CanadaMy Appendix burst less than a week before my interview

Well there were a lot of stairs and it was painful but I got my visa approved today. I never even really had the chance to tell them about my appendix.

Congrats! I'm so glad things went well for you, other then the stairs.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-08-10 16:48:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
Congrats Kimbear, I hope you find a great house quickly. Good luck!
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-03-16 15:04:00
CanadaI Made It To the USA!
Aw what a nice welcome your fiance gave you. How sweet of him. I am a bit jealous lol. I've been here for a year now and it still sometimes feels like I'm just visiting.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-09-29 17:19:00
CanadaROC approved
Congrats :dance:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2012-02-10 19:26:00
CanadaBringing our daughter K1 applicant

Ok great thanks for the precise answer. I will have to redo everything now!! Good thing I thought of this last minute!!

So Question 29 asks for names of all children so obviously she will be included there

Then question 31a asks who will accompany me to the US... I can just say N/A ??

Yes that is what you do. I have a dual citizen child (born in Canada. Did his born abroad paper work, so his dad passed down his U.S. citizenship). For question 31a I just put none.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2012-09-16 19:32:00
CanadaGetting a US passport for my child...
If the U.S. citizen parent did not live in the United States for the required period of time, how can a foreign-born child become a U.S. citizen?

A change in the law in 1994 enabled a U.S. citizen parent to apply for “expeditious naturalization” for a child.

If the parent and child are living in the United States and the child entered the United States with a U.S. immigrant visa as a permanent resident, you can apply at the USCIS district office with jurisdiction over your place of residence in the United States.

If the parent and child are residing abroad, the child may be eligible for expeditious naturalization if the child's U.S. citizen grandparent was physically present in the United States for a period totaling five years, and at least two years after the age of 14. The grandparent can be living or deceased at the time of the application. If deceased, the grandparent must have been a citizen prior to the child's birth and at the time of the grandparent's death.

I hope this helps.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2012-09-17 01:26:00
CanadaGetting a US passport for my child...
You will also have to get a DNA test done to prove you are the child's father to pass down your citizenship.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2012-09-16 22:02:00
CanadaGetting a US passport for my child...
You are going to have to go apply for birth abroad for your child to get a U.S. passport, SSN and a born abroad certificate. We did our sons born abroad paper work before we started my immirgration, so we did not have to get a visa for our son. Anyways look online for the forms for birth abroad and get the paper work started.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2012-09-16 20:09:00
CanadaTransferred my ROC to different center
Thanks Kimbear. I figure all centers are slow so I probably won't be hearing anything for a while still. Just frustrating waiting for months and not knowing if anyone is actually looking at our case.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-09-30 17:50:00
CanadaTransferred my ROC to different center
Thanks! That's what I was hoping was going on.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-09-28 15:04:00
CanadaTransferred my ROC to different center
In May I sent in my ROC paperwork to the Vermont service center. Got my extension letter, then had my biometrics appointment. Last week I got a letter in the mail saying on Sept. 13th they transferred my case to the California service center because they have jurisdiction over my case.

We live in Georgia. We have always went through the Vermont service center. On the USCIS website it says to file at the Vermont service center if you live in Georgia.

So, my question is, has anyone ever had this happen to them? If so, what did it mean? Does my case restart and waiting times restart? I'm confused as to why they would transfer it to the center that is further away.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-09-28 14:27:00
CanadaAnyone ever visited their finace(e) for a month from Canada?
I have crossed to visit for one to two months many times to visit my husband (at the time fiancé). The only time I had a problem crossing was when I didn't have a return flight because my husband planned to drive me back and visit Canada for a week. They did let me through after asking me the same questions many times and trying to trip me up. After that I never crossed without a return ticket if I was flying. We usually just drove though.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-10-20 12:56:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
So I have a question for anyone who still checks this thread.

We are getting a Great Dane in August. Never had a dog before of my own so this should be interesting lol.

