K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2012 filers

Omg!!!!!!!!!!! I'm shaking so bad!!! Praise God! We were approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How amazing it is that a few days ago we were crying and sharing stories of how frustraiting it was to go through all this with kids, Now, here we are with our NOA2 and with that feeling of relief it brings, i wish your journey its smooth from now on!! Im really happy for you guys! goofy.gif  


I called them today and asked to speak to a Tier 2. The lady was very rude and kept asking why. I told her it was about processing times. So she did her whole "oh they are on Oct 15, 2013 so it's not past your time yet." She told me that I would have to wait at least another month before they would probably even get to my case! She kept going on and then asked if I needed anything else. I told her yes I wanted to speak to a tier 2. Shes like are you demanding to speak to one? I then replied with I would like to speak to one please. So finally! she put me on the line with one. I was on hold for about 52 minutes before one came on the phone. 52 minutes is nothing when you've already waited 6.5 months lol. The lady was extremely nice. I was worried at first but all my worries went away. After she asked a few questions she put me back on hold for about five minutes. Once she came back she told me that an office was assigned to my case and if we don't hear something by June 1st that we should call back. I'm guessing that means we should hear something very soon and hopefully that's a NOA2!!!


When i called to try to talk to a tier2 they put me on hold for about 2 hours so i had to hung up,i kept trying and was able to get wait an extra 30 days and if you dont hear anything call us back, but that was on May 13th and on May 24th my status on USCIS had updated, if they said wait until June 1st, i would say  your NOA2 is prob coming soon...Good Luck! good.gif

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-25 21:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2012 filers

I'm absolutely right there with you! it's so incredibly heartbreaking sad.png I'm too the point where i'm anxious and scared and crying frequently..I can hardly eat or sleep. If I have to wait, it's okay..i just want to know if my petition is okay. While I'm happy that people are getting approved, a part deep down inside is angry (not at those approved!) but rather the service centers for their lack of organization. It's not fair that someone waiting since october or november is still waiting while others are getting approved after only 2 or 3 months. It's just not. It should be on a first come, first serve. This picking and choosing who to approve next is inconsistant and not fair. That's what upsets me the most. They have these guidelines and processing times but the truth is, you don't know WHEN you are getting approved because they way they have things set up now, it really is the luck of the draw. It's like the lottery. If you are the lucky petition they pick, you win! I'm completely heartbroken and actually crying as i'm typing this. You have said everything I felt as well. We have been apart for almost 3 1/2 years and we are just so sick from being apart. I have kids so moving there is not an option for me either or i'd be there now.


Our NOA date is similiar. Ours is Nov. 16th. so i'm not far behind. I couldn't even get an answer from USCIS when i called! I was told i couldn't even put in a service request because i was still within the time frame. They gave me heck for demanding to know where my petition is..All I got was "wait up to 60 days and if you don't get anything, call us again" REALLY!? That's the best that they can come up with?? I wonder how they'd feel if they were torn away from their family? How would they like to wait?


I just wrote my congressman and I pray to God that he can help us..anything at all..I'm so scared and it's the uncertainty that is killing us the most sad.png

I know right?....i even saw someone from March getting approved today..less than 2 months...i mean, c'mon :(


my thoughts to you is keep calling, chances are you wont get the same person picking up your call and the answer might be different, the first time i called they told me i was under the right time frame even though it was at the 6th month already, i tried again and waited over 2 hours for a tier2 so i hung up cause i was at work...3rd time i was able to speak with the tier2 and he gave me more, keep insisting!

I thought about moving with him, after all most of my family is there but the situation of my country its not the best at this moment...besides that i have shared custody with her dad and that would open another troublesome process. worst case scenario, if i go without her i would have to deal with lawyers and draft a new custody document and blah blah blah....stuff a kid should be hold responsible for....this should be an easier process, there is no need to make families suffer and kids separated from their parents....its not right!


I feel so much sympathy for those of you still waiting.  A week ago -- even 5 days ago -- I was exactly where you are, and I was OUT OF MY MIND with stress and worry and anger and rage and frustration, I really remember almost nothing else from last week except a haze and fog of obsessive worry.


