Canadaflight to montreal
hi since you are just checking i did also go to air canada jazz or westjet under 200.00 one way calgary to montreal 2 of us flew round trip winnipeg to vancouver for under 700.00 great trip and no problems
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-19 21:15:00
CanadaHow much did you bring with you?
Hi all I've been packing for over 6 months now. i have a uhaul booked just keep changing the date i'm moving the entire contents of my mobile home . everything will be in storage till we find a house. i hate packing.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-01-18 22:49:00
CanadaWedding day today!
congrats on your wedding hope your day is absoluetly wonderful
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-03 08:45:00
CanadaCPP & OAS Pension
Thats was great info about keeping documents as to when you left the country guess i'll get a safety deposit box and put a few things in it as to leaving. I meet the requirements for 20 years working for oas, plus i have my provincial pension from my job i'll have 20 years into that and it gets locked in till i can collect it. so all is good.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-04-02 06:36:00
CanadaWish me Luck on my BIG Move Saturday!
good luck cd and please keep us updated, i'm finished up move to my parents then july 2nd is d day for me. let us know how other paperwork moves along. have fun
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-30 08:20:00
CanadaCanadian tax softeware and my US husband
hi i did my taxes using revenue canadas program(sister works there) you just need spouses name and you must fill out schedule 5 i never put anything about his citizenship. all was fine.only place they want to know is GST you need to send them a letter stating marriage to a non resident. hope this helps.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-04-17 08:07:00
CanadaNamed wrong local consulate office on I-129F
not to worry I did the same thing I put calgary they changed it.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-04-19 07:55:00
Hi everyone, I just wanted all to know that my kids and I activated the visas.We are here in Idaho for the week so We can start are AOS and work papers. We crossed at Emerson North Dakota, Everyone was great there considering they hadn't done a k3/k4 visa in 2 or 3 years.The whole thing took an hour due to interuptions, plus all the border employeees had to come take a peek at the paperwork. They teased the kids about learning American so my daughter says now we have to say "ah" instead of "eh". I thought the guy was going to pee himself.So once paperwork was done my picture and finger prints also. We got a big Welcome To America from them all.Well I better get going here i need to go buy a new printer so i can get paper work done and then go buy a new dryer Yipee. Have a great day everyone. Terry and George
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-04-24 11:15:00
Canadahelp and advice crying in my coffee and it isn't TIMS
I looked at that also so i guess if i start work here then i can do my aos after a year and hope they process it quickly. I'll have to lock up a few thousand for when that time comes . well i guess i'll just do the I765 for now.And hope we can find a sposer in the mean time I'm going to see if my ex husbands family can do it for me everyone cross their fingers and toes for us
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-04-27 13:05:00
Canadahelp and advice crying in my coffee and it isn't TIMS
Hi I already posted on the AOS topic site but decided to try here.Basicly there are no loop holes for meeting poverty guidelines my hubby meets requirements for 5 dependents but with his other kids the total becomes 8 He supports 4 kids from his first marriage. We don't know who could be our co-sponser.There is no one he could really ask. I guess the problem now is should i even bother sending any more paperwork in to them . I'm so frustrated right now. I leave to go back to canada tomorrow, so our last night together is kinda ruined now.Wonder if he could handle 6 visits a year for the next 6 years. wish us luck we really need it now
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-04-27 12:26:00
CanadaCanadian Grocery List....
heres some of my list......china lily soy sauce, 1kg size cheese whiz,pickeral,
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-03 08:40:00
CanadaJust curious
wow everyone has such interesting jobs and careers. My usc is a landscaper in Idaho so its year round work (can't do that in manitoba) I'm a health care aide so i'm not too worried about finding employement although it won't be quite the same.I may expand in the field once i'm settled and get my lpn or equivilent.But i'm taking the summer off to relax and settle in.Good luck to everyone in the job hunt
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-05-14 07:24:00
CanadaWe got a Sponsor!
i'm so glad to hear that. I know we may look into relative to sponser me yet. thats are next step. Eli it only took you a month to get your ead after biometrics? I'll be in spokane june 15th for mine
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-05-25 08:07:00
CanadaMaking the move with your pets
We are bringing our cat with us by car it will be a 24 hour drive.i have no idea yet how she is to travel with we got her last year from a family that divorced and couldn't keep her as far as i know we are her 3rd family. shes adapted great to house shes a very laid back cat,but i think all this packing may be scaring her shes even more quiet,i give her lots of love,plus we are moving into my parents place for 2 1/2 months and they have a kitten so a lot of changes for her.I'd love to hear more stories also. P.S. i have to leave our gold fish and rabbit behind.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-05 21:17:00
CanadaAnother warning for cross border drivers
Well after reading that it could happen. I got pulled over in montana the last trip(i wasn't speeding) the officer said he noticed my plates were manitoba and then said your windshield is cracked. well after running plates etc and making small talk he said he spent 5 years of hell at st Johns school. He then asked me to exit the car and talk to him he asked if i had anything to tell him about whats in my car i said no. he said ok i just wanted to see your reaction as i had been in spokane and that i was in the meth corridor to winnipeg.He also told me I had expired plates, but when i got home i found that not to be true.very very weird. just thought you'd enjoy the story.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-06-27 18:18:00
CanadaHUGGGGS to my VJ family
