United KingdomIs this really a cultural difference?
I think it depends on where you live. I have seen cats that have been hit by cars both here and in the UK. If you live in the countryside then its probably fine to let your cats out. If you live in a more urban area I would keep them indoors.

I have 2 cats and they stay indoors, I have a busy road right near my house so its best to keep them inside IMO.

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-17 09:47:00
United KingdomEngland
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Jan 20 2009, 01:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (broma25 @ Jan 20 2009, 06:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Jan 19 2009, 04:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think you'd find some of the sleepier towns in Connecticut might be more to your liking than Florida. When I took my husband (back before he was just my boyfriend, not even my fiance) back home to meet my parents he fell in love with the place completely. He is far more homesick now for CT than England. People are more like what you're used to as well, and there are plenty of folks from the UK all over the state. My local supermarkets stocked tons of British goods as well -- very useful when you need a Mint Viscount!

Mint Viscounts huh....I feel a drive to Conneticut in order! Whats the name of the supermarket Elm??

You can get them at Shaw's Supermarket in Hamden or the Stop & Shop in Amity, both off Route 15 (the Merritt Parkway). Also Lucozade, Lion bars, Bounty bars, Mint Aeros, Maltesers, Hob Nobs of assorted varieties, Robinson's lemon barley water, Ribena, Bisto, Paxo, Lloyd Grossman sauces, PG Tips, HP Sauce, Heniz salad cream, and on and on. I wish my local supermarkets here stocked even just Bounty bars so I wouldn't have to drive to World Market!

How far away from Torrance are you, they have a British shop there that has lots of stuff.

Edited by broma25, 20 January 2009 - 09:09 PM.

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-20 21:08:00
United KingdomEngland
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Jan 19 2009, 04:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think you'd find some of the sleepier towns in Connecticut might be more to your liking than Florida. When I took my husband (back before he was just my boyfriend, not even my fiance) back home to meet my parents he fell in love with the place completely. He is far more homesick now for CT than England. People are more like what you're used to as well, and there are plenty of folks from the UK all over the state. My local supermarkets stocked tons of British goods as well -- very useful when you need a Mint Viscount!

Mint Viscounts huh....I feel a drive to Conneticut in order! Whats the name of the supermarket Elm??
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-20 09:03:00
United KingdomEngland
QUOTE (Welshcookie @ Jan 19 2009, 01:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Magenta @ Jan 18 2009, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Welshcookie @ Jan 18 2009, 11:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are already working on moving back.

Welshie ~ Really?

Yeh, I'm totally miserable here and it doesn't help that he misses the UK just as much laughing.gif Unless he gets the job he has applied for in Connecticut I think we will be back before the end of the year.

Welshie, I am sorry to hear that you are still having a miserable time here. Is there any way you will stick it out for 3 years to get your citizenship and then move back.

Brrrr its cold up there in Conneticut in the Winter....
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-19 12:23:00
United KingdomPet flight worries...
QUOTE (KnightAndMagpie @ Feb 9 2009, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, guys!

I tried posting in the pet transporation thread, but I haven't had any responses...I'm just going to paste what I wrote directly here:

Just need some advice, guys, having looked over this thread again...

Knight got me a beautiful sherpa bag for my kittycat, and he'll be sending it over for Valentine's (along with other things, I hope tongue.gif) so I can put the bag in Bean's little chalet and let him get used to it. I've only got concerns for the likely length of the flight to Alaska. I know that some can be under 15 hours, but he'll not have eaten for 12 hours before the flight or drunk water for 7. I'm really scared that he'll get dehydrated or something if we have to have a layoever or something, but I'm going to do my best to find a flight that has it minimally. Throw on another hour or two for baggage retrieval and such...and we'll have one hungry, thirsty kitty.

What would you guys suggest I do to ensure my kitty is alive by the end of the journey? I did see something about letting him lick water off my fingers, but anything else?

I found something to line the carrier (which I'd also asked about) but I'm still a tad worried about the fact he won't be drinking (more so than eating).

Comments or suggestions would be great!


Poor Kitty.....I have no suggestions but wish him well on his journey!!

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-09 15:23:00
United KingdomHelp!!! ASAP

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-17 10:42:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?

Weird; I find Diet Coke in the US to be less sweet than it was in the UK.

