Middle East and North AfricaHappy stories of American women +Moroccan husbands
I think no matter what you've gone thru with the visa process and being apart, some people are just not meant to be together. I had a rude awakening that way because there were alot of differences, but it didn't help that he filed for divorce one month after getting his 10 yr green card!

Good luck to those goin thru the process now. If I had not gone thru this process I would not have done several things that I have been able to do. One of them is seeing a beautiful country and meet a wonderful second family. The second, is finding Islam. And the last is finding a wonderful man whom I beleive will be my partner for life!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-03-01 17:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaYo! Waz up MENA? <3
Still hanging around!!!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-03-14 10:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaAt long last - exciting news!
CONGRATS!!!! :dance: :dance:
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-03-24 21:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011
Happy Sunday! Its cold here but sunny! Have a good day!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-03-27 10:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011

Wow...I haven't been on a MENA thread in a looooooooong time!! So weird! But it's cool to see a lot of the same people still posting. I was on a VJ hiatus and now back getting ready to file for ROC!! How is everyone?

Hey Amanda! WOW its time for ROC already! Good luck!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-03-22 16:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011

Hello Mena people! I don't come here very often any more and haven't posted in ages! But I had some good news to share regarding immigration & thought I'd share it here.

OUR IMMIGRATION JOURNEY IS OVER... IN A GOOD WAY :luv::) My husband's citizenship has been approved and he will be sworn in as an American citizen next week. We are so happy this "relationship" w/ USCIS is over! We have been married just over 4 years and life is good. We are both working hard and enjoying our home together and growing both as a couple and as individuals! So much has happened over the last 4 years and aside from the occasional bump in the road, it's been magnificent. I wouldn't change a thing and I'd do it all over again if I had to (w/ HIM (L) )!!!

So, you see, it can all come to fruition w/ lots of love & hard work. Hang in there newbies!

Ok, carry on... back to your daily stuff. :whistle:

Hi Nora, I am happy for you and Said. Pass my congrats to him!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-03-18 15:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011

I know!!! I now say if you don't think time flies, have a baby. He's such a little boy...well, little devil is more like it. ;)

I forgot he was a few days older than my grandson! Staashi, the terrible twos don't get any better with age, its like it grows with them. Missed seeing you post. How are u doin?

Jeanne, am so glad to hear about Wael! Pass on congrats to him please

Happy Friday to everyone and Jummah Mubarak!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-03-18 10:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011
Hi Olivia, how you been girl? We've missed you!

Today is Muhamad's birthday and he has a Healing Touch class in Illnois, so I'm home cooking him a nice dinner and waiting to pick him up. Trying to figure out something special for him.

I hope everyone's weekend is goin well.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-03-12 17:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011
Happy Friday! Its a beautiful day here today, gonna take Tinker and hubby down to the lake and just take a walk! I hope everyone is doin well and has a wonderful weekend!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-03-11 14:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011
Holy cow this was buried in. What happened to our daily threads, they used to be so much fun, now they are becoming a thing of the past.

Any who, have a good Tuesday. Havent been able to sleep yet and have to get up in 3 hours :wacko:
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-03-08 05:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Relationships Poll
I was married to a moroccan and divorced. He was a hard worker, provided well, but wasn't the man he claimed to be in Morocco. Unfortunatly he griped about every time I spent. Spent his every waking minuete on the computer, and making me haul his but around.

I since then, have found a new man, from Egypt. He is the total opposite of the moroccan and loves spending time with me.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-03-23 16:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt
i am praying for my husband's family that live in cairo. may allah be with all egytians and bring this to an end soon!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-01-28 11:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaChecking In

Just wanted to share were FINALLY applying for citizenship. I broke down and decided to stop being cheap. So hopefully Sofyan will be a citizen by the end of summer. Its been a long time coming!

Hope everyone is well. Its hard to keep in touch with everyone these days.

Good Luck Kelly-miss ya!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-04-11 18:11:00
Middle East and North Africaread that and tell me if u want me to conutny or to stop


have you tried enzyte?

