United KingdomHappy Birthday FeatherB!!

I understand how you feel with having an easter birthday, it seems every few years my birthday is easter weekend!

Hah, we probably alternate! I'm sure about half my birthdays have been over Easter..... anyway, have just got back from eating lovely thai food and drinking even lovelier cocktails. (Mmm, margaritas). Am glad to discover that I can still type - so obviously I've not had that many cocktails. I could blame the bars for being stingy with the measures, but on the up-side... hopefully that means no hangover tomorrow. Yay!

hope it has been a great day!!

I could use a margarita right now!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-06 19:57:00
United KingdomHappy Birthday FeatherB!!
happy birthday to you.

have a lovely day!

Don't eat to much chocolate. :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-06 05:12:00
United KingdomIts ALMOST eastery time!
My mom always did a basket for us when we were kids.
As adults she would send us something a little special if we weren't in town for easter.

Now that I live close by she does a special meal. But this year they are visiting my sister in FL and I am all alone! :(
But I think next year I will do a little basket for Chris. You inspired me *laugh* on having my first easter with Chris and a married couple!

Will have to get his mum to send me some goodies for his basket though!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-05 19:29:00
United KingdomRegional Accents

Just got back from a 5 week stay in Hull. :thumbs:

I noticed Jonny has started picking up my accent and has even been caught saying 'Ya'll' cos I'm from Texas :dance: I did also notice that when he talks with other English people, his Yorkshire accent becomes much broader than when he talks with me, he never noticed. I have a perfect example, hope I can remember how it went exactly.

Jonny: I love you babe.
Me: Oh I love you too babe!
Passing motorist: Scuze me dear, do you know where I can find *random place*?
Jonny: Aye... don know, not familiar with the town meself luv.
Passing motorist: ahh, cheers then.
Jonny: (to me) so what are we having for tea tonight? (back in the same accent I have always known) :lol:

Also happend quite a bit when he was around his family. was so cute and when I pointed it out to him he didn't believe me at first :lol:

I grew up watching British comedy so I was already using certain words and knew what most things were. So to me Tide has always been washing powder for example. We tease eachother sometimes about what things are (steak fries vs. chips) and it's all in fun. Thing is, I still prefer to use my American vocabulary and have no intention of changing things when I move over there just as I would not expect Jonny to change his vocabulary when he moves here. Sure we will get strange stares some times, but I'm sure our accents will be dead giveaways that we are not local.

ha haa!! I know what you are talking about! Got a Yorkshire bloke myself. I love to hear him talk to his co workers because it is ssoooo totally different then the accent he uses with me most of the time!

I love his accent.

Tell me about it, when he turns the Yorkshire up to 11, it just melts my panties. :luv:

ahh yes and I guess that should have been Aye... don know, not familiar with t' town meself luv. lol.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-07 14:53:00
United KingdomRegional Accents

Just got back from a 5 week stay in Hull. :thumbs:

I noticed Jonny has started picking up my accent and has even been caught saying 'Ya'll' cos I'm from Texas :dance: I did also notice that when he talks with other English people, his Yorkshire accent becomes much broader than when he talks with me, he never noticed. I have a perfect example, hope I can remember how it went exactly.

Jonny: I love you babe.
Me: Oh I love you too babe!
Passing motorist: Scuze me dear, do you know where I can find *random place*?
Jonny: Aye... don know, not familiar with the town meself luv.
Passing motorist: ahh, cheers then.
Jonny: (to me) so what are we having for tea tonight? (back in the same accent I have always known) :lol:

Also happend quite a bit when he was around his family. was so cute and when I pointed it out to him he didn't believe me at first :lol:

I grew up watching British comedy so I was already using certain words and knew what most things were. So to me Tide has always been washing powder for example. We tease eachother sometimes about what things are (steak fries vs. chips) and it's all in fun. Thing is, I still prefer to use my American vocabulary and have no intention of changing things when I move over there just as I would not expect Jonny to change his vocabulary when he moves here. Sure we will get strange stares some times, but I'm sure our accents will be dead giveaways that we are not local.

ha haa!! I know what you are talking about! Got a Yorkshire bloke myself. I love to hear him talk to his co workers because it is ssoooo totally different then the accent he uses with me most of the time!

