IndiaGetting married in India, advice needed :)

Planning a marriage does not take time at all in India. We had our wedding put together in a month and we had about 800 people in attendance for our wedding!

OMG, I hope you didn't make Kinnari write all the thank you cards herself!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-12-08 14:13:00
IndiaPCC vs ECNR

Six months. The same for any PCC, irrespective of where you get it from.

Please site your source for future members to use as the embassy website for New Delhi states that police clearances obtained from the passport office are valid for one year. The embassy websites have been known to have errors before, so if you have a source that states otherwise, please let everyone know what it is. When I emailed VFS last April to verify this, they also stated that they are good for one year.

http://newdelhi.usem...rms.html#police answer

Quotes from website:
The term "police certificate" means a certification by appropriate police authorities stating what their records show concerning each applicant, including all arrests, the reasons for the arrests, and the disposition of each case of which there is a record. Police certificates from certain countries are considered unobtainable. For more information on poice certificate requirements see the instructions below:

Indian Citizens Age 16 and above, residing in India:

All Indian IV applicants aged 16 and above, residing in India, should obtain police certificates from the local passport office.


Police certificates are valid only for 12 months from the date of issuance.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-02-28 09:18:00
IndiaPCC vs ECNR
At least one passport office (Guwahati) won't issue the passport clearance unless you get your locality police clearance and the Guwahati police clearance certificates yourself. They still verify them and check with the board that keeps track of militants and terrorists, but they won't do the leg work for you.

Each passport office operates a little differently, so if his issuing passport office is not near where he currently lives, he should check with that specific office (most have websites) to see what they require.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-02-27 09:48:00
IndiaUSC females who change their names after marriage...

After marriage I plan on taking my (future) husband's family name. Subsequently, I will apply for a new passport that reflects my name change.
I'm just a little concerned about my Indian visa that is in my current passport. It is for 5 years and will not expire until 2016.
I already contacted Travisa (the company that issues Indian visas) and they told me they cannot transfer or print new sheets for current visas to a new passport even if its still valid. I really don't want to go through the trouble of applying for a new visa and paying the hefty fee when I currently have a valid visa.
Is my old passport still valid even after a name change? Could I bring both passports through customs so I can still use my current 5 year visa?

I've read that you can keep your old passport and just bring along your marriage certificate and current license with you. The items I've read on VJ state to purchase your ticket in your passport name as that will be the identification you present for boarding the plane and going through customs.

I'm not planning on changing my passport either as my visa is good until 2015. I've already changed my SSN and financial accounts. I've waited on my driver's license though because we just participated in Super Tuesday last week and I didn't want to risk the name change being too close to voting lol.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-03-13 08:36:00
IndiaIndian planning to marry older black american women

Hello All,
I am 29 old man working in india, i met women aged 40 online and we decided to get marry. She is planning to visit me in November and once she leave i will apply for an fiancee visa.
I would like to know from all you honest opinion about how to prepare for myself for the process.

1. I am 29 and she is 40 black american, myself applied H1b in year 2008 and got 221g, but didn't respond to it and got expired.
2.Have travelled UK twice on a work permit.
3. My parents will not agree myself marrying someone older and from outside our i am planning to keep it as a secret from them.
4.Planning to show evidence of ourself took pictures together ,hotel reciept and engagement ring reciept.

Please fell free to comment on the case.

Thanks in advance

My fiance and I are also wondering about our fate as he is a 32 year old India Muslim and I am a 34 year white Christian. We love each other deeply and have spent over 100 days together between his trips to the US and mine to India. My family knows all about him and they've met over Skype but his family knows nothing about me as they will make his life miserable trying to set him up with other women if they find out that he's engaged to an "older" woman who is also overweight. We've decided not to tell them until the Visa is approved as our relationship is none of their business and why make him suffer needlessly while waiting for application to be approved.

I'm nervous about all of the Delhi consulate reviews I've read, several applicants have had their family called during the interview of been asked for letters of approval from them. Several people have also been asked for additional evidence such as pictures from an engagement party or of the families meeting. My fiance proposed over the phone and hasn't been back to the US since July, so we haven't had an engagement party. We have proof that he met my grandparents, by my parents weren't able to meet him while he was in the US last year. I haven't been able to meet his family as my trips to India have all been two weeks and required me to stay in Delhi for work; his family lives in Guwahati, not exactly a weekend trip.

I hope our interviewer doesn't take a traditional Indian approach and send us into review because we're not a traditional Indian couple. Or, Heaven forbid, deny us. If so, we'll meet in Europe and elope and then I'll just move to India and apply for a K3 instead. I'll get the last laugh!

