PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice
I meant no offense with the moron remark...well not toward you saddened. Those remarks were earned in other threads and not just here so I didn't just hand them out in haste. Again, really sorry to hear and hope you get it behind you :)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-11-21 20:22:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

Kevin...I want names!!! :whistle: :lol:

Hahhah, well YOU personally called two of them out (You might have even called them worse) ;) Some peoples kids..I swear
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-11-21 20:01:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice
Man, I really gotta get back in here more often..good gawd! OP, I'm so sorry to hear about all your BS :( The facts are the facts though and there are a million very beautiful and honorable women in the world. NO one deserves the ####### you got dealt. With the exception of a couple (I won't name them, morons..bah), you've gotten more good advice here than I could ever offer. The very best of luck and my best to you. NOW please post in here so we all know if you got her lying #### ejected!! :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-11-21 13:40:00
Philippineseducate me, please!
We send money as often as we can. My wife's family never makes any demands but I know they need what ever we're able to send. In most cases, once you hit 30 or so, you're not very employable. Unless you are able to run your own business of some sort you're pretty much out of luck. Age discrimination is awful and most of the jobs go to the 20-somethings - the rest of the jobs are either inherited or go to friends. I know that's not necessarily the case in every province but it's pretty much the standard where my wifes family is. The older siblings are all either in Manila or abroad leaving all the little ones at home with the parents. It can be tricky to talk about but you can get a pretty good idea of what will be expected (or hoped for) just by looking at her families condition, living arrangement and how it operates now. I knew when I met my wife that her family would need help. They don't expect anything but if all the older kids didn't help, they'd starve sitting in the dark. I would guess that unless you can tell that her family is "well off" by Filipino standards, they'll be hoping to have a little help from you.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-11-28 07:52:00
PhilippinesPlease, need an answer!
I think it was 4 pages and when they updated them last, they condensed it into 2 pages. I only submitted a 2 page one as well .
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-12-06 02:48:00
PhilippinesDoes your wife think the US is too cold ?
I used to try to get a rise out of Merlaine by telling her what the temp was here off and on. I'd tell her "baby, it's 15 degrees here today" and I never got a reaction from her at all. Then I finally asked her what the temp was there and she had no idea. It dawned on me that she has no idea at all what 15 would feel like. She's never felt 60 much less a -20 windchill like we're having now! LOL I'm taking her straight to the mall to clothes shop when she gets here ;) lol
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-01-03 19:47:00
PhilippinesFilipinos and saving money for retirement
It's nearly impossible to find work after you hit about 30 years old where my wife is from - especially if you're female. Age discrimination is huge there! Her parents aren't able to get a job so if they don't have their own business then there is no work. They have to rely on their kids to work and help support everyone. There really isn't any "retirement" option from the very beginning. I'm sure you're answers are going to be spread from case to case just like any other country would be.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-12-13 02:59:00
PhilippinesWhich city and state are you?
She's finally here so I'll add us to the list. One itty bitty gorgeous girlie and myself are in Wichita Kansas :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-06-17 11:58:00
PhilippinesWhich city and state are you?
Wichita Kansas here as well :D Merlaine will be too if the *&^%#! USCIS will get busy ;)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-03-02 01:29:00
PhilippinesDid anyone use this to send money to philippines?
I just sent her Nanay a prepaid credit card. The card company waives any fees if you do direct deposit with them and they'll refund your atm fees for a $3 monthly "VIP" membership fee. We've been, and still are, using Xoom but I'm anxious to get started with the new card (should make my budgeting easier).
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-01-24 03:08:00
Philippinessmart simcard
I got a cheap ATT GoPhone then bought an unlock code off of EBay for 2 or 3 bucks. I only use it for incoming texts too and it works fine :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-02-01 04:53:00
PhilippinesAnyone shipped documents with FedEx?
That's the problem with FedEx, they use a 3rd party (Air21) once the package gets to the Phils. UPS is the same and you CAN'T use the post office unless you would prefer it NEVER arrive lol. I used them 2 times and had problems both times! The courier just left her package with a kid who said he knew her in her barangay. After that I quit using them and only use DHL now. DHL is global and has their own employees on the ground there so your packages will be trackable the whole time and will never change hands.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-03-03 03:25:00
Philippines'PH auctioning unclaimed balikbayan boxes'

