CanadaPerfect Timing!
woohoo!! I'm glad to see everything worked out for you. Congrats :D
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-13 07:35:00
CanadaMontreal K1 Interview Mini Review
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-13 07:32:00
CanadaFInally Married
Congrats!! :D
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-15 17:09:00
CanadaPOE Ambassador Bridge
Congrats on your happy POE :D sounds like it was a interesting day for people watching lol. Its nice to see someone POE at the Ambassador bridge, I will be POEing there in Sept. It's nice to see they are actually nice to people sometimes lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-18 23:54:00
CanadaOur Family in Grief.
SO sorry to hear about your loss :(
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-21 19:01:00
CanadaInterview Question
Covington GA for me. Hope everything goes well for everyone with Interviews & POEing
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-23 16:58:00
CanadaInterview Question
Hey Chickaflick, I'm moving to GA too. Nice to see others that are moving to the same spot. Good luck with your interview. It'll go great :thumbs:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-23 01:38:00
CanadaCompiling what USC provides for interview
We were asked for a copy of my fiance's passport(page with all his info) and a copy of his birth certificate
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-27 20:00:00
CanadaHow Nervous Were You?
I was really nervous about my medical because I have medical issues. It went great tho. No problems and the only hard parts were the blood test (i hate needles) and the long waiting. The doctor told me that they only care about things that people could catch. Irs a little creepy when the woman nurse checks under your gown lol but not horrilbe.

For the interview I wasnt really nervous. I figured we made it this far without any problems, we probably wouldnt have any at the interview either. Plus we have a real relationship and have done everything the legal way. The interview was very easy and we were only asked four questions. People were really nice. the hardest part once again was the waiting. We waited almost 2 and a half hours after we handed in all our papers and did the finger prints, for the interview. the interview was less then five mins. bring some change with you. there are vending machines but they only take coins. we left all our change in the hotel room and were dieing of thirst by the time we left.

Try not to worry too much. You will laugh at yourself once everything is done for worrying over something that was so easy
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-27 18:22:00
CanadaThanks guys =)
Dont worry everything will go great :thumbs:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-30 14:16:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed
:bonk: <-- this is what immigration feels like to me. Just keep getting hit over and over lol Oh well to me its worth the hard work and right way of doing things. Karma isnt gonna have a reason to come after me!! lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-30 14:21:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed

I agree with the OP, I just get so upset with all these people who claim no intent to marry and immigrate, and you know full well that they had intent. This is not to say that everybody who adjusts status on another visa is misrepresenting themselves, but it is amazing even on this site how many people seem to think they can get away with it. Ergh. And here we all are, nervously thinking about our applications, wanting to be with the ones we love all because we actually want to follow the rules.

Yeah silly us eh? lol Guess it doesnt pay to be the good guys. Oh well at least we all know we went about things the right way and can look at ourselves in the mirror without feeling guilt. tho I suppose if you break the law you really wouldnt feel much guilt, well if you did it willingly.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-28 22:54:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed

this is why i refrain from answering certain topics or talking about immigration to people in the outside world lol. i get soo upset, especially since my process took so long, still is taking long, even the aos part.

also, i was one of those people that did not know i needed a visa to get married or move or any of this originally. i met david, online as well, knew him for a bout a year, met in sept 08 in chicago, for a week, and i knew he was the guy, but we had talked written etc, for a year before that. so in october i 08 i decided i wanted to be with him, he asked me to move in so i sold all my stuff and went. i was let in and i was there until dec 08. then i went back to canada to get my dogs on my bday, trying to get back into the usa is when they said i was doing it all wrong and illegal, and i was promptly denied entry and told to get a visa. fingerprinted photoghraphed interrogated etc.

CBP did their job, i did not know i was doing it all wrong. and i was so terrofied the way i was treated and the way david was treated. but we learned our lesson. I just wish CBP and uscis would do their jobs and make sure others get caught as well. And close all the damn loopsholes that are constanly making me go GRR, cuz really, it's not effing fair to the ones who did it legal , paid all that damn money, and waited so long apart from the person they Love!

Its different when you dont know any better. Still not right but at least you didnt intentionally break the law. Man I cant even imagine how scary that was at the boarder for you. Your from Windsor right?? I believe I read that before. I know the detroit/windsor boarder people are so tough some times. I hope your AOS starts picking up speed. I'll be POEing and AOSing soon.

It is really is unfair. Why should so many people get away with breaking the law?? makes no sense to me
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-28 22:51:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed

I know this is a bad thing to say but some people do meet once and know that that person is the one. How could the government possibly tell the real from the fake relationships? I mean just a little background on me: I started talking to my husband at the end of July 2008 on the phone (he met my mother via World of warcraft-an online game, and she talked me into getting to know him). Then I came to Canada to meet him the end of August 2008, spent 9 days in Canada, then went home. I worked for a couple weeks but I couldnt imagine my life without my hubby. So I sold everything and moved to Canada via a one way plane ticket. I asked CIC if it was ok for me to come and live on a visitor's visa until my PR in Canada went through. We were married in Nov 2008 (only 4 months after we started talking/met). We originally planned on living in Canada forever but we have recently been diagnosed with some infertility issues and to get into the clinics here has quite a long wait time and I miss my family terribly so we are going to the US.

