K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about personal info on emails, chat logs, letters, etc...

Also, in some of our messages he refers to me as "wife" purely as an affectionate term. I'm just worried that if USCIS sees this it will arm them with more questions to drill Kirpal with at his interview, or worse make him prove that we are not married!
Should I just black out "wife" from our messages to be safe?


DO NOT provide anything where you refer to each other as husband and wife. Indian consulates outright deny or place into AR couples who they feel may actually be married. One couple in Mumbai I believe just had issues because their engagement pics looked like wedding pics. It is in your best interest to in any way provide any evidence that may be misconstrued as proof you are married.

It is not necessary to print tons of emails. Go into your sent box and or whatever folder you save your conversations in and take a print screen showing all of the emails, dates and times you have communicated. Just one print screen can show multiple communications. They do not want to and probably won't read every email you provide them. A print screen log and just a few sample emails should suffice.

I can't stress this enough...DO NOT refer to each other as husband and wife in any evidence you provide. Not even in a cute joking kind of way. Read the Indian consulate reviews and get a feel for the kind of harassment people have faced.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-12 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOE - who picks it?
I haven't heard anything bad about Boston but I've heard Newark is terrible. Tons of harassment and denial of business visa applicants. My company has had several people fly from India and all get sent back from Newark because on person said he was coming for a meeting and anther said coming for training. Both were correct answers. This happened a couple of different times.

I realize business visas are different than marriage and fiance visas, but if they'll harass one group, they'll probably harass them all.

Does anyone else know of POE's that are rough to go through?

Edited by Bec_Dipu, 19 August 2011 - 02:22 PM.

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-19 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnearing 7 months, no NOA2...can my fiancé come as tourist?
I have read advice that the following can be helpful in showing that your fiance intends to return to her home country:

bank statements showing an open account with money in it
apartment lease or mortgage
letter from employer stating that she is employed and expected to return to work on a certain date
evidence of a round trip ticket
any information you have received such as a NOA1, 2 or interview letter regarding your visa application

People have been refused entrance before but most people don't have an issue.
Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-26 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestime between packets 3 & 4?
Contact VFS and tell them that you still haven't received it and that you need it electronically. They will email it to you. It may take a couple of times emailing them.

It took us 15 days to receive Packet 4 after electronically submitting Packet 3 at New Delhi.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-29 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happens to a previously issued B1/B2 if K1 is denied while in AP?
My fiance already has a valid B1/B2 visa. We are currently in Mandatory AP for our K1 but no 221(g) was issued so we assume it is for background checks.

If for some reason the K1 is denied, will his B1/B2 also be revoked?

If the K1 is denied for reasons other than lying, the Adam Walsh Act or terrorism connections (I can't think of any reasons but that doesn't mean the embassy can't), would he be able to apply for L1 visa with the US office of his employer as his sponsor?

His employer is wanting to know because they want to retain him as an employee and use him for some project work/long term work here in the US after his EAD is approved but they want to know what their recourse is if the K1 does not get approved.

Thanks for any info you can provide!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-31 09:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happens to a previously issued B1/B2 if K1 is denied while in AP?
My fiance already has a valid B1/B2 visa. We are currently in Mandatory AP for our K1 but no 221(g) was issued so we assume it is for background checks.

If for some reason the K1 is denied, will his B1/B2 also be revoked?

If the K1 is denied for reasons other than lying, the Adam Walsh Act or terrorism connections (I can't think of any reasons but that doesn't mean the embassy can't), would he be able to apply for L1 visa with the US office of his employer as his sponsor?

His employer is wanting to know because they want to retain him as an employee and use him for some project work/long term work here in the US after his EAD is approved but they want to know what their recourse is if the K1 does not get approved.

Thanks for any info you can provide!

Moderator - please remove this duplicate topic. My first attempt to publish resulted in an error but apparently published anyway.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-31 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the I-134 Affidavit of Support need to be notarized?

LOOK at the form you have received. If there is a place for a notary's stamp, then get one. If there is no place to put a stamp, then you don't need one.

