United KingdomI need some good thoughts please

Excellent news! :D

Thanks Mags...

did you get over your chocolate cravings!!?
I went to the World Market yesterday and thought of you in the English food section! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-05 15:14:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please
thanks guys. Honestly I am very happy.

No one ever likes to be told "I told you so" :).The Parcel Force said that the package was put in a pile of mail that wasn't even processed for 2 weeks. (by a mistake of some sort)

To be fair: In the last 3 years I've been sending things back and forth to England nothing has taken more then 1 week. Perhaps I've been lucky. But I think losing ones identity not to mention information that one MIGHT need for a very important immigration interview which will allow us to get married, is plenty of cause for some panic.

Now I will go back to posting threads about our favorite foods and shops. I appreciate everyones kind thoughts! :)

I can't wait till I get the call from Chris that he is welcome to come to the USA on the visa!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-05 11:42:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please
Well it FINALLY arrived this morning! Thank goodness! After 19 days....(including sundays)

Thanks again for all of your thoughts sent my way. We were hoping for the best, expecting the worst!

Now on to the interview! Thanks again guys!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-05 07:23:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please
I am thinking it will come on Monday. I got a call from our postal person yesterday at 5. She assured me it made it to England...

MONDAY is our day. Unless in fact tuesday is our day! Wednesday will be tooo late.

I am okay though. It will all work out!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-03 11:40:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please

Ooooh I get RUth's Chris Steak House every year on my bday :)

Hope to hear good newss from you!

YUMMY!! Ohh I want to go!
I'll be in England this year for my b-day. It is on the 19th...

Michelle~Still no word!! At this point...just for stories sake I hope it gets there on tuesday..Just to keep pushing our buttons! (since our interview is wednesday)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-02 06:42:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please

I would just like to add that your interview is on a VERY good's my birthday too :)

Hope everything works itself out!! Good luck!

Well I will wake up on that day and say "today is Carolines birthday..happy birthday!! Now where is Chris..he should be calling me soon!?!" Thanks! :)
Happy Early Birthday too. Hope you go out for nice meal!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-01 13:43:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please

ya'll are awesome! Thanks!

We have decided if it doesn't come in time for the interview we will save all emails from parcel force and from the USPS, with all the tracking details. Just incase we have to prove our point at the interview!

We both have also decided that we wll jump the next hurdle whenever that comes. That they may not even ask for the original packet of we will just remain positive.

Thanks to everyone who has said a few prayers and has had thoughts sent our way! I will keep you up dated!

BUT: This time next week I will be getting in the car to drive to the airport and Chris will have had his interview! Lots of good stuff coming our way!

The only original stuff they asked me for yesterday was the affadavit of support stuff , the police check stuff and me adoption certificate.
Good luck next week.


That makes me feel better too! Thanks!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-01 10:39:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please
ya'll are awesome! Thanks!

We have decided if it doesn't come in time for the interview we will save all emails from parcel force and from the USPS, with all the tracking details. Just incase we have to prove our point at the interview!

We both have also decided that we wll jump the next hurdle whenever that comes. That they may not even ask for the original packet of we will just remain positive.

Thanks to everyone who has said a few prayers and has had thoughts sent our way! I will keep you up dated!

BUT: This time next week I will be getting in the car to drive to the airport and Chris will have had his interview! Lots of good stuff coming our way!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-01 06:47:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please
Thanks Girls and Girls! (I don't think any boys replied)

As of yet nothing. But I had a long think about things and I am just going to roll with the flow.

Michelle..Good advice about checking the address, it appears to be correct on my tracking info.
But I am sure I will check it again and again.

Lisa: :hehe:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-31 07:24:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please

I am just asking for some thoughts and prayers and some good energy to come our way please.

To explain...I sent our ORIGINAL k-1 packet...with reciepts, pictures, birth certificates, etcetc (you all know what is in the packet) on the 18th through the USPS. Express...etc...insured...sent in a mega bag with plastic locks on it...etc etc..
It has not arrived at Chris' house yet. Interview is on the 7th. I am in a panic.
Last tracked date is the 19th leaving New York.