The only thing that helped at all during that time was to take action and feel like I was doing all I could: contacting my senators and congressman.  As it turned out, the congressman was the best bet after all, because they are much more local and deal with only a small section of the state, compared to my two senators who have to deal with 30 million constituents.  So I do urge all of you still waiting: get in touch with your congressional representative.  Fax, email or mail them the privacy form and force them to place an inquiry with CSC/VSC.  I really feel that was the deciding factor in getting my NOA2.  I might be wrong, it could just be coincidental timing, but the fact that the approval came approximately 24 hours after my congressman placed the inquiry tells me that they did in fact urge it along.


I know it meant very little to me last week to hear soothing words, so I won't offer any to those still waiting.  You have every right to be angry, frustrated and stressed out -- all I can say is that for me, simply waiting had become unbearable, and even just contacting representatives made me feel a bit more in control.  I hope everything works out quickly for all of you!


Thank does mean a lot....hopefully we will see the light at the end of the tunnel soon!
Good luck on the rest of your journey and congratulations on your NOA2 ;)


Let's make a Prayer Chain.
We could Pray at any hour we want but lets make it at 7 am for those who haven't gotten the NOA2 yet and 7 pm for those who got the NOA2 already. Lets do it for 7 days start today. And lets see how God works on it.


Good idea, i will be praying for all of you...even if its not at 7


saying a prayer for all of you still waiting.


Thank you so much!!!

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-22 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2012 filers

Hello November filers...!!


My I129F was received on October 26th, however, my case status shows Nov 6th as the NOA1 date....This saturday would be 7 months waiting :(
I am so sad and stressed out, i find myself checking the USCIS site several times a day, i contacted my congresswoman already and just today i spoke to a tier2 agent on immigration who told me they were currently processing October 1st.

I really wish im next, i mean, im sincerely happy for all of the couples who have gotten some sort of reassurance on their case receiving the NOA2, those that are getting near the final line, and those who even got lucky enough to be together at this point....but i can't help but feel depressed since i have been waiting for so long i just need to be able to smile again....On the bright side, while talking to the agent he mention my case looked good and there was no indication of any further information needed so far, so i'm really praying that would translate to zero RFE for us.


Is anybody out here on the same boat? are you still waiting for your NOA2?......some days i come across stories that would lift my spirits up and will get me through the day....whenever someone was about to loose it and all of the sudden there it is....the magic words that keeps you going!!....and other days like today i just feel hopeless.


My poor fiance is desperate and depressed as well, he has a little girl and so do i. It is very hard to think leaving any of our kids for the sake of the love and the relationship, and its even harder to forget the love of your life for your kids as well. At times i feel like quitting and just dissapear but its the positive words of encouragement on this site that keeps me going. Thank you all for sharing your stories.


I just pray for a happy outcome for me and all of you as are all in my prayers!!

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-21 23:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Questions
hi kdude1.

i fear i have bad news :(

In order for the petitioner to apply for the K1 he/she needs to do it in the US. If there is something this long process has shown me is the fact that is a very hard, costly, and overall sad and tiring journey. I am pretty sure everyone here has gone through hard times because we dont want to be separeted from our fiances, the distance, paperwork, and money worries with the affidavits and sponsors, etc put a lot of stress in our relationships, but is a sad reality we all had to face at a certain point.
I think that in order to improve your chances for approval your fiance must come to the US, even if it means being separated from you, the reason being it is mostly "Money". The petitioner has to be able to prove after applying that he/she would be capable to mantain the household and promess that the the beneficiary wont become a bourden to the country by asking for goverment help.
The issue here it is not really the address you will use to get the mail delivered to, but instead the financial history she is going to be able to show once the case is moving along and she is prompt with the request for the financial affidavit, in order for her to do that, she has to get 3 years of Tax returns, and earn an income over the poverty guides, enough to provide for you, your fiance and any other dependent at least until fiance adjustes the status and that wont happen until the beneficiary readjust the status, if she doesnt have a job then she needs a co-sponsor...i take her dad is willing to help, but you might want to investigate this deeply because i read here before about a case with a retired co-sponsor that got rejected.

As far as the question of when do you have to show them, i think is both times...but i am not sure since i am still waiting for my NOA2...I hope this little bit of information was helpful for you and your fiance.

