K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed advice... would a former filed 129F effect our case???
I wrote mine out to USCIS and sent it to vermont with my petition. they cashed it a few weeks ago, so it must be ok. ;)
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed advice... would a former filed 129F effect our case???
Well, maybe they dont erase the records from their datatbase and that's why its still available online. I say just let it ride then. If they find anything wrong, they'll contact you. And it should be an easy fix if it comes up. I didn't realize you couldnt call 1-800 numbers from Germany. there's got to be a way for you to contact them. My ex used to call them from Russia. Don't know how she did it. But if you can somehow reach them and ask for their advice, it would be best. Otherwise, just forget about it, unless it becomes an issue later. At least you have started the process. I'm sure they will see that someone else has petitioned for you in the past. And they should be able to deduce that its long over, if the cancellation is noted. I read recently how someone here on VJ had problems from a case that was dead for over 5 years. I had all the same worries as you are having now. But I've since calmed down. Especially after receiving a letter from NVC, stating they had received my letter of intent to terminate the old case. Then the old petition gets sent back to the service center which approved it. Makes no sense to me. why not just kill it on the spot? Anyway, you'll probably be fine. My old case is still in my portfolio on USCIS website also. Even though VSC has no info about it. Good luck!

I think the info that Jason-Sasha has provided to you is for the moment "food for thought". Nothing you can do about it now and you will simply deal with it if and when it arises. Don't stress out about it. Don't be nervous about it.

Exactly! Thank you. I'm no pro but I've been through it. Just giving you some of my experiences. it is precisely Food for thought.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed advice... would a former filed 129F effect our case???

How did you answer that question about ever applying for a visa in the past?

Having been the beneficiary on a previously filed petition is NOT the same as having applied for a visa. You do not apply for a visa until you submit the DS series of forms with the consulate. The petition process and visa application process are two very different and distinct activities.

Well, when a case number is assigned everything is titled under the beneficiary's name. I.E. each time I received anything about my old petition it was titled to my exwife, even though it was really for me. this is why they ask for the beneficiary's name and birthdate when you call. I'm only saying that its a bit risky because the older case may still be active. Even if they told her it was dismissed. they told me that too. and 2 years later I found that it was still active in the computer. AND i was told that it was no big deal for me because the petition was in someone else's name, my ex. They made it very clear that the only person who would have issues would be my ex if she appeared on another petition before the old one was squashed. I'm telling you, please go carefully. I spent many days on the phone to USCIS, wrote several letters, learned alot. Its more of an issue for the beneficiary. This is just my advice.

By the way, on May 28, 2004 they mailed you a decision. what was that decision? If they approved it, then it moved on to NVC. And you would need to call them and see what the status is also. i had to write two letters of intent to terminate. One for VSC and the other for NVC. If it was just an RFE, I cant see them wording the letter this way.

Edited by Jason-Sasha, 09 August 2007 - 11:01 AM.

Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed advice... would a former filed 129F effect our case???
I'm not so sure about that.... I had a petition approved back in 2005 for my now ex-wife. I decided to let the process expire when we began a divorce. To my surprise the case was still actually active in USCIS computers. I had to write a letter in handwriting with a copy of my divorce decree. They asked me to send a copy to VSC and NVC. I called many times to make sure I was doing everything correctly because I didnt want it to affect my new petition for my fiancee. I cans ee why everyone thinks its really only important for the petitioner to be free of other cases, but its also important for the beneficiary to be free as well. (not tied into any other active petitions). They will check this out. In fact that old petition is in your name. How did you answer that question about ever applying for a visa in the past? Did you explain your situation fully? You need to. And you should of course include a copy of your divorce decree, which I'm sure you did. this is actually a big deal. i dont want to scare you, but you should call them ASAP and ask them if they need anything in writing to cancel the old petition. And I wouldnt be surprised if they ask for it to be done by your ex-fiance. Since he was the petitioner. You cant be engaged to 2 men at the same time. and if you have 2 active petitions, that's what it will look like. red flag. I hope this helps. Good luck.

P>S> my money order was made out to USCIS and it was cashed, so no problem there.

Edited by Jason-Sasha, 09 August 2007 - 10:43 AM.

Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 VISA DENIED
Is it possible that you were convicted of some kind of crime in the past that is keeping you from an approval? Your post wasn't clearly written but it seems like you had some question about your legal past. Please give more info.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-06 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth certificate question


Do you see the word "remaining" in that citation anywhere? You added that word on your own. Learn to read what is written and not add, delete, or otherwise re-word.



Your passport doesn't neet to have 5 years of validity remaining. Read the requirement again, more carefully this time.


