United KingdomNotarized
I have the I-134 that the only form that needs to be? Thanks...Bill
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-01 17:17:00
United KingdomAnother interview approval!
Congrats :dance:
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-06 23:23:00
United KingdomPhoto requirement?
I didnt send mine with packet 3, just took them along to the interview.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-09 06:40:00
United Kingdommedical ?
Is it good enough to write about any depression on a sheet of paper with the questionaire or are they going to want a letter from my doctors.Ive had mild depression about 4 times, none lasting more than 6 months. thanx in advance.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-25 01:21:00
United KingdomGot my visa :)
Congrats :dance: I feel the same, got mine today and dont know when im leaving, most probably july, just seems sooooo long to wait.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-21 12:28:00
United KingdomFinally received interview date :)
congrats :dancing:
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-23 13:04:00
United KingdomFreaking Finally for TracyTN
congrats :dance:
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-22 12:59:00
United Kingdommedical and interview last week
Thanks everyone, yea feels good, will be even better once i get the visa. I just gotta wait 5 months before i can leave :(
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-13 05:47:00
United Kingdommedical and interview last week
First i want to say thanks to all of you whos helped me on here, would have been so much harder without this site.<BR>
Got into london on monday@ 2:30, my appointment for medical was 3:30, so we walked from bond st using the map knightbridge provided, got there fine with 20 mins to spare so we went straight in, lady at desk asked me to fill in another questionaire( was so nervous at this stage), was called in by a female doctor after 5 mins, who took my height and weight, was then asked to get undressed and put on a gown, left knickers on. she then took my blood pressure, quick breast exam, then took my blood, she did look down my underwear but it was so quick i didnt even realise til after it was dressed again, told to go back to waiting room, was then called by a guy(who was very nice and joking around) for my chest xray..undress again but only the top half, got to wear that nice gown again, had to stand like a chicken in front of the machine and hold my breath...clothes back on again. That was it!! why was i so nervous. Paid the £170 (most painful part) and then had to wait for a letter that i had to take to my doctors from them asking for more details on my mild depression i had in the past. Was in and out in less than 30 mins. breathed a huge sigh of relief walking out of them doors as the medical was the part i was most nervous about, when there really was no reason to be.<BR>
Stayed the night at the marble arch Inn, it was clean, but so small and the bed and pillows were hard,wouldnt recommend it for more than one night, but it was cheap at 40 quid a night.<BR>
Got to the london embassy @ 10 past 10,my appointment was 10:30, there was 4 lines of people, we got told to join the end one, stood there for nearly 2 hrs (my feet were killing me in boots, had to change into my trainers after an hour, not a good look when you have a trouser suit on, which i felt over dressed in btw,most people had jeans on). Finally it got to our line, was asked to show passport, then our bags were scanned, walked round to the other side of the building. Walked up the steps to the double doors, was given a number on entering, sat in a large waiting room, my number was called in about 10 mins, they tell you what number window to go to, i then gave all asked for in packet 3, police report, birth cert, stuff like that, plus they took my finger prints. Got told to pay for the visa at the next window along, then go sit back down. Waited another 10 mins and was called again, this was for the interview,took finger prints again, but just right hand, was asked 5 questions, where had we met, when and how many times, and was i planning on working in the states, she asked when i last worked to which i said 1990, that was totally wrong as it was only 3 years ago, but i was so nervous i couldnt even think of what year that would be, she seemed to totally understand which was good cos i felt a right idiot. She then told me i was approved pending medical results. whahoooooo!!!! Went and paid delivery service of visa and im OUT of there, really it wasnt a bad experience apart from the long wait outside, Tip: wear comfy shoes. :thumbs:
Now im just waiting for my doctors to fax this letter to knighsbridge, hoping to get visa early next week.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-12 08:43:00
United KingdomFor anyone who's missing uk tv.
That site are only giving links to other sites, unlike Youtube or dailymotion who have the actual shows.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-31 15:53:00
United KingdomFor anyone who's missing uk tv.
This site has shows like blackadder,Ab Fab, nevermind the buzzcocks and bottom to name a few.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-31 09:49:00
United KingdomInterview
congrats :dancing:
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-02 07:18:00
United KingdomMMR vaccination
I had to have 2 MMR jabs but only had to wait 28 days in between.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 09:41:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
Been lovely here today..bright sunshine, but not too hot..I hate it when you sit out and sweat doing nothing.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-11 13:14:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?
Best: Echo and the bunnymen, The cure , , thin lizzy and all the old British Punk bands.Oh and i like abit of queen.
Worst: Too any to name, mostly cheesy pop and boy bands.
Loved Adam Ant and frankie goes to hollywood as a teenager.. :whistle:
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-11 13:07:00
United KingdomApproved!!!!
Congrats...feel good dont it :dance:
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-19 03:23:00
United Kingdomflight and arrival info please
Thankyou and good luck with the rest of your journey. (F)
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-23 09:07:00
United Kingdomflight and arrival info please
I leave from gatwick on thursday afternoon, good luck to all others leaving this week, i noticed theres a couple more.
Now what form do i fill in on the plane, the white one right? Then when i arrive i have my brown envolope on show? and what line do i get in? thanx in advance. Im dreading it as my POE is philadelphia and ive heard bad stuff about using that as POE, plus ive already had one bad experience there before.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-23 08:09:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!
congrats (F)
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-02 15:56:00
United Kingdommarried
Thanx to you all...yea when we picked that day we didnt realise it was 7.7.7. just went for that day cos it was close to me arriving and the ppl we had as witness's were down the beach that week on hols. Will post pics soon, altho im alittle embassarrased as im normally a jeans and tshirt girl. First time ive worn a skirt since high
Doing the AOS and AP packet tonight argghhh.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-09 17:32:00
United Kingdommarried
yay we got married yesterday, down at rehoboth beach(was hot) then alittle get together at an english type pub...sending in AOS on tuesday.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-08 10:21:00
United KingdomCalling the US
My friend is with talk talk and she found out the other day that she can ring here (usa) for free for 70 mins at a time.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-19 07:15:00
United KingdomJust popping in!!
congrats, The pics are beautiful.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-23 12:07:00
United Kingdomprescription drugs
Im not sure about that...bills health insurance will cover me when im there anyway i think, i asked them cos sometimes i get tonsilitis or a chest infection, just handy knowing they will still see me if needed.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-10 16:47:00
United Kingdomprescription drugs
I went into my uk doctors to see about staying on their books cos i'll be spending a fair amount of time in the uk still, and got told that could only happen if i wasnt registering with a doctor over here.... I can get on bills insurance so i will be having a doctor here, but the docs back in the uk are still willing to see me as a visitor.They also done me a 6 year med print out and didnt charge.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-10 16:23:00
United KingdomYey! Hollyoaks! lol
For anyone who wanna see some eastenders, this guy has uploaded a few episodes from june and july, you just need stage6 player to view them.

