Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ May 21 2009, 10:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
MAWNING ladies and gents if any in the house!!!
i went dancing last night and did not have a nap in between.. UH OH lets hope i don't fall out of my chair from sleep deprivation LOL..

Quana you danced till it was time to go to work?? blink.gif Yuh turn yardie fi true!

QUOTE (Jomo's girl @ May 21 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think collard greens are the same no matter what Google says. Fake cabbage? ah ha hahahhhahahahah. That's funny.

Good luck on the barber. That was a major challenge to find one to stick with.

That's what he said too - dat not calaloo!

I told him on Monday we would walk the streets of Albany till we found a market and a barber!!

QUOTE (dancehallquana @ May 21 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
good luck w/ the food island, like u say, he get hungry enough, he will bend LOL
and u KNOW u should have been scouting out a barber already LOL!!!

yeah mon..the yardie thread back then was real informative cuz evrybody was going thru it at the same time so they were all EAGER to share it seems..

I know but he said he didn't need one he would do it himself cuz I have the razor to do my son's hair in the summer. He shaved with it one time and know wants to go back to a barber whistling.gif
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-21 12:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (Jomo's girl @ May 21 2009, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can, Island. You just have to look and compromise a bit..........

Try an international grocery store or another nationality. Managed to find one here with a small selection of JA foods......canned ackee, calaloo, salted cod, plantain, yams, coconuts, spices, Ting and champagne cola, patties, BIG bags of rice, spice bun, etc.

When you come to Dillon's wedding, I'll take you there.

Also visited local farmer's market to find oxtail, goat, spices, and then just used lots of fresh veggies.

Thanks JG. Part of is that things look different so he won't try it. We have collards greens (which google said is the same as calaloo), he wouldn't try cabbage, cucs looked fake, sugar cane looked scrawny, etc. But he's slowly coming around. We are going to my cousin's in New Hampshire this weekend which is 35 miles from Boston so I'm sure we can find some markets around there to pick up some things. I have my family who is closer to Albany on the look out for any WI markets down that way.

We are also on the hunt for a barber he likes cuz he says he will NOT go to naw "white" barber...

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-21 09:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (J2A?oasis @ May 21 2009, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ May 21 2009, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
why am i still at home?
why am i idling on vj?
i should be at work already

lol Bunz, I was the same way this morning and ended up being late for work. Luckily I don't have a set time to be in, just gotta put in the hours. I am going to have to set parameters for VJ, apparently I am out of control with it. I'm on morning, noon and night. Too ####### noisy I guess. yes.gif

Must be the day - I showed up 40 minutes late too....and still haven't done real "work" yet.... headbonk.gif
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-21 09:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (NatPatBen @ May 20 2009, 11:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm only caught up to page 286, but did have a couple of things to say before continuing to read:

Dada: LOL @ being picky, but not picky enough to be thin. I laughed a while after reading that.
Mrs Buggy: Thanks for sharing the story of your husband's first few weeks here. I hope that he did/will end up posting the experience from his point of view.

I posted pictures from my trip (well, 56 of 321) on Facebook. The surprise party went very well, even though the first of the guests arrived over 1.5 hrs later than scheduled, and the party didn't end up starting until 2 hrs+ after scheduled. More people showed up than I thought, and I got in trouble with hotel management, lol. But all's well that ends well! star_smile.gif

We went to a Tanya Stephens/Etana concert last night, but both of us were falling asleep at it. We'd been up since 2:30am for an EARLY drive to Kingston and back. After the Kingston drive, I focused on the surprise party. After the surprise party, we went to the concert, which also started 2 hrs later than scheduled.

Am I the only person who likes stuff to be on time???

Anyway, it's sad to be away from my babe. cray5ol.gif I don't even know what date I'll be back, since my only other Jamaica trip this year will be for the interview. Still no NOA2. I was hoping it would be waiting for me at home, but nope! I got the form to fill out to engage my Senator, if my approval doesn't come soon.

