K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

I'm going to go there for about 1.5 to 2 weeks near interview time. Want to save vacation for when she is actually here in the US.

I called the embassy for a new interview. Ended up talking to the CO and she threw me a loaded question for me to ask Loreta. 'Does she want to immigrate to the US?' Then she said get back to us and then they'll schedule the interview.

Funny, what was she implying? Did she not believe that Loreta was in an accident? Did she think Loreta wanted to marry me just to immigrate to the US? Did she think Loreta was just toying with me? Well don't know but, Loreta's answer is that she only wants to immigrate to the US to marry and be with me.

Hi Looky, good to hear that Loreta is improving - a bad bump to the head can be really scary and it takes a little while for things to come right. Concussion and injuries are no picnic!

Interesting to hear of the CO's comments. I don't remember if Loreta had contacted the embassy prior to the accident, but maybe they sensed some hesitation. I don't see that as being unusual and in fact probably pretty common. The situation is really about being together and one party has to give up their home, friends and family which is never easy. Unless that person is in a really miserable situation, there is always going to be an element of hesitation or sadness at leaving those people and the life they know. If Loreta has a doctor's report of some sort, it may be worth taking it to the interview in case that comes up. My best wishes to you and Loreta (F).
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-08 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

APPROVEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: SO FAST AND EASY, was great! Finally this is over, good luck to everyone.

Great... Fantaaaastic! Very happy for you Carolina and glad it went so smoothly. :dance: (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-04 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

ONE MORE DAY!!!!!! Pray for us guys, we'll update the news as soon as we can :blush:


looking forward to hearing... best wishes
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-03 21:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hey Andie, yep this is the last thing we've been checking lol The interview is so close now, but we're calm and just ready, praying that everything goes smooth :blush:

How's your paperwork? Did it get there? I hope so, how could they lose it :wacko: , anyway, keep us updated too, you're still a Marcher!

Yes it did get there... I was told at this end that it would be 4-6 days so I was panicking, but then found it was in Customs waiting for clearance. They finally gave me a case number and contact for customs so my fiance called them and they said they had no quick way of tracking it but it could be held up for between 30-45 days (I've never heard of this before) ... wth? :o - anyway they left a note in his PO Box the next day and he now has the paperwork. Now its just a matter of how long it takes to put it all together. Thing is, I don't have a job since I didn't expect to be here so long... and he's working long hours, so its all upside down really. Hopefully the petition will go within a few days.

... not long till your interview... (F) I'll be thinking about you guys.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-02 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thanks Thea, I had a talk with her this morning while she was in bed in the hospital. She was in a car accident! Of all things, taxi drivers drive crazy but you hope they don't get into accidents! She was hit in the head, on the third day in the hospital she was conscious. She has a cracked rib also. She's going home tomorrow but still will be in bed for at least a week more, I think, hopefully not too much more. Thank God, this could have been so much worse!

What a relief Looky. As you say, could have been so much worse. I'm so glad that you have been able to talk with her and I hope she improves quickly and you can get on with your plans.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-01 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

HE'S HERE!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: Only 5 days til interview, couldn't be any happier, I'm finally complete with him beside me.

Good luck to everyone!

The last thing you guys are probably doing is looking at this site... :rolleyes:

... but anyway, its great to hear that you are together again. :yes:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-30 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thanks Thea, Andie and all for your thoughts, I've mostly been sitting on pins and needles and trying to keep my mind off this stuff, she didn't make it to the interview. Been trying to contact her with no success. Today she was able to give me a ring on this international sim card phone I keep turned on. I called back on my regular phone but couldn't get a connection but anyway it gives me hope that she is ok and I will be able to talk to her on the weekend. I tend to think she ended up in the hospital or clinic as she was rushing to the interview. I did email the embassy last monday after they told me she didn't show up for the interview, I wrote that we would have to reschedule when I could get in contact with her.

