United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

I can't believe I just stumbled on this topic! DUH.

Obviously, Chas and I met on a Rush message board, so we have that in common in a major way. We both generally like progressive rock and/or heavy metal. He gets a lot of credit for turning me on to Pink Floyd finally (after years of resisting them due to a bad memory/experience with a jerky ex boyfriend) - and for that alone, I'm eternally grateful.

We have a few bands that we appreciate on our own -but generally, our tastes are mostly the same! I guess I can thank our humble beginnings for that...! ;)


Wonder how many of us did meet through music!??
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-26 08:12:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

Neal and I actually met on a music messageboard, though for a band he didn't particularly like and I grew to dislike a bit. It really seemed like fate. We have almost identical taste in music and especially share a love for Joy Division, New Order, The Smiths/Morrissey, and Radiohead. And he turned me on to a lot of the music I really like, like Eels and Grandaddy and Elliott Smith, as well as old skool hip hop and electronica like Orbital. I could go on and on, but I think that's enough for now. :P

Similar to several of us on here! Met through music in some way or another!
I like all those bands too!
I go through stages where I listen to a lot of Elliott Smith...this last week was one.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-26 05:03:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

I like all different kinds of music. I grew up in the 60s so enjoy that but also like stuff like Social Distortion and even some country like George Straight and some classics.

I used to really like Social Distortion...actually I used to really like an ex of mine that liked Social Distrotion..if you must know the truth! (ha)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-23 11:52:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

and is disgusted that I love(d) the Jesus & Mary Chain (amongst other ancient throwbacky stuff - god, I feel old!) because he thinks they are (one of his many nominations for) The Worst Band Ever.

OMG!!! The Jesus & Mary Chain!! Awe man, I still freakin' love "Come On" and I often play "Sometimes Always" on road trips. They're not the best band in the world but I still play 'em and I ain't shamed!! hehe.

God, nostalgia. I have 90s collections up the wahzoo [Even though I really don't think the 1990s should be considered 'nostagic' at all!]. One of my favorite things is to play 'Mmh mmh mmh mmh" by The Crash Test Dummies and lip synch it dramatically to horrified individuals around me. It's so's GOOD.

EMF, James, Rancid, Dinosaur Jr., Alice In Chains, Pavement, Pulp, Soundgarden, Primus, The Petshop Boys, Spacehog, Kula Shaker, and soooo many more are in my repetoire. I refuse to feel old! Though, sometimes I do when I've heard teenagers referring to Green Day as 'Classic Punk". Yeeeesh.

When I was in college I was a DJ and The Petshop boys stuff always got thrown in... and who couldn't like Dinosaur JR. I haven't heard Spacehog in ages. Going to find it.

Hm, I love lots of those too. 'specially Dinosaur Jr. And Pulp. And Pavement... hmm, not listened to Pavement in ages!

And yeah, TheZilla - the JAMC definitely weren't the best band ever, but I think my boy's estimation of them as 'Worst Band Ever' is a bit harsh!! They seem to bring him out in hives... bizarrely, as he keeps sending me MP3s by new bands who sound like carbon copies of the Mary Chain - strange boy! :lol:

I know I am feeling very musically inclined to pull out all my old stuff!!
I don't want to go work either.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-22 05:37:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

and is disgusted that I love(d) the Jesus & Mary Chain (amongst other ancient throwbacky stuff - god, I feel old!) because he thinks they are (one of his many nominations for) The Worst Band Ever.

OMG!!! The Jesus & Mary Chain!! Awe man, I still freakin' love "Come On" and I often play "Sometimes Always" on road trips. They're not the best band in the world but I still play 'em and I ain't shamed!! hehe.

God, nostalgia. I have 90s collections up the wahzoo [Even though I really don't think the 1990s should be considered 'nostagic' at all!]. One of my favorite things is to play 'Mmh mmh mmh mmh" by The Crash Test Dummies and lip synch it dramatically to horrified individuals around me. It's so's GOOD.