Good Luck and cherish every second together while you can!
Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-02-17 03:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoing Medical Exam before scheduling Interview?

once you have new case number you can do medical exam and then you can schedule interview online!!! thats what my fiance did.. i gave him our new case number he went to do medical and didn't pass it, now we have to wait for 2 months for the results and then have interview.. 


You have to wait 2 months for the results of the medical? or to take it again? Sorry, i did not understand and happened to be wondering the same question.


What happens if you dont pass the medical, will they give you another chance? What can make them denied a medical exam? Im thinking any life threathening condition that can be i right? or something else?

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-26 23:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 & I134 questions

Yes, the sponsor can limit the number of sponsored immigrants to the number of people who actually intend to immigrate at that time. The principal applicant must be one of the sponsored immigrants. The petitioner can reduce his/her household size by limiting the number of sponsored applicants. This reduces the minimum income requirement. The sponsor can file another Affidavit of Support for the principal applicant's dependents later when the petitioner and the principal applicant have more income. The principal applicant and any of his/her family members who may have already immigrated must be included in the household size for the new Affidavit of Support




I found an official answer i hope it can be useful to others as well, Thank you all!

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-28 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 & I134 questions

Can a petitioner (sponsor) with limited financial resources sponsor only the principal applicant and not his/her spouse and eligible children?

Yes, the sponsor can limit the number of sponsored immigrants to the number of people who actually intend to immigrate at that time. The principal applicant must be one of the sponsored immigrants. The petitioner can reduce his/her household size by limiting the number of sponsored applicants. This reduces the minimum income requirement. The sponsor can file another Affidavit of Support for the principal applicant's dependents later when the petitioner and the principal applicant have more income. The principal applicant and any of his/her family members who may have already immigrated must be included in the household size for the new Affidavit of Support.



I found the official answer on: http://travel.state..../info_3183.html



Thank you all for the help and i hope this is useful.

Edited by Adriana&Karel, 28 May 2013 - 07:28 PM.

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-28 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 & I134 questions

The concept of support is about providing support for people that are in the USA so they don't become a problem for the tax paying citizens of the USA.

If you petitioned for two you have to provide support for those people. If they don't come you wont be supporting them. If they join to follow you would have to submit a 134 at the time of the interview for that person.

Since you paid the fee already I would attempt to change it to, join to follow. You can always cancel it later in the process.


Ok thank you, that answered my question good.gif

Edited by Adriana&Karel, 27 May 2013 - 08:11 PM.

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-27 20:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 & I134 questions

I don't know by reading your post if you filed for the child or not. If you did and now don't want to try to bring the child, notify USCIS. If you aren't sure and have filed just wait until you are sure.

You need to check with the embassy to make sure they allow a co sponsor if your income isn't high enough to support your fiancé. You have to prove you can support the amount of people you are bringing to the USA.



Thanks for answering.


I filed for my fiance and his daughter all together, back then we were going to get the approval from the mother, but now, it doesn't seem like that anymore. Also, when i filed 7 months ago i had a full time job that would allowed me to maintain both of them, but things changed for me and now the situation that i have is the one i presented above.

Can i call USCIS and notify them the withdraw of my step daughter or should i just change it to join to follow? I mean, I already received my NOA2 and i dont know if its too late now, we still don't know if the mom would change her mind and would allow her to come and we just want to buy time to work it out but we don't know if would be a problem when the interview comes and we didn't wothdraw her from the petition.


The main problem here is that i dont know if by leaving her as join to follow i have to still prove that i can support her, by the time she gets here my husband to be would prob be working already and both of us together can easily support her needs. I hope i'm making sense, if you need more info to provide me with a suggestion or answer feel free to ask.


PS: Venezuela's embassy allows co-sponsors.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Adriana&Karel, 27 May 2013 - 02:23 PM.

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-27 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 & I134 questions

This needs to begin with the understanding that the mother will have to agree to sign a statement indicating her permission to allow the child to emigrate. If that cant be done there rest isn't relevant.

If the mother allows her to move to the USA the process to get her a visa is the same as the fathers. You then become responsible for her support as well.

If you file the petition for her and don't go thru the procedure you will simply lose the fee and can notify USCIS you want to withdraw the petition.