Has anyone crossed the boarder with their dog while visiting family? I know if we get pulled in and they have to check our truck we will have to put her in her crate. This won't be a problem in the summer but in winter I'm worried she will be freezing. Great Danes have very little fur and she will get cold quickly. Her crate will be too large to put in our truck cab. Just trying to figure out how to keep her warm enough if we happen to get pulled in.

My sister is moving to Cornwall Ontario. So we will be going through a different boarder then we usually do. This worries me because I don't have experience with these new boarder guards.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2014-06-25 17:14:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey guys! Long time now talk. I was excited to see our old thread still hanging out in the top of the ranks. Some of you may not remember me, but I remember you! Life has gotten so ridiculous. I just posted a new thread for advice (insert sad exhausted smiley here). I need help! I'm fighting insomnia due to stress at the moment but will catch up on some of your news tomorrow when I am not trying to sleep. xox

Hope you were able to get some sleep. Insomnia due to stress is so hard on the body. Hope it lets up soon for you.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2014-06-25 17:02:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey


Seriously! Thanks so much!! And now I anxiously check the mail every


lol I would be too. It'd be hard to believe it's true until you get the card with everything you've been through. I hope it gets there soon so you can have some peace finally.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2014-06-04 12:15:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Aw thanks J&J, mandaNchris! Sorry, haven't been on in a while, just so sick of the whole thing...


So here's what happened - once I finally got through to the immigration officer he said he would submit another inquiry and that because it was the third inquiry I'd made they'd probably just spit out my 10 yr card...what??? My other option was to email the uscis ombudsmen and report my situation/ I did that too, and voila, one week later I got an RFE to get a criminal record history pulled in light of the fact that my fingerprints suck/won't match.


So I did that...interestingly enough they do have to take your fingerprints to get your criminal record pulled but for some reason they seem to know how to do it, andddd it worked! Mailed in my rfe evidence May 8 and on Friday May 30 I got my congratulations/approval letter saying my cards been ordered and should be here in 60 days. Thank god! My 1 yr extension expired May 23 so I was getting a little stressed!!



Wow that is some crazy stuff. So if someone calls and inquires about their case three times they automatically get a green card? That doesn't seem right lol. I am glad you got everything figured out and you kept calling them. Congrats on finally getting approved! It's about bloody time. 

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2014-06-02 23:03:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Dunno if any of you will see this've hopefully, happily all got your 10 yr cards and are now living life in the US without the worry of dealing with immigration issues!  I, however, am not so lucky...thought I'd share my experience in case someone else is having the same problems.


Here it is now April 2014 and I STILL haven't got my card after filing end of March 2013 - re-did fingerprints back in November, heard nothing, called in December, again in January (both times was told they were 'working on it, still within the 1 year timeline...what?? what happened to 6 months???), had an info pass meeting mid-Febrary (they said someone had my file as of February 12 and to be patient), and here it is April andddd nothing! 


I'm currently on hold for an immigration officer with USCIS, we'll see what they say today. Good lord, sooooo frustrating!


Wow that is insane! I'm so sorry you are going through this still. Someone needs a kick in the butt over there at USCIS. Hope everything gets moving for you.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2014-05-26 00:50:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
The first time we crossed after we did our AOS I gave the guard my passport and green card. He told me I didn't need to show my passport anymore, the green card is what they want to see. I have always brought both anyways just in case the next person wanted to see them both.

Glad I will get a ten year passport this time around. I have having to renew things.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2014-01-04 19:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Yeah we made it there and back no problems. We thought about renewing it while in Canada but we didn't have time. Seemed like we had something to do all day every day we were there.

Merry Christmas/happy holidays everyone.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-12-23 14:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks J&J. That's what I was thinking but wasnt sure.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-12-13 14:57:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
So we are going to Canada on the 17th and I just looked at my passport and apparently it expired in Nov. Does anyone know if that will be a problem at the boarder? I can't believe I forgot that it expired this year. I could just kick myself!
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-12-13 05:17:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Holy cow they sure did take their sweet time letting you know about this. How the heck does that take so long? Shouldn't they know at the biometrics place if they got them right or not? I know for my AOS they lady did mine a couple of times until she got a clear print. I'm sorry they are dragging their butts on your case. That is so frustrating.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-10-29 18:10:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks J&J! It feels amazing lol

The support and guidance has been awesome and I am glad we all shared it together. We are great people here :)

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-10-20 11:41:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

smile.png Thanks Vero.


