K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2

Jeez, sure is quiet around here! Has everyone moved on to the AOS thread already??

Nope :(

Still in AP, no end in site. Can't wait until I have something to contribute to that thread!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-05 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2

We're getting married tomorrow, Sept. 2nd! :) Please pray for us :)

I Hope your marriage is full of blessings and Sun-shine!

Like how I worked your Hope&Sun handle in there? :D
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-01 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2

Hi there,
At our visa interview today in Naples, Italy they asked my fiance a few questions and then told him he needed another police certificate from Albania even though he brought the one stipulated in the instructions. So now our application is in AP and the interviewer said it would be 3-4 weeks for them to process the paperwork in the US after he turns in the documentation. I've been reading this forum and I see post after post of people waiting for months in AP status. Does anyone have any encouraging stories of short processing times? I just really need to know if everyone has a similar experience. I know that patience is a virtue, but I need to go visit him if it is going to be more than a month more. I'm so disheartened.

I'm in AP too. Most people waiting in AP months and months, and sometimes even years, are in for background checks. Yours should go very quickly if they just need a document. Plus you have the benefit of knowing exactly why you're in AP. Unfortunately, the timing is never guaranteed but at least you have a guideline.

Today makes four weeks in AP for us with no communication and no reason for why we're in AP given and no estimate on how much time it would take. :(
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-31 05:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2

To everyone still waiting to be with your loved one, still doing what needs to be done, going through this difficult visa journey process, let me tell you: It's worth it!!!!!!! Jenie Bee arrived Saturday Morning and life has been absolutely magical and spectacular! In fact words simply can not describe how this weekend has been. All doubts, worries and concerns brought on by time and distance, USCIS etc. melted away within minutes. Yep, I am on "cloud nine!"
Thanks for everyone's help, and Godspeed to the rest of the Decemberite Family!! Onward to AOS!!! :dance:

I can't wait until I get to write a post like the one above :wacko:
At least with the rest of the process, I knew how long each step should take and what to expect. This AP black hole sucks hiney.

On the plus side, I just got to spend 10 days with Dipu in India. It turns out a coworker took a vacation there at the same time and stayed in the same hotel, so Dipu and I had to hide the whole time (our works don't know we're in a relationship). Sounds sucky but now I know that I can spend 10 days in one room with my love and not go crazy, so yea for that! :D

Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-15 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2


Mandatory AP should be expected for Dipu, unfortunately :( The good news is they took his passport. This too shall pass. I suggest you head over to the 221g forums and gain a little bit of confidence there. You'll be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon. You know you have a genuine relationship and they know it too. It won't be long. Keep your head up!!!

I am hoping for the best as we did not receive a 221g form. They want no additional information from us. The AP letter we received is different from the 221g form that states you are going under additional review and have to turn in blah blah blah.

Ours is a simple statement and says it's mandatory whereas a 221g isn't mandatory but specific to them being unable to make a decision without additional information.

I just wish they would call it what it is - profiling. It isn't "mandatory" if other couples get approved right away. It's discretionary profiling, which I get, especially with 9/11 coming up. I just wish they would be honest bout it.


At least with a 221g I would know what they wanted and they would approve us a few weeks after giving it to them.

This is very depressing.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-03 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2
Interview Results: Mandatory Administrative Processing

F%$&ing A.

No explanations as to why. No additional information requested. All evidence and original certificates returned. Passport kept and medical report kept by CO. No timeline of how long we could expect to be in AP.

We're assuming this is because Dipu is Muslim and his background check is not complete.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-03 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2
I fly to India tomorrow for Dipu's interview on Aug 3rd!
I am so excited, we haven't seen each other since January.

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-07-27 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2
We finally got our interview date - 08/03/11 or 03/08/11 for you beneficiaries :rofl:

I've already booked my plane and hotel...just counting the days until I blow this popsicle stand. It's 20 in case you were wondering.

AND, I'll get two weekends with my Dipu! Unfortunately, it's during month end close, so he'll have to work the week I'm there and probably me too...from 6 PM until 3:30 AM...yuck. Such is the life of international accountants :lol:

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-07-08 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2

Sorry I haven't been around for a while...not sure I was even missed haha...but Byron dumped me last Saturday. He said the fights were too much, and yeah there were plenty. But only because of the stress of distance. Anyway, I wish you all the best of luck, and happiness in your marriages! This forum was such a great support for me!

