Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (dillon @ Jan 27 2009, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats Island that is some drama. I am glad that he got approved. Has he already gone to get the police report?

Thanks - not yet. He had to go back to work today so as soon as he gets his next day off he will deal with it. If he pays the $2,000 he can get it in 3 days.

Re the nonimpediment - I would say try to roll without it if you can handle the possible blue slip.

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-27 10:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (shrewdgal @ Jan 27 2009, 10:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wow Island!
At least it is over (kinda...)
hahaha. A better know how much you went thru with this!

QUOTE (sus @ Jan 27 2009, 10:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, Island you did have a chaotic trip, but all in all it sounds like a good one! Glad to hear that you are back safe and sound and that he will have the visa soon!

Shrewdie, I just KNOW you are going to have a good trip and everything is going to be perfect!!

I think so too smile.gif
I am really starting to get excited..but also sad. I know this will be my last time in JA for quite a while..probably till NEXT summer crying.gif

Shrewie - don't worry bout nothing!! You will be fine. Just keep pushing along. And enjoy your trip - I told A the same thing, I'm not coming back again this year cuz I have things I need to take care of it my "yard" this year.

I actually was fine with the way it ended and walked out with a smile on my face. A was disappointed all the heck though! He pouted for at least 24 hrs chatting bout he finally put his mind to leaving and this. I'm thankful for a bit of a delay because he started a new job the beginning of January and this will give him the time to work it hard and get a stash put away for when those phone calls come. Also, he will need to get his license ASAP here because there are no bus or taxis to get him around and I was NOT looking forward to trying to teach him to drive in the heart of winter. So March will be perfect IMO.

BTW - Jr didn't go to the interview. A and Jr's mom can't get there heads together about it right now so he decided that he would get himself settled here first then work on Jr. I thought that was the wrong choice, but it wasn't my choice to make so I went with it. I did hear one family get blue slipped for DNA because it was longer than a year that the father's name was added to the BC so I think they use that as a timeline.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-27 10:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
Hey Yardie Family!! Thanks for all the prayers. They worked but of course not without some drama. My trip was good although I only saw sunshine for 1 day. It rained hard in Ochi most of Saturday and all of Sunday. I also had a trip a bit like Sus’ last one but I'll just stick with the interview stuff.

When the plane landed in Mobay I had a message from A that he wasn’t going to make it in time to meet me at the airport because the bus broke down. I get outside and my car rental guy isn’t there either. I’m thinking this is a great start - I got stood up by 2 men! But car guy finally shows up and is chatting bout if he was my guy he would never be late blah blah. I said YOU were late - cho!! I drove to Discovery Bay and met up with A there. We went to Ochi and I unpacked somewhat and then drove to Runaway Bay to meet with Jawi’s friend and deliver the care package for her girls (he was very nice Jawi!). We had some yummy curry chicken for dinner at the restaurant that he worked at.

We go back to the room and I started organizing the paperwork for the interview. And that’s when it started......A had told me that all the papers got messed up when the bus rolled over and that he thinks he was missing a few things so I had brought down my copies of everything I had sent him thinking no big deal - we can just replace it. So I say, where’s your medical? He said I shoved everything into that folder you sent down. I said it’s not here. He starts rummaging through his bag - nothing. I keep organizing and I say - where’s your police report & non-impediment and receipt for payment of the interview????? This was the first time I ever saw a black guy turn white. He said all of that stuff was in the white fed ex envelope into the folder. I looked through every single piece of paper and nothing. He started calling every one asking if he had left an envelope there - nothing. After traveling since 2 am, I just wanted to bust into tears. I got washed up and climbed into bed and said to him we have 2 options - go to the interview knowing we won’t get an approval and take our bumps and bruises & try to fix it or just give up now (I was so disappointed in him at this point.) He said he was NOT giving up - we were going and just deal with the consequences as they came. I went to bed and he starts chatting bout the monkey man and saying prayers and quotes and all this hoopla. He was retracing his steps bout when the last time he saw the envelope, blah, blah.

We get up at 5:00 am and since I had a good night’s sleep I was ready to concur the world. We get outside and have a flat tire! I’m like are you freakin kidding me?!?!?! A changed the tire and off we went.