...... My passport doesn't have 5 years of validity remaining. Only 2.5. ......

Yo, Yodrak, thanks for reply. I just checked again..this is what it says in the guides for a K-1 visa petitioner...

11. Copy of the Birth certificate (front and back) for the US Citizen or a copy of ALL pages of the US Citizen's passport issued with a validity of at least 5 years or a copy of the US Citizen's naturalization certificate (front and back). This is used to establish citizenship.

Seems pretty clear to me. But still not sure because of your reply. Does it possibly mean that it has to at least 5 years since it was first issued?? The wording could be confusing but seems to mean 5 years remaining validity. thoughts??

Um...Duh! Of course I added that word on my own. Did you read what I've been writing? I said clearly that I thought they meant remaining valid time on passport. If that word was included do you think I'd be questioning this?? Thanks for the help, but if you help people by talking down at them, you can go help someone else. Everyone here asks questions because they misunderstand something or they generally dont know something. If you dont offer help in a helpful manner, then what are you doing here?? Nuff Said.

Now, I sent them the birth certificate, but not all pages of my passport (I was thinking that the certificate would be enough). the only pages I sent were the visa pages and the bio page with photo and signature, just to show they were from that particular passport. (not that it really proves anything anyway). If they dont accept my certificate, any chance of them accepting what I gave from my passport, even though its not every page? Not stressing over this actually, I'd just correct it with an rFE, but simply curious for the sake of typing... :D

For K-1 the important pages from passport are the ones with entry/exit stamps for proof of meeting in the past 2 years.

Thanks Dan. I understand now. Peace.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth certificate question

Look carefuly at the issue date and expire date, they mean your passport needs to originally have had a validity more than 5 years, most us citizens are issued passports with validity of 10 years. Not how much time is left on your passport.

Also only one proof of US citizenship is needed so either a complete cover to cover copy of the passport, or birth cert is needed not both.

very good Dan! Makes perfect sense now. Thanks. I'm sure that's what Yodrak was trying to tell me too. Funny how some things that are so obvious can't be seen. can you see how I made that mistake? Feel like a tool! :P

Now, I sent them the birth certificate, but not all pages of my passport (I was thinking that the certificate would be enough). the only pages I sent were the visa pages and the bio page with photo and signature, just to show they were from that particular passport. (not that it really proves anything anyway). If they dont accept my certificate, any chance of them accepting what I gave from my passport, even though its not every page? Not stressing over this actually, I'd just correct it with an rFE, but simply curious for the sake of typing... :D

You shouldn't have any problems, the BC and passport are to establish citizenship for you. Good luck :thumbs:

You're right. They should be able to see that I'm a USC.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth certificate question

I wouldn't make it an issue until someone officially makes it an issue, which I suspect they won't. They are really only interested in your status as a US citizen. They have our SS number, so they can pull up most of our data right there. Both the passport and the BC show you are a US citizen. There should be no problem.

I'm a naturalized US citizen. All I sent in was my bio and copies of my passport pages.

If you are really still concerned, go on the trip with the old passport, then renew the passport early, but I doubt you need to take any action at all.

Thanks for reply, David. will do.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth certificate question


Your passport doesn't neet to have 5 years of validity remaining. Read the requirement again, more carefully this time.


...... My passport doesn't have 5 years of validity remaining. Only 2.5. ......

Yo, Yodrak, thanks for reply. I just checked again..this is what it says in the guides for a K-1 visa petitioner...

11. Copy of the Birth certificate (front and back) for the US Citizen or a copy of ALL pages of the US Citizen's passport issued with a validity of at least 5 years or a copy of the US Citizen's naturalization certificate (front and back). This is used to establish citizenship.

Seems pretty clear to me. But still not sure because of your reply. Does it possibly mean that it has to at least 5 years since it was first issued?? The wording could be confusing but seems to mean 5 years remaining validity. thoughts??
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth certificate question
I was just going through one of my copies of the petition packet I sent last month to Vermont. My Birth certificate was issued by Cumberland County Pennsylvania. I photo copied the front and back and sent that in. What I've just noticed is that my certificate doesn't contain my parents' names. Just all other info. My passport doesn't have 5 years of validity remaining. Only 2.5. I did include copies of my passport anyhow, because it contains my visas for past travel to Russia. Does anyone think this will be an issue? I was approved in 2005 for a CR1 visa using the same birth certificate, but I also included copies of my passport, which then had plenty of valid time left. Any thoughts? Perhaps I should apply for a renewed passport? Just in case I get an RFE?? But i'm planning on using my passport next month to go to Moscow. Dang. Don't know what to think about this. My birth certificate is notorized with a seal from the city. its a legal document. But I've heard rumors that the parents' names are needed on this. Help....please.

