CanadaWe were...
great news. Congrats!!
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-17 17:11:00
CanadaPacket 3 questions
lol sorry??? Yeah all i had to pay was 25 dollars. She took my ID and my packet 3 checklist with my case number on it and then she gave them back to me and the police check. took about 10 mins. I went to the RCMP office on Jefferson and Riverside. I was expecting it to be more but I was very pleased when she said it was only 25 dollars.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-06 23:54:00
CanadaPacket 3 questions
I got mine done in windsor ON. I got it in ten mins and paid 25 dollars for it. I guess each police station is different or maybe its because I mentioned it was for immigration, so she needed to see a case number??? not sure

Edited by mandaNchris, 05 May 2010 - 03:04 PM.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 15:03:00
CanadaPacket 3 questions
Hi I just wanted to let you know that when I went to the RCMP office and asked about a police check for immigration the lady told me I needed 2 forms of ID and something with my immigration case number on it. I went home and the next day brought my p3 check list with my number on it and got my police check. Maybe different police stations do it differently??? I'm not sure but just a heads up.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 12:03:00
CanadaMedical Review - Medysis Montréal
awesome thanx for letting me know :) Should be able to get a good part of a book read in that amount of waiting time lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-21 19:28:00
CanadaMedical Review - Medysis Montréal
Glad your medical went well. waiting all that time must have sucked. I will bring a book with me..... do they let you do that??? Well anyway YAY for your medical being done and over with :D
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-21 14:24:00
CanadaPOE @ Sweet Grass, MT
Congrats on your painless POE and A big Congrats on getting married!! hope your AOS doesnt give you a headache :D
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-25 01:29:00
CanadaApproved K-1 Visa
Congrats!! So happy to hear your interview went so well :thumbs:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-02 01:29:00
CanadaMedical Exam
I called Dr. Seiden's office in toronto, left a message with my name and saying I was wanting to make an appointment for a medcial for a K-1 visa, left my number and they called me back two days later. I called in May and got an appointment for June 15th.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-10 17:48:00
CanadaMedical Review in Toronto
Yay!!! so happy to hear that your medical went smoothly. It gives me comfort that you survived the vampires without damage. Hopefully I get that guy!!! lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-19 23:17:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
I got the p4 in the mail on June 28th. :dance: Time to gather up all the stuff we need for the interview. Aug. come quickly plz!!! Congrats on your weddings coming up!! cant wait till I am at that part :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-29 01:14:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Have a great time everyone that is going to visit their loved ones. Halfnhalf I am still sending you good vibes on getting a interview dates soon. *fingers crossed*
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-25 02:30:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Yes having a real date to look forward to is so nice. When Chris left this morning it was nice knowing that I will see him again in Aug. Its not too far off. So letting him leave wasnt as hard as it usually is..... tho it was still pretty hard. Our son asked where daddy was after he woke up from his nap :( Soon he wont have to wonder where daddy is tho :) I am going to move at begining of Sept, then have our wedding in early Nov. that'll give me a month to pack everything and say bye to my family. Its so weird having such strong mixed feelings. I'm really happy to be moving with Chris but sad about leaving my family.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-22 18:23:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
wow almost our whole list is done. I hope Halfnhalf gets a date soon. Congrats everyone!!! Soon we will all be approved and will be with our loved ones. how exciting!!! Chris went home today :( but I had my first fitting for my wedding dress today :) So that made today a little better then what it would have been. Chris has already bought his plane tickets to canada for Aug. bought our train tickets to montreal and booked our hotel. It feels so good to have that all done with. Just have to worry about gathering all the paper work for the interview now. Shouldnt be too hard to do. :dance: I am super excited!!!
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-22 18:12:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Thanx everyone :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-19 18:27:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
awesome news!!! I am so happy and excited right now. I was completely shocked when the woman said aug. 10th lol oh yeah I got my medcial back today too. a very good day for me. I have my fiance here with me and got both things we've been waiting for. what a great day

Edited by mandaNchris, 18 June 2010 - 03:53 PM.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-18 15:51:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Ours is Aug 10 woot woot :dance:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-18 15:47:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Hey guys!!
I'm gonna POE tomorrow and i'm going to a foosball tournament this weekend so i won't be on VJ until next monday... My POE will be at YUL airport, so Vero and Chris, i'll post a review for you since you want to POE there too! I just to say that i wish you guys to have your interview dates very soon, this week would be awesome of course!! You've all been waiting for so long, i think it's time for Montreal to hurry a little bit!!
Good luck! :P

Hope your POE goes smoothly and you dont have any trouble. Good luck with your tournament!!!
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-17 09:46:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Yeah! Good for you! Hubby will be here! The 22nd of July or June?
You have a son! He must be excited of seing him too!

Well, maybe we'll hear something Friday, who knows!

Have a good day!

Untill June 22nd. wish it was july tho lol. Yes we have a son. He is two years old. He is very happy that daddy is coming to visit. He has his wrestling buddy again lol
I'll be calling on friday thats for sure. My fingers are crossed for a date on friday. :thumbs:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-17 09:43:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
I actually forgot to call today lol Well the doctor said they would call if anything came up in a couple hours. his office didnt call my house. I'm assuming its ok. I am not really worried about it. If I dont get it in the mail by tuesday I will give them a call. Chris will be here to visit tomorrow morning. Hes here till the 22nd. We are going to take our son to the carnival for the first time and watch the fireworks that windsor/detroit put on every year, for the first time together too. It should be a great weekend :D OHH and I have my first fitting for my wedding dress I bought last week. I am sooo excited :dance:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-16 18:45:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

What? A breast exam? The doctor I had took more time looking at my spine than anything else! At least it's done! Quite the relief, right?

