K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs K1/AOS process really bad?
Okay, I'll join in. Filed the K-1 petition May 11, 2010. Received the NOA May 28th. Received NOA2 August 11, 2010. It spend two weeks at NVC then sent off to the Embassy in Almaty. Interview scheduled for Sept 7. Medical would not be done by then so rescheduled for Sept 15th. OOPPS. Only do interviews on Tuesdays. Rescheduled for Sept 21st. Visa approved. Fiancee then spends the next two months getting permission to leave Kazakhstan--they work as fast as the USCIS :lol: . POE is Denver on December 22nd. Very smooth and easy. Wedding on December 30th at courthouse. Apply for SSN on January 10th. Go back on January 31st as no card--found out USPS had returned SSC because her name, maiden, was not on mailbox--got printout of SSN. Received SSC at local office February 18th. Filed for AOS February 28 and received NOA March 14th. BIO appointment for March 31st. Person had a hard time getting Roza's finger print so it took about 45 minutes. Filed joint tax return April 15th. EAD/AP card arrived April 28th. AOS interview May 26th. Very very easy. GC arrived June 4th. Now we have 585 days before we have to deal with the USCIS again.

So I will say we have had a good journey so far and every step has been as promised and for us taken less than the expected 5 months. The waiting was hard, but it was well worth it.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-07-21 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDENIED 129F NO RFE
To answer question #2: The tier 2 officer was just answering your request of getting your daughter to the US by 1 Aug. I believe (as I am no mind reader) that this person was not offering you any imigration advice as to how your daughter could immigrate to the US, just how can she enter the US by 1 Aug. Having spoken to USCIS person I have come to understand that you must be 1) very specific, 2) question their advice as how it pertains to YOUR case, 3) repeat #2. So if you just said, "How do I get my daughter into the US by 1 Aug before she turns 21?" Then his answer makes sense. If you really wanted to know "How can I get my daught who turns 21 on 1 Aug be able to immigrate to the US with me as I am applying for a K-1 visa?" I am betting the answer might have been different. Maybe not. As most have said before, the USCIS people, even the tier 2, may or may not be very knowledgable of ALL the immigration laws, only those they are very fimilar with.

I hope it all works out for you in the end.


Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-07-20 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 FIANCE VISA EVIDENCE

Gifts don't prove a bona fide relationship. Sending money doesn't prove a bona fide relationship. Too much of those could possibly work against you. A petitioner would not the interviewing officer to see the beneficiary as a "gold digger." You want to show two people that are building a life together and want to be married.

Correspondence, time spent together, time spent with family & friends, etc. Focus on that type of evidence. Less of #1 and #8 on your list.

Best of luck to you both.

I agree. The one question that seems to be asked is how did you meet. You need to show that the relationship has grown over time from that first meeting and is now to the point you want to get married. I did this by supplying three years worth of e-mails that showed two people who were getting to know each other and how the relationship evolved from friendship to romantic. Phones calls are okay, but they do not show anything other than you talked to each other for two hours. E-mails or chat logs that can be read I think are better. I included the e-mails, flower receipts, phone records, and airline tickets of either of us visiting the other. The photos are good if they show the two of you together, otherwise limit the number of photos of just family and friends.

So I would limit 2,3,4, and 7. Eliminate 1 and 8 and put more evidence on 5 and 6. There may be questions as to why she is living with your parents and as long as the answer sounds like a good reason two people are trying to build a life together then use 5 otherwise you may not want to use this at this time.

My feeling is you need lots of GOOD evidence, not just lots of evidence.

Good luck.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-07-21 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Transcript
Yes. I received my 2010 tax trascript in early May and I filed on april 15th.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-07-25 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment/co sponsor info?
One thing you might want to do right now is find people who have gone thru the same Embassy and see if THAT Embassy will accept a co-sponsor. Some do not. So why waste the time and money filing if you will be denied at the Embassy for lack of income.

Just a thought.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-08-01 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSocial Security Number/Card
The only thing that might cause a problem is a brain dead SSA worker who will say that, "Now that you are married the K-1 visa is no longer valid and you must wait for your GC." That is BS and you can tell them that actually once you entered the US on the K-1 visa it is no longer valid and now we are married the I-94 is no longer valid either." Or you can go in to the SSA and apply for a SSN in married name and see what happens. IF you get a lot of trouble, just leave. Come back another day and apply in maiden name using the I-94, passport, birth certificate or other second form of ID, and the SS-5. Once the SSC arrives goes back and change the name if you desire.