Have you submitted your application yet? If so, where are you in the process?
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-12 19:53:00
IndiaInterracial couples, post here!
Visa type: K1
Consulate: New Delhi
Visa issued (if applicable)? Yes
Second interview? N/A
AP? Yes - Aug 3, 2011 - Nov 9, 2011 for background check
221 g issued? Sort of, filled out but ripped up and thrown away when CO spoke to me (petitioner)
Gender of beneficiary: Male
Religious difference? Yes
Religious background of beneficiary: Muslim
Age Difference? Female petitioner 2 years older
Method of meeting (online, in person, etc): In person at work while he was here on B1/B2
Engagement Ceremony? No
Traditional (Indian) Wedding Ceremony (N/A if going through K-1)? N/A
Has beneficiary ever been to the US? Yes - 90 days total
Does beneficiary have relatives in the US? No
Family approval? Yes from both sides, notarized letters provided
Co-Sponsor required? No
How much time has petitioner spent with beneficiary in person? Two trips totaling 90 days by beneficiary to US, 3 trips totaling 50 days by petitioner to India since meeting.

Has the petitioner or beneficiary ever been married? No
Did the petitioner attend the interview: Yes

There are a five specific K1 cases that may not be active on here anymore that went through hell in India and one K1 case that didn't have any problems at all. You may have trouble getting some of them to deliver their stories here as I'm not sure how active they are. There may be other K1 interracial India couples on this site, but it's hard to tell because VJ doesn't collect that information. You have to go by pictures and names or just flat out ask.

I agree with your observation that K1 interracial couples seem to have a much harder time than married couples in India.

For any interracial India K1 couples, I would recommend reading my story and those of the following users (you may have to look up their posts or contact them privately - please be sensitive to their struggles if you ask them for information as some are still going through the process) :
Sherryandyasphal (denied)
RCG (denied)
Team Erra (denied)
Lynn n Sam (denied)
Catknit (denied)
Maria and Varun (I think: approved, Maria attended interview)
Me: Bec_Dipu (approved, AP for background check, Rebecca attended interview)
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-03-01 13:49:00
IndiaNot sure whether I will be able to attend K1 interview with my fiance

Read my case. 

Go if you can.

If you can't go, there are a lot of examples on VJ where the couple is denied or goes through hell specifically when they have all of the red flags you have. 




Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2014-09-26 17:50:00
VietnamEnglish school for my wife? Any Suggestion??
Whatever you do, don't let her watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey or any speech by George W. Bush. You don't want her to end up learning a bunch of words that don't really exist. That would be a terrible strategery.

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-10 22:47:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWhat is IMBRA

I just want to know what is IMBRA and I have no idea about this.

The International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005 (Subtitle D of Title VIII (Sec.831-834) of United States Public Law 109-162),[1], or IMBRA, is a United States federal statute that requires background checks for all marriage visa sponsors and limits serial visa applications. The impetus for its introduction was two high-profile cases (including the Susanna Blackwell case in 1995 and the Anastasia King case in 2000) in which foreign women had been abused and eventually murdered by men who had used a K-1 fiancee visa issued by the US State Department to bring them to the United States. In the King case, the husband had physically abused a previous foreign bride before murdering Anastasia.[2] It was intended to stop abuse of "mail order brides" by prospective husbands with criminal histories.

I typed IMBRA into problems finding information.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-06-23 17:54:00
USCIS Service CentersIs this Fraud by definition
I read an interview on VJ with a former ajudicator. The process he described of pulling boxes and scanning them and then scanning all of the files in the box sounds like a total PITA (pain in the ...). I wonder if ajudicators just decide to do an entire box if they have to pull the box for an approved expedite. I think if I was an ajudicator, once I found the box with the expedite, I would just process the rest of the box so I didn't have to go through the hassle of rescanning and packing that box only to now have to grab another box to work on. This could explain why it seems like non-expedited files randomly get approved quickly.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-01 17:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Case under AP since 8th july 2011 at New delhi
My fiance and I received the same letter from New Delhi on 03 August. We are also still not approved.

I guess relative to the 2 year horror stories from the Middle East, Indian AP doesn't take too long but relative to my emotional sanity and the 60 days that the US Dept of State says by which most AP is resovled, it takes forever. I got someone at the DOS to accidentally admit that my fiance is undergoing a background check at the embassy. Soooo, at least I know that.

There aren't enough people posting on VJ with AP for issues not related to reviewing the validity of the relationship to get a real feel for how long we can expect it to take. Someone did just come out of AP from the beginning of June. If that's any indication, one more month for you!

If you don't mind my asking, is the beneficiary male or Muslim? I'm just asking because either time that one or both of those things apply to the beneficiary in India, the case seems to go into "mandatory" AP or a 221(g) is issued. I'd really like to know how they define the word "mandatory" because it certainly appears to be discretionary.

Edited by Bec_Dipu, 05 October 2011 - 10:58 AM.

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-10-05 10:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DOS said call back in 1 week for AP - is that a clue?
I called the DOS today to check the status of our case and the lady said we are still under AP but that I should call back next week on Friday.

