PhilippinesUS Citizen wants to stay for 30 days in the Philippines

Bring your Philippine passport or just bring your birth certificate and get the balikbayan stamp.
One other note, the 21 day was changed to 30 days a few months back.


I know several U.S. citizen (Filipinas) who live in the Philippines without dual citizenship. You can stay for up to 1 year (Balikbayan) even on an expired Philippine passport OR your Philippine birth certificate. You have to leave the country (Hong Kong, Thailand, etc for a couple of days, come back in, and you can stay for another year. Have a good trip!! My wife will be submitting her N-400 next month. Hope everything goes good for her.

She doesn't need a Philippines passport nor a Philippines birth certificate in order to use the balikbayan privilege because her U.S. passport's bio page includes her place of birth. She will get stamped for a one-year stay.

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-12 13:42:00

hi tahoma where are you from?:)

Hi Cessypaul27...Chinook and I are living happily ever after in Seattle, Washington.

Chinook is from Bacolod. I'm 'kano.

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-08 08:23:00
I don't even understand Tagalog, but the anticipation in this thread is killing me anyway!!! LOL

I hope everyone receives their visa malapit na malapit na!!!

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-07 22:04:00

Hang in there...something magical is going to happen!  star_smile.gif



TahomaMalePhilippines2013-12-30 19:10:00
Philippineswestern union questionier no more electronic trsnsfers
TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-09 23:29:00
PhilippinesIntent to marry proof at embassy interview
Chinook and I submitted very simple updated letters of intent. Basically, the letters said that we were still single and free to marry, and that we intended to marry within 90 days of when Chinook entered the U.S.
TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-17 10:54:00
PhilippinesAdvice needed

Thank you so much. I'm just hoping we don't have to pay the visa application fee again due to BPI's mistake.

Happy to help.

I hope you don't have any problem with the visa fee. If you do, call the Embassy's Immigrant Visa Unit and ask them what to do.

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-21 23:46:00
PhilippinesAdvice needed
Back in the day, when Chinook and I were going through the fiancée visa process in Manila, the only way to schedule an interview was by phone. Back then, it was standard procedure for the call center to ask whether you had received the Embassy's letter which told the applicant that they were eligible to schedule an interview and gave instructions on how to prepare for the interview. The call center would allow you to schedule an interview only if you had received the Embassy letter.

However, if you already had your MNL case number from the NVC, and you didn't want to wait for the Embassy letter, you could still schedule an interview appointment by telling the call center that you had received the Embassy letter.

Fast forward to today: Things haven't changed much. The Embassy letter still takes forever to arrive, if it arrives at all. Chinook and I are still waiting for ours. The call center still asks you if you have received your letter. You can still tell them "yes" and go ahead and schedule an interview appointment.

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-21 20:23:00
PhilippinesMarriage in the Philippines

There was no such boxes to check .  It was all typed on the oldest typewriter I ever saw . The single status was typed due to her cenomar . She was told by NSO in her town to simply goto DFA and report the marriage and divorce and then NSO would update it to " single (divorced in usa) or something along those lines .

What did the DFA say?

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-21 15:47:00
PhilippinesMarriage in the Philippines
When you and your then-fiancée filled out an application for a marriage license in the Philippines, did the marriage license application form have tick boxes on it for "single," "divorced" "annulled," etc? If so, which box did your then-fiancée check?
TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-21 11:24:00
PhilippinesMarriage in the Philippines
What document did you submit to the USCIS (or was it submitted to the NVC)? Was it an "NSO Marriage Certificate" or was it a "Marriage License?"
TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-18 12:46:00
PhilippinesFiance tested positive for syphilis


Syphilis or the antibiotics to treat it won't make his X-ray look like TB unless he actually has TB will it? Therefore if he is successfully treated for the syphilis and doesn't have TB his chest x-ray should therefore be clear or am I missing something? It shouldn't affect his time span need between the medical and the interview.


That's my understanding too, syphilis or the antibiotics to treat it won't make his x-ray look like he has TB.  


I was just trying to point out that if he postponed his medical for a few weeks or so to finish his syphilis treatment, and then was delayed further by the unrelated three-month TB culture, he would never get those few weeks back that he spent on the syphilis treatment.  It probably would delay his visa a few extra addition to the TB culture delay.


On the other hand, if he postponed his medical for a few weeks for syphilis treatment and his chest x-ray came up clear at his medical, he wouldn't lose any time.  He'd get his visa on the current schedule.