My wife is keeping her maiden name at least until citizenship so when traveling the GC matches the passport name and we do not have to carry a marriage certificate.

Good luck and remember to apply for the SSC two weeks before the I-94 expires or you will have to wait for the GC.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-08-01 16:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest way to file/Sign paperwork while seperated by long distance?
It cost us $100 for her to mail them to me and $100 to mail them back via FedEx. It is the only way to have original signatures per the requirements. Fortunately these are documents and should not get hung up for long in customs, but that does add a day to the travel time.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-08-01 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich form?
Typically at the K-1 visa stage the petitioner (you) only needs to fill out the i-134 and have a co-sponsor if the petitioner does not meet the poverty guidlines. Some Embassies do not allow the petitioner to use a co-sponsor, you might want to check on this for your Embassy. The I-864 is a legally binding document that is used once you marry and apply for AOS between the petitioner and the US government in which the petitioner will reimbursh the US government for any benefits the beneficiary should apply and be paid for. Both the I-134 and I-864 show income, but the I-864 is legally enforcable and only required for AOS. Fill out the I-134 as it is easier at this point.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-08-01 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelpp!!
And the person you get the next time you go, if after you get married, will tell you, "Oh, now that you are married you have to wait for your GC as your K-1 is no longer valid." All too often the SSA people are brain dead and do not know their own rules. A k-1 visa holder is able to apply for a SSN. Usually VJers say to wait 2 weeks so your POE information has been entered into the SAVE database and been updated (some have gone in the next day and all has worked out well). You apply for your SSN using your passport, I-94, K-1 visa and another form of ID (like the birth certificate), and the SS-5 application. The K-1 visa expired the day you entered the US. SSA will not issue a SSN if your I-94 is within 2 weeks of expiring. If you wait until then, then it will take a GC to get a SSN.

Go back and try again. If the person says you cannot get a SSN, show them the printout in the precious post. If that does nothing, ask to see a supervisor. If that gets you nowhere, leave and go to a different SSA office if possible. If not call and complain and make sure you get names, time, and can describe what was said. It amazes me how one agency can have some many people that do not know what there job is.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-08-02 15:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffadavit of support
Please look at for the poverty guidelines. You will notice that a family of 2 needs to make $14,710 and for the I-864 125% of that number is needed or $18, 387.50. It would appear you are above that level for yourself and your beneficiary.

Good Luck,


Edited by Dave&Roza, 03 August 2011 - 03:36 PM.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-08-03 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMother's name wrong on birth certificate
Please define "wrong". Most women of the world have a family name as the middle name and then it changes as they get married and take the husband's name. If by "wrong" you mean it does not match what she is going by now, who cares. My Mother's middle name was not what is on her birth certificate, but it is one of those "other names you have ever used" and gets filled in there. Since the birth certificate is for the fiance, his infomration is the most important, then the parent's, but as long as it can be expalined no worries.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-08-08 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresit's official, i hate the i-134
I had the same problem with a mutual fund company in trying to get the date of death value of my Mother's account. What a royal PITA some financial instutitions can be. I would 1) show them that the US government wants a letter on their letter head with the requested inforamtion; 2) if they refuse threaten to move my money to a bank that will give me such a letter; 3) ask to speak with a manager or someone high up the food chain; 4) follow thru on #2 if they still refuse after about 5 minutes. It is my money and they are to serve me, not the other way around. When you called the 1800 number how high up the chain did you get? I would go all the way to the president or CEO of the bank.

If your income is above the 125% of poverty level (I know it is only 100% for the I-134) I would just submit tax transtranscripts, paystubs, a letter from your employer and forget about the bank letter for now, but I would still persue this just in case.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-08-14 23:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA question on initial packet
Agree with above poster. Also read the instructions as there is a section in there about copies and that they will keep all origiinal documents submitted even if not requested. So DO NOT submit originals of any supporting documents unless specifically asked as you will never see it again.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-08-16 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI Don't Want To Forget ANYTHING!!!
Copies of the beneficiary's birth certificate, medical records, and any other documents from their country that are hard to get. A passport valid for more than 4 years might be a good idea so the beneficiary does not have to worry about renewing it unitl after naturalization.