Yeah we knew it, It was supposed to happen but it hasnt been done yet and i have the feeling it just wont happen any time soon. sad.png

If I withdraw hers would that hinder his K1 as well? Should i start doing that now or at the time of the interview? or should i leave it as "Join to Follow" to buy more time for the permission? if we do that and she would come later, do i have to still prove that i am going to support her even if that petition is ok for a whole year? i mean, by then my fiance would probably be working and we would be more than able to support her with both incomes.


Thanks for the answers and sorry there are so many questions.

Edited by Adriana&Karel, 26 May 2013 - 09:34 PM.

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-26 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 & I134 questions

Hello guys!!


My fiance's daughter is 5 years old, i added her on the application because ideally we would love her to live with us, but since she lives in another state with her mom and her new family we believe she wont be coming along with him. The question here is: Do i need to show proof that i will be able to support her as well even if she doesnt come along with my fiance? and, If I do and she comes...does she need to stay and get an status adjustment too? or can she just come to visit and go back to her mom after an undetermined stay with us? and, in the event that her mom doesn't allow her to travel yet would we have to withdraw her petition or would it get automatically cancel? I am trying to stay positive here, but i don't see she would be coming to the US yet.


 Also, I am currently working only part time, therefore my income is not enough to be a sole sponsor. My boss told me he is going to switch me to q full time position but due to other reasons that won't be happening just yet, maybe mid june. I already received my NOA2 and i was trying to get a co-sponsor but all the people who i had in mind are currently claiming someone else sad.png ...mind you, i came back from a 3 month stay with my sweetheart on May and didn't work all those months before so i had no proof of income since the beggining of the year but starting in May.....Would this job (10$ x hour full time) plus the Child Support i get (500$ monthly) be enough to cover the affidavit of financial support of a household of 3 if i don't get an sponsor??


I am worried i would get denied after all this effort. (When i started this journey i was employed full time at an attorneys office getting pay good but i was laid off, so it wasnt really poor planning)

Thanks for all the answers in advance yes.gif


Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-26 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI134 Co-Sponsor


You and your co-sponsor fill out an I-134 and provide most recent tax transcript(free from the IRS), letter from employer and most recent pay stub(s). The co-sponsor should also provide proof of being a USC or LPR.


Since your co-sponsor is single with no dependents, their household size is only 2, herself plus the foreign fiance(e). She makes more than enough at $32k a year for 2 people. You are the USC and do not require a sponsor. She is not agreeing to sponsor you, just your fiance.


Your household size is 3: you, your child and your fiance.



This is incorrect information. A co-sponsor does not include the USC petitioner in their household count unless the USC is a dependent of theirs and claimed on their taxes, which is almost never the case


Thanks for the correction, it's even better like that.


One more question though...With the help of child support I make it to the 100% poverty guidelines (5000$ shy from 125%) is my friends income helping me boost mine only or they would use hers as a whole support without mine? I hope that makes sense. sleepy.gif

Edited by Adriana&Karel, 29 May 2013 - 11:01 PM.

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-29 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI134 Co-Sponsor

That's an opps! on my part... the form is an I-134.  Sorry....


Sponsor and co-sponsor need to complete the forms and provide supporting documents.


yes she needs to include you also.


Ok Thank you very much for the info :D ...i was going crazy trying to find that I-134C lol rofl.gif

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-29 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI134 Co-Sponsor

Very straight forward, does your friend include her parents and brother on her tax return as dependents?   Big NO there I am sure.  So the only ones to be included on the I-134c would be you and your fiancé(e) and your friend.  Your friends income must be adequate to support all of you by the I-864P 125% guideline

Very straight forward, does your friend include her parents and brother on her tax return as dependents?   Big NO there I am sure.  So the only ones to be included on the I-134c would be you and your fiancé(e) and your friend.  Your friends income must be adequate to support all of you by the I-864P 125% guideline


No, I dont believe that is the case... :)


Now, you mention filing a I-134c instead of the I-134, what is the difference between them?


I am under the assumption that i still have to fill out one of the forms as a sponsor and my friend needs to fill out the other as a co-sponsor right? When she fills out hers, does she still has to include me even if i have a job to support me? So, her household size would be 3....(her, my fiance and me)???

And when i fill mine out, my household size would be 3 ( me+ daughter+ fiance) right?


Sorry for so many questions, and Thaaaaanks a lot for the help ;)

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-29 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI134 Co-Sponsor

First, Thank you all for taking the time to read and provide me with any guidance.