Please let me be over reacting, please please tell me what to do. Re assemble the package..? It won't get there in time. What do I do. That is my life in there. Personal idenitity information...

this is the first time during the whole process that my stomach is in my throat.

relax a second. maybe it will arrive in the morning. how did oyu send it FEDEX? coz, FEDEX is the ONLY way Isend anything overseas.. USA mail sucks winnies.. anyways. maybe the package is clearing customs.

I'm still praying to St. Anthony on your behalf! :P

*grin* thank you!
lapsed catholic that you are! Very kind! :hehe:

I am praying to Santo Nino so you have some babies when he arrive..

*smile* heehe
I am more relaxed now. Thanks.
I did send it USPS, nothing I can do now. But for the record I've not had any problem with this in the past and I've mail dozens of things. Just never something this important.
I am hoping it arrives tomorrow.

Thanks guys. Really.

ohh and bunny! Happy anniversary 2 days in advance!

Edited by ajames79, 30 January 2007 - 12:13 PM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-30 12:11:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please

I'm still praying to St. Anthony on your behalf! :P

*grin* thank you!
lapsed catholic that you are! Very kind! :hehe:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-30 12:00:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please

Easier said than done, telling you not to worry but it has only been 10 days and that is not a lot really, I am sure that it will be there in time.

Can you not track it yourself, I know I used ot use UPS a lot when I worked and I always tracked it on line. You can go on their site and register to track your own parcel I am sure, worth a try

Hope all goes well and for the interivew also :thumbs:

Thank you, I know it doesn't seem like it isn't that long. However as of right now it has been shipped internationally on the 19th. Posted on the 18th...I've tracked it and it left on the 19th from NY. According to my tracking and the customer service lady it has been shipped and according to England Package tracker person it hasn't arrived. So i am hoping I've pre-paniced. I really am. However, the most daunting part of all this is that is my whole identity is in that envelope.

I paid a lot extra to make sure it got to where it was supposed to with a signed reciept and notification to me. I just hope as I've said I am panicing for no reason. :)

I am sure I am over reacting. I am sure hormones are kicking in.

Edited by ajames79, 30 January 2007 - 11:38 AM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-30 11:37:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please

I am just asking for some thoughts and prayers and some good energy to come our way please.

To explain...I sent our ORIGINAL k-1 packet...with reciepts, pictures, birth certificates, etcetc (you all know what is in the packet) on the 18th through the USPS. Express...etc...insured...sent in a mega bag with plastic locks on it...etc etc..
It has not arrived at Chris' house yet. Interview is on the 7th. I am in a panic.
Last tracked date is the 19th leaving New York.

Please let me be over reacting, please please tell me what to do. Re assemble the package..? It won't get there in time. What do I do. That is my life in there. Personal idenitity information...

this is the first time during the whole process that my stomach is in my throat.

Relax, it will turn up in time. Sue has sent stuff to me from the US that has taken many weeks so these things can take time. I am sure it will arrive before the 7th. And even if it doesn't, there is nothing in the packet that Chris is likely to need for the interview. The list of required items for the interview he already has so I wouldn't panic. :)

Anyway my prayers are with you and I am convinced everything will turn out just fine :thumbs:

Thank is just seems ironic that I typed yesterday that this process has not been as bad as I thought.
But I am in such a panic. Here at work with just tears rolling out. AND I work with all MEN..I am sure they are loving this. I did get a nice email from Sue this morning about London.
:) Hope to meet you guys if possible.

Edited by ajames79, 30 January 2007 - 08:19 AM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-30 08:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

hello ajames, you can download the fillable forms frm the USCIS website. other than that, we have another thread going here that has the new form, fillable as well as a sample of how you shuold fill it out.

i hope this helps :)


*head stops spinning*Of course this helps! Thanks loads!!
cute picture too!! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-19 11:50:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I swear I must be going insane today!
The new Imbra I-129F...
I have printed it off, I can't find my forms...
and now I can't find the link with the forms...

and...*laugh* are these forms that are up for the new 129 the ones you can fill in on the pc??
Wow it is a monday?!!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-19 10:59:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
just making sure!
New I-129f has only 3 pages to fill out? Correct.???