EMF, James, Rancid, Dinosaur Jr., Alice In Chains, Pavement, Pulp, Soundgarden, Primus, The Petshop Boys, Spacehog, Kula Shaker, and soooo many more are in my repetoire. I refuse to feel old! Though, sometimes I do when I've heard teenagers referring to Green Day as 'Classic Punk". Yeeeesh.

When I was in college I was a DJ and The Petshop boys stuff always got thrown in... and who couldn't like Dinosaur JR. I haven't heard Spacehog in ages. Going to find it.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-22 05:02:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

Our wedding song was Highland Cathedral on the piano because we couldn't find a piper in Central Pennsylvania :P

But at our reception we looped Metallica and Alkaline Trio CD's (metallica before they sucked :P)

Chris would love it if I had a Metallica (before they sucked :lol: ) song played at our wedding! hummmm
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-21 20:03:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

I love this thread!

My fiance and I pretty much see eye-to-eye on music, with some exceptions. Like, he once owned a "HIM" album and I've never let him live it down [though, to be fair, he bought it during a hard break-up so maybe he was not thinking clearly, hehe]. I own a lot of George Michael CDs and it just makes him terribly ill.

Even though he's only 4 years younger than me, sometimes there's like this huge gap with music taste. He LOVES the type of music called 'Mash Ups" and I feel like an old crumudgeon going 'It's not MUSIC! It's just a bunch of NOISE! It's not ORIGINAL! What is this new fangled craziness you're playing me???". He, on the other hand, doesn't really know much about 'The Clash" or 'The Jam" and I'm like "Where the HECK have you been????".

My music taste is all over the map, I'll go from vintage Red Hot Chili Peppers to Billie Holiday in one sitting. My favorites are U2, RHCP, Fun Lovin' Criminals, G-Love & Special Sauce, Scissor Sisters, Robert Randolph & The Family Band, Beck, The Beastie Boys, Blur, The Clash, Jamiroquai, and craploads more. My fiance is a big fan of NIN, Johnny Cash, Dresden Dolls, Phillip Glass, Yann Tiersen, and The Eels.

On the topic of music, what's "YOUR SONG" with your S.O.? Ours is 'Somewhere Beyond The Sea" by Bobby Darrin. We've got like 5 [I think everyone does! hehe] but that's the ONE.

We have some of the same tastes!!

Yah "our song" is not even a love song. It is more of a lost song....But the wedding band is going to learn it anyway! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-21 16:08:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

OMG - I'm sitting here looking at the music on my PC, and in my CD Case..

Black Eyed Peas, Lenny Kravitz, Eminem, Kelly Clarkson, Rascall Flatts, Willie Nelson, Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Crazy Frog, Cueshe, Matchbox20, Boston Pops, Chants of Monks, NickelBack, Pink Floyd, Rod Stewart, Tina Turner, Janis Joplin....

And the list goes on and on.. I guess I like everything.. (oops, NO DISCO)

NO Disco??? For shame!

nah...not a disco kinda gal either!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-21 13:30:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

OMG - I'm sitting here looking at the music on my PC, and in my CD Case..

Black Eyed Peas, Lenny Kravitz, Eminem, Kelly Clarkson, Rascall Flatts, Willie Nelson, Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Crazy Frog, Cueshe, Matchbox20, Boston Pops, Chants of Monks, NickelBack, Pink Floyd, Rod Stewart, Tina Turner, Janis Joplin....

And the list goes on and on.. I guess I like everything.. (oops, NO DISCO)

NO Disco??? For shame!

nah...not a disco kinda gal either!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-21 13:30:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

We're pretty eclectic. Wes is more 'up' on the newer stuff - I'm hopelessly out of touch.

Punk or metal doesn't do it for either of us. He loves blues music. I like opera - for just listening I prefer operatic symphonies without the words. I guess because of our ages, we are also a bit stuck on the good stuff from the 70s and 80s.