We got to Kingston around 8:15 and since A runs on JA time, he thinks we have plenty of time to drop by the tire place and drop the flat off, stop by his “ranch” so he could rummage through his stuff once more looking for the docs while driving through bumper to bumper Kingston traffic. We still had to go to the bank to pay for another interview - 1st bank we go to was the wrong one. Go to NCB which was the next block over - I’m practically running through the streets dragging him as it is now 9:00 (INTERVIEW TIME). Since I stick out like a green alien in Kingston a very nice customer service rep asks if she can help me. I explained what we were here for and she sent me to the teller line and explained we needed passports - SHYT A’s is in the folder with all the documents!! A tries to argue that he bought one in Hanover before without it but I hushed him said I’ll catch a place in line and you run back to the car. We finally pay - it’s now 9:15 and he’s chatting bout I worry to much. I just kissteeth at him.

I parked the car on the curb with these 2 guys having traffic stopped (NOTE Dillon: If you keep driving and turn around so the embassy is on your left - there is a big gated parking area there.)

There is a long line outside the embassy so I ran up to a security guard and asked where do we go for an immigrant visa interview. He points me to the ladies with the yellow shirts just outside the door. A’s still moving on JA time so I am dragging him up the sidewalk. While I’m talking to the yellow shirt ladies this guy is chirping in my ear about so cell phones, no cameras, no lotions, no water....I turn and said I know - thank you! Yellow shirt lady tells us to wait and she goes inside. She comes back out and said they have now closed those appointments - where did we come from. My mouth drops open so A said I came from Hanover - she came from New York. I said I understand we are late but we had a flat tire. She said go ahead.

We go through security with no troubles and they hustles us to a next room where we turn in our appointment letter. The guy there says “you’re late.” I said I’m sorry we had a flat tire. He asked for the passport photos and the police report. We gave the photo but said we didn’t have a police report. He said you don’t have a police report? No. Okay - gives the photos back, gives us a ticket and shoos us off to another room which A - prescreening. It is now 9:38. The room is packed. I take the one empty chair in the back and A stands. And we waited and we waited. I was trying to listen to what was going on while we were chatting and laughing - I was at the point of whatever happens happens.

It was after 11:00 when we were called to the window by a pretty Jamaican woman. She asked who filed for him and he told her my name. And she said and who is Tanya? He looked at me and said she is. And she asked again - and who is Tanya? He gets it and said “She’s gonna be my wife!!”

She said you had an earlier appointment did you come or did you not get the letter? A told her he was on the way when the bus had an accident. He said some of my documents got messed up in the accident. At this point I explained the bus rolled over. She jumps and says Praise the Lord yuh not dead!! Papers can be replaced - not yuh life! At this point I breathed my first sigh of relief.... She collected all the papers that we did have and sent us down to B17 for fingerprints. They had to take them 2x and then told us to go back to wait in Section A. By this time we are the last people in this section - I told A at least it will be over soon cuz they are going to want to go to lunch at noon.

We got called back to another window in Section A by a nice American girl. She swore us both in and asked if either of us were married before. I said I was (I had already turned in my divorce decree to the 1st woman). She asked me how long I had been married, did I have any children, how old where they, had my children ever met A, how many times did I visit, and what did I do for work? She then asked how we met and when did our relationship turn from friendship to romantic? She also asked A if his father ever filed for him and what happened with that?

We explained again to her about the missing documents and she asked why we hadn’t just got a copy of the medical? I explained that we didn’t realize that stuff was missing until I was organizing the stuff the night before. A said he would go take the medical again and she said no, we can just get a copy so you don’t have to pay the fee again. She asked for the doc’s name and the approx date of the medical. I told her and she told us to wait a minute. She came back and said it would be here in a week. She told him not to worry about the non-impediment but that he did need to get another police report. She gave us a blue slip with a date of 2/11 to come back with the police report. She told him to make sure he brings the fee to pay DHL when he comes back on the 11th!!!! It was 11:48 when we walked out.

