United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

Tracy: are you in Nashville or just close to it? Actually doesn't make a bit of difference. I just go to Nashville often. Just sent a batch of homemade cookies there right now! I am in Western NC...we got the same blast of cold weather yesterday according to the weather channel!

Yep - I live in a suburb just east of Nashville, and also work on this side of town too. I'm not enjoying this cold blast too much! I had someone this morning say that she finds it 'refreshing'. Refreshing my #######! :lol:

You can send me a batch of homemade cookies anytime you want - I won't stop you! :D :lol: ;)

Well I must brag a bit. The cookies are really really good! :)

Well perhaps once everyone is here and settled we can do a meet up of some of us Ameri/Brits.
Find a pub in Ole' Nashvegas...find some fish n chips...However I do make a good batch of fish every once in a while!

Little taste of home for the boys!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-08 09:45:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

so your advice is to not write a wedding date on the forms when you send them in.
Good advice, if I am reading it correctly!

The only place to list the dates are on the checklist.

Fib. Tell them he wants to travel soon. Put 'not known' for the wedding date.

I put ASAP on the wedding date. I seem to have got my interview app before people who sent there forms back at the same time. Lol.. Go for it and best of luck

Very good! Thanks for the info, passing that along right now! :yes:

Tracy: are you in Nashville or just close to it? Actually doesn't make a bit of difference. I just go to Nashville often. Just sent a batch of homemade cookies there right now! I am in Western NC...we got the same blast of cold weather yesterday according to the weather channel!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-08 06:11:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

so your advice is to not write a wedding date on the forms when you send them in.
Good advice, if I am reading it correctly!

The only place to list the dates are on the checklist.

Fib. Tell them he wants to travel soon. Put 'not known' for the wedding date.

very good. That is what I assumed.
Told Chris the same thing! Thanks once again!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 18:17:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

I know I am the only one who can answer this question, but I just need some gut feeling answers from you guys. Please be kind as this is the only thing that seems to make me up tight at the moment! :) Ohh and thanks in advance.

Packet three is sent in...Medical is next week...we expect packet 4 with-in 3-6 weeks time (providing a little extra time because of holidays)
So that guestimates in my mind a visa by the end of Jan or Feb. there abouts.

Do you all think it would be okay to go ahead and set a June wedding up? The third weekend. That is several months away. But the problem I am coming too is the booking of our venue and the rooms. Neither of which require a deposit..or a huge deposit. But they are filling up fast.

Both places are in high demand and they can't wait for me. I am from a very small time and venues are VERY limited. We would hold out on tickets for his family..just to be sure. We wouldn't order invites or anything personalized!

So what do you think? Is it a bad risk...or is it a calculated risk?

Thought I'd post a question to all the Uk'ers rather then the off topic.
Please give me your gut feelings!! :whistle: I am really overly insane on this topic!

Looking at you timeline i would say yu already have an interview date at the embassy. i don't know if UK embassy posts them on their webite but many do according to the numberyou recieved from NVC. I would say a JUne wedding is very realistic but remember you have to be married within the 90 days.

:) Thank you! I remember. Believe me I wake up in the middle of the night thinking "6 months to enter into the country....90 days to get married..repeat repeat repeat!" *grin*
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 16:49:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?
*grin* well make sure you tell us when you find it!! I will be excited for you!

Munchkins...I agree as well!

AND I did it. June 23rd (with out any further upsets) Is when I will become Mrs. Shaw.
I have a meeting with the venue next Wednesday. AND no deposits. Creditcard will hold the house! Minister is fine with that day! Whoooho. I feel good.

Honestly it was all of you guys that helped me bite the bullet. *blush* really! I am just so thankful for your oppinions!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 16:00:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

Tee hee! Isn't all this wedding stuff FUN?

I can't believe I'm going to start dress shopping in the next month or two...! :D (L) (L)

It is fun, nerve wracking, but fun.
The dress shopping which I thought would be strange was actually quite a fun trip! Good luck finding yours!

I had nothing in mind when we went. Tried on one dress...and bought it. It is lovely!
Gotta do shoes now!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 14:09:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

Trust me-I know ALL too well about that planning stuff. ;)

I used to look one step ahead of the visa process and turn things out the day I found out they were generated...Mr. Bruce used to think I was losing my marbles (and I think I was, come to think of it !)

