United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

I have a quick question about this whole cover letter thing. Do you think it would help in my case where we are afraid we will have the interview too soon? We are not wanting to get married until next December, and my fiance doesn't want to come here until after October 13th (His sister is getting married). We can't really have an interview until the end of April or beginning of May if he wants to stay that long. We just got packet 3 the other day and are stressing about trying to hold it too long. We still have to apply for the police certificate and everything, so I know it's possible to hold it a bit, but not for 3 1/2 months. :whistle:

And by the way, how can you guys afford to go shopping there? So expensive with exchange rates! I was just in England for a month and brought back like nothing, aside from loads of chocolate. Mmm.

I can't answer from experience. So I think I will just let someone else see if they can help..I would hate to answer incorrectly. But the police certifcate normally takes about a month to arrive at your door. That would seem to buy you some time! Also don't forget that you have 6 months to enter in to the United States. I am sure you know that. :)

How I see it. If you applied for your police stuff Monday..think of it arriving around Feb. 17th. If you then send out your have about a month or waiting consider March. 17th or more. Then you have about a month until your April/May...

BUT again I am not sure how long you can hold on to packet 3. So I guess I am not really a help! :( I CAN BE POSITIVE FOR YOU THOUGH *grin*

Umm about affording things due to exchange rate....I just decide how much money i can take over and I never over spend. Recently Chris and I decided that instead of me buying money to take with me he would just supply me the cash and what ever I spend in England I would put the equivelent back into our savings. Works out for me...not so much for him *grin*. Anyway This time I am not going to buy a lot. Although I want a duvet!

I suspect you can hold P3 for a pretty long time. It might be good to email londonconsular and ask. (Put your LND case number in the subject line.) Just say you won't be ready to send in Packet 3 until April and you want to make sure that's okay. Your NOA2 will expire in the meantime, so the USC should contact the embassy about having that extended. That's pretty routine, though.

And I have a confession - I called the State Dept again today. It was my lunch hour, and I was bored. Our file still isn't updated with P3. It's interesting that State Dept employees use the term Packet 3 - I thought maybe that was just a VisaJourney thing.

How was the medical?? Wasn't it yesterday?? Am I thinking correctly?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-17 19:32:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

I have a quick question about this whole cover letter thing. Do you think it would help in my case where we are afraid we will have the interview too soon? We are not wanting to get married until next December, and my fiance doesn't want to come here until after October 13th (His sister is getting married). We can't really have an interview until the end of April or beginning of May if he wants to stay that long. We just got packet 3 the other day and are stressing about trying to hold it too long. We still have to apply for the police certificate and everything, so I know it's possible to hold it a bit, but not for 3 1/2 months. :whistle:

And by the way, how can you guys afford to go shopping there? So expensive with exchange rates! I was just in England for a month and brought back like nothing, aside from loads of chocolate. Mmm.

I can't answer from experience. So I think I will just let someone else see if they can help..I would hate to answer incorrectly. But the police certifcate normally takes about a month to arrive at your door. That would seem to buy you some time! Also don't forget that you have 6 months to enter in to the United States. I am sure you know that. :)

How I see it. If you applied for your police stuff Monday..think of it arriving around Feb. 17th. If you then send out your have about a month or waiting consider March. 17th or more. Then you have about a month until your April/May...

BUT again I am not sure how long you can hold on to packet 3. So I guess I am not really a help! :( I CAN BE POSITIVE FOR YOU THOUGH *grin*

Umm about affording things due to exchange rate....I just decide how much money i can take over and I never over spend. Recently Chris and I decided that instead of me buying money to take with me he would just supply me the cash and what ever I spend in England I would put the equivelent back into our savings. Works out for me...not so much for him *grin*. Anyway This time I am not going to buy a lot. Although I want a duvet!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-17 09:51:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

I am taking off Feb 10 to head over to England for 2 weeks (for Valentine's) I can't wait!! 25 days and counting. Hopefully we will get our packet 4 by then. Would really love to be able to attend the Embassy Interview. Just wish they would send us our date already!
Curious...did you guys put specific Wedding dates down for your packet 3?

We just put that we intend to marry ASAP or as soon as we get the visa..something along those lines. But we have a wedding date of June 23rd.

