K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Today is the worst day ever!

Dipu has been trying to get his Delhi PCC and he took two witnesses to the police station today to vouch for him but the policeman wouldn't even entertain the witnesses because they don't reside on the same block address as him. Now he has to find two witnesses from the same block address as him with proof that they live there.

He has three roommates, but all of their identification lists an address from when they lived in another flat 4 years ago before they moved to their current flat with Dipu. He doesn't really know any of his other neighbors as he mostly keeps to himself.

What to do? I hate how corrupt and backwards the Indian government is. A police clearance certificate shouldn't be based on someone vouching for should be based on whether or not you've committed a crime. If they are going to base it on interviews, then who cares where the witnesses live as long as they know you well and are willing to vouch. And to top it off, everyone seems to want a bribe...heaven forbid anyone do they work for which they are already paid! I don't know how he's gonig to find two people with documentation that he knows well enough that they will vouch for him unless he can convince his roommates to update their IDs.

Ahhhhhhhh...I feel like banging my head against a wall. Thank God we started working on this early instead of waiting until we got Packet 3.

Today is the best day ever! It is the one year anniversary of when I met the love of my life (L) and my Dipu got his Delhi Police Clearance Certificate today!

He just happened to be on his terrace a few days after the post above and he saw the police man he originally spoke with. He went across the street to talk to the policeman and explain the issue he was having and the policeman asked him why he didn't just have his landlord go to the police station to vouch for him. Dipu told him that his landlord is a doctor and would not take time away from his clinic to do that and besides, he'd still need one more witness. The policeman asked to speak to Dipu's landlord so Dipu explained the situation to the Dr who went out and firmly told the policeman that he would have to accept his and his assistant's testimony (woo hoo, that makes two people!)here at the clinic. The policeman was surprised and embarrassed to find his very own Dr yelling at him :)
Later that night, the policeman stopped by and took the statements of the Dr and his assistant personally, collected a "fee" (for which there is no receipt, wink wink) from Dipu and several weeks later...we have it! I think this was definitely the hardest thing we were going to have to get and I am so thankful it all worked out!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-15 06:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Wow, that changed quick - go to Immigration Timelines and you get the date that it is guessed each service center is working on for I-129F petitions.

Yesterday, for CSC, it was November 10th - today it's October 27th :lol:

I hate reading that guess...I think whoever wrote the programming based it on the average of approved petitions so any petition that gets expedited or randomly approved throws it waaaaaayyyyy off. They should have written it to be based on the mode (the date occurring most often) or written the average to exclude outliers. That date just makes it totally depressing when you actually open Igor's list and see that no one from anywhere near that date is being processed in volume.

For all of you at VSC, have you seen this website? It shows that the VSC is totally kicking the CSC's butt with approvals this year...I bet you guys (and gals) catch up to us soon!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-15 04:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

I read about that today... so that means the flight to Japan should be shorter now right?!?! YAY!! LOL

On another note and me being my geek self (and a pilot), I wonder how the shift of the earth, the speeding of the rotation, and movement of landmasses from the earthquake has affected the accuracy of the GPS network. GPS is used so much now and is so accurate that errors of feet can be really bad. That also goes into the alignment of runways, radio navigation stations, and much more.

Welcome to my world of just the random thoughts!


I think we should all be prepared for mass chaos to ensue as thousands of terrible drivers turn left or right straight into a building because their GPS told them too :rofl:
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-15 04:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Hi Mrs. Loxy.

Thank you ^__^ good luck to us all.
Me and hubby is currently working on the list of packet 3. sigh..we didnt know its coming..I hope for the rest of the december filers as well. he is going to send me the docs tomorrow. and currently waiting for the letter from NVC for my case number so i can have my interview and medical schedules.
hope for a smooth pace..