Well, this is terrible news. I hope it's just stress and nerves and he will be presenting flowers and chocolates and an apology soon.

This IS the most stressful thing I've ever gone through, I'm sure it is for many other people too. People do stupid things when they're stressed (the empty containers of ice cream in my trash will attest to that).

I hope you post back with good news soon!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-07-08 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2
The Delhi embassy finally published it's July interview appointment for us :cry:

I hope we get an early August date and that they let us know soon...I just can't stand not knowing! Plus, I need to make travel arrangements. Plus, I haven't seen Dipu since January. :cry:

At least his medical is done and the final packet of ongoing relationship stuff was DHL'd yesterday. And, I had a bridal shower two weekends ago, so I guess I'll just try to enjoy the new patio furniture without him.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-07-06 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2


After checking my email every day, I thought Captain Eowk had done us in. NO ONE was posting on this thread. Turns out, I forgot to subscribe for notifications :rofl:
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-06-28 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2

Congratulations Decemberite Family!!!

We managed to get so LARGE on Part 1, that Capt. Ewok had to close our Thread and have us start a new Part 2! I love this our Decemberite Family for the community and now we can continue from and also post in the AOS Thread Dizzy created for us too!

Much love to you all,

1) Should we all just switch to the AOS thread or keep the two separate?

2) Dipu's PCC was delivered to his house today!!! He is flying home to pick it up this taking chances on crappy mail.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-06-21 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsConspiracy to deny....
I'm sorry I was so harsh in my first statement.

This may actually be a blessing in disguise. K-1 applicants face a lot of trouble in India, especially if they are not Indian/Indian couples. This is your opportunity to research this site and read the stories of other recent K-1 applicants specifically in India. You can learn from their experiences to submit the best mix of evidence possible. It will also emotionally prepare you if you end up in AP or with a denial once you get to the interview stage. You can also assess if it would be wiser to just get married and then file as it seems like the marriage visas have a significantly easier time in India.

Good luck on your journey!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-04-30 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsConspiracy to deny....
This post really chapped my hide, so my response will be much testier than normal.

I highly doubt this is some grand conspiracy to deny you. You didn't follow directions. Of course the USCIS is going to take your money. You sent them a package and asked them to complete work, which they did by reviewing it and recognizing that you failed to follow directions.

Wait for the letter in the mail, it may be an RFE after all. If it is a denial, well, serves you right for not following directions. You have no one to blame but yourselves. And the only people who should be posting with righteous indignation about this situation are the people whose cases were delayed by a few hours because someone wasted his or her time reviewing yours, which wasn't even complete.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-04-30 09:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDocument Translations
If you're allowed to used American translation services, I used this website and had excellent service:

I just sent them a scanned copy of my fiance's birth certificate and they mailed me an English copy with a letter stating that a person knowledgeable in Assamese had translated it.

This is a translation only and in no way certifies that what I provided them was a legitimate document.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-04-03 09:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC-DS230

Just found out from my wife that PCC in India is valid for 6 months. Request your PCC accordingly to that.

Can you have your wife cite her source?

The Delhi embassy website states the following:
POLICE REPORT: Each applicant aged 16 years and older must submit a police certificate that includes information regarding the applicant including all arrests, the reason for the arrest(s) and the disposition of such cases. (A) Indian citizens residing in India for six months or more since turning 16 years of age must present Indian police clearance certificates from both their district police station and the local area passport office. Applicants whose passports were issued within six months of the visa interview may present just the passport office certificate. These certificates are valid for one year from the date of issuance. (B) If an Indian citizen who has lived in India for at least one year after the age of 16 currently resides outside India, he/she must obtain a certificate issued by the Indian Embassy or Consulate where he/she lives. These certificates are valid for only one year from the date of issuance.

The bold sentence refers to "these certificates" which is plural, so I would assume that it is referring to both the police and passport clearance certificates.

The New Delhi embassy site specific to police certificates does not state the validity period:

The Mumbai embassy website specific to police certificates does state the validity period:
Police certificates
Each visa applicant over the age of 16 must present police certificates. Police certificates must cover the entire period of the applicant's residence in any area. The term "police certificate" means a certification by appropriate police authorities stating what their records show concerning each applicant, including all arrests, the reasons for the arrests, and the disposition of each case of which there is a record.
Police certificates are not required for periods spent in the United States. Police certificates from certain countries are considered unobtainable. All police certificates are considered to be valid for one year from the date of issuance and must be valid on the day the your visa is issued.

