United KingdomI got a job today!!!! you're feeling good!
Thank God for nurses! star_smile.gif
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-07 16:36:00
United KingdomEasier for Brits to adjust?
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Dec 28 2007, 08:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't have any comparisons to make with immigrants from other countries, as we don't know anyone currently who is also adjusting (outside of VJ!), but here goes. Bruce loves living here, is thrilled he moved and never wants to move back to the UK, but... It is hard, harder than he thought. He is surprised at the levels of bureaucracy that exist at so many different places (particularly the DMV...have a number of horror stories already and we've only been here 4 months). The banking system has its own quirks as well that make him frustrated at times. Every day it seems like there's something a little different from what's he's grown up with, and sometimes he gets really fed up. Adding to the complication, I had been living in the UK pretty much my entire adult life, so I don't know how to navigate through the maze either and am consequently of very little help. (I had to call my mother the other day to ask how to figure out what my bank account number was off my checks, and yesterday I had to ask if there was any special way ofgetting a prescription filled. blush.gif ) So we're like two greenhorns, navigating the seas together, clutching on to each other and the handrails to keep from drowning.

On the other hand, we love America and Americans -- it seems like at least once a week Bruce gets a "welcome to America!" and I get a "welcome home!" from complete strangers. We love New Haven, even if it's only a temporary stop on our way West, the slower pace, the beautiful countryside just 10 minutes from our home. There was a moment two weeks ago, when we went to go cut down a Christmas tree at a farm in Hamden, just 20 minutes up the road. We'd just had a big snowstorm, and we arrived at the farm in Bruce's beat-up and much-loved 1986 Jeep Comanche. We were bundled up tight, our faces cherry red in the dry cold, our breath billowing out in front of us. The guys at the farm shop gave us a saw and a sled to cart the tree back, and off we set to find a tree. We found a beautiful specimen fairly quickly, and Bruce said, "Take a picture of me! Take a picture of me cutting the tree!" He fumbled his phone to me with his thick gloves, and I got the camera going.

In that picture, he looks like a guy from New England who's cut down a Christmas tree. Like the other guys around him doing exactly the same thing. He's not the English guy, he's that guy from New Haven. And that's exactly what he wants so much -- to be integrated. It's not easy, it's true. Is it easier for him because he's British? We can't discount that he can already speak English, that many of the institutions are at least superficially similar. But every day brings new challenges neither of us anticipated. This journey doesn't end with the visa; nor do I think it will end, at least for Bruce, with naturalisation. It will be many years of acclimation and integration, but it's a journey we're excited to be on, especially with each other.

What a fantastic post! Thanks for sharing. My husband I think would agree with you.
He really likes it here. Misses his English hills the most (besides his family).

Right now his Mum and Dad are here and they are sat on the sofa watching Deadliest Catch and nursing full bellies and eating from a tin of Roses Chocos that his mum brought him! Can't be that bad! (I myself needed a break from everyone and am on the computer Haa)

Good luck to all and as I always say continued success for those of you that have your loved ones beside you!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-12-30 20:30:00
United KingdomBritish/Scottish Wedding Traditions?
We didn't have a rehearsal dinner but a rehearsal party rather!
Since a lot of Chris' family was traveling from England and a whole lot of my family and friends were traveling from all over the country, we didn't want to not inculde people who came all that way! Also it gave everyone a chance to talk and get to know eachother so NO one was shy at the wedding! IT was amazing!

Nothing fancy! We had stromboli on platters, huge gourmet sheet pizzas, salad, and brownies, wine and beer! The pizza place stayed and took care of all the service. (Was a local eatery and they were awesome)
Decorated the tables with mini Union Jack and American Flags, and my moms best friend did flowers for us. I think nearly 150 people came to the event.

Not typically British or American but fun just the same!! smile.gif

At our engagement party in England we had balloons and a huge table full of everything..crisps, sausage rolls, nearly all the food items mentioned above, and a free bar if I remember correctly! Oh and a fondont (spelling?) cake!

Edited by ajames79, 14 February 2008 - 07:29 AM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-14 07:26:00
United KingdomBritish/Scottish Wedding Traditions?
QUOTE (msu17 @ Feb 13 2008, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
UGH, I HATE that tradition. How is playing corny music and the groom going up the brides skirt in front of all their loved ones in any way appropriate. All the sexual undertones of weddings really drives me up a wall.

Agreed! No way was I doing that in front of my 90 year old grandparents!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-14 07:19:00
United KingdomMy Interview (long)
Congrats! Not much longer now!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-15 16:15:00
United KingdomWhat a great way to wake up...
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-26 09:14:00
United KingdomSurreal night
Tracy! I am so sorry to hear about your accident!
I am very happy to hear you are both okay!!