Welcome back Nat - loved your photos on FB! I always feel like I was just on the trip with you when I look at your photos.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-21 09:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (Lovesponge @ May 20 2009, 08:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aww IW, I am sooo happy for you. I am glad we are going through this at the same time so we can share adjustment stories. I wish you the best and I feel the same way couldnt do this without VJ.

Thanks Lovesponge - anytime you want to chat.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-21 09:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ May 20 2009, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
see..i believe in teaching our children tobe responsible and help around the house..but we must remember not to cross that line that makes them feel as though they are grown ups now because they can fold their washing theirown underwear is something they must learn..washing dishes even if its their own..making their beds etc. I see 13 yr olds maing big dinner for 7..come on now that brings the child out of her childhood..i pray to God that our children will neve have to work a FT job except for a PT summer job..which will go to their savings...

I agree Kimmy that there is a fine line for chore responsibility. My kids have a few chores at my house but at their father's house - where there are 5 kids - they have tons of chores. I want them to learn responsibility but they are not the maid! I won't go around redoing either. As long as I know they gave it their best try, I leave it at that. Of course if they are just playing me by half-arsing a job, they get to redo. They only get to be kids once - they need time to play!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-21 09:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ May 20 2009, 06:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
im late too cuz i missed it solseour..

island, i am about to cry over here girl.. sooo happy for u!!!

good night everyone.. i was on the 1st yardie thread today.. got some real good info about ppls adjustments.. very interesting to see how this transition effects us and our men

well anyway.. nite!!!

Thanks Quana. blush.gif Good thinking re: going back to the 1st thread.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-21 08:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (solsoeur @ May 20 2009, 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know I'm all late but congratulations Island you give the word patience new meaning! smile.gif

Thanks Sol. Patience was never a trait that I described for myself either. But it has paid off in the end - and I'm thankful for the strength God gave me every day when A says good morning. luv.gif

The food challenge is getting better. He has come to terms with the fact that we can't buy JA foods from the local market so he is just going to have to buck up and eat what we do have. I told him I do the same when I go to JA - I don't go there looking for American food. Yesterday he tried beef stew (although with about 2 lbs of rice) and this morning I made tomato and cheese omlettes. Apparently he is getting hungry enough.

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-21 08:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (phillyfashionista @ May 20 2009, 05:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
IT was backing up my files for my new laptop, so I took the opportunity to got to Walmart and get some new pots for my garden! Well let me tell you the recession has definitely hit the gardening section! The 10$ 10 gallon pots I use for my bananas are now 20.00 helpsmilie.gif so I had to use my Recessionista skills and get my $ worth! So I searched for the higher end pot I paid 20.00 for last year and just bought that one because there is no way on earth I will pay 20.00 for them pots and I know are only worth 10$ no0pb.gif

I am a Gardenista and I don't like to cut corners when it comes to my garden but this is getting ridiculous. People want to know why I buy my plants wholesale from the Philippines, this is exactly why!

It's early may and my Garden is looking like the gully, now my Hubby knows why I spend so much time out in the garden. He now spends as much time as me smile.gif I'll take some pics this weekend when I should have everything situated!

Z - you are still my garden inspiriation!! I can't wait to see the pics. A was talking the other day about planting banana trees and sugar cane. Hmmmm....

QUOTE (Hotlegz @ May 20 2009, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Good job Kimmy! You're rocking juggling all those balls.

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-21 08:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (Thompson2B @ May 15 2009, 08:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aww I'm so happy for you! Sounds like everything is falling into place perfectly. Did A try any of the food your daughter picked out for him?

Hey Fam - I'm still trying to catch up, so far behind!! I see Nat and Sus are off to JA - hope they have good and safe trips.

Thompson, those he liked!! Pringles and Oreos - lol.

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-19 12:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (*SunRay* @ May 15 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wonderful News TL....

I'm so glad that A is here and now Ray and I can come keep you guy's company. lol Enjoy!

Thanks everyone. luv.gif Mich - he was just asking about you guys last night!!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-15 11:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
Morning VJ Family!!

