Middle East and North AfricaNew Magrehbi

Lol, thanks. He was 8 pds 4 oz and was 5 weeks early! I can't figure out how he got so big. I didn't have diabetes and I only gained a total of 21 pounds. If I had went full term he would have been massive.

Wow, I was just gonna ask how big he was! Thats awesome for a baby that early, but the thing is, were the lungs developed enough. I pray for him every day! Please keep up updated.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-08 08:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Magrehbi

Thank you everyone for your kind words and well wishes. Ayman still seems to be doing better. He has been getting his feedings through a gastric tube and has came down on his oxygen. He still is breathing very fast and I've been told that he will have to stabilize before we get to hold him. They did take off his oxygen hood today and let us hold the oxygen tube close to his face so that we could interact with him. He was very alert and looking around the whole time. I updated my siggie with a pic of him from today. I would love for Mehdi to be able to meet his little brother but he's not allowed in the NICU. Maybe when he is moved to Step Down they will let him visit.

Again, thanks to everyone for your prayers and support. Posted Image

Masha Allah, what a beautiful baby! And look how alert he is. Oh I am so happy Ayman is doing better. The power of prayer is strong!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-07 16:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Magrehbi

Thank you everyone for your kind words. We spent most of the afternoon in the NICU with him and his oxygen has been turned down to 34% from 45 percent yesterday. His ventilator pressure has also came down from 19 to 16. All we can do is hope and pray that he will continue moving in a positive direction.

Terrie, I'm so sorry to hear about you losing your baby. I had never heard of a placental abruption until it happened to me. Thank God that I was at my doctors office when it happened. I was getting an ultrasound done and sat up on the table and just started hemorrhaging. Every doctor and nurse told me that had I been at home or out shopping, etc. that he probably would not be with us at all. So I think of it as a miracle.

Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Hopefullly they will keep moving him to recovery.

This is indeed a miracle baby. May he continue to make strides and one day soon incha Allah he will be home. I can imagine how hard it is to not be able to hold him. And you will soon. You are very lucky you were at the doctors when this happened. I was on my way to the hosptial when mine happened and I can show you the exact spot of where we were when it happened. The first thing out of the doctor's mouth to me was do u do drugs? I was devestated. and shocked needless to say. You and your family are in my prayers and heart. Let us know how he does. Hugs to you also.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-04 19:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Magrehbi

Baby Ayman was born March 29th 2010 @ 10:13 a.m. He was almost 5 weeks early due to a placental abruption that I suffered.

Please keep him in your prayers as he is a very sick little boy who is still in the NICU suffering from persistent fetal circulation also known as pulmonary hypertension in newborns. He is fully dependent on a ventilator to supply him with the oxygen that he needs. I would post a pic, but all I have are of him with the ventilator tube and it is just too heartbreaking for me to even share.
I ask again that you keep him in your prayers so that he can hopefully overcome this problem and come home to us soon. We are both grief stricken and need to see some slight improvement in him to give us hope in his recovery.
Thank you all.

Amy Posted Image

Amy-Congrats on the new little one! Honey, I'm so happy for you, I suffered a placenta abruption over 21 years ago and my little guy died. He was 6.5 weeks early and the only reason they could give me was there was a virus in the placenta. Not the fact that he had tried coming 2 times before that and they stopped the labor each time....
I will definalty keep baby Ayman in my prayers. God will be there and he will be home soon. I am sure that given time, he will gain the strength he needs to be home with his loving family.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-04 10:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!!!
Morning Mena
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-20 09:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaCooking Contest

hello friends!

I just wanted to thank everyone for voting for me on the Moroccan cooking contest - I won! I was notified that I won the Paula wolfert cookbook and it's on its way! I was so shocked but happy since I know all my friends out there voted for me!

also like to invite everyone to jon in on the fun for this month's event: Algeria! Yaaaaaaay! my country! see here for details!http://www.tobiascoo...nt-algeria.html

and also voting for last month's event can be found here! hopefully I will get some votes! =) http://www.tobiascoo...vent-italy.html

Hope to see all of you entering with your favourite algerian dishes!!!! met's have a big turn out to present MENA!