40 is scary...especially in the rain! IMO
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-05 08:54:00
United Kingdom*wave*
awww!! Congrats guys!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-15 14:30:00
United KingdomHoly Cow -- a year!
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jan 16 2008, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Jan 16 2008, 05:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ouch - how much does it cost to remove conditions?!

It's $545 right now. No telling how much it will be by the time we get to it, though. I've been here over a year, but my AOS took a while so I won't begin the process to lift conditions for another 18 months. protest6wz.gif Actually, I'm not that upset. I know it could be worse. I'm just happy to have the break from the paperwork. good.gif

My husband and I feel the exact same way about the break from the paperwork!!

The time goes by faster then we think huh!! Congrats on making it this far! Continued success for the future!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-16 07:37:00
United KingdomWedding Song
hiya all....

For our ceremony we had a friend play his mandoiln...he played an old timey hymn. It was awesome and fitting! our wedding was outside in a rock pavilion in Western NC.

The band that played for our wedding learned 2 songs both by favorite bands of ours but pretty underground for American standards...
Porcupine Tree and Blackfield!! It was amazing for us!

Edited by ajames79, 31 May 2008 - 11:16 AM.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-31 11:15:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you?? (or you other half)
My husband is from South Yorkshire. Barnsley to be exact!

We both live in NC now...quite happy!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-30 13:58:00
United KingdomHow did everyone meet?
Chris and I met several years ago in a drumming forum.
Started out just as passing friends...then it changed to talking a little more often...then everyday...then almost as much as freaking possible. At this point neither of us wanted a LONG distance relationship. But after more then a year we decided to meet. Shocking as it was cause he was about the shy-est guy in the world, he flew to Charlotte for a few days and we both fell absolutly head over heels. Dated by flying back and forth every 3-6 months for nearly 4 years and we got married last June.

What really struck me about him was his passion for music. We could talk for hours about music. Then he introduced me to our NOW favorite band. The rest is a bit of our history! *smile* now I am all sentimental this morning..... heart.gif
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-07 07:46:00
United KingdomCan I have a vent....
Chris and I both just got insured together with Blue Cross Blue Shield. Around $434 a month which includes dental and maternity.
I am about 30 pounds over weight (but I lost 12 in the last 2 months *pats me on the back*) and they call Chris "over weight" too...even though he is 6ft8inches Tall for heavens sake...and we were insured No Problem.

There are options.

I am sorry you are out there having a hard time with work. It is tough. Chris made a better wage in England as well. But we make do. My suggestion is looking for another job. If this one isn't paying well there should be others out there. Winter (at least in NC) can be hard on people. Jobs open up more in the summer I think.
Being a waitress isn't for everyone I know but I just to make loads of money in fine dining.

What about going back to school? Perhaps that make the pathway a little easier for a better paying job?

You will be okay. I feel sure.
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-20 20:18:00
United KingdomMoving back to UK!!!
Good luck with the move!!

Keep in touch with all of us around here!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-24 07:05:00
United KingdomWedding Registries - did anyone use them for gifts for the wedding?

We're going with NO BOXED GIFTS PLEASE written right on the invitation. Really - how many crystal vases does a person really need in life?? A stack of envelopes is easier to carry. Everybody wins.

Guess I was lucky, I didn't get even one glass vase!!

ANY: we just got an invitation from some dear friends of ours who the groom (an old school friend) has moved to Australia to be with his bride. They are doing one wedding in North Carolina and one in is what they included on their invitation! (it's cute). I won't type the who thing but it was a rhyme. "No presents are needed so don't feel obliged, But if you want to give a gift, please make it wallet sized."

I think everyone knows there situation and carting gifts back and forth would be hard...anyway..that's it
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-25 15:42:00
United KingdomWedding Registries - did anyone use them for gifts for the wedding?

My best friend put a $20 rubbermade trash can on her registry - for some reason it really amused me so I just had to buy it for her

Practical!! Great gift.

We did a wedding shower game for my girl friends shower that had all the prizes in a was filled with things like dish washing soap, cleaning products, etc etc.
The girl that won basically had supplies for a year!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-11 16:45:00
United KingdomWedding Registries - did anyone use them for gifts for the wedding?