I have research this topic here but i keep getting mixed inputs.


Here is my situation:


A friend of mine wants to help my qualify for my fiance, so she offered to be my co-sponsor. She is single, no kids or dependends and has a good job at a great company making about 32,000$ a year. However, she lives with her parents and her brother.


The doubt here is if she has to include them when calculating the household size??....I mean, I read before that for the I-134 it is a sponsor's individual income that is used. No combinination of incomes. I also read that co-sponsor must qualify on their own for all members of their household + my fiance (and children if applicable). And at last i read too that it doesnt really matter because she would be just helping me "Boost" my income (which its short for about 5000$).


I am soooo confused with all these mixed answers and i would really love to take on her offer since i don't really have many co-sponsor options. How would that work? I am going to be switching soon to a full time position making 10$ x hour, i have 500 monthly payment from Child support, i only live with my daughter and i am in a hurry to solve this situation since i already got my NOA2. 


Does anybody have any advice? Thank!!!






Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-28 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescertified divorce doc and it's expiration date

Hi! I'm gonna share my personal experience. I'm my husband 2nd wife. He separated from her ex wife on 2007 but they finally got divorced on 2010. When he filed my k1 visa he got 3 copies from 2010 and it was never an issue. Actually if you already submitt with the k1 visa she wont need it during her interview. I took one of my husband's divorce decree with me but they never requested it. Take it with you to your interview but is not request


Perfect that's what i will do. Thanks :)

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-06-10 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescertified divorce doc and it's expiration date

Excellent, thanks for the info. I guess i will pass by the court house to double check and be sure....Thanks a lot!

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-06-05 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescertified divorce doc and it's expiration date

Hey Guys......


I'll go to the point.


When i first filed for a K1 i got 2 certified divorce decree copies, one was sent along with the application and the other one i still have it with me. I know i have to send this with the I134 and other documents to my fiance, but as i was looking at the date on the court seal, i notice it was issued over 9 months ago. My question is, do theses certified copies expire? is it better to get a new one? or do you think i won't have any problem with that one even if it is from August 20th 2012? 


I did a search online but found nothing, also did a search on the forum but all i got was just related to divorce intering with GC or any other process...but nothing on expiration dates....


I hope you can help me...Thanks!!!

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-06-05 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresheartbroken :'(

Great advice, i will try this.


Thank you!!

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-07-20 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresheartbroken :'(

I have to agree with Jay-Kay... The consulate is throwing up roadblocks! They're specifically citing a) old information and b) just trying to find a way to prove themselves right when they know they're wrong.


Which, unfortunately most of all, is their prerogative.  


It would have been nice if they had just said, no, we want to see a family member co-sponsor or no you need to have a job before we accept a co-sponsor, but they didn't.  They threw "banana peels" onto the track.   Well, I bet you can pick yourself right up and throw them back later, when they're even yuckier, but I bet you can do it with a smile.  Best of luck to you!  I hope you guys can get this all worked out fast. smile.png  At least you know what you have to do!  




This explanation from them makes no sense. No one involved is supporting 2 households and they stated 2 households of 2 people each(which is 4) needs enough for 6 people. What sense does that make? The policies of your consulate are all out of whack and a bit ridiculous.


It seems like they did not like that it was a friend and not a relative that lives with you. If your mother had enough income, it seems like she would have been accepted as the co-sponsor. It is as you stated, you will have to get a job to satisfy them on the financials. Perhaps they are similar to Pakistan and just want to see the USC petitioner makes an effort to be employed. They reject a co-sponsor when the USC is unemployed and think the USC will never work so the immigrant is at risk of being a public charge.


Sorry you are going through such a hassle. No matter how wrong they are about the guidelines and support issues, they have the final say and you have to go along with whatever will get you an approval. Good luck to you, and I hope he gets the visa soon.


Thank is exactly what i thought.


Although it makes no sense for me to argue with them and try to prove them wrong its what i felt like doing, but if i continued to email them i would only worsen the situation so i gotta do what i gotta do, leave whithout him, go through the grieving process one more time, get a job and prove to them i can support my man like he does with me while im to think that when i started it all i had the perfect job and everything was going smoothly.


I know i should pass this too.


Thanks for all the support!