After seeing your quick approval, I put together a big package for proof of our continued relationship yesterday too! Just waiting on notarized letters of support from my parents and grandparents as the Indian consulate reviews show a pattern of requesting proof that peoples' parents approve.
Congratulations and good luck the rest of your journey!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-14 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

haha I'm going to invite the president-- just to see if the white house writes back :)

I have a friend who did actually do get a card back congratulating you!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-13 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

(L) Here Comes The Bride :luv: ...We're NOT Bridezilla :girlwerewolf2xn:
Part 3 in a Series by Mari

Let's start with a study for reference: One 8 year study suggested that walking for at least 30 minutes per day, decreases risk of premature death than those who rarely or do not exercise at all. Regularly walking has other benefits. Did you know that you could decrease your abdominal fat? How about that walking deceases risk of Diabetes Type 2, and Breast Cancer? It also will improve your cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, give you that energy boost and stamina (think wedding night), release mental stress, strengthen your bones (very important for women of all ages in general), and helps prevent weight gain. The National Institute of Health, as well as the CDC encourages every American (GROOMS and BRIDES ALIKE) go for a moderate to intense walk for at least 30 minutes each day. If that is too much, tone it down to a slower pace. When our beneficary's are here, this is a romantic way to spend quality time together.


PS: I love the refereed medical journals which confirm my thoughts on walking for health. [/color][/size]

Just my two cents...I've been trying to walk 3 miles every day. Do you want to know what helps? Walk outside; however far away you walk, you have to come back! If I'm on a treadmill or a bike, I may give up out of boredom but if I walk 1.5 miles away from my home, I've got no choice but to come back :rofl:

And now that Daylight Savings Time is here, we all have one more hour of sunlight to squeeze it in!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-13 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Yes we will, Im keeping all of VJ members in my prayers, especially those affected by the tsunami.

That my dear, is none other than Mr. Gollum/Smeagol. Im not really sure what he's eating but his look reminds me of how I check Igor's list hoping to not have to scroll down so far. No worries, we will all soon have the precioussss!

I'm the same way with Igor's List. In fact, I find myself recalculating the information myself - creating stats of what day I will be approved based on average approval times, average times without outliers or expedites, and average times with or without RFEs. :rofl:

I should have majored in quantitative statistics instead of accounting.

I also get super-irritated when I see the Approximate Processing Dates underneath Igor's List...that date is totally skewed based on all the expedites or randomly processed stuff from Dec-Feb.

The good news is that all of this goofing off on my home computer excel 2007 is getting me prepared for when my company's finance department finally upgrades!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-11 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Bec_Dipu, thank you for answer, but don't you think it is for petitioners from US?

I was looking at the section labeled Non-US Citizens and assuming it meant the beneficiary of the K1/K3 process or a foreigner applying for a work or visitor visa although it oculd mean a US citizen based in some other country. You could call the number listed and ask if the instructions apply to you.

Eventually a proctor for this site will probably move your posts and my replies to a more appropriate location on the forums as they seem to greatly dislike the comingling of topics. At that point, your question will be displayed to a much wider audience who will give you sound advice and probably thouroughly thrash me because I may not know what I'm talking about. :D
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-08 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Girlswhat to do?

I move to another city, I fear that the embassy will send a packet to the old address, How can I change my address ? Maybe immediately after receiving NOA2 by my fiance in the U.S.?

This website has instructions on how to change your address:

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-08 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Pancake day to UK MARDI GRAS to those of us in the U.S. and islands! woohooo!

I grew up in Biloxi, MS...heart of the US Mardi Gras country. Boy do I miss it...we used to get the whole week off from school to celebrate, like an extra spring break. Everyone I grew up with that is still there will be earning their beeds today and enjoying some king cake.

I will be working :(

People in Ohio just don't seem to have an affinity for tasty cake with a plastic baby inside. Maybe this could be my wedding cake!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-08 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Well, im from a developing country myself :) and believe it or not, i will only bring 30% from my stuff with me because i cant rent a whole airplane :P (and that percentage is not because i am a antiquity collector ) :) So i think you are quite wrong about people from the developing countries :) Um beside, since when is India a developing country, they have gained their independence in 1947 from Britain, but their history dates back 3400 BC :) So i think they have developed quite enough during that time :whistle:

I can see how my previous statement might have come off as flippant or rude when that was not my intent. My intent was to poke fun at Americans like myself who have so much needless stuff that we would worry about packing. Because my fiance is a middle-class Indian, we don't have to worry about what to do with a washer and dryer (he does laundry in the tub like everyone else he knows) or a microwave (there is no prevalence of prepared meals he can just heat up, everything is cooked the old fashioned way), or a TV from every room or a car or pictures and art hanging all over the walls. Even DVDs waste space in America...where I might have one movie and bonus features spread across four DVDs, he has DVDs with 7 or more movies on each one. My experiences in India over the 7 weeks I've spent there taught me that Americans, me in particular, have an awful lot of stuff that we don't need.