Agreed, and Diet Pepsi too.

I don't think food in the USA is too sweet at all; I think British food is too sweet and American food is too salty. :blink:

Well it depends on what you eat really. Mainly what I find too sweet here is bread.

I don't eat much bread and what bread I do eat tends to be the chichi expensive gourmet stuff so I haven't noticed a difference in flavor. I'm not one of those no-carbs freaks but things like bread, pasta, etc. upset my stomach so I tend to avoid them. I also mostly avoid food out of jars and cans so I suppose comparisons between processed foods in the US and the UK are lost on me. We cook from fresh in this house but I find restaurant food in the US to be so salty that I sometimes can't finish it. I normally ask for my fries without salt. :blush:

You mean you never brought vinegar with you from the UK to put on your chips (fries) along with the salt???

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-18 15:00:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?
The bread is definately sweeter and takes some getting used other rant about the bread is that it is so small.........I would love to have a loaf of Warburtons or Rathbones right now.

As for the desert stuff I dont think that is any sweeter than the deserts in the UK.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-07 08:16:00
United KingdomHELP - Arrived in the USA but nobody took my brown envelope
Glad to hear you got things sorted out with relative ease.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-13 10:28:00
United KingdomHELP - Arrived in the USA but nobody took my brown envelope
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ May 12 2009, 01:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where is jojo gee!!

I wanna know if they had any joy getting their problem resolved!

Me too, I hope they got it sorted out
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-12 05:54:00
United KingdomHELP - Arrived in the USA but nobody took my brown envelope
I remember when I got to the US with my brown envelope....You probably remember I sailed on the QM2 and at immigration at the port they probably dont receive too many immigrants these days, when I went to the desk, the guy said to the girl on the next counter "Eh I have an Immigrant what do I do?" There were 3 of them that actually sorted it out, it all went very smoothly but I was shocked that he didnt know what to do!

Thank goodness its all over now for me and I don't have to worry about immigration anymore. Is Wes going to go for his citizenship?
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-11 13:02:00
United KingdomHELP - Arrived in the USA but nobody took my brown envelope
This is terrible that we have officers that don't know about immigration. How on earth do they get jobs in immigration and yet not know what they are doing.

I hope you get this sorted out quickly.....Good Luck
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-11 09:49:00
United KingdomNorth American Passport Production Center
Dont want to put a spanner in the works, but Gordon Brown can look out for the people that live in the UK I am not sure he is even remotely concerned about us Expats.

I once wrote to Tony Blair about UK immigration when my husband was not allowed to work until we got married but that asylum seekers were able to work on entry and also got free house...nice huh!!

I did get a reply all be it a few weeks later and it really just said "Thanks we have passed this to the relevant dept" of course that was it, I never heard from anyone again.

I hope you get your passport in time for your trip... smile.gif
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-14 18:17:00
United KingdomI think it'd be cool if...
I am with you, as long as it doesnt turn into the lets post the latest news stories from the english newspapers. I love off topic but find a lot of the newspaper stories pretty boring (sorry if some of you enjoy them).
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-12 13:00:00
United KingdomDrunk Driving and Visiting on VWP
Why cant she use VWP anymore?
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-17 15:41:00
United KingdomPlace to stay near medical/embassy
Travelodge is usually an inexpensive but clean place to stay. Havent used them myself in a few years so no idea what it costs, I believe they have a website where you can find out the price.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-20 19:26:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
Despite our earlier bickerings....i am happy to hear that all is well.

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-06 15:16:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
QUOTE (MARM @ Oct 21 2009, 07:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, since we are on the topic, I can't believe I never mentioned the college my fiance attends, it probably matters:
He attended LBS (London Business School) and completed his Executive MBA and Masters in Finance. We really appreciate the opportunity for him being allowed to complete his studies in the UK, but he had to endure quite a lot of hardships due to the UKBA constantly changing their policies and application systems in the past few years, oh and my fiance worked part time throughout his studies in the UK and filed taxes every year. Unfortunately, since his student visa is expiring and the UKBA decided to change some of the policies yet again, my fiance has been unemployed completely for the past 2-3 months because he needs his passport to renew a work contract, and even if he had his passport that is being withheld by the US Embassy in London, he cannot renew his work contract because he needs to show that he has a minimum of 6 months stay remaining in the UK on his status so that anyone will be interested in hiring him. Anyway, the point I am making is that nothing was just "given" to him, and he had to pay more than he should have (in addition to financially, also with regards to the emotional payment he has made for the way the UKBA has dealt with his applications and that in turn effected everything else including our K-1 process), especially since he has always followed the rules.