As for the wedding-I was too busy obsessing over immigration to plan, we did a courthouse thing-y here in NY in November 2005 and then- a BIG one in Scotland 3 months later. I let my MIL plan everything, as she loved every minute of it and I'd trust her with my life. The only thing really I did was pick out my dress & the favors...
I have to say, she did a FINE job. The wedding was rockin' !!!

I wish you the VERY BEST with yours, and hope you speed through this with ease !

We considered doing a wedding in England. But my mom wanted to do it here. She is doing a lot here for us and she never had a wedding. In a way most of this is for her, I mean it things that I would like too but she seems to have a lot of imput. So far it is a Okay with me.

Some days I think I am losing my marbles. Poor Christopher. He has to bring me down a few levels once in a while. Honestly though I can't imagine doing all this without this website.
I'd be way worse!

I did call the wedding venue..gave them the date and they are getting back to me.
I called the hotels and booked a meeting with them. SO...I guess, my wedding is set for *gulp* June 23rd, 2007.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 14:07:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

I sent my packet 3 back on the 2nd Dec by special delivery, it arrived at the embassy on Monday 4th Dec same day as my medical, they sent me packet 4 by return post the appointment letter is dated 4th Dec, the interview date is 31st Jan.
Based on my experience I think gambling on a June wedding would be safe.

Just one thing I have noticed, interview scheduling does seem to take account of travel dates and planned wedding dates, if you want your interview in well before your wedding I think it may be counter productive to give a wedding date too far ahead.

so your advice is to not write a wedding date on the forms when you send them in.
Good advice, if I am reading it correctly!

Mrs. Bruce....thank you thank you! I agree. You know how some of us girls are, we want to plan things out so well in advance. :) Thanks again, ~Amanda
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 11:45:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

Go for it.

Like you said, if it comes early you can do the legal thing and have the big one in June.

If you dont have any forward movement by late January, I would start contacting your elected representatives.

Good Luck

Good advice. I can't imagine that we would have problems...but then again ANYThing can happen during this process.
Thank you so much for your input! Ohh and what a beautiful picture you have there!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 10:45:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?
gosh I love this forum! Thanks ladies..

Becca and Tracy...we have pre-calculated (the best you can in this visa journey) That even if we get a visa in Jan/Feb for instance. He won't move here till end of April~May. Seeing that you have 6 months to enter the country.

Reason being he can get another few months wages in savings and he'd like to take 3 weeks off to do some British hikes he's always wanted to do. Which works for us.
Plus I suppose if worse comes to worse we could sign the marriage paperwork and do a wedding later in June if we HAD to.

I think I might start calling around to see for sure about the deposits. I think (with a little bit of nervousness) that it is a good calculated risk.
Just anxious for everything to go well and his family to have a great event...especially if this is the only time they will travel here.

Kez..thank you, I suppose there is always some risk. I'd just prefer to think this one is a better risk then perhaps if I was planning to marry in April. Ohh the insanity! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 09:06:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?
I know I am the only one who can answer this question, but I just need some gut feeling answers from you guys. Please be kind as this is the only thing that seems to make me up tight at the moment! :) Ohh and thanks in advance.

Packet three is sent in...Medical is next week...we expect packet 4 with-in 3-6 weeks time (providing a little extra time because of holidays)
So that guestimates in my mind a visa by the end of Jan or Feb. there abouts.

Do you all think it would be okay to go ahead and set a June wedding up? The third weekend. That is several months away. But the problem I am coming too is the booking of our venue and the rooms. Neither of which require a deposit..or a huge deposit. But they are filling up fast.

Both places are in high demand and they can't wait for me. I am from a very small time and venues are VERY limited. We would hold out on tickets for his family..just to be sure. We wouldn't order invites or anything personalized!

So what do you think? Is it a bad risk...or is it a calculated risk?

Thought I'd post a question to all the Uk'ers rather then the off topic.
Please give me your gut feelings!! :whistle: I am really overly insane on this topic!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 06:26:00
United KingdomName the place
Whitby is the first place Chris and I took a trip together. Very special for us as well. Actually wearing my Whitby jet necklace right now.

The Dolphin fish and chips is our favorite.
Magpie was a great place for dinner, had some really good halibut there...