I should be close to getting my little heart under my name up there!! Humm
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-17 06:46:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

I just called Dept of State. They say London hasn't received Pigu's P3 yet. Royal Mail says it arrived on the 3rd, but I suppose what State really means is it's still sitting in a pile somewhere at the embassy. I'll try back in a few days, I guess. I'm impatient! But it just two weeks tomorrow.

Trust me I was SOO impatient!! But I didn't call. I was going to and then we got the Packet 4 the next day! Ours took about a month to come through. But I was starting to panic.

It is coming!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-16 14:37:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

Still nothing. Pjc called the embassy again and we are labelled "eligible for interview" but no interview is scheduled yet. I don't get it? This is VERY frustrating. Everyone else seems to be getting theres and we get put on the back burner. Anyone else having this problem?

It is frustrating I know! But it is coming!


Just wanted to come on here and say:

Good luck, Packet-4-waiting people (and already-got-Packet-4 people, for that matter)!! :)

I keep looking at this thread 'cos it's exciting to see you all getting closer and closer and closer to actually having your visas - I hope everyone who's still waiting gets their P4 soon!

Thanks Feather! :)
Looking forward to your visit with you Fiance??
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-16 12:35:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.


having a blond moment am I!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 11:27:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
who else is on the 7th as well?? I know I've seen at least one but I can't remember. :wacko:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 08:56:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.


I hope we are next! We posted the checklist on Dec. 4 (well pjc did)! Maybe this will be good cause then we may get an interview date it could be for slightly later and maybe after I arrive! I get there Feb. 11 and stay till the 24th. :dance:
I just got my ticket! woo hoo! DId you know that flying Air Canada is like $150 cheaper than BA AND I get travel insurance? We'll see though...I may found out I wish I had taken the BA Boeing planes instead of the AC Aerbus (LOL Im just biased as I am from the Seattle area and we are the kings [and queens] of Boeing lol)

Hey guys, what are the times of the interview? Are they always at 8am?

Nah, Chris' is at 10 a.m.

I am going over on the 8th till the 26th! Lucky duck on a cheap ticket....I fly direct from Atlanta and it was a pretty good price...

PJC: I've made the connection between you two so HIYA (ya I am slow)!! Yes the US is huge..But perhaps we can get a time together to have some kinda meet up! VJ should do conventions! Ha

Could you imagine being in front of every VJer that's here? :lol:

no I can't and there are several that can stay home!! :) What a scary group it COULD be!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-13 17:10:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.


I hope we are next! We posted the checklist on Dec. 4 (well pjc did)! Maybe this will be good cause then we may get an interview date it could be for slightly later and maybe after I arrive! I get there Feb. 11 and stay till the 24th. :dance:
I just got my ticket! woo hoo! DId you know that flying Air Canada is like $150 cheaper than BA AND I get travel insurance? We'll see though...I may found out I wish I had taken the BA Boeing planes instead of the AC Aerbus (LOL Im just biased as I am from the Seattle area and we are the kings [and queens] of Boeing lol)

Hey guys, what are the times of the interview? Are they always at 8am?

Nah, Chris' is at 10 a.m.

I am going over on the 8th till the 26th! Lucky duck on a cheap ticket....I fly direct from Atlanta and it was a pretty good price...

PJC: I've made the connection between you two so HIYA (ya I am slow)!! Yes the US is huge..But perhaps we can get a time together to have some kinda meet up! VJ should do conventions! Ha
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-13 14:04:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
Well then we will plan for a meet up! Twist his arm!

Umm I am actually in the mountains....The beautiful mountains!

The ebay process is exhausting! Although I can't complain at all. It is all about Chris. I just get to reap the benefits!!

Tracy is in TN... not really close but not really far away. Perhaps we could plan a little meet of of the Brits...

I think it will be a needed thing for the boys! We can go shopping! :) Need anything from England?? Might bring back a few food items...

This goes for anyone..I am will to work it out if I can bring back some small items for anyone! No charge but item and postage!! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-13 11:27:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

Northern Boys are the best! I always ALWAYS take to much and do a lot of shopping! However last time I was there..just a few months ago. I left some things. So I am going to take one case..and one nearly empty case and just bring stuff back of his! I had over the amount of luggage last time and I didn't get charged. But I think that was my one freebie!

