K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Hollywood Fl

oh ok.. I'll be up at West Palm Beach if I ever get back there... haha
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-12-08 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...


The worst thing for me is Celsius-Fahrenheit. I'm never gonna learn it! And kitchen measurements are a nightmare as well! I guess I'll have to rewrite my Christmas recipes before I go :)

To convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit I just double it and add 30 (or Fahrenheit to Celsius, take off 30 and divide by 2). Not sure if it's exact but pretty close.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-12-08 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Hello there friends it’s been awhile since I last posted here. So I have been here in Florida for almost two weeks already. So far so good. I am slowly getting used to living here although it is my second time in the USA. My POE was Miami – it was not so bad except for the 2 hours wait.
For all of the USA citizens here – please, try to be patient with your foreigner love. For people like me who come from smaller countries most of the things seem quite strange – the heavy traffic, the HUGE bottles of milk /3 or 5 liters/ the toilet paper /HUGE/ :blink: etc but the good thing is that everything is cheaper than Europe especially shoes and clothes /yepaaa for TJ Max /
So far my fiancé has added me to his bank account and I already have a debit card /huge mistake from his side :rofl: / Next week we will get our marriage license and we plan to get married around Christmas on the beach.

Yes.. things are cheaper than here in NZ as well. The wedding on the beach sounds really nice.. I see your POE was Miami.. so is that where you're living?
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-12-08 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

it is the same for me. ive been here quite a few times and i actually studied english at university, since i am an ESL teacher (which included a few culture-classes) BUT theres just sooo much i still need to learn/or that i am still not 100% comfortable with. i never know how much to tip, i think it's weird that in some stores the shop assistant has to unlock the door to the dressing room for you, just today my fiance explained how to get gas and i wouldnt even know how to send a letter! (like, where to go, how much it is and everything... i mean - it is easy to figure out and i would probably go to one of the ups or fedex stores, but still: i dont actually KNOW it). also the whole banking/credit card system and everything about health insurance and things like that.... i NOW know how to use the washer and dryer (but i didnt righ away), i had trouble locking or front door the first time i did it (in germany we just turn the key a couple of times all the way around and then its locked - here we just do half a turn and then turn it back and then its locked :blink: ). i still have to get used to driving an automatic car and sometimes am not really sure about the traffic rules or have to really concentrate to get it right (in germany, when theres no signs, the person on the right has the right of way, here its the bigger street... i still stop for lots of cars, even though i have the right of way) and i am SHOCKED by how many crimes occur where i live. there were 4 shootings in this area (luckily this doesnt mean my neighborhood, but the whole metropolitan area, but still :blink: ) within the last 3 days and it is hard for me to get used to not being able to walk around outside alone after it gets dark wherever i want to.
i just start noticing what a safe place germany is!!!!

so, to those of you who are the usc: please be patient with your fiance(e) - it can be very frustrating at times and you actually feel like a 12 year old kid that has to learn how to live on your own all over again. and that's even though the differences between germany and the us arent THAT big... i can only imagine how frustrating and exhausting it must be for people whose countries are a lot more different than the us!

alright - back to baking christmas cookies :) (thats another thing... all the different measurments...ugh... ;) ).

goodnight :)

I know there are lots of different things to get used to and you are absolutely right... I have seen often on this site where the USC hasn't thought enough about the degree of adjustment to overcome. (I guess they need reminding :) ) The whole process is quite exhausting (I haven't even been approved yet and I'm shattered !! haha ) so I'm sure by the time its all over and you've landed, you just want to get on with your life and feel 'comfortable' ... another process begins - the adjustment. Sounds to me like you are extremely aware and hey.. you're doing well already :yes: . The cookies sound great! ... and for all the other things.. they will come together... I have faith - :yes:

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-12-08 03:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Thanks Tigerflower! We can use any help we can get!

Ditto !! thank you :)

I'm almost losing track of where we are up to, but been trying to get another Infopass meeting this week to update on exactly what it is that we still haven't done... I have no clues. I just know that its been a very long 2 years apart. Again, what would we do without technology, but it is very very tiring to say the least. I don't think I'm the same person :(
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-12-04 02:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

You mean that's not you in your avatar??!?!?!? I' feel misled!!!!!!!

.... me too :lol:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-12-02 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

That is so awesome! Congratulations!!!

My fiancee's 2nd interview is in 7 hours. I am pretty sure we killed a forest to get all that new evidence he is bringing with him. :) I have to stay positive, but I am still saying an extra prayer tonight.