Awww I miss Whitby now. I get to visit for a friends birthday in Jan so not much longer!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-22 15:36:00
United KingdomName the place
yah! I guess Whitby Abby too. Love going to Whitby!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-21 17:33:00
United KingdomApproved in London
I am sure it feels fantastic! Continued success!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-12 06:12:00
United KingdomOne last thing...Medical questionaire
Thanks guys!!
I think Chris is feeling the same kind of pressure I had when I was filling out our K-1 stuff! *smile*

We appreciate it!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-13 19:44:00
United KingdomArrived Safely!
Fantastic!! Congrats!

I CAN'T WAIT!! all is right in your world...COME ON my world!! :) :hehe:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-09 18:49:00
United KingdomRecall after interview
I am really sorry to hear this but look at the bright side it is a minor thing they are re-calling you for! At least if can be fixed!! :)

Continued luck....You will be home soon!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-15 15:49:00
United KingdomWow what a crazy few days
wow!! What an adventure! You are going to be one tired momma when this is all over! Good luck! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your story. And yes I do believe you have to do what is right for you. But be sympathetic to the parents (grandparents) in England because their frustration is really just sadness that you are leaving. They will come around!

Again good luck! I am excited for you!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-16 06:20:00
United KingdomAfter a delay at embassy, visa finally arrived!
Congrats! I am excited for you!!

Now start packing!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-16 14:31:00
United KingdomSuccessful interview
Fantastic! Congrats!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-14 13:18:00
United KingdomMedical in the morning....
You will be fine! :)
My Chris has his on the 29th!!
He is really nervous as well!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-20 15:49:00
United KingdomGot the visa
Congrats! Heres to smooth sailing for the rest of your journey!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-09 18:50:00
United KingdomChaging Interview Date
How exciting...a baby and a visa! Good luck and congrats! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-30 09:44:00
United Kingdomhappy nre year for all the UK folks
Happy New Year from us too!
2007 will be a good year!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-01 08:38:00
United KingdomHigh blood pressure at the Medical Interview
I am glad that this part is over for you as well! Chris had his on the 29th..he also had slightly higher BP but the Dr. said it was probably due to being slightly anxious about the medical and how important all this is.

It is good to being closer to the end!!
Continued success. Perhaps we will be having the interview very close to eachother!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-02 16:22:00
United KingdomJabs at local doctors for medical
Chris only had to pay for the hep course jabs. Other then that they were free.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-03 12:19:00
United KingdomMaking the adjustment easier..

I mentioned in another thread...for sausage rolls...for a milder flavour you might consider a turkey breakfast sausage. Had it again this morning and to me it is fairly close..or as close as you can get!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-08 16:25:00
United KingdomCant Believe It!!!!!!!!!
so many congrats to you! Keep smiling!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-07 16:31:00
United KingdomJust thought I'd say!

I hear ya on that one!!!

Next thing, we have to do, is contact the Embassy regarding the expiration of our Approval Notice. It expires 16th Feb and I have this funny feeling ( cant think why!! ) that we wont have an interview date by then.
Guess Ill have to email them just to check that they can extend it, if this is the case.
Always thinking ahead, I guess...

Just think New Years 2007/08, Thanksgiving, Halloween, etc, these thoughts are the only thing that keeps me going through this whole thing.

Good luck with your journey, and as your interview will be before mine, GOOD LUCK and please share how it went, I'm sh****** a brick!!

x Chloe

That is what keeps me going too. Is looking forward to the holidays and our wedding etc etc.

It is smart to think ahead. Doesn't make it easier but I think it is a good thing.
I will keep you up dated! This forum has been amazing for me.

Good luck with your journey as well.

p.s. I am really nervous too!

Edited by ajames79, 04 January 2007 - 04:25 PM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-04 16:20:00
United KingdomJust thought I'd say!

Ooh, now Im concerned.
My daughter (7) and I had our medical at Betinck Mansions.
When I showed the vaccination records from my GP, showing that my daughter had only had 2 shots and was awaiting 3rd(hepB), they simply said my Vaccinations were fine and up to date and that was it.

Should I be concerned?
I was told nothing about faxing or such, Im confused.

x Chloe

No, I wouldn't be concerned at all. If they said all was fine then that is all you have to go on. Perhaps when you go for your interview have a note from the GP that says she is scheduled for the last Hep Jaband include the date. But then again that is only my opinion and I have no information to back it up.

This is why it is so confusing. Different information all the way around.