LOOK at the form all you want, just because it's not there doesn't mean the embassy won't ask for it and it doesn't mean they won't punish you for not having it despite the fact that this requirement was eliminated years ago.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-31 15:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the I-134 Affidavit of Support need to be notarized?

You must sign Form I-134 in your full name. (Note: Signing Form I-134 is under penalty of perjury under U.S. law). For this reason, it is not necessary to sign Form I-134 before a notary, nor to have your signature notarize after you sign it.

While this is true, some embassies refuse to accept it without a notarization. For this reason, it's very important to look at your individual embassy's requirements. Reading the requirements for my embassy below, you could rationalize that you could not sign the I-134 and accompany the beneficiary to the interview and sign it in front of the officer but that's a pretty expensive way to avoid just getting it notarized and in the end, it still ends up notarized.

Affidavit Of Support:

Note: Only U.S. consular officers, DHS officers and U.S. notaries are authorized to notarize form I-134.

Each visa applicant needs to satisfy the consular officer that he/she will not become a public charge. The petitioner must provide a notarized affidavit of support (form I-134). If the petitioner’s income is not sufficient, the applicant MUST submit the documents listed below from the petitioner along with the same documents from an additional sponsor willing to assume financial responsibility for the visa applicant.

Form I-134.

Documentary evidence that the petitioner/joint sponsor is a U.S. citizen /U.S.permanent resident (e.g., clear photocopy of birth certificate/certificate of naturalization /U.S. passport/ both sides of green card, as applicable).

A job letter and recent pay stubs.

Petitioner must provide a written statement if he/she is unemployed.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-31 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the I-134 Affidavit of Support need to be notarized?
Even though legally the US government no longer requires a notarization, some embassies still list it in their requirements on their embassy websites and will not accept it if it isn't notarized.

I had my notarization squeezed into the top margin by my notary was also willing to put his stamp on the back. The margins when you print on standard 8.5x11 paper are big enough for the notary to write in and most states do not require a notary seal, just the notary's name and expiration date so your notary could probably just write the information in the margin and not stamp it.

Check your particular embassy's website, if the visa instructions don't say notarized I-134, you shouldn't need it. If it does say notarized I-134, you can always contact VFS or the embassy to see if they really require it but why risk it?
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-31 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding Guest List....too early to submit?
I don't know if the wedding guest list is "required" or just something they ask for on a whim. I've read a few stories where married couple were asked to provide the list and then the embassy called people on the list. It could be these couple didn't have enough proof of their marriage.

I've also read stories where K1 people were asked so that the embassy could call and verify that people actually knew about the engagement and that it was real.

I realize that not everyone who goes through the visa process uses this site (I think it's less than 10% based on quick calculations of # of petitions filed versus Igor's list) but there are sooooo many crazy stories about India in general and New Delhi specifically on this site...I've developed some kind of tick in my eye :rofl:

The fact that they ask so many people for five years of voting records really makes me mad. I don't know what a voting record in India looks like, but the choice to vote and the privacy of it in the US is a right that I hold very dear. It really creams my butter that they ask for something that no one would ever ask a US citizen for.

The engagement party is a VERY tricky thing at this embassy. I've read stories about where people are asked for evidence that they've had one. I've also read stories where people provide evidence of the party and the CO says the party is too elaborate, it must be a wedding ceremony and then denies them.

Reading all the stories on the site and another visa site I found really makes my head spin. Sometimes I wish that I had never done any research so that I could have waited my 8 months in blissful ignorance...of course, then we probably would have been outright denied. Ahhhhhhh....
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-03 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding Guest List....too early to submit?

I know Delhi routinely asks for it during the interview and that couples have received a 121g slip for not having it when they come to the interview.
I also know that many CO will not take the time to review much of the evidence a couple brings to the interview and may give a 121g or put the couple in AP even if they did have the guest list.