Good luck and hope all goes well,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-08-15 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow soon can we marry once he goes through POE?

It's Victor from Russia writing. You don't have to wait 2 weeks and can marry as soon as allow laws of your state. But from main Russian fiance(ee)s forum I read a lot of advices to get SSN first. Some fiance(ee)s got problem with getting SSN after wedding, because they K-1 visa doesn't work after marriage, but they still haven't GC for a some months, so in many SSN offices clerks refusing to give SSN card after marriage and till getting Green Card by reason that your fiancee is legally in US, but "out of status" while AOS petition is pending (what can be long in some cases, especially if your fiancee will be choosed for "NameCheck"). So by opinion of Russian fiance(ee)s forum it's good decision - don't run to get marriage license right from POE, apply for SSN card first.

Or you can go to the SSA and get the SSN and not mention you are married. That is what we did as Roza is keeping her maiden name at least until citizenship and maybe forever. We applied but did not mention we were married so it was not an issue.

Good luck on all things,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-08-14 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-157, DS-158
It depends on what YOUR embassy wants to see. I've seen people list the DS-160 as being required, bujt for us it was the DS-156, DS-156K, DS-157, DS-230, and the I-134. The embassy where the beneficiary has their interview will send that in packet 3. Some talk about packet 4 after submitting packet 3 to the embassy. We did not have to do that as the interview date was send along with packet 3. At this stage of the process it is VERY specific to the embassy and only those that had inteviews at the same embassy can offer accurate and correct information.

Good Luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-09-15 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWHAT'S PACKET 3 & 4
Depends on your embassy. For some packet 3 is sent and the beneficiary fills out some forms, sends them to the embassy and waits for packet 4 which conains the interview date. For us there was no packet 4. All interview information was sent in a single e-mail with all forms that they wanted filled out and instructions on the medical and how to pay for the interview. The interview stage is embassy specific so only those that have gone thru the process at your embassy can give correct information, the rest of us are just guessing.

Good luck on the up coming interview,
Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-09-16 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS K1 Help!

Hi guys! My POE was August 2, 2011..which means my I-94 is good until October 31, 2011. We are getting married on October 15th, 2011..then it takes a week to get the marriage certificate. Which brings us to around October 26th. We are going to send the AOS papers in that day but I have read if we don't get them in before the I-94 expires than I will be out of status!? Should we go get our marriage license and do a courthouse Wedding to ensure the papers are in before October 31st?
It says on the back of my I-94 that I am only allowed in the country until October 31st and to stay past that date without permission from Homeland Security is a violation of the law. So confused!

You have until October 31st--the expiry of the I-94--to get married. Once married you have completed the requirements of the K-1 Visa. You then file for AOS, but there is no real time limit to do so. Once the I-94 expires you are out of status if you have not yet filed the AOS. This means you can be detained and taken before a immigration judge who will tell you to file AOS ASAP. Once you file AOS, you can carry the I-797 form around as proof that you have filed and are in the US legally.

Why does it take a week to get the marriage certificate--oh I see you are taking about the original correct? I was able to get certified copies the day I submitted the original and used that to file the AOS. I did take the original to teh AOS interview and another copy. The IO looked at the original and kept another copy. I would see if you can get certified copies the day you submit the marriage license to the county clerk.

Good luck on the up coming wedding.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-09-20 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBar coded Form
The information on the printed out form must match the bar coded form. I would redo the form and find some way to print it out. You could redo the form and take the original form in with the item crossed out with a single line and the correct information hand written in to the interview and explain that you could not print the file. If you have the ability to print it out as a pdf do that and take the new form to the interview on a flash drive.

I would fix the form on-line and find some way to save it so I could offer it at the interview. Maybe the IO will be able to print out the new version during the interview. Maybe a hotel, internet cafe, or business would let you use their printer for a price.

Sorry, but we had access to a printer, but I know how frustrating it can be when you don't.

Good luck.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-09-26 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 papers: Photocopy or Original?
It states this requirement in every instruction file for every form that you will ever file with the USCIS

"COPIES: Unless specifically required that an original document be filed with an application or petition, an ordinary legible photocopy may be submitted. Original documents submitted when not required will remain part of the record, even if submission was not require."

So submit photocopies as the originals will be kept and not returned--then all you are left with is a copy assuming you made any. I make it a point ot never give up an original unless I have a very very very good reason to. I try to see if a photocopy or a certified copy will work because once that original is gone it is gone.