Edited to post the

Edited by Bill and Hayley, 31 July 2007 - 11:57 PM.

Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-31 23:57:00
United KingdomYey! Hollyoaks! lol
I use, havent missed an episode of eastenders or hollyoaks since ive been in the usa.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-30 19:41:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
I lived in a little village near norwich, Norfolk (uk) Now living in wilmington, delaware....
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-26 08:09:00
United KingdomHow Did You Meet Your USC/UKC?
Bill and i met on in october 05, he messaged me and asked if it was ok to add me as a friend.Later that night he asked to talk on msn, which i wasnt to keen on as had bad experiences of pervy men in the past but thought id at least give it a chance, so i told him i was then going to bed but would chat for 20 mins, that chat ended up 5 hrs long. Every night was the same after that, i wasnt gettin to bed til 6 am and thought about him alday long...and talked about him, my kids thought i had lost the plot..and was sick of hearing his name lol. 2 1/2 months later he came for a visit to england, we then knew what we were feeling was real. Was a relief cos then my family could stop worrying he was some kinda serial killer or something. I then flew to see him, had never been out of the uk before so was very nervous about doing the whole flight thing by myself...then 7 weeks later back i go again..blah blah.. now here i am.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-28 13:11:00
United KingdomLIVE UK TV
UKNova is the best...i wouldnt be without that site, i signed up about 7 weeks ago, had no problems at all.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-29 03:37:00
United KingdomUK Food, what do you miss most?
No i havent seen them about, but ill be looking now, thankyou!
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-24 12:14:00
United KingdomUK Food, what do you miss most?
After being here for 8 weeks now, theres only 4 things i really miss, lucozade...salad cream..quorn sausages..and gravy that is suitable for non meat eaters...jez i want a gravy meal, what do other veggies eat here when they want gravy, ive found one and thats cr@ppy fat free. going to have to pay thru the nose and order my bisto onion online i suppose.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-24 12:04:00
United Kingdomgreen card today
Thanks all, really wanted to celebrate last night but since we both started diets monday we couldnt think of a way to do so without it involving loads of calories.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-19 13:34:00
United Kingdomgreen card today
got my green card in the post today..thanx to all on the uk forum who helped me out thru all this, couldnt have done it without your guidance. good luck to all of you now starting out, hang in there its worth it in the end. Hayley
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-18 20:52:00
United KingdomHow do i become a uk citizen
thanx all for your replies. So if in the future we ever want to move to the uk would Hayley have to prove she could support me like i did for her visa?
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-07 22:57:00
United KingdomHow do i become a uk citizen
My wife is English, and just got her greencard. I was just wondering being that we are now married, is it possible for me to get uk citizenship, and how would i go about doing it. Thanks, Bill.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-06 17:41:00
United Kingdombritish supermarket
Is this the cheapest place to order online from? cant find hardly any english stuff where i live..and omg they have lucozade.
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-10 04:46:00
United KingdomAll i want for xmas
thanx for all the help guys, ill be looking into that last website, on my first visit here 2 years ago shoprite had an english section but not anymore sad.gif we have a world market, where i can get heinz tom soup and baked beans, but no mushy peas.Will also ask hubby is we are close enough to a wegmans. My homemade mushy peas were not so
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-12-29 13:15:00
United KingdomAll i want for xmas
I only started to miss things about a month ago, well apart from quorn sausages but ive found a good veggie sausage now. But nothing can replace lucozade or hulu hoops( i do have 4 packets for xmas put away..yayyy), think im gonna have a go at making mushy peas myself, cant be too hard. Sorry for making you remember of how lush lucozade is tongue.gif
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-12-19 14:54:00
United KingdomAll i want for xmas
Thankyou that would be great!
Bill and HayleyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-12-19 11:44:00