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-07-19 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresheartbroken :'(

yeah, but then again....she doesnt have to pay for any housing and has no dependents.

and on my household...i have a child who is partially dependant on me and i have child support to cater her needs...i still dont get it.

But it doesnt make any difference now and it doesnt even matter anymore, i will go back and get that job and send the paper along with the same co-sponsor just in case.

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-07-19 19:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresheartbroken :'(

Right....if the co-sponsor is not living with US then he would have to support 2 households...hers and ours!!....i thought it was supposed to be just his household plus fiance. But i guess i was wrong.........or thats what they want me to believe, i dont know anymore....i dont get how a household of 2 just because does not reside with me it has to be 36,000 a year instead 19,387

ranting33va.gif dry.png mad.gif headbonk.gif dead.gif blink.png

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-07-19 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresheartbroken :'(

Lol, I never suggested you can't read, either, but, anyhow, exactly. So therefore, the CO probably didn't see this co-sponsorship working out due to the salary of the USC and the farce that he would supposedly be the one supporting her while the USC is supposed to support himself and her child with zero salary.



The co-sponsor at this point is merely to fill consular requirements, by the time of the wedding and the AOS i would need the real sponsor, a Job or both for the I864.

I understand why it might seem shaky, but with zero living expenses due to living with my mom, a child support of 500$ monthly, savings and the possibilities of finding another job i dont get where the FARCE is that my friend would "Supposedly support" my fiance not me...and only while he is on the K1 status.


But then again, it all goes back to the CO mood that day, or God knows what...they are the ones who make the decitions, and as a prove is what they replied to the email that i sent yesterday. 


Joint sponsors who do not reside with the principal sponsor will be considered members of a second household. As you may see from the poverty guidelines, splitting the sponsorship between multiple households will increase the minimum required total income, often substantially. For example, two households of 2 people each would require a minimum income of $36,424, while a single household of 4 individuals would only need $27,562. It should be noted that these are minimum requirements; as you can see below additional proof of support may occasionally be required in certain cases.


I never read anything about this before, I never knew this is how they see it. I though that as long as your co-sponsor had enough money for their household size (125%) , stable job and upto date taxes, that would be enough. My friend has no dependents so her household size should be 2 right (her and my fiance)? meaning her income at a 125% should be more than 19,387....Well, she makes 30,000 a year. Yet, it was not accepted because i need someone who makes more...c'mon!! This is BS!!! would have been better to just tell me "Honey, go get a job and see you back here in a few months" it wouldnt have bother me as much as this ####### above!!


Oh and get this, the Poverty guidelines sent to me on that email are from can tell they care to help!!

It is so frustraiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have sent like 5 emails already and their answer is always short, not what i was asking, confusing, etc.

It is just like another VJ member above said....dirty road with banana peels everywhere.


For now, me and my fiance have to be separated one more time, for god knows how much more...this is making me so angry and frustrated!!!!

But there wont be power, law or person able to keep us from persuing our dreams and being together.

Lets just pray it would come to a happy end...i need this bad :(

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-07-19 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresheartbroken :'(

As the applicant I can understand at least a little bit about how your man feels... Give him a day or 2 and in the mean time figure out what you gotta do to get this DONE and dusted.

Show him the steps you need to take. You guys were served a massive blow, but you got it covered. Get back on the horse when you're ready. Remember: amor vincit omnia xo


Thank you very much, he is very sad and angry. His biggest issue is not really the fact that we got that blue paper, is the fact that he has to "prove" to anybody but me his love and ability to provide now or later. He hates the idea of not being able to just marry me and be happy, without so many obstacles in between. It's a good thing you gave me your perspective as i dont really know how to handle it, I am really sick right now and was at the time of the interview but i couldnt possibly not go to give him some moral support. But know im between my really bad flu and sadness, short for words or acts of kidness to ease his pain. I however told him, neither this or anything would possibly make me give up on us.

Thank you guys!! Better luck to you, I'll continue working on my case for now and let you know how that goes!


Embassies are not required to accept co-sponsors. They are not even required to need evidence of support (that requirement falls on the AOS), it is just usually asked for as to anticipate any problems for the AOS.

These two facts alone should indicate to you the subjective nature of any decision making on the part of the I-134 and co-sponsors.