The reason I tell this is because I agree with yall that the USCIS should do more investigating but sometimes stories are suspicious even when it is real love like ours. If people dont outright admit that they are lieing and dont really love one another, how do you prove the relationship is a sham? Good luck with your immigration all:)

See for you it was alright. You did things the legal way in Canada. The U.S. immigration is much different. I do admit it would be hard to tell sometimes if its real or not but thats when they should look deeper... well i think they should anyways. If someone has no intentions to live in the U.S. when they came as a visitor then one would think that they would have loose ends to clean up back home. They could call and talk to landlords or call their work. If they would have done that, they would have found out she quit her job and gave her landlord notice of her move. proving she had every intention to live and stay in the U.S. when she told them she was just "visiting". I'm just saying they need to look more closely at people. I had some hope before this that the immigration system does work but clearly it doesnt.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-28 16:59:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed

It's also plain ignorance on so peoples part. They literally don't know, and a lot of the time if a lawyer tells them to do it this way, they will do it. I mean why further investigate when you have already heard what you wanted to hear? So many people don't want the truth, especially if it means leaving your significant other. I didn't know about VJ until two days before my interview but we filed for K1 and we did it the proper way, we read up on our options, never consulted a lawyer. I just think don't think some people bother researching.

My coworkers daughter is with her husband now and they have adjusted status, but their process was HELL. Immigration even questioned the general manager of my work. We all work at a country club, and her daughter got married there. When you have a big fancy wedding within a couple of months of someones arrival, it seems sort of fishy. I know what they did was illegal, but they didn't adjust easily, and I laughed all the way at them. Mean spirited perhaps but I did the right thing, and I obeyed the law, and I never lost any sleep at all during this process.

The funny part is, they still don't think they did anything wrong.

Well at least she did have some trouble. they didnt let her off scott free. I really thought immigration looked into these kinds of things really closely. I would have laughed at them too.

you say she had a big wedding.... makes me wonder... seems like she'd have money... Maybe they gave her a hard time just to get more money out of her before they let her stay. its looking more and more to me like this is just about money for the Gov. not about right and wrong.

Oh boy this process is making me jaded lol I used to be so sweet, nice and go with the flow..... that doesnt seem to be me anymore lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-28 11:19:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed
For the people who truely go there on vacation and then end up meeting and marrying someone, I understand that. What my friend did was just wrong. She knew the rules but she choose to do it anyways. Its just hard to believe that immigration can be so blind not to see that she moved just to live in the U.S. not for love. Do they not check into people?? She sold all her stuff, gave up her apartment because she had every intention not to go back to NZ. Her facebook says she " Moved to Newark, Ohio in March of 2010. Married to the love of my life in May 2010" (love of her life that she met in person ONE time, yeah sure "love"). I think they need to update how they research people. Tho I guess its just easier for me to see because I know her and know what she did. still fustrating. I thought for sure they would catch her and she'd at least get in a little trouble. It just doesnt seem fair for all of us that are honest. Cant honest, upstanding people ever get the perks?? It seems not. People who break the laws seem to get all the benifits. :(
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-28 11:11:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed
Yeah thats the reason I am moving to the U.S. is because Chris has a great job and he bought a house and owns cars.... just so much more he'd have to give up then I would. So here I am leaving my family to be with him. Never in a million years would I have thought this would be my future lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-27 22:11:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed

I explained some of it but im really hoping the guy is not as stupid as she is making him out to be. K-1 is expencive! She barely knows him an he barely knows her and all she wants is to move to america lol. I sent her mother an email too, to let her know what was going on because it seemed she hadnt told anyone in her family of her " great plan " as she called it!

Oh no, I hope she realizes that marrying someone that you dont love and want to be with isnt the best thing to do. I'd probably feel like slapping my cousin if she told me that lol How old is your cousin?? She sounds young. Hopefully her family will show her the way and talk her out of doing something like this. Crazy what people will do to live in the U.S.

If I had things my way Chris would of been moving to Canada lol Both countries are great, so I'm not sure why your cousin is wanting to live in the U.S. so badly.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-27 21:45:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed
Yeah thats probably how it works. Still ticks me off lol I'm calming down tho. Thank you to everyone that commented. Thanks for listening (well reading) to my vent.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-27 21:35:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed
lol oh my! Isnt it nice to hear those kinds of things *rolls eyes* Hope you explained things to her. No doubt you did. Is she still planning on getting married and moving??
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-27 21:30:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed
Oh ok. I was wondering that. Didnt make much sense to me either. thanx :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-27 21:21:00