Thinking of you both.. (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-30 16:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

I picked up Karen and the kids this evening at 5pm at LAX! WOOHOO! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

(F) just trying to picture this ... total happiness... (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-30 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Karen is in the air now. Together forever in 10 hours! :dance:

Awww.... happy for you both... (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-29 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Looky, TJ, MatthewNCarolina, and all March Filer group/family/friends--

As for myself, in less than 12 hours I will be boarding a plane bound for the Philppines. I will be going there to visit with Inday during these next critical steps, being there to offer morale support and to help in anyway that I can. Also, in Manila embassy, it is not uncommon to allow US citizen petioner to be present during interview so I am hoping to be there at time of Inday's interview. In between attending to all the documentary and bureaucratic requirements, Inday and I are scheduling some visitng and relaxing time. So, whatever the outcome(s), I know she and I will get in a nice good visit.

Until mid-October or so, I will be giving my full attention and time to Inday, so may not be posting here on VJ for a couple weeks. We shall see. However, towards the latter part of October, I shall certainly bring you all up to speed on what surpassed during my time in the Philippines. Again, please keep Inday (and myself but especially Inday) in thought and prayer--it is very much appreciated.

And of course, wishing you all continuing good successes on each and everyone of your individual Visa Journey's!

Best Regards,

Wow! Just realised that as I'm in the southern hemisphere and we are a day ahead, you will be on your way by now and taking the next step forward in your adventure. All the best with everything! You will be together and how exciting is that!!
Best wishes, and stay focussed on what is most important, you and Inday. Look forward to hearing of any news when you have time. (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-29 04:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Wow, so much news going on.. Congrats to those having weddings this week, or already recently married!

Andie, I will let you know that in no way shape or form are you anything but a March filer... look at me, I filed in January, and in March and waited till May to my NOA1, but still consider myself a March filer at heart now. You always will be!

Looky??? heart lurching for you hon, what's the verdict??

Hey thanks... and guess what - just before I was about to take my new stack of paper to the Post Office, I checked the status of my first pack again and it said "Delivery Unsuccessful" :wacko: . So I called the number they had left on the message and they said it means the package has now been delivered but they did't get a signature. So it's there !! Yay!!! he can pick it up tomorrow. Hopefully our new petition will be sent within a few days.

and Looky ? also hope you are ok :unsure:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-28 00:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Just got a text from my man - he called customs and was told that whoever (Post Office in NZ) told me to get him to call Customs to find out what the problem was and if they could track it as it could be held up in customs (WTH?) - was wrong!

Customs holds Couriered packages for up to 30-45 days. So I am sending a duplicate pack by registered mail today which will take up to 6 days. The courier pack cost me $45 (would be nice if they could tell you this when you courier a package) !!! Anyway, just as well I kept a duplicate of everything I sent, I'm not waiting any longer - its just paper afterall.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-27 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Congrats to everybody who got a step further in the whole process :dance: ! I'm worrying about Looky, hope all went good at his girl's interview.... :unsure: Looky keep us updated!

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-27 05:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Geez, what happened here!! :wacko: Come on guys, gimme some news!!!! I get to see my baby wednesday!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :blush: NEWS???? :bonk:

Wednesday Carolina ? So cool .. you must be doing backward flips by now. :dance:

Our news..
I sent all my new paperwork to the US for my fiance to add to his for the petition. It left here (NZ) on the 15th by courier... and guess what? It is lost in the mail somewhere. Can you believe this. I am supposed to fill in all these forms and stuff but I'm just sending a second pack today. ( :cry: over it!)

I guess that's gonna make me an October filer :(
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-26 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hello Lovely people! How r ya'll?

I'm finally home! Our wedding day will be next week....

Good luck everyone and congrats!

Wedding this week? exciting !!! Hope you have a wonderful day. (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-26 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hey Carolina I'm excited but sitting on pins and needles, so you know, you have to hold yourself down from hopping in and out of your chair! :blush: These kinda things never happen to me, I guess half of me is really hoping that alarm clock doesn't wake me up and I find out I've been dreaming all this time! :rofl:

No you haven't been dreaming Looky... we are all witness to that.
and again, the absolute best wishes for tomorrow ! (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-23 01:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

I just received an email from the Consulate. Her interview is scheduled for September 23rd at 9 AM.

yay! the countdown begins... best of luck to your lady - excited for you both Looky! (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-08 06:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Visa Approved! yay!! :D

Thank you all for the support and cheering me up from my whining about my NOA2 til now! you are the best group ever! Good luck to all of us!

