United KingdomTo work in Theme...

I would miss Mexican food. That's about it really. UK has such better food anyhow, and for MUCH cheaper.

:blink: I can't think of a meal I've had in the UK that was cheaper than the US. Even McDs and KFC are more expensive!

Whats with KFC, they don't even serve the proper side items! :lol: Tim and I went once in the time I was there and I was sooooo looking forward to BEEEE-SKITS (biscuits for you non-southern folks).

WHAT? You can't get any biscuts with your Chicken Burger?? *grin*

I only ate fast food out once in England...Mcds..terrible I know, but I love chicken nuggets and we were on the road. But they had sweet chili sauce to dip! It was amazing!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-16 08:52:00
United KingdomTo work in Theme...

It seems to be impossible to get Mexican food over here now.... a few (well, about 10) years ago Mexican food was obviously 'the thing', and there were Mexican restaurants all over the place. Granted, most of them were awful, and they all charged a fortune, but there was the occasional half-decent one. Then Mexican must've gone out of fashion, because all the ones I used to know seem to have closed down.... weird. I can think of maybe three in the whole of London, and they're all appalling. A couple of years ago I was having a huge Mexican craving and went to... the one whose name I can't remember in Camden Town and... ugh. Suffice to say I remembered why I tended to avoid the place.

What I 'miss' over here (even though I live here still!) is being able to get decent food in bars without having to pay a fortune for it. In the States I've had some of the most fantastic, and cheap, food in bars (and taken a boxload of it home to finish the next day), and I love that you can do that. Over here... well you've got the 'microwaved frozen stuff' school of pub food (overpriced) and the 'we think we deserve a Michelin star (but our food is really not all that)' school of pub food (also overpriced)... I'm sick of paying about 7 quid for a crappy sandwich with some chips on the side - grrr!

There's loads of things that make me think 'damn, why don't we have that?' when I'm in the States... and loads of things I can't believe we have and 'they' don't. Like... online grocery shopping. I don't have a car and live a pain-in-the-####### bus journey from the nearest decent-sized supermarket (how I miss living directly opposite Waitrose... sigh) so I love being able to do a huge online shop with Sainsburys or Ocado. C is amazed by this concept and assures me there's no such thing available there (at least, not locally)... surely not?!?!?

I don't know about the online grocery not being available. I assume you live in a small town??! It isn't available to me either, I live in a tiny town. However, I moved from the city only about a year ago and it was available there. From what I understand it is becoming quite a fad in some areas. PERHAPS!! It is a good business venture! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-16 06:16:00
United KingdomTo work in Theme...

About the US toilets husband says he doesn't like the way they make them in the USA because his um...(what's a polite word for balls?) "parts" hang down into the water. Do other guys suffer from that too...or is he just droopy or something? lol!

I was raised in the UK, but to American parents, and we visited the USA a lot, where family are. And we lived there briefly too during childhood.
I've always missed many things about the USA while being here

root beer
graham crackers
lots of flavours of pop tarts
taco bell
large top loading washers
big watermelons
the beautiful sound of crickets at night (family is mostly from Florida)
mozzerella sticks mmmmmm

Ummm*giggle* Chris never complained about his balls in the potty!!

So interesting that you mentioned Top Loading Washers.....the fad now is the front loading ones!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-15 21:15:00
United KingdomTo work in Theme...
ya is a bit silly! But I missed wash cloths too!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 18:50:00
United KingdomTo work in Theme...
Well the public loo I am really thinking of is the one I had to pay like 10p for..that was stainless steel and freezing.

Mexican for sure. I'd miss that! I have Chris addicted to Fajitas.

I miss hot sauce when I am there. I always take a bottle with me.

But I LOVE english baths. They are long and deep and lovely!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 16:56:00
United KingdomTo work in Theme...

I missed Saltine crackers and mac n cheese powder. Stangely enough, the last time I ate mac n cheese was in the UK over 2 years ago, but I went thru this phase there where I HAD to have mac n cheese, but only with that bright orange powder & I couldn't find it anywhere. So I got my mom to mail some over, lol

Also missed a decent cup o joe...please don't lemme come to your house and you bust out with the Flavor crystals!