Most of the interviews were for families. I heard a lot that required DNA testing due to a time lapse, one didn’t have her father on her birth certificate even though he filed for her, and some approved. There was one girl who was blue slipped to have her fiancé return with her, and one couple who filed K1 but then got married in the meantime. The same girl we had explained that petition was now void and he would have to refile with the I130 which would take about a year.


IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-27 10:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (dillon @ Jan 20 2009, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We decided to try it. He went today to go and do it but they were closed? So he is on his way back now to see if they are open now but if not he is going to go and try again tomorrow. He went to the RGD for the Non impediment form yesterday and just FYI to everyone the fee used to be $5000J but he said it is now $8000J.

Quanna he did make me proud and I even told him so.

OMG!!!! Like $5k wasn't bad enough......

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-20 15:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (dillon @ Jan 20 2009, 03:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm doing good. Conmar went and got some of his need shots today...guess he has to go back next month to get some more. I was shocked he went and did that without me even telling him to.

He's rocking and determined!! Good for him.

Did you decide on the DHL route or not?
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-20 15:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (BELIEVE IT BABY!! @ Jan 20 2009, 03:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Thanks ladies. Everyone say a prayer for us when you get up Thursday morning. blush.gif I will send a text to a couple of my yardie vj sisters to let ya'll know what went down.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-20 15:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (Ellsinlove @ Jan 20 2009, 02:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sure there will be plenty of recaps...I want to catch the swearing in cause I just missed that part.

You can watch it on MSNBC - now the daymn thing works!! Just like the security, they should've beefed up the resources for the net for those who had to work and watch.

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-20 15:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (PortlandAngel @ Jan 20 2009, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, so watching the inauguration they pray before the ceremonies got started during the inauguration after the inauguration and before lunch... so why is their no prayers in public school, When its at center of our nation? Just wondering....

Amen Sister!!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-20 14:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (PortlandAngel @ Jan 20 2009, 01:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah Kimmy, we don't have the equipment like you guys up north so they can clean alot of the streets and we had rain last night and temp fell so they said there is some ice condition...

I hope no one has a fire or needs an ambulance!!

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-20 13:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (dillon @ Jan 20 2009, 12:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all packed and ready to go tomorrow?

Pretty much. Just gotta finish my last couple things tonight and I'm done. I have been doing mega laundry for the last 3 days so I don't have to come home to any full hampers.

A just called me spitting bullets. He took most of his first paycheck of his real-offical job he started on the 5th and went to buy me "something special". Well it is apparently some homemade - he checked the guy at his shop on Saturday but he said he didn't do it the way he wanted so he told him fix it right. That was the last time he talked to him. He called him on Sunday and couldn't get him. He left work a little early yesterday and no man - saw one of his workers who said he can't get him either and he didn't go to shop at all yesterday. A goes again today and there is 7 other people at the shop looking for this man. One guy paid him over $60k ja for whatever this guy does (A still won't tell me). They are all hopping mad thinking this guy has stolen their money and busted out of town!!!

No good deed goes unpunished........
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-20 12:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (BELIEVE IT BABY!! @ Jan 20 2009, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo's girl @ Jan 20 2009, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You okay, Nells? Not sick, are you?

no just wanted to be at home watching TV luv.gif

You were smart. I have been trying to watch it pon the net from the office but the rass stream keeps kicking me out. I should've went to the bar next door cuz I heard alot of cheering down there. I'm gonna see of I can download his speech into some type of podcast so I can listen to the whole thing on the plane tomorrow.

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-20 12:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (sjb1221 @ Jan 20 2009, 06:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning Sus. Hope you feel better.

I dropped my family off at the subway 5:30am and traffic is a mess. It's a beautiful thing to see so many people out and excited about today.

Jamaica is alive today as well! A called me around 7:00 and I could hear all the hooting and hollering already. He said every tv station and radio station is tuned into Obama. He even told me the temp in DC - LOL!