Just printing them off now to fill them in.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-16 11:23:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Ajames, I figured we'll need the RFE, 'cus we send the notice back and then they know where that form is supposed to go and all that. If everybody just sent their new form for them they'd have a hard time finding where everyone's file is by their name alone.

and once again thank you!!
You are quite helpful especially since I am not thinking clearly! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-02 13:47:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I have a question in this fast moving thread....
So lets say they put the form up next week and I sent my paper work today. Would I need to wait for and RFE to fill out said form or would I mail it to the service center?? Just curious! And I know there may not be a correct answer. Just looking for opinions! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-02 13:14:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

She's just saying what the laywer said about IMBRA.

If you want to go ahead and send your petition to get it "in line" it's fine, if you don't want to get RFEd or whatever is it that they're gonna do to us then you wait, but there will be tons of petitions ahead of you once you do send yours.

EDIT: My status changed as well, they're no longer giving an estimate, before it was 30-45 days.

Thank you.
Just gathering opinions. Weighing out the options and seeing what other people would do.
I know we are all just reaching for information. Good luck with your k-1.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 13:50:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Whether or not this is factual, I dont know, but Gary Bala is an AILA lawyer

taken from

May 30, 2006

Parts of the IMBRA law, which are not currently being challenged in court such as Section 832, require USCIS and DHS to gather from U.S. petitioners their criminal background information, including information on convictions. The USCIS approved petitions as of March 06, 2006 and later were not complicant with this requirement. Thus, State Department is unable to continue to process. New I-129F Petition forms asking petitioners for this information was obviously called for under IMBRA, but USCIS has thus far not been able to comply. Though technically IMBRA applies to all K-Visas (K-1 & K-3), State Department is currently implementing the recall only on the I-129F Petition for K-1 Visas, for reasons which are not clear.

Meanwhile, USCIS is apparantly taking the position that standard administrative protocol allows a six (6) month grace period after passage of a new law such as IMBRA to issue the implementing regulations and release any new required immigration forms. The six (6) month grace period would expire appoximately June 06, 2006.

It would appear that in these cases USCIS will: either send a Request for Additional Evidence (RFE) to the affected petitioners requesting the newly-required information and documents to bring the petition approvals into IMBRA-compliance, after which they will continue to process the case and forward to State Department; or perhaps in some cases request that State Department and the post ask for the information and documents of petitioner through a letter to the visa beneficiary.

Our office contacted the USCIS, Regulatory Management Division, which advised us that they expect to issue implementing regulations and new form requirements by the six (6) month time frame after the new law's passage, which would be by approximately June 06, 2006. With the guidance to officers and others needed from the implementing regulations, it would thus be reasonable to expect that USCIS processing of the "recalled" I-129F Petitions will continue after that time. Petitioners and beneficiaries would be well advised to continue their efforts to remain patient.

So in your own *smile* non lawyer opinion do you think it is a good idea for those of us who were sending our k-1 paperwork out next week to wait another week or two??

This is so confusing. I truly appreciate all you searchers out there!

Edited by ajames79, 01 June 2006 - 01:41 PM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 13:40:00
USCIS Service CentersTexas Service Center Address

good luck :)

Hey Thanks!
Always nice to hear that.

Amazing the feelings in the pit of my tummy but we are excited!
Onward and Upward!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-24 09:25:00
USCIS Service CentersTexas Service Center Address

Check the instructions on the form as well as the USCIS website :) :thumbs:

I found it about 5 minutes after I wrote the thread...
I couldn't figure out how to delete it!

But for others if you have problems:

P.O. Box 851488
Mesquite, TX 75185-1488
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-23 14:28:00
USCIS Service CentersTexas Service Center Address
I have seen it 1000 times and now when I actually am working on the paperwork I can't find it!
Can someone help??


Oh yeah I need the address for the TX service center to mail my K-1
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-23 13:23:00

I love to hear when people get approved...especially from the Texas service center and ESPECIALLY from the UK!!

I will be sure to have a glass of wine in your honour tonight! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-28 12:19:00
United KingdomUK regional forum
wow!! I have missed a lot over the last few days!
Not really sure I am understanding all this. Perhaps I won't ask.

Hiya guys!! :hehe:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-22 15:19:00
United KingdomCan you go with your S/O to the interview????