Well I just wanted to pop in here to say hi and a (BIG THANK YOU) to everyone for their help and advice up until this point .I will start the AOS soon, so I'm sure I'll have questions again. At this point i'm waiting for UHAUL to call with my pickup time for truck. my husbands on a train on his way to Grand Forks where I'll pick him up at 1am tonight. So today I will try to get that truck loaded I still have to find more boxes.I swear my belongings have been breeding in my parents basement. I think I have all my paperwork done for the border I just need to have a value for it all. The only thing I'm worried about is my car I still have a lien on it. I took car of all the stuff at the bank for it and as soon as I insure the car in the U.S. they will fax all the info to the insurer so thats not too bad.Now if my EAD card would hurry up then i can send that to EI i already sent my ROE to ontario. Again thanks to all and I'll still be here hoping to help others also. :dance:
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-06-30 09:59:00
Canadaalmost moving day.....
well maybe our paths will cross on the highway mines the uhaul with IDAHO written across it. i'm crossing at pembina good luck on your trip safe travels
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-06-30 19:56:00
CanadaPembina POE?
hi everyone thought i'd add to this We crossed at pembina with uhaul and my car We were there 10 mins all i needed was the paper for my car, they cared less about the uhaul or the cat. we had a harder time getting into canada though, I picked hubby up in grand forks and we were detained almost 45 mins inside no reason given and they never searched the carmaybe my car came up with multiple recent crossings who knows? lol. I got my car insured with state farm less then half of what i paid in canada, even with the lien on it then i got it registered and again so quick and easy. now i have to do my road and written test for licence. oh and my EI cards and letter arrived 2 days after i did . Now to get my EAD card, then my ssn and then start on the AOS stuff. good luck and hope everyone has a great day.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-07-06 11:22:00
CanadaMissing Canada
I guess things aren't all that bad I finally got them to see i'm not the (money tree).Once school starts and I can start working then things will change. When your used to solitude with only 2 kids,and then 8 more come in its crazy here. When i get down i think of hubbys coworker making fun of us.."SMITH FAMILY PARTY OF 42". going through a drive through requires 3 cars lol. in a month and a half we will have a new grand daughter to add to the mix of 7 daughters 1 foster daughter 2 sons 2 son-in-laws, and 4 grand daughters.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-07-26 10:02:00
CanadaMissing Canada
Thank goodness for this forum (CANADIAN) I have only been here 3 weeks though I was back in canada for 1 week for an annual AGW (all girls weekend). I really miss my family,I talk to my mom almost daily,and keep up with the news of home.I'll see them all next week at the family reunion in sask. Health care isn't an issue yet, the kids are covered. I was a single mom for a few years,so i got used to being on my own, the kids are kinda bored here, but once school starts i'm sure it will be different I'm just tired of paperwork for every thing.I don't think hubby would ever consider moving to canada he won't even discuss it at all.His kids are here and now grand children too,though I had to leave my son behind (he didn't want to move). YES I MISS HOME. His kids don't knock and just walk in whenever they feel like it (age 21 and 20). I better stop before i have a meltdown.Still can't get my drivers license i need a abstract from manitoba( probally the only province with no access from out of province) LIFE WILL GET BETTER FOR US ALL JUST REMEMBER HOW MUCH YOU LOVE YOUR SPOUSE.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-07-25 16:00:00
CanadaCanadian Cigarettes
I miss the flavor of canadian cigs, hubby smokes camel ultra lights or marlboro ultra lights .I find myself chain smoking them way too light but i guess it may be easier to quit. My mom said the next time she sees me I better have quit,oops that will be next week, we have a big family reunion in Big River Sask, Think I'll bring 2 cartons under 30.00 a carton here.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-07-25 09:58:00
Canadathe last 2 weeks
All the words I could say to you have been said before me,all i can say is my prayers are with you and your family a parent should never have to bury their children.Your tribute to your son was very moving.I believe we all here at vj shed tears for you.we are here for you when you need to talk.please take care terry and george
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-08-02 12:59:00
hi all , we have no idea why they charged me ,Maybe because of my condition they did. When I realized I musted of been drugged I did ask for a drug test but they ignored my request. I'm seeing a lawyer first thing today. I totally agree with the sippy cup idea.I'm still have after effects of this. I checked online and everything points to acid.I don't use drugs so I'm sure it explains the bad trip. I'll keep you all informed. Thank you all for caring. I guess the first court date is in 2 weeks so we have no contact till then. I guess hubby did tell them about immigration stuff and they said its ok ,its a misdemeaner charge.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-07-31 08:45:00
hi all i just wanted to post this warning to all. Its kinda like it would never happen to me. Hubby and I attended a concert in spokane sun night all was great till someone drugged my drink. we think it was acid or something well the details are sketchy for me but needless to say somehow we got seperated from each other and I was on a strange drug trip, Well the story ends with me being arrested for domestic battery (hubby never laid charges) I spent the worse night of my life in jail.I got out late monday night I spent the day suffering the after effects of the drug.I'm at my step daughters as there is a no contact order in effect. SO PLEASE NEVER LEAVE YOUR DRINK UNATTENDED.I'll keep you posted to how this pans out.oh and due to the drug i couldn't stop crying so they put me on a suicide watch in jail.I miss my hubby so much hopefully the order will be dropped. hope this never happens to any of you terry and george
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-07-31 00:50:00
Canadaupdate on my court hearing