Perhaps the real question here is whether or not St. Lukes would delay the approval of his medical if he went to an early medical while he was still going through syphilis treatment.  If St. Lukes signed off on his syphilis treatment and if he had no TB culture delay, he could also stick to his current interview schedule.  


Under those circumstances, I think it's likely that St. Lukes would approve his medical only after he finished his syphilis treatment.  I say this because I've noticed that St. Lukes will approve the medical for those who started their TB treatment before their medical only after they finished their treatment.


@ OP...In any case, syphilis treatment should begin as soon as possible.  I understand that you don't want any delay in the process and that you want to be together as soon as possible, but your partner's health is too important to be worrying about a small delay in the scheme of things.

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-22 12:11:00
PhilippinesFiance tested positive for syphilis

There is something, I am missing, what does the syphiilis condition, have to do with, (my opinion) Spututum Fiasco at St. Luke's?

The OP and his partner want to start the medical early in case St. Lukes sees something on his chest x-ray and makes him go through the three-month TB sputum culture. If the syphilis treatment delays the start of the medical by a couple of weeks, it's a couple of weeks they'll never get back if they have to wait for the culture.

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-22 10:04:00
PhilippinesFiance tested positive for syphilis

Wow... that's good advice. I thought the visa was valid for 6 months after it was issued. He would travel pretty much right away however. St. Lukes does test for syphilis. I think the treatment is fairly quick (a couple weeks of antibiotics). I think maybe the best strategy is to put it off 2 or 3 weeks.. He will have more time be through his treatment and still be 6 or 7 weeks prior to his interview. What do you think?

I think that's a good idea.

And try not to stress out about it too much. You have plenty of time before the interview even if St. Lukes wants to continue the treatment for another week or two.

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-21 23:39:00
PhilippinesFiance tested positive for syphilis

He has to bring proof that he has undergone treatment for syphilis and the panel has to be satisfied with the treatment efforts

^^^. Thanks for your post...that's good to know. Do you think he should wait until he completes treatment?

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-21 20:59:00
PhilippinesFiance tested positive for syphilis
Having an early medical can be a good strategy because it could buy you some time to deal with a potential two-month TB culture delay. However, keep in mind that the visa is valid for about six months from the date of the medical, so having an early medical might not work for those who plan to travel, say, five-plus months after they receive their visa.

On the other hand, it's generally a good idea to go into the medical as healthy as you can. I can't remember if St. Lukes checks for syphilis but, even if they don't, I would wait until treatment was completed. Completing the treatment before the medical would only set you back a week or two, and that's only if you had to wait for a TB sputum culture. If there is no culture, the week or two wait won't set you back at all.

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-21 20:55:00
PhilippinesRegarding vaccines and TB test

I have a condition where i am not allowed to get vaccinations easily, would that affect my chances of passing the medical? Also, i have records of certain vaccinations from the past, if i provide proof that i already got them, do i still have to get the same vaccines?
As for the TB test, would it be better if i do an advance medical? I had an xray done last month and i had 2 little circles on my left lung (doctor said they were scars) and im afraid that it will show up on my medical exam and that they will make me do 2 more months for the test? Thank you so much!!

You may want to start your SLEC (St. Lukes Extension Center) medical right after you schedule your interview since you have spots on your lungs and you may have to wait for the TB culture. The sooner you start, the sooner you can finish.

You don't have to get any vaccinations at your St. Lukes medical if you don't want to. You can pass the medical without them. Just explain your condition to the doctor...and bring your vaccination record.

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-22 18:25:00
PhilippinesK-1 .. Fee's and More Fee's

...and don't forget the cost for adjusting her status...and the cost for removing conditions on her green card...and the cost for her U.S. citizenship...and the cost for her U.S. passport...and the cost for reporting your marriage...and the cost for her to reacquire her Filipino citizenship...and the cost for her Filipino passport...and...whistling.gif biggrin.png

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-22 13:02:00
PhilippinesSTILL "READY" case open after 4 days

You'll be getting your visa malapit na!  star_smile.gif 


Are you anxious and excited waiting for it?  whistling.gif



TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-22 12:50:00
Philippinesappointment letter.

