Philippinestravel tax
They charged Merlaine P1670 + the P750. Inflation ?? Who knows, just be ready to pay P1700 if necessary. I think the guy collecting the tax that day was a little short for lunch money. :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-06-17 11:55:00
PhilippinesToday is the DAY !!! Rose will have her Interview
Huge Congrats Jason!!! It's all over now :dance: :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-06-30 11:44:00
PhilippinesMEDICAL EXAM on July 6 and 7
Good luck!! Don't need anything extra there, just a few hundred pesos and a little patients :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-07-02 01:57:00
Philippineswedding souvenirs

$500? Wow that is great! How were you able to do that?

My wife's family and friends did everything. Her brother cooked all the food (crazy man stayed up 24 hours doing the cooking lol), a friend did all the planning and decorating, her sisters boyfriend designed our invitations...we had lots of help :) We did the shopping and everyone pitched in to bring everything together. Provinces are a LOT cheaper than Manila or Cebu too :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-07-03 09:17:00
Philippineswedding souvenirs
They were very cheap actually. There is a gift shop there in Tacloban that sells all that kind of stuff so we got everything there in that one shop. I don't remember how much we spent now but I think it was only like P1100 or something like that?? Our entire wedding, food, clothes, everything, was only around $500. We did everything our selves :)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-06-09 23:06:00
Philippineswedding souvenirs
My wife bought little bride and groom figurines, had mini card versions of the face of our invitations printed and tied them on each with a ribbon then wrapped each one in celophane - 60 of those if I remember right. Then each of the sponsors a larger statuette that held a candle and did the same with those.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-06-09 22:51:00
PhilippinesWhat is transit visa?Pls help urgent
Merlaine connected in Japan at Nagoya and didn't need any other visas. I think if you're going to lay over long enough that you'd need a hotel (need to leave the airport), pass through customs/security, etc., then you'd need the transit visa. The Delta flight she took was only there long enough to deboard the plane so it could fuel and take on Japanese passengers. You won't pass through immigration or security there so you'll be fine :)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-07-03 10:12:00
Philippinesmedical passed or not?
It sounds more like a hospital scheduling thing than a medical thing. Maybe they're just super busy and can't get everyone processed in the usual 2 days.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-07-05 08:18:00
PhilippinesOngoing Relationship
We chatted on Skype mostly so I just took screen captures each time we did and sent her a dozen or so. If you send 9893483 pounds of stuff they'll only ask to see 2 photos while they're looking at your I-864 :thumbs: Here's how Merlaines' interview went -

Merlaines interview
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-07-05 11:53:00
PhilippinesHow can anything so stinky possibly taste so good?
Hahahha Kari
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-05-26 18:59:00
PhilippinesHow can anything so stinky possibly taste so good?
They told me in Vietnam that it was banned from hotels and public places AFTER I tried it.. :rofl: :rofl:. I just thought maybe once you got past the smell it would taste good. I was sweet I'll give it that, but in a dead body kinda way :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-05-26 18:53:00
PhilippinesHow can anything so stinky possibly taste so good?
When I went to both the Philippines and Vietnam I tried absolutely everything. I can honestly say I loved just about everything. There were a few things I didn't care for so much but there was ONE thing I can't handle...durian. It smells like a cantaloupe that's been sitting in a dumpster in Southern Arizona for 2 weeks and tastes about the same. The smell from the bite I took instantly saturated my sinuses and I could smell that ####### for a week!! Yuckkk!! :rofl:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-05-26 18:01:00
PhilippinesFor fun in this Forum (House Chores)
We split things up too. I haven't done dishes because SOMEONE won't use the dishwasher and won't let me either :rofl: Crazy Filipinas I swear :rofl: I guess makes extra cabinet space at least :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-07-17 09:11:00
PhilippinesIs this too much thinking?
It's a lot more fun to go through those things with her :) She'll catch on very quick and it'll be more fun for her to do it all with you too :thumbs: Just give her the basics, show her once and let it fly!! Just make sure she has free reign over the house (decorating, moving, etc.), tons of different ways to communicate with family and plenty of rice :D :thumbs: Find a good Asian market close to you if you don't have a Filipino market. Merlaine was amazed at how many things she found from the Phils there. Vietnamese use a lot of the same stuff they do. On a side note, Scott...thanks for the heads-up on Rebtel, it's a lifesaver!!
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-07-21 08:29:00
PhilippinesNeed to fill out new form?
Every form used by USCIS has a form number. All the forms are numbered, I-130, I-864, etc., but they each have an official document number. You should check the one he has to see if it matches the one available for download now and any form you download in the future should come directly from the USCIS website to make sure it's the most current one. If you have delays in the future, just check that number to make sure your good :thumbs: :)

OMB No. 1615-0001; Expires 01/31/2010 - That should be the most recent I-129F form
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-07-24 07:44:00
PhilippinesIf tension becomes worse between The USA and North Korea...?
It amazes me that the people and politicians in this country TRULY BELIEVE that everyone in the world would gladly overthrow their own governments and replace them with a Democracy. Lots of posturing but I don't see war there, just a lot of money changing hands.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-07-25 07:34:00
Philippinesthe CFO experience
I think it's the best a safest bet - just take everything that you'll be taking to your interview (that's what Merlaine did too)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-08-08 07:39:00
PhilippinesWhy there are pinays out there who feels so conceited about theirselves once they arrived here in the States?

