United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
And see I didn't use drippings from the meat. Not because that isn't how I was taught..but I use a really lean cut of mean and it never has much drippings. So I buy and it is just abit gross, *smile* that little plastic tub of lard in the oil section at the grocery!

It is easy when you get the hang of it! But it took me a few tries to per-fect it. And they are never perfect..just as close as I will ever be! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-09 06:02:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?

I made a roast dinner last night with beef roast, roasted potatoes, brussels, and the mandatory bisto gravy...and I tried Yorkshire pudds finally! We all really enjoyed them, but they weren't as hollow in the middle as they should have been..other than that, good! What should I do...thinner batter maybe?? :) M.

Must be thinner batter....

Thin batter and I watched my mother in law to be put the batter in the fridge..then right before she cooked them she made sure it was still thin.

I am new to this as well. But try really thin batter!
I am actually (this might be stupid of me to say) but proud of you for trying it!! That is so cool! I was nervous the first time I did mine!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-08 22:43:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?

Simon has made these twice since he's been here, though he insists on calling them Batter Puddings and not Yorkshire Pudding because they are in the little cup size servings. :)

He made them once with regular cooking oil and for Christmas he roasted a goose and used the goose fat - it was totally amazing!!!!!!!

As for Birds - I bought mine at Meyer in the international section, and our trifle was outstanding! We used raspberries and lady fingers, and soaked them in sherry over night - it was gobbled up by everyone!

And who ever said Brits don't have good food was crazy! How can you beat anything soaked in booze and cooked in fat!!! :dancing:


Sounds yummy! Where is Simon from?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-05 15:54:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
I think I will do those sausage rolls. I also wanted to add: if people are finding it hard getting used to the seasoning in the sausage here, try the turkey breakfast sausage...yummy and a little milder. You can get it in the "tube" just like the Jimmy Dean

Yorkshire puds~

. Not in front of my cook book but basically it is flour, egg, and milk...thin mixture...and I use a wisk to mix it together. if it isn't thin enough I add a little more milk. I hardly ever measure anything out. Basic THIN pancake batter.

The trick is this...I use muffin get lard, put a little in each muffin pan and put it in the oven until it is sizzeling and smoking a bit...I mean hot. The lard should cover the bottom of the pan...
when the grease is hot add the batter to about half full. It should puff up a bit when you add the batter. Put it back in the oven and watch till it is golden brown...they will puff up and be serving size pudds.

To vary: I use crisco or something like it and make it a dessert with apples and cream or ice cream. It is amazingly good. Especially hot with the cream. I am sure you could use a veg based "lard" all the time...

This is just from memory...but I can tell you that I really don't have a full recipe, most of it is by site. Took me 2 times to get it just right and now I can do it by just adding ingredients. Good luck!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-03 10:36:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
Chris isn't a huge fan of trifle..but I think I can alter it enough for his taste. But my mom used to make one all the time growing up.

This year for christmas his mom sent me all sorts of cooking gear. Mastered the yorkshire puds a long while ago...but I think I want to try to make meat pies in pastry! Have you done this?
His mom gave me pastry cutters so I think I can use those.....or maybe those are to make short bread! Pasteries are next on my list!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-02 08:30:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?

anyone see that ep of Friends where Rachel made the trifle with ground beef and custard?

good times

My mom and I were just talking about that last night!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-31 12:51:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?

Thanks for all the replies everyone! I went holiday shopping two nights ago, and couldn't find anything anywhereeeeeeee :( Like you say, Cheeky, I've seen a lot of recipes that call for vanilla pudding instead. E, happy holidays to you too!!! :) (well, to everyone else too! :P ) Cerise, I wish I had some of that!! :lol: Hard to find *anything* up north isles like foods, etc. :( Oh, Marylou...WOODMANSSSSSSSSSSSS. :( For the longest time after I moved here about 11 years ago, I called our local supermarket (Econo Foods and Super One) Woodmans! Just couldn't get used to it..if they have Ambrosia there, I *so* wish I still had one near me...Craig lovessssssssssssssssssss Ambrosia rice pudding in particular, but no can do around here! Looks like I will have to order online, and probably not for New Year's now, but he will like it anytime I do it, I know. Oh yeah..and Cerise...going to make some mini sausage rolls for our get together, probably tomorrow night. :) So glad I got the recipe from you that time!!! :thumbs: Anneelizabeth, great to see you's been awhile!!! For everyone else, thanks a lot for the links and replies (Cherry, dr lha, Janice, Kezz, ajames...) Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas and even better New Year!! :thumbs: :) :) :) M.

