United KingdomOur New House
What a beautiful house.....
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-18 14:24:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

Speaking of vegetables, Omaha Steaks has 72% off The Memorial Day Celebration Party
pack which can be had for $60 (original price $250). Click "Order from Mailing" and enter item
number 7819BBB to get it for $60.

The package includes:

  • 4 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons
  • 4 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins
  • 4 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops
  • 2 (4.5 oz.) Stuffed Sole with Scallops and Crab
  • 8 (3 oz.) Gourmet Franks
  • 4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers
  • 10 portions Potatoes au Gratin
  • FREE GIFT: 6 (4 oz) Omaha Steaks Burgers, Cutlery, and Cutting Board

Posted Image

That is soooo not cooked!!!!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 12:28:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

Galaxy is made by Mars, so I would guess the answer is yes. Better stick to Cadbury's in future.

I can't stand Cadbury's chocolate - I find it has a rancid taste. So that isn't an option for me.

:devil: :devil: :devil:

I looked up this question of whey being used in Masterfood's chocolate and they say that any bars with a "best before" date of 1st October 07 don't have the animal whey in, so vegetarians are okay to eat this. Any with a "best before" date after 1st October 07 has animal whey in it.

Letter to Customer from Masterfoods

I guess I am just going to wither away now! :crying:

I took a random sampling of some Masterfoods products in my office's canteen; none of them had a best before date before 01/10/2007. Guess the vegetarians and people grossed out by animal rennet are SOL. :crying:

And how many random samples did you :whistle:
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 10:50:00
United KingdomQueen invites US to merge the countries !

Buckingham Palace May 23..
Queen Elizabeth the 2 of England, Europe, France has issued the following statement:

After careful consideration, I have decided that my reputed son Charles is not a fit person to take over the reigns of the realm. I have therefore felt it opportune to contact President Bush to discuss this Country being admitted to the United States but with full Statehood and not as an overseas territory.
He has undertaken to pass the necessary legislation including changes to the constitution, by April 1st (formerly known as 1st April) next year.
Mr Brown is working on plans to change Britain's road system to drive on the right , to scrap the Oxford Dictionary, and import the necessary numbers of check trousers and cars with soft suspensions .
The Commonwealth will be incorporated as overseas US territories and enjoy the protection of the United States to the same degree as any other part of the United States (New Orleans for instance).

<<< message ends >>>

The white house response:
I would like to congratulatorize her royal highnessness queen elizabelle the tooth on this bold move and ask her to submit all dvd's held in the Palace for authenticityness checks by disneyworld as we want to start the relationships off with a clean slate

<<< message ends >>>

I invite all Vj'ers to endorse this bond which is long overdue



How on earth do ya think these up??
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 13:41:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I'm so ashamed...I'm listening to Mungo Jerry and enjoying it. I've been in England for too long.

Are they back in the charts again???
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 15:54:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed


Thanks Alan....but you could have just said ...Broma your nice!! ;)

Broma my heart was stolen a few posts back - you were pipped to the post - but I will put you on my possibly nice list even though you you made anatomical references with regard to me - but we won't talk about that as I have forgiven you.


Damn...who pipped me to the post???
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 15:41:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Sorry Alan

I see now that you are revelling in hogging the limelight.

Are you in any way related to Victor Meldrew??

Apology accepted - I nearly got female biological with you but stopped just in time.

Wish I was in his will - our new buddies won't know who he is but this is the UK forum right so this is our territory ?

Actually I dont like swearing but some of em make my flesh crawl they are so insiduously slimy and I would rather have a page of nasty swearing than that...

When I was 19 (in the 60's) I was with Robert Peel's boys in Leeds and I was used to walking up to a crowd of 300 on a Saturday night in the worst areas on my own and telling them to shut up and go home - you could in those days and live to tell the tale...

I guess the habit stuck and I don't mind taking on a pack of baying wolves.