Hey get down off your high horse.....i feel for you....although when i dealt with UK immigration i have to say they were very lax to say the least. But each situation is different and I am sure what you say is true.

My complaint was in your choice of words, which insinuated that he used the UK just for his education (to me anyway). I have no problem with you complaining about the system im sure it sucks to be stuck in limbo like you seem to be. Have they refused to give him his passport back? Why would they do that?

Also just for the record we dont file taxes in the UK no0pb.gif
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-21 08:30:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
QUOTE (MARM @ Oct 20 2009, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (broma25 @ Oct 20 2009, 03:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope u get your situation resolved swiftly.

This is not YOUR thread, this is a public forum.

I have created this thread, I am the original poster, and your comments or posts are not wanted in this thread by me, so I can ask you not to post your comments in here, especially since you are violating TOS:

Qouted directly from VisaJourney TOS:
By way of example, and not as a limitation, you agree that when using the Service, you will not:
Make comments in a Post either direct or implied toward another member that are purposely designed to upset, antagonize, make fun of, belittle, or otherwise instigate an argument that takes away from the personal enjoyment of the Service by other users.

You are taking away from the purpose of this thread by instigating a non-related argument, that I personally find offensive, because we did not "USE" your country as you put it. Thus, you are taking away from the personal enjoyment of the Service by other users, such as me, the one who started this thread, so if you want to complain about someone using your country, feel free to create another thread and discuss your heart out.

My fiance did not USE your country to get an education. Your country has laws and due process that were followed by my fiance and YOUR COUNTRY HAS ADMITTED TO FAULT as the UKHO has personally apologized for delaying sending my fiance's passport back to him for 2-3 months while his UK FLR(S) was sitting there collecting dust when it had been approved long ago.

You miss your home country, there is nothing wrong with that. My fiance misses his home country of Pakistan, I miss my country of origin, Pakistan as well. It is fine to miss your home country, but that does not mean you spoil my thread with your baseless comments of "USING" your country for an education.

A better choice of words was needed on your part.

And we do hope to get this situation resolved quickly as well, thank you.

I will leave YOUR thread alone....NOT because YOU say so, but just because you obviously are an obnoxious individual who choses only to accept POSITIVE comments. There is so much more I want to say, but you know what you are just not worth it.

Oh and NO I did not violate TOS just by stating my own a US citizen don't I have the right of Freedom of Speech!

And just for the record I have been around on this forum for over 5 years and I certainly do not go around hijacking threads for no reason......Your choice of words upset that a TOS violation.

I wish you well.....

Edited by broma25, 20 October 2009 - 06:27 PM.

broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-20 18:24:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
QUOTE (MonkeyJuice @ Oct 20 2009, 12:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Comments like that don't help Marm & her fiance in an extremely stressful situation. Her fiance is in limbo & is uncertain about how to resolve their situation in the UK without even a passport to travel. devil.gif
A little compassion please.

OK a little compassion may be needed, but I dont like to read that people used my country for the purpose of getting an education. Some of us who are in the US actually miss our home country... So perhaps a better choice of words is needed on both parts.

I hope u get your situation resolved swiftly.

QUOTE (MARM @ Oct 17 2009, 09:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (broma25 @ Oct 17 2009, 08:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lets hope he gets out safe and sound.....and god forbid he should ever want to return to a country that gave him his education!

The UK did not just "give" my fiance his education. My fiance had to work for it, he had to endure much discrimination being a Pakistani citizen in the UK, not to mention the fact that the UKHO is responsible for a large chunk of the delay in our process because my fiance was following the rules by re-applying for his student visa extension, and the UKHO admitted it was their fault in letting his application sit there for so long when it was approved long ago. I do not appreciate your comments and this is my thread, so if you don't have anything helpful to add, please refrain from posting here. Your sarcastic comments show that you know nothing of our visa journey so far, but rather you are too quick to judge. The UK did not just give my fiance his education, I don't need to explain that any further. And even if by some miracle the UK granted my fiance the favor of an education there, that does NOT mean that his loyalties should lie there. And this especially does not mean that I have to read your sarcastic comments in MY thread.

