OK...I get it...You told your truck not to break down on a cold day! LOL
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-18 12:07:00
It can get pretty cold on a winter night in Tucson scrub country. You may want to throw that blanket back into your truck!
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-18 10:37:00
Leon...Take no chances. Send your fiancée to her interview and to the CFO seminar loaded for bear.

And, yes, the pre-screener will require an I-134. You can take that to the bank.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-17 22:02:00

Thanks, many questions lol. :D

It says to hand in the first two to window 39, then the other documents during the interview. Are these separate windows?

Who is the Filipino officer, as opposed to the consular officer that will be interviewing you? Which do you hand to the former, and which do you hand to the latter? Also, what did you hand in for the "proof of relationship with petitioner"? We will be arriving with tons of letters, packages, pictures, boarding passes, passport stamps, Skype/Yahoo/FB logs, etc, etc. Do we hand all those in with those other items listed?

Yes, bring all your files to the interview. It's an important day and it's a good idea to be prepared for anything.

The Filipino pre-screener will ask for the things on the list, and sometimes more. They may ask for some of your proof-of-relationship documents. The pre-screener will also ask some basic questions. The pre-screening takes just a couple of minutes or so.

Then you'll sit back down and wait for your interview with the consular officer. The consular officer may or may not ask you to submit something else. If anything, they usually like to look at your photos. The interview will be over with faster than a hungry man can eat his lunch.

There's tons of reviews on the topic: http://www.visajourn...nty=Philippines

My theory is that the Filipino caseworkers in the IV unit make the decisions and the consular officer rubber stamps them.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-17 13:37:00
PhilippinesTrack your Packet from NVC to US Embassy Manila

Yes... there was one here on VJ not all that long ago, they had to reschedule.  The CO had their file in the computer but not the physical file so he said they can't do the interview until it arrives.

That's it?! One case?!

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-18 12:58:00
PhilippinesTrack your Packet from NVC to US Embassy Manila
Has anyone heard of a case where someone got their MNL case number by calling the NVC, then turned right around and scheduled an Embassy interview appointment, only to discover that their petition packet hadn't arrived in Manila in time for the interview?
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-18 12:25:00
PhilippinesPetitions Of Brothers, Sisters and Adult Children to be Eliminated

That's great, except for the fact that China has nothing to do with NAFTA.. that's between USA, Canada, and Mexico.

Looks like you already forgot that jhonster brought up NAFTA and you commented on it! :bonk:

NAFTA is yet another example of majority Republican support for a trade bill, just like the majority Republican support for the China bill.

Persistent little trollop aren't you?

I think I said it at least 3 times already. A president can sign a bill or he can veto a bill. How hard is that to understand? Are you that brain-dead from reading Huffington Post? Wouldn't surprise me. You keep bringing up congress, while I'm simply stating that a president has the final call on what bills pass. Reading comprehension is a valuable tool, they teach it in elementary school.

No $hit, I know bills are formed in the house and senate before they appear on the president's desk, that wasn't my argument.

It's a mystery to me how you can read your own words and pretend that you didn't say them, even when they were quoted back to you like they were again in my previous post. And it's rather amusing to watch you dig yourself in deeper by asking why I keep bringing up Congress when, in fact, you were the one who brought up Congress with your "why the big hate on Republicans" question. And you continue to avoid my answer to your question simply because you don't want to admit you we're wrong about it.

Your capacity to ignore your wrongheaded statements is amazing. You won't even acknowledge that you were wrong about all the House members being attorneys! You remember that one, don't you? My favorite spn1025 anti-logic is where you come to the defense of Republicans, and then
you later call them all corrupt! I love that one! :lol:

Carry on... :thumbs:
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-04-02 20:35:00
PhilippinesPetitions Of Brothers, Sisters and Adult Children to be Eliminated

Unfortunately you're too incompetent to understand the simple statement I made. I'll repeat it, and it doesn't get more simple than this. I said "regardless of how it came out of the house or senate, regardless of who supported it, the president is the deciding factor." I can try to break that down to 3rd grade logic for you, but you still probably wouldn't understand it.