Thats just totally disrespectful and mean! Why do people like you have to act like that?
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-04-11 11:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Fiance's Interview Today
Sounds like another couple for ARAB FEST!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats girl, you deserve it!!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-02-23 13:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaPrayers for Marrakesh
I was there with my ex in feb of 07. My first time and my last unfortunatly. My prayers go out to the familys of those who died and were hurt.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-04-30 11:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat goods to bring back to morocco from U.S.?
This was always an issue with my ex and I. He wanted to have stuff to bring back especially for the kids which to me was fine. Anytime and anything I picked out for the kids was never any good, I heard excuses like, its not right, too big, too small, too young, too old, or not made in the states. #######! Who cares where its made, its the thought that should count right? Thats what I thought. Or another big one was they can get that there! UGH! For the adults he wanted to have lots and lots of money. HUH? MONEY? We have to pay bills not give someone else our money! You send enough over there now! We weren't rich like his brother that is over here and he always told me that the people of Morocco (family) thought americans were rich. I was astounded and shocked. I'm glad that part of my life is over and I don't have to worry about it anymore.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-01-12 18:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMental Illness

Think of it this way:

no more fighting over the tv clicker

you don't have to cook anything if you don't want to

all the covers are now yours and you can sleep in the middle of the bed


and in no way is this restricted to mena men!!!

Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-05-25 12:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaMental Illness

There WILL be no more MENA men in my lifetime. He could be the f*ckin knight in shining armor, look-alike to Edward AND Jacob, he could be driving a Lexus and holding a 5 carat diamond ring and I would have to RUN the opposite direction til I dropped dead of exhaustion.

First, I'm moving to Streator. Yea...from the city to Streator 0_o ....I am moving to my sister's house and from there...we are taking a trip across America on the highway. Sometime around August she is buying a house in Florida and I will find a flooring company there. I gave a proper notice at my current job and they will give me a letter of recommendation.

I look at it this way, I can either take my life's lemons and let it sting my eye...or I can make one hell of a grand glass of lemonade.

Before making these decisions, I did try to ask Ibrahim what he wanted for the future. He chose to remain in Jordan. So everyone is where they should be. I continue to cheer you all on from the sidelines as I see so many of you succeed in happy marriages. It just wasn't meant to be for me.

Jackie (F)
....and for the ones that want MORE of the me (815) 981 2393

WOW Jackie, I didn't realize things have gotton that far. I'm so sorry! Think of it like this, its his loss. He had an awesome woman who stood by him for so long. I know that you are hurting. I will keep you in my duas as I always keep my family there. Call me when you can! LOVE YA
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-05-24 18:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaMental Illness

Kat~~ you are unique (L)

We have had many phone conversations over the years, and each time you give me advice, you set me straight and raise me up. I don't always agree with you and sometimes the things you say make me cringe. I appreciate your concern for women that find themselves in precarious situations. Your feelings about men from certain regions is exactly how I feel about Jordanians. I don't blame them all, just the 2 idiots I met and married.

Do I regret it? Nah, I had a few good years, and some nice vacations. While we are doing 'jackie-updates'....I gave my 2 week notice at work today. I feel the need for some changes and have to do things for and by myself now. Pulling up my big girl panties and moving on down the road. Which road? lol ....stay tuned to find out :P

Jax (F)

Jackie, girl whats happeneing? Give me a call!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-05-24 14:28:00
Middle East and North Africaany advice offered is welcomed

remember the old term for something like this?

Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-06-06 18:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday we lost a MENA jewel
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-06-18 23:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday we lost a MENA jewel
I sit here with tears in my eyes as i read this and didn't even know dawn except what jackie has told me. I wish for you and our family's sake this nightmare ends soon. I understand what a loving person Dawn was and wish I had gotton to know her. (F)
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-01-16 15:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday we lost a MENA jewel
Ryan, Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family and Hatem as well. Lets hope this justice system speeds this trail up and gives him what he deserves.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-07-28 20:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday we lost a MENA jewel
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Jun 18 2008, 06:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I didnt know her and i can see how unlucky i am to miss knowing an amazing person like her!! sad.gif my condolences to everyone who have known her....esp to her family n Hatem..... i ask my Creator to heal him so soon n give him faith to accept the loss of the one he loves!! sad.gif ..

i needed this wake up call......

Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-06-18 18:15:00
Middle East and North Africaoldies but goodies?

Good luck, Terri! All the best to you guys.