I love his accent.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-06 20:10:00
United KingdomRegional Accents

Neither of us have picked up the accent YET. My mother however is HORRIBLE! She hears Paul talk for 2 minutes and starts saying everything weird :) Granted her father was English, but still... Then again she's the one who starts saying eh as soon as we cross into canada, even without speaking to anyone :D mother is some what similar.
Give her a few glasses of wine and she also gets this very posh accent!
It is really funny!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-25 11:13:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry

Was looking to buy some naan bread online and came across several videos for making curries.
Thought some of you might enjoy it! All the videos are to the right!


Oooohhhhhhh......! Did you manage to get any naans btw?

I get naan at Krogers.

Thanks...but no Krogers around here! I made it homemade and it was lovely.

Michelle~~ really no curry paste...I've found them in the groceries here and I live in a wee little town. let me know and I'd be happy to send you some green curry paste!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-08 08:25:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry
Michelle..I just wanted to say I never do the same thing every time. but the spices are always the same...

Here are the things I use every time:

Thai Green Curry...amanda style

~Items I use always~
Thai Kitchen green curry paste (the red is fantastic too)
Garlic paste
ginger (I have a paste in this too)
coconut milk (never us the light,,it doesn't thinken like I want)
1 can of pineapple chunks

~items that vary~
chicken,pork, or beef (tofu or tempeh)
broc., fresh green beans, snap peas,snow peas
red pepper, green pepper, bean sprouts
really any veg.
lemon grass

I stir fry the meat and the veggies seperatly. I add the garlic, ginger, a little olive oil, to each. I do these to taste.
Drain any liquid off the meat. add meat to the veggies and add the drained pineapple. I also use a wok for this meal.

Add the can of coconut milk (still with a medium flame) then I add 1-2 spoons of the curry paste...Some pastes are hotter then others. Thai Kitchen curry is spicy so do this to taste. I make sure the it is nice and mixed with the veggies and milk.
This is a soupy meal so use jasmine rice or something with it.
Key to use fresh veggies for sure.

I love this meal. I could eat it every week. The pineapple and coconut milk really add the sweet with the hot curry!This is basically a made up reciepe so sorry it is jumbled together. Ask questions..if ya want!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-05 16:44:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry

Hey...when you have a minute would you mind posting a recipe for how you make your Thai curry?? I would love to try one...and if anyone has any indian recipes would love to try those too....I will take whatever you have but if you have one with things that are relatively easy to find here or that I can at least order online (spice wise) I would SO appreciate it! Thanks in advance... :) M.

I most certianly will! Way to early for me to think at the moment! But I will later this afternoon! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-05 05:13:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry
Hey guys just thought I'd report:
I made the naan bread and it turned out pretty well!
Think I will try adding things this next garlic...cilantro....

We ate them with a thai curry! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 07:53:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry
alright everyone that was complaining and missing NAAN BREADS. I the maker of this thread didn't even watch those videos...Chris did. But I watched the NAAN one and oh my gosh that is so easy!!!! We can all make it!!

I am going to have a dinner party after all this wedding ####### is over and I will make home made naan bread!!! Ya.

wanna come? :hehe:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 20:16:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry

Well, if you do find any naans I'd be interested in knowing where ya got 'em from.... ;)

I don't know about naan, but I get frozen paratha from the asian or halal markets that you just cook up in the frying pan and I think they're really tasty!

lucky duck.
We don't even have and Asian market.

I brought back with me rice paper to make my basil rolls!!

Wow a gem of a site, just what I needed! Thanks mucho ajames! :thumbs:

you are very welcome! I thought it was pretty cool.
I am not even a great fan of indian and I was impressed!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 20:10:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry

Just bookmarked!

Thanks Amanda!

you are welcome my dear! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 13:21:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry
stupid idiots.

Chris and I thought about opening an English Pub here in NC. Trying to make it authentic as possible.
We even looked into brewing our own beer.
It would be fun-ish!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 12:59:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry



Still haven't found any naans.
Honestly I'd be okay with packaged.
Making them I could do but...I'd have to really have time.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 12:44:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry

Umm i want to go camping!


