CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
wow congrats Alaba!! :thumbs:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-01 15:27:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Glad you made it home safely Vero and that the boarder was easy. Thanks for sharing that with us :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-29 18:23:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I agree 9 months is too long. I hope you had a good trip home Vero.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-28 20:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I didn't apply for AP.

lol I miss all the Canadian foods. I can't wait to go back to eat! haha Hope your trip home is a good one.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-26 19:28:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks Everyone. Vero how are things going for you in Canada so far? Hope everything is great and you are having a very good visit with your family.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-25 09:50:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Got my EAD card in the mail today. :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-24 13:47:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats Alaba that is great news :thumbs:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-22 17:47:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Gosh, I'm in packing more right now, and it looks like I'll have to unpack the suitcase and try to pack it again to make everything fit in it :wacko: !!!

lol good luck getting that bag packed. Don't forget the ever trusted sit on the bag to get it closed trick ;) lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-17 14:19:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Have a awesome time in Quebec Vero. Is this the first time going back to Canada?? I can't wait to get to go back and visit my mom and sisters. They bug me all the time about when I'll be able to visit lol Have a fun and safe trip!
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-16 11:54:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I just checked my status on the USCIS site and it said on May 12 2011 my file has been sent to the California service center location for processing. I guess they got our stuff in the mail :dance: Now I don't have to worry about it. What a great day
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-15 16:05:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
We just sent ours through snail mail. I have been worried about it tho. It was in an envelope from Chris' work with the work name on it and Chris stuck a sticker on with his name and our address but didn't write down anything else on the envelope except the address for the department of homeland security. I am worried they would think it's junk or something and throw it out.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-14 13:35:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Oh awesome. I can't believe I didn't think to check that before now. Thanks Vero. Once again you have put me at ease. You are right, I just checked both my passport and bio appointment letter and they are they same. Bio letter just has a 0 at the start. I feel so much better now :dance:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-11 08:17:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
To find out about putting the wrong A# on my work sheet at the biometric place should I call the number that is on the biometric appointment paper? I can't believe I didn't see the new number on the biometric appointment sheet. I just don't know what to do about it. I hope that doing that didn't mess anything up or make it like I never showed up for my appointment. I am really worried now.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-09 20:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Happy Belated J!

So got my stupid RFE and it was for FINGERPRINTS not matching, ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm gonna lose it! You may recall the first time I went I got a letter saying they didn't match, I had to go back and do it I did, told them to be extremely dilligent, and guess they weren't! So now, I have the pleasure of having to get a criminal record check done at my local police station (I'm in Baltimore so that's gonna be a very interesting trip!) and how do they do it? Why, with fingerprints of course! Ridiculous. Will keep you posted.

OMG! that is crazy. I am so sorry you have to go through this. That sounds like it is going to be a pain in the butt. My goodness do they like to jerk you around eh? geez.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-08 22:20:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Now that I looked closer at the Biometrics letter I do see that new A#. Oh ####### I wonder what is going to happen now that I put the wrong one in. I am kicking myself
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-06 17:13:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Oh hmm I didn't see that on mine. Yikes maybe I put in the wrong A# :bonk:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-06 17:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I am very glad I had my passport because one of the questions was my A# and if I didn't have my passport I wouldn't have known it
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-06 12:23:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
That sucks Alaba. It seems like we are all getting crappy news lately.

Happy Birthday J&J!! I hope you are having a wonderful visit with your dad and you have a awesome birthday.

Congrats on getting your AP/EAD Brenda! :dance:

Alright, so i waited till this past monday and recieved my noa's for noa's for ead, ap and aos, they sent it to the right address, finally. I also got my letter for biometrics appointment which is scheduled for this tuesday coming up, May 10, 2011 at 11:00am... So i guess the "card production" was them resending the letters to the right address. Fail

If you don't know your SS number off the top of your head bring your card, you will need it. Also they do not allow purses or phones in the building. Have a nice Biometrics appointment. Glad they finally get sent to the right address. :thumbs:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-05 17:46:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
lol Thanks Vero. *lifts chin up* ;) lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-04 13:56:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Frustrating isn't it? So close, sooooo close dammit! Your RFE was for tax stuff right? Wonder what ours is for...hmmmm...this is what I get for boasting about how fast/well ours was going...I said it must've been the fabulous job I did preparing all the forms!! :P That'll teach me to brag!