Yesterday was such a blah day, today is so much better! Chris and I are planning a trip to Whitby. Gonna do some hiking while we are there. Kinda strange to go to the coast in the winter I know. But it is our favorite place. I think it is where I really fell in love with him. PLUS....really really really good fish and chips!

Lisa..just looked at a mp to see where Durham is...not really all that far!

Grab a Chinese when you're in Whitby :o Oh man, I can't believe I just said apols :blush:

As far as stuff is concerned, I still have about 7 35 kilo cases worth of stuff there :blush: I'm goin over there at some point with nowt in my cases, lol. And no doubt I'll go shopping too, cos I'm an addict, hahahaha But where you flying into? Did I miss that bit? When I fig;d I'd go is after the interview, so we can just focus on packing up and arranging transport of all the 'stuff'. So depending on how much chew there is to change your tick & what that would do to his sched, you might wanna just consider leaving the tick as is :)

Our house is actually a few miles south of the city of Sunderland in co Durham but he was born in Sund & is Mackem thru and thru. And our house is on the coast, so I know how pretty the sea is in, one year I was convinced I would do a Boxing Day Dip, but clearly that was an insane thought.

PJC~ Thank you!! I am so jazzed at this moment *might be the coffee*

LisaD~ to bad you won't be visiting in Feb. we'd make a trip to see you. We suppose we will do 4-5 days in Whitby just relaxing. Besides I need some new jet earrings!
I am flying into Manchester...always do.

Chris and I have been slowly transporting his stuff here the last year or so. He's been doing lots of ebay sells too. Honestly thank God for ebay. We have made fantastic money. He is a big time music collector of rare items. He was smart with a lot of things and bought two while the prices were low. So now these things are selling for loads. He is a drummer as well. ANYone who knows drummers will understand how much stuff will have to be moved and sold in total. However most of it is already here!

Jealous of the house on the coast!! Ever make it up to NC?

TRACY: you are totally right! What a vacation this will be!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-13 10:55:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please

I am just asking for some thoughts and prayers and some good energy to come our way please.

To explain...I sent our ORIGINAL k-1 packet...with reciepts, pictures, birth certificates, etcetc (you all know what is in the packet) on the 18th through the USPS. Express...etc...insured...sent in a mega bag with plastic locks on it...etc etc..
It has not arrived at Chris' house yet. Interview is on the 7th. I am in a panic.
Last tracked date is the 19th leaving New York.

Please let me be over reacting, please please tell me what to do. Re assemble the package..? It won't get there in time. What do I do. That is my life in there. Personal idenitity information...

this is the first time during the whole process that my stomach is in my throat.

Im sorry i cant help but i wanted to let you know that im thinking of you both and that i hope it gets sorted soon for you.. Is there anyway you could contact USPS direct and ask them the exact location of the package?
(F) takes 1-5 days for them to track it. I just got off the phone with the England side of things and then the US side of things.

Thank you. We appreciate it but I am nearly sick.
I just can't seem to figure out how important this is. Chris has all my letter from the employer, my tax and check stubs etc. I mean what on earth do we do. I can compile everything and send it again but it is no longer orginals and it wouldn't get there for the interview.

Chris just mailed the embassy.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-30 08:14:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please
I am just asking for some thoughts and prayers and some good energy to come our way please.

To explain...I sent our ORIGINAL k-1 packet...with reciepts, pictures, birth certificates, etcetc (you all know what is in the packet) on the 18th through the USPS. Express...etc...insured...sent in a mega bag with plastic locks on it...etc etc..
It has not arrived at Chris' house yet. Interview is on the 7th. I am in a panic.
Last tracked date is the 19th leaving New York.

Please let me be over reacting, please please tell me what to do. Re assemble the package..? It won't get there in time. What do I do. That is my life in there. Personal idenitity information...

this is the first time during the whole process that my stomach is in my throat.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-30 07:27:00
United Kingdoma thak you to my fellow UK VJers
*grin* Chris is used to the same thing..."on VJ I heard you could..."