You too!
Good luck with all your cooking! Looking forward to hearing how it turns out!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-24 08:44:00
United KingdomBird's custard in US anywhere?
I bought some Birds Custard at The World Market in the summer.
I've seen it a few places but probably online would be the quickest.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-22 08:20:00
United KingdomHoly crap
so hows it going?? Did you pack a lot this weekend??
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 05:49:00
United KingdomWe had the ceremony!
I absolutly love reading your posts! Congrats you two! Your pictures are lovely.
You guys look like such a fun couple! Continued success.......
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-03 08:19:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?

Shameless is my alltime fave running series tho my fave thing on tv there ever was Our Friends in the North
Love Dr Who, addicted to Easties even tho it's #######...BB3...lil Britain when it FIRST came out....Your Face or Mine, or basically anything with Jimmy Carr cos I love his sarcasm. G Norton was great before he went to NY, The Office, Cold Feet,Coupling, PK's Phoenix Nights, Extras, OFAH, Spaced, My Hero (I couldn't help myself, lol)

erm, I can't remember any more but I'm sure I missed some

Oh! but teletubbies are great to watch when you come home pizzed at 4am, lol.

edited to add a few, heh



ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-08 20:41:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?

I don't have any favs. Terrible huh. I don't watch tv in the states and rarely caught anything when I am over there.
I do get the soaps occasionally...typically while we are eating tea. During the day I'd catch the home improvement stuff!
But no favs.

I know..I am missing out!

I know it sounds silly, but when I was in the UK I only really watched Dr Who and Jonathan Ross/Graham Norton etc. Most of the other stuff was US shows like Lost, Bones etc etc.

When I came over here we had no TV until last week. We only got it because it was free. You pay for internet and the cable comes with it. Since then I just have watched the programmes I used to watch in the UK. Bones, House etc etc. Until then we'd just buy the DVD of the series and watch those. Nearly finished watching the first series of Prison Break on DVD. Funny thing was, we got TV and it was showing trailers of the second we know they must get out! Only four episodes to go...wonder if they make it? LOL

that is like Chris with lost...he has been one series behind me and I have to keep my mouth shut about what happens! IT IS SO HARD!
But he stopped watching the 2nd series in England...He will get caught up when he moves here I guess.

As I've said I don't watch TV here...haven't had it for years. My renters want TV so mayeb I will mirror it off them but I can't decide.

My parents really like you really like it too?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-08 14:40:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?
I don't have any favs. Terrible huh. I don't watch tv in the states and rarely caught anything when I am over there.
I do get the soaps occasionally...typically while we are eating tea. During the day I'd catch the home improvement stuff!
But no favs.

I know..I am missing out!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-08 13:51:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
we were making fun of Chris yesterday...

Kept saying 'ook. "I need the 'ook placed here" etc etc.

Meant Hook! Silly boy! We were having a right laugh at his expense!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 07:57:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

Has anyone mentioned flamin' Nora?

When I think about it, I realise how strange it is...

Chris says bloody nora a lot...but never heard him say flaming nora...I think.
Where did it come from is what I want to know?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-25 20:11:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

I've never actually met any of his family, but have spoken to them a time or two or hear them in the background. I do dread speaking to them, because they laugh at my accent! (oklahoma) And I wouldn't be able to understand them, as they speak pretty fast. I have noticed that Dave slows down when he's speaking to me, and slows down even more when speaking to my family. I can only imagine how retarded his extended family and friends are going to think I am when I just looked puzzled as they speak to me.. lol

I promise you it will be fine. The more and more you are around them the easier it is to understand...and you pick up on the slang.

I've been going back and forth for 3 years now....about every 3-4 months and I've gotten pretty good at deciphering. Chris has one friend that talks sooo fast but even his family has hard time understanding him.

It is always a nerve wracking experience meeting your future in-laws. Mine are fantastic, hope yours are as well!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-25 10:27:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

So a few things that Dave says are
cheeky #######
for fu*k sake
fit like - how you doing
aye - ok
can't be bothered
that's well nice
aye nae bother (sounds like alright neighbor when he's talking to his family)

One day we were driving around, and he said curb.. but I swear it sounded like kerub or something, took me a minute to figure out what the hell he was talking about. lol I love his accent, but its weird because even hearing his family, it doesn't appeal to me as much as his does.. must be the loving him part lol

he hee!