Yes ours was for tax stuff. We sent in the wrong paper apparently. I wonder what yours is for too. Hopefully something simple. Haha yeah that'll teach ya! lol I think they just like picking on us ;)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-03 16:46:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Oh that is sucky Brenda2010. Hope you find out what its for soon and you can send the stuff back quickly. Good about the EAD and AP tho.

My status is still showing that we got a RFE. We sent back the stuff a week ago so I would think they got it by now.

Edited by mandaNchris, 03 May 2011 - 02:49 PM.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-05-03 14:45:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Never mind. I found the website.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-28 15:09:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats Brenda2010 that is so exciting!! :thumbs:

So I was just wondering what is the website you go to to check your status?
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-28 15:06:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I got a REF in the mail today. Apparently we didn't send in the right tax stuff. Chris is printing it out tonight and we will be sending it back tomorrow.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-25 19:12:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Happy Easter everyone. Hope you all are having a great day
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-24 16:56:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Surprisingly there wasn't very much traffic this morning. So we got there about half an hour early. People were already lined up. I just waited in the car until they opened the doors. The lady that took my finger prints kept telling me to relax and let her do it. I was like I am relaxed! and she huffed and puffed and just kept repeating herself so I just didn't even bother to reply after the 7th time. Then she went to take my picture and apparently I am too short for their camera so she told me to move my head up a little. I'm like ah ok? So I just pushed up with my hands and she said it was good and told me I could go. I'm glad it's over with. I was there for a total of about 45 mins.

Cute doggies Ken and Kate! I hope your new couch survives the cats.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-22 10:55:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I hate getting up early but that is probably because Chris and I don't go to sleep until 4am usually. We will be going to bed early tonight tho. Well I will be. Chris doesn't get home from work until 12:30am so he is going to be very tired at 6am. Yes I am not looking forward to the traffic. That is going to be a headache. Oh well we will get through it. :yes:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-21 13:26:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Yeah I'm not worried about it. Doesn't seem to be too hard. Just let them take finger prints and a picture. Should go by quickly. I just wish it was not at 8 in the morning. We will have to be up by about 6am to get to Atlanta by then. Alex is not a happy boy when you wake him so this should be such a fun trip.... NOT! lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-19 20:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey guys! Looks like ya'll will be busy this weekend! Not much going on here, Chris has to work Saturday, and if it's sunny Sunday we'll probably go to the river. We'll bring Tobias if the river has gone down (our dog). Last year, Tobias caught a fish!!!

Gosh, I hope she's ok!!! When I was walking Tobias yesterday, a female possum was dead on the road, and when I got closer, she had 5 or 6 little babies that were ran over too... It was so sad! And then when I came back that way, one of them was still alive!!! I felt horrible! I was wondering if I should pick it up or something... And this morning they were gone... Gosh it was sad!

Oh man that is sad. Poor little things. :(

Sounds like it will be a nice relaxing Sunday for you. I just watched on tv a cat that went and caught a fish out of the water at a beach. It was pretty kool to see.

J&J your Easter egg hunt sounds awesome. We did that one year for the kids on our street but we went and hid the eggs at the park. They had a blast even tho it was a bit chilly that morning. Taco salad is always good and easy to make. I hope that dog is alright. You must be very worried. I hope someone took her in. She will probably show up in a few days if someone hasn't taken her in.

Biometrics on Friday for me. Woohoo. Gonna be one step closer! :dance:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-19 14:19:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

SPCA wouldn't take her, ( I won't even get into it or else my blood presure will rise). Poor lil' thing!

What's everyone's plans for Easter?

Dang that really sucks. Poor little doggie. I hope you can find a good home for her.

Going to my mother in-laws house for dinner on Saturday and then Sunday Alex will get his Easter basket. Chris works on Sunday. boo! lol What are your plans?
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-18 16:40:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Turned three at the end of Feb. He loves being here with Daddy. He does know that my mom and sisters live in Canada and he has to go for a long drive to get to them. He has went to visit my sister twice sense we moved. Once was for a week right after thanksgiving and then he went for two weeks in March. I missed him so much so he isn't going to visit without me again lol. He is doing great. He loves to play outside with his chalk and he is really into the movie Cars. We watch it at least twice a day. He knows all the words and says them with the movie. It's very cute.

How are things with you Vero. I seen your post about missing home and not realizing that it was going to be so different. I hope you are feeling better now. It is hard sometimes to get out of the funk. I hope you are able to find something to do to get your mind busy.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-16 00:04:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hi guys, I love reading all of your updates, I've just been pressed for time recently!