When I was 21, I was a husband, a father, a householder and a detective - I have been at hundreds of post mortems (autopsies) and held a mother while she was sick down me for an hour after I told her that her son was drowned.. I have eaten my breakfast off a dead man's chest - you get desensitised you know......I have searched hay lofts at 3am - alone and unarmed for a murderer who blasted a policeman's head off 1 mile away and 1 hour before...and much much more

After that I was Finance Director of a group of 20 Companies in Europe reporting to Atlanta and I spent a lot of time in Georgia - New York/Paris/Monte Carlo/London/ Munich - flying Concorde etc - I am no stranger to Americans and the ways of Americans and I can handle it and I will be fine

My son was an exotic dancer in the Chippendales and lives in Tenerife... My daughter is a beautiful blonde with 3 kids - one of whom is 6ft 2"

people come on here and question my manhood and make out I am a wimp and frightened of living in the US and call me various names and just expose themselves as nasty and small minded .... of course I ask for for abuse by setting myself up in a high profile way and I aren't complaining - I am just trying to keep my skills at taking on a mob I guess - varying results but I don't run from the likes of them - but it's a constant reminder that this island has 60 million examples of the most dangerous animal ever to walk the face of the earth- and every other animal is frightened of it with good reason. I will bear that in mind more so in the US where guns are rife.
I am no fool and I would not have survived so long if I was a reckless goboff in the presence of violent people - so I will be ok in the US and chose my company and my moments carefully

There are some total sweeties on VJ - but as in society, they are in the minority - but it's nice when you come across em


Thanks Alan....but you could have just said ...Broma your nice!! ;)
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 14:28:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed


You asked where can you get your brains washed.....simple answer dear.......YOU CAN'T!!!

Do yourself a favour (yes I am british), stop being a #######, picking fights and offending the nation that you are going to call home. It's not cool to generalise that all americans are the same, thank god we can say this about the Brits because I would hate to be categorised as someone like you!

Now be a good boy and behave yourself!

Don't use obscentities on me - otherwise our hosts will think we are from the lower classes

kicked up out of the gutter and all that

Anyway it ended up with me finding a lovely American contribution that I value - so don't you spoil it - Limey !

Sorry Alan

I see now that you are revelling in hogging the limelight.

Are you in any way related to Victor Meldrew??
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 13:15:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

You asked where can you get your brains washed.....simple answer dear.......YOU CAN'T!!!

Do yourself a favour (yes I am british), stop being a #######, picking fights and offending the nation that you are going to call home. It's not cool to generalise that all americans are the same, thank god we can say this about the Brits because I would hate to be categorised as someone like you!

Now be a good boy and behave yourself!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 12:30:00
United KingdomTough justice for Asbos at York museum


behave badly = Receive Asbo = free admission to Museums

behave civilized = Work for a living = Pay your fee to museum

When are these do gooders going to realise that the people who receive Asbos couldnt give a monkeys about whats in the museum or how people got treated years ago.

May as well just send them of to Disney for their annual holiday!!

It's not like the York city center isn't already filled with spotty oiks with their tracky bottoms tucked into their socks; you certainly don't have to do anything to attract them. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It is many years since I was in York, back then it was a beautiful place. I guess the riff raff move in everywhere and spoil what were nice places to visit.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 19:46:00
United KingdomTough justice for Asbos at York museum

Asbos...what a joke those are.

York Dungeon Museum is offering free admission to people with Asbos so they can see the grisly punishment they would have faced in the 18th Century.

While today's offenders get court orders - in the 1700s the punishment was made to "fit the crime".

Over the bank holiday weekend visitors who prove they have a current Sabot will be put in a dock to face an old-fashioned "Judgement of Sinners"

For many "petty" offences, including graffiti, offenders would be hanged.

Dungeon manager Helen Douglas said: "What we're handing out Asbos for today are exactly the same sort of crimes that people would have been transported or even hanged during the "bloody code" of the 18th Century.

"While I'm by no means advocating a return to the punishments of old, I thought it might shock the Sabot offenders a little to see what would have happened to them a couple of hundred years ago".

Details of their offences will be announced to other visitors, before the eccentric 18th Century judge hands out what would have been the "original" punishment for their crimes.

Hanging was the main form of judicial execution in the UK until its abolition in 1969.