Edited by ajames79, 04 January 2007 - 03:21 PM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-04 15:20:00
United KingdomJust thought I'd say!
Here are a few of my thoughts or perhaps advice regarding these jabs:

First of all BY the medical staff in London...they told Chris he needed the hep jab. He made arrangements for the GP to start his vaccinations. The Jab is a three shot course and you can't have it all at once.

Also you can't get all the other jabs at once either. Some can not be taken along side others. SO be sure you give yourself plenty of time to get these complete or you will be waiting like Chris and I are. (not to mention that his GP appointments can only bemade weeks in advance..there seems to be a LONG wait)

Chris spoke to the Dr in London to make sure that it was alright for him to have had the first series of shots done but have the second series scheduled but not completed before his medical in London. She said, yes bring a letter from you GP that gives the schedule and this will be just fine.

Granted we thought that was plenty of information and we continued as scheduled, bringing the note from the GP. Chris went to the medical...everything was cleared...but they said to fax the current jab list after he has the shots with the GP. But that everything would go as scheduled. HOWEVER..and it makes sense it just wasn't clear....they won't forward your information to the Embassy until after we fax the Jab records to London.

As Chris was talking to the DR again in London she then said that he didn't need his Hep jabs anyway....WHAT?? Needless to say we are still unclear of the real answer...but we are finishing the course of jabs just incase he has to have them here for the AOS paperwork.

As I am typing this just seems like babble. I am not having such a good day...stressed and I can't seem to make heads or tales of my paragraphs. But ya! :wacko: :blush:

My best advice is don't wait to get those in make an appointment and go. Just to avoid confusion!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-04 14:28:00
United KingdomJust thought I'd say!

You probably are, but don't/didn't we ALL during that time??? :yes: (F) Take heart though, it IT almost over, regardless! :) M.

You're right! And thank you!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-03 17:04:00
United KingdomJust thought I'd say!
never a pointless post! At least someone saw it! I am over stressing is all!! :wacko:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-03 10:17:00
United KingdomJust thought I'd say!
Okay so now I am confused again.

They still send out packet 4 even if the medical hasn't been done correct?

We got the medical over and done with but they won't send the info to the embassy until he has one last jab (on the 12th) and fax them the info.
So basically I am just curious if the balls keep rolling or if we are halted for a bit!?

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-02 11:07:00
United KingdomJust thought I'd say!

That's great...another roadblock down..not much left to do now! :) M.

I know.....but honestly!! This has to be the worst part of the waiting. So close now you can taste it kind of feeling.
Christmas and new year has been hard for me!! But I'll make it!

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-02 08:28:00
United KingdomJust thought I'd say!

Another good milestone to get past.

I wonder if the same dr will do the medical for 2007.

I am sure...Chris had a Girl Dr. He said she was friendly and aware he was nervous! Really was no big deal!!

Chloe~Thanks!! Yes those Hep jabs are a pain! But I am so glad this part is over for him. Patiently waiting for packet 4. I am doing okay. Hopefully we have word soon! 2007 wwill be a good year!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-30 20:35:00
United KingdomJust thought I'd say!
Chris went to his medical yesterday! So now that is over and done with. He has to get his last shot for the hep. jabs.
I am hoping we recieve package 4 soon!!
Hope everyone has a great New Years!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-30 08:14:00
United KingdomI sooo miss the January sales!
I am going over in Feb. Miss the sales but I am hoping some carry over!! Want anything!??! * i accept pay pal! hee he*
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-09 10:50:00
United Kingdom11th Jan Interview
Good luck!!

I just want to get my packet 4...well Chris' packet 4.

Kinda hoping for a Feb interview...I am going for a visit and I'd I love to go with him.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-08 11:44:00
United KingdomTo work in Theme...

I would miss Mexican food. That's about it really. UK has such better food anyhow, and for MUCH cheaper.

:blink: I can't think of a meal I've had in the UK that was cheaper than the US. Even McDs and KFC are more expensive!

Whats with KFC, they don't even serve the proper side items! :lol: Tim and I went once in the time I was there and I was sooooo looking forward to BEEEE-SKITS (biscuits for you non-southern folks).

WHAT? You can't get any biscuts with your Chicken Burger?? *grin*

I only ate fast food out once in England...Mcds..terrible I know, but I love chicken nuggets and we were on the road. But they had sweet chili sauce to dip! It was amazing!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-16 08:52:00