Good night everyone :)

Very best of luck (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-26 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

We got the VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D (L) (L) :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Aww...cute ... :) Congratulations !! (F)

Edited by Andie, 23 November 2012 - 05:51 PM.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-23 17:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

And Rong and David!!!! ;)

And Andie too!!!

thankyou ... I don't know if there is an end to this....
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-20 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Peeps, we got approved, 5 min interview, 1 question and shes approved!

Now its time for me to sleep :D thats if i can sleep tonight!

Great! ... Congratulations!! (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-20 04:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Tonight 10 pm US Central time is our Interview. The time is here. I hope all you guys doing well with the plans. We are so nervous but at the same time, we have reviewed many times our packet and we have it all. I hate to say our future depends on someone who is going to profile our relationship.

Best of luck (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-19 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Oh no...I feel so bad that I have gotten everyone so worried! :( I really think this is an isolated case. Or should I say just isolated to this embassy. My fiancee said he was talking with people that were waiting with him and they were saying that they were there for the 2nd and 3rd time. Not all for K-1's but still. I guess Skopje is just a difficult embassy. Lucky us!!!! lol

New interview date...November 27th. This one is scheduled at 11:00 am. I am thinking, optimistically of course, that because they kept all his original documents and this interview is later, they plan to give him the VISA as long as everything looks legitimate. And he is more aggressive. This is me being hopeful...because,'s all I have right now.

PLEASE DON'T THE REST OF YOU WORRY!!! Just go in with confidence, express how much you love your fiancee and everything will be fine!!!

Great that the interview is not far off ... an opportunity to fill in any gaps with your evidence :thumbs:

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-17 06:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Ok Marchies ... all of our documentation is ready interview scheduled on 11/23/2012 at 9 am ... I leave for Nicaragua on Monday ... My fiance is stressed out ... worrying about the evidence etc reviewing interview questions ... With the latest posts I am starting to get worried :bonk: The embassy has been really nice and prompt on answers to my questions. I have to be strong for her .... (knees shaking)

Exciting times !! ... you'll be fine - best wishes to you both (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-17 06:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

The interview is done, right there, at a glass window. He said he was extremely uncomfortable having to tell his personal life, in detail, in front of a huge room of people. I can only imagine how awful this was...yelling through plate glass about how we met in Afghanistan, fell in love, etc. He said he answered all the questions that were asked as he assumed that this was a business office and that is what they wanted. He was the only person there that spoke in English but his English is sometimes limited. I don't think this helped at all because I don't think he understood the need for him to elaborate. Maybe next interview, he should consider asking for an interpreter for backup.

I tried to explain to him that no one thinks he is a criminal, but because of the thousands of others before him that WERE criminals, he is having to pay.

Actually, every single one of us on this forum are having to pay. Right now, my heart breaks for all of us.

Anyway, we are preparing every SINGLE document: Skype, emails, more pictures, Facebook posts and what ever else I can come up with. I am also going to get letters from his family stating that we have a legitimate relationship. They should know....I just spent 4 months with them. My attorney is also going to speak with my fiancee before his next interview and prepare him to give more detail and say what he needs to say. Hopefully this is just a standard "we deny the first time"

So it is what it is. We will just push along and take it one day at a time. Thank you all for your support.

I was so very sorry to read this.

I think one of the most difficult things is having to talk to them in such a sterile environment at the embassy about something that is so personal and special to you, and you are right, it is those that have gone before us that have done wrong and made us look guilty till proven innocent. Some embassies are worse than others but it can also just come down to the person doing the interview on the day.

It sounds as though you have a good plan ... provide every other little piece of information no matter how small, and letters from family and friends that are close to you that can verify your relationship.

Build your case and present it to them. It is amazing the determination you find within yourself when you need it. (F)

(and if there is any chance you can be at the next interview .... that is another option)

Edited by Andie, 15 November 2012 - 04:44 PM.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-15 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Andie, I'm hoping so much for you!!

Thank you ... it's gone way past crazy .. :(
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-15 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Best of luck with the interview (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-14 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
maybe he said next week/or after the weekend... anyway someone's got some news - but I don't get too excited these days.

Do all States Monday-ise Veterans Day?
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-11 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Well all I have so far today is that the receptionist told him our Field Office person has all his messages, they are working on it and will try to get back to him today regarding the Case number...

(You'll understand that I'm not holding my breath on this one ..)

Well in all fairness, I have to pass on that they called late Friday and left a message saying they will call again Monday.


AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-11 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Medical done and interview in a few days

Wow .. things are moving pretty fast now.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-09 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Andie... You are so due for good karma!!

Vroum... Yay!!!!

Well all I have so far today is that the receptionist told him our Field Office person has all his messages, they are working on it and will try to get back to him today regarding the Case number...

(You'll understand that I'm not holding my breath on this one ..)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-09 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

it is 1.30 am for me now, so friday - which means i am leaving TOMORROW!!!!! i am very excited, but it is also very very hard to leave everyone behind and an awkward feeling generally. i think i am going through all the emotions there are in the world at the same time.... but i will be fine once i am on the plane!
the last few days before the departure go by REALLY fast! it's weird, since time went by sooo slow before for months! good luck for everyone's journey! :) youre all very close too!
@andie: i am keeping my fingers crossed for you to get it all very very soon!!!!!!! i keep thinking about you guys and how unfair this process is.... hope it all gets sorted out!

I can understand the mixed emotions going on at this point ... it makes me wonder how early emigrants coped with leaving in sailing ships - we have the benefits of modern technology with quick flights, internet, skype etc.. and now everyone has a good excuse to travel to see you.

Very best wishes ... and thanks for your kind thoughts.. hopefully all will be resolved soon. Have a good flight and take care. Looking forward to reading your updates


Edited by Andie, 09 November 2012 - 02:57 AM.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-09 02:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

How are you doing Andie?

Small piece of news..

The Field Office left a message today saying we should have received our Case number by now.
They are chasing it for us.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-07 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Im bout to send her the interview packet. Her interview is on the 20th and im gonna send it the quickest possible to avoid any delays

Here is the packet. Half is forms, passports, translations, certifiates and so on. But the main part is on the relationship pictures, emails, telephone logs, text msgs and chats.

Posted Image

Impressive !! :)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-07 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

We had a productive week for planning whilst we were together in America. We booked a chapel and the reception which is this really cute guest house in bella vista arkansas with a dining room and outdoor deck area. We have chosen our caterers and colour scheme so now i can start doing the invites for our day april 25th 2013. My immediate family are flying over from england and with my fiances family we will have 25-30 people. It really changes things finally having noa2 and we can really look forward to it now.

Sounds wonderful (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-11-05 02:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

oh my God!!! From the year 2012 I love Halloween! We got approved!

Hold on Marchies, it's coming. I almost lost my hope and here you go. My thoughts are with you.

Oh Kaaha... great to see this.. Congratulations !! (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-31 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Fellow Marchies I finally have great news to share, today we got our NOA2!!! I really thought it was never going to happen as I saw May filers start to get approved. Our case was complicated and I was so nervous it had been put to one side because no d to touch it lol, but after 7 months 1 week and 1 day (223 days I think) we finally got the text.

Congratulations ... very nice (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-31 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Hi Guys

I just saw online that my NOA2 got approved. :D

Got an RFE on the 2nd of October, USCIS acknowledged RFE on 13th Nov, am still waiting for NOA2 hardcopy.

To those who sent back their RFE, there is hope yet. Be patient and good luck, I hope yours come soon too!

Most of the VSC peeps are in the East Coast, I hope everyone stays safe.

God speed.

Congratulations !! (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-29 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I'm so very sorry. This must seem like a never ending nightmare. Please let us know what your fiance finds out.

Yes it is pretty much... can't be too much longer .. right?? :)

Edited by Andie, 29 October 2012 - 03:22 PM.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-29 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Nothing new here as i wait to recieve news from the senators office that they have accepted my congressional inquiry.

Yes.. crazy isn't it?? If things are straight forward its not such a long journey really, but when it goes wrong .. that's a totally different story. Last year it was our error, and we sent the follow up docs with an attached copy of the NOA1 on top - but they were never matched up - though I've seen others on here where that has worked. We both had family issues etc in between and then petitioned again this March. The two lots from 2011 were in separate places in their system and somehow this time it ended up in two places also. 3 different senior people have worked on it.. They have all said we supplied everything needed, but it doesn't seem to get any further. Hopefully with a case number at least we have something to track. Nearly 2 years since we last saw each other but hours every day spent on calls etc. It's hardly a life, but I guess we'll get there. Just a matter of when.

Good luck with yours... I'm watching out for something positive from you soon :yes: (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-29 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Andie! How are you? What's the status for you now?