Yes, you may go to the interview with him. When I went, it even helped sorta. The guy said (smiling when he did), "So I have to ask this, has she ever been to the UK?" It was a pretty light moment in an interview that went great.

As far as the medical, I don't have a clue. For us, that was back in the day when the medical was the same day at Doc Phelans.

*smile* Thanks!
At least there was a light moment in a time where nerves can be stretched!

Thanks for your advice!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-10 14:41:00
United KingdomCan you go with your S/O to the interview????

Yes it is posssible to schedule the medical the day before - this is what we did. However, no it will not get there in time for the interview -- it will cause another 3-5 days delay in returning your passport with visa in it.

Do you feel like that was okay for you.
I mean...I guess a 3-5 day delay isn't that long in the whole process!!

I love this forum!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-07 15:35:00
United KingdomCan you go with your S/O to the interview????

Hey guys... Was talking with Chris yesterday and thinking that we might make a trip to London for his interview at the US embassy since he lives so far away by train. Am I allowed to go with him to the actual interview???

Also we were thinking of scheduling his medical the day before the that even possible?
Or any advice on this?

Thanks in Advance! :star:

YES if you hold a US passport you will need to show this to get into the embassy with him!!...........My Husband is coming to the interview with me!!
as for medical i dont know........would they results be ready in time for the interview???

Great then we will plan for me to go along! :) Thanks.
Yeah about the medical..that is the same question I have..will it be ready in time. But as you know Yorkshire is not all that close to go on several trips. We will but I just want to see if it can be done a bit easier!!

I see that you are an Amanda...Me too. My Chris is in Yorkshire...Barnsley to be exact. Where abouts are you?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-07 14:38:00
United KingdomCan you go with your S/O to the interview????
Hey guys... Was talking with Chris yesterday and thinking that we might make a trip to London for his interview at the US embassy since he lives so far away by train. Am I allowed to go with him to the actual interview???

Also we were thinking of scheduling his medical the day before the that even possible?
Or any advice on this?

Thanks in Advance! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-07 13:57:00
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-18 07:08:00
United KingdomRegarding Time Lines and Interviews and other topics... :)
Thanks Adele! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-25 14:45:00
United KingdomRegarding Time Lines and Interviews and other topics... :)

They changed my interview date to 10 May!!! Got a letter this morning out of the blue!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:


:star: Fantastic! :)
Do you get a letter that has the interview date on it? Or do you call to schedule it?
What is the procedure?

Thanks and congrats!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-25 10:05:00
United KingdomRegarding Time Lines and Interviews and other topics... :)
Thanks! I will take a look at their timelines!!

Mrs...I am sorry to hear that...They don't like to work with people schedules!! Blast them! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-23 09:41:00
United KingdomRegarding Time Lines and Interviews and other topics... :)

You'll be given an exact interview date and time. I've read on here about at least one person who requested an interview during a specific month and their request was granted. So it's worth a try if you want to email the embassy after packet 3 or send your request in on the checklist with packet 3. But since the visa is good for 6 months you shouldn't have any problems working through February if you anticipate a December interview.

Regarding trips to the States after the packets have been sent...Nigel came over right after he sent everything back from packet 3 and he had no problems. As anyone here will tell you it's entirely up to the POE officer to let someone in or not. Bring evidence of ties to the UK and answer questions honestly and odds are you'll be fine. Most of the times when people mention they've been turned away it's because they've had a history of staying for long periods of time in the States throught VWP.

Thank you...that is what I am looking for.
You must have read the persons timeline that had their interview postponed as well.
I could explain it like this. We would like to use all of Chris' leave up in the month of January before we get the visa so that we could go on a vacation. The problem we run into is if we are issued the visa and he comes to the states then we are required to us it(he can't go back to England). We are just trying to postpone that until the end of January so we can use leave at work..Go to the interview..then work another month or two and then move.

The easy way around this is to not send our paper work in until later...this I know. Just weighing out all our options.

Also thanks for sharing about Nigels visit after packet 3. Hopefully we will have no issues if this becomes a trip we will take. He will bring plenty of evidence. Thank you so much for trying to answer my some what confusing questions.

