United KingdomEnglish Engagement parties?
I love it!
What a lovely picture of you two!!

Thanks for sharing! You look beautiful.

Same idea here about the cakes...I don't need a big fancy cake. I can always find something else to spend that money on!

Well just about the time you start to come down from that we shall have a party for you!! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-31 18:27:00
United KingdomEnglish Engagement parties?

Thank you :)

It was a small wedding, family and friends and a very special day. How these people organise a huge wedding in so little time I'll never know!

Yeah this IMBRA thing is a pain in the ###, I hope it doesn't hold you up too much and you'll be together soon.


ohh I want details!!
Did you wear a white dress???
Did you have a wedding cake??

We are thinking of not having even a wedding cake. Just a bunch of desserts.

Now I am all curious!
You must feel like you are floating a bit.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-31 16:17:00
United KingdomEnglish Engagement parties?

Sounds like a deal to me!

And if you need any wedding planning advice, gimme a shout, it's all still fresh in my mind lol

Here's an idea... I could have an EAD party, an AP party, an AOS party.. the list is endless!

Are you going over to the UK for your engagement party?


How about an 'AOS immigration warming party'? Like a house warming...but a country warming!? Presents included!

Yes I hope to be going over in Sept. We have 2 weddings to attend this summer and I am supposed to send our paperwork out next week. However with this IMBRA stuff I am really confused.

Did you have a large wedding here in the states?

Sounds like a deal to me!

And if you need any wedding planning advice, gimme a shout, it's all still fresh in my mind lol

Here's an idea... I could have an EAD party, an AP party, an AOS party.. the list is endless!

Are you going over to the UK for your engagement party?


How about an 'AOS immigration warming party'? Like a house warming...but a country warming!? Presents included!

Yes I hope to be going over in Sept. We have 2 weddings to attend this summer and I am supposed to send our paperwork out next week. However with this IMBRA stuff I am really confused.

Did you have a large wedding here in the states?

:blink: just reading your timeline! OF COURSE IT IS STILL ON YOUR MIND!! It just happened! FORGIVE ME!! congrats to your husband and best wishes to you!! (L)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-31 13:20:00
United KingdomEnglish Engagement parties?

Well why didn't you tell me this BEFORE I got married lol, I coulda used some help

well lets just push towards the fact that I didn't know ya then!!

Tell ya what...something comes up and you need me to help you plan a party then I am YOUR gal!

Nah...have a post engagement party!
or umm...
post marriage party...
pressies a must.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-30 21:28:00
United KingdomEnglish Engagement parties?

Depends how many pressies I get :P

haa ha, ummm, don't know about the pressies however I am a fantastic party planner!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-30 20:56:00
United KingdomEnglish Engagement parties?

You usually do get gifts I think, it's kinda like a shower.

Damn I knew we shoulda had one... nothing like more pressies lol

Although I'm guessing if you get an engagement present, the wedding present isn't going to be as big.


That might help you.


Thanks Helen....

I'll throw and post-engagement party for to come to NC? :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-30 19:50:00
United KingdomEnglish Engagement parties?

What are they like?

are they mostly all alike?

Is it mostly like a shower or is it like a party?

The name Engagement Party should be a big clue :P

yeah yeah I know..

but what I don't know is if you recieve gifts? How traditional are they? I like to prepare myself for these kind of iwht thank you cards and such....
I know I am fussing....
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-30 17:14:00
United KingdomEnglish Engagement parties?
What are they like?

are they mostly all alike?

Is it mostly like a shower or is it like a party?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-30 16:44:00
United KingdomOur visa approved
many congrats to you both!! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-03 16:44:00
United KingdomHubby's Interview
Fantastic news. Congrats!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-08 08:46:00
United KingdomOur Interview is Tuesday
Ohhh goood luck!!
Can't wait to hear how it goes!! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-05 08:40:00
United Kingdomnetflix...
I love my netflix! I've had it for several years now! Have fun!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-08 08:47:00
United KingdomAddress question on the I-129f for Brits!!
never mind.
I figured it out the best I could.
Not sure how you delete a whole thread?
So this will have to stay :(
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-19 13:38:00
United KingdomAddress question on the I-129f for Brits!!
Guys and gals, I have a question.
When you put the address on the 129 it says 'Town or City' 'State or Country'
Obviously I know the country....
but his address is
Brampton, Rotherham
South Yorkshire, UK.