Gooooooooooo MENA!

and thanks again everyone!

Congrats Henia!!!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-19 13:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaLove Words In Arabic !!!

After two years..all he can say is:

-Ah: yes.

-La: No.

-Shokran: thank you.

-Mashi: Ok.

-InshaAllah: God willing.

-Alhamdulillah: thank God.

-MashaAllah: paise be to God.

-Masjid: Mosque.

-Ammi: Uncle.

-Ana ehebbeek [should be bahebbek, but that's how he pronounces it :) ]: I love you.

Any other love words in Arabic are copied and pasted from google translator and forgotten in the next day. :P

It's always a nice surprise to hear him say a new word in Arabic even if he forgets it the next day, he does sound very cute! :wub:


I am the same way as John, i forget as fast as I hear a new word LOL
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-19 12:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaSweet Saturday!

Mabrookulations on becoming a gramma!

Nothing new here today. Goin to go to the store...and maybe do some laundry. If we're lucky, I might toss in supper.....

To answer the person from yesterday... I wanna go to school and get my Associates in Social Sciences and Human Services. My ultimate goal is to have my own counseling/therapist office. :)

(F) amal (F)

Amal i swear i read i might toss supper, didn't see the in! LOL! And sweetie you would make an awesome therapist, but consider goin for a bachelors instead of an associate, the associate isn't worth the paper its written on. My second husband went and did that, and the pay was so low and stress so high, that he became a truck driver instead. And he couldn't get a decent job without a bacehlors.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-24 14:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaSweet Saturday!

Happy Saturday MENA!!
We are in Tampa visiting my daughter and son in law for the weekend! I am so excited, I am going to be a Grandma!!! She is expecting a Thanksgiving baby!!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Congrats on being grandma!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-24 14:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaHump Day!
Happy Hump Day! Its a cooler day here in Wisconsin. I wish it were warm.

Have a good day everyone!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-21 09:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa In Hand
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-27 10:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaCookbooks and Calendars

I'm in! I love the idea of a calendar and I for sure want a Sultan Kitchen Cookbook (been wanting one for a while). How many peeps end up getting the book, of course $30 is better then $40, but either way...I'd be happy with this book.

Now that the tightwad is gone, I can finally order a cookbook!!! Put me down for that!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-04-27 17:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts Saurday!

Happy Saturday everyone!

Just a nice day over here with lots of planning for our religious marriage ceremony next Friday! I already have the dress and the scarf..still need shoes and accessories. John needs new pants and a shirt. Will update our profile picture, when the day arrives! :)

Tomorrow at 6 p.m we have a meeting with our Imam about 'Marriage and Responsibilities in Islam' and our idea of how we want the day.

Terrie, I think of you very often. Hope you're feeling better hun! (F)


Thanks Aya, am just very lonely. And when I see him my heart sinks. I miss him! I am so happy for you-your wedding day is almost here!!! Congrats, email me a pic!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-05-01 16:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts Saurday!
I'm glad the weekend is here. There is alot to do today but I don't know what I want to do. Sigh, being alone and making hese decisions are no fun..... but i have to find something to keep miss Tinker and I busy.

Have a good weekend and a wonderful day!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-05-01 08:29:00
Middle East and North Africamarriage in casa
I've heard at least a month it takes. Unless your fiance has contact of some sorts to get the process done faster. Good luck!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-01-13 19:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday, May 4th
Happy Aniversary Sandra!