My Interview date is exactly 12 weeks after I submitted my packet 3. K1 visa is valid for 6 months but you must marry within 90 days from date of entry into the US. If you are worried about the timing of the wedding then wait till you have the interview date to arrange the wedding or do what a lot of us do. Get married in court first to comply with k1 regulations then have the big ceremony later at your convenience..

Good Luck


Thanks for your reply...
we aren't so much worried about the wedding...That is the least of my worries! 6 months~90 days all that jazz has been engrained in my head! *giggle* :)

We are trying to plan resigning from work. I know it is little use trying to plan anything. But as we are guessing we assume that we will have an interview in Dec...that gives 7-8 months more or less of course. We are hoping for an interview around Feb of next year...We realize that we could postpone sending out paperwork, but I was just curious about someone mentioning they held off their interview for a spring wedding...and I wanted to see how and if this was even possible.

In my post I mentioned being interested in how you set up your interview? Do they just give you a date and you have to come on that day? Or do they tell you the week they want to do it and you say yes? This is what I am curious about....

Thanks for any further information! :)

You didnt file papers yet?.............Once you get the visa you have got 6 months to use it!! so you wouldnt have a rush !!

No we didn't file papers yet. We are filing in May while he is here on vacation. As I mentioned in the last post I think I just didn't make myself clear in what I was meaning to say. I apologize. We are trying to use leave up for a a new year without using the visa!

Thanks for your help. Sorry I wasn't more clear.

I wish I could find that persons time line!!! AHHHHHHH
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-18 20:59:00
United KingdomRegarding Time Lines and Interviews and other topics... :)

My Interview date is exactly 12 weeks after I submitted my packet 3. K1 visa is valid for 6 months but you must marry within 90 days from date of entry into the US. If you are worried about the timing of the wedding then wait till you have the interview date to arrange the wedding or do what a lot of us do. Get married in court first to comply with k1 regulations then have the big ceremony later at your convenience..

Good Luck


Thanks for your reply...
we aren't so much worried about the wedding...That is the least of my worries! 6 months~90 days all that jazz has been engrained in my head! *giggle* :)

We are trying to plan resigning from work. I know it is little use trying to plan anything. But as we are guessing we assume that we will have an interview in Dec...that gives 7-8 months more or less of course. We are hoping for an interview around Feb of next year...We realize that we could postpone sending out paperwork, but I was just curious about someone mentioning they held off their interview for a spring wedding...and I wanted to see how and if this was even possible.

In my post I mentioned being interested in how you set up your interview? Do they just give you a date and you have to come on that day? Or do they tell you the week they want to do it and you say yes? This is what I am curious about....

Thanks for any further information! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-18 15:45:00
United KingdomRegarding Time Lines and Interviews and other topics... :)
Good Morning everyone.
A few questions for those who can help.

I read in someones time line that they applied for the K-1, went through everything, but then postponed their interview so that they could have a spring wedding.

I was curious how they did that? I guess this stems from not really knowing what happens when your packet is sent to London after leaving the service center in the states. Do you arrange for an apointment and medical or do they give you a date?

Anyone have any advice?

Basically we are just trying to get a guess at a time line for when Chris resigns from work. We want to be fair but we also need the income for as long as possible. It would work out if we could postpone the interview (assuming we get one) till about Feb.

So basically it is just my weekly stress about this whole procedure!
Thanks for any advice!
~Amanda :star:

ohh..p.s...are are for sure not allowed to travel to the states after you packets have been sent to London!? Is this a correct assumption on my part?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-18 07:32:00
United KingdomBritish wedding favor ideas

We're thinking of doing those traditional pint glasses as well!

I like the pint glasses idea as well!

This will be difficult trying to decide with all these good ideas in this thread and in the other in Off Topic....