Where to I put what....?
Do I need to include everything...
There isn't enough room to add everything...not by typing or by writing.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-19 12:05:00
United KingdomThe Big Move to the States..

Yes I havent worked out what would be best as for health insurance, should i just get a 3 month travel insurance to cover any health issues if they occur? My fiance doesnt have health insurance with his company so we will be looking at buying private health insurance - once I am in the US and married but in the meatime anyone have any ideas what do in the short term - plus I am concerned about prescriptions - I am on Paroxitine which is for anxiety and depression - I cant ween myself off it right now as with all the stress of the immigration stuff and family not backing me I cant seem to get off it - my doc suggestes that e will give me enough (possibly 6 months supply) and when I move to america and am settled there i should ween myself off it then - but what if I need more? I know I would have to get a doctor over there in the states - but will this be covered with health insurance or is it preexhisting? I get so confused with all this - plus I am on pills for vertig - which I need all the time mostly my doc again can give me a supply but I may need more

Travel insurance will not be valid once you are an immigrant. You can get health insurance to cover you until you are working. There are a few threads kicking around on the 'moving to the US' forum. I used who gave me a good deal but there are plenty of companies around. Most companies will be ok with your pre-existing problems. They are fairly common so I wouldn't worry too much. Your GP sounds great to be giving you extra prescriptions - definitely take him up on that offer! Once you are here it would be best to ask friends and family about a good doctor - they can be very hard to find so start looking soon.

ajames79 - I have insurance over here with Cigna. I didn't say it was cheap! I said my private dentist in the UK is cheaper than my US one. For example, Cigna pays half of all my dental care and I have to stump up the other half apart from cleanings and check ups. So if I need a filling, it costs around $180 here in the US but only $100 in the UK. I called Cigna and they said it didn't matter where I got the treatment so I schedule the big stuff when I'm going back home. I do get all other healthcare free tho apart from the co-pay visit which is $15.

(we also get UVA/UVB sunscreen readily here too...and don't forget peeps it goes off after a year and becomes less effective :thumbs: )

zgood to know! I have had cigna health care before with a company. Thanks for sharing!! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-05 19:20:00
United KingdomThe Big Move to the States..

Nah, I think they'd understand, just ask them if they could live without their favorite food. Lucky guy - the best i can do is a jar tikka masala. Meijer also stocks GIANT cadbury bars but with the cadbury eggs/bars it sounds crazy but the ones made for american distribution do NOT taste as nice though it claims they are still made in England. Weird, but true. My fiance brought me some cadbury eggs for this past Easter and my mom put some in my Easter basket too and the difference was obvious. So if anyone is in need of a proper cadbury bar I'd find a store that imports them direct.

Quick question: Isn't brown sauce just repackaged as Heinz57 here? I don't know, I dont' use it.

Good luck!

LOL Lina. It is a bit confusing especially with my nickname. My actual name is JoElle, joey is just easy to pronounce and less formal. Im the USC and VERY short. I'm only 5 foot so at 6 foot my fiance looks REALLY tall in the picture. The picture was taken at a Detroit Red Wings hockey game this February - I'm a huge fan and he's wearing the jersey I bought for him right after we first met...I started working on him from the beginning. LETS GO RED WINGS!

:star: joey

Tis a cute picture!

I know how you feel with the tall fiance...although I am 5ft 6 he is 6ft still a big difference.
Umm brown could be. But it tastes different to me. But then everything tastes different to me over there in England! Who knows!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-05 13:12:00
United KingdomThe Big Move to the States..

we have a local store that sells a few british items but they are SOOO pricey!

I will just keep having Chris' most send stuff from Yorkshire.
I have about 4 bottles of HP sauce, a few birds custards, and gravy granuels so I can make Yorkshire puds with gravy while he is here!