This place has been a life saver..but mostly it has been this little group who has helped the most.
I like our little space on VJ.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-14 06:54:00
United KingdomAJames79!!! Good luck!!
Hey guys..I got to England Friday to have my fish and chips for tea last night. Tonight is our engagement party thrown by Chris' parents. I am really excited and things are really good.

His visa arrived this morning at 8a.m. So that was rather quick. But really I wanted to say thanks again for all your well wishes. Congrats to all of you that had your interviews recently and good luck to you who have them this coming week. It is a fantastic support system we have. I feel very fourtunate!

Thanks again all!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-10 13:30:00
United KingdomAJames79!!! Good luck!!

WE GOT IT! Chris just called! Expect the visa in 2-3 days!! Awesome! I can finally believe that our wedding will be in JUNE! Thanks again guys and good luck for everyone for the future! Time to pack and fly out!

FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant news I am SOOOOOOOO pleased for you guys!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:

Well your NEXT. Maybe you will have the same SMALL room as Chris...awww wouldnt that be sweet! *laugh*
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-07 09:25:00
United KingdomAJames79!!! Good luck!!
WE GOT IT! Chris just called! Expect the visa in 2-3 days!! Awesome! I can finally believe that our wedding will be in JUNE! Thanks again guys and good luck for everyone for the future! Time to pack and fly out!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-07 07:29:00
United KingdomAJames79!!! Good luck!!
still no word yet from Chris. He promised to call me straight away. I am expecting word any minute really.

Chloe: Yours is so soon... GOOD luck to you too.

PJC~ He said last night that it was fine. Very small but fine. He says there are lots of good resturants around but he was to nervous to try anything ethnic last night.

I am relaxed and breathing. I am so excited for the next few weeks. Honestly you guys are amazing.

I will get back to you as soon as I know something!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-07 07:16:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss the most from the UK?
Hiyas...UK misser people you.

I am in the UK until a week from Sunday and if there is something I can reasonably bring back in my case I will. I don't mind.
Candy or something...a sauce?? I am serious I don't mind.
I know what it is like to miss.

Things are good here...Been watching a bit of the shows.
Last night we were in London and went to a show. It was awesome...but the fight that broke out in the takeaway wasn't all that great! Stupid effing kids. What are they all so angry about?! Haa

Today we are off to Whitby and then up towards Scotland. For several days. But I will be back on Thursday to take requests...

I can't bring back your darlings okay. I am sorry, but I just can't! :no: :hehe:

Edited by ajames79, 17 February 2007 - 06:33 AM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-17 06:31:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss the most from the UK?

Gosh there are lots of things I miss! Right at this exact moment I miss fish and chips!
I think I am just whiney and crampy today! :)
Hows that for sharing! :)

Ever had chips from Seahouses? omG :crying:

No..I've never but right now they have to be good!
I need grease apparently. Nothing will make me happy!

Open Air Markets...I love them.

lol I'm such a dork...that was supposed to read FISH and's really the Haddock that is unbelievably remarkable. And I'm not too keen on fried fish either...but I ate 1.5 pieces that day!

*Grin* I figured you meant fish and chips! No worries!! I'll take haddock or cod! I am just jones-ing! In Whitby...the Dolphin has the best fresh fish and chips!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-12 16:53:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss the most from the UK?
mmm...and cheese!

I miss pub beer!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-12 16:47:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss the most from the UK?

Gosh there are lots of things I miss! Right at this exact moment I miss fish and chips!
I think I am just whiney and crampy today! :)
Hows that for sharing! :)

Ever had chips from Seahouses? omG :crying:

No..I've never but right now they have to be good!
I need grease apparently. Nothing will make me happy!

Open Air Markets...I love them.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-12 16:47:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss the most from the UK?
Gosh there are lots of things I miss! Right at this exact moment I miss fish and chips!
I think I am just whiney and crampy today! :)
Hows that for sharing! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-12 16:36:00
United KingdomIn Case You Don't Go Into OT

awwwwwwwwwwww...just seeing this now! How sweet!!

Hope all is well for all of you.....I am enjoying the hell out of my holiday.

Just had some proper sausages!!

I officially hate you.


How much longer over there? Wanna post any piccies or do we have to wait til you're home?

I know but I posted and offering for all you missing people out there in your other thread....