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-11 20:28:00
United KingdomBRITS IN THE USA
Just starting the process but I am in NC and my future is in Yorkshire! Hiya out there

Shari (& British hubby, Keith) - Birmingham, Alabama
Miranda and James (another future British hubby!) - Huntsville, Alabama
Welshcookie - Mobile, Alabama (eventually)

BlueRaiderUK - Michael & Ashley - Mesa, AZ

SpriteyStace (Stacy & Paul) - Stuttgart, Arkansas

Ladybutterfly444 - San Diego, California
lynzm22 (lynsey and Jason)- Lancaster, California
Daisy - hubby is north of Palmdale, California
Perfect - South Orange County, CA
ddchucksgirl - northwest Lost Angeles, CA
robinklake - Myself and UK fiance are in sunny Santa Monica, CA!
Purple Hibiscus - Huntington Beach, CA.
Els and Brian-Riverside, CA
Englishsammy (Sam (not there yet!) and Roshon) - Fresno (Woohoo laughing.gif ), CA

Ladybird216 - Western Colorado
Boiler - Boulder County, Colorado

Jayke (and hopefully within the next 3 weeks her British hubby) - Connecticut
Bradfordplip - Time split between SE Michigan & NE Connecticut
nickels&dimes - Connecticut (Nickels=Sheril UKC & Scott USC)

Kerry - Central Florida
Munchkins (Val and Alan ) - Jacksonville Florida -to be with daughter and family
atothelkini (Alan, N.Ireland) - Tallahassee, Florida
missyandneil - Orlando, Florida
Kate, Josh & bump - Tallahassee
LisaD - (newly engaged!) - Lisa Daytona Bch FL, David Sunderland...
Lawrencetoland - Josie and Damian - Orlando, FL and Astoria, NY
lynnd227-Lynn (from New Jersey) and Liam (from Northern Ireland) to Palm Beach County

Crazy Brit - Covington, Georgia
Matti_n_Kelli: Hiram, Georgia

MeandMyGeordie - Sher (USC) & Steve (Newcastle upon Tyne) South Central
Idaho, Twin Falls

pj1959us (hubby David)---central Illinois
Luv2teach77 (And her handsome british Husband ) - Trenton, Southwest Illinois
(Near Missouri border)
JJM8081(British fiance Joe)--Chicago suburbs
poppy33usa - just on the illinois side of the illinois/missouri border in the st louis metro area
jpkeswim - Southwest, Illinois near St. Louis Missouri
Crisscat - (Sharri & Neil ) Southern IL 65 miles southeast of St Louis MO and not far from alot of you here in IL LOL
Yorkie - Chicago, Illinois
Frances (Yorkshire hubster, VJ username falcozappa) - Chicago
Circus-of-Power(Paul and Catherine) Central IL
morning75-Jim(Somerset, UK) and Amy-Hopedale, Illinois

Annelizabeth - Southern Indiana
Andy(uk) Patricia - Near Indy, Indiana
Baileyj - Southwest Indiana

Ktun - Kate (originally from London) & hubby Craig. Iowa/Nebraska borders, 2 minutes over the bridge from Omaha Nebraska.

Itsmeitsmeitsree! (Billy and Becky) - Lexington, Kentucky

clmarsh (Christina & Chris): Portland, Maine

Terry & Jeannine.... Towson, Maryland

Kezzie - Boston MA

Bradfordplip - Time split between SE Michigan & NE Connecticut
euro (Amanda) & Mark(USC)..Brownstown (near Detroit)
sanctifyer - somewhere near detroit in mid 2006
badbabe113 - Rockwood Michigan (near detroit)
David(alias Scotty)Scotland to Livingstone County to be with Bess
lizaanne (USC) & Simon (Brit) - Detroit area -one of these days, if this process ever ends
Charlie76 - Michigan, Detroit area
mary&tom - Southeastern Michigan
Alison and Scott - Otsego in Plainwell, Michigan
Colin(Keigwyn UK) and Lisa - Escanaba way up in the UP

Chrissy25 - Southern Minnesota
britsngrits - Twin Cities of MN - Paul-Peterborough
JayJay - Minnesota Lake, near Mankato about 2 and a half hours away from the twin cities
Tucker (Minneapolis) and Fiona (St. Boswells, Scotland) - Twin Cities

DaniChristine - Dani (USA) and Anthony (Northern Ireland)
Rosie420 - Waynesville, MO (Right in the middle!)

wherezdabearz - John (USA) and Alison (UK) hope to be living together in Missoula (that's where da bearz are...) from end of Jan 2006
techgirl - Terry (USA) and Davo (UK)- Flathead Lake (western MT)