I know there's a bunch more things....cos I love to whinge...but atm I can't think of owt else.

Ohhh I forgot about coffee...yes that is so SO hard to live without when there. Never do Nescafe...can't even force.

I'd miss Ice.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 11:28:00
United KingdomTo work in Theme...

Ginger altoids.
Reese's peanut butter cups
American style toilets(ok I'm odd)

American style toilets!! Never would have thought of it BUT I agree!! And I will also say public restrooms as well!

Edited by ajames79, 14 January 2007 - 09:23 AM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 09:22:00
United KingdomTo work in Theme...
If you have moved from the UK to the US...or lets says you decided to move to the UK... WHAT are a few items that would be hard to do without or that you would miss from the US? :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 09:02:00
United KingdomCan anyone help?

I don't remember reading such a thing from a UKer, but I guess anything is possible.

I don't remember reading much problems in this area. Seems more issues come up with the AOS in regards to work and such. Maybe someone else will have better answers! Good luck!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-16 08:54:00
United KingdomInterview
Good luck! Keep us up on how it goes!! Ours is feb.7th!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-16 21:26:00
United KingdomGot my visa
1000 congrats to you!!

I can only imagine the relief you must feel along with the excitement!!

It's coming for all of us!!

Congrats again!!! :dance:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-17 06:41:00
United KingdomUK Embassy interview
I sent Chris my last year tax returns, letter from my Employer which happened to be my father, and 3-4 pay check stubs. Just to be sure.

I am working up the paper work right now to send to Chris for his interview.

Anyone have any other advice on what to send?
Entire K-1 packet with originals...and a few items of new evidence for relationship. IE wedding gown reciept..emails...just adding those for the heck of it.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-17 09:30:00
United KingdomUK Embassy interview
I sent three pay check stubs, yes!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-17 06:42:00
United KingdomTell us a story

After my grandfather died my dad brought me all my grandfathers medals to research. Half from England half from the US. It is utterly amazing what that generation went through.

It is amazing. My husband is from Folkestone -- on a clear day, you can see France. There are some pretty good stories in his family about what that was like when it was occupied France. My father-in-law watched the Battle of Britain being fought outside his bedroom window. It must have been weird and frightening to know how close the enemy was.

Teacher Lisa -- I will write more on my essay when I get back from my meeting!

That is insane!! and simply amazing at that! My Chris is a history buff..mainly World Wars...he finds all of it so interesting!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-17 15:14:00
United KingdomTell us a story

Tim is from Felixstowe in Suffolk. His description is "it is where all of the old people come to die"! There you have it, I can't say there was much to like about his town. I did however fall in love with Woodbridge, I just thought it was such a quaint little village. If we had made the choice to stay in the UK, this is where we would have wanted to live. The locals were just lovely and very open to Americans, so many were related to or had American friends from the old Airforce base that used to be in the area. We made at least a monthly trip down to Colchester, because I liked the market and shopping there. I do miss it, and look forward to visiting again soon.

My maternal grandfather was an American airman based at RAF Woodbridge in WW2.

My grandfather as well...although I am not sure where he was based. I will ask tomorrow.

When I was 13 I visited England for the first time with my parents. It was Christmas and exactly 50 years since my grandfather lived their during WWII. It was a little strange to be involved with new traditions at Christmas but we were made to feel right at home with the family my grandfather lived with all those years ago. We had crackers (have pictures with the hats) and prawn cocktail...those are the two things I remember the most.

My parents took us (me and my sister) all over England, Scotland, and Wales...ending up in London. From the point on England always ALWAYS had a special place in my heart. Now I am marrying a Brit. My grandfather always had the best stories about England. He died this past Sept. He got to meet Chris several times before he died and was so pleased to just sit and talk with him. After my grandfather died my dad brought me all my grandfathers medals to research. Half from England half from the US. It is utterly amazing what that generation went through.

I really and truely think my grandfather was very happy to know I was traveling back and forth so much to England.