Morning Mena!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-05-04 11:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaCinco de Mayo!
Morning Mena! Heya Amal! Graveyard shift eww. Sorry for you. Have a good day everyone
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-05-05 08:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Morning mena. I hope everyone has a good day
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-05-06 10:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa In Hand!!
Mabrook. I hope you have a wonderful life together
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-05-11 09:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday We Are Husband and Wife!
Aya, may you have many years of joy and hapiness, love ya
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-05-12 08:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday We Are Husband and Wife!
Mabrook Aya and John! I hope you have many many happy years together!!! :dance:
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-05-03 17:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan Cuisine- documentary
thanks meriem, I enjoyed watching the videos. makes me realize i miss morocco and probably will never see it again! :crying:
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-05-12 19:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you had known then what you know now??
QUOTE (Angel7422 @ Sep 16 2009, 10:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If i knew then what i know now I would not have married my now husband

Angel, I don't know your situation, but I pray for you. I think that alot of us have felt the same way about our husbands. Believe me, I know I have. I hope things get better for you!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-09-17 14:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you had known then what you know now??
If i knew then what i know now it would be i would have bought a bigger house for his books!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-09-15 11:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you had known then what you know now??
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2009-01-06 20:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you had known then what you know now??
I know that mine likes to hand wash alot of his clothes. Says the wash machine don't do a good enough job. and he hates the sound of the dryer.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-12-27 21:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoanday

Ugh for Moanday!!

Terrie, I hope your doctor can help you!! I know that my doctor was a godsend when I was having trouble with family in the past. I was teetering on the brink, ready to jump off!

Depression is nothing to mess with and neither are the medicines if they don't get the dosage right. Take care of yourself and come talk to us!!

I hope everyone has a great week this week. Hubby is going to hang out with his friend that is visiting for the week so I get to relax and enjoy some "me" time!:innocent:

I have chronic depression. I've had it for years and have not been this low in a long time! I just feel like i hate my life! So, inshallah, the psychiatrist will help me out! One thing I look forward to is Arab Fest on Saturday. I hope I see quite a few VJ'ers there!!!!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-08-02 12:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoanday
Its Monday, and part of me is glad the weekend is over and other parts of me just want to stay in bed and sleep. Who really wants to go to work? My depression has been getting the best of me, so I am goin to see my doctor and try and get something different. Have a good day!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-08-02 07:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Thursday
Can't wait for Saturday-there should be several VJer's coming!! INshallah!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2010-08-05 13:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
QUOTE (merijan @ Sep 19 2008, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Turia @ Sep 18 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh how i wish i had some of my sisters with me just a little bit ago!!! I went to a rummage sale, and there were two men talking. One was black, the other white. And i happen to catch some of the conversation as the black one was talking about Islam. I thought hm, this should be interesting. Well the more i heard, the madder i got. He was talking about people converting to Islam and how they are gonna come over here and take over. And how we have to stop them. I was like, OMG, Terrie, just slow down. I wanted to tell him how much he just insulted me. And I got mad and left without a word. I am so bad, it makes me want to say my Shada now. But my thinking is, thats not a good reason. Advice?

Its happened to me before too, and I felt so angry I just wanted to say so many things back. But saying them in anger will not make the point. And when you are ready you will know its time for you to take Shahada. I have been reading Mena posts alot lately and I see how much you have grown and how you are trying to seek the truth. Inshallah , you will know the right time. Allah will show you.

Be patient.

P.S. Ramadan has always been a struggle for me too. and I have been Muslim for over 12 years. Be patient with yourself.

Thank you, that means so much to me.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-09-19 18:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Sep 18 2008, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes i think its better if u re doing so when u re calm and know at heart peacefully u want to do this! Your anger shows u r compassionate about the religion and u believe in it in my opinion. From what i ve seen so far from 'some' americans; they re soooooo scared of religion and they re so worried that someone someday controls them!! Which i want to reassure them wont ever happen!! Its America no one will let it happen without them even trying! Calm down ppl biggrin.gif