Still want to know about the cheap health insurence! :star: :star:

Cool. :o I want HP sauce too....................i'm a Yorkshire lass, & should beable to make Yorkshire puds, BUT the temps on the ovens here is hard to get used to, so out of the times i have made them , only twice did they turn out right :huh:

yeah gas ovens work the best with the yorkshires I think. It was hard but I just had to keep my eye on it.
These will be treats that is for sure as it took a while.
I modified it and made a yummy dessert. Instead of animal fat I used veggie cooking stuff and made yorkshires that way. Then put spiced apples and birds custard on it...It was really really yummy!

Actually.....I will pm you with a question..:)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-05 09:19:00
United KingdomThe Big Move to the States..
we have a local store that sells a few british items but they are SOOO pricey!

I will just keep having Chris' most send stuff from Yorkshire.
I have about 4 bottles of HP sauce, a few birds custards, and gravy granuels so I can make Yorkshire puds with gravy while he is here!

Still want to know about the cheap health insurence! :star: :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-04 19:01:00
United KingdomThe Big Move to the States..

With regard to the NHS treatment your doctor is wrong but since you're under him on disability and incapacity he is seeing you a a 'special' case for him? Anyone who has emigrated and lived out of the UK for over 6 months loses the right to have free routine care with a GP. Of course as a citizen visiting your own country and needing emergency care you will not be denied but going back for prescriptions and other care is not allowed. I know plenty of expats do it but I guess that depends on which side of the fence your ethics lay.

Good tip on getting your hair cut. I had a horrible time finding a decent hairdresser!

Bring your fave foods before you get so desperate you'll pay $5 for a pack of digestives.

Dental check up is good too. Again, you will not entitled to go back for NHS dental care but I actually go back and pay for private care with my UK dentist as he's so much cheaper than my US one. My insurance company still pays for half the UK bill so it's worth checking out if your insurance will do that too if you so wished.

Good advice Lou, can I ask what insurence you have state side for future reference!! Thanks in advance!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-04 07:36:00
United KingdomWhos in the UK but actually not in the Capital London?
Chris is in Yorkshire.... Barnsley to be exact!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-16 13:43:00
United KingdomMedial Timelimit

I think that is what we will be doing too! I hope to be with Chris when he interviews and it would be awesome if we could do the medical 1-2 days before the interview....

Anyone else have any advice on this...can you do your medical in that short of time?

Lina, can we stay with your brother too?? *grin* :P

loL i DONT THINK YOU WOULD WANT TO LOL I know I dont want to - he is so prejudice it is so shameful for me to say so - He doesnt like the idea of me marrying a white american guy let alone moving country altogether and selling my house here etc. He has it in his head that my ameican half only wants my money etc etc etc. I really dont want to stay at his place while i go to interview as I am gonna get lectures galore and alot of negative ###### which I really dont need before the interview - I will be stressed enough:( but I have no choice - I cant afford to get hotel rooms plus the fact that I suffer from anxiety and I get really lost and confused and stressed in areas I dont know especially when I am alone. and I hate the tubes in London I get lost there all the time - lol I need someone to hold my hand :( If ya want if we get same interview date i dont mind travelling over to london with you guys etc lol

*grin* well to bad for us that you are so far ahead in the K-1....I just sent in our paperwork 2 weeks ago so you will get an interview date WAY before us! However...we'd love to travel all over London with you.

Ya not sure your brother would like me too much then cause I am marrying my Brit for money...and money only! *jk* Just like Chris is marrying me to get into the EVER so Much better country of the USA...*giggle*
We are both users! :)

I get stressed too....and I am sure you will be fine...and I will be happy to loan you some really fantastic ear plugs while you are listening to your brothers lectures!!

How about let me know how your medical and interview it went with taking your medical a day before your interview....and I will ya know...just keep smiling! :yes: ;)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-14 11:20:00
United KingdomMedial Timelimit


I was wondering if there is a time limit on how long before your interview you can have the medical. I am planning a trip to London with my Fiance in the next month or so and was wondering if I could kill two birds with one stone.

She has today returned her RFE to CSC.