Still an unknown quantity I'm afraid... we were advised last week by the local office, after an Infopass appointment that they are finally assigning us a Case number - nothing received from them so far... my fiance was to contact them today. After all this time all we know is that every time someone looks at the file, they retrieve it from the system under our names and it gets all mixed up with our 2011 petition again (which was denied because of missing docs - no RFE). We were told they would expedite, but we need the case number to do that. A ridiculously long road and I'm tired...
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-29 14:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Wind is really picking up here in New York... But so far I am safe...

My thoughts are with you and all others in its path (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-29 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

All they have to do is read what the computer screen or letter says! Lol


... and it will hopefully be No. 4 ...... the approval they've been (so waiting for :yes:

( just woke up ... 3.19am Sunday ... can't sleep )

Edited by Andie, 27 October 2012 - 09:20 AM.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-27 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Do people really have to post when they get a NOA2 on the main forum? Like really? I'm so tired of seeing them....especially the ones who act like they don't know what a freaking approval is and type the verbiage in the post.... All that darn noise. For what?? The journey isn't even over yet when NOA2 comes. Okay I'm done complaining. Good night.


Okay maybe because I'm way behind in all of this I'm more sensitive but all this "hey does ? really mean (?) ..
READ THE GUIDES .. what do you think ??????

... thanks.. I needed to do that !! :)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-27 03:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

OMG OMG OMG - here is my story. My NOA1 had a receipt date of March 5. Just like you all, you can imagine how difficult it was waiting almost 8 months for some type of activity. I called USCIS several times in the past and they were unable to give me any information. I was past the normal processing time and I finally decided to talk to my brother who is a New York State Assembly Man and he called Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillebrand two days ago. Low and behold, this morning I received a text message confirmation that my NOA2 is on its way!! I could not believe it. I can't believe that the ppl at VSC were literally sitting on my application for 8 months and did not get started on it until my Senators called them. This injustice needs to stop. I urge all of you to get in contact with your government officials and have them nudge the VSC people. It works. Good luck and God Speed

Congratulations (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-26 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

This is unbelievable. I cannot understand the process at VSC.

They have a process ?? ..... :blink:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-25 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

If this keeps up with no approval for me im going have to stay off of here for a while because almost everyone for march is pretty much approved. Im being left in the dust how sad.

... sounds familiar (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-24 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Nick + Elizabeth thats amazing news. That really made me smile after a very long day at work.

Still no news for me yet. Will be 7 months on Monday. But I fly out to America to be with my fiance for 2 weeks this Saturday so am really excited about that. Hopefully we will hve some news when we are together. Im starting to feel like I will be the only Marchie left whose file hasn't been looked at yet lol!

Can't be far off ... VSC seem to be moving at a reasonable pace right now (at last !) Best of luck :thumbs:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-18 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Hey guys... so I had to stay away for a few days. Coming on here was starting to get not so good for my head and every time I ventured onto the site I ended up in tears. However, I'm back now and with some good news. Last night at 8:47pm I got 'The text' and we are FINALLY approved! I'm not really sure how I feel! I'm happy and excited, but it still sorta stings having to have waited so damn long. I haven't even told Nick yet, because he's at work. I'm going to make him put up the webcam so I can see his face when I tell him. Yes, I already have it planned out. I pinned a little note to the back of my sweater that says 'we are approved!' in huge letters. I'm going to ask him to turn the camera on to see my new dress and do a little spin for him so when he sees the note he'll be all "What's on your sweater?" and I can be all, "What are you talking about?" turn, turn, turn, hehe... till he figures it out. After all this time I did not feel a phone call would suffice, though it was really hard not to tell him this morning! I guess we're ready for the next step!

Really happy for you..great news (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-18 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

After 6.5 of brutal torture, my petition has finally been approved.

Congrats !! :thumbs:

(and I agree with your description :yes:)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-17 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

congrats to all those approvals lately!!! nice to hear, there's actually some progress here! hope it goes quick now for everyone else still waiting!!!!! keeping my fingers crossed for you guys!!!! :thumbs:

and Andie: i really hope they sort out your file soon!!!! you guys deserve it! unbelievable that they messed it up TWICE!!!! :bonk:

Hey thanks... well the first one was our error really - we didn't realise some of our docs hadn't gone in the pack till just after sending - just one of those things - waited for the NOA1 to get our number then sent the rest thinking they would match them up - but they didn't and we were eventually denied. People have been RFE'd for exactly the same thing but it didn't work for us. But this time it isn't us .. hopefully it wont be too long, but who knows...
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-16 20:03:00