I have found various inconsistencies in the directions provided by Indian embassies and even between the VFS responses to questions and the information provided on the websites.
If you're afraid that your PCC might expire before the visa issue date, I would always recommend checking with the embassy via an email to VFS. At least this way, you can print the response and have it at the interview with you.

As always, good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-06-08 18:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to obtain PCC from India

Just go to your regional Passport Office and ask them for a PCC. They make you fill up a form and ask you for 2 forms of ID. Make sure you also mention you require the PCC for America. You should be able to get it within a weeks time.

You should HOPE that you get it in a weeks time. My fiance submitted his request to his regional passport office on April 25, 2011 and we still don't have it. His agent has verified that the passport office has everything they need to process, they just haven't yet. :(
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-06-11 07:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Clearance
I would recommend emailing your embassy's VFS (see embassy website for email address). When I emailed VFS asking the same question to the New Delhi embassy, this is the response I received:

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for writing us.

As per the U.S Embassy PCC from local police station is no longer required. The applicant needs to obtain only PCC from Regional Passport Office. Please contact your nearest regional passport office for information on how to apply.

U.S VFS Helpdesk Team

My fiance got his New Delhi PCC and his Guwahati PCC just in case.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-06-29 21:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresINDIAN PCC
My fiance's did not state anything about his marital status. I don't know if that applies to both men and women. Each passport office's PCC is different as India has yet to standardize things. Additionally, each passport office takes a different amount of time. I think New Delhi takes one day, I've heard of a few others taking one week. Guwahati took two months.

Please reply back with your passport office so people who have been through that office can give you more specific information.

Congratulations and good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-07-23 07:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Celearnace Certificate in India

I am bit confused about the Police Clearance Certificate to be submitted along with DS-230 packet. Looks like there are two different certificates:

1. Passport Police Certificate : issued by local passport office
2. India Police Certificate: issued by local police office.

I happened to submit PCC from local police office (#2), and my case was completed. However, the interview letter indicated that I need to submit "Passport Police Certificate" (#1) for the interview. So seems like NVC / Mumbai consulate cares about PCC issued by the passport office more.

a. Has anyone gotten the PCC from Mumbai passport office ? How long does it take (if we already have PCC from Mumbai police)
b. Any other tips on supporting paperwork to expedite this PCC process ?

Thanks !

You definitely need a Passport Clearance Certificate.
Look at these websites for the Mumbai passport office instructions:

I don't know how long the Mumbai office takes. I think Delhi takes a day, Guwahati a few months. It varies by office.

Just because you interview at Mumbai doesn't mean that is your passport office. Make sure you go to the passport office that issued the passport originally. Sometimes it helps if you take the police clearance certificate with you so it is less work for them to do. Some offices you will be more successful with an agent, some offices you will be less successful with an agent.

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-15 15:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPCC Ahmedabad issue
Have you taken copies of the embassy website describing what the K1 visa is and what is required?

Here is the website that details where you can file complaints about this office:

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-15 17:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)5 Months Ago Still Under AP at New Delhi Embassy
Unfortunately VJ doesn't keep AP (Admin Proc) stats. They would be extremely helpful. When my husband (then fiance) was in AP, I scoured VJ for every case I could find that went through AP. Unfortunately, many India users never update their timeline once they get the visa, so it can be difficult to discern exactly who went through it and why.

If you are in AP for a background check, have heart. Our case was in AP for just over 3 months. Of the AP cases I found here that were for background checks in India, they were generally done by 6 months. I think i remember only one that took 9 months. I don't recall any that didn't get their visas for background checks, but then like i said, there aren't a whole lot of self-identified background AP people in India.