I figured that if I submitted there would be a higher probability of them looking at it now instead of waiting until the interview and having them skip over it and place us in AP. Posted Image

New Delhi asks for this all the time. It's best to provide them whatever they might issue a 221g for prior to the interview. They've also been known to ask for a copy of the beneficiary's voter id card and last five years of voting records.

We turned in a guest list, a notarized statement that my fiance doesn't vote, 12 notarized letters of support from our families and friends, a letter and pictures detailing my bridal shower, screen shots from our page, a renewed letter of intent that answered questions I thought they might have like why we hadn't physically met each other's parents, evidence of us interacting with each other's family via email, phone or Skype, why we didn't have a large engagement party, why we went the K1 instead of marriage route, pictures of all of his stuff I've brought home over the past year and integrated into our home, phone logs, email logs, Skype logs.

I provided all of that and when we walked up to the CO's counter, the 221g was already printed and ready for us. BUT, when the CO saw me and found out who I was, in the trash it went. Moral of my story: be as prepared as you can be and still expect a 221g. If at all possible, show up for the interview too.

By the way, I've read multiple stories where New Delhi or other Indian consulates issued a 221g for evidence that they already had in their possession and when the beneficiary pointed that out and tried to make them look at it, they said they wouldn't review it and it would have to be turned into the VFS again. :bonk: Proof that they don't look at everything you send them.

Edited by Bec_Dipu, 03 September 2011 - 07:32 AM.

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-03 07:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration specialist to file a K1 petition

Dear All,

I have a question regarding the necessity to use the services of an immigration lawyer to file a K1 petition. My fiance and I were told that it can cost us up to 5,000-7,000$ to hire a lawyer. It sounds way too expensive for us. Is it possible for a regular person to file for a K1 visa petition without paying a lawyer for that? Some friends advise us to use an immigration specialist, while others say to do it on our own. What is the safest and easiest way? How much can a lawyer cost just to file the petition? If my fiance files everything on his own, will it take us more time to get the petition approved? Thanks in advance for your reply~

If you do decide to hire a lawyer, that is insanely expensive. My fiance and I used an attorney because we had not found this site yet. We only paid $950 and we're in a decent sized city. We'll be charged an additional $800 to file the AOS, AP and EAD if we decide to use him again.

Paperwork SHOULD NOT cost that much unless you have a lot of mitigating factors that the lawyer is anticipating having to deal with and is therefore jacking up the price. If that is the case, I would file without the lawyer and just pay him if you need his help later.

Having an attorney prepare the paperwork will not have an impact on speed of process.

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-30 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthinking of changing from K-1 to CR-1... advice?
If you're not both Hindu, you'll need to look up the rules that apply to your situation under the special marriage act. I think you have to apply 30 days before the wedding in India and you both have to be there to apply. I've read that some places will be a little more lenient but you should definitely do some research on what exactly is entailed in marrying in India and getting it registered legally.

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-06 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtra Extra Read Allll about it!!
I'm soooo excited for you!

I hope it works out...I think you're being there will make all the difference. Maybe you should read up on the Stokes interview and what they're like just in case they make you go through one.

When you're there, tell them to take me out of AP! :rofl:
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-07 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresINTERVIEW UPDATE DELHI

he finally gave us the 221g form and said to submit Yash passport and additional proof.. it was crazy and I faxed and called my senator office and told them everything.. they said they will see what they can do.. now its been a week and still we wait.....anyone have experience with 221g and how long did it take to hear anything?


I think it's good that they want you to submit Yash's passport. Did he have Yash sign the oath form while he was there?

I can't believe that they have the guts to lie right to your face...the whole time the file is right under his hand. I wish more people from Delhi and India in general posted at VJ so we could get the true story of the stuff that goes on there.

I keep reading that India and especially New Delhi are high fraud, but high fraud for what? I've never met nor heard of an Indian/whatever couple that was fraudulent. Maybe the fraud is in people trying to work here when their real intent is to immigrate. I just don't understand how the reputation of high fraud developed and how that seems to apply to K1 applicants that results in so many denials or hard times given.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-21 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSkype and Yahoo Chats for K-1 Interview

I know Yahoo chat has a message archive, but when I export the message and open it, it just has the text of the message and not the dates. Skype doesn't even have a message archive. What's the best way to present the chat messages for the interview? Should I just do a screen print of the message archive list? Then it has the dates of the chat and the time.