For the interview you should take in the original and a copy. Typically they will look at the original and take the copy and make a note that it is a true and exact copy of the original. If you only have the original they may make a copy of it or they may take the original.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-09-28 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReason for SSN# ?
You need a SSN because most companies ask for it as a form of ID. They may not have a valid or legal reason to require it, but they ask for it. Ever tried to get an apartment or electric service or cable without a SSN? They do not have a legal right to demand it, but they ask for it and if you do not have one it really throws things into a mess. I tried to not give it out a few times and found it is much easier to give in and just give it then to try to get them to change a company policy.

It is up to you as to when you apply for it. Just remember that from day 76 to 90 of the valid period of the I-94 SSA will not issue a SSC until you have GC or EAD in hand. On the SS-5 form you check legal Alien allowed to work when applying for the SSC. If you wait until the GC, you may save yourself the problems other K-1 visa holders have had with untrained SSA employees who do not know their own policies.

Good luck,


Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-09-29 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS156K

Hi Guys

I am in the midst of compiling my forms to send back for the K1 interview which I hope to post tomorrow. I'm not sure if I am being a little dim here but I'm not sure if I should take the following part of the D156K literally:

Evidence of Engagement to Your Fiancé(e)
Evidence of Financial Support
NOTE All of the above documents will also be required by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) when you apply for adjustment of status to lawful
permanent resident. The USCIS will accept these documents for that purpose.
Your Birth Certificate
Birth Certificates of All Children Listed in Number Five
Death Certificate of Spouse (if any)
Marriage Certificate (if any)
Divorce Decree (if any)
Police Certificate

Do I need to send these original documents in the post to the Embassy before I am scheduled for my interview? The reason I am confused is that original documents aren't mentioned in the Packet 3 letter.

Again. sorry if I am being dim but I am anxious to get it all right before I send :)

Thanks :)

NEVER NEVER NEVER give up your original documents for any reason. Once gone all you are left with is a copy and that may not be good enough. I am not talking about for the USCIS only, I am talking about all original documents you will have as you go thru life. If someone insists on having the original you tell them that you will make a copy and they can verify that the copy is an exact and true representation of the original. I asked one person what made them so special that they get to keep the original and what if the next person I deal with also wants the original. This is very true when dealing with trusts as there is only one original trust document, but everyone wants a copy and will want to see the original.

Same with the USCIS. The will accept copies, but may want to see the original. It states in the instructions of most all of their forms that copies are acceptable and if you submit originals when not asked for they will be kept and become part of your file--i.e. never to be returned. I attached the ring receipt, the I-134, copies of her birth certificate and police report. The difference is that she took everything to the interview rather than mailing it in as that is how they do it in Almaty.

Good luck,


Edited by Dave&Roza, 07 October 2011 - 12:16 PM.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-10-07 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Processing Fee at Embassy
This is an additional fee and must be paid as instructed by the Embassy. I will point out that there are still fees to be paid before the process is compete--adjustment of status fee (AOS fee is typically $1070 for one K-1 visa holder); the removal of conditions (the ROC fee is $590) and then the naturalization fee if you so choose (that's another $680). So be prepared as this is an expensive process.

Good luck and congrats on the interview,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-10-07 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival
Just to throw fuel on the flames going back and forth. The AR-11 states:

"This card is to be used by all aliens to report a change of address within 10 days of such change. The collection of this information is required by Section 265 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C 1305). The data is used by U.S,.Citizenship and Immigration Services for statistical and record purposes and may be furnished to Federal, State, local, and Foreign law enforcement officials. Failure to report a change of address is punishable by fine or imprisonment and/or removal."

So the real question to the OP is this a change of address or not? You state on one form that your address in the USA is expected be X and on the I-94 it is now Y. Since you have not actually dwelled at either address, is this really a change?

I'll leave it up to you to decide as this decision affects your life and your immigration process and their has been good advice given.

Good luck,


Edited by Dave&Roza, 11 October 2011 - 04:28 PM.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-10-11 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDate of entry

There is no date you must travel 'by,' however, you have 6 months to enter the USA.

So you can travel any date you want, just get here before 6 months.

Congratulations and best wishes with the rest of your journey!

Typically the visa is valid for 6 months, but please check YOUR visa to see what the expiry date is and make certain you arrive in the USA before that date.