If you are in AP because you were issued a 221(g) for additional information, all of the cases I saw were cleared up in less than 2 months of turning in the required documents. If you are still in India, I would schedule an appointment at the embassy and request information about the status. If they refuse and appointment, keep harrassing them with phone calls and emails. This type of AP the embassy staff has complete control over and I can't really think of a valid reason for it to take this long.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-05-01 20:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ADMINSTRATIVE PROCESSING ( 221 g) section
1) The consulate officer is not ignorant. Plenty of people plan a wedding prior to having the visa. At the very least you should know who you plan on inviting and their contact information. You don't have to have solid plans or reservations already made to say that you plan on inviting these people, hopefully in this month, to most likely this location. Be prepared for them to actually contact your invitees. Consider getting notarized letters from friends and family stating that they know you intend to marry and they are familiar with your relationship and that they plan on attending the wedding when the visa is issued.
2) There are plenty of people who have gone through this at Mumbai. Go to the "Reviews: Embassy/USCIS & POE" tab on the menu of VJ and look up your consulate. Focus on reviews with a poor rating and you will be able to find examples of this and how people responded.
3) A 221(g) is what is issued when they are putting a decision on hold pending further information. If the information you provide is sufficient and you aren't required to also undergo an additional background check, most people receive their visas in India with 6 weeks of submitting the additional evidence.
4) Stop typing in all caps and use the search feature to proactively find advice for your specific information. There is tons of it on here and not everyone who went through your situation is still on here replying to new topics.
5) Good luck on the rest of your journey.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-06-14 10:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Who else is under Administrative Processing at New Delhi?
We underwent mandatory AP for background checks in Delhi.
My husband was the beneficiary and is Muslim. I am white.

We were issued a Mandatory AP letter but no 221(g) which is why I know it was for background checks; they did not require any additional paperwork or evidence. His passport and medical records were retained. All other evidence was returned to us at the interview.

Interview: 03 August 2011
Visa Issue Date: 21 October 2011
Visa Received: 09 November 2011

I had my senator send a request to the embassy on 08 November 2011. They had already issued the visa, but hadn't bothered to mail it.

My husband already had a valid B1/B2 and spend 90 days in 2010 in the US. I made 4 trips totaling 9 weeks to India in 2010/2011 and have a valid tourist/business visa.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-02-10 21:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusColumbus Ohio

Slim and his wife live a bit further south in... Cincinnati I believe.

Westerville in the house!!!

Not a RUB couple though :(

Edited by Bec_Dipu, 08 June 2011 - 06:10 PM.

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-06-08 18:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What kind of police certificate for India?

What kind of visa classification is for India for I-130? Here's the link below.
I know it's IR-1 / CR-1, but I don't see those choices below.


Thank you,


From the New Delhi embassy website:

POLICE REPORT: Each applicant aged 16 years and older must submit a police certificate that includes information regarding the applicant including all arrests, the reason for the arrest(s) and the disposition of such cases. (A) Indian citizens residing in India for six months or more since turning 16 years of age must present Indian police clearance certificates from both their district police station and the local area passport office. Applicants whose passports were issued within six months of the visa interview may present just the passport office certificate. These certificates are valid for one year from the date of issuance. (B) If an Indian citizen who has lived in India for at least one year after the age of 16 currently resides outside India, he/she must obtain a certificate issued by the Indian Embassy or Consulate where he/she lives. These certificates are valid for only one year from the date of issuance.

© Foreign police certificates: applicants who have resided in any other country for one year or more after the age of 16 must also submit police certificates for these countries. Applicants may inquire with our Immigrant Visa Unit regarding police certificates for these countries, telephone number: 2419-8062, 24198374 , . You may also check in the visa reciprocity table on the website (D) U.S. police certificates are not required for applicants who have lived in the U.S.A. (E) Non-Indian immigrant visa applicants residing in India should obtain police certificates from the district police station serving their area of residence
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-24 20:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Checklist for Packet IV

I did get the checklist from the internet...

my problem is about the PCC... They said that they need some sort of letter from Immigration authority stating that PCC is required...

If you are referring to the police clearance certificate, my fiance was told that at first too, but what they really needed was 1,000 INR. The Delhi police clearance certificate took my fiance 3 weeks to get...we've been trying to prepare in advance as we probably won't even receive our NOA2 until late April.

Try printing out the requirements from the internet and taking those along with your NOA letter(s) to the police. If they still won't process the PCC without the packet IV letter from the consulate stating that you need it, then have your wife speak to a policeman in her neighborhood, not at the police station, and inquire if there are any "fees" she can pay to have this process expedited. Your wife will not get a receipt for having paid this fee. I don't know about your wife's city, but in Delhi, you also have to present two people who will attest for you that you are of good character and they have to have proof such as a voter ID card that they live on your block.