We took loads of pictures at our engagement party...some good ones. But Chris software for his camera ha to be re-installed...I'll post them when I get back!

Don't be hate-ers people.

Wanna know what is weird. I think of certian people when I have something they have been missing. I when I had bangers yesterday I though of posting it. I had some cadburys last night and I thought of Mags.
It isn't a thought of "ha haa, I have them and you don't" it is a thought of "wow I bet so-n-so would enjoy these"

Now I am feeling soppy.

Just see what I wrote in my other thread and put orders of small things in. I'll read them thursday!

Just had some proper sausages!!


This could turn into the "We want a British Banger thread"... :lol:

wait for it....wait for it........

Posted Image

That has to be the best emoticon I have ever seen! :yes:

OH DEAR!!!!!!

ha haaaaa
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-17 06:40:00
United KingdomIn Case You Don't Go Into OT
awwwwwwwwwwww...just seeing this now! How sweet!!

Hope all is well for all of you.....I am enjoying the hell out of my holiday.

Just had some proper sausages!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-16 09:11:00
United KingdomBrit Stuff
I like the baby jumpers that are "Made in America with British parts" My mother would hate that!! But I kinda think it is cute!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-04 08:22:00
United KingdomBrit Stuff

I misread the 'Kiss me I'm a Walker' shirt :lol:

meanwhile, D would never wear any of those cos he'd say they're pure cheese...but the 'do my bollocks look big in this?' would be the only exception.

I know I love it! Found loads of stuff I want!!

Perhaps I will get a tee shirt for Chris for a wedding gift!

Did I miss your triumphant return? :(

too right... proud to be british????

I am, but don't need to announce it on a shirt!

gotta admit tho, the bollocks one is cute tho ;)

I think i am going to get the bollocks one for Chris.....he can wear it while he drums. There are a few other ones in there that are cute. But I am not a big tee shirt fan nor do I put stickers on my car. We also have WAY to many mugs.

Ah haa...I found a perfect one for Chris....Anyone a Steve Coogan fan??

Edited by ajames79, 03 March 2007 - 08:36 PM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-03 20:34:00
United KingdomBrit Stuff

I misread the 'Kiss me I'm a Walker' shirt :lol:

meanwhile, D would never wear any of those cos he'd say they're pure cheese...but the 'do my bollocks look big in this?' would be the only exception.

I know I love it! Found loads of stuff I want!!

Perhaps I will get a tee shirt for Chris for a wedding gift!

Did I miss your triumphant return? :(

No no no...Chris would never EVER wear any of those in public...but I quite like the idea of getting one as a joke!!

I actually have been laying low reason. Just haven't been online, trying to catch up here since my return. HOWEVER..tonight I am bored and where is everyone?
Kinda feel bad cause I don't know where everyone is in their paper work. Not being a supportive VJ-er.

But I brought back crumpets for a treat for myself. Might have a glass of wine and a crumpet. (yes I am a weirdo)

Had a fantastic engagement party. Can't wait to share the pictures!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-03 20:19:00
United KingdomBrit Stuff
I know I love it! Found loads of stuff I want!!

Perhaps I will get a tee shirt for Chris for a wedding gift!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-03 17:35:00
United KingdomWhat's the ratio? Do we have more women or men coming from the UK?
I voted for Chris...who is moving from the Uk to live with me! Yay!

Although we considered moving there!

But we will try here first!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-07 21:44:00
United KingdomAnother interview approval!
congrats guys!! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-05 21:45:00
United KingdomHappy Birthday Kat
Happy Birthday!
Sorry about the shots! But one step further along right!?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-08 07:42:00
United KingdomKat and Russ's Mojo Thread
Although it was Chris and not me going through the medical I can totally understand who you are feeling.
Chris has said that everything about this process is much worse to think about then to actually do.
The medical and the interview were a breeze.

Believe me you will feel so good when you are on the other side of it and wonder what all of the worry was about!

Good luck and continued success!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-10 07:52:00
United KingdomCongrats to all of us

:thumbs: Now tomorrow night I have to remember to start a curry thread (been too busy tonight...) Yeah, have done others before, but I want some real tips from people who reallyyyy make 'em. I need to learn how to make a couple of great ones, even tho ....oh never mind, I can say all this later in that thread. Yeah, YAY UK forum! :) M.