We compiled a CD for our wedding ceremony and the reception. It had some traditional irish music, and some new stuff from the Chieftains. I walked down the aisle to 'Londonderry Aire' (Danny Boy) - no words with solo on Uileean pipes. Very lovely.

As far as the newer stuff, we had Fleetwood Mac (White Rabbit, Tusk, and The Chain), Etta James (At Last), Joss Stone (Sleep Like a Child), Bobby Darrin (Mack the Knife), and The Beatles (Here Comes the Sun).

And just for weirdness and because my son was the Field Commander of his high school marching band, we had three marching tunes (White Rabbit, The Best of Times, and Hey Baby).

All good music my dear!
I was rasied with everything from Bluegrass to Opera so there is something from every type of music I can appreciate. not into rap, hip hop or all that much country. I'd prefer the old country to the new poppy stuff!

Played the sax and the piano for years (don't much anymore) so anything classical.

I am a huge Joni Mitchell fan due to my mom.

I can sing every single word to Les Miserables....since I was about 12.

And....I have Slayer on my iTunes. Decided ages ago that I didn't need TV...(I am a big reader too) so to fill that empty space I've got tons of music. But I always have had tons!

Adam and I are pretty close on what we listen to-- I'm slightly more varied than he is typically but it's all normally around the indie/alternative/rock/emo genres for the main parts. Theres a few bands we totally see eye to eye on (We're both nuts about Feeder, we've scheduled a flight or two on occasion to visit each other so we can catch a few gigs together, and together we own the largest collection of their memorabilia in the US-- We only know one or two people in the UK whos collection rivals ours too... it's become quite the hobby for us both when we have some extra cash!), and a few we're not so much in common on (Biffy Clyro, who I love to death, he only likes a song or two; Linkin Park he quite likes but I haven't listened to them in ages), but the tastes are close enough that we don't mind tagging along to concerts to appease the other in the event that there isn't a band playing that one likes and the other doesn't. He's being a doll and tagging along with me to see Biffy Clyro at the warped tour this summer, twice. :)

I have a little more of a metal & punk side to me than he does (was big into them when I was younger), and he tends to like some of the more popular rock that I don't like, but yeah, overall, we're music buddies. I don't think we'd be as close as we are if we didn't share that, because music's pretty big in both of our lives.

I do have him to thank for turning me into a lot of (if not the majority) of bands I am into now-- I seem to be very drawn to (typically mostly unknown) UK bands. Which normally doesn't work out so hot regarding US tours. It's actually one of the reasons I wish I was moving there instead from time to time.

There are a few bands that really are the reason Chris and I started talking. Porcupine Tree and Blackfield! I think both are considered Progressive
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-21 04:43:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

I come from a very musically inclined family, worked in radio myself, and had my own modern rock show (punk, metal, alternative)

The husband and I are most definitly rockers at heart, he is more of a metal head though, and I am more of a punk. I got to see Dead Kennedy's on their last tour as a VIP guest *brag* :P I've been a fan of Alkaline Trio since I was 19, got to see them in the states and in the UK and since I met my husband he's turned me onto Machine Head and Slayer. :) \m/{o_o}\m/

ha haa Slayer.

My Chris is a metal boy. With lots of other influences!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-20 19:16:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

Gary and i have totally different music tastes. He's very into techno, or dance music, he does like rap and rock music as well. U2 is his fav band tho.
Me, well i like mainly country music lol I do listen to some rock and easy listening too, must be my age :lol: :blush:

That is quite different.

How about road trips?? What do you listen to???
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-20 18:59:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???
*glances into the guest room full of 2 drums kits and a million snares*

us too!

Name a Band!

*AS a christmas song some how makes it into my iTunes list*

I think the wine is kicking in!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-20 18:23:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???

having a glass of wine and listening to some tunes.

Music is a huge part of me and Chris. I'd say that is really how we met.
But we do have some differences on some bands.

What do you listen to? And do your loves like the same??
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-20 18:14:00
United KingdomTodays the day i have been dreading lol.
Good luck, I am sure it will be fine!
No kids so I have no advice!