If you are referring to the passport clearance certificate, your wife should go to the passport office that issued her passport. It should only take one day to get it done, no mystery "fees" involved and they won't need the letter from the consulate.

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-19 10:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Packet 3 Information works.

My fiance physically took the forms to VFS and they refused to accept them, they made him scan them and email.

He never received packet 3 although I did a week later.

He DID receive packet 4 though...the mailman left it lying on his doorstep. That has to be delivered to VFS in person or mailed to them.

Good luck!

Edited by Bec_Dipu, 19 July 2011 - 12:10 PM.

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-07-19 12:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Packet 3 E-Mail Submission?
Dipu only sent three separate attachments, one page each:

DS-230 Part 1, pages 1 and 2
Applicant Statement

He didn't turn in the I-134 or the photos or any evidence until after the interview was scheduled. He turned all information over to the VFS for Packet 4 three weeks before his interview. I realize that the applicant statement says there is an enclosure for the I-134, but you'll find a lot of inconsistencies and misinformation on the New Delhi embassy website and throughout the process in general. If it helps, you can include the following in your email submission as an explanation as to why you are only submitting the three pages:

Packet Three – K1 Visa

Your non immigrant K1 visa petition has been approved. While no assurance can be given regarding the date of your visa interview appointment, you should now prepare for that appointment by taking the following steps:

First: Complete and return immediately to the Immigrant visa section at the American Embassy the enclosed Form (Applicant Statement) and form DS-230 Part 1.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-04-18 10:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Packet 3 E-Mail Submission?
No evidence should be submitted at this time, you will drop that at the VFS about 10 days before your interview.
Your Packet 3 should only be a few pieces of paper.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-04-18 08:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis it a Good idea for Petitioner to go to Interview with the beneficiary?


I think CO= Consular Officer

Must have been a typo on my part...kind of like when you just called me Becky :rofl:
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-08 10:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis it a Good idea for Petitioner to go to Interview with the beneficiary?

Hi Bec_Dipu: What is 221g form and AP letter? also what's CO and VFS?


CO = consulate officer, the person who interviews you
VFS = the service that the Indian embassies use to collect and process data. That's who will issue and collect your packets 3 and 4.

221g = form that tells you why your visa is pending and what additional information they need. This site explains it more and has sample letters.

AP = Administrative Processing also sometimes called Administrative Review. Sometimes the terms are interchangeable, sometimes they mean the same thing. It's a black hole of nothingness with no answers and no timelines. For my case, it probably means we are just in an additional background check because Dipu is Muslim but we'll never get the embassy or Dept of State to admit that.

You should definitely spend some time reading the embassy reviews for India and looking up 221g and AP so you have an idea of what you can expect worst case scenario. This research will also provide you with items that you should include in your evidence as you will know where others ran into trouble.

Edited by Kathryn41, 06 December 2011 - 06:38 PM.

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-08 05:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis it a Good idea for Petitioner to go to Interview with the beneficiary?

I am wondering if it is a good idea.

What was your experience with the US New Delhi Embassy.

I was there on August 3rd with my fiance. The New Delhi embassy is particularly is an excellent idea to attend, especially if you are an interracial couple. It seems like the K1 filers have a much tougher time than the married couples so that's a plus for you.

When my fiance and I went up to the window, a 221g form and mandatory AP letter were already printed and ready for us. When the CO found out who I was, he threw the 221g form away. That alone was worth it in my book.

New Delhi doesn't have an issue allowing you into the embassy, I was even allowed at the window and to interact during the interview. If you ask VFS if you are allowed to attend, they will tell you no but they don't always know what they're talking about.

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-07 17:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat steps will apply for k3 during AP of K1 visa

Whatever AP issues are holding up the K-1 are not going to disappear if you decide to get marry to pursue another visa. Starting over could essentially means starting AP all over.