Chinook and I still haven't received the U.S. Embassy Manila K-1 letter which says that Chinook is eligible to schedule an interview and gives instructions on how to prepare for the interview.  I'm glad we didn't wait around for it.  wink.png

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-22 13:18:00
Philippineshow many days before we receive our visa?
You should have your visa in your hot little hand in a week or two. Can you wait that long? lol
TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-22 00:43:00
PhilippinesQueries regarding form 1040/ITR for K1 visa

Anyways, my k1 application was approved earlier today during my scheduled interview at USEM.

Congratz !!!

Have you started to pack your bags already? lol

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-24 11:05:00
PhilippinesQueries regarding form 1040/ITR for K1 visa
...and don't hold your breath waiting to use those unnecessary birth certificates.
TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-20 20:13:00
PhilippinesQueries regarding form 1040/ITR for K1 visa
Get your story straight. You ignored my reasoning for submitting pay stubs and, instead, invented Embassy "requirements" from thin air. When you realized that you had painted yourself into a corner on that one, you tried to redefine "should." Then you invented non-existent "exceptions" to nonexistent "requirements," despite the Embassy saying nothing about requirements or exceptions. When you couldn't squirm out of your continuing misinformation, you predictably turned to a personal attack. Now you think that I won't notice that you're trying to start the discussion over again...thinking it would somehow change the result.
TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-20 14:23:00
PhilippinesQueries regarding form 1040/ITR for K1 visa

if you worked at being helpful as must as you do at being annoying... imagine the improvement.

It's a mystery to me why you think not responding to misinformation would be an improvement.
TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-18 12:12:00
PhilippinesQueries regarding form 1040/ITR for K1 visa

By the way, where does the USEM instruction letter that you quoted say that demonstrating financial support using liquid assets is an exception to any rule?

^^^. Have you found it yet?


Look up the definition in a dictionary...  jeez!!

^^^. There's a reason why you can't find a definition that defines "should" as "required."

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-17 22:39:00
PhilippinesQueries regarding form 1040/ITR for K1 visa

Heck my wife was approved without me submitting a tax return or W-2.... there are exceptions to all rules.
Just the same you can't change the meaning of SHOULD and MAY.

I don't need to change the meaning of "should" or "may" because their meaning is already crystal clear. The definition of "should" that you cut and pasted didn't say anything about being "required." I do find it amusing that you would run to a dictionary trying to find a definition that you could attempt to shape-shift to fit you're argument.

By the way, where does the USEM instruction letter that you quoted say that demonstrating financial support using liquid assets is an exception to any rule? doesn't.

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-17 21:18:00
PhilippinesQueries regarding form 1040/ITR for K1 visa

Psst!   For the tax return and W-2 the word SHOULD is used.    For employer letter MAY is used.   
aux.v. Past tense of shall
 Used to express obligation or duty: You should send her a note.
aux.v. Past tense might (
To be allowed or permitted to: May I take a swim? Yes, you may.

 - Pay stub are not listed anywhere.
... I will stand by my previous post and the link to the embassy instructions letter using the words SHOULD and MAY in regards to what is required and what isn't.

Obviously, the U.S. Embassy Manila doesn't use the same dictionary as you do. For example, a tax return wouldn't be needed for petitioner's who qualify based upon adequate liquid assets. And did you already forget our discussion in another thread where the USEM approved my friend's K-1 despite his petitioner not submitting a tax return, nor a W-2?

TahomaMalePhilippines2014-01-17 11:18:00
PhilippinesPhilippines Passport Trouble

She has postal ID, voter's registration, NBI, birth certificate, police certificate, and school transcripts.

I'm not sure why she's having trouble getting a passport. With all of that ID, she should have no problem. Maybe the guy at DFA was hungry and needed a "snack." ;)

A reputable travel agency can get her a problem. :thumbs:
TahomaMalePhilippines2012-05-17 11:10:00
PhilippinesHelp Need!!! About Immigration Fee kabayan

Usually, its the petitioner who pays for it.

Salamat for answering the question cuz I didn't understand what she was saying at ang asawa ko ay nasa trabaho at hindi marunong ako nang Tagalog, but ang Tagalog ko ay bumubuti.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-07 23:22:00
PhilippinesNVC issued MNL# Today - But I have Questions

I want to schedule the appointment for Sept. 27 which is more than 6 weeks away. Is this a reasonable date to take to insure that USEM has all the necessary information to conduct the interview?

It's more than a reasonable amount of time. You could schedule the interview much earlier if you wanted to.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-08 10:44:00
PhilippinesInterview complete now.....we made it !!!! :-)
Congratz on your approval!

