MENA peeps?
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-25 16:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaHump day!!
QUOTE (Far2Long @ Mar 25 2009, 05:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Honor Cord
Diploma Frame
50 announcements
get appt. for hair cut
50 forever stamps
Send off for study abroad scholarships
order transcripts for study abroad scholarships
speak with study abroad adviser
edit tv news pkg
print off over seas news article for thur. class
pick up suits from seamstress for borah
borah mtg friday
pack for egypt
confirm prices with for international student insurance
sell stuff I don't want to move to Boise
print letters for asl inductees
stuff envelopes
make labels for envelopes
book room for ceremony
make budget for study abroad office

Gawd I feel like I'm forgetting something? wacko.gif

you are one busy girl!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-25 17:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaHump day!!
Morning Mena! My butt is draggin this morning. I was awake for quite a while last night. I heard several gunshots the next street over and for the first time ever in this house i was really scared. thanks Jackie, for sitting with me! I'm sure nobody was hurt as i heard no sirens, which is always a good thing. But these random drive bys, have me a little nervous as to what the summer is gonna bring.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-25 07:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaBusy with sick dog
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Mar 25 2009, 05:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just haven't been around for a while, my daughter found this dog about two months ago, he was blind and deaf and wondering the streets. She of course brings him to me, he goes to the vet and gets checked out, were told he is around 13 years old and was not taken care of for a long time. So we keep this new dog, I also have a male chihuahua that is extremely jealous of this new dog. The dog looks to be a miniature fox terror, as soon as he was in my home for a couple of weeks I noticed that he seems to have some kind of cognitive problem. He has been seen by my vet and told he was fine just old and blind. So last Thursday at 1:30am, it is always in the middle of the night, the new dog starts to have these fits where he is clawing his face, and he is now bleeding. I am freaking out run him to the emergency vet, sit there till 4:30am, to be told they can't see anything wrong with him, the doctor tells me that he might have bitten his tongue and it is bothering him. Well I tell them to give the dog at least a pain shot, he is crying and bleeding, they do this, I get home and finally get some rest. I start to study and find out that the dog has cognitive dysfunction syndrome, I go to my regular vet and tell him what I think is wrong with him and he agrees, so now I am waiting on some new medicine that should help him. I also am keeping this dog heavily sedated, which helps, for he would pace for hours on end, to the point he was struggling with breathing. I just know that to get into vet school is really hard, only the best get a spot. So my question is why did I finally diagnosis him? He was seen by two vets and I stated the symptoms, they were text book, nothing hard, and they never even consider this. In school the vet students were the big elite, you have to really know your stuff to get into vet school, but after this I wonder what the hell are they studying. Sorry for the rant, I just can't believe they could not see the problem.

Than I see the message from the person that was asking which is faster way of getting a visa, and if you read this, let me tell you, THERE IS NO FAST WAY. We just got our first approval and just to get that took almost a year, we haven't even had our interview yet. So if someone knows a faster way, please let me know. lol

OMG GG, you have got a lot on your plate. i wish you luck with the dog, and bless you for taking in a sick and old dog that someone probably just dumped. There is a special place for people like you. I can't beleive these vets are being dumb! And rant away!

Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-25 17:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaFaster spouse visa? Apply in Egypt after 6 months or apply from USA?
rofl.gif rofl.gif
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-25 16:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaFaster spouse visa? Apply in Egypt after 6 months or apply from USA?
QUOTE (JeanneVictoria @ Mar 24 2009, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmmmm, if it were me I would not walk but RUN from this guy. I think he is leading you down the wrong path my dear.

You better get your ducks in a row or Mother Cairo will bury you alive. He doesn't know diddle of what he is talking about.

Don't fall for it. You have never met him and he wants to marry right away and get here as fast as he can,.........plz run.

Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-24 18:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaFaster spouse visa? Apply in Egypt after 6 months or apply from USA?
OMG headbonk.gif
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-24 16:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-26 07:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
I just had to share a true story of human kindness. One of the girls at work asked me before i left to go down the street and get her some soup and i said sure(no thats not it), anyhow this small resterant is owned by a arab man from i think Palestine. He has always been kind to me when i've gone in.
so i get there and before i could tell him why i was there he said sounds like you need soup cause i coughing so hard. I said i was there to pick it up but it was for another girl at work. As i continue to cough, he comes with another container of soup and gives it to me, saying i need this more than the other girl and he gave me a container full of soup! I was like WOW! Thank you, and he was like take care of yourself. I said Salem Alykum and he was responded back. Now thats kindness.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-24 12:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
Morning Mena!!!

Patty, congrats on your hubby's visa!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-24 07:41:00
Middle East and North Africafriday!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-27 07:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaAir flight information from Casa
Star got a real cheap ticket for her man thru american airlines/iberia. try there
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-01-17 11:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat??? No Saturday thread????
Leena is the name of our new neice that will be here in a few weeks

Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-28 16:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat??? No Saturday thread????
good morning!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-28 09:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA IN HAND!!!!!!!
Congrats! kicking.gif kicking.gif
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-21 09:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
Hi, well we finally got our cable and internet back up maybe an hour or so ago. It was quiet here for long time this morning. So we went back to sleep for a while. I know we got alot of snow, how much i don't know, but now the sun is shining and it looks like a lovely day out!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-29 14:46:00
Middle East and North Africavisa in hand
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-19 10:21:00
Middle East and North Africai got it at last
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-30 13:22:00
Middle East and North Africai got it at last
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-21 22:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Monday!
QUOTE (Staashi @ Mar 30 2009, 07:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ladies, I'm still here...still not dilated...still just hanging. Wish I had good news. mellow.gif unsure.gif

Awwwwwwwwwww, Hang in there girl, soon i hope for your sake!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-30 19:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Monday!
Prayers to you sister Annie rose.gif
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-30 16:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Monday!
Morning everyone! Late for work this morning better-get goin!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-30 08:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
that poor woman, she has got to be miserable by now!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-03-31 18:46:00