Thanks for all the calls and I know I owe a couple of you phone calls but I feel like I'm on a dead run this week!!

The day finally came - Anthony is here! Everyone went pretty smoothly on Wednesday, although he said there was a hard time because his visa is stamped for 6 months. He said a bunch of officers were gathered around causing some hoopla and checking the computer chatting bout why is the Kingston embassy stamping K1 visas for 6 months. As far as I knew that was the norm - you have 6 months to use the visa.

His arrival was good - I was standing in a spot where I could see everyone as soon as they walked around the corner so I spotted him first. But as soon as he rounded the corner his eyes went right to me and we both got a big goofy grin on our faces. I had my camera in hand but I couldn't move - just stood there grinning like a kid at a birthday party!!! He walked over and hugged me through the gate and I just deflated like a balloon - he was finally here.

Things have been going really well. The whole ride home his eyes were going a hundred miles an hour checking everything out. He did make me feel good Wednesday night when he said "I think I'm gonna like it here" because Whitehall is about as different from Kingston as Earth is from Mars. As soon as he got out of the car he asked why he never heard the pretty birds chirping when we were on the phone.

The biggest challenge so far has been food. He is working on his 3rd day of eating stew pork as he is not trying anything. But I figure when he gets hungry enough (or when the stew pork is gone!) he will try. I definitely learned the hard way awhile ago that I just ride out his stubborness, especially when he is the one most effected by it.

My kids officially met him last night and they loved him. They both had to sit next to him at dinner. And I loved him even more when I walked into the living room and saw him playing Dora Dominos with them and teaching them checkers Jamaican style! luv.gif

I say it again and again, I never could've made this journey without all of you ladies - I love you gals!! heart.gif
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-15 09:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (DaDa @ May 12 2009, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh I didn't think I could take them on board..

Dada - I brought banana bread wrapped in alum foil on my last trip and had no troubles. Put them in some tupperware in your purse and they should be fine.

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-12 15:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (Thompson2B @ May 12 2009, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I feel bad sharing my good news when so many are still waiting, and for so long (Nat). However I want to tell everyone how I got my interview date in the hopes it helps others speed things up. My interview date is June 15 (my birthday!!)

I emailed a week after dropping off the DS 230 and told them my SO never recived packet 3 and that I was worried he would never get packet 4 and we wouldn't know when the interview date was, or have enough time to schedule his medical. The next day they emailed me back packet 3 and 4 and told me the interview date. (Thanks Lovesponge for helping me with this!!) I know a lot of your SO's aren't getting the packets. I'm so thankful to all of you and especially IslandWoman for emailing me packet 3 or else i'd still be waiting for my SO to get paket 3. So I just wanted to let you all know that I think it's best to just email right away and not wait around for the mail.

I realize many of you may already know this, but just incase someone didn't I thought it was worth posting.

I hope everyone's having a nice day!

Congrats Thompson!! Anytime. If anyone ever DOES receive a packet 3 that is newer, hopefully we can scan that one to pass around.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-12 13:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (dillon @ May 12 2009, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So i was thinking of taking my computer and webcam to the wedding and doing a webcast of the wedding for those that cant be there. Does anyone know how to do that? If I talk on the webcam I use skype...that is about all I know.

No clue but I'm sure we can figure it out. I think that's a great idea! Family on the JA end will have to find a good internet cafe to hang out in.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-12 13:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (Jomo's girl @ May 12 2009, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dillon @ May 12 2009, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Marley thinks it is her wedding too. I told her she is the maid of honor but she is going to walk down the aisle with my Dad and I. And we are going to say some vows to her and she is going to say some to us. We will all probably light a unity candel as well.

OMG.....Island, bring extra kleenex. I am tearing up at this already!

I hope the birds are chirping real loud that day so she doesn't hear me blowing my nose......
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-12 12:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (Shemmy @ May 12 2009, 01:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dillon - make sense to me. Send me your address. My family gave us a informal reception 3 months after we got married so we get money and gifts. Trust me, it helped.