I see you're still trying to ignore what you said and, instead, you're resorting to an ad hominem attack. Those are both signs of a failed argument. Of course, you still haven't explained how a President can be a "deciding factor" of whether a bill becomes law despite the fact that Congress is the deciding factor on whether a bill even ends up on the President's desk. :wacko:

As painful as it is for you, a trip down memory lane is what you need:

Here's what Jhonster said.

...bought & paid for politicians (mostly Republicans)...

Here are your exact words where you mistakenly defended your beloved ("corrupt lawyer" :lol: ) Republican buddies with your "Why the big hate on Republicans?" question, pretending that they had nothing to do with the China trade agreement passing the House and the Senate. You do remember asking the question, don't you?

Why the big hate on Republicans since it was a Democrat (Clinton) who signed the current China trade agreement which allowed a huge chunk of our manufacturing jobs to go to China? Thanks Bill.

You asked the question and you got the answer: there is no "big hate on Republicans" because it's a simple fact that the deciding factor in the China trade bill and the NAFTA bill passing both houses of Congress was because of mostly Republican support.
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-04-02 12:38:00
PhilippinesPetitions Of Brothers, Sisters and Adult Children to be Eliminated

I know what majority means, and I also know that the House means absolutely nothing. They're all corrupt lawyers, on both sides. There is one person in charge, one person who signs the bill in the end, and one person who makes the decision. There's nothing more to be said about it.

You don't have any more to say about it because you've backed yourself into a corner and now you've reduced yourself to spouting nonsense. You're pretending that a bill can get to the President's desk without majority support from the House. Next, I suppose you will be telling us that a bill can land on the President's desk without majority support in the Senate.

You're also pretending that they are all lawyers. Of course, you didn't bother to find out if they were all lawyers because you were desperate to change the subject at any cost. Of course you are wrong about that too, but that's no surprise.

What is particularly funny about your twisted logic is that, in your earlier post, you were defending Republicans from the "big hate," yet now you are calling them all "corrupt lawyers"! Priceless!!! :lol:
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-04-01 12:21:00
PhilippinesPetitions Of Brothers, Sisters and Adult Children to be Eliminated

And you missed my point that Clinton takes all responsibility for it.

There's a process in the US government in which federal laws are created. Whatever passes the senate and the house, ultimately has to get signed by the president before it becomes law. The president has the option to veto. Before you start your victory dance, do a little research.

^^^ You can try to change the subject all you want, but it doesn't work with me. Your points still have nothing to do with the fact that Republicans were the majority supporter of those laws, just like jhonster said. You do understand what "majority" means, don't you?
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-03-31 16:06:00
PhilippinesPetitions Of Brothers, Sisters and Adult Children to be Eliminated

The "fact" is that a president can veto it. He signed it, therefor he owns it.

Apparently you missed the part where jhonster said it was "mostly Republicans." He was correct. Nice try though.
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-03-30 20:25:00
PhilippinesPetitions Of Brothers, Sisters and Adult Children to be Eliminated

Why the big hate on Republicans since it was a Democrat (Clinton) who signed the current China trade agreement which allowed a huge chunk of our manufacturing jobs to go to China? Thanks Bill.

^^^ You're confusing "facts" with "hate."

The "facts" about the China vote:

The House:

Yea: 164 Republicans / 73 Democrats
Nay: 57 Republicans / 138 Democrats

The Senate:

Yea: 46 Republicans / 37 Democrats
Nay: 8 Republicans / 7 Democrats

The "facts" about the NAFTA vote:

The House:

Aye: 132 Republicans / 102 Democrats
Nay: 43 Republicans / 156 Democrats

The Senate:

Aye: 34 Republicans / 27 Democrats
Nay: 10 Republicans / 28 Democrats

Don't you just hate those pesky facts... :whistle:
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-03-30 12:54:00
PhilippinesPetitions Of Brothers, Sisters and Adult Children to be Eliminated

This is...actually a bill written by big corporations & businesses via their bought & paid for politicians (mostly Republicans) that don't want to pay Americans a living wage and rather pay a foreigner less money & less benefits that most Americans wouldn't accept.

