United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
my US hubby was very confused the first time he heard me use Give Over - meaning stop it!! Not sure if this is a Northern English term or not.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-13 10:21:00
United KingdomInterview today... approved!

Found it http://www.visajourn...showtopic=28634

Thank you I did a search as soon as I came home from the long trip and I couldnt find it but I was extreely tired! - I knew there was some postings on this I did read it last year!! thank you very much for finding it:)

I may send the person a private message to see if they can give me a guideline on what their letter said :) It just frustrates me cuz my GP told me not to mention I have seen a psychiatrist and now I dont know whether to go back to the same psychaitrists or a totally new one that knows nothing about my previous history - that means paying for a private evaluation and money is so tight right now - and if i go back to the old one I did see soem time back - well it may take time to schedule an appointment - NHS ya know!! LOL (Rolls eyes).

I told the medical doctor that I had been seeing a cognitive therapist who has been working with me and giving me exercises to get out and about from the house more and will his report do? and he said no it has to be a psychiatrists evaluation!!

oh well I am trying not to think about this this weekend I am still so drained from the last two days in London and I do feel a bit discouraged but as I spoke to Dave yesterday - he told me how much he loved me and said I can only do things one day at a time - so right now just wait till I speak to my GP on Tuesday and take it from there! He said worse comes to worse if we get denied then he will do something about getting a lawyer involved - although we dont have the money for it - he said he will find a way!! I just wish I could stop pre planning things and take things one day at a time like him but I am a born worrier :(

I just hate the delays - we have been waiting so long and with all the issues we both have had and putting the case on hold etc I just want this all over with and sell up and be in his arms !! as I am sure everyone else does on here !! why do they make this so difficult for us that are really happy to be inlove and want to make a life with their american partners and so easy for the immigrants that just run over the damn border and are allowed to have jobs and stay - its all bloody bullshit!!

Sorry I am in a rant mood - funny even the medical doctor said that too !!



I would try to see the physciatrist who treated you, I think this be best in the long term for the letter that you need.
Good Luck, stop worrying everything will fall into place and at least now you have had the medical and interview you just need some additional paperwork. Relax it will be fine.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-08 09:57:00
United KingdomCadbury pleads guilty in salmonella case
I would have risked eating it rather than eat Hershey!! :whistle:
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-15 14:02:00
United KingdomOur new addition
Very Cute.... :yes:
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-11 09:33:00
United KingdomIf anyone remembers my 'stay or go?' dilemma...
You have a very understanding employer....congratulations... :thumbs:
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-13 18:33:00
United KingdomFear of flying, take two

don't look now but there's something......out there.......on the wing!

Posted Image

go on make things worse why dont lol
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-11 08:14:00
United KingdomFear of flying, take two
You sound just like my husband when he is flying. He will take 2-3 valium and drink a couple of pints he then gets very relaxed and we have no trouble getting on the plane. He gets on sits down and swiftly falls asleep.

Great I say!!

Then the engines start, he jumps up is wide awake and sober as a judge, then is petrified all the flight!!!

He is at the point now where he refuses to fly.

In the other thread you say the QM2 was 3K, thats expensive, think about it for the future though its a fantastic way to travel.....2 years ago today we landed in NY off the QM2 it was a truly wonderful experience.

I hope you can get over this....does the way you feel rub off on your kids at all?? I know that parental anxiety can do that.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-09 23:43:00
United KingdomWould you believe it?
Good Luck!!!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-18 18:38:00
United KingdomApproved!!!!

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-19 11:04:00
United KingdomGuess what? I'm getting a divorce.
wow, just wow

I never expected to log on this morning to this one.

HA I am so sorry that you have been put through all you have endured in the UK only to be treated like this by the only person you put up with everything for.

Take the cats and furniture back to Texas and start again. I wish you so much luck!!!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-21 07:51:00
United KingdomGoodbye
Hey HA, just wanted to wish you good luck on your return home. I like many others are sorry that the circumstances have turned so sour for you. Don't let what has happened mar your happiness at finally being home where you belong.

Given time you will move on to bigger and better things.

I too will track the flight and that of your cats (although I do not even know now if they are going)? At least you will have the knowledge that there are still people from VJ tracking you as you travel.