Shemmy - did I just notice or did you just change it - naturalization?? Congrats!!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-12 12:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ May 12 2009, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
oh my goodness dill.. i don't even wanna think about it.. rolleyes.gif
my mom didn't used to be like that.. she is getting just like HER mother as she ages laughing.gif .. i know i am gonna get some of those ways to but i pray pray pray pray that i keep my sensibility yes.gif

My mother has told my kids that if she gets as bad as her mother - we are to shoot her. blink.gif

QUOTE (dillon @ May 12 2009, 01:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Shemmy, no we haven't registered we decided to do a wishing well wedding that way we can use that money to file his AOS. LOL.

That's a great idea!! good.gif Gonna be a little hard to have the marriage go smoothly without it!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-12 12:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part14)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ May 12 2009, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wha gwaan yardie massive!!
hope everyone ones day is going well, and big up to all mi muddas.. better late than never LOL

mi nuh ago ketch up.. lost cause dat mi seh!! LOL.. so i will just start fresh..

roger doesn't leave the toilet seat up either, come to think of it, neither did my ex husband, i guess i have just been blessed in that area..

soooo happy for u island, there are a few women that i really identify w/ and u are one, i can't wait to hear all the stories.. what a good ooman, making all his favorites (i suppose??)

Yes! I told him that I made him bread, as long as Alexa leaves him some as it's her fav too. She has only ate a handful of "his" chips and none of "his" oreos that she got him! laughing.gif

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-05-12 12:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part15)
QUOTE (1luv @ Jun 3 2009, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh I just read this...Congrat Island kicking.gif kicking.gif Another stepmom in the house kicking.gif kicking.gif

Thanks!! My son will be so excited to have another male around as he has 4 sisters with his Dad's clan.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-06-03 13:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part15)
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Jun 3 2009, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Island...miss you babes! But, I won't pout too much since its A that took you away from us.

I miss you too!! But it wasn't really him, but my kids with their ball schedules - and my boss (making me work while I'm at work!!) But he's out today so I'm trying to catch up pon my VJ sistrens.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-06-03 13:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part15)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Jun 3 2009, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Islandwoman @ Jun 3 2009, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Woiee - I finally caught up from the old thread and the new!! I can't remember what I was going to say but I do remember for Nat - you can watch JA tv on the net - go to Anthony watches JA news every night from CVM. You can also get TVJ for a subscription of like $7.95 per month. I'm going to do that for father's day. Anyway, you should be able to find the Digicel Rising Stars on it.

Sus - love the new photo! It so pretty it looks fake.

So I have some MORE good news - JR WAS APPROVED TODAY!!! A's aunt took him to the interview this morning and they just called among the Kingston noise so it was hard to hear, but I will get the details tonight because I know there are a few of us working the K2 avenue.

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg.. so he could be coming really soon now?? GIRL the family will be complete.. i will have plenty of questions LAAATTEEERRRR.. so u better not leave us..

LOL - Mi caan leave...I'm too addicted!! I guess they are looking around the 2nd week of July, after he gets out of school.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-06-03 13:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part15)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Jun 3 2009, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RoxcieJoe @ Jun 3 2009, 12:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dance, if they have to tell you what to do the first night he is here, than all of that dancing has really shook up your brains. LOL

lol.. u crazy girl.. thats why i need ideas.. im trying to keep from doing that the WHOLE first week LOL.. when i go back to work, imma be like.. DANG u didnt see any part of dallas but my apt..allllll of my apt blush.gif rofl.gif

shemmy mi sorry.. ya knoa u a young pickney gyal!!
mi mean ppl mean on the board LONGER DAN MI.. rofl.gif

Nahhh Dance WANT to do it all week after waiting!! Anthony went through a spell where I couldn't get him to leave the house. He was there from Sunday night to Thursday before I said you HAVE to leave this yard and come with me. It was just part of his adjustment and how he made himself comfortable. He has ran every day with me since - lol.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-06-03 12:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part15)
Woiee - I finally caught up from the old thread and the new!! I can't remember what I was going to say but I do remember for Nat - you can watch JA tv on the net - go to Anthony watches JA news every night from CVM. You can also get TVJ for a subscription of like $7.95 per month. I'm going to do that for father's day. Anyway, you should be able to find the Digicel Rising Stars on it.