I can nearly always understand Chris...but when I am talking to his family...sometimes I only put sentences togethers like 20 seconds later.
They have thick Yorkshire accents!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-25 10:04:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

wow, as i was thinking over all the fav terms from glasgow, i realised most of them cannot be posted in polite company :P

jobby - poo
gob shite - someone who's talking a lot of bullshit
scants - underwear
rumpy pumpy - sex
hen - term of endearment
coo - cow, derogatory term for a woman
ned - non educated delinquent, track suit wearing, gold plated jewelry burberry sporting techno and rap fan, prone to being seen with a bottle of bucky and a can of spray paint...and bicycles that seem way too small for them (aka chavs) and bricks :P
pish - generally piss but used in a variety of ways :P "aye is pishin it doon" "stop talkin pish" "i'm getting pished" "i need tae go for a pish"
hoachin' - infested
boaby, dobber | fanny, fud - i'm not telling :P look them up lol
ken - understand
pee-the-beds - dandy lions
belter - really good

dunno about others, but cheeky isn't such a cute term for us! it's something you don't want to be accused of being with daddy in our house lol

I kinda always gathered cheeky was being naughty/sassy. I assume it has turned into one of those cutsy teenager type words!

Never hear that NED about chavs! Haa. Heard lots of things about them but not that!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-22 05:07:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

IMO, the quintessential Americanism is "Awesome". We, like, say it all the time. LOL

Totally. Awesome. My pals in Ireland were always teasing me by saying "awesome" every other word, which I never knew was Irish.

Anyway, :waves from Latin America forum which is not nearly so fun: this thread has had me laughing out loud quite a bit. One of my best friends is British and my favorite things are the simple things. I love "sorted" so much.

But on this thread, I learned she's actually saying "can't be arsed".... :blush: Thank you for educating me and entertaining me, UK forum!

Hiya...ya I like sorted as well!
Chris uses it daily so I've picked it up.

Come back any time!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-22 05:05:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
I know I hear this in Yorkshire....


or Booit=boot

heres one everyone uses....Chuffed.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 09:16:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....


*raises hand*

Still waiting for her NOA2.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 08:37:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

Someone already mentioned it:

but I say LOVELY all day everyday.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist!". One of my faves!

Hey are you doing over here? Did ya find any clothes that you like?

2 months till Chris is here...I can't wait.

Why did I think it was less than 2 mos??

Because it should be less then 2 months!! GRRRRRRRRR.
Nah. This is the way we planned it. To make as much money and for Chris to hike for 269 miles before he goes.
I says something along the lines of "YOU could always come earlier ya know" nearly everyday! But we've got to keep it this way.
Especially to keep within the 90 days of our wedding!

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 07:29:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

Someone already mentioned it:

but I say LOVELY all day everyday.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist!". One of my faves!

Hey are you doing over here? Did ya find any clothes that you like?

2 months till Chris is here...I can't wait.

I used Macy's online and Amazon, found some bargains! So, got that sorted. However, it is warming up now so I have to stock up for better get Mr Plastic ready again.... :P

2 months for you both? Betcha can't wait! :D

Yah, I love Macys...That is where Chris and I are registered.
Nordstroms can be a little pricey but the quaility is fantastic.
That is typically where I order my suits and dresses for summer and for weddings etc.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-17 10:25:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
Someone already mentioned it:

but I say LOVELY all day everyday.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist!". One of my faves!

Hey are you doing over here? Did ya find any clothes that you like?

2 months till Chris is here...I can't wait.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-17 09:12:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

I think you do pick things up after a few years (not instantly like Madonna,I think Elton John commented that he sounded more American than she did, lol) but your accent doesn't fundamentally change. Sometimes you have to adapt just to be understood

Totally agree. All of us who are marrying Brits are going to pick up on somethings. But changing our whole dialect, INSTANTLY doesn't happen unless you make yourself for your own weird purpose!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-14 14:27:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

I don't have a problem with the mirrored accent issues .I have a much bigger problem with the word "cheers." It's a natural human response to mirror whomever we're with to make ourselves feel comfortable and engender acceptance from them. Watch yourself next time you're in a group - are all your hands crossed the same way? Similar stances? The same goes for intonation and accents. Some people are more likely to adapt linguistically than others, but I don't fault Madonna for it - ####### I do it myself and then get mad at myself and then get mad at myself for getting mad at myself for something that is a biological/sociological function!