I know you are very hurt and I understand you not wanting to post anymore here, but please if you have to make a last post, make it the one that tells us you are home....where you belong and with people that love you and what you have waited for, for the past 6 years.

Good Luck, dont be a stranger!!!

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-22 11:45:00
United KingdomOMG Im a little happy bunny:)
Congratulations, that is good news!!

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-28 17:29:00
United KingdomH_A landed home
OK so I just tracked her flight from JFK to Dallas and she landed a couple of minutes ago. So now I guess she is truly home....lets hope she comes back to tell us of her flying experience.

Welcome Home!!!!!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-24 20:55:00
United KingdomH_A landed home
OK so I just tracked her flight from JFK to Dallas and she landed a couple of minutes ago. So now I guess she is truly home....lets hope she comes back to tell us of her flying experience.

Welcome Home!!!!!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-24 20:53:00
United KingdomH_A landed home
She still has another 3 hrs for her flight to Dallas. She is airborne now though at least and is now finally on the last leg of her journey.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-24 17:51:00
United KingdomH_A landed home
I just tracked her flight as I said I would. She has now landed in New York to await her connecting flight.

Here's to an uneventful flight to DFW.

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-24 11:36:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-02 14:29:00
United KingdomChecking in

Dunno if anyone's been curious or not, but here's an update anyway.

I arrived in Dallas on Sunday, June 24th; the flights were OK. The one from NYC was better than the one from London, but at that point I'd had so much stress and BS that I didn't really care if the plane crashed or not.

My cats arrived the day after I did. They're not dealing with the stress very well.

My money still hasn't arrived; my solicitor in York bungled the wire transfer and didn't admit it for days.

I hope to buy a car on Wednesday.

My husband and I are talking regularly but I don't know if he will come here to the USA and I'm not going to plan my life around that.

Hey thanks for checking in. Glad you arrived safely and sorry to hear the kitties are still stressed.

Hope you get your money sorted out soon!!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-02 21:46:00
United KingdomOk - silly girl question - what to wear!!!
Walking boots and boot cut jeans will be fine!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-02 18:51:00
United KingdomI got a job!!
Great news.....congratulations
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-05 15:31:00
United KingdomWhat if?

Why would the airline be a problem? He needs his green card to get back into America. I believe they are flying to England so he will need his passport to fly not his green card?

If you hold a one way or return ticket to the USA, the airline will ask for proof that you are allowed to remain in the USA. Usually at this point you would show them your Green Card or Visa. I have been asked this at Heathrow, Madrid Barajas and Milan Malpensa airport, it might vary depending on what airline you choose or the airport though.

Well Thank you for that information I did not know that. I have not been back to the UK since moving here!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-13 12:22:00
United KingdomWhat if?


Having a photocopy as cheeky^Wolf suggests is a good idea, so is Kez' suggestion to visit the US consulate if circumstances allow.

In the absence of either, the immigration office at the POE will know that he is a LPR and he will be allowed into the USA - as long as the airline will let him board the plane so he can get to the POE. It's the airline that might be your problem.


Just want to be prepared for anything - what if Simon looses his green card while we are in England? What would we need to do to ensure he can get back home in the US?

Yep - I'm a worry wart.


Why would the airline be a problem? He needs his green card to get back into America. I believe they are flying to England so he will need his passport to fly not his green card?
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-13 12:11:00
United KingdomBrit TV

I remember a while back, more and likely on the old forum setup, a link for uk bit torrent downloads, where we could watch our fave shows from back home.

Does anyone have the link ? Or a similar website


This should get you to the main page. I Dont know if its still hard to get registered but persevere its worth it!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-15 08:46:00
I would just give them what they want, and also tell your fiance although she has no right to know about your past I think something so significant should be revealed. Better that she hears from you than somebody else.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-14 14:19:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSex Offender Applying for K1
In the UK the age of sexual consent is 16. When I listen to USC talk about sex with a minor when the minor is 16 (I know that is a minor here) its difficult to comprehend.

I do not think that men who have had sexual encounters with WILLING 16/17 year olds should be on a sex offenders list. 16 year old girls will be 16 year old girls.....they think they know it all!!! And I speak from experience.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-10 06:35:00