And it wouldn't be a far stretch for them to see that your co-sponsor is only making $30,000 and that he/she will, not only need to support his household with that salary, but support your family of 4 with it as well. That is 5 people. 125% of the poverty guidelines for 5 is $34,463.

It actually doesn't surprise me then that they want more. It's not a denial, just a request for something less shaky.


Thanks for the input.

My friend has has 0 dependents and my houselhold would be only me, my daughter and my fiance. As far as i understand she doesnt sponsor me. I dont know where you get i have a family of 4 and that she would have to support 5 people.

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-07-18 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresheartbroken :'(

I had the same situation and it was easily corrected. I was a student with no income ( from working ) however I did have child support , student income, and my home is paid off free and clear . The embassy said they do not except co-sponsors in K-1 visa cases and they also would not consider my child support or assets. They told me I had to get a job.At first I was marked public charge but I ran out and took the first decent job I could find . My income was UNDER poverty guidelines but the embassy accepted it. After I received my third month of paystubs they emailed me to say that I had met financial requirements and now my case was pending normal Administrative Processing.


All they wanted to see was an effort !


Thank you all for all the words. I emailed the embassy to get a more specific reason as per why we were denied.


Looking deep into it i can safely say it has probably a lot to do with the fact that i had to leave my job a month before the interview, I tried to keep it as long as i could but i had to move out of my place and it was really far from my moms to there without a reliable transportation. I didnt add any info about my previous job to the i134 because at the moment i am unemployed and did not want to lie by leaving the old i134 that was filled up back when i had my job.


I went from great to bad in a couple of months, and i understand all the reasons for the hold up to our case but cant help but feel frustrated because i had all my ducks on a row and all went downhill too fast. I just hope my case can get easily resolved as yours, i am going to wait for an official response from the embassy and take it from there, i dont mind getting a job, i have always worked and im not afraid to doing so at all...i dont want to be a charge for anybody let alone the United States. I just dont want to be separated from my soon to be husband, but i guess it all looks like i might have to go back to the States without him, once more....get a job and hope for the best.



I will keep you all posted :(

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-07-18 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresheartbroken :'(

How much time do i have to try to find another co-sponsor? Does anybody knows?


they gave your fiance a timeframe in which to get this new stuff submitted - 

what was the timeframe? 


I've read of other IV Units giving up to a year, to get a new I-134 in. 

i was there at the interview, i was never said how long, but a year seems fair.




Their decision is for your best interest as those income levels, which are quite low, are designed to ensure that there is some minimum with which to work with to get the new immigrants to be settled into the US.  If you can't find enough, then you have to withdraw and wait until you make enough and file again.  It's all for the best and this requirement was known before you began.

 I know it is, and i also knew this when i began the process, but things change...when i first submitted the package i was more than able to support him all on my own, then i had a car accident and lost my job, so i had to find me a co-sponsor. After that i had to move far from my job and without reliable transportation i wasnt going to be able to keep working there...i though my co-sponsor would work...But today i was told no and the rest is history.

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-07-17 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresheartbroken :'(

Yes they gave him a blue paper!

I went to the interview with him and even though i asked why that decition was taken the officer did not explained on detail. He only said i needed to get me another sponsor with more money. Maybe is because she hasnt been working there for too long. I also pointed out i wont be paying any rent as i would live with my mom and that my friend and sponsor makes 30K a year, they never asked for child support papers showing i indeed get 500 a month.

This embassy hardly denies people from what i heard, and they do accept co sponsors.


Does any body knows how long do i have to find another sponsor?


Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-07-17 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresheartbroken :'(

We went to the embassy filled with hope, got all our paperwork in order and very well organized. Passed the first interview and got denied on the second one. The reason?? I need a new I-134 a bigger earning one, my co-sponsor friend, has no dependents and earns 30,000 a year working with ESPN. Granted, when i first submited the paperwork i was working, but since i had to move i was not going to be able to keep my employment, so i firgured with 6000$ child support and paying no rent plus this co-sponsor, it should be enough...right? Well, i guess i was wrong, and now all my dreams and hopes go down the drain, we have invested so much money and energy in this and now all i have is emptyness :(


I have my daughter in Miami, currently staying with her dad until i was ready with this process, she was hoping we would come back together ( my fiance and i) she was even planning a welcome surprise for us, words cannot express how sad i am. I dont even know where to begin from now, my fiance wants me to go back to my daughter and even though he hasnt tell me this exactly i can see on his eyes, he is ready to throw in the towel, he told me he cant no more, this has been very tiring and difficult for us, me away from my daughter and him hoping that we would finally be together, we kind of put all our eggs in one basket and now we have nothing.