Let us know how it goes!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-26 08:10:00
United KingdomVisa approved

My fiancee spent nearly two hours waiting for her appontment this morning, an hour before an an hour late getting in. Forty five minutes later she was leaving the Embassy after being approved. They never looked at her version of war and peace, just took some of the required documents.

So now we have three weeks before we start worry about Aos, eap, ap etc.

congrats guys!!
Yeah they never looked at ours either!

Continued success for the rest of your paperwork! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-26 09:42:00
United Kingdommedical and interview last week
Congrats! Feels nice to have it over with doesn't it!? :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-12 09:40:00
United KingdomYorkshire Pudding

the batter isn't hard to make at all.

But I think you are right, Chris is from Yorkshire and his mom always puts the batter in the fridge for a little while...then straight into a hot pan!!

Will have to make them soon! Since we have been talking about them!!

NOW you tell me about the putting it in the fridge!!!! :P

I know I stink. But I don't put it in the fridge here!! Sorry

Nah, Amanda you're great! Always nice and helpful with a kind word!

The Yorkshire pudding turned out better this time - I just need to figure out why it fell flat after it came out of the oven. Up to that point it looked perfect! Practice is the key I think!

So thanks for your tips!

make them again tonight! ya know! Practice
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-19 05:08:00
United KingdomYorkshire Pudding

the batter isn't hard to make at all.

But I think you are right, Chris is from Yorkshire and his mom always puts the batter in the fridge for a little while...then straight into a hot pan!!

Will have to make them soon! Since we have been talking about them!!

NOW you tell me about the putting it in the fridge!!!! :P

I know I stink. But I don't put it in the fridge here!! Sorry
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 20:17:00
United KingdomYorkshire Pudding
the batter isn't hard to make at all.

But I think you are right, Chris is from Yorkshire and his mom always puts the batter in the fridge for a little while...then straight into a hot pan!!

Will have to make them soon! Since we have been talking about them!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 19:56:00
United KingdomYorkshire Pudding
I used the muffin pans because they were easier to manage for me.

I make them two ways.

1. with lard that you buy in a plastic bowl thingy at the grocery. It is meat based lard.

2. with veggie crisco I think...let me look....yah veggie shortning.

with both I put a bit in the muffin tins and put it in the oven to heat really well. Then before I add the batter I slosh it around so it coats the sides.
I keep a really close eye on it when I put it back in the oven.

The only reason I use veggie sometimes is because I make yorkshire puds for dessert sometimes. I make an apple mixture and put it on top when they are hot and add some fresh whipped cream. It is really really yummy!

I know I use professional words there boys and girls! Ask if something doesn't make sense!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 13:04:00
United KingdomYorkshire Pudding
I make them pretty often.

Umm a really hot pan.

Do you use muffin pans or make them larger?
I use a muffin pan.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 12:45:00
United KingdomUltimate scrifice and chips! Although I make a fantastic batter!

Naan bread! BUT...I will make it homemade now that i know how!

Have a good trip! Enjoy yourself!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-24 19:54:00
United KingdomAirfare from UK to US
might be worth to do ones of those cheap flights to Florida then take jet blue or one of those cheaper domestic companies to your final destination...

anyone tried that?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-05 12:12:00
United KingdomGot an interview date yay!
Congrats! Feels great doesn't it!

yah. I think I'd wait till you at least get the visa.
That way you are for sure. Less panicing!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-27 13:43:00
United KingdomThe Riches
I just pre ordered the whole season on iTunes.
So far I've watched the first two. I am really enjoying it!
Thanks for posting the thread and sparking my interests...I don't have cable and haven't for years so I am never up to date on the new shows!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-01 12:54:00
United KingdomSo its my birthday today
Do you have any good bead shops around the area??

We live in the Gem Capital of the World down here and there are tons of gem shows. All whole sale beads and jewelry parts! It is amazing the deals that I've come across. But I always buy whole peices!