When I video skype, it keeps a log of every call and the duration and anything we type to each other during the call. If I double click on Dipu to call him when he's not logged in, it sends me to a screen that has an option to show messages, you can show from the beginning. This will have a log of every call placed between you. I took screen prints and pasted them into word to print them.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-04 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdrowning in AP
I'm going on 12 weeks. Someone else (Mohammedshoeb) just got approved after 2.5 months. Both of our APs are background check related. Another couple who appeared to be in AP for background checks had an interview in early June and got out in 3.5 months.

If you are in AP because they are checking the validity of your relationship or they require more info, you usually get out much faster because they are waiting on you, not the Indian government or FBI.

I'm not going to say don't worry, you'll get out soon because it irritates the heck out of me when people tell me that. I have no idea when you'll get out. There are stories about people in MENA countries who have been in AP for 2 years. I haven't read any stories like that for India but that doesn't mean it can't happen. The Department of State says that they try to clear up most AP in 60 days. It seems to work that way with most non-MENA countries. India does not have enough statistics on this website to really gauge an average.

Just be prepared for a long wait and leap for joy if it's short.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-10-23 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit from parents...
I don't want to upload our affidavits as they are personal but I will provide a brief outline.

To Whom It May Concern, US Embassy, New Delhi:

We are writing in support of the engagement of our daughter, xxx, to xxx. I, xxxx, her mother and xxx, her father are exited to welcome xxx into our family. my fiance and I met
...whether or not they have met my fiance, how and when
...what they think of my fiance

In conclusion, we think that xxx and xxx will have a wonderful and happy marriage and we are thrilled to have xxx as part of our family. Please consider this statement in support of our daughter's K1 Fiance Visa application.


signed and notarized

We provided notarized letters from my parents, sisters, grandparents, Dipu's mom, my mom's four siblings and a few mutual friends with whom we've hung out with as a couple.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-10-26 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExcessive politeness and formality at the interview
The only advice I've ever read regarding formality with the Indian embassies is in regards to lying in response to any questions that are of a very personal nature. If they ask a question you find intrusive, either answer it honestly or decline to comment with the understanding that it could be held against you, but DON'T lie for modesty's sake.

As far as US manners go (not that they seem to be practiced much here anymore), don't expect the concept of a line and first come, first serve to be enforced or even embraced. You also shouldn't expect young people to give up their seat to the elderly, infirm or pregnant. I also noticed that while many people are perfectly capable of understanding the verbal and printed instructions, they will still try to sneak in under the guise that they just didn't understand that when the 8:30 appointments were called, that didn't include the 10:00 appointments.

Being polite can never hurt you but like all things, please, thank you and sir/ma'am lose their appeal if not used in moderation. No one likes to feel like he or she is being cajoled.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-10-10 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help....

No, not usually. You will need it for adjustment of status, though.

Well thank goodness you said that...I never would have thought to keep it for that purpose! I only keep paperwork because my fiance is kind of OCD about that stuff :D
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-01 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affadavit of Support
Indian embassies can be super picky. They may want a joint sponsor. I would provide the three years of tax returns and a few months of paystubs. I would also skip the letter stating you are a temporary employee. Finally, I would have a joint sponsor lined up and already have the paperwork completed and signed AND notarized. If they tell you that you need one, you will already have it available. I specifically mention notarizing because several years ago, the process changed to where you no longer need notarizing as just your signature signifies that you are testifying it is true. The Indian embassies still require it on their websites. It is better not to waste your time arguing and submitting unnotarized items (this goes for any letters of support and a letter reconfirming your intent to get married too). Just turn the I-134 over and have the stamp put on the back if you can't fit in the margin. You have to determine yourself if you need a co-sponsor, they won't tell you until you go to the interview. That's why it's best to have one already prepared so that if they issue a 221(g), your fiance can turn it into VFS the next day.