India is still on the developing countries list because of it's less than ideal literacy rates, high levels of child labor, need for improved infrastructure (you should see the highways and power lines), issues with sanitation and waste management, etc. The United Nations ranks India as a medium on the Human Development Index. Many countries are still considered developing because the standards that exist in the major metropolitan areas often do not extend to the rest of the country. However, there are many stages of developing and just because the UN and I applied the term to India doesn't mean that it's not significantly more developed than other developing nations.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-08 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Just a thought, but everyone moving to America should think about getting several certified copies of your high school and/or college transcripts as well as letters of reference in English just in case you decide to work when you get here.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-07 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Ben & Ganinda!

Good Morning and thanks for the update. I often wonder how to export and move whatever is coming from the beneficiary's country. I really have much admiration for those that only need a luggage or two and the rest stays back! You know, when I moved, I thought if I were the one going to another country, what would I do with all this stuff (furniture, china, heirlooms)? I know that Kadir will only be bringing his clothes (and my Turkish tea pot) lol. But great idea to have her bring it back on a 2nd luggage. Is that cheaper than if you had to ship everything over?


When I went to India in January, I brought two empty suitcases with me so that I could bring back a bunch of his stuff. Since my company has been flying me first class, my weight limit went to 75lbs per bag and I got 3 with no charge...lucky me! I also brought him two duffle bags so he could start packing what he is leaving at his mom's until we go back for vacation and can bring it with us. The good thing about marrying someone from a developing nation is that they don't have quuite as much "stuff" that has to come along :)
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-03-07 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
I am super-excited...I just got my Learn Assamese CDs to learn my future hubby's native language (although his English is perfect). I can't wait to be able to whisper sweet Assamese nothings into his "Excuse me, sir, can you direct me to a bathroom with a butt hose?" or "Pardon me, ma'am, will drinking this water give me diarrhea?" or even "Help! Help! I'm being attacked by my pet parrot!". Ahhhh...Assamese, the language of love (L)
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-28 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Has anyone else read the interview with a former USCIS Adjudicator under the Guides menu, Other Important Things to Know?

It's really interesting. It turns out, it only takes about 15 minutes to review a standard I-129F application. The 5-6 month wait is just because they have soooo many to look at and they don't necessarily process in date order as they're just picking the next box on a shelf. The interview is a few years old, but it's very interesting.

This whole time, I thought the USCIS was poring over our files, reading all of our letters and emails, reconciling our phone records, examining our pictures and such but they're just kind of flipping through, making sure paperwork is in order. This must be what the consulate does.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-24 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

:reading: To All Dec 2010 K-1 Filers: :reading:

Thank you Bec for posting this. I am wondering if Dipu can use his family members as witnesses? You're right, that's ridiculous the witness must live on same street! I am sure there is a solution to this overall.


Dipu currently resides in Delhi but he is from the Eastern part of India, Assam. His family still resides there so they can stand as witness when he gets his Police and Passport Clearance Certificates from there but they can't stand for him in Delhi. He will have to bribe his way out of using people from his block or he will have to convince his roommates to go through the effort of updating their IDs and then vouching for him to the police.

What a pain-in-the-you-know-what.

He's travelling to his hometown in March to get those certificates. He shouldn't have any problems there. Just figures for a city that just had 30 police officers indicted for various counts of molestation, sexual harrassment and dowry harrassment. Thank God America believes in 1)lines 2) established fees and 3)standardization. I can't believe the second most populated country in the world (India) has these issues.

The most stressful part is that there is nothing I can do to help him. This and the interview are the two parts where he is completely on his own. Everything else we can work together on. So fustrating. :angry:
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-21 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Today is the worst day ever!

Dipu has been trying to get his Delhi PCC and he took two witnesses to the police station today to vouch for him but the policeman wouldn't even entertain the witnesses because they don't reside on the same block address as him. Now he has to find two witnesses from the same block address as him with proof that they live there.

He has three roommates, but all of their identification lists an address from when they lived in another flat 4 years ago before they moved to their current flat with Dipu. He doesn't really know any of his other neighbors as he mostly keeps to himself.