Edited by Jason-Sasha, 09 August 2007 - 01:06 PM.

Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 13:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUse the first name?
When writing any statements including Sasha, I used only her first name. But for every place where it was more formal, i wrote her whole name. I used Sahs in my attatched questions where I needed more space to explain. Not sure what the norm is, though.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-10 14:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Congratulations Courtney! welcome aboard. I noticed that there have been a few approvals coming out of Vermont. thank God. but I also noticed that my projected date of approval from my timeline has dropped another 6 days in the last 24 hours....#######? When i filed last month my date was Oct.9th, now its Halloween. Moving sad :(
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-10 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!

please update me on the spreadsheet:)

I got my NOA1 on August 2nd:) im excited!

does that mean I'm an August filer...or do I still get to hang out with you guys???

It took you a week to tell us this?!?!? Or is it dated Aug2nd and you just got it today?

Either way, Congrats!

Edited by Jason-Sasha, 09 August 2007 - 02:47 PM.

Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
So.....who's going to pitch the idea to Hollywood?
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Its actually not a bad idea. needs some tweaking, but could be neat. A long distance relationship survival of sorts. With USCIS very much involved in the filming and story. Then you could have the second season focus on the couples, now together, in America. tracking their progress and achievements. Its like a massive reality, international dating game that turns into something crazier. Cool.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
I just think they need to be made public by the media. Might even make an interesting documentary. Wouldn't you like to know exactly how everything is done?
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!

Well I believe Debz and I have already offered to work for USCIS ;) We will show them how it is done!!! I am actually seriously considering looking into working there when I get there even if for a little bit just to do my bit ;D Is that a bit weird?!

Unfortunately it is just a waiting game - I am trying to console myself with the fact that there are people in the same and worse positions than me so we all just have to be patient no matter how hard that is. If it is any help JCochrane, I have gone some way of devising a contingency plan so that if things don't work out one way, at least I have an alternative... but then I *do* have my wedding booked already... my nerves are going to be shot in the latter days :)

Oh and shameless chat plug as well: 6pm GMT - click on the chat link to the left on Jeremy is going to be leaving 7pm GMT and I am going to need something to distract me from watching the little plane fly across the screen *ever* so slowly...

How do you watch the little plane fly across the screen? Can you actually track a flight in real time on the internet or something? I know when I fly I can watch the little screen in the seat back cushion and see exactly where I am. Is this something similar to what you're talking about? Anyway, was just curious....
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-09 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!

With the cost of filing now, they should offer free mints and a pillow for the wait!

I hear you! The fees are ridiculous now. They should pay for my wedding, too! ;)

Seriously, though, the increases are considerable. They should be hiring more people to take care of all the paperwork in a more timely manner. We shouldn't have to pay more AND wait longer.

Perhaps they should hire more people and go to 2 shifts of 8 hours each. Would accomplish twice the work. I mean we're talking about the government. Working over 8 hours would put them in a coma or make their heads explode or both. They wouldnt know what hard work was if it was in the next cubicle making lattes and doing the crossword! I work on my feet almost 14 hours a day, 5 days per week. Get the lead out, man!!
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-08 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
F*&k 'em! I hope they are working their little red government asses off. They should have planned for this. Their policies are finally pissing people off. Is it so hard to hire a few people to answer phones and do nothing but check on cases for people? With the cost of filing now, they should offer free mints and a pillow for the wait! I respect their jobs and the service they provide but they can certainly come up with a more organized way of handling the public's questions. they waste time and money simply telling people that they have to wait 90 days. It takes only 2 minutes to find out whether someone is in the system, based on their name alone. Mr Cochran, hang in there buddy! We're all pulling for you and we certainly understand your pain. :diablo:
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-08 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!

The thing that gets me is that I really wouldn't mind the waiting if everything was 100% guarenteed at the end. It's the fact that you can go through all this and there is still a chance, for some reason, that someone behind a sheet of glass in london can say no!

This is perfectly said. it is exactly what everyone is so stressed about. If we had a definite ending date, or even a definite approved outcome it would be soooo much easier. It's the nature of the beast that kills us.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-08 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Ok, so I'm not very happy. Everyday, my projected NOA2 date drops another day. How frustrating. Its like I'm on pause and each day that passes doesn't even count!! Everyday, my date gets a day further away. (looking for an angry emoticon, cant find one. is this actually intentional not to provide an angry face in our list of smileys??? Are we really THAT politically correct??) Would it really make someone so upset to see a nice bright red angry face?? This is what I'm feeling now. The same person that made this list of smileys probably also sends their child outside with helmet, kneepads, bubblewrap, etc. ......Don't mind me, just venting. since this is the worst face we have, I'll use it.
:angry: ....nah, who am I kidding...I'm ok :P
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-08 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
You got it. Sorry for the mix-up! Hahaha. Welcome again. And there's nothing wrong with your English. :)

Edited by Jason-Sasha, 07 August 2007 - 05:45 PM.

Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-07 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Welcome Transatlantic. And a welcome to your wife-to-be....Mrs. Blabla! :lol:
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-07 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
No approvals???? Just kidding. Its only August. What was I thinking? But seriously though...everyday my projected approval date from my timeline drops another day. Dropped 4 days in 4 days. Its like Groundhog Day!!! #######. :protest: :protest:
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-07 02:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
My bet says it will be here Monday the 5th. :thumbs:
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-05 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Yep, that notice is the NOA1.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-05 01:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Overdue by a week or less. tomorrow will be the day.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-08-01 02:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
As a July filer, I've added Sasha and I to your map. Very cool idea. Good work. :idea:
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-07-31 22:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
So, are CSC and VSC the only centers that are processing K-1 visas now? I have read different things in different threads. Can't seem to find concrete information. And judging by this list, it seems to be the case. Any good information out there? Explanations? Just curious. :D
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-07-29 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
I never use the quotes because I'm just not sure how to. LOL! Anyway, I dont know how this thread has escaped me for so long. Sasha and I are also July filers. Would you please add us??

Jason-Sasha VSC Received---07/16/07 NOA1 dated---07/20/07

Thanks alot. And if someone could explain how to quote, step-by-step I'd be grateful. For some reason I am not able to start my own topic. Something wrong with my PC. Each time I try, IE malfunctions and tells me it has to shut down, closing all my windows. Frustrating. I have no trouble adding a quick reply to other people's posts though. Strange. Sorry, back to topic....Good luck all July filers and may time pass quickly!
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2007-07-29 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 In a month?¿?¿?¿?
Congratulations! Thats really very fast.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2008-03-01 02:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswish amr and faith had great and smooth interview
Oh Wow! I didnt realize it was happening now. I'm sure she will come and tell everyone the good news. Good luck Faith and Amr.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2008-03-06 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2008-03-06 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember Filers
QUOTE (djaedi @ Mar 6 2008, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (greeneyedgirlfl @ Mar 6 2008, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (djaedi @ Feb 28 2008, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Finally approved!! YES YES YES!!! Got approval notice today Feb. 28th!! I hope this is a good sign for all you who don't have approvals yet. smile.gif I pray yours come soon!!! We are so excited!! kicking.gif good.gif


Thank you so much!!! yes.gif wink.gif

Yes! Congratulations! feels good, dont it?
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2008-03-06 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsShould I be excited.....
I would tend to believe that this is a good sign. Touches generally mean little. But after waiting this long, it might be safe to say that they are starting to look through your documents at last. Good luck to you.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2008-03-06 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsA nice surprise... I-129F APPROVED!!!
Congratulations and good luck with the rest!
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2008-03-07 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally touched on march 7th
QUOTE (Masha2008 @ Mar 8 2008, 06:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
blink.gif It made me feel soo weird. On March 7th, I got touched. Ok, finally something was going on. Until now, my online status kept saying that last updated August 10th. Well, until march 7th, what were they doing? I have no idea. So many october filers got approved and I cannot imagine how many times my fiance called up and bugged them. I have no idea what this touch mean, can be from the phone call??? I do not think so because we have no called up since Feb 23rd. But, just made me feel a little bit better. I do not care what that was, but all I want is that I want someone to look at our case instead of keep leaving our file on the desk. We are really sick of this process. At the same time, March 10th is our anniversary. I meant first time we dated and hugged and kissed. So hopefully I can be approved on Monday.

You are long over due. It must be good news. But then again, any news would be good at this point. Good luck! Your day is coming.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2008-03-09 04:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPOE at JFK
Damn! What a lengthy process. Not necessary at all. But, congratulations anyway. Now, its time to celebrate. Sasha will be arriving in Terminal 1 at JFK around 7pm. Hopefully she wont be delayed this long. We have a flight to make by 10pm. ohmy.gif
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2008-03-10 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFINALLY!! we're together again
Congratulations to you! Enjoy your days together.
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2008-03-10 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsshes in Tokyo !
Ah yes! That is going to be my perfect day. Enjoy yourselves and Congratulations. 12 more days for us. ClockWatch2.gif
Jason-SashaMaleRussia2008-03-12 02:43:00