Thanks HLM, I am calm now. I was so darn angry at that man!! I am still studying and do want to say my sha da but for all the right reasons. Not because some stupid person made me angry. I just don't beleive some people about this subject.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-09-18 14:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
Oh how i wish i had some of my sisters with me just a little bit ago!!! I went to a rummage sale, and there were two men talking. One was black, the other white. And i happen to catch some of the conversation as the black one was talking about Islam. I thought hm, this should be interesting. Well the more i heard, the madder i got. He was talking about people converting to Islam and how they are gonna come over here and take over. And how we have to stop them. I was like, OMG, Terrie, just slow down. I wanted to tell him how much he just insulted me. And I got mad and left without a word. I am so bad, it makes me want to say my Shada now. But my thinking is, thats not a good reason. Advice?
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-09-18 14:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
That article was enlightening Rahma, thanks. I on the other hand have had a very rough week with fasting. I've cheated more than once and more than one day. I just seem to have a rough time when i'm alone. Its easier to do this when hubby is home!
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-09-18 10:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
I feel bad! I didn't do that good on fasting today, in fact i've been kind of munching all day! Oh so baddddddd sad.gif
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-09-10 19:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
Beleive me, i'm not basing my faith on the actions of others, i'm just really really confused!!! And I'm having a hard time learning what i need to know.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-09-08 10:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
My problem is i need to talk to someone face to face to fully understand what i need to know. and i've waited for almost a month for some answers and haven't gotton far. I've had very little faith period because of all the bad in my life, now i'm trying to get some and just can't get any answers.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-09-08 10:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Sep 8 2008, 06:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Terrie---Does your husband go to a local Masjid? I was thinking that he could speak to somebody there and let them know what is going on with you and maybe they can refer somebody to outreach to you.

No he don't. I've contacted the center in milwaukee, gotton a few email addys, and no response from one, and the other just hasn't contacted me after the first two intials contacts. I'm getting discouraged and a bit miffed. Like all my faith is just starting to fade away.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-09-08 10:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Sep 6 2008, 12:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have invited my sister to stay one more week with me. Here is how that came about....

She was realeased from the hospital last Sunday. (depression and suicide attempt) That afternoon she told me she would still do it, just not in my house. I shut down. I said to myself, 'i cannot fix her. i have ramadan to get thru, i have immig issues to deal with,,,me , me , me '

The start of the week was horrible for both of us. I didn't know what to say to her. By Wednesday, Thursday, she had seen me pray, heard LOTS of quran coming thru the computer and it was starting to affect her and I didnt know it yet. She said quran calms her.

By Thursday night, I showed her videos about Islam on youtube. WEll....she cant get enough. She is like a sponge, absorbing everything. Last night she took a quiz on and when she clicked on submit,,,it said she was 98% Islam. (alhamdulillah!) Without knowing a word of arabic, it was getting thru.

This morning when I left for work, I gave her a CD of quran to take back to her son's house. I drove to work in turmoil, how could I get her soooooooooo close to Islam, then put her out. I couldn't. I called my nephew, asked if he could wait til next Saturday to come for her.

I called her and asked, 'would you like to stay another week' ? ......stay tuned to see how this week goes.

Jackie, i think thats wonderful that your sister is grasping on to it that well. I only wish i could. I took the same test and mine came out 68% Islam. i am having a difficult time grasping any of this. And have been waiting for weeks for someone from the Islamic Center to call me and talk. I feel so, I don't know, its hard to explain. It seems like people say they will help but when you ask its not there. That is why i gave up on religion so long ago. I want some peace in my life. I want to be happy. I feel like i;m getting no where.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-09-07 12:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
QUOTE (rahma @ Sep 5 2008, 12:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Download a dua pamphlet with important dua for this month.

Gate of ar-Rayyan is a pamphlet with all of the duas from the authentic Sunnah for Ramadan. All the supplications that you will need throughout the month will be within this pack. Presented in a very unique and beautiful design, there is no excuse for you not to learn these duas. For THIS Ramadan (and beyond) and to share it with others. Make your fasts, your iftar's, your suhoor come to alive with these powerful duas.

Rahma-this link is not allowing me to download it. I'm not sure what to do.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-09-05 17:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
Thanks Annie. Tomorrow the plan is to get up early and sleep for a while, go to the interview, and hope i can make it thru the day without eating.
Muh and meFemaleEgypt2008-09-01 18:06:00