Hi everyone. First I want to thank everyone for their support and advice. Well we had our hearing to drop the no contact order and it did not go well.The prosecuter refused to drop it,I think she was clueless. then she tells the judge that i have a attempted obstruction of justice charge from st catherines ont from 1987(i've never been there lol).So my lawyer says how I've been through all the checks to get my visa and that my record is clear. my lawyer then questioned my husband under oath and that went well so the judge makes a stupid remark about canadian border not letting dui people enter and says that wouldn't happen at our border what a dumb a**. and then somehow decided i have a substance abuse problem. ####### he pulled that outta thin it was denied and we go back aug 29th.My lawyer wasn't there and i had a sub, but i met with my lawyer and he's reviewing the hearing and also researching immigration issues for me.He was very shocked it wasn't dropped then he said that Kootnai county has the worst judges, prosecuters, and sherriffs dept in Idaho. So once this is all done we are starting a lawsuit. I'll let you know how it all goes next week. Oh i got my hosp bill 385.00 just to tell me there wouldn't be enough drug left in my system to test and it would be extremely expensive to do.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-08-21 12:48:00
CanadaEI Issue
Allie I got my EI papers 2 days after arrival one envelope looked like it was dumped in water.double check how the address is written apt numbers and box numbers are last here
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-07-25 16:07:00
CanadaCar Insurance tips?
We had no problem with my canadian car we went to state farm i gave them permission to get my driving record , then to put plates on they just looked at the car took my paper from the border i gave them a piece of mail with my name and address here and it was all done. for my licence i just need a denial letter from ssn, my canadian drivers abstract and proof of residence then i can write the test and do the drivers test. How do you undo 25 years of bad driving habits .Its the stupid laws here that you have to remember LIKE if you hit a farmers cow on the highway you have to pay him for his cow. Its a crazy world... good luck
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-09-07 11:33:00
CanadaFiling 2006 Canadian Income Taxes
she checked and yes you can do that and if you have situation like mine you fill out schedule 5.good luck all i'm having mine efiled tomorrow.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-05 21:01:00
CanadaFiling 2006 Canadian Income Taxes
Hi everyone I too have this problem, though mines a little different i have been claiming one child as equivilent to spouse and 1 child as a dependent,but now i have a husband.My sister works for revenue canada and is checking this today for all of us.If you Efile she says certain parts are keyed in and will bounce out of system for clarification so taxes will take longer. I will post tonight with the answers.I have all my stuff ready to go to rainy vancouver on weds interview is 10 am march8th yippee.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-05 08:01:00
CanadaIf You Could Choose to Live in Any State, Which Would You Choose???
Well since i've only travelled through the border states westward and am now living in Idaho I'd say this is a great state,though i did fall in love with cali on vacation calavaras county' and coming from manitoba and our winters there the last 2 years have felt like home without the -45 windchill, but i'd say as long as i'm with my love we could live anywhere.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2009-08-21 19:25:00
got approval today card will be here next week
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2009-10-13 15:36:00
Hi everyone glad ifound the canadian link in this I have been in the us since july of 07, unforunately my husband got laid off this past winter, so things went on hold for fileing for AOS keeping our home we bought in july of 08 was more important, so anyways needless to say i filed for a visa extension which they wouldn't except unless i filed for my AOS so i have now done that even though visa and EAD expired in march and April of 09. Good news so far is they cashed my cheque and my biometrics have been scheduled.P.S my husband now has a better job and I'm working so hopefully all is good with this. my only worry is the late fileing of this but i'm sure they will understand the economic times and family unity, I think they should just skip the interview part and come over for dinner and see us a family it would be much quicker lol. I wish the best for all of us canadians in this time. P.S.S My parents just visited from manitoba for 2 weeks and they are both so happy with my life here with my children and hubby they love our home and were eyeing up the house for sale 2 dooors down lol talk soon all
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2009-08-08 16:36:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
Hi everyone I just read through the thread, I think i actually did everything right this time.My last day of work was june 9th I had my EAD biometrics appt june 15th and i applied for EI june 26th. MY move date is july 2nd. so hopefully i'm good to go on all this.I mailed my ROE'S in too,now my question is do i just mail my copy of EAD when i get it to the belleville office? thanks terry our journey is almost done yippee
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-06-27 08:36:00
PhilippinesMedical DS 3025 form
the mysterious brown envelope contains every piece of paper or copies of it all that we have sent in The border opened ours in front of me so i saw it all
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-07-24 10:23:00
Middle East and North Africaever feel like giving up?
well i won't repeat what everyone else has said, and yes it is hard some days you feel like you are all alone. i think being married does make it harder when you are so anxious to start your lives together and be a family, i'm just thankful i'm only 2300 kms away and a 12 hour drive from weekend visits with my husband and our nightly talks on phone and internet. its the others here who are oceans away from their loved ones i really feel for. and i think we can all be thankful knowing this journey will end and we can be with our loved ones think of the military wives and husbands who are away protecting us not knowing if they will make it back to their familys. tonight say a prayer for them and their safe return. terry and george
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-09-27 19:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline on I 130 Approvals
hi just got the email we got the I130 approved on dec 12th only took 171 days. But i think i have to do k3 as we never did kids I130's yet because we thought there was a major time difference between the 2 unless there is a way around it?
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-12-13 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresa question about children
hi i also wondered about this question, as only 2 of my 3 children will be immigrating with me.