FYI, judging from your picture, you are probably going to have a much harder time than a normal K1 in India. I suggest you read my story and those of Team Erra, RCG and SherryandYasphal. You can find them on my friends list. Your case is most likely going to undergo serious scrutiny and 10 months may be a pretty unrealistic goal so I wouldn't make any hardcore wedding plans based on that date (I think you mentioned 10 months in another post).

I would suggest that you do some research on this site to see what kinds of things you may be expected to present at your interview. Look up "India" and "AP", "Administrative Processing", "221g", "221(g)" and "denied" so that you can find other people's stories. I would also recommend that you read the embassy reviews for India for the last two years. Finally, I would recommend that you ATTEND the interview, it seems to help a lot in Indian/Non-Indian interviews.

Good luck on your journey!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-06 08:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa received after 14 weeks of AP and interesting AP news

She was in an out in about 1 hour and 10 mintues. She was approved!

Aww that sucks about Dipu coming in January...Kinnari will be here before Christmas!

At least he will be here and no more AP! Whoooo Hoooo!

It does suck but it can't be helped :(

Make sure you take her to see the zoo lights and if you can, pop on over to Oglebay in Wheeling for the Festival of Lights (Christmas, not Diwali lol)! This is a GREAT time of year for her to come...she'll be dazzled by the magic of Christmas decorations and the fantastic sales JUST before the weather totally sucks for three months :rofl: Make sure you get her a parka!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-10 15:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa received after 14 weeks of AP and interesting AP news


We have our interview tomorrow! Wish us luck!

Kinnari should be interviewing right about now...I hope it's going well!

Thanks for the tip on the conservatory! Dipu probably won't be here until mid-January, but maybe it will still be there :)
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-09 21:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa received after 14 weeks of AP and interesting AP news

congrats!!! when's the big day? :dancing:

I don't know! We haven't been able to plan anything because we've been in AP. First he has to negotiate for an exit date with his company...we'll see how that goes :)
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-09 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa received after 14 weeks of AP and interesting AP news

Congrats!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :dance: :dance:

Did they give a reason for the AP? Just curious as it seems they choose people out of the blue at times.

They wouldn't give us a reason but they did not give a 221(g) and didn't require any additional information from us. They also didn't reach out to any of our family, friends or employers.
So, by default, it was a background check.

In India, it seems that most Muslim men are put into AP for additional background checks.

We avoided the 221(g) but many couples in India who are interracial or where the beneficiary is male also have problems getting a K1. They don's seem to have nearly as many problems if the go the marriage route.

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-09 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa received after 14 weeks of AP and interesting AP news
We FINALLY received our visa today after 14 full weeks of AP hell.

One interesting thing my fiance noted is that the visa was actually approved on 10/21/11, it just took this long for them to print it, put in the passport and notify us. One would think that when I was yelling at the DOS employees every week, that they would have told me to relax, it was approved, it's just processing through the physical printing and what not. I guess not.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-09 09:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport being sent via courier from Delhi

if you're done with interview and all and not told to submit anything else or do anything else, then that's what it means, you've been approved =)

Not necessarily in this case as she had to have two interviews and they were originally denied. They have received a pretty in depth analysis trying to determine if their relationship is real or not.