Congrats on the approval. Now the second part of your journey begins.


Edited by Dave&Roza, 17 October 2011 - 09:12 AM.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-10-17 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my fiancee work after entering the US on a K-1 visa?
The employer must fill out an I-9 form which has certain required documents that must be shown in order for the employer to allow you to legally work for them. (I-9 form). There are several options, but you must have either a documnet in List A or documents in List B and List C to prove ID and elgibility to work. List A consists of a US Passport, the GC, the EAD card. List B is for ID and List C is for employement authorization. If you have a stae issued DL AND a SSC you can work, however; the K-1 visa's SSC will have a statment printed on it that says, "NOT VALID FOR WORK WITHOUT DHS AUTHORIZATION" which brings us back to the EAD or GC.

As others have stated, you need to file for AOS and EAD and wait for the EAD card to arrive (ours took 46 days) before accepting a job offer.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-10-18 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresds 156
This is specific to YOUR embassy. I would contact them to help you with the problem and ask them if they would accept any other version of the form. For our emabssy they wanted the bar code that gets printed on the form when iot is printed. Not sure if the form is also sent electronically to the embassy, but the instructions were quite clear on what our embassy want us to bring to the interview. Read the instructions they sent as this stage is specific to YOUR embassy and only those people who have gone to the same embassy can give accurate advice.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-10-03 08:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 I don't meet the poverty requirements
Keep in mind that to file for AOS someone will have to co-sponsor you on the I-864 form. You might run that by your parents to see if they are willing to sign that form as it is legally binding whereas the I-134 is not. Unless you expect to make more than 125% of the poverty level for 2 people (you and your wife, I am assuming no other dependants). So you might want to get two copies of everything used on the I-134 so filing the I-864 is easier on you when the time comes.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-11-02 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Married

Yes. I can get the marriage license tomorrow. We arent making big plans so we could get married within a few days.

One question I have is how long does it take to process the marriage license after were married? And does it have to be processed before applying for a change of status or does the date of the wedding just have to be before the 90 days expired?

Marriage must take place before the 90 days after POE. We went to the local courthouse, had a judge marry us, she signed the form, wife signed the form, I signed the form, and the witnesses signed the form. Took Marriage license (now Marriage Certificate as it has been properly filled out) up to Clerk and Recorder and had it entered into the system and received six certified copies right then and there. The original was received in the mail a few days later. Used one of the certified copies to file AOS, but that was 5 months after we were married due to life events. So her I-94 was expired for two months before we filed her AOS.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-11-10 17:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInfamous roundtrip ticket question...

Well - The real question is which is less expensive. I checked the other day for a one-way ticket from DME to Florida, and the cost was about $3,200 - To do a round trip ticket (for which we could just forget about the return flight), was $870...

The K-1 Visa is a single-entry visa, and does not guarantee return to the U.S.

Does it cost anything to cancel a round-trip ticket?

It costs nothing to cancel the ticket. Just contact the airline and inform them that the return leg is not going to be used. I bought my fiancee a round trip with the return part 88 days from the arrival. That could be called the just in case things don't work out plan. I canceled it about 3 weeks after she arrvied and we were married. Price difference bewtween a RT and one-way was about $1200 over the Xmas holiday.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-11-10 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for an SSN
Most suggest that you wait 2 weeks after arrival. Take your passport, K-1 visa and I-94 card with you along with a second form of ID like your birthcertificate (just in case, they never looked at ours). Fill out the SS-5 while you wait. Go up and ask for a SSC. The beneficiary is "a legal alien authorized to work" on the SS-5. IF they give you any grief, ask for a supervisor. If that gets you no where LEAVE. Goto their website and e-mail them with all the details of your encounter (try to get names and times while you are there) and then you will go back armed with an e-mail from the head office. K-1's are eligible for a SSN but some SSA employees do not tknow that and will give you lots of grief.

As far as Texas requiring a SSN, I do not know, but Colorad does state a SSN is required but that is old information and it is now NOT required. I think they ask for it and if you do not have one you cannot give it to them.