I got crafty on Friday night. Never was into it before but I went to a scrap booking party! I thought it was going to be so cheesy..and it was but I had a blast!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-02 08:32:00
United KingdomSo its my birthday today

I'll see if I can get a picture of my necklace to see if you have any beads to match!!

Might take me a little while, gotta find the camera! *ha*
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-02 04:59:00
United KingdomSo its my birthday today

I don't think you got the hint!! :blush:

:hehe: :lol:

I love that sticky tongue out smilie!

Hehehe, as much as I'd love to exchange jewellery for choccy, I would see my only source of income deplete quite rapidly at that rate! Oh...and my waist line would increase too, which REALLY wouldn't be very fun! :lol:

But...if you're really interested in my jewellery, I can send you some links and you can see if it is your taste. Most of my stuff is custom made, people tell me what gems/colours they prefer, I make it and they buy it if they like it. ;)

do you make earrings...?

My sister actually makes jewelry as well. She has made me this beautiful necklace but it doesn't have earrings with it. I'd love to see some links...of course!

Edited by ajames79, 01 April 2007 - 04:09 PM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-01 16:08:00
United KingdomSo its my birthday today
I don't think you got the hint!! :blush:

:hehe: :lol:

I love that sticky tongue out smilie!

Edited by ajames79, 01 April 2007 - 02:40 PM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-01 14:39:00
United KingdomSo its my birthday today
I have a lot of british chunkey kit kats and delights right here in my freezer...
I'd be happy to share...I don't really eat chocolate at all.

I also really like jewelry...*giggle*

We know all about the ebaying...Chris is doing the same thing ATM.

Takes for ever...he is such a dear though...poor guy!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-01 12:58:00
United KingdomSo its my birthday today
Happy Happy Birthday!!
Hope you have a lovely day!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-26 08:09:00
United KingdomBlueRain77 and PJC1973
I am happy to announce the PJC1973...hope that is his screen name...arrives stateside today having recieved his visa! Congrats to Blue and you and continued success and happy wedding in 25 days or so!

Here's to the new happy little family! Enjoy being together!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-02 09:27:00
United KingdomSooo.. to be approved at interview..
awwww ~~

Congrats guys! Smooth sailing!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-29 09:49:00
United KingdomInterview
this is great news! Congrats!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-02 08:33:00
United KingdomAnyone else got a FOUR DAY WEEKEND? :D
No four day weekend for me!
I am the boss in this situation so guess I am the badun for my employees! (ha)

We work a half day on saturday so no biggie!

This weekend I am gardening a bit! Gonna do a bit of cleaning too! Fun Fun!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 07:34:00
United KingdomKat & Russ's Wedding Day

Thanks so much for sharing the pictures!!

Congrats again you two!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-06 09:03:00
United KingdomKat & Russ's Wedding Day

sending out my warm wishes to the groom and bride as well!

Must feel so good to know this day is finally here!

Continued success for the rest of this "journey"

now.....will may 16th hurry up and arrive already...I am so tired of being patient! *grin*

Congratulations Kat and Russ! The big day is finally here!

And ajames... Spence and I will be two days behind you on May 18th! Can't wait!

YAY us!! *but hurry up* :whistle:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-05 16:30:00
United KingdomKat & Russ's Wedding Day
sending out my warm wishes to the groom and bride as well!

Must feel so good to know this day is finally here!

Continued success for the rest of this "journey"

now.....will may 16th hurry up and arrive already...I am so tired of being patient! *grin*
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-05 05:16:00
United KingdomHappy Birthday FeatherB!!

I understand how you feel with having an easter birthday, it seems every few years my birthday is easter weekend!

Hah, we probably alternate! I'm sure about half my birthdays have been over Easter..... anyway, have just got back from eating lovely thai food and drinking even lovelier cocktails. (Mmm, margaritas). Am glad to discover that I can still type - so obviously I've not had that many cocktails. I could blame the bars for being stingy with the measures, but on the up-side... hopefully that means no hangover tomorrow. Yay!

hope it has been a great day!!

I could use a margarita right now!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-06 19:57:00