Maybe for you it is a subconcious thing...with Madonna I think it was VERY conscious. She started wearing tweed, started shooting, bought a country mansion, started drinking bitter in a local pub and not to mention her stupid accent (which has gone by the wayside incidentally)...and all within a few months of getting there. Hers was intentional and rather she deserves all the ribbing she can get IMO!! :P

I totally agree.
She went way over the top!

I won't be out shooting at my country house but I will be drinking bitters with the locals! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-14 11:37:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

I use fancy (As in, want/desire/etc), can't be arsed, bloody, for f*cks sake, having a laugh/was a laugh, lovely.. and, on the more vulgar side, ####, although I appear to say it like the Aussies do (but wikipedia says it was common pronounciation for brits in the past, so there!) I tried for the longest time not to use them, but it just happened. There's plenty of others that slip in on occasion, but those are the ones I can think of using most often.

I actually think I'm partial to scottish accents overall but my guy's a bit of mish mash of posh kentish londonish accents. mancunian is nice too. And I seem to like welsh singers, but then I had a welsh friend who I couldn't understand speaking for the life of me, so no idea what's the deal there.

:innocent: I use 'for f*cks sake' a lot too. In decent company.

Chris uses Bloody Nora..I find it weird. Wonder where it came from? I might have to do some research!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-14 05:02:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish .... is can't be arsed! At least that is the way I've always heard it.

Of course I love the Yorkshire accent the best! I am quite biased!

However I am going to ask Chris what he thinks. I think he'd say Gordie...
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-13 17:37:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
I can't say Cheers either. Occasionally I'll say it at a pub after I order a pint but I can't say it here.

What makes me go all melty and it is silly I know, it is quite commen for everyone to use it but I LOVE when Chris calls me love! Like if I am upset he'll say "What's up love" in a calm voice. Or I like listening to him speak to older ladies in England (he works for council) He calls them Love...

I love hearing him talk to people who work for him all "Cheers Mate" "Sure Pal" etc etc. Okay I am all whiney today.

Walking all over the house trying to find something that smells like him. He suggested I go find his hiking boots! (ha) Not quite what I as looking for!

This week is a whiney week!

HOWEVER...I got the wedding invites out today! :star:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-13 14:36:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
I always say 'Come On' for weeks after I am in England...From the mazda advert that plays over and over with the little puppets!

Chris thinks it is funny....considering I complain about the commercial!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-13 10:02:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
Here are a few that Chris and his family use that I like.

All right? - This is used a lot around London and the south to mean, "Hello, how are you"? You would say it to a complete stranger or someone you knew. The normal response would be for them to say "All right"? back to you. It is said as a question. Sometimes it might get expanded to "all right mate"? Mostly used by blue collar workers but also common among younger people.

Bloody - One of the most useful swear words in English. Mostly used as an exclamation of surprise i.e. "bloody hell" or "bloody nora". Something may be "bloody marvellous" or "bloody awful". It is also used to emphasise almost anything, "you're bloody mad", "not bloody likely" and can also be used in the middle of other words to emphasise them. E.g. "Abso-bloody-lutely"! Americans should avoid saying "bloody" as they sound silly.

Gutted - If someone is really upset by something they might say that they were gutted. Like when you are told that you have just failed your driving test!

Nowt - This is Yorkshire for nothing. Similarly owt is Yorkshire for anything. Hence the expression "you don't get owt for nowt". Roughly translated as "you never get anything for nothing" or "there's no such thing as a free lunch".

Snog - If you are out on the pull you will know you are succeeding if you end up snogging someone of the opposite sex (or same sex for that matter!). It would probably be referred to as making out in American, or serious kissing!

Ta - We said "ta" as kids in Liverpool for years before we even knew it was short for thanks.

Tara - Pronounced "churar", this is another word for cheerio or goodbye. Cilla Black, a scouse TV presenter has probably done most to promote the use of this word as she says it all the time on her programmes.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-12 15:05:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
Love it guys!