Can you tell me why this thread needs to be locked? Did I miss something?

Pinay Wife
VJ Mod Team

No wife, it's just that USUALLY this kind of thread winds up in a mele. I wasn't hoping for it, just looking ahead :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-05-24 12:56:00
PhilippinesWhy there are pinays out there who feels so conceited about theirselves once they arrived here in the States?
Still no lock, impressive! :thumbs:. Here Hopp :pop: Be patient, it's coming :clock: :rofl:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-05-24 10:49:00
PhilippinesWhy there are pinays out there who feels so conceited about theirselves once they arrived here in the States?
This works both ways too. I just spoke with my wife - she's still there in Manila staying with her brothers after having passed her interview and getting her visa. One of the neighbors there was chatting with her brothers wife. This neighbor was curious why my wife was there so she told them - just in casual conversation. Apparently now, the majority of people living there are treating my wife and her family there pretty bad. Lots of rude looks and comments. The lady who lives below them has made a ton of complaints and I guess a drunken neighbor came by tonight to tell them that the owner want's them to move! They've lived there for quite some time but now that the "soon to be Americana" is there the neighbors aren't so neighborly :bonk:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-05-23 10:45:00
PhilippinesGetting married in Philippines

Have you met a filipina online? Or are you hoping to meet one on your trip?

Getting married in the Philippines is not like Las Vegas. There is a 10 day waiting period after you apply for a marriage license.

:thumbs: It took about 3 weeks just to get all the paperwork done. I was there 32 days and flew home 5 days after we were married. That's only for a civil wedding. Count on a LOT longer than that for a church wedding.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-08-18 09:00:00
PhilippinesGetting married in Philippines
I met my wife in June one year ago, flew there in August, and was married in September. There was never any question about the length of our courtship at any point in the immigration process. If you have the evidence to prove you have a legit marriage and ongoing relationship then that's what matters to the government. Like Teena said though, making sure that she's the right girl for you is more important. I knew before I went to the Phils that Merlaine was it for me.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-08-18 08:47:00
PhilippinesCFO Seminar in Cebu
Yeh it just depends on the person you're dealing with. The ogre in the city office in Tacloban required me to get a Loved the look on their faces at the NSO office though when I stepped up and asked for one wink.gif Like I'd ordered a gin and tonic. All that should be required is your "permit to marry" from the US embassy there and not a CENOMAR. CENOMAR is for PH citizens.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2009-10-23 10:01:00
Philippinesjust got married. what's next? :)
Like the others said, read the guides here and get the I-130 filed as quick as possible. It took 5 months for us to get through USCIS. Once you're through that "cluster" it goes fast though. Also start reading Ling Che's guide and learn it front to back while you're waiting on USCIS so that you're ready to kick NVC's #### when that time finally gets here :thumbs: Good luck!! (I always forget that word's censored hahha)

Edited by Kevin-n-Merlaine, 01 September 2010 - 06:59 AM.

Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-09-01 06:58:00
PhilippinesI want to send chocolate to the philippines

Thanks. My question is do they sell personalized MM's chocolate for birthday for kids like they sell here, USA, with personalized message and pictures of the BD kid?

Dunno about the personalized option but they carry anything you might want to send. I've sent everything from flowers to a washing machine. Filgifts was the last I used and it's roses and sweets (not sweets and things). All that I mentioned are dependable and reasonable :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-08-26 09:14:00
PhilippinesI want to send chocolate to the philippines
You're gonna pay a fortune to ship with any carrier IF you even get them to ship it. Food's not generally allowed. There are a bunch of different online shopping companies that will deliver it to their door very reasonably though. I've bought a variety of different things over the past year from a few different companies and have had great luck with them. Filgifts and Philregalo are both very good, sweets and things is another (they're board members here if I remember right?).
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-08-25 07:52:00
PhilippinesI-129F package
I wasn't positive but thought I'd read this on the USCIS website so I looked it up. If you look in the forms section then to the right side there are tips for filing the paperwork. This is listed in the instructions there....

"Use paperclips when attaching supporting personal documents to forms (do NOT use “ACCO” fasteners; staples are acceptable when attaching fees)."
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2009-11-16 22:57:00
PhilippinesSworn Affidavits in the Philippines
Same here - 200 I think for two affidavits and copies. We had Merlaines' attorney friend do them for us. He was also a sponsor at our wedding :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-09-01 06:37:00
PhilippinesI gotta know

You're making me so hungry. I've already located all the asian markets in the area and one of the first things she says she want to do is go shopping.

:rofl: If you can just get past the smell of the dried fish.. :blink:'s really good :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-09-26 11:15:00
PhilippinesI gotta know

She's made tilapia and lumpia for me and you're right they were masarap. Never had Filipino style fried chicken but will give it try for sure. Occasionally is good with me for frying food, just not everyday.