^^^ You got that right! :thumbs:

Here in Seattle, it's common knowledge that Microsoft has been lobbying hard for an increase in work visas...and we all know why. ;)

...We were a rich strong country when the Republicans were in charge!!

^^^ Yup...George Bush was the best President since Herbert Hoover!

Oops, wait a minute... :lol:
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-03-29 11:36:00
PhilippinesPhilippines--CFO and GC Certificate and Visa sticker

Does anyone have this phone number at the airport?




Call in advance.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-19 17:10:00
Philippinespassed or not??

Just curious now that you say this. When you schedule the appointment online they do ask for what type of delivery you want but I was just wondering for the people who get denied due to co-sponsors they choose the method of delivery and then nothing. Shouldn't they ask this at the embassy instead after interview since you do not know if you will get approved or not. I was just curious though.

If there's a problem with the sponsor's income, and if the consular officer won't accept a joint sponsor, the consular officer will issue the applicant a 221g. When that happens, the applicant will know they haven't been approved.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-21 10:51:00
PhilippinesNVC LETTER


1. No

2. No.

3. Read post #4: http://www.visajourn...eral-questions/

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-21 10:16:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA



headbonk.gif headbonk.gif headbonk.gif



I should be reading VJ more often and read what Tahoma is posting here....hihihi....devil.gif



~  Chinook



TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-21 13:09:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA

Here are the top three:

1. Locate the vacuum and the cleaning supplies she'll need to clean your house.      

2. Familiarize herself with the kitchen where she'll be cooking all of your meals.       

3. Learn how you like your underwear and socks folded.



headbonk.gif headbonk.gif headbonk.gif


The reality:


1.  Tahoma did the cleaning while I sat in the couch and ate boy bawang...


2.  Tahoma took me to different Filipino restaurants to buy take-out food.  IF Tahoma will wait for me to cook his meals, he will surely be starving to death.


3.  Well....I like to fold this is ok.



I should be reading VJ more often and read what Tahoma is posting here....hihihi....devil.gif



~  Chinook

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-20 13:39:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA

You want to kick your meal up a notch, then head over to the Pioneer Woman Cooks at
and she makes some of the best food. OMG, it's to die for.... you might with what she puts in her dishes. wow.gif
You will need to get your exercise routine going to eat her recipes. dancin5hr.gif

Great link, Gb. That's my kind of cooking!


TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-19 19:08:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA


Things to do before she arrives:

1. Get rid of the "hehehe" laugh because it's how Filipinas laugh. It's not a guy-thing.

2. Don't switch your laugh to "jijiji" because that's how a Filipina jejemon laughs.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-19 10:25:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA

What are some of the things that a new immigrant should do after arriving in the USA to settle in.

Here are the top three:

1. Locate the vacuum and the cleaning supplies she'll need to clean your house.

2. Familiarize herself with the kitchen where she'll be cooking all of your meals.

3. Learn how you like your underwear and socks folded.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-18 12:48:00
PhilippinesJapan Airlines on Transit Visa
Chinook and I flew through Narita in February and we didn't need a transit visa.
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-22 02:36:00

On a related note, can the travel tax be payed early, as in arriving at the airport the day before your flight and paying it for the next days flight?

I doubt she's arriving in the same terminal.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-21 12:15:00
PhilippinesCFO TOPIC

Chinook completed the CFO seminar before she had her visa.  


Getting the sticker was just easy.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-24 00:17:00
PhilippinesTrying to set an interview appointment on the USEM website
Often times it takes BPI longer than four hours to process payments.
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-16 17:09:00
PhilippinesScheduling interview -- very few dates available?