Gemma12nEl - Bergen County New Jersey
VisagirlNJ - My fiance will be moving to Hudson County, NJ in APril
Jodyangel - South Jersey

Louandmikek3 - Long Island, New York (Louise, UK and Mike, US)
DavidUK- Manhattan, New York
Gwen75 - Manhattan, New York
Shakysgirl- Russell (UK) and Patricia (US)- upstate NY
Donna(dmd01708) Oneida County, Upstate New York
Estella76 - Marie (US) and Adam (UK) - Queens, NY
Peachbythebeach - Me (US) Hubby (UK) - Long Island

Jo1973 - Durham, North Carolina
saturn5man (Neil) - Near Raleigh, North Carolina
Jaylen Brit(UK) and LenJayUS (US) - Lenior, North Carolina (from this year)
mullensgirl (UK) Chris (USC) Eventually Jacksonville NC
ajames79-Franklin, NC and BigChris(who never posts) Yorkshire UK

TenderCats (hubby) - Ohio
Widge - NE Ohio
Helen - Columbus OH
martinleach-Martin (St. Albans, Hertfordshire, UK) to Westerville

Sukie175 (Sarah) - Gage, NW OK (near Woodward)

Pam & Dave, Portland OR
ZZZZZZ (aka Pam & Dave) Portland OR/ Southminster UK
blandas - Move from Loughborough (just south of Nottingham) to Oregon.

Broma25 - Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Britjohn- Delaware County, Pennsylvania (near Delaware border)
cheeky^Wolf - (Helen will be there soon) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pumpkinsnook - Berks Co, Pennsylvania (arriving 17th August - 13 days and
Antone and Lyanthya - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Abby(PAX) and Ewen - Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania (likely moving to NYC, NY in the summer of 06)
Helen (soon to be in Pittsburgh, PA) & Dave (USC)
bettenan (Bette & Richard) Beautiful Bucks County, PA

zenaelarabi - (Oxfordshire to Columbia SC)
pink_cloud-Charleston, South Carolina

govols- (Karen & Tony-from England)-Middle Tennessee
TracyTN (and future hubby ChasUK) - Nashville, TN
Memphis - Mike Wooten future wife Adele (mrsw2b UK)

Geordieluvr (aka Andria and her Geordie Peter) - Richardson, Texas
medicjeff (wife Jane from the UK) Austin, Texas
Melo (aka Anita from London) & Paul now in Odessa, Texas moving to Houston, Texas
silent whispers - San Antonio, Texas
tamarae (Shawna & Ciaran from the UK, arriving soon) - Lubbock, TX

HuffyTheSlayer - Salt Lake City, UT

Lou - Central Vermont

naiku - Northern Virginia (whenver this process is finished)
mijkij (also NoVA)
Litlemo (aka Ally - Geordie,,, Greg - USC)
MrsBeer:30- N.Virginia
KikiDoug - (Kiki, from England...Doug, from the USA) - living in the very SW corner of Virginia!

arwensun1965 - Kent, WA
samantha_lou - Vancouver, WA
Alana (US) & Ewan (Scotland) in Des Moines, Washington......
torpedo_bob, Camas,Washington

Margyw- West Virginia
rebeccajo (and robertwesley - Wes) irishman & southern gal in West Virginia
Girona40 - Curt (USC) and Glenys, Michael and Sarah (UK)

Michelle(USC)andCraig(England)...northern Wisconsin...border of UP of Michigan
Badgerbabe - Green Bay, Wisconsin
SteveLaura/LauraSteve - from London, UK to Milwaukee, WI
Moonlite-just north of Milwaukee
AllSerene-near Milwaukee I think?
Mellie(and Scott)-near Milwaukee
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-11 20:32:00
United KingdomInterviewing on Tuesday Morning!!!!
Good Luck!

Let us know how it goes!! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-28 22:20:00
United KingdomEnglish Engagement parties?
I love it!
What a lovely picture of you two!!

Thanks for sharing! You look beautiful.

Same idea here about the cakes...I don't need a big fancy cake. I can always find something else to spend that money on!

Well just about the time you start to come down from that we shall have a party for you!! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-31 18:27:00