QUOTE (PortlandAngel @ Jan 20 2009, 08:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good Morning all, I choose the worst day yo schedule an interview... Not only is it THE BIG DAY!!!..... but we got 2inches of snow in Raleigh and half the city is shut down.... even some malls are closed until noon.... I am like its only two inches... then the showed the roadways and this people do not know how to drive.... WTH

Good luck Portland. Drive careful cuz those people who don't get snow don't know what the heck to do with it.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-20 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Jan 19 2009, 09:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jakeswife @ Jan 19 2009, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
jawi what have you decided to do about your friend situation. again i might have been harsh but some people never recognize the damage they are doing to another until the friend is there no more and then they realize the value of the friendship

I'm going to pray about it first. I feel that the friendship has run its course...and I need to surround myself with people that love me like I love them. A has gotten upset with me a number of times because he has seen how much she has hurt me...Jonesie too for that matter. She (the friend) always manages to find a way back in because I have such a forgiving spirit.

Aww..Jawi (hugs). When the time is right for you, you will find the strength to end her draining friendship - just like in any relationship.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-20 09:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (sus @ Jan 19 2009, 06:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ Jan 19 2009, 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
can u guys let me know if my pics bothe anyone..thnx..i'm serious

Yup, they bother me - Cause you are flaunting that you are way more blessed in the cleavage dept! rofl.gif

I agree with Sus!! I say how come my naw look like dat after I had babies.... rofl.gif headbonk.gif

Seriously, I LOVE the first pic of the 3 of you - gives my heart a mushy feeling. luv.gif
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-20 09:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (jakeswife @ Jan 19 2009, 03:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
how long are u staying? is he coming back with you sorry about the 21 questions

No prob! I'm only staying till Monday. No, he won't come back with me. We will wait till the visa touches his hand before we start figuring out a date. Of course, we need to get approved first - lol!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-19 15:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (jakeswife @ Jan 19 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
welcome to valentines day. your man is going to be home with you. kicking.gif kicking.gif a month ago i was in your shoes and i chat my nervousness away until i went in front of the woman. thank god hubby tolerate the yapping cause he was responding. you are going to be fine. what time is your flight?

Thanks Jakeswife. I have 2 connections - 1st flight leaves at 5:00 am. I should be in Mobay by 2:00 pm. I'm just excited to see him right now and anxious about my flights cuz I usually drive to NY and flight direct so I don't have to deal with all these planes and connections. I crammed as many clothes as I could into my carry on suitcase in case they lose my luggage. I'll probably get the nervousness come Thursday.

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-19 15:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (Lovesponge @ Jan 19 2009, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good afternoon ladies, Happy Martin Luther King Day. Good luck Islandwoman I will be praying for you, I know you are getting anxious.

Thanks Love. You got that right!!

QUOTE (Marie87 @ Jan 19 2009, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Islandwoman @ Jan 19 2009, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ Jan 19 2009, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
for our charity groups..I'm waiting on Yaads, Island, Ryon,Gilli, Solseur to accept request

Accept where - how? I missed something...>

Island...check your email. Kimmy sent out emails on how to join the Yahoo Group for the charity project

Hmmm...I didn't get one. Mi ago search Kimmy out.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-19 14:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ Jan 19 2009, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
for our charity groups..I'm waiting on Yaads, Island, Ryon,Gilli, Solseur to accept request

Accept where - how? I missed something...>
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-19 14:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (jakeswife @ Jan 19 2009, 01:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Islandwoman @ Jan 19 2009, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dillon @ Jan 19 2009, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Birthday Morant Bay!

I seconded that - Happy Birthday!! Hope your trip was wonderful!

IW when are you going to jam? when is your hubby's interview? sorry but you can see that i failed to catch up

I'm flying Wednesday - interview is Thursday at 9:00 am. No worry - yuh not miss nuttin yet!!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-19 14:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (BELIEVE IT BABY!! @ Jan 19 2009, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Islandwoman @ Jan 19 2009, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got the box MsNelly (and Jawi)! MSN - yuh buy out the store?!?! LOL I think I'm going to have to open all the packages in order to get them in my suitcase.

Lol no I did'nt my daughter used to have. Big 15 gallon for each color sorry I got excited in the store lol

Woiee!!! Her hair must've always been pretty. My daugther doesn't sit still long enough for one big pony tail! She hates me doing her hair.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-19 13:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (dillon @ Jan 19 2009, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Birthday Morant Bay!