What a lucky girl I am. now i am feeling all nastolgic and soppy!! ALmost there!! Thanks for letting me share!

Edited by ajames79, 16 January 2007 - 09:21 PM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-16 21:16:00
United KingdomHappy Day Peeps

I am working too! Gonna take my computer into the shop tomorrow though! :(
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-19 15:02:00
United KingdomJust got our packet 4 seems EVERYONE is getting their date before us and we returned our packet 3 before all of you (Dec 4). This sucks. Ok, well not for you guys cause you have your date. Congrats! of course..Im just being grumpy right now... Maybe we just got stuck with the slow person at the embassy.

I feel positive it is going to happen soon! Perhaps you being grumpy today is a good sign. I was SOO SOOOO grumpy yesterday and Chris got it in the mail this morning! *sending positive vibes*
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-13 14:00:00
United KingdomJust got our packet 4

Hopefully this is just the start of lots of interview dates for people. Andy called me this morning saying our packet 4 has come!! There's definately no telling how they give these interview days out. We sent in our packet 3 just before Christmas, it should have gotten to the Embassy on the 23rd. Maybe it got thrown on the top of someones desk before they ran out the door for Christmas holidays. Anyway, at least things are moving at the embassy, however strangely. Good Luck to everyone, hope your dates come soon!!

exciting isn't it!! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-13 10:57:00
United KingdomJust got our packet 4
We just got our Packet 4..Interview is on Feb. 7th! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-13 09:29:00
United KingdomJust got our packet 4
ours (pack 3) got to the embassy on the 18th according to our mailing record. No word yet though :(
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-12 16:22:00
United KingdomFinally an interview
Okay...this situation has taken for~ ever to get to this point! I am sorry for your hassel.
Honestly if it were me I'd push the ticket another few weeks out and then he can have time to pack, make arrangments to leave for good, and you can plan your wedding.

What is another few weeks in the whole scheme of things!? Plus it just seems safer this way!
It maybe an extra hundred dollars or something. But the peice of mind would be worth a thousand.

Good luck!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-24 08:36:00
United KingdomPacket 4!!! yay!
awesome! Congrats!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-20 08:40:00
United KingdomNot required?
Just wanted to say Welcome!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-26 07:57:00
United KingdomLondon interview on 31st January
Not exactly sure of the distance but Chris booked his room at the Branston as well!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-22 07:40:00
United KingdomLondon interview on 31st January
*grin* passing the pub information on to Chris now! :) Ohh and the hotel
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-19 08:11:00
United KingdomLondon interview on 31st January


Not sure which one Chris is going to book yet. But he said one has a easier to understand website which makes it a little easier to book!

P.S. Tracy mentioned these links were probably in a guide on the forum some where. I know I've seen them but she was kind enough to find them for me!
Thanks Tracy, I promise not to verbally attack you any time soon *giggle*

Edited by ajames79, 18 January 2007 - 08:27 AM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-18 08:25:00
United KingdomLondon interview on 31st January
Hiya, Tracy gave me to links to hotels near the embassy. Do you want them!?
I think our Chris is going to stay at one of them!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-18 07:32:00
United KingdomLondon interview on 31st January
tons of luck to you! Our interview isn't until the 7th but Chris is going the night before! Where are you staying if you don't mind me asking!?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-17 19:29:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!
Blue, I just tried to add you on myspace.
I don't know your last name!! *grin*
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-26 09:23:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!

Yeah Pjc found the India Air flights as well. Really cheap! He is going to try and go through JFK to get the stamp. You can even send them stuff to put in it. I have a little card that says our names, the wedding date (when we know it), & All you need is love... (I swear I didn't steal it from you!! lol Im a big Beatles fan. I even found a rubber stamp that has it on it.)

The wedding cracker idea is fabulouso!!! Don't mind if I steal it! :lol:

I love the idea too!!

Blue: A friend of ours played All You Need is Love as they were exiting after their ceremony. It was awesome!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-26 09:11:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!

Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!! I told you, you were next! lol
Pjc still hasn't gotten his packet yet either. Hopefully tomorrow or Saturday (it was supposedly sent yesterday too).


Pete got his hotel today for the interview. :) He's going to go to London then come back to get me on Saturday night (for Sunday morning). He doesn't want to miss the courier if they come Fri or Sat. I guess you can't schedule but you can pay extra to have the paperwork delivered before a certain time of the day... instead of waiting between 9 & 5 all day at the flat. We are hoping he gets it delivered Saturday so that we don't have to go back to his flat and we can just stay in London for Valentines. If not, then I guess we will just spend the 2nd week I am there away. I SOOOO LOVE London! (I think its mainly the memories, as I doubt I would enjoy it as much without Pete with me). :luv:

Got my packet 4 this morning in the post :thumbs:

:) :) :) :) :)

February 12th at 10 AM! I guess they didn't lose our papers afterall. :)


That's brilliant!! Congratulations :dance: :dance: :dance:

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-26 07:53:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!

cool. lol I actually got my dress back during the summer before we were ever officially engaged. Got the rings in November. Got my daughters dress. My mom's found a caterer who also does cakes, and my mom's friend is a photographer. Just need someone to marry us! lol...oh and a date!

Oooh found a really cool place here in Washington that does Christmas crackers & will do wedding themed crackers as well. They will put the basics and you can add stuff. We thought that would be fun for our favours. Im soooo excited!!

Wondering if I can just talk Pjc into coming back with me on Feb 24! lol

Well I am sure he would want to go back with you on the 24th. But that might be a little quick to tie up loose ends!
Very cool about the wedding there a website??????

I just got picked on by a friend for writing colour instead of color!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 16:30:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!
we always fly back and forth direct from Atlanta....but everyone says that is a horrible POE...I am so torn!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 16:14:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!
I know 16 cakes seems a little insane but let me explain.

They are small two layer, regular 8 serving cakes. There will be one on each table. So instead of center pieces we have cakes decorated with flowers. Cuts out the cost of a full wedding cake. We have 6 different flavours so everyone is happy. Plus instead of bridesmaids...(my sister is my only maid of honor) I have all my cousins and girl friends being cake cutters. They can wear what they want! :)

heishe: it's all so exciting isn't it. I have 5 months as I say and it has gone by so fast so far. SHOCKED to say that but it has.

BlueRain77: Our wedding is kinda isn't formal really, around a lake as well!
We've been really lucky with all of our catering and dress finding etc. Great deals!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 16:04:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!

lol I have a horrible memory. I probably forgot if you did. lol although I think I remember something about the drum forum so you probably did. :lol:

*grin* well now you know!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 15:08:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!

Verrrrry True. Lol can you tell the work day is over in the UK? I keep getting email notices left & right from VJ.

Hey everyone, you don't have to answer this, but I am just curious, How did you all meet? Was it travel, school, online??

Pjc & I met online.

Think I told ya...I think.

We met online. A drummers forum. Through friends...fell in love when we met I'd say!
Or at least didn't deny it was love.
Know him for 4 years, been a couple for 3
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 14:45:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!
Yay..I am getting married too.
Went to have a taste testing with our caterer last night!
Tasted our wedding cake...well I tasted Mine and Chris' wedding cake.
We are actually having 16 different cakes.
Tasted all the food!!

It made me so excited! 5 months and I will be a married girl to the man of my dreams.

I also got my veil and sparkly head thingy majig....

I am so excited!! For all of us!

alright my mood is better. Thanks guys!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 14:34:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!

:) :) :) :) :)

February 12th at 10 AM! I guess they didn't lose our papers afterall. :)


That is AWESOME!
I will be in the UK on that day so I will send good wishes your way in the right time zone too!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 12:52:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!
That is awesome news!! Congrats! One day after ours too!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-24 11:15:00
United KingdomOh Happy Day!
so glad you had everything saved.
Good to know you have a camera phone. I'll take pictures of the fish and chips I am going to eat next friday and send it to you!

I know, don't thank me....I am too much, I know! :hehe:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-29 13:32:00