i only put my 2 children on the form . when my oldest turns 18 and decides he wants to come we will file then for him.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-10-26 19:29:00
CanadaCanadian winters are killing me...ok not really but
QUOTE (kimmbo @ Nov 16 2007, 11:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
any recommendations for facial moisturizers?? helpsmilie.gif

I usually end up going to Lush and asking an employee for help. (Just make sure you get an employee who knows their stuff. I'm currently using Celestial moisturizer in the daytime and Almond Kisses moisturizer at night from there, good stuff especially during winters. Also, my skin is crazy sensitive (Dove sensitive hurts like crazy) and those are the only two so far that work really well without burning my face.

But, if it's dry skin you're worried about, they do have moisturizers that are made up of 40% butters & oils, and they try to use more natural ingredients.

And for your hands... Lemony Flutter also from Lush. It's some really rich butter that can be used everywhere. Hands, heels, elbows, lips. Crazy good especially if your hands are super dry, cracking or just feel like sandpaper. If you do have super bad hands though, ask them if they can show you their hand treatment. "Magic hands" they call it. ... or was it "Spirit fingers?" :3

Edited by Daly, 23 November 2007 - 11:26 AM.

DalyFemaleCanada2007-11-23 11:23:00
CanadaCan my love stay with me...?
Yes, he can. But, it also depends on how much documentation he brings as proof of ties to prove that he'll return to Canada. I went to visit my USC fiancee back in february; I brought 3 employer's letters, 3 pay stubs, a letter from my rent, all bills tied with my name on it, and I also brought along any paperwork proving we were going through the K-1 process. In the end, I didn't have to show a piece. But... better safer than sorry. smile.gif
DalyFemaleCanada2008-06-03 08:04:00
CanadaU-pack moving questions
Thanks everyone for your responses about U-pack. Because of all the hassle they're giving me though, I'm going with a mover. It's about $300 more, but, I won't have to deal with them, I won't have to load or unpack or rent a u-haul since there is no option of them leaving a relocube at my house. wacko.gif

And they seem to be quite clueless about the process with border crossing since they claimed I have to sign over power of attorney to someone else to ship it on my behalf... blink.gif So off I go to other moving threads to get more info on the 3299. Thanks!
DalyFemaleCanada2008-06-06 10:57:00