I seconded that - Happy Birthday!! Hope your trip was wonderful!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-19 12:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
Got the box MsNelly (and Jawi)! MSN - yuh buy out the store?!?! LOL I think I'm going to have to open all the packages in order to get them in my suitcase.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-19 11:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and Farrin (part12)
QUOTE (PortlandAngel @ Jan 18 2009, 12:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning Kimmy/1luv..... so we went to church this morning just randomly drove into a church we saw it was a methodist and was like yeah methodist that sounds like a black church.........................NOT we were the only two black people in there which is not a problem, just not the kind of churchwe were use to (my regular church when the choir gets up and start singing, you just want to get out of your seat and start dancing) not so at this church. Anyway we got there around 11am we saw on the sign that it started at 10:30, we are oh we are not that late... 11:40 church was over!!!! we look at each other and was like dam that was fastest church we have every being to.

You got it Portland - I go to a methodist church. Very relaxing and done in an hour!! However they were talking about a gospel church about an hour away from me that has you on your toes dancing the whole time and it is so packed it standing room only. I'm gonna find dat church!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-19 09:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDoes anyone have a telephone number for the Embassy in Kingston?
Thanks. If anyone is interested, the number that works to get a real person is 876-702-6450.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-02-19 11:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDoes anyone have a telephone number for the Embassy in Kingston?
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-02-19 08:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWedding Ceremonies in Jamaica
Thanks Sol - Good work
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2008-11-28 20:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDNA Testing for Parents Jamaica
QUOTE (Jengles @ Feb 26 2009, 08:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

why can't the embassy order the dna testing to be done before the interview date? they know from the birth certificates which ones they want the dna testing, correct.

isn't it if the father's name was added after two months then they order dna testing?

seems a waste for people to go to the interview and then be told oh u have to do a dna test.

Ha Jengles.....dem don't care about waste....
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-02-26 09:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americagetting the embassy runaround???what to do?
QUOTE (culture1 @ Feb 26 2009, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have been calling at least 2 times/week, they say it's not in the system that they received his ds230 ....check back in a week...every time. they don't know why, they suggest he go to the embassy with another....we did that. still not in.
OK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>i just checked my email again.......and got a very non-official looking response (usually they say Dear Madam.....signed: KingstsonIV) this didn' says: Mr. P......, you should be hearing from us in about 3 months." 3 months???? 3 months???????????? are you kidding? i'm really confused......what's going on? ideas?

Jah give me strength!

3 months - are you kidding me?!?!? I would write back and ask them if they are implying it will take 3 months to schedule an interview. Also, call DOS and be firm with them - they can do an inquiry for you and send a message to the embassy. Third, I would call the embassy and speak to someone and don't hang up until you get some kind of answer - we have been succesful with this # 876-702-6450.

Good luck - I'll keep you guys in my prayers.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-02-27 09:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americagetting the embassy runaround???what to do?
QUOTE (culture1 @ Feb 26 2009, 12:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
blink.gif HELP yardies....i need some help or at least some commiseration..... The Embassy is jerking us i ain't talking chicken. We've been waiting to get the interview date. He had the ds230 delivered DHL on 12-9....and a month later they say, it's never been delivered. they say to give it another week...maybe the election, maybe the, we finally get it together and he delivers, hand delivers the damn forms this time. and we wait. and i call and check and, they have no receipt of his forms. WHat??? so he calls ...and is told that yes, they have it....just wait till it gets processed and we will get the letter with the date for interview. it's now been 14 days and still no interview date. the email form. my calls form received. So what the friggin F ck do we do, besides wait some more???? Has anyone experienced this? anyone got ideas? any one as pissed as me ? Yardz....? culture1 helpsmilie.gif

Culture - what does DOS say when you call them? Are they they ones that say no forms received? My suggestion is to just keep emailing them. Squeaky wheel gets the grease...
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-02-26 09:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYaardies Heading To Jamaica
QUOTE (yankeesgirl79 @ Jan 14 2009, 06:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sus @ Jan 14 2009, 05:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, Cara how are you doing? How are the babies?

hey sus! im doing good...better than i was anyways....babies are doing great....getting big quickly....leighana has 4 teeth already and patrick is ready for his top 2 to break thru anyday now making 4 total as well.......i cant get over it.....richard will be shocked how much they have grown since we were there in november.......but we are hanging in there and taking things day by have you been girlie????