Nah Chris and I are going camping this summer and my sister wants to buy us a tent.
I was having a hard time finding packaged naan and got bored.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 11:41:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry

Was looking to buy some naan bread online and came across several videos for making curries.
Thought some of you might enjoy it! All the videos are to the right!


Oooohhhhhhh......! Did you manage to get any naans btw?

*giggle* I stopped looking when I found the videos and started looking at tents. Not good at keeping on one topic today!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 11:25:00
United KingdomVideos on making a curry
Was looking to buy some naan bread online and came across several videos for making curries.
Thought some of you might enjoy it! All the videos are to the right!

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 10:37:00
United KingdomI'm sick....AGAIN
awwwhhhh..sorry darling!

Hope you get to feeling better!!

I am lonely today!! Pathetic...hormones I think.
My family is out of town...visiting my sister. I am going to be cleaning closets!

But feeling ya know...blah
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-08 08:24:00
United KingdomPaul visits today!
oohh hope you feel better!!

I am sure his POE will be just fine. Did he bring any proof of ties to his home??

Chris came over twice during our K-1 stuff and he was just fine, but I know how you feel. I was a nervous wreck!

Enjoy your visit!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-09 12:11:00
United KingdomShe is here
awww this is great news! Congrats guys and thanks for the walk through of your entry!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-10 08:02:00
United KingdomWhat will/do you miss about the UK?

Big 3 ply Tissues. The only ones I can find in the US are small and thin 2 ply ones.
Bisto gravy granules :)

gosh I have tons of Bisto. My MIL sends it often and I eat gravy like once a year.
Haven't the heart to tell her that though!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-11 05:21:00
United KingdomTeeny Tiny Victory

*going through all my dvds* I have to english dvds here so I can test it!!

BUT when chris is here next week I will come back to this!! *muuuha ha haaaaaaa*

Must feel soooo good to say "When Chris is here next week" *sigh*

Can't wait till I can say that, but obviously substituting "Griff" for Chris!!! :lol:

With that said, I'm going to see Griff next week!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!!!!! :D

ya know darnit....I said next week....but I mean next month!! I guess I had a bit of wishful typing!But still it is nice!!
I am more jealous of you seeing Griff next week. LUCKY!

To make any DVD player region free, just do a google search for DVD region free hacks or something like that. I made mine region free just by hitting a few numbers on the remote - easy peezy!

Here's an example:


the remote that comes with the DVD player!?

Yup! Just like magic! :)

*hyper ventilates* I love Jenn!! :joy:

(It worked on mine in case you couldn't tell.....)

Okay no send me a dvd so I can try mine!@!! ;)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-11 12:31:00
United KingdomTeeny Tiny Victory
*going through all my dvds* I have to english dvds here so I can test it!!

BUT when chris is here next week I will come back to this!! *muuuha ha haaaaaaa*
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-11 05:26:00
United KingdomTeeny Tiny Victory

To make any DVD player region free, just do a google search for DVD region free hacks or something like that. I made mine region free just by hitting a few numbers on the remote - easy peezy!

Here's an example:


the remote that comes with the DVD player!?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-10 20:52:00
United KingdomTeeny Tiny Victory

Sadly, it's not a region free, but the guy at the store said there's a DVD you can get online somewhere that will reprogram a player's software to make it regionless, or allow you to switch between regions. Not sure about - but have assigned the research to my fiance.

I paid about $62 from Best Buy - it's a dual DVD/VCR player.

p.s. the high from getting that lasted about an hour - until I was PM-ing with a fellow VJer while she got an RFE email! ACK! Back to the grind - and the worry - today. . . . .

Well RFE's aren't always a bad thing. From what I remember people who got an RFE seemed to get a NOA2 very soon after that.

I don't know first hand. I never even got touched.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-10 11:56:00
United KingdomTeeny Tiny Victory

we are getting a region free player as well.
Chris has a lot of comedies on DVD that I don't think he could live with out!

becca, where did you get yours?

DevilMart (WalMart) LOL.