...and welcome to Washington.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-08 10:49:00
Philippinesannullment information

I am a Filipina working in a Family Court that handles annulment here in the Philippines. Your fiancee will need the decision of the annulment, entry of judgment, then the decree of annulment. Then she need to secure copy of the marriage contract with the annulment annotated on it. A total of four documents. BTW, if there is already a decision, she need to wait 20 days from receipt of the Solicitor General of copy of her decision before she can secure the entry of judgment. After securing the Entry of Judgment, she will have to register the same to the Local Civil Registrar where the marriage took place. The said office will transmit the same to the NSO. She will show the Court what date the LCR transmitted the documents to the NSO. With the proof of receipt of the NSO, the Court will then issue the Decree of Annulment. After 15 days from receipt of the NSO of her documents, she can now request for copy of the marriage contract with the annotated annulment proceedings. She need to request for at least 4 copies for future use.

:wow: This is good information. It's the most complete description of the process I've seen here on VJ. Thanks for posting! :thumbs:

:star: Bookmarked. :star:
TahomaMalePhilippines2012-05-13 20:39:00
PhilippinesEmployment Data Report (EDR) from The Work Number
Chinook was asked to submit an employer's letter at her interview, and she submitted The Work Number. The Filipino pre screener never asked any questions about it and neither did the consular officer.
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-09 19:42:00
PhilippinesOur K1 Interview, Aug 8th, 2013 From My Perspective.......
Thanks for sharing your story. I enjoyed reading it. And congratz on your approval!
TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-08 10:37:00
PhilippinesIs my hard copy at the embassy now?

hi! we haven't received letter of appointment yet, do i have to wait for that before i have my medical and interview? and....we want to know if the I-129F documents that we submit upon filing will be send to me as well? we need help thanks.

When you get your MNL case number from the NVC, go ahead and pay the visa application fee at BPI, then schedule your interview, then complete the medical. While you are scheduling your interview appointment online, don't forget to print out the confirmation.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-10 10:00:00
PhilippinesIs my hard copy at the embassy now?

I understand the wording "if available".   I also understand the difference in the word requested versus required.... do you?

I'm glad you finally understand it. Now we're getting somewhere. Here's the final step: "Requested (if available)."

C'mon, you can do this!

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-09 19:29:00
PhilippinesIs my hard copy at the embassy now?

i.e. the word "requested" in my post.    I make comment about acquiring one or the other because SLEC has been more vocal about having one or the other (something with the MNL # on it) over the past few months.   Idea is to assist the folks now doing the process...
So like said I can provide a link.... you ????  
And yes they have in the past accepted the confirmation page from scheduling online, even though it does not have the MNL # on it.
Curious that SLEC did the medical with just a 797 which does not have the MNL # on it, SLEC needs the MNL # to "connect" the medical file with the application file.

What part of "if available" don't you understand? It's straight from St. Lukes website, the exact same link you keep misquoting.

And I don't know where you got this notion of St. Lukes being more vocal about it over the past few months. It's nothing new. It's been reported here on VJ for years.

And for the umpteenth time, St. Lukes accepts MNL case numbers verbally.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-09 13:31:00
PhilippinesIs my hard copy at the embassy now?

Letter with the MNL # is requested by St. Luke's..... (ya I know what you will say, but I can provide an "official" link stating it's requested, can you provide a link stating it's not.)

I realize that St. Lukes "requests" an NVC letter from K-1ers. However, St. Lukes also says "if available." Therefore, it's clearly not a requirement, and I've never heard of anyone who has been turned away who didn't submit it. Have you?

The interview appointment confirmation works fine. If someone doesn't have an interview appointment yet, then they can use the NVC letter, or they can simply give St. Lukes their MNL case number verbally.

Also, there have been K-1ers admitted into St. Lukes using only a USCIS petition-approval NOA letter. Chinook's friend is one of those who was admitted this way, but there have been reports here on VJ by others who did the same.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-09 12:01:00
PhilippinesIs my hard copy at the embassy now?

To my understanding NVC dose not make appt. for K1 visa the embassy handles that. NVC just input your information in the system and forward it to the appropriate embassy. That's why you didn't hear from NVC

He's not trying to schedule a K-1 interview through the NVC. He just wants to know when his case will arrive at the U.S. Embassy Manila.

TahomaMalePhilippines2013-08-08 23:21:00