What to do? I hate how corrupt and backwards the Indian government is. A police clearance certificate shouldn't be based on someone vouching for should be based on whether or not you've committed a crime. If they are going to base it on interviews, then who cares where the witnesses live as long as they know you well and are willing to vouch. And to top it off, everyone seems to want a bribe...heaven forbid anyone do they work for which they are already paid! I don't know how he's gonig to find two people with documentation that he knows well enough that they will vouch for him unless he can convince his roommates to update their IDs.

Ahhhhhhhh...I feel like banging my head against a wall. Thank God we started working on this early instead of waiting until we got Packet 3.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-21 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Hi CSC filers! I was goofing off with Excel 2007 preparing for the upgrade at work, and decided to use the goofing off time to do something useful. Sooooo, I analyzed Igor's list to come up with some stats. These stats make me feel much better than the standard "just wait 5 months" line we're fed by the USCIS. So, if you like stats as much as me, keep reading!

It looks like the issue for the dramatic increase may be summer vacation. So, I say, "Dear USCIS, don't let everyone take vacation at once! You're CA, not's warm all year long! Love, Rebecca." Luckily, it looks like applications dropped off so as the CSC moves along, the average number of days may get better. Or, it could mean that it takes people a while to find VisaJourney in which case we can expect the same average or worse. Or it could be that I have no idea what I'm talking (uh, typing) about.

Attached Files

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-16 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

I didn't seek out a lawyer myself but I had "well-meaning" friends who thought that I would need a lawyer to wade through the paperwork for a K1. A couple of them talked to their lawyer friends--one wasn't even an immigration lawyer, by the way--and both of them gave advice that was akin to this. To his credit, the one who did deal with immigration dealt primarily with foreign to Canada immigration. Canada's immigration laws regarding marriage and immigration is apparently much more relaxed (and just between us VJers, makes more sense and is much faster). I looked it up a little and would personally love to see a Canadian system at work in the US for this. I don't know the full story but it's better than these steadily increasing wait times and stress over whether VSC or CSC is going to speed up or slow down. But, it is what it is, so oh well! :)

I used an immigration lawyer just to make sure all of my ducks were in a row. We asked him if it would be better to just get married and then go through the process and he said that if your fiance hasn't been in the US for 60 days straight prior to the wedding and you can't prove that your fiance didn't come here explicitly to get married (ie, did he or she retain his or her job and residence in home country intending to go back...if so, move there because they sure do give generous vacation allowances!), then your file will be reviewed for possible fraud and it will actually take longer to process than just going the fiance route. So, I-129F it is! It is depressing though to see how much more quickly the I0130 applications get approved :(
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-14 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Love ya!
Mari (F)

PS:Incidently my lady friends and Brides to be: What's the best tip your Bridal consultant has said to you? Please share that among us!

The best advice I've ever received is that no one ever remembers a wedding that was perfect, so don't try to make it so! It's the goofy things that happen, like squirrels running through the walls and making a racket, causing the bride to turn around and catch her veil on fire (true story) or the flower girl bursting into tears and refusing to walk down the aisle when everyone stared at her (true story) or the flower girl swinging her basket of flowers so hard it flew through the air and scattered it's contents everywhere (true story - actually, that was me :dance: ).
Good luck with your planning!

Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-13 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

We have plans for 10/1/11 but I'm biting my nails about it. We will have to see how things go. Got my senator and congressman on speed dial lol. Either way, we will all be ok <3

Am I the only one not planning a big affair? Dipu and I just plan to throw together a small affair for just immediate family and a few friends (OK, more like 50 people) at a church and then at a nice restaurant for dinner. No decorations or photographer or band, just getting together for good food and drinks and the opportunity for everyone to meet him. If we choose not to do it on a Saturday, it seems like all facilities have openings and reduced rates because it's a non-traditional day.

I feel too overwhelmed to try to plan a big traditional wedding and deal with all of the visa stress, preparing my closets to accommodate a second person and job stress too. Besides, I'd rather use my wedding budget for a super-awesome honeymoon :)
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-11 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Hi phyxsius, I am in the same boat as you. I am very anxious to get down to the US with my K1 and start helping and living with my fiance. I, too, am nervously watching VSC fall behind CSC. Things are not encouraging today as there seem to be zero approvals in the works and it is almost the end of the day there. I hope they squeeze out at least a couple so we know they are doing something with K1s. If not to reassure us, then to at least give all the July/August/September VSC filers some relief. I certainly hope that approvals for our VSC petitions do not take 6 months or more. 5 months or less would be ideal.