A Romney/Bachmann ticket looks formidable. Down with the burros! :thumbs:

bah... Posted Image
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-03-26 18:59:00
PhilippinesPhilippines Peso Currency Converter Gadget
I just ask google, ie: 4550php in usd...never fails :)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-03-28 01:41:00
PhilippinesWhy are all one-way flights Phil to SFO $1000?
Also the more times you look for the same flight, the higher the price will go. The cookies will track each time you visit and search for SFO to MNL and vice versa. The more times you search, the more desperate for a flight they assume you are. I'm sure you are but be sure to look at the airlines site instead of using a travel site like priceline. The last few times I booked a flight the airlines site was cheaper :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-04-02 07:21:00
PhilippinesAny filipina member here from Missouri
Hiya Danny :) I think Merlaine and I are gonna try to make a trip up your way this summer. I'd like to take her to the plaza and to the market on the river. I've been to the plaza but haven't done much else in KC. To the OP, if you'll google filipino community in Kansas City you'll find there's a website and a lot of information. I ran across it before my wife got here. Good luck and enjoy your new life!!
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-04-12 18:30:00
PhilippinesMailing Options? - PH to US - Post office - UPS - Fedex - Costs
I used FedEx once and the delivery guy just gave her package to a kid in her barangay that said he knew her Posted Image. I only used DHL after that and never had any problems. I think the basic envelope with a few documents in it cost me $38 if I remember correctly. The problem with FedEx and UPS is they don't have their own offices/employees in the phils. FedEx will use Air21 for final delivery and UPS uses (or used to anyway) Delbros. DHL has their own people there so your package will never change hands Posted Image
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-04-14 17:35:00
PhilippinesMagic Jack to call NVC from the Philippines

calling the NVC is like trying to get a hangnail without using a nail cutter or a nipper. you never get it on the first try. you just have to keep re-dialing. sometimes you could be re-dialing for 10 minutes straight before getting a ringing tone.

contact number for NVC (603) 334-0700

:thumbs: If at first you don't succeed, try, try...a million more times. I still have them on speed dial (and the recurring dream/nightmare)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-04-13 10:17:00
Philippinesanyone from Kansas City, Missouri
Wichita is about 3 hours south and west from KC. There is a big Filipino community in KC though - you can take a look here.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-04-13 10:20:00
Philippinesanyone from Kansas City, Missouri
There are a few board members that are from the area. My wife and I are in Wichita :)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-04-12 18:27:00
Philippinesneed someone to talk to...

She must have taken his computer.

It's either that or the OP was about to tell us he/she was going blind B-). SsssSS HOyyy! We're over here!
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-08-18 08:40:00
PhilippinesSan Fo POE, Welcome Letter, Green Card & SSN
Think all that info should be in our signature...I'm too lazy to go look so I'll just post and hope for the best :)

Yup! There it is..hahha

Edited by Kevin-n-Merlaine, 23 March 2011 - 05:31 PM.

Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-03-23 17:30:00
PhilippinesShe will be here in 1 day.

congrats!! I know how you feel. My wife has been with me almost 1 year now....still hard to believe.

Enjoy your time together! :thumbs:

Crazy huh, time flys so fast. Big congrats J and C, enjoy every minute!!
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-05-01 07:39:00
Philippinesneed help regarding E-tickets of Delta Air
They will want to see the card. I left my wife a prepaid card so I just used it to buy the ticket online (you could send her one DHL and do the same). You should check with Delta and see if they'll accept a photocopy of your card from your wife. There are a few members here who have gone about it that way I know.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-05-08 10:24:00
PhilippinesCheap calling options
We've been using Rebtel for quite a while and have been really happy with it. They just recently raised their rates some - 10.9 a min to a landline and 15.9 to mobile - but it's still pretty reasonable.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-05-11 08:36:00
PhilippinesFilipino Tutorial Videos
Ahahhaha! Thanks for the link, my wife and I loved it!!
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-05-12 17:58:00
PhilippinesI'm Looking Forward to Shop @ WALMART

Well, you've known him longer so I'll bow to your wisdom on the subject. :yes: :lol:

Well yah! Platinum member <---------------------------- hahha ;) ! Hope all goes great on the sputum btw...we nearly went down that road too :( best of luck man.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-06-15 11:01:00
PhilippinesI'm Looking Forward to Shop @ WALMART

Well this quote here proves he obviously brilliant. :lol:

Well Tahoma's been my friend on VJ here for a couple of years (wow that long?) give or take, I'm not sure I would classify him as the sane one tho Posted Image Posted Image
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-06-15 10:29:00
PhilippinesI'm Looking Forward to Shop @ WALMART

:thumbs: :thumbs: Agreed.