I would wait till you get pack 3 as it expires after 1 year, and it would be best if it was still valid while you did your AOS in the states or else you will have to have another done there. I personally havent scheduled my medical yet I will be sending my pack 3 back to london this week and I am gonna wait till I get pack 4 the letter with my interview date on so I can schedue the medical either on the day as medical or a day or two before the interview. As I will be staying in London at my brother's place but dont want to stay there longer than I need to LOL

Lina (UKC)

I think that is what we will be doing too! I hope to be with Chris when he interviews and it would be awesome if we could do the medical 1-2 days before the interview....

Anyone else have any advice on this...can you do your medical in that short of time?

Lina, can we stay with your brother too?? *grin* :P

Edited by ajames79, 13 July 2006 - 08:32 AM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-13 08:31:00
United Kingdomgoign to visit fiance in UK
Chris is coming here in next week(US)...we have decided to say that he is coming for a friends wedding.. Which is true...and I gave him the invitation along with a letter from his office mentioning his leave from work and when he will be scheduled to return. Plus his return flight ticket.

So no lie... just not mentioning me.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-14 11:32:00
United Kingdomgoign to visit fiance in UK
Chris is coming here in next week(US)...we have decided to say that he is coming for a friends wedding.. Which is true...and I gave him the invitation along with a letter from his office mentioning his leave from work and when he will be scheduled to return. Plus his return flight ticket.

So no lie... just not mentioning me.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-14 11:30:00
United KingdomInterview 10th July London

And thanks for sharing!!

Good luck with all future paperwork and such!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-11 08:29:00
United KingdomGood luck
Gosh I might be a little late but good luck guys!!
I've been keeping track of all of your timelines so I am excited to hear the results!!

Here's to all of you! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-10 14:59:00
United KingdomTim and Bethanie....
This is so fantastic!!
Gave me a big smile for today!!

Congrats guys! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-11 14:31:00
United KingdomVisa in hand!

Good luck with the rest of the process!!! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-16 20:19:00
United KingdomLondon Medical October 6th, 2006
We got our NOA2 and our consulate letter yesterday!
So all this is good reading for us! Thanks!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-06 12:20:00
United KingdomLast day for surface mail to the UK for Christmas
That is awesome info!

Thanks for the reminder
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-20 14:35:00
United KingdomInterview tomorrow...
I am SOOO excited for you!!

Just keep smiling because you are close to being done with this part of immigration! It must feel amazing!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-23 14:13:00
United KingdomKids don't have Hepatitis B - can't get it in time...

What are all the vaccinations that they require you to have before your interview! Curious!? Man o Man I love shots!

It can vary depending on age. When you get packet 3 through it will have a chart on the back of the part about the medical. I'd wait and see what it says and what is applicable to you.

Personally? I had tetanus, polio, measles, mumps and rubella etc etc. The usual suspects. Varicella can only be done in the USA.

Hey! Thanks!
Right after I posted this Chris read to me what was on the back chart in packet 3!!
:star: Oh well...thanks anyway!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-23 15:06:00
United KingdomKids don't have Hepatitis B - can't get it in time...
What are all the vaccinations that they require you to have before your interview! Curious!? Man o Man I love shots!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-23 14:18:00
United KingdomSetting a date for a wedding...
Thanks for all the advice guys!
We have a target date..
but we won't set it in stone until after the interview me thinks!!

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-20 10:50:00
United KingdomSetting a date for a wedding...
Thanks..ya..I don't want to have to reset...but honestly it isn't a big deal for us to wait til we have the visa...
Just anxious to set it.
Chris is going for his medical we don't have all that much more waiting hopefully!!
Just curious! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-18 17:35:00
United KingdomSetting a date for a wedding...
So everyone...When did you set a date for your wedding? I know some of you did a civil service and you didn't have to set a date pursay...

But for those of you whose family flew to the states...and you planned an event, when did you set a date?
Was it when you recieved your interview date... or did you wait until after your interview was complete??

Just curious!

I know you can't please everyone...but jeeze I must get asked daily when the wedding is....what month...etc etc...

thanks in advance!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-18 16:55:00