If you don't mind my asking, how can you tell that they haven't processed any for the day? Are you going by Igor's list and you haven't seen anyone update today or do you have alternate way to review actual service center stats?
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-07 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

OMG. I been Single 19 years and I have to go through my CLUTTER. I have AGAIN how much time to clean this up. LOL Thanks Mari

I cracked up when I read this...the thing I've been most concerned about is how to make room in my closets. I don't think I can justify keeping 87 pairs of shoes and 38 purses and making my love live out of a suitcase until we buy a bigger house. Oh well, if I give them away to family and friends, I can always make them sign a contract promising to loan the article back to me if I ever have a fashion emergency! :lol:
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-06 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

I've been reading up a little bit in this threat, but I couldn't find one thing that i am actually trying to get myself.
I have a vaccination record from my home country. But the problem that I have is that the medical papers that I do have are in Swedish.
My guess would be that I would have to get them translated and notarized. I guess I should just spare all that hassle and just take new vaccine shots in my current country.. *Ireland*

What do you guys think?

I have already requested my birth certificate and Police records from Sweden. So that is done ! Then the only thing I really need to sort out would be my medical.
I have also emailed the certified doctor that does the medical here in Dublin to see if he does shots as well. and if so, how much would it cost me. Since I know the medical is already 350 euros !

Any one else out there that's currently residing in another country other than your homeland that is doing twice the work?

Hi! I had my fiance's birth certificate translated by:
ACR Language Translation Services
ACR Systems Inc.
10888 Creekbridge Pl
San Diego, CA 92128
Telephone: 858-922-7724
Fax: 480-247-5474
Web Site:

If you decide to have your vaccination records translated, I had a great transaction with ACR. They responded very quickly, the prices were reasonable (I guess, having never done this before lol). I paid $85 for two copies that I received within one week.

If you decide to just have your vaccinations again, fair warning...they hurt much more as an adult and there is no lollipop at the end. My mom lost my records and I had to have them all again when I started college, ha ha ha.

Good luck on your journey!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-02-06 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

thanks for the warm welcome :D :D

and thanks for the super useful links. i'm wondering if i should be getting all this stuff together before we receive the noa2, or what the chances are if i get police checks and medical recs and such, when the time comes they might be deemed outdated.

i have a bad case of ants in the pants. lol.

all i know is when we hear back next, you're going to hear my screeches of joy from wherever you're sitting! uk, usa or otherwise! :lol:

I've been wondering the same thing in regards to the dates. I can't find any information about when the forms and police records have to be dated. I tried contacting the Delhi consulate, but got no response. Maybe I'll send two copies of the forms to my fiance, one undated in case the dated ones are too old lol
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-01-30 16:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
I now have the same number of days until my NOA 2 as I do bottles of beer on the wall...99!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-01-26 08:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Thanks for starting this!

Bec & Dipu

I-129F Sent : 2010-11-22
I-129F NOA1 : 2010-12-01
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-01-23 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNeed advise
Dipu and I had his interview Wednesday morning. Dipu was asked to take the oath, sign the DS-156K form and was asked these questions:
1) Who am I (addressed to Dipu about me)? Answer: I am the petitioner.
2) How did we meet? Answer: Met at work when his company was taking over work from mine for outsourcing.
3) Have you ever met her parents? Answer: No, but I met them over Skype a few times. I have met her grandparents in person last June, Father's Day weekend.
4) How many times have you been to America? Answer: Twice

The CO then said that the case is in adminstative processing. Then he asked if either of us had ever been married and we both said no.

Then the CO said go to the next window and the lady would explain AP to us. He kept Dipu's passport and returned all documents including evidence and original certificates. The CO kept the medical report but the X-rays. The CO also kept the passport clearance certificate.

When we went to the next counter, the woman gave us a letter that had already been printed prior to our arrival at the CO's window that stated:
Please bear with us while your case undergoes mandatory administrative processing.
We have retained your passport to more quickly process your visa when the processing has been completed. When the processing is complete, we will send your passport and visa to you via VFS.

The woman did not give us any details as to why we are in AP or how long we could expect it to take.

Dipu said when we arrived at the CO window, he say the Mandatory AP letter and the 221g form already filled out. When the CO saw me and spoke to me, he discarded the 221g form. We were most likely placed in mandatory AP because Dipu is Muslim and is from Assam which has a lot of militant activity.