St. Lukes does not require a letter nor an email from the NVC in order for K-1ers to be admitted for the medical.  An interview confirmation printout and a verbal MNL case number work just fine.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-31 13:11:00
PhilippinesMiddle Name (G-325A and I-129f)

I doubt if you'll have any trouble, but if you're worried about the USEM giving you a problem because you met your fiancé twice in four years, then your fiancé should attend your interview.  Problem solved.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-09-03 11:22:00
PhilippinesMiddle Name (G-325A and I-129f)

OMG! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! This is exactly what we need. This forum rocks! wow.gif


You're very welcome.  


Lots of people have corrected their I-129F at the USCIS.  For "typos," the correction can be done by phone.  For "changes," you can do it by mail.  There's no need to wait until your case reaches the Embassy level.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-09-03 11:05:00
PhilippinesMiddle Name (G-325A and I-129f)

If you want to correct the I-129F at the USCIS, this thread might be helpful: http://www.visajourn...-129f-petition/

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-09-03 10:34:00
PhilippinesWhat to expect on Personal Evaluation?

I've never heard of anyone failing the medical because of "psychological incapacitation" as the basis for their annulment.  Usually, you will pay the P1000, spend about 30 minutes talking with the doctor, and that will be the end of it.  

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-09-03 11:48:00
PhilippinesCFO Guidance and Counseling Requirements
K-1'ers can disregard the immigrant data summary.
TahomaMalePhilippines2012-08-30 21:17:00
Philippineswhats next?

after approval of visa what next?

A barangay party!

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-09-05 18:13:00
Philippinespregnant filipino fiance

Thanks everyone. I just sent out my i129f last week now trying to find out what I do next

It's not too early to check out the next steps in the process.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-09-07 22:41:00
Philippinespregnant filipino fiance

If your NOA2 takes as long as mine did, the baby will be born well before the medical.

^^^. Amen to that, brother P.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-09-07 16:06:00
Philippinespregnant filipino fiance
The MMR vaccine is contraindicated for pregnancy.
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-09-07 14:15:00
Philippinespregnant filipino fiance

So my fiance is only 6 weeks pregnant and I just sent my i129f packet. I have a question. Will she be able to get her vaccine shots before interview while she is pregnant? Im worried now.

There's nothing to worry about. Your fiancée will get the vaccinations she needs for her immigration process during her medical at St. Lukes. The cost of the vaccinations are included in the price of the medical. St. Lukes will not give her any vaccinations which are contraindicated for pregnancy.

If, for some reason, she decided to get her vaccinations before her medical, her doctor would not give her any vaccinations which are contraindicated for pregnancy.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-09-07 10:04:00
PhilippinesExtending NOA2 ( I-797) Approval Expiration Date
Sorry to hear about your delay at St. Lukes.
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-02-19 10:56:00
PhilippinesExtending NOA2 ( I-797) Approval Expiration Date

I think we will also need to request an extension once we reach the NOA2 status.

I thought that a date for the K1 interview had to be scheduled before the beneficiary could go forward with the medical test, but it seems Michelle took her medical before a date for her K1 interview had been determined. Is this accurate?

Also, I think it is great that you were able to contact the US Consulate in Manila through e mail. Can you give me an e mail address for a contact at the US Embassy who handles the 129-F through K1 processes?

The U.S. Embassy Manila can extend the validity of your I-129F petition for up to one year. Just email them at the address that M&J posted.

St. Lukes prefers that you have the Embassy interview scheduled, but it's not required. They will allow you to complete your medical if you submit either a printout of your petition's approval NOA or a printout of your NVC letter.
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-02-18 15:28:00
PhilippinesTravelling to Pi - Ticket under married name Passport Maiden name

carry a marriage certificate, show it to anyone at the airport.

TahomaMalePhilippines2010-04-24 01:50:00
PhilippinesSeattle VJers

Dave...I sent you a PM.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-27 10:39:00