Agreed. Have you senator do an inquiry as sometimes AP has finished, they just haven't bothered to print the visa and place in your passport yet.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-03-05 17:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Clearance

Hello Everyone,

Its been exactly 5 months today since we received our NOA1 from VSC. I am assuming it will be another few weeks or a month until we receive our NOA2. My question is, Do I need packet 3 for getting my police clearance certificate from the local passport office and the local police station? I read that these certificates are valid for one year. Can I go ahead and have them made now or should I wait until packet 3/NOA2 arrives? Thanks.


My fiancée is trying to get his PCC from Delhi right now. He's getting push back because he doesn't have a document from the consulate requiring the PCC yet (we're trying to get ahead of the game here). The good news for you is that it's India! There isn't anything that a few rupees can't fix. As long as you state that it's a necessity for you to continue your important, time-sensitive process and you are willing to part with a few hundred rupees for "fees" that can't be substantiated with a receipt (or bribe as Americans like to call it), they will start processing your paperwork. Be prepared for the police to show up and interview you at home and ask you to have your neighbors write letters attesting to your good character and provide copies of their voting cards. You'll also have to pay these guys a "fee" for which you will not be provided a receipt.

Good luck on getting your PCC!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-16 18:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionObtaining a police certificate in New Delhi India
My fiance went to his local police station in Delhi and filled out the form to request the PCC.

A few days later, a policeman showed up and gave him a business card and told him he had to call another policeman to make an appointment for two witnesses to come to the station and sign a statement that they know Dipu and he is of good character.

Today, Dipu took two coworkers to his appointment, but the policeman would not let them attest because they do not live on the same block as Dipu. He said that Dipu has to bring two witnesses who live in the same block with their identification.

BIG PROBLEM! Dipu has three roommates but they all still have identification showing their address from 5 years ago before they moved into their current apartment with Dipu. Dipu sticks to himself, so he doesn't have a relationship with anyone else in his building other than his roommates who would make a 1/2 day trip to teh police station to attest for him.

Has anyone else ever encountered this problem? How did you get around it? Any ideas on how we can proceed from here?
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-21 09:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionObtaining a police certificate in New Delhi India

he has to go to the local police station & apply for the can start before that...because it takes some time..depends upon how the police officers handle the case

Thanks Rahul! Do you mind if I ask you a few more questions?
What was the process like at the police station? Do you just go to the front desk and fill out a form? I read somewhere online that one person's experience was that the police came to his house and he had to bribe them and then he had to have neighbors write letters that he was a good person and provide copies of their passports with the letters. Does this kind of stuff really happen? Any more specific information you can give about what your process or your loved one's process was like is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-01 22:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionObtaining a police certificate in New Delhi India
Can anyone tell me how to obtain a police clearance certificate in New Delhi, India if my fiance's passport is more than 6 months old?

Can he still go to the passport office (the passport was issued in Guwahati 5.5 years ago) or only the police station?

If the police station is required, where is it and what does he do when he gets there? How long does it usually take? Does he have to receive Packet 3 first or can we start the process now?

Thanks for any help you can give us!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-01-30 22:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionproof of relationship

Hello everyone,

Having immensely benefited from the discussions here I thought of having your suggestion regarding submitting the documents at the VFS office before my interview. The packect3/4 mentions of providing proof of relationship. Now I am in a fix whether to start it right from the beginning like we did when submitting our 129-F petition or should I concentrate on chats/ph records just after the petition was filed (ie. excluding those records they already got from us)?
Thanks in adavance

My fiance and I are just providing additional proof since submitting the original application. Any proof you sent other than the required proof that you have met in person in the last two years is front-loading and is primarily used by the consulates. They will receive all of this evidence, so there should be no reason to recreate everything from scratch.
Good luck on your interview...I look forward to reading the review! And I hope my Dipu get his scheduled as quickly as the statistics on this website show some people waiting 3-4 months :)
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-04-15 08:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Clearance and Medical
Police clearance certificates can be time consuming to get in India but they last a year. My fiance and I have a NOA1 date of 12/1/10 and he started working on his Delhi PCC in mid-Feb and didn't get it until mid-March. He's going to his hometown to get it in three weeks, hopefully that will be faster.

Our goal is to have everything ready except the medical before the consulate even receives our case so that we can just drop of the Packet 3 stuff and the checklist saying we have everything without waiting for the Packet 3 in the mail as India's mail system is terrible. Hopefully that will speed up the wait for the interview date as some people have had to wait 3-4 months before an interview.

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-23 18:39:00