Glad to see you back around Cara!! Those babies keep getting more beautiful every day!

I bet you can't wait for your trip - just to get out of this blasted cold and snow if nothing else!! I can't wait to feel my toes again and wear a pair of flip flops - lol.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-14 09:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYaardies Heading To Jamaica


Maybe Negril and Ochi
My birthday!, Conjugal Visits, relaxation, maybe wedding

01/21/09 - 01/26/09
Ochi, Kingston, ????
Interview....then vacation

2/12/09 to 2/17/09
Kingston, Portland
Valentines Day(if we havent heard from USCIS)

2/13 to 2/16
Valentines Day/Wedding


Trelawny, St. James, St. Ann, St. Andrew, St. Elizabeth, Westermoreland and St. Thomas, Hanover, Clarendon, Manchester, St. Mary
Mi no now yet...wen mi find out mi we mek unuh know

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-13 20:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South America1 Bedroom Apartment in Negril
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Mar 8 2009, 03:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I go back to Negril on March 9 I will get some pics if anyone is interested send me a message and I will send you some information.

That would be good - post it in the survival thread for anyone who may be looking in the future.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-03-08 08:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South America1 Bedroom Apartment in Negril
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Mar 4 2009, 10:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you are going to be visiting Negril I know a place that is in town near Scotia Bank. 1 bedroom 1 bath apartment (concrete building) rents at $45 nightly
send me an email and I will give you more information.

I WISH I was going to Negril.....that's an awesome price.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-03-05 08:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaShare a rental in JA for feb 19-26
QUOTE (eastbound @ Dec 30 2008, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello yardies,

I am posting to see if someone will be interested in sharing a rental with Sol and Myself for the week of Feb 19 - 26. We have already secured the rental of a 4 bedroom house. Had coworkers that were planning to go but have chosen to do the inaguration instead. The rental is nice and can be viewed on the following link.


If you are intersted we have 2 rooms available. and I decided to post because we will have 2 empty room that some one here can be using. contact us for more infomation and we can workout the #'s then

send a PM please

Eastnound star_smile.gif

Looks like a great place!!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2008-12-30 15:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYARDIES
QUOTE (sus @ Nov 26 2008, 07:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marie87 @ Nov 26 2008, 06:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Whats a reasonable maximum spending amount? unsure.gif

Marie, I think we all agreed on $10

Am I too late for this??? I have 10 pages to go back to read!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2008-11-26 08:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHelp!
QUOTE (Beautifulbaby @ Jan 19 2009, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was reading the thread above called Yardie. What does Yardie mean? There was a lot of conversations going on. Kind of hard to know what's going on.

Jamaicans call Jamaica or their home their "yard" - therefore the term yardie. Good people in the yardie thread - you will learn alot more about your SO and his culture, as well as have all your questions answered. Welcome!
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-01-19 12:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPickney Calendar
Rally Back

I saw this had a bump - I thought someone was going to be telling us something. whistling.gif
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2008-11-23 19:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLET IT GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AMEN!! Awesome Nelly - thanks for posting it. I think we all can use these words of wisdom at some point (or many) in our lives.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-02-10 09:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAdjustment to the United States
QUOTE (JaHoney @ Feb 10 2009, 09:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
LOL.,, thanks shem, he swears since he turned 16 he is now supposed to be consulted about household decisions and such, and always got something smart to say...LOL

Ahh Honey..he's just trying to be the man of the house. What a sweetie.
IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-02-11 08:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAdjustment to the United States
[quote name='TRELAWNY PARISH' date='Feb 10 2009, 03:35 PM' post='2640138']

I understand. When my mom tried to send me to Walla Walla College in Walla Walla RASS Washington state, I felt completely out of place. Same when I went to a wedding in (let me see if I can get the town right) Beaver Creek, Montana (don't laugh), all eyes were on me, while I felt out of place and uncomfortable, I didn't dwell on it, I was there to support my friends at their wedding.

Lawns - did your forget to pack your cowboy boots by chance??? whistling.gif

IslandwomanFemaleJamaica2009-02-10 21:24:00