I can't remember the brand. I can look when I get home.

really! Walmart..I can do walmart.
I thought I'd have to order it online.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-10 10:45:00
United KingdomTeeny Tiny Victory
we are getting a region free player as well.
Chris has a lot of comedies on DVD that I don't think he could live with out!

becca, where did you get yours?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-10 05:05:00
United KingdomI'm so glad this weekend is about over..

What did you do on the front line at Disney World? You know you wanna tell us lol

yah I want to know too!?

and can you get us free passes? :hehe:

*jeeze I love the smilie
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-10 20:53:00
United KingdomI'm so glad this weekend is about over..

I waited for about a month for my visa after interview and then it was another 5/6 weeks until I was on a plane. I had stuff to sort out anyway, shipping boxes, finalising my house sale etc etc. I also took the time to see things in London that I wouldn't ordinarily do, seeing the sights and generally seeing the things I wouldn't be able to for a while.

As much as I wanted to be with my hubby, I didn't want to rush my leaving the country I had lived in for 33 years.

same with Chris...he wanted to see things that he took for granted before. That is one of the reasons why he is doing that insane hike!

Where is he hiking from and to?

He is doing the Pennine Way

Edited by ajames79, 09 April 2007 - 04:29 PM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-09 16:28:00
United KingdomI'm so glad this weekend is about over..

I waited for about a month for my visa after interview and then it was another 5/6 weeks until I was on a plane. I had stuff to sort out anyway, shipping boxes, finalising my house sale etc etc. I also took the time to see things in London that I wouldn't ordinarily do, seeing the sights and generally seeing the things I wouldn't be able to for a while.

As much as I wanted to be with my hubby, I didn't want to rush my leaving the country I had lived in for 33 years.

same with Chris...he wanted to see things that he took for granted before. That is one of the reasons why he is doing that insane hike!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-09 15:28:00
United KingdomThe wondeful moment has arrived you are excited!! :) :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-20 17:07:00
United Kingdomgot my package 4 yay
Good luck!!
How exciting.
I can't wait for packet four! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-25 22:55:00
United Kingdom$1.92 to the £1

There are certainly some damn fine exchange rates going around at the moment...gonna get even better from what I have read. ;)

I know this is not the place, but Mags I love your kitty pictures. :luv:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-29 17:48:00
United KingdomEmbassy Interview a Success: Now the Wait...
Congrats! Good luck! I am jealous! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-30 09:37:00
United Kingdom3 days to get passport back!
Congrats! Good luck with everything else in the future too! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-05 15:37:00
United KingdomFinally Here
Welcome and congrats! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-28 15:08:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

Go for it.

Like you said, if it comes early you can do the legal thing and have the big one in June.

If you dont have any forward movement by late January, I would start contacting your elected representatives.

Good Luck

Good advice. I can't imagine that we would have problems...but then again ANYThing can happen during this process.
Thank you so much for your input! Ohh and what a beautiful picture you have there!

Thanks, our photographer was awesome(and reasonable). We have people tell us that they look like the sample pictures in the frames.

*grin* that DO!! I need to find a good photographer....

Tracy: shopping I do very very well. Hiking I do because Chris loves it. I love the end of it!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-08 11:15:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

Absolutely! We also will probably go to Gatlinburg every now and then - maybe even a meet up there sometime?

Yah that sounds great! Not a far drive for us in Western NC.
We are hikers too and there are all sorts of hikes (and shopping) do do in the area!

So where is your fiance from in the UK? South Yorkshire for moi!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-08 10:02:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

Tracy: are you in Nashville or just close to it? Actually doesn't make a bit of difference. I just go to Nashville often. Just sent a batch of homemade cookies there right now! I am in Western NC...we got the same blast of cold weather yesterday according to the weather channel!

Yep - I live in a suburb just east of Nashville, and also work on this side of town too. I'm not enjoying this cold blast too much! I had someone this morning say that she finds it 'refreshing'. Refreshing my #######! :lol:

You can send me a batch of homemade cookies anytime you want - I won't stop you! :D :lol: ;)

Well I must brag a bit. The cookies are really really good! :)

Well perhaps once everyone is here and settled we can do a meet up of some of us Ameri/Brits.
Find a pub in Ole' Nashvegas...find some fish n chips...However I do make a good batch of fish every once in a while!

Little taste of home for the boys!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-08 09:45:00