I guess I'm a big arsehole but I don't give a ####### for etiquette :P what you need is what you need - it's better to be honest than to be broke with 100 tacky china plates, gravy boats, and crystal vases you wanna ebay away :P My family didn't gasp and point, they were gracious and very kind with their money gifts ;) I wouldn't worry, not everyone is too uptight in the states. When my mom was invited to friend or family weddings, she'd get them 4 huge packs of toilet paper and about $100 in cash. I think I've inherited her practical gene ;P

that's why I mentioned the type of family everyone is from depends on what you do. If your family wouldn't be upset with it then ask for cash. I just could never do it and I don't consider myself uptight. But also I was very very lucky to not get one tacky gift and a lot of cash. Oh wait...I did get a tacky pot holder. I re-gifted it along with one tacky nighty that has become a tradition to regift among my girl-friends...Horrible..simply horrible!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-11 14:27:00
United KingdomWedding Registries - did anyone use them for gifts for the wedding?

According to all the wedding etiquette I have been reading lately (which is a lot!). You are not supposed to ask for money or even list where you are registered, either on the invitation or separately. It is all supposed to be done through the word of mouth. In my experience, gifts are to be given at the wedding shower (I know we really don't have those in the UK) and money at the wedding itself.

Please make sure you send thank you notes to anyone who has sent a gift. Even if you thank them at the wedding, you must still send a thank you.

It's very rude to ask for $$, esp. in America (my hubby didn't get that as it's OK in England). We said we were moving across country so gift cards are more appreciated. Americans do not like giving cash but they don't mind gift cards!

Does anyone NOT send thank yous? How rude!

Yes there are loads of people who don't send thank you notes! Loads! However I am a little insane when it comes to thank yous and not when it comes to just wedding gifts either. I send millions of them out.

Personally...we registered. Didn't list it anywhere and just used the word of mother (ha ha mouth) option. I got nearly every item on my registry, granted it was a short list because I've lived on my own for 10 years or so and have most things. I got a few gift was a grocery card which I thought was awesome! And I got way more cash then I expected. In all of my thank you notes for the money givers...(as someone else mentioned) I mentioned exactly what the money was going to be used for. For the most part it was savings account for purchasing our house. Also we bought some new pillows and a new grill. OHH and a Kettle!~ can't forget that!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-11 09:11:00
United KingdomWedding Registries - did anyone use them for gifts for the wedding?

I have a dilemma too..... How would you go about asking for money for wedding gifts instead? Without sounding rude...

My Dad suggested that we write the situation in the invitations and that he is sure everyone will understand.. But I feel a bit funny asking for money :unsure:

He also said to put... 'As much as we love pots and pans, we really can't spend them' Don't think that's gonna cut it either! :jest:

Although I would never in a million years ask for money from anyone, we did recieve a lot of cash from people on the English side and the American side. Several gift cards as well. But I think it depends on they type of family and friends you have. If they are the type that wouldn't be offended then you are okay asking. My mother and grandmother would have been mortified if we put even that we were registered some where on the invites. But we are talking about very particular ladies here.

Are you having a very casual wedding?

Well if you can't ask your family for money who can you :P I actually was a chicken ###### and had all my guests RSVP to my mom's mobile and had my mom tell everyone when they RSVP'ed when they asked "so what do David and Jolene really need?" my mom told them "well they need money more than anything, but they also have a registry at if you want me to email you the info." (my mom rules!) With a few exceptions of people who bought from our gift registry (which she also gave them the info to), that's what we got. It was a major help at the time!

that's really the way to do it, divert the question to you mum!! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-10 09:28:00
United KingdomI'm so glad this weekend is about over..
Well honestly we have waited to use our visa for several reasons.
We got his visa in Feb and he isn't moving here till May 16th.

Yes it has been a wait and of course I'd love for him to be here right now. But in the end it gave us a few more months of wages. Gave him some time to sell his stuff. He is able to do a stag do. He took a month of work to do a 269 mile hike and visit with his family that he is used to seeing everyday.
We also planned a larger wedding so it gave us a buffer time between getting the visa and our wedding.

We have been very lucky during this 3 year relationship. We were able to visit eachother ever 3-4 months. So this to me is just like waiting for the next trip. I am getting antsy now. But he will be here in a month. Then a month later his family will be here for 2 weeks for our wedding.

To me...the process hasn't been as long as I expected! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-09 15:25:00
United KingdomI'm so glad this weekend is about over..
it is hard to wait isn't it!!?

Trust me, it's coming!!

Let us know when you do!! :P
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-09 05:04:00
United KingdomKym goes to London!!

Hi gang!!