She makes some of the best chicken adobo I've ever had.

Not to hijack your thread daft :) McCormick chicken seasoning and a pack of wings and drumettes, Thai Jasmine rice, long green beans with roasted garlic and red onion..mmmm!! Oh and don't forget the Louisiana hot sauce!! She likes Talapia and we found Jack fish (Talakitot) at the asian market and the regular market here carries Tuna of course. If she's like my wife she's not going to care as much for fresh water fish.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-09-26 11:00:00
PhilippinesI gotta know

No doubt I'll do anything to make her feel comfy and welcome. I guess what I'm looking for is an idea of something I haven't thought of.

If she's like my wife, just show her that this is HER new home. Give her free rein to decorate, move and re-arrange anything how she likes it. Get all the things I posted earlier so that she can pick up any phone in the house and call anytime she'd like. Skype is a godsend so get her and her family all hooked up with that if possible. Take her shopping because she's going to land with 3 bags that are "everything she owns". My wife (like a lot of Filipinas) is a CHEAPA$$!! She loves the ukay ukay (goodwill)!! Just spend a lot of time with her, do simple things together, cook, go for walks, show her around everywhere...everything's brand new :thumbs: :) It's a blast I'm tellin ya...enjoy every minute of it :)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-09-26 10:32:00
PhilippinesI gotta know

I like your thinking. Each day of my life I am thinking more or less the same thing you are thinking.

Two of my major concerns:

I like to keep my place very neat. I only eat or snack in the kitchen dining table. I will not bring food to the living room, home office, bedrom, etc.

The second, (No offence to no one please)I noticed when I went to the Philippines that frying food is a big hit there. I like frying food but I refuse to cook it in the house. It makes a big mess in the kitchen and also it is not healthy at all.

We will see how we can work out those things :). One thing for sure, I like to make her at home and happy so some of my rules will need to be bend..for the love of her :) now that was sweet ?

You're going to have to do more than "bend" the frying food rule. There are very few Filipino dishes that don't include something fried. It's not just your home anymore once she gets there. I think you'll be surprised at just how healthy even the fried foods are. It's not like french fries and corn dogs. Her emotional health is gonna depend on how "at home" she feels. The easier you make it for her, the easier it will be for both of you. Skype, international plan for the home phone, magic jack in the Phils, Rebtel ...all of those will make a big difference. Spend all the time with her you possibly can and afford her all the attention she's going to need. She's going to miss the Philippines and her family but you can ease that a lot by making this HER home and never letting her feel like a visitor :)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-09-26 08:01:00
PhilippinesNOA2 To Interview, How Long
I'll just post here so you can see my timeline...good luck!! Posted Image
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-10-06 08:03:00
I'm not sure if they do it the same for K1 as they do for CR1 but I'd imagine it's the same - interviews are scheduled during the second week of the month for the following month.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-10-06 08:05:00
PhilippinesFiancee' Visa Interview / VISA Prepaid Debit Cards
I took a Greendot prepaid card with me when I was there then left it with my wife. It worked out great and we're still using it :thumbs: She's here now but I just stayed with it and use it like you'd use any bank account. Up until a few months ago, BPI still wasn't charging the new fee there in the Phils but BDO and Metrobanc both were.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-10-19 18:52:00
PhilippinesOur Beautiful Baby girl Merci Rose
Congratulations you two!! What a beautiful girl :)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-10-16 12:07:00
PhilippinesUnlimited calls to Philippines, our experience so far
The brownouts do suck when it comes to Magic Jack. We used it and her family still has it installed. It's not all that convenient but the price is right :) At the suggestion of a member here, I set up a rebtel account and I've been very happy with that! It's only .06 a minute or so to call any phone anywhere in the Phils. Just throw 25 bucks into the account with my debit card, it posts instantly and away she goes :thumbs:
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-10-27 08:27:00
PhilippinesAirfares to Philippines
I was kinda shocked to find a really low fare on Korean Air for next JulyAug. RT from Dallas to MNL for 2 persons - a little over $1600 bucks...yes TWO travelers. Just have to shop OP. It's a pain but you'll find good deals :)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-10-27 08:20:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice
I know in your heart you feel like you're doing the "right thing". A lot of the posters here see your situation as a "love gone wrong" kinda thing and It would seem, from your posts that you, at least somewhat, feel that way too. I don't blame you one bit, but I really think you were the only one with any glimmer of love. If she deceived you from the very beginning and you didn't catch it until after you married her then please, protect yourself from any false assault/abuse charges. I'm guessing the only reason she hasn't played that card yet is because she hasn't thought of it and no one's suggested it too her. She's already played you in the worst possible way - why wouldn't she take one more step to get the GC? Be careful man. Don't let her pour salt in your open wounds.
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-11-22 02:55:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice
I meant no offense with the moron remark...well not toward you saddened. Those remarks were earned in other threads and not just here so I didn't just hand them out in haste. Again, really sorry to hear and hope you get it behind you :)
Kevin-n-MerlaineMalePhilippines2010-11-21 20:22:00