Thanks, now we can file the AOS!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-06-23 19:47:00
Middle East and North Africaoldies but goodies?
Well class of 2011 for me starts today, as I will be married inside 2 hours! Then the adjstment of status starts, ugh!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-06-23 15:07:00
Middle East and North Africaoldies but goodies?
I failed the class of 07 but inshallah hopefully the class of 2010 will be better. I'm gonna begin the visa process once again. In a month or two
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-06-04 16:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaOur Visa Journey is Complete!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-06-25 17:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaChild Custody In Egypt (Slightly Off Topic)

A word of advice here for anyone who doesn't know any better: You can never ask a question in any MENA thread as all the people who are bored here or have their own issues will come here and make it a madhouse and make you out to be the worst person in the world and then go off topic and start fights of their own like some zoo. I usually read and run because I get so disgusted, but I will say something this time and for anyone sane out there in MENA land: please don't ask for any advice in this forum or give any of the crazy ones on here any personal info-they will tear you apart unfairly while thinking themselves perfect!

Just because she asked a naive question does not mean that her relationship is doomed just because her fiance wants custody of his child (right or wrong)! Please. Get a life. There are a few of you who are sane on here, but I have been sadly disappointed reading the MENA forum for years now and it's too bad because I am married to a Muslim too and will never find a sisterhood here, that's for sure. I don't understand why people are so mean and nasty here.

Erika, many of us have found a sisterhood and bonded here. Its too bad that a thread of sorts has to be taken off track but there are some people and I won't say who it is, does that. I'm sorry you feel that way, but those of us that have formed a sisterhood have become like family and very close. And I agree I dont get either why some people ave to be mean and nasty.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-06-26 18:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaChild Custody In Egypt (Slightly Off Topic)

Posted Image

Hi Nagi, long time no see post!!!!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-06-23 19:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims

Free free free course on Ramadan!

Living Ramadan:

Turning to Allah Together

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In light of the upcoming blessed month of Ramadan, Qibla for the Islamic Sciences is excited to offer an unprecedented online learning experience: Living Ramadan, a new kind of online course tailored specifically for those who want to get the best of Ramadan by learning the most practical and important points of the month under the guidance of our teachers Shaykh Hamza Karamali, Shaykh Qays Arthur, Shaykh Sohail Hanif and Shaykh Farid Dingle.

A self-paced course without exams, Living Ramadan is for those who want to master the worship and spirit of the month. It offers not just the essential knowledge of the rules of Ramadan but also addresses specific questions that are most important to our students, such as moon-sighting and Tarawih, while providing motivation with new daily content throughout Ramadan. Besides the downloadable lessons, students will also have access to live sessions.

Living Ramadan will give you lifetime access to teachers, audio and video content, as well as an expanding online community of students who gather to discuss, ask questions, and share experiences related to the course topic on the Living Ramadan Community Forum.

Due to the launch of Qibla's new website, we are offering this $60 course as a free gift to our students and online community.

Hurry up and register before Living Ramadan's official launch on Sunday, July 9th.

Further benefits:

No registration deadline;Indefinite access to recorded sessions

Get immediate questions answered before, during, and after Ramadan

Understand how to maximize your Ramadan experience with spirtual acts of devotion

Understand rules related to the validity of your fasts, I'itikaf, tarawih and almsgiving

Lifetime access to self-assessment activities

Lifetime access to Q/A services

Lifetime access to teachers, class materials, downloadable lessons & live sessions

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I just signed my hubby and i up!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2011-06-30 14:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
I keep meaning to post and sorry i haven't, I was shown two books that i recently purchased by one of our sister. The one that is very interesting is The Parallell sayings of Jesus and Mohammad. I forgot the author since the book is at work. I think its Dr Sayeed Siad. And the other book is The Sublime Quran by Laleh Bakhtiar. it to me is an easy to read. Much more so than the other qurans.