Three more people to go and our little group will be done. What are we all going to do then? lol I hope we still stay in touch over the years. This group is like family now to me. Don't talk all the time but it's great when we do lol

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-10-19 16:15:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I got my card in the mail today. dancin5hr.gif <--- my happy dance lol

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-10-18 18:36:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks Vero

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-10-14 16:43:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Thanks J&J :)

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-10-11 17:07:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks Brenda :)

The weird part is the letter came from the Vermont service center. So why I got a notice that my case was transferred to the California center is a mystery. I swear they just like to mess with people's minds lol

Glad you called that number Brenda. I hope you hear something soon.

I do wonder how many applications they have to look through and how much time it really takes. I think I would hate their job. Looking through so many personal things of others, I would feel like I'm invading their life..... Well I guess that's the point of it but I couldn't do it lol

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-10-08 12:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

That's great Vero. Glad you got to visit. Guess you are there for Thanksgiving? We were going to go but changed it to Dec.


So we apparently are extremely lucky. I got a letter in the mail today saying they approved my removal of conditions and I'll receive my green card within 60 days. I was approved on Oct. 3rd. hip hip hooray!!! I'm so happy.   

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-10-08 00:16:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks J&J, that is comforting to know. :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-09-30 17:54:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Dang Brenda, hope you hear something soon. I hate the waiting game too. It would be nice to know something, eh? Like them just writing a note saying we haven't forgotten about you lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-09-26 17:10:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks Vero. I have no idea why they would transfer it there. It says that our center is the Vermont one on the USCIS site. I'm also wondering why after all this time has passed that they decided now to transfer it. It just seems so weird to me.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-09-26 05:21:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Got a letter in the mail today saying they transferred our case from the Vermont service center to the California center. Does this mean we start over in our wait time? Are we going to have to redo biometrics? Grr I hate this #######.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-09-23 00:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks Vero. Still haven't heard anything from the bosses. I'm guessing they decided to go with someone else. It's probably for the best. Chris really enjoys his job and probably would have went crazy being in the office instead of getting his hands dirty lol.

I've been trying to check my case on the USCIS website but its not doing anything. Is anyone else having issues?

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-09-22 12:03:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Oh no Alaba! That stinks. Hope you are able to get past this little bump in the road quickly.

Sorry your plans got ruined Vero. We haven't been anywhere lately but when we were talking about going on a late honeymoon Chris' family suggested a cruise. I wasn't too keen on this idea because boats scare me but it is all inclusive and you can get great deals if you shop around. Just a thought.

We haven't heard anything with our visa boo. I guess no news is good news in this case because that means no RFEs, which I am thankful for.

In other news, a couple of months ago Chris was told by couple little birdies (his boss and the boss above his boss) he will be getting a "big offer sooner rather then later" and a superviser at another shop was just fired last week. So fingers crossed he gets a big promotion.

Hope everything is going well for everyone else :-D

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-08-25 17:06:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Woohoo! Yay Vero :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-06-29 15:44:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Wow lots of exciting things for everyone happening. Congrats on the house Ken and Kate. It sounds beautiful.

Congrats Val erie. Happy dance for you! :)

Had my biometrics done on Monday. Waited for about 45 minutes to get called up but it was easy. No trouble with getting my finger prints this time.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-06-26 07:10:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

woohoo! Congrats Vero. How exciting for you.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-06-22 16:03:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Woohoo congrats to you guys!
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-06-11 09:27:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Got a text msg. and email last night around 8:30pm saying that on May 30th my card is in production smile.png YaY.....One step out of the way!!!

Hope all is well and hope everyone else hears something soon too.


Woohoo! Congrats J&J star_smile.gif

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2013-06-01 15:57:00