I have a whole dictionary of Yorkshire words and phrases that my sister in law gave to me when we got engaged. I'll have to dig it out and share when I get home!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-12 13:50:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
ha! Good one. I say that a lot!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-12 10:13:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
What is your favourite English(etc) word or phrase? And for those of you who are from the British Isles what is an American slang word or phrase you have picked up??

OR what do you hate? Is there a word or Phrase that irritates you!?

I forgot Welsh..but that is in there too!! :)

Edited by ajames79, 12 March 2007 - 09:39 AM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-12 09:38:00
United KingdomWe have to fly to Texas
Good luck with over coming your fear.

I have never been scared to fly but I can't sleep on the plane AT ALL.

Tried sleeping pills once and ended up being much much sicker for it. Still no sleep but I felt like vomiting for the last 4 hours!

Never had much luck with the drinking on the plane as well. Makes me a bit sick too!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-08 16:39:00
United KingdomGood Luck TracyTN!
ohh I am just seeing this now!! Not around so often as I was!!!
Behind you guys 100%!! Congrats and continued success!!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-08 16:33:00
United KingdomCr*ppy birthday to me
awww! Sorry! Hope your day does improve some!! :(
Happy Birthday to you!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 13:21:00
United KingdomOk - silly girl question - what to wear!!!

Whitby was always the trip my school made annually ! I loved it there - the other favourite place was Knareborough - getting hold of quality whitby jet has become more expensive now - i am jealous!!!

have a great time!

My husband (whoa) gave me a whitby jet necklace and earring set on our wedding day!! I have a few other peices but these are by far the loveliest!!

Again i am so jealous of you! Have a great trip!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-04 16:51:00
United KingdomOk - silly girl question - what to wear!!!
Chris and I are Whitby people!
I always say that is where I knew I loved him.
We go often!

Big fans of Fish and Chips at the Dolphin.
Last time I was there we ate a lovely dinner at an Italian place that we never noticed before.
Allessis we think....(brain isn't working) anyway it is on the Abby side of the river near the Endeavour Pub(leftside if you are walking away from town).
The father was cooking while the daughter was serving. BEST terimissu. It was just so quaint and lovely for a romantic dinner for two.

I wish I were going to Whitby!! :)
Have a great time meeting everyone!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-03 12:44:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

I have a quick question about this whole cover letter thing. Do you think it would help in my case where we are afraid we will have the interview too soon? We are not wanting to get married until next December, and my fiance doesn't want to come here until after October 13th (His sister is getting married). We can't really have an interview until the end of April or beginning of May if he wants to stay that long. We just got packet 3 the other day and are stressing about trying to hold it too long. We still have to apply for the police certificate and everything, so I know it's possible to hold it a bit, but not for 3 1/2 months. :whistle:

And by the way, how can you guys afford to go shopping there? So expensive with exchange rates! I was just in England for a month and brought back like nothing, aside from loads of chocolate. Mmm.

I can't answer from experience. So I think I will just let someone else see if they can help..I would hate to answer incorrectly. But the police certifcate normally takes about a month to arrive at your door. That would seem to buy you some time! Also don't forget that you have 6 months to enter in to the United States. I am sure you know that. :)

How I see it. If you applied for your police stuff Monday..think of it arriving around Feb. 17th. If you then send out your have about a month or waiting consider March. 17th or more. Then you have about a month until your April/May...

BUT again I am not sure how long you can hold on to packet 3. So I guess I am not really a help! :( I CAN BE POSITIVE FOR YOU THOUGH *grin*

Umm about affording things due to exchange rate....I just decide how much money i can take over and I never over spend. Recently Chris and I decided that instead of me buying money to take with me he would just supply me the cash and what ever I spend in England I would put the equivelent back into our savings. Works out for me...not so much for him *grin*. Anyway This time I am not going to buy a lot. Although I want a duvet!

I suspect you can hold P3 for a pretty long time. It might be good to email londonconsular and ask. (Put your LND case number in the subject line.) Just say you won't be ready to send in Packet 3 until April and you want to make sure that's okay. Your NOA2 will expire in the meantime, so the USC should contact the embassy about having that extended. That's pretty routine, though.

And I have a confession - I called the State Dept again today. It was my lunch hour, and I was bored. Our file still isn't updated with P3. It's interesting that State Dept employees use the term Packet 3 - I thought maybe that was just a VisaJourney thing.

How was the medical?? Wasn't it yesterday?? Am I thinking correctly?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-17 19:32:00