This is not YOUR thread, this is a public forum.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-20 15:59:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
QUOTE (MARM @ Oct 12 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trompe le Monde @ Oct 12 2009, 11:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I know things have changed A LOT since this happened but I overstayed (before becoming a UKC) my student visa back in the 90s because I was stupid and didn't know better and it wasn't a major issue for me on subsequent returns and visa applications. I think the overstay was 3 months.

Thanks Trompe le Monde! Frankly speaking, my fiance does not ever want to go back to the UK, he was there for the sole purpose to study, and now that he is done, he doesn't see anything there for him. Also, he doesn't have any family there, no other ties there either, so there is probably a 0.0001% chance that we would even think of going there in the future. The .0001 is because as they say you never know, but we really don't have a reason to go back there. The only thing both my fiance and I fear is any trouble with the UKHO when he is exiting London once he gets his K-1, and also the fact that he doesn't want the UKHO show up at his door the day after his UK FLR(S) expires, because they aren't easy to deal with, and it is just a lot of added stress!

Lets hope he gets out safe and sound.....and god forbid he should ever want to return to a country that gave him his education!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-17 20:12:00
United KingdomI love BBC America
QUOTE (pdcvcm @ Nov 30 2009, 12:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (broma25 @ Nov 29 2009, 01:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (nigel @ Nov 23 2009, 03:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi us Brits..

If your really home sick and want to watch some uk stuf online such as itv bbc ect....then google and download..its FREE also..


once you have then you will find a wack of tv stuff live also....footy..corey..emerdale ect..

Ok..hope that helps your home sickness...and if/when you win the lotto remember me please...



I downloaded this and dont seem to be able to get anything other than news, i want to watch whats currently showing on uk tv? Help?

I need some help too smile.gif Found out that BBC One has Gavin and Stacey. So went to the website and yes good news it is there to watch on line. Click on, bad news, only can access in UK. Any other suggestions? I have asked Paul to record it but wanted to find out if any other ideas so I don't have to wait. smile.gif can download Film On from

This allows you to watch live TV....if you cant watch the live shows due to work/time diff etc then UK Nova for downloads is your best bet.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-02 06:32:00
United KingdomI love BBC America
QUOTE (nigel @ Nov 23 2009, 03:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi us Brits..

If your really home sick and want to watch some uk stuf online such as itv bbc ect....then google and download..its FREE also..


once you have then you will find a wack of tv stuff live also....footy..corey..emerdale ect..

Ok..hope that helps your home sickness...and if/when you win the lotto remember me please...



I downloaded this and dont seem to be able to get anything other than news, i want to watch whats currently showing on uk tv? Help?
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-29 14:14:00
United KingdomGetting a tax refund?

Hi everyone, I read something on here ages ago that explained that theres a possibility you can aply for a tax refund for the last year if you are leaving the UK. I'm not sure about this, I just have a vague memory of coming across this information. Is this true and if so, how do you go about doing it?

Thanks! :thumbs:

You wont get back all the taxes you paid in the last year, and to be honest you might not get much being that its January already and you prob have earned over your allowance for the year. Def worth putting the form in though as any refund is a bonus.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-05 20:01:00
United KingdomBritish/Scottish recipes
QUOTE (david'sgirl @ Dec 22 2009, 07:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm gonna need to figure where to find "proper" bread! smile.gif

On Christmas I'm gonna try making yorkshire pudding. Hope I dont mess it up!

You wont find proper bread in the USA......

You might want to reconsider the yorkshire puds for Xmas.....they are best with beef, and most English folks will be having turkey for christmas. However dont let me be the one that says you cant have yorkshire puds with turkey.....Good Luck.

I agree with what others have said, its nice to have some things from home, but we do adjust and substitute, I am looking forward to going home in January.....proper bread toasted with butter...........Heaven!!!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-23 12:37:00
United KingdomBritish/Scottish recipes
Hmmmmm Brown sauce on Bacon n Toast.....
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-22 10:10:00
United KingdomFlying on Monday....

Thanks for posting this. I'm flying out tomorrow morning to pick up my fiancee and returning on the 10th through Charlotte. I wonder if they will let me in the same queue with her. I suppose they can always tell me to go to the USC queue if they don't like it.