I won't be any help to you with the Indian curries! I only make Thai curries!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-14 07:08:00
United KingdomCongrats to all of us
I totally agree!
I always come here first! Hardly ever off topic any more!
I think you all are great!

It is a shame we are all so far apart! I'd love to have a meet up.
Maybe one day!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-12 14:49:00
United KingdomHow are you getting around the mothers day issue?

From the time I was about 10 yrs old, I remember visiting N. Carolina (western)every year for about 8 years...for a week or twoin the summers. (My Dad's aunt) We would usually get over to Winston-Salem while we were there too, but we spent most of our time in the western part....this tiny town called Vale....(near Morganton/Lincolnton) but it's SUCH a beautiful area of the're lucky tolive there! :) M.

I know Vale too.
Went to college near there as well!
It is quite lovely here.
I am happy..miss sushi in a good resturant. But I can live without it.

I'll tell you what, I get up and go to work by 7...Driving to work when the sun is just coming up over the mountains especially in the spring time is simply amazing!

And to bring it around to the mother lives in NC as well and will be celebrating the US holiday. My English mother in law will next year recieve a gift from us for the british holiday.
HOWEVER someone else will have to remind me because I don't remember ANYTHING.

SO I leave it in the hands of YOU my VJ friends to remind me next year of said holiday! Thanks! :lol: :lol:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-16 13:42:00
United KingdomHow are you getting around the mothers day issue?

ajames....SERIOUSLY? Sorry to butt in here...but Stewart and I met in Brevard...our first date was in Ashe-vegas ;) We go visit every summer! Where are you up there? it's one of my favorite places in the world.

CAROLINE...I think we talked about this once before!
I went to Brevard College actually.
Very familar with all of Western NC.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-16 12:31:00
United KingdomHow are you getting around the mothers day issue?

I'll send Simon's mum an e-card - she is just fascinated by them! :) I sent her one for the US mother's day and she was very pleased. I've not met his parents yet - I am so looking forward to that this September.

I do love the idea of flowers from M&S, but they live in Scotland on the Isle of Lewis - any ideas??? I doubt M&S will ship to there for anything less than a fortune, if at all.


google florists in their home town. then call them & give em your cc# :thumbs:

Duh - like I wouldn't do it that way for my own mom in NC!!! :blink: Sometimes my brain doesn't think right.

Thanks!!!! :blush:


Where in NC? I'm in NC! :)

Angela: sorry to hear your MIL issues. I am very very VERY happy that mine are lovely. They are sad that Chris is moving away, but they are happy that our relationship has come full circle.

However. I am terrible! I mean awful with remembering dates. So I will have to work hard at remembering 2 mothers days!

Rocky Mount - we will be there at the end of April! I can't wait!! :)


Some friends Parents have a house there! Lovely area. Enjoy your visit.
I am about an hour west of Asheville in the lovely mountains!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-16 11:44:00
United KingdomHow are you getting around the mothers day issue?

I'll send Simon's mum an e-card - she is just fascinated by them! :) I sent her one for the US mother's day and she was very pleased. I've not met his parents yet - I am so looking forward to that this September.

I do love the idea of flowers from M&S, but they live in Scotland on the Isle of Lewis - any ideas??? I doubt M&S will ship to there for anything less than a fortune, if at all.


google florists in their home town. then call them & give em your cc# :thumbs:

Duh - like I wouldn't do it that way for my own mom in NC!!! :blink: Sometimes my brain doesn't think right.

Thanks!!!! :blush:


Where in NC? I'm in NC! :)

Angela: sorry to hear your MIL issues. I am very very VERY happy that mine are lovely. They are sad that Chris is moving away, but they are happy that our relationship has come full circle.

However. I am terrible! I mean awful with remembering dates. So I will have to work hard at remembering 2 mothers days!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-16 04:55:00
United KingdomWoohooo!!!! Im online AND they came!!!! (Visas...ahem)
I am very happy for you. I know you are really excited!
Here's to continued success along this process!!

So whens the big move???

Ours is in May! COME ON MAY!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-17 05:12:00