With a case such a mess as this, there are three probable outcomes, each as likely as the next:
1)visa in passport, celebrating ensues
2)visa not in passport, they expect AP to take a long while so they are returning passport and will request it be given back to them if they issue at a later date, crying ensues
3)visa not in passport and a denial letter, screaming and cursing ensues

I'll pray that it is #1.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-18 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew update for anyone who is following!! yOU GOTTA HEAR THIS

I am sorry to hear what happened to you! I hope you resolve the situation soon. Now, to people that are bashing US embassy workers: please, stop! We do not know all the details and we know only one side of the story. While I am sympathetic with OP I do believe that we heard only one part of the story and we cannot jump to conclusions until we know entire story. I can tell you that from my experience with the consular workers in US consulates and embassies: they are always very nice, very diplomatic, VERY GOOD psychologists. They are NOT stupid and NOT careless. You cannot compare them with DMV or Social Security workers. This is a different breed of people. In order to become consular worker you have to pass almost impossible to pass exam and be well trained. There must be something that we do not know. I wish OP the best of luck but in a lot of cases at first it seems that this is consular officer fault but with time it turns out that either consular worker is right OR there is some mistake on the part of the applicant...

With all due respect, a little venting about the New Delhi embassy is justified. I was just there in August and they are not all very nice or very diplomatic. If you read up on the stories you will find that most inter-racial couples are treated very differently than the Indian-Indian couples by this embassy in particular. That would be more understandable if the officers were Indian nationals, but as Americans, they should recognize and accept diversity. They should also recognize that if an Indian is willing to marry an non-Indian American, then that Indian is probably very different from the cultural norms of India and perhaps should be judged by the cultural norms of America instead.

Each country has it's own unique issues and even embassies withing each country can present different patterns of behavior. I think it would be hard to appreciate the difficulty of this situation unless you yourself are going through an embassy that has such obviously different standards for inter-racial couples. This particular embassy has a long history of demanding things of all of their applicants that other embassies don't require such as notarized letters from friends and family, contact information for all potential wedding attendees, voting records for the last five years. Sometimes they even call your home or visit to see if you're actually already married to someone else. One couple was just denied because the petitioner lived within 30 minutes of her ex-husband and the CO thought that was too close even though they have joint custody of their son.

Crazy stuff happens at this embassy; if the OP wants to vent, I 100% support that and will join in the cause. Especially as I am on AP for absolutely no reason given and have no idea when it will end...and I was place there by this embassy.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-02 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew update for anyone who is following!! yOU GOTTA HEAR THIS

Hahahaha... Thanks Bec, very nice of you,I meant to ask how everything was going with you guys?

AP is a succubus to my soul. I CAN'T STAND not having access to information, like a general timeline or why we're in AP or what the steps are that are happening behind the scenes.

I still look for Christmas presents...surprises that I know are coming are just not my thing.

I would seriously rather be waiting for a NOA2 and KNOW the wait is 5 months than to be in AP and not know, even if it's over in two months.

I hope they don't pull a *massengill* :devil: move and put you in AP after your interview. The good news for you is that the few stories I've read about 2nd interviews in India have all ended happily.

Enjoy India and take an empty suitcase so you can bring back some of his stuff!

Edited by Bec_Dipu, 01 September 2011 - 06:41 PM.

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-01 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew update for anyone who is following!! yOU GOTTA HEAR THIS
Sherry, I'm so sorry this happened to you! If I had known what Yasphal was going through during the first interview, I would have marched up to the window and vouched for you!

I hope they reschedule for a reasonable time.

Good luck!!!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-01 17:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am now TOTALLY convinced
Two other couples were denied this week.

I truly believe that the ONLY reason Dipu and I weren't denied is because I was there. We had lots of support and notarized letters and we spent about 110 days together total but they still had a 221(g) filled out and ready to hand over. They threw it away when they were introduced to me.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-21 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am now TOTALLY convinced
That totally sucks. Two others were denied by Delhi this week. Team Erra is getting married this month I think after being denied last year and trying to fight it.

I hate when they give the BS reason it expired. They know darn well they can choose to extend it. They are just taking their sweet time in reviewing, waiting for it to expire so that they don't have to list a legitimate denial reason that will get them in trouble if it is overturned.

I say get married and start the visa process over and GO TO THE INTERVIEW.