Good luck and have a safe journey!

My husband used to tell the immigration officers that I was his NON USC wife, I was always allowed to go through the USC line with him. Its worth asking!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-05 11:31:00
United KingdomCheap Flights from Continental
Can I ask how much they charged for the dog?
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-02 16:34:00
United Kingdomgetting a uk spouse visa

We're planning on doing the same thing, maybe not quite 3 years as we've already been in the US together almost 2. But we're looking to move back to England after my husband gets his US dual citizenship. We feel we put so much money into getting him here that we don't want to just give it all up and we'd love to be done with immigration (at least on the US side) before settling down and starting a family.

As for the financial side, they're sponsoring system looks quite complicated. There's no real set amount you have to make; you just have to show enough income to pay your bills, I believe. and there's no co-sponsoring. I believe your UKC spouse will have to go over and set up shop before you can move yourself. We're planning on saving up and going over together (me on VWP) and finding an apartment or house and him finding a job and me coming back to the US to get the visa. I think it's quite a bit faster processing but within 3 years time the UK immigration system is going to change. so it's not worth looking into it this early, I'd wait til 2011 when the big changes are going to happen.

What big changes are happening in 2011?
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 16:30:00
United KingdomHow to get US Dollars into UK Bank Account
I just used Xoom. It was $4.99 for a wire and it was very straight forward and easy to use.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-10 20:05:00
United KingdomHow to get US Dollars into UK Bank Account
Are the bills to be paid in the UK or the US.

Cheque would be the easiest way.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-05 11:43:00
United KingdomCR1 Travelling to the US, what to expect?
No you do not need to do anything with ESTA....that is for people who are using the VWP. As you have a visa you do not fall into this category.

Good Luck...
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-05 20:28:00
Congratulations..... :dance:
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-26 17:45:00
United KingdomDriving in the USA

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your help, you're a bunch of stars on here - it looks like I'll be OK just taking my own licence. My fiancée's checked things with her insurance company and that's all in order, so all that's left to do is hope I can work out how on earth you drive an automatic!

I do wish May was closer, mind. It didn't seem far-away when I booked the flights, but now I've got one of those countdown thingies on my phone, and I'm thinking of taking it off because it's depressing me saying things like 44 days...

Driving automatic is the least of your worries...haha....just remember to put your left foot away its not needed. As an inexperienced US driver I am sure you will be glad your driving automatic.

Good Luck!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-22 19:23:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
QUOTE (munchkins @ Aug 14 2009, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WOW, seems so very long since I last logged onto Visa Journey and I cannot believe how long the list has grown, Welshcookie, good to see you are still here, hope all is well with you

Been over here exactly 2 years and 6 months now, for those who don't know our story, briefly my husband and I moved over to be with our daughter and family, she moved over here 21 years ago after marrying a usc, still with him by the way good.gif

We have been doing A.OK since we got here, yes.gif have a lovely home, (bought for the same amount as what we sold up for in the UK but much, much bigger ) currently building our own swimming pool, saving ourselves a small fortune into the bargain good.gif and we are both working, me as a manager for a well known bank and hubby has his own business, basically doing what he did in the UK. It's been harder to get is business off the ground but it is slowly coming now

Also if any one remembers us, we lost our wonderful rottweiler to cancer 11 days before we moved over here, which just about devastated us, you had to know him yes.gif he was wonderful, well we now have another male, he is nearly two now and we named him after our Morgan in the UK. We still have Tia, our female rotty who moved over with us, so life is good. I hope all who have just moved over or who are in the process, really find it good here and settle well. It's not easy but what is, make the most of everyday

good luck to all

Hey Val

Nice you see you girl.....glad to hear all is well....
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-06 17:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDivorce, need to serve papers in Russia
If your still friends have her serve you with papers.
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-09 19:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are our options
If you have the time to wait out the CR-1 then I would do that. As for the forms for your daughter I have no idea.

Good Luck though!
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-10 12:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisa fee bargain!
Is this legal?
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-16 13:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSad news --> continue
Thanks for clearing that up Riblet :)
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-18 11:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSad news --> continue
Why does the email refer to Fiance petition, and yet you refer to your wife?

Are you applying for K1 or K3
broma25FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-18 09:36:00