I am crazy excited, I leave for London tomorrow night. British Airways and I will be winging our way from BWI to Heathrow and then finally .....FINALLY I'll get to see him again. I can't wait!! Sad part...I'm only there for 8 days..but some time with him is better than no time with him.
Weird part? I won't see him again till he flies here with a one way ticket. This whole process is making me crazy..I'm trying not to be to pessimistic or down, he's being the poistive one..imagine that *L*

Anyway wish me luck and I'll make sure I wave at Big Ben for ya'll that haven't seen it in awhile *L*

~Kym :wub:

have a great time! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 05:19:00
United KingdomInterview Friday 13th

Well....I am off to London tommorrow - have a nice hotel booked so i am hoping to have a nice leisurely journey down - relax - take a leisurely breakfast as my appointment is not til 10.30am - I have checked and double checked my paperwork ( several times) but still have the occassional concern - bottom line is i have checked the list of required documents and have them all - i do not have however many pics to prove ongoing relationship i have phone bills and the travel documents for my short trip in November ( this was a visit i made after the 129f had been submitted) and a lot of cards that my fiance has sent - had the foresight to keep the envelopes with postmarks and dates on them....I am trying really hard not to get worked up - trying to keep busy - rational thinking says - nothing to worry about !....Anyone else got interview Friday?
Good luck Y'all anyways - and i will post experience when i am done - i just know i will be writing - " to all you worriers - worry ye not!"

Anyways - heres passing you all good luck

Good luck!
You will be fine I know!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-11 16:07:00
United KingdomBBC America New Lineup
Thanks guys! Gonna do some researh myself.
As I've said haven't had cable or any tv at all in years.

But I just moved someone into my little rental house. They are going to get satalite there and I am going to mirror it to our house. Might have to see if they have any BBC on the line up!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-06 09:02:00
United KingdomBBC America New Lineup
what cable company do you get bbc america?

I haven't had tv in about 4 years now. But we are considering it when Chris moves next month.
Anyone know?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-05 19:44:00
United KingdomOn the way!

I'm just amused at ya'll - not in a bad way! :D

julezabelle - getting excited yet?? What day do you fly out again?

:lol: :hehe:

I know!

man I should get you to bring me back some spices!!
Think I will ask the MIL though...she will enjoy it!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-09 12:07:00
United KingdomOn the way!

Ya'll are killing me about the hearts. :lol:


only once I mentioned it.

Now that I have one I am over it!
Now...I will simply look down on all the little people who don't have a heart and remember that I was once one of them! :hehe:
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-09 05:08:00
United KingdomOn the way!
julez:yep sending that form and a red vj heart are right along the same lines!! :)

Thanks mags!!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-08 13:42:00
United KingdomOn the way!

didn't want to start a new thread....

but..I have a heart now!!
I've been waiting...and not spamming...ages!!

Oh it is the small joy. Like the cookies I ate for breakfast! A Joy!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-08 10:47:00
United KingdomOn the way!
A wooo hoo hooooo.

No time at all!

Ya know I am rootin' for ya!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-29 09:48:00
United KingdomBest Fish'n'chips in the US?

what is up with the old threads reappearing?

Post boosting. Run out of things to reply to that are recent, you start on the old threads again. Never thought I'd see it happening in the UK forum. :no:

no kidding...
oh well.
I'll have to come up with a new thread topic.

Gak, it is going to rain here all day!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-14 08:25:00
United KingdomBest Fish'n'chips in the US?
what is up with the old threads reappearing?

my house. I make pretty darn good fish and chips!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-14 04:59:00
United KingdomBest Fish'n'chips in the US?
Best fish and chips I have had state side were at my own house!

I have perfected my own version and my fiance agrees that they are pretty darn close to the original taste.
We then fried them up again for about 35 people...and they all loved it!

So now it is time for me to open a pub and serve fish and chips! :)
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-24 14:22:00
United KingdomLondon interview this morning - results
fantastic! Congrats!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 09:31:00
United KingdomHolocaust Memorial Day
I just read about the rememberence in OffTopic.
Again thanks for the reminder.

It is amazing how that really wasn't all that long ago.

We are all affected by it even if not directly!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-14 09:41:00
United KingdomK1 visa interview today
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-14 20:22:00
United KingdomWorrier!
totally agree with you truffles!
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-15 08:06:00
United KingdomWorrier!

The brown envelope that has to remain sealed (to be opened by the Immigration Officer at POE) will arrive at the same time as your passport/visa.

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-14 09:39:00
United KingdomI am looking
Guinness and New Castles are everywhere!

I will probably end up getting New Castle for the wedding only because it is a decent price and most people like it. That and something domestic lightish....

A good bitter is one thing that Chris really misses here.
In Nashville I normally can get a pretty good selection of Uk beers...maybe I will have to just go visit there and bring loads back!

Ya'll are awesome...

So to add to the thread...what are your favorite beers?? Either stateside or otherwise?
ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-15 09:50:00
United KingdomI am looking
thank you!! That is awesome!

ajames79FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-14 19:20:00