I can't recall having read any denied marriage visas from India, even for interracial couples. They seem to slide right through like butter.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-21 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED HELP PLEASE
The day they say they sent it to the embassy isn't always the ship day. Sometimes they hold packets until they have a few to send to the same embassy (I would imagine so that they can save on shipping. This is a reason some people have their packets received by the embassy in two days and others in a few weeks all other things being equal.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-21 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about Packet 3

I applied for my fiance visa and it got approved. They sent the I-129F package to Mumbai. I want to know how long will it take to get my packet 3 ?

Thank you all

Tons of people do not get a packet 3 in India. If you are sure that the embassy has received your visa, then download the forms according the embassy website and submit them.

The New Delhi VFS only wants to receive packet 3 via email...check with the Mumbai VFS as it may be the same. You probably will get packet 4 in the mail after you submit packet 3. If you don't receive it in two weeks after packet 3 submission, start harassing VFS via email every day until you get it.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-30 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen will I know if I need a co-sponsor?
If your mom already agreed, I would recommend using her. Many embassies would probably let you slide because it's supposed to be based on what they think you will be able to provide ongoing, not in the past. The Indian embassies, however, have been known to use whatever little thing is at their disposal as a basis of denial or at least a 221g.

You've already got some hurdles to overcome if RCG, Team Erra, SherryYasphal and Dipu and I (among many others, I'm sure) are any indication. DON'T voluntarily give them ammunition.

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-30 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs Your Case Really Different?
By the way, I don't want to sound like a Negative Nancy.

I just don't believe in telling people not to worry, it will all work out when the truth is, it will all work out if you put in the time and effort and have honest expectations of what could happen and are prepared for every outcome. THEN it will all work out.

I see a lot of people post on this site saying comforting things like, "It will be OK," and "Hang in there, it will happen soon!" Those platitudes are great if they make you feel better but they certainly won't help you achieve a successful outcome and they completely ignore the fact that some people SHOULD worry. Worry leads to action, action leads to results.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-01-18 15:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs Your Case Really Different?

At what point does your case stop being "different"?

My first thought before every decision is "can we use this as documentation?" which was not at all how I thought this journey would be...

I don't think you have any hope of your case not being different. You are different from a vast majority of US/Indian cases. It can't be helped. Hopefully, though, you'll be different from most of the cases that have similarities to yours, such as race or religion differences. Fair warning very well may escape the denial like we did, but it does seem as though men are placed in AP often when they are the beneficiary in India, regardless of any other factors in the relationship. So you may have to wait through an additional background check but that's way better than what could happen. The good news for you is that you got to learn about these other Indian cases during the process, so you can be proactive and prepared.

If you do get put into AP for a background check (and they won't tell you that's why, you just have to assume), make sure you involve your senator as soon as it hits 60 days. Dipu got his visa approved on 10/21 but they didn't get around to printing it and mailing it to him until 11/09, when they got our congressional inquiry. Three weeks wasted.

Good luck...we'll be rooting for you!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-01-18 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNervous about upcoming Interview
India (especially Delhi) doesn't issue K1 to Indian/non-Indian couples very easily. Based on your names, you probably won't have too much trouble.

If the Petitioner attends the interview, he/she should be prepared to also answer questions.

You may get grilled but unless you're missing evidence requiring an RFE, you probably won't have any trouble. If the Beneficiary is the male or either of you are Muslim, you should expect to go into AP for an additional background check.

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-02-08 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGETTING MY HUSBAND A DRIVER'S LISENCE??
My husband just got her permit on Saturday. We took the NOA letter from our AOS application proving that we are in the process of adjusting status from K1. I think the form is called the 797 or something like that. I heard them ask another person there for the same letter.

Have you checked your stat's website that details the items needed? My state has a section that deals with immigration and tells you the exact items to bring.

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-03-14 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress to long

I followed the advice provided in the guides here on VJ and created a continuation page for all information that did not fit in the boxes. I simply wrote see attached on the petition.


Make sure that if you add a supplemental page, you list the petitioner's name, beneficiary's name, form and question numbers and A# or SSN of the beneficiary if he/she has one at the top of the page. This will ensure that the reviewers can match the supplemental material up to the form if they become separated.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-03-17 09:35:00