The Green Card was received about a week after our March 29th interview date, on April 7th, and I was happy to see that it is actually kind of green! We filed our income tax online about two weeks before that, and good things come in pairs: received my Green Card AND our tax returns! We got a huge return back, which is super-helpful!

A month after I received my EAD card, I found a full-time WebDev placement here in Denver, and it's been great so far. I feel really lucky to have found work so early and quickly, and I wish everyone who's still searching the best of luck; it seriously sucks not working/bringing home the bacon, and we've already had to deal with enough of that with our AOS wait! So GOOD LUCK, STAY POSITIVE!

Our cats have been a bunch of ***holes ever since we left them for a month during our wedding/honeymoon.. They've left their mark mainly on our couch, and we've been forced to keep them locked in our bathroom whenever we're out, because we're afraid they'll pee/spray other stuff around the apartment. We've tried everything short of strangling them, so we're thinking a new couch and a change of scenery will fix it (hopefully!) Our lease is up in August, and we're currently looking to buy a condo somewhere around here (Denver DTC) Lots of choices, and the house market is pretty good right now, so it's pretty exciting :D

We're also thinking of buying a standard poodle! Katie's been talking of nothing but for weeks now, and we're finally going to see a local breeder here in town to check out a 10-week old pup. I know they're a lot of work, and a big commitment, but we're excited and ready for an addition! I'll have a jogging buddy :D

That's about it here on our end.. Finally able to make ends meet with 2 incomes, planning our future, living the life.

Feels good man!


Congrats on getting your green card. Must feel great to have it after all this time. Glad you were able to find a job so quickly. I am lucky that I don't have to work. I stay at home and take care of Alex and the house while Chris goes to work. :D

Oh boy those cats sound so fun lol I hope a new couch and new place helps but with cats anything new they feel they need to get their sent on, so be careful. They may spray again. That stuff smells awful and it seems impossible to get out. I think I would have tried strangling them lol ok probably not but it sure would be tempting to. Good luck finding a place. I hope it is everything you are hoping for.

We have been talking about getting a dog but with our new kitties that has to be pushed back for a bit. Can't afford three cats and a dog at the moment. Puppies are so cute. It will be hard to let it go. It will make a great companion.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-15 14:57:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hahaha, I love the cat's name, Zipper!!! That's awesome! Sorry you won't be there for the celebration :( Do you guys have Skype? Maybe you could 'see' them that way...

It's ok I knew coming into this that I would miss out on some things back home. Just didn't think I would miss this. Oh well nothing I can do about it. No we don't have Skype but we do have webcams and MSN messenger or Yahoo messenger. They will be outside tho because it's a BBQ. I told my sister to give the camera to my niece to get lots of pictures. That will have to do.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-15 12:42:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
We just cut down the trees and bushes in our front yard. I couldn't stand the darn things. I like being able to look out the window and not have trees blocking my view of the road. I do feel bad for killing a tree tho :( We took in three cats of my sister in-laws. One is black and white, really fat and old (about 11 years) his name is Moo Moo. The second one is gray (looks blue in some lighting) and is about 6 years old, his name is Zipper and the last one is a little black one named Zoey. Shes about 3 years old. Sister in-law is supposed to be taking the younger two back when she finds a place that will allow her to own pets. Sucks because Alex has really taken to Zoey and calls her his cat. I secretly hope that she doesn't take the cats back so Alex won't be upset.

My mom and older sister's birthdays are coming up this month and I'm bummed out about missing my mom's 50th birthday. My sister is throwing her a party and we (my two sisters and I) bought mom a ring with our birth stones in it and the birth stones of mom's four grandchildren. Shes gonna cry when she gets it.

Other then that nothing is new here. Just waiting for the 22nd to get here so I can get my biometrics done and over with.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-14 15:06:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Yep it is for biometrics. I thought it would be. I think Chris got excited and didnt read it right the first time lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-05 18:42:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Ok so we got a letter in the mail today. Chris says its for the interview for my green card but I have a feeling its just for biometrics. He checks the mail when he leaves for work and took the dang thing with him and isnt answering my questions about it being biometrics or green card. So I will let you guys know when he answers me. The appointment is for the 22nd
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-05 14:47:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
We got our NOA today for both the AOS and Work Authorization. I had just said to Chris this morning "I hope we hear something soon. I am starting to worry" :dance:

Edited by mandaNchris, 02 April 2011 - 02:23 PM.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-04-02 14:19:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Nope, still nothing :angry:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-03-31 22:19:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats Ken and Kate!! Glad it was easy. :dance:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-03-31 12:29:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats Brenda2010! :dance:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-03-24 13:56:00