:thumbs: :thumbs: I agree with you, Benny. We have much more important things to fight about! :jest:

:thumbs: :thumbs: Roy, thanks for your voice of reason. I wonder if Steve realizes his behavior could get him banned from his wife's thread. :unsure:

:thumbs: :thumbs: Steph...thank you for your kind words and for your usual common sense. :star:

She said you were the sane one Posted Image
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-06-15 10:17:00
PhilippinesI'm Looking Forward to Shop @ WALMART

I really like McDonald's french fries. :thumbs:

Of course, I will never get over the shock of having rice served with a burger. That just seemed so odd.

Posted Image
My wife got here and was shocked too..."No chicken?? No rice?? WTH??"
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-06-15 07:47:00
PhilippinesI'm Looking Forward to Shop @ WALMART
Walmart was a great company when Sam Walton was still alive and running it. I'm sure he turns over in his grave daily now that his kids have control. Just google walmart labor violations or ask someone who's worked there for any length of time and you'll see why I never shop there. My two cents..stay far far away Posted Image
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-06-15 06:06:00
PhilippinesFree online TV/Movies
My wife's been using Her sister in the Phils turned her on to it and she's loved it so far. She's a GMA addict and they have the latest series and shows uploaded the day after they air over there.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-06-17 20:56:00
PhilippinesTo Much Proof?
The packet I sent my wife for her interview weighed 12 lbs according to DHL., They looked at 4 or 5 photos and that was about it. I honestly believe that being prepared, the way you're dressed, the way you carry yourself and how professional all your documents are prepared has more to do with the outcome of the interview than the actual documents do. They already have most of the documents she'll take to the interview anyway :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-06-25 08:06:00
PhilippinesCold feet
You need to update your timeline jr, your date for cold feet should be 06-12-11 ;) Cold feet is a natural phenom, just don't over think it's marriage not rocket science (rocket science is much easier to grasp).

Edited by Kevin-n-Merlaine, 15 June 2011 - 12:04 PM.

Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-06-15 12:03:00
Philippinessputum test...Anyone get xrays prior to St lukes exam to avoid delays
Having the tests done ahead of time could bite you too. My wife caught a nasty cold about a month prior to her medical so she went to the doctor. She was diagnosed with TB and started on the meds. She was so upset, having come so far in the process, that she nearly decided not to go on with the process. She did go on, went to her medical, kept her mouth shut and passed with flying colors. Come to find out, 2 other members of her family have been misdiagnosed with TB over the years. A LOT of undue stress - I don't recommend it. What St. Lukes says is all that matters. So while it's bigtime stressful to not know ahead of time, It can be worse Posted Image
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-07-21 01:33:00
Philippinesam i approved?
If you paid a fee to Air21, that's for the delivery of your visa...yes, you're approved :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-07-28 01:18:00
PhilippinesSputum Test
Good luck with St. Lukes :) My wife got a false positive from her local doctor and we were scared to death before her medical. Thank god the quack got it wrong but I know the feeling. Even in the "worst case", it's just a short delay in comparison to a lifetime Posted Image
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-06-15 13:11:00
PhilippinesDecent, mid-priced, hotel in Manila?

you can choose also manila airport hotel its really near in the international airport its just a walking distance near at mall of asia and sm sucat. and its near in the police station in the airport. im from that place and all my family still living there till now and my brother and siste are working in international airport.

That would get my vote too. I stayed there with my soon to be wife and made the reservations online then confirmed over the phone. We only stayed one night but it was pretty nice, clean and has a KFC attached. It's literally a rocks throw away from the international arrival ramp.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-08-14 13:02:00
Philippinesbest stores to buy clothes for petite girls
Shoes are a little hard to find (she wears a 5) but she can find a few that AREN'T hello kitty in the children's section. The children's section of most stores have clothes that will fit but most are pretty child specific. Forever 21 is a good choice :thumbs: Deb, Charlotte Russe and Maurices are her favorites I think but most all of the mall stores carry small sizes (my wife's a 0). Hollister, American Eagle and A&F all carry petite sizes.

Also, if you have a Gordmans there they carry a lot of small sizes. She's found a pretty good selection of jeans and dress pants there.

Edited by Kevin-n-Merlaine, 05 September 2011 - 05:12 AM.

Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-09-05 05:10:00
PhilippinesCan my fiance ( Petitioner) purchase an airline ticket for me?
Some airlines want to see the card that the ticket was purchased with when you check in. Have your fiance check with the airline, then if necessary, photocopy the front and back of the credit card used to purchase the ticket and send you the copy. My wife already had her card from our joint account and Delta never asked to see it but I've heard that some do.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2011-09-17 08:00:00