Asbos were introduced in 1999 as part of The Crime and Disorder Act 1998. They were first used in York in 2000

The "Bloody Code" was introduced in 1783. Under this code 220 crimes were punishable by death including shooting a rabbit, adopting a disguise and impersonating a Chelsea Pensioner

In the face of widespread defiance of the Anti-social Behaviour Orders issued by courts the museum wants offenders to see how they would have had their lives in the balance for simple offences years ago.

The Safer York Partnership, which holds the information on the current state of Ambos issued in the city, revealed that almost 75% of the orders were being flouted.

There are currently 41 orders in force and 27 of these have been breached.


behave badly = Receive Asbo = free admission to Museums

behave civilized = Work for a living = Pay your fee to museum

When are these do gooders going to realise that the people who receive Asbos couldnt give a monkeys about whats in the museum or how people got treated years ago.

May as well just send them of to Disney for their annual holiday!!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 16:03:00
United KingdomIn Less than 24 hours...
Congratulations..... :thumbs:
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-27 20:47:00
United KingdomIn Less than 24 hours...
Congratulations and happy reunion... :dance:
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-26 20:20:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

Duvet Covers (hard to find here and expensive when you do find them).

I saw this site today and thought of you:

Thank you for that!! :star:
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-26 20:23:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

LMAO :lol:

I guess what you grow up with stays with you!

Indeedy! I have some pants that I bought at Sainsbury's, but I can't stand them. They're my period pants because I don't mind getting them stained. :lol: I grew up wearing those white cotton pants and since I'm a total freak with clothes rubbing me the wrong way, I have to always wear the same brand of pants. Maybe it's another one of those Aspie things. :thumbs:

There are no knickers like Marksie's knickers if you are a Brit!!

I must admit though Hanes are ok and they are the brand I buy over here.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 19:42:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

To be fair Florida is full of Brits, so its a bit easier to find British stuff down there.

Not really. It's been quite difficult, actually. New York State and Pennsylvania are definitely much easier than Florida. At least in my experience. Others may have different experiences than my own, though.

Ok...I'll have to disagree for Pennsylvania :P at least if you're in Bumblefuct like we are!

I am in Philly and dont find that much english stuff. Drove 30 miles today for Bacon and they had none.... :crying: :crying:

OK tell me where I can buy PLAICE?


I would like to know that too
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 19:39:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

Paracetamol with codeine, as you can't get codeine over the counter in the US (or at least you couldn't when I left the States waaaaaay back in 1995). I'm stocking up already!!!

I'll reiterate the teabag point -- a good supply is an absolute must. American "tea" is utter garbage. Every time I go over to see my parents I bring the HUGEST box of PG Tips I can find, not only for myself but now that I have re-educated them in the ways of true tea they crave it too. :lol: Whatever you do, stay away from Lipton Tea over there -- it tastes like a**e. :dead:

They sell various brands of hot tea in the USA, some of which are also sold in the UK (like Twinings). Liptons is no good for hot tea; it's an iced tea brew. Hot tea brews are no good for iced tea and vice versa. :thumbs:

We bought a giant box of PG Tips to get the free monkey, but I prefer Twinings. :blush:

Well I never knew if I want to make authentic iced tea and use Lipton tea bags whats the ratio of water to the number of tea bags?

Says on the package. With our jug we use two bags. :thumbs:

Well if you buy stuff that's imported from the UK then its clearly more expensive than bringing it yourself. Also not everything from the UK can be imported.

Sure, but most of what you'd really want can be. And if it can't, you can almost always find it on t'internet. I have the same problem here that you have there, and sometimes you just have to do without.

Well I never knew if I want to make authentic iced tea and use Lipton tea bags whats the ratio of water to the number of tea bags?

6 c. water
5 Lipton tea bags
1 c. sugar or 14 to 16 Equal packets
1 c. cold water
3/4 gal. ice cubes
Bring water to rolling boil. Add the tea bags and steep for 5 minutes. Swish tea bags through water several times to remove strength. Remove tea bags and add sugar or Equal, stir until dissolved. Add cold water; also add a few ice cubes to cool tea enough to pour over ice in gallon jar. If need be, add more ice or cold water to make 1 full gallon of ice tea. Stir well and its ready to serve. Use ice that's already in the tea for your glass.