Sus - love the new photo! It so pretty it looks fake.

So I have some MORE good news - JR WAS APPROVED TODAY!!! A's aunt took him to the interview this morning and they just called among the Kingston noise so it was hard to hear, but I will get the details tonight because I know there are a few of us working the K2 avenue.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-06-03 12:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLet's Get Great in 2008
QUOTE (kkholiday2006 @ Dec 1 2008, 04:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Sus!!

I'm still waiting on my Wii is estimated to arrive on Dec. 4th.

Let me know what you think of that. I bought my kids a Wii for x-mas (sport version though, not the fit).
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2008-12-01 16:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLet's Get Great in 2008
QUOTE (sus @ Dec 1 2008, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kkholiday2006 @ Dec 1 2008, 01:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone have any good weight loss tips?

Don't eat whistling.gif

Honestly, what I have found best for me was to cut back on carbs - I try to not eat them at all, but don't kill myself if I do eat them. Exercise is also key - I used to hate to go to the gym, but then I set my mind that I didn't care if I only did 5 minutes, I had to get there - Once I was there, I worked out longer, and soon it became a natural part of my day.

Ditto - on everything Sus said. Once I clean the "junk" out of my system, I actually feel bad when I eat it. Same with exercise - body feels real sluggish if I don't. I try to set myself that I exercise every day of the week, since I have an office job. On the weekends I never sit down with either working my 2nd job, my kids or working on my house.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2008-12-01 16:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part16)
QUOTE (sus @ Jul 16 2009, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (NatPatBen @ Jul 16 2009, 01:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why not, mystery woman?

Bunz jumped outta the closet too, lol - Guess people just wanted a private secure place to do so - Nice to finally put a face to the gorgeous woman!

Where was Bunz - on the blynd? I feel so lost - I have missed this entire thread but I can't go back to read.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-07-16 12:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part16)
QUOTE (sus @ Jul 16 2009, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Jul 16 2009, 01:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
okay so anybody doing anything for the weekend..
dillon have u and hubby settled into the marriage routine or are u still tour director??

Yup! Going to see BERES and Culture and tryin to behave myself (or maybe not, lol)

crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif Enjoy for me too Sus.... crying.gif crying.gif

And I already gave my advice..... whistling.gif
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-07-16 12:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 28 2009, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (finesse @ Aug 28 2009, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i made chicken salad last night and now i'm having it on a croissant for lunch....di bomb!

Sounds good. I went to Wendy's and had there new "boneless" chicken wings....don't pay the high price for them. They are just nuggets with fancy sauce. mad.gif

That was the only thing A would eat out - the spicy ones w/chips.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-28 14:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yardies do any of you take multi-vitamins?
what's the best one
since i am getting older now i have decided to start taking vitamins
i just bought women's one a day

That's what I take too Bunz - have for a few years now.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-28 13:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aug 20 marked three years for me and franky

and we both forgot sad.gif lol

Bunz - that was my anniversary with my ex-husband.

QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 28 2009, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
nutting gwaan hereso.. just wish i could go home.. keep looking at the clock.. going dancing, sat-work, then who knows.. cuz the kids are SUPPOSED to go over their dads today, we'll see.. and sunday is church and the beres/culture concert..

Wish I was going.... sad.gif
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-28 13:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Jengles @ Aug 28 2009, 09:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
good morning everyone,

I'm logging in via my cousins computer as mine is on the fritz and I have to get some cd's from dell in order to fix it.

anyhoo, mr jengs girls are HERE. the came last friday via Miami. they were held in immigration/customs for a while just a hint you can't put liquor in minor's suitcases if an adult isn't traveling with them. I cried at the airport. they are adjusting well and school starts in two weeks.