I've never been give specific instructions to call back before. Is she blowing smoke, prolonging the trick part of trick or treat or does she actually know something that tells her we should have it by next week?

It's been over 3 months in AP now. My senator, Sherrod Brown, sent an inquiry on our behalf this week. Let's hope something happens soon...maybe my love can still get here by Christmas!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-04 23:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)refused for no valid relationship

Age of beneficiary? 28

Age of petitioner? 60
Method of meeting (online, in person, etc):? first we meet online but we also meet in person for 3 times

if you know any immgration lawyer also, please help me... is there is anything that i can appeal ?

There is no way in heck a CO at an Indian embassy is ever going to approve you on a K1. That age difference is MASSIVE. The fact that your fiance is no longer a child-bearing age weighs heavily against you. There are plenty of cases on VJ with this large of an age difference, but hardly ever with the female that much older. If you had any hope at all, she should have spent time in India with you and your family and she should have attended the interview.

It is doubtful an immigration lawyer can help you. If you want to stay on the K1, then your fiance needs to contact her US Senator and get his/her involvement ASAP in keeping the file at the embassy and having a second interview.If you get a second interview, she needs to attend and you should be prepared for difficult questions.

If you choose to attempt the CR1, you should realize that you may still get denied. I haven't seen denials from India on a CR1 when they processed after a K1 denial but the few cases you can look to as an example don't have such a large age difference. If you go the CR1 route, have a backup plan if you get denied there too - e.g. find another place besides the US to live or dissolve the marriage.

I'm not an immigration specialist, so everything I've said may be refuted by others. My response is based on my interactions with others going through the process in India and reading every embassy review for India since 2008. Good luck with your journey.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-04-04 08:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)refused for no valid relationship

Oh, and if you are a mixed couple going through Delhi - have the USC there for the interveiw - that alone solves a lot of the "what ifs" in the COs minds. I think there is a couple on vj that even stated their 221g was thrown out since the USC was there [maybe Bec_Dipu????].

That was me :D
I agree with everything you have stated. At this point, it may be faster for you to just get married and go the CR1 route. I can't recall any married couples that were denied at Delhi, but you'll want to check yourself by reading through the past few years of embassy reviews for India.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-04-03 14:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)5 Months Ago Still Under AP at New Delhi Embassy
This does not seem like the reply you would receive for a standard background check. If you read through the embassy/consulate reviews for India, you will find a few instances where the embassy called the beneficiaries family and I believe even visited his home in two separate cases.

They may be attempting to verify your marriage certificate or if either of you have been married before, that your divorce is valid.

Provide a list of the evidence that you provided and the questions your spouse was asked at the interview as well as whatever biographic data you feel comfortable sharing (religious differences, ethnicity differences, age differences etc.)and VJ may be able to offer better advice.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-05-08 12:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)5 Months Ago Still Under AP at New Delhi Embassy
Here is the email that I sent to VFS:

Beneficiary Abu xxx, NWDxxx

I, the petitioner, Rebecca xxx, attended the K1 interview with my fiance on August 3, 2011. We were placed in mandatory administrative processing. To date, no communication has been given to us regarding the current status of our application. It has now passed the 60 day time limit that the US Department of State lists as the time by which most AP is resolved.

Please revert to us with any further actions that are required on our part and with the status of the mandatory administrative processing.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-05-03 13:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)5 Months Ago Still Under AP at New Delhi Embassy
If they aren't telling you why he's in AP and you weren't issue a 221(g) requesting more evidence, just the white paper explaining you are in AP then it is a background check. There isn't anything that anyone can do to speed the process up as it takes however long it takes to clear all the layers of government background checks.

When we finally received my husband's visa, there was a data disparity between the approval and the printing and the mailing. I believe we cleared background checks a few weeks before his passport was couriered back to him. He coincidentally received his passport the day after the embassy received a congressional inquiry on our case. It could be coincidence or it could be that they didn't feel like having to explain to the congressman about why they hadn't sent the visa and passport yet when it was already approved. So only in this specific instance, I suspect our congressman helped us by forcing them to put our already approved visa at the front of the line to stick in the passport and mail. His inquiry did not influence the rate at which the background checks were approved and the visa was issued.

If you are in a background check, there is no point in stopping by the embassy. Just send them a once a week email to check the status and wait it out.

Sorry this is happening to you!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-05-03 10:27:00
CaribbeanHaiti Filers
Hi Everyone!
My husband and I have been on the same road as you. We started our fiancé visa process in May 2009, he arrived in the US for Christmas 2009 and we married 2 months later. We've been married for 2 wonderful years and are in the process of removing the conditions on his status. It's been a very smooth and expedient process. We'd love to help any of you if we can, as well as to hear your stories. Blessings on your roads to happiness with your future spouses. :)
RejouiFemaleHaiti2012-05-29 12:47:00