I keep meaning to post and sorry i haven't, I was shown two books that i recently purchased by one of our sister. The one that is very interesting is The Parallell sayings of Jesus and Mohammad. I forgot the author since the book is at work. I think its Dr Sayeed Siad. And the other book is The Sublime Quran by Laleh Bakhtiar. it to me is an easy to read. Much more so than the other qurans.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-14 14:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims

The point was so that I wasn't the only one contributing :P

On a tangent, I can't wait to listen to this interview with Imam Zaid about the spirit of marriage. I think it will be our family discussion time topic this weekend :D


I'm teasing. Unfortunatly I haven't read anything all thru yet and am trying to get thru others. I start one, put it down, start another, and go back and forth.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-02 19:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Ok you go first. LOL
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-02 09:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims

Good news for those who attended the thursday broadcast of Celebrate Mercy that had a ton of technical difficulties. Sign up for one of the future broadcasts for free:

Thursday, March 4 at 9 PM EST [2 AM in London] (No Cost)
REBROADCAST: Sunday, March 7 at 2 PM EST [7 PM in London] (No Cost)
REBROADCAST: Thursday, March 11 at 8 PM EST [1 AM in London] (No Cost)
REBROADCAST: Saturday, March 13 at 9 PM EST [2 AM in London] (No Cost)

It looks like only the one on March 4th will be held live, but I think the rebroadcasts should be ok. I signed up for the March 11th showing.

Think I will resign up too. Was a bit dissappointed. Stayed til 10:30 then bugged out
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-03-03 15:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims

I got an email from them around noon with a link to complete registration and get the link for the actual event.

If you need help, email tarek.elmessidi at

i did get it too now thanks
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-02-25 15:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims

It's tonight :dance: :dance: :dance: Sh. Hamza, Imam Zaid, Yusuf Islam, Sh. Faraz, Sami Yusuf, Habib Umar, Dalia Mogahed, Sh. Nuh, Sh. Abdullah, Ustadha Zaynab and more, what an awesome group to hear for only $5! Plus, a portion of ticket sales will be donated to hati. I don't know of a more win win win situation available today!

Also, non muslims can sign up for FREE!

About the program:

Log in at 8:30 est, 7:30 central, to hear nasheed and interact with other viewers before the program.

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aren't we supposed to get a link for this?
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-02-25 11:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
i signed up, i think its gonna be interesting
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-02-22 13:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims

I am so glad to have found this thread and wish that I had found it months ago. I converted to Islam a little over a year ago and sometimes it has been very difficult, because I don't have a companion here to guide me, answer questions, show me the right way for things.

I read Amy's post about the woman she met and think it is the best advice she could give a person. I tried to learn everything at once.. wudu, salat, hadiths, wearing the hijab, learning what I could no longer eat, etc. It was all so overwhelming. Focusing on the most important things first, and worrying about small details like hijab later, helped for it to become a little less overwhelming. Though I must admit, even a year later I am HORRIBLE at trying to wear the hijab correctly :)

We do have a decent size Muslim population in my area, and I had tried to attend women's meetings at the mosque near my home, but they were always held during the weekday afternoons and it was not possible for me to miss work to be able to attend these. I tried a few times, but it was just too difficult with my work schedule and then they stopped holding these meetings, so it was no longer an option for me. My work schedule also keeps me from going to prayers at the mosque, so learning has been difficult for me.

I have had to learn much on my own..reading from the internet, reading from books, and I sometimes find that things I thought I had been doing correctly I was not. I taught myself Salat from watching videos on the internet. On my last visit to Turkey, my fiance's sisters showed me that I had been doing some things wrong.

We don't speak the same language, but they were wonderful in trying so hard to communicate to me what I was doing wrong and what I needed to do differently. I was upset that what I had thought I had been doing correctly all this time wasn't correct at all, but my Fiance was very quick to point out that what was in my heart was what was most important.. and if I what I had been doing was what I truly believed was correct then it did not matter and I should not worry about mistakes I had made with salat in the past.

We both look forward to the day we will be able to be together and he can help to answer my questions and help me to learn the things I still do not know. INSALLAH.

Once he is here, I will be able to change my work schedule and will hopefully able to meet some other women in my area that can help to guide me.

Amy, I hope you will see that woman again and be able to help her. I wish I had met someone like you when I first began this journey.

Welcome Jenn its always nice to hear from another sister to islam I too am a new convert of over a year. My husband is here and has done some teaching to me, but for the most part of it, I have been on my own, studying online, at the masjid, reading, and talking to other sisters. This is a good group of girls here, I've learned alot from all of them. If you have any questions or need an special answer to anythnig here is the place to ask! Incha allah you fiance will be here with you soon and help teach you more.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-02-10 22:51:00