Sugar in iced tea?!?!?!?!?!?!

Posted Image

I must admit I think I may prefer lemon to the sugar, but I wont know until I try it..
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 15:07:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

Well I never knew if I want to make authentic iced tea and use Lipton tea bags whats the ratio of water to the number of tea bags?

6 c. water
5 Lipton tea bags
1 c. sugar or 14 to 16 Equal packets
1 c. cold water
3/4 gal. ice cubes
Bring water to rolling boil. Add the tea bags and steep for 5 minutes. Swish tea bags through water several times to remove strength. Remove tea bags and add sugar or Equal, stir until dissolved. Add cold water; also add a few ice cubes to cool tea enough to pour over ice in gallon jar. If need be, add more ice or cold water to make 1 full gallon of ice tea. Stir well and its ready to serve. Use ice that's already in the tea for your glass.


Thank you!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 15:04:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?
M&S underwear (as well as the quality you have to get your feet and confidence before you start asking the questions you may require to get what you want - or is this just cos I'm older)[/quote]

Excellent point; underwear is sized differently for women in the US. :thumbs:

This one almost solved my duvet problem!!! :blush:

I cant wait to get back to England to stock up on M&S underwear.

Edited by broma25, 24 May 2007 - 11:25 AM.

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 11:24:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

Paracetamol with codeine, as you can't get codeine over the counter in the US (or at least you couldn't when I left the States waaaaaay back in 1995). I'm stocking up already!!!

I'll reiterate the teabag point -- a good supply is an absolute must. American "tea" is utter garbage. Every time I go over to see my parents I bring the HUGEST box of PG Tips I can find, not only for myself but now that I have re-educated them in the ways of true tea they crave it too. :lol: Whatever you do, stay away from Lipton Tea over there -- it tastes like a**e. :dead:

They sell various brands of hot tea in the USA, some of which are also sold in the UK (like Twinings). Liptons is no good for hot tea; it's an iced tea brew. Hot tea brews are no good for iced tea and vice versa. :thumbs:

We bought a giant box of PG Tips to get the free monkey, but I prefer Twinings. :blush:

Well I never knew if I want to make authentic iced tea and use Lipton tea bags whats the ratio of water to the number of tea bags?
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 11:22:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

Buy some decent bras! If you're a woman that is. Bigger sized bras are a buggar to find over here! :lol:

I noticed that....British women seem to have really large breasts in relation to American women, even accounting for higher rates of obesity in the USA. I'm the same bra size here as in the USA, but shops here sell G cups and bigger! The largest cup size I ever saw in a store that caters for women of average size is DD. Where DO G cup women buy bras in the USA? :blink:

I dont have a problem either in the UK or the US with bras. I was certainly not at the front of the queue when they handed out

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 19:55:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

The DFW area has an Ikea in Frisco, but Ikea is such cheap #######! :unsure: I ought to know...most of our furniture is from there. We're on our second Klippan sofa...that thing is a piece of sh!t.

I know what you mean about IKEA stuff, however their duvet covers are fine and their linens in general. Also about 1/4 of the price of what you pay for a duvet cover in places like Target, where a sheet costs $10, but sew 2 sheets together and its suddenly $90.

They dont really have much choice though unless you like flowers or circle!!

I apologise to the OP that this is only very loosely related to your question, but does anyone know the equivalent for Full/Queen/King to Double/Queen (do we even have Queen beds in the UK?)/King - if for example I have a US Queen Bed and want to get some UK fitted sheets for it? I also have a UK King Duvet - same question in reverse.

If anyone can help me I'd be really grateful.

And thanks very much Mr or Ms Mint Aero a few posts back.. now I have a craving! :)

Check out the Ikea website they have sizes on there
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 19:52:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?
This is the start of my non food list for when I go home (UK) in Sept.