Good luck as the SSN is either very painless or a royal PITA.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-11-14 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCant Find Tax Returns?
All you need is the tax transcripts--no need for the W-2s or 1099s or any other supporting documentation as that was already submitted to the IRS and verified when the transcript was created. Tax transcripts are the best proof of actually filing as they come from the IRS and are not easily forged. Ours took about 4 days to receive.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-11-22 15:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAccess to Live Person at USCIS Customer Service

Hey everyone,

So as many of you have already discovered, finding the mystery combination to get access to a live person at USCIS is a pain. I've done some searching online and none of them seemed to work. Today I finally got access to someone and I tracked what I was dialing for future reference and so I could let you know since I've been reading these threads and so far they've been very helpful for my fiance and me. This might be a good thread to sticky so that if prompts change people can post updates or other methods below.

Accessing a Live Persona at USCIS Customer Service
1. Call USCIS nationwide line at 1-800-375-5283
2. As you go through the menus dial in the following numbers:

  • 1 (To select English)
  • 2
  • 3
  • 1
  • 3
  • 2

Good luck,

Now all you need to do is find the method of getting a live person who knows what they are talking about :whistle: .

So you now are tasked with coming up with the method of live person AND knowledgable. :rofl:

Sorry, but I could not resist.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-11-29 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLost Passport
The question really is: "Have you entered the US with the visa?" If you are in the US then the visa is no longer valid or an issue--the lost passport is more of an issue. If you have not yet entered the US then you will need to get a new passport and then go to the Embassy and explain the situation to get a new visa issued and placed into your passport.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-12-08 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPoint of Entry Question

Huh? What envelope?

SIGH!! The medical results and your entire immigration file are sealed in a large brown envelop. The important word here is SEALED. You give this SEALED envelop to the CBP officer at the POE. If the SEALED envelop is not properly SEALED there is no way of knowing what happened to the contents and you will not be allowed into the country as the visa is basically voided.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-12-07 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denied
Just a thought. Maybe this CO is being very picky. You filed an I-864 when the I-134 is all that is required. Your fiancee fills out the I-134 and since her income is not enough she gets her sister as a cosponsor. It could be as simple as filing the wrong form and this CO isn't tellig you it is the wrong form that was used but instead you do not meet the income requirements. Either that or they do not accept cosponsors.

Good luck.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-12-07 17:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCriminal Records
You will need to get a criminal report--police record--of all countries lived in since obtaining the age of 16 years of age if the stay was more than 12 months in a country that is not their country of nationality. If it is their country of nationality and they lived in a different location then they need a polce report for that location if the stay was for more than 6 months.

She will need to get the police report from Germany for that period of time. There cannot be any gaps from the age of 16 to the present or you wil get an RFE for the missing time period.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-12-14 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslength time for getting RFE???
You did not just meet for a single day back in 2009 did you--December 19th? You were in his country until the exit stamp in your pasport--right? When was that date? After the 20th of December? If not, then I would bet that they will deny the petition as you missed filing the petition within two year of having meet--the filing date is the date they accept it which is on the NOA1; not the post mark or the date you put on the forms. The USCIS returns ROC for being a single day early why would this be any different? If you can prove that you meet during your entire lenght of stay in 2009 and the is AFTER December 20th, 2009 then the petition will be accepted as it fullfils the meeting within two year requirement.

Good luck (and may you not cut it this close during the rest of your journey),


Edited by Dave&Roza, 20 December 2011 - 11:30 AM.

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-12-20 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI made a Bone-Head mistake
Wait a minute. You have received the return receipt from USCIS--the little green card?? That means the letter was delivered to the drop box and is now in a very large pile waiting for someone to get back from the holidays to go thru it. To be certain you can go on-line and type in the certified receipt number to see what the letter's status is, but it sounds like it was at least delivered. You are not waiting for it to be received into the system by the USCIS and matched up with your file.

Good luck,

Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-12-20 13:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLayovers
My wife was flying thru Frankfurt with a US visa and a Kazakhstani passport. I e-mailed the German embassy to see what the requirements were for her. For Germany, as long as she stayed in airport she did not need a visa. If she was to leave the airport then she would need a visa. When my flight from London to Almaty was canceled and I had to go via Moscow, I asked several times if I needed a transit visa to go thru Russia. I was told that I did not. However, the immigration officer at the Moscow airport took my passport and told me to come back to this door at 7am (it was 5am) to retrieve my passport. So there I am in the Moscow airport without a passport. To me that was a transit visa, making me wait.

To my mind I would make certain of the country's requirements before booking flights.

Have a Happy New Year.


Dave&RozaMaleKazakhstan2011-12-25 22:43:00