They advise us to get a new I134, the problem is i have no one who can do this for me, or at least someone who can make more than my friend, and even if i did, i am not completly sure my fiance would go through this once more.

What can i do???

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-07-17 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThings I know & seen -with Immigration!

Thanks for the tip, i have been waiting for more than 6 months already, so i guess it is about time to write to my congressman.
Happy Journey :)

Adriana&KarelFemaleVenezuela2013-05-15 13:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)TSC TRANSFER GOT CASE NUMBER
We got approved July 5th, we receive a letter that yesterday telling ours was sent to the consulate?? Why is that??? What about NVC or DOS??
D & ENot TellingHonduras2013-07-13 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny Approvals at CSC today (Friday 4/26)???

I would like to know that too. I don't understand what he meant by that.

Me too! How can i see the WAC numbers???

D & ENot TellingHonduras2013-04-27 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny Approvals at CSC today (Friday 4/26)???
What about vcs???? Why is so slow???
D & ENot TellingHonduras2013-04-27 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHoly Bureaucratic Government Batman...We finally got our our NOA2!!!!!
In VSC someone of march got aproved!! Is this for real??? How come???

In VSC someone of march got aproved!! Is this for real??? How come???

In VSC someone of march got aproved!! Is this for real??? How come???
D & ENot TellingHonduras2013-05-01 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG

thanks :)...
we didn't contact any representative..we had plans befoe but when we noticed csc starts moving again...we decided to just wait :)
don't worry soon you'll receive that precious noa2 too :P just keep the faith :)
best of luck :)

And after the NOA 2 will have to wait for the interview how long???

D & ENot TellingHonduras2013-04-30 22:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat is going on with vermont???
Vermont so slow right now! We have to start doing something!
D & ENot TellingHonduras2013-06-17 04:36:00
Middle East and North Africafinially recieved an interview date !!!!! yay!!
Yaaaay congrats!!!

When was your NOA2 approved?

D & ENot TellingHonduras2013-07-11 23:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBogota Colombia Embassy Interview - Internal Processing

Ok so my fiancee and I are thoroughly confused now.  We went to the interview on 26 April 2014 and everything seemed to go fine.  They ask my fiancee a few questions about our relationship and then they proceeded to ask her questions about her brothers and sister, nothing out of the ordinary.  My fiancée talked to them for about thirty minutes and they called us back up to the window.  The lady stated that they couldn't give us the VISA at the moment and they need to perform some additional processing.   They told us this internal processing could take a few weeks to three months.


Ok so what gives?  Since they gave my Fiancee back the passport can we assume that they are just going to say no and are just going through the motions?  I would have thought that if they were just doing some additional processing they would have kept her passport.  Has anyone else had this happen to them?  We are so worried that they are going to deny it and don't understand why.  We have had a relationship for two years.


Any info would help.  




Robert and Adriana. 

rtacherNot TellingColombia2014-05-06 21:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIA-Package sent to Bogota Embassy

We just found today that our package was sent out today from the National Visa Center to the American Embassy in Bogota Colombia.   How long until we get our notice from the embassy for the interview?  Does it come via email?  How long does the package take to get to the embassy. 


We are anxious to get our timeline:)


Any info would be appreciated!!



rtacherNot TellingColombia2014-03-31 16:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBogota Colombia Embassy Question - CONFUSED

Thank you!  I will try that.



I don't have the BOG number though.   That is the thing I haven't received it.



rtacherNot TellingColombia2014-02-24 20:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBogota Colombia Embassy Question - CONFUSED

Ok, so my Colombian Fiancee and I were approved on our I-129F VISA on January 22, 2014.  My question is how long until we receive notification from the US Embassy in Colombia for interview package.  It is going on four weeks now and we haven't heard anything.  What is the process now?  We get a BOG****** number to schedule our own interview or is this done by the consulate.  We are so confused because things keep changing.


Any help would be appreciated.



rtacherNot TellingColombia2014-02-21 18:04:00