Congrats!!! Glad it finally all worked out. good.gif
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-28 08:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (justucia @ Aug 28 2009, 07:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Should I tell them I am coming from Nov 1-15th, that I am unable to come back due to the pregnancy and request an interview the 1st week of Nov??

why not?
i, along with others have asked for semi-specific dates and had received the dates asked for.
the people i had email contact with at the embassy were really quite nice and somewhat prompt in replying - they were quite helpful with our bumpy journey!
good luck mi gyal

speaking of tickets~
D has his visa in hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have not heard him this happy in about a year
i made a ticket for sunday the 6th
now all him chat about: 'now mi breed ya, ya be mi wife!, mi give you 5 pickney, jus wait' wacko.gif helpsmilie.gif wacko.gif

So happy to hear it A!!!!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-28 08:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (sus @ Aug 27 2009, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just got a friend request on FB - Not a clue of who the guy is - But here's his message:
You are hot that's why I friend you.

I denied it - and said you're not that's why I not friend you


IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-27 14:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ Aug 27 2009, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ Aug 27 2009, 01:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lawd mi confused all of a sudden no Philly name Zahra?


Not Philly - Lovesponge is and Japrincess.

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-27 12:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 27 2009, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Islandwoman @ Aug 27 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 27 2009, 11:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had a bunch of JUNK to eat this morning. A few ladies in the office were forced into early retirement since they are making cutbacks here. So here is the list that I had.

Chocolate chip cookie
Snickerdoodle cookie
Fruit Pizza
Some cream cheese spread with crackers

Oh and a cup of water.

I am on sugar overload.

PATTY!!!! Ur belly is gonna bust you later. wacko.gif

You know it is..tonight you will probably hear me crying about it.

Poor M is going to be having nightmares again....
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-27 12:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (DaDa @ Aug 27 2009, 11:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry I was trying to finish that story. I can't seem to get the beginning to flow right ughh and then P is like o.k. where is.??

Dada, you writing stories and not sharing with us??? whistling.gif

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-27 12:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 27 2009, 11:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had a bunch of JUNK to eat this morning. A few ladies in the office were forced into early retirement since they are making cutbacks here. So here is the list that I had.

Chocolate chip cookie
Snickerdoodle cookie
Fruit Pizza
Some cream cheese spread with crackers

Oh and a cup of water.

I am on sugar overload.

PATTY!!!! Ur belly is gonna bust you later. wacko.gif
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-27 11:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (RegAl @ Aug 26 2009, 10:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After dance class, I look at my phone cuz I turn the ringer off during class. I see 2 missed calls from him and and an email from CRIS. So I open it and see the approval. I'm about to buss out crying in dance class so I go outside in my dance clothes ( this is a booty/pole class so u can imagine the attire). I call A voice all shaky - body literally shaking. You wanna know what his response is...umm hummm. Yup that's right...ummm hummm. He's like he doesn't want to get his hopes up cuz a friend of ours got past our stage and had an incident. I'm like babe this is an approval barring issues with the medical and popo report we're in. So I let that ruin my couples moment, but yall helped recoup.

Disappointment can come at any stage in this whole journey so be happy in every milestone no matter how big or small - congrats to you!!

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-27 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Ellsinlove @ Aug 25 2009, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hate my job.

I get these very brief spurts of thinking that go something like this:

"What if I just walked out right now?"

"I could just walk out right now & call it quits with everything."

"Walk out, go home, start packing everything up & either store it or give it away."

"Then I could go back up to my parents' property & fix up the shop into a living space."

"I wouldn't have to pay next month's rent for my crappy apartment & I'd be done with this ridiculous job."

"Oh, but then I'd have to drop the classes at school I just started because my parents live very far away."

"And Lehi wouldn't be close to the school he goes to now & is doing well in."

"#######! I can't quit....stupid school is the reason we have to stay here for a while."

"Guess that means I just have to keep on with this drudgery."

crying.gif crying.gif mad.gif sad.gif

(((hugs))) working for a living is the pits Ells.. I say all the time it cuts way too much into my fun time.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-08-25 12:49:00