Thanks SupportGeek, I had no idea that Sundays were more expensive, will keep that in mind next time! Well, I knew that flying on the weekend was more money, but didn't know that booking was too...

Have a good day ya'll! 9 days 'til I see my sweet cheeks again!

I wish they didnt do a breast exam. the lady seem to take forever doing it. It was so weird. The Doctor only listened to my lungs and pressed on my belly. No spine exam but that might be because he seen in my medical records that I have scoliosis and had my spine fused. I dont know. I am sooo glad its over and done with. Well I hope its done. He said that if the X-ray showed the scaring in my lungs that he will have to be sent my old X-rays to compaire them. I hope it didnt show up. I dont want it taking any longer then it already has lol

Edited by mandaNchris, 16 June 2010 - 05:48 PM.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-16 17:48:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
So I had my medical today. Was up way too early. I arrived at the Dr. office at 6:50am. there were already about five or six people in the waiting room when I got there. We waited about 10 - 15 mins to get called in to pay and give the woman my passport and immuization records. then got told to wait at X-ray, got in there really fast. Got sent back to the waiting room. Then got called in for the blood test. Thank god she got it the first time. then it was back to the waiting room for a looonngg wait. Got called in to see the doctor where the woman did my exam and the doctor came in to talk to me. He did my medical history, looked at my immuizations and said they were all up to date. asked a couple of questions and said everything looks good. that unless they see the scaring on my X-ray I will get my stuff on friday or monday. :dance: thank god that is out of the way! We left the office at 10am. The doctor was really nice and so was all the staff. It was a good experience..... other then the breast exam :P
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-15 22:56:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Thanx guys! I'll let you all know how it goes and I will bring a book. I always do :D
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-11 23:08:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
I didnt get a chance to call today but I am sure I would have been told "no date set" :( Guess I wont get a chance to call till Wed. Monday I will be going to my aunts house who lives near toronto because I have my Medical on tues. between 7am and 8am. Yikes that is way too early for me. Hope my medical goes alright. really nervous :wacko:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-11 17:00:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Thank You Vero and Chris & AandB & J&J. I had a very nice birthday after I got over the annoying phone call lol Hopefully we will get good news about interviews tomorrow! I'll be calling in the afternoon on Friday. Good Luck with your medical beantown79

Edited by mandaNchris, 10 June 2010 - 06:02 PM.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-10 17:57:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
haha yes the "no date set" was very clear. when she said "you wont get a date untill montreal looks at your case" wasnt all that clear to me. I was like hmm didnt they already look at it and say I was able to get a date?? lol she also told me she had to carefully look through my case and thats why i was on hold for 15 mins. I was like you had to look through my case??? and she said yes. i was a bit confused as to why she had to do that when all the other times i called they had no problem telling me right away there was no date. I knew i shouldnt have called today. She just annoyed me and i didnt want to be annoyed on my birthday lol Its ok i got over it.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-10 00:06:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
I called today at 4:15 waited on hold for 15 mins, i could barely understand the lady and no interview date yet.... from what i could understand of what all she said.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-09 17:34:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
No date set for us yet either :( I called at 3:45 pm
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-04 15:30:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Congrats AandB!! wow only 2 days, that is awesome. :thumbs: so happy for you
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-03 21:45:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Hey everyone, I just called DOS and was told still no interview date set. :angry: I feel like I have been waiting forever but I know it really isnt that long. I hope we dont have much longer to wait to hear news of interview dates being set. I have my medical set for June 15th. yikes that is coming up soon :wacko: I am not looking forward to this part of the process
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-06-02 14:44:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
I called today and No interview date set. I asked if she knew when they would be giving out dates and she said she is not given that information. Maybe we will start getting dates this coming week. I'm not getting my hopes up tho.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-28 21:42:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Well I just called and still no interview date :( So I guess this week wasnt the one. Maybe next week will be our week :yes:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-21 14:21:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
I called today also and was told I dont have a date set yet :( I'll call again on friday
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-19 17:27:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
I'm really not sure. The first time I called they said "you are elageble for a interview but a date has not been set" then the next time I called all I asked was if an interview date has been set and the lady told me no. I have no idea what being "logged in" means. Do you have any idea??? I know for sure that my p3 got to montreal on april 9th. thats about all I know. I hate calling people so I dont call DOS everyday.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-15 16:42:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Hello everyone. We are waiting on our interview date too. Montreal received our p3 on april 9th. Havent called DOS this week due to a sore throat. I plan on calling on Monday. I hope we all get our interview dates soon. Its so fustrating waiting and waiting.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-05-15 01:18:00
CanadaAnother Successful K-1 POE at Bluewater Bridge
Congrats!!! must feel great to be together :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-07-01 16:29:00
CanadaHappy Canada Day!
lol I love the last lines "hell freezes over" "toronto maple leafs win stanley cup" :lol:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-07-01 15:59:00
Canadads-156k question
We put in our son's info but I attached a note to the form telling them that he does not need a visa because he is already a U.S. citizen through his father.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-07-09 19:28:00
You can bypass the photo and bring one to the interview. I did that. My interview is set for Aug. 10th. You have to go through the steps of "uploading" a photo and it will tell you its not a proper one and you can move on to filling out the rest and sending it/printing it. We had trouble at first with this too.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-07-19 01:09:00
CanadaPerfect Timing!
woohoo!! I'm glad to see everything worked out for you. Congrats :D
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2010-08-13 07:35:00