Other people were hammered with questions and we saw a denial, a few 221g's and one aprovoal. Hope this helps!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-05 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNeed advise
Ask your friend what makes you so special that they would allow you to interview earlier for the sake of your convenience. Not going to happen...not that you can't try. They would only move up the interview in the case of some extraordinary emergency.

Ditto on the reply above. Change your trip to accompany her. I was with my fiance on Wednesday. A 221g slip and a mandatory AP letter were pre-printed and ready to be issued. The CO saw me and threw away the 221g. The mandatory AP was still issued (probably for religious background check) but the CO gave us back all original documents except passport, passport clearance and medical reports. Very few questions asked. Your presence at the interview, while expensive, may very well speed up the process and make the questioning significantly easier.

Also, if your fiance doesn't have awesome English and is likely to get confused by questioning, especially when nervous, your presence will help with that.

Lots of stories lately from India with unhappy outcomes.

Go if you can.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-08-05 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAP poll, how many of you..

what is AP? i am ratard :blink:

Unfortunately, it also stands for Advance Parole which is when you are granted permission to leave the country and come back after arriving and marrying on a K1 which is a single use visa (maybe for other visas too). Advance Parole is tracked on the Immigration Timelines page of VJ, so I didn't want you to be confused if you saw it there and thought it was a guideline for Administrative Processing.

AP since .... 12 weeks now

What embassy?
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-30 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAP poll, how many of you..
Over 8 weeks in New Delhi.

I tricked the DOS into admitting it's a background check, so at least I now know that much.

Someone else from India just got out of AP after 3.5 months but I think it was form Mumbai.

I think your AP is more related to checking the validity of the relationship, those seem to go faster so hopefully you'll be out soon.

ANYONE ELSE WHO POSTS - if you know why you're in AP, can you share that too so that we can get a feel for the time it takes based on if it's background check related or other. Thanks!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-30 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for NOA2, what forms can I start/tell my fiance to start gathering?
Have the beneficiary (I don't know if that's you or not) start working on the police and passport clearance certificates. Some people (including my fiance) had a lot of trouble getting those. I think you just need the passport clearance now, but my fiance had to provide the police clearances to the passport office to get his passport clearance and we submitted them to VFS for the interview in case they decided they wanted them.

Some passport offices give you your certificate in one day, ours took two tries and 2.5 months total (Guwahati, Assam). You MUST get the passport clearance from the office that originated the passport, not the closest office. If it one and the same for you, consider yourself lucky. Regardless, look up your passport office on line and read about the forms you have to fill out. Sometimes you can do it in advance. Sometimes they only accept them in person during certain hours.

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-06 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe have an Interview Date!!
If you do decide to attend the interview and you fly through Delhi, be prepared for a delay as they often have fog problems around that time. Just make sure you don't connect through Delhi the night before :)

If you attend and they don't let you in, have him take in your passport and photos of you two together with the newspaper from the day before or so and your plane stubs.

Good luck!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-12-05 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2
Dipu got here last Friday and we get married on Saturday. Whew...took long enough! I guess this post wraps up this thread as I believe I am the last one here!

Filing the marriage certificate at the courthouse next Monday and then I can officially move on over to the AOS'ers!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2012-01-18 16:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2
We got our visa today after 14 weeks of AP...finally!!!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-11-09 06:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2
I think I'm alone now, there doesn't seem to be anyone around... :whistle:

Am I the last one standing? Come on AP, wrap it up already. I feel like the kid who gets picked last in gym class.
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-10-12 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2

OK ?t's off?c?al! We ARE MARRIED!!!!!

More to come --- p?cs st?ll ?n process.

Mar? & Kad?r

Woo hoo! Great news!!!
Can't wait til you post that a little Ky is on the way :)
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-30 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2
Am I the only one left without a visa?

Anyone else in AP hell?
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-20 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2

Hey guys. Its official...I am now Mrs. Olanrewaju! If you'd like to see the few pictures we've posted online so far here is the you all.


Awesome pics...congratulations!!!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-06 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDECEMBERITE FAMILY 2010 Part 2

Jeez, sure is quiet around here! Has everyone moved on to the AOS thread already??

Nope :(

Still in AP, no end in site. Can't wait until I have something to contribute to that thread!
Bec_DipuFemaleIndia2011-09-05 14:19:00