Hand Towels (the hand towels here are more like guest towel size)
Tea Towels (again the ones here are tiny)
Dish cloths (here they are pretty expensive for what you use them for I love the ones back home which are like 3 for
Duvet Covers (hard to find here and expensive when you do find them).
Cushion covers (i like to be able to take mine off and wash them. The one's you buy here usually are not removable).

Maybe I should get myself a little business going here..........English Linens!! :whistle:
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 09:02:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?

My local supermarket (Wegmans) has it in both carton (i.e. premade) and powdered form. They also have cans of Ambrosia Devon Custard. Sometimes when I'm really naughty I buy a can of custard and a tinned Heinz Treacle Pudding and eat them.

This is usually followed by 5 days of feeling sick to my stomach. ;)

Where abouts are you dr lha. I am just outside of Philadelphia and was wondering where Wegmans is?
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-22 14:12:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
I dont know that they do Birds custard in cans, but if you can find Ambrosia that is good custard to use for a trifle.

You may be able to find the packets of Birds online somewhere, these you just add water to and they are pretty good to.

Alternatively Michelle if you are looking for authentic English trifle and you are buying online look for the trifle boxes they come with everything you need.

Good luck and hope you have a wonderful christmas
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-22 08:53:00
United KingdomAnyone with Paypal living in the UK that would be willing
I would do it for you Michelle but I dont go back until September, but be sure to let me know what you need then.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 11:29:00
United KingdomI'm so in love with this house.
Both of them are very nice!!!

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-28 20:30:00
United KingdomCommonwealth Affinity
As a Brit being totally honest, I do not even have a clue which countries are in the commonwealth... :blush: :blush:
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-31 08:03:00
United KingdomFear of Flying Remedies
Take a cruise over!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 19:56:00
United KingdomInterview 8am this morning....
Congratulations.... :thumbs:
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 14:18:00
United KingdomHoly crap

Congratulations - that's what 6 weeks from offer to completion? That is great! I'd kill for a sale that quick right now! (Although I'd stick to killing things that it's generally okay to kill of course...)

I am moving to the US on 30th June if all goes as planned, so I can really feel those 'oh my god I have to pack' vibes.

6 weeks is average in the UK if everyone does what they should do when they should do!!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 15:30:00
United KingdomHoly crap
That is good news HA. Do you have you flights booked?
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 11:11:00
United KingdomWe exchanged!
Congratulations.....won't be long before your home ;)
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 12:16:00
United KingdomVery nervous!! medical and interview in nest 2 days
Good Luck, I am sure you are worrying for nothing.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 14:35:00
United KingdomHome Sick
Glad that you are feeling better today.

I am soooo jealouse pie and chips...mmmmmm

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-18 14:40:00
United KingdomHome Sick
I think if you are unable to work then life can get lonely and then homesickness sets in.

Its perfectly normal and will improve once you get that EAD and you can work again. Then you will be wishing you didnt have

Cheer up, your friends on VJ are here for you!

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 10:42:00
United KingdomWhy did you choose the US?
Why did we choose the US.....i ask myself that same question daily!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-06 07:54:00
United KingdomWhy are some DVD box sets so expensive?

Grey's Anatomy season two is 34 pounds on, but it's on for $41. 34 pounds is nearly $70!!!!!!!!!!!

The first season of Doctor Who is on sale for nearly $60 on, but it's on for 51 pounds. What a RIPOFF. 51 pounds is basically $100!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can this be justified? It is RIDICULOUS!

why? because a fool and his money are soon parted :whistle:

since you're coming to the states, save the money and get a netflix account. ;)

Since your coming to America, buy them here so you know they will play on your DVD player.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 08:01:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

my US hubby was very confused the first time he heard me use Give Over - meaning stop it!! Not sure if this is a Northern English term or not.

I love Give over! A frequent utterance from G, who is from the Northwest!

I am also from the Northwest, and it was such a common thing for me to say, but I wasn't sure if it was regional or not.

Thanks Mags for clarifying that its used in the south too.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-13 14:13:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
my US hubby was very confused the first time he heard me use Give Over - meaning stop it!! Not sure if this is a Northern English term or not.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-13 10:21:00