See you all in the US! :*

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Nice work !!
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-09-03 15:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

VISA in handPosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image yahoooooooooooo so excited!!!

Congratulations !! :thumbs:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-08-27 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thanks a lot Andie! Yes everything seems to be falling in place for us. :yes: After I emailed them, they sent the packet to her flat and emailed to me also. Hurricane Irene seems to be coming toward us so I went and rushed to express mail her some documents before the delivery airplanes get grounded for a couple days.

I guess no news yet for you. :blink:

Sounds like you're keeping pretty busy Looky... cool.. its so exciting!

and for us, well still nothing from the Ombudsman so we have now gone to the Senator... nothing so far. The time apart is painful... I don't know how you kept going so long, but then again, when you know it's right .. you really have no choice.

I'm truly happy it is all coming together for you and I love reading of more successes on this thread. Love is not meant to be controlled by such a process. So let's say, whatever happens, my fiance and I will be together..

I will keep checking out what's going on here (and FB when I finally get that together) and smile at all the happy endings until we have our own at least (Its not in my nature to give up...)

So keep posting guys.. I love happy endings. :thumbs:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-08-26 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

I Would like to inform everyone that we are approved of the visa last Monday Aug 22,2011 :dance: . Thank you very much for all the support and prayers :thumbs: . I will keep of praying for everyone. If you wanted to know my visa interview experience you can visit this thread... http://www.visajourn...iew-experience/ Thanks everyone! and much much love to you all (L) (L) (F) (L) (L)

Great news you guys! (F)

Thanks RK, yeah the Cyprus embassy isn't busy at all so they sent the instructions via email the day they logged it in from NVC receipt. Wasn't expecting it so quick so I have to get my fiance to check her email, (not perfectly sure if the embassy had her email address right).

But in any case I'll get it all straightened out, if she doesn't forward the instructions to me before I talk to her on the weekend. We're not in a hurry though we need to wait till mid September anyway when it will be cool enough to fly her dog in the airplanes cargo hold.

Yeah times are finally feeling like what we have been waiting for!!! :dance:

More good news!! Really happy for you ! (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-08-26 05:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

The interview itself should be a breeze and then when she gets the Visa I'll go over there and help her and the dog fly to the US!!!

Oh but what about you, it seems you are in limbo? We still have 30 or so March filers on Igors list but it seems many of them have either given up or just didn't update. I really expected you to be among us that have NOA2 already. Its very unfortunate that it didn't happen that way. :( (F)

Thanks Looky... we are still waiting for a reply from the Ombudsman before we can look at other options. :clock:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-08-17 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Interview went well guys and gals....the CO who interview me was very nice, a lady american! yay so excited i will be with my baby in 3weeks time!!! VISA APPROVEDPosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

wish everyone goodluck and give your best shot in the final interview! Godbless us all

Congratulations.... exciting times for you.. best of luck !!
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-08-17 02:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Yes I guess you are right Thea. Well good for March filers then!!

Oh I just decided to call NVC today for the heck of it. I just got approved on the 3rd. I had to wait all of 10 minutes, and the lady came on and completely frazzled me. She asked all our info and then 'what can I do for you' Told me our case had been sent to the embassy on the 11th. I was so stunned that I forgot to ask for our NVC case number!!! I called again and in barely 5 minutes I got somebody and my case number. I guess its my lucky day!

Hey Looky... this is fantastic news!!
So happy for you :yes: (F)

BTW... September is sooooooooon !!

Edited by Andie, 17 August 2011 - 02:49 AM.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-08-17 02:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Interview date for!!! OCTOBER 4TH! ... well, I thought it could take longer, but I'm glad it is not too far, time will go fast, and I'll have 2 countdowns now.. one for the interview and other to see my baby!!!! He's coming for the interview and to take me home with him!!!

Awwww... Nice !


AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-08-12 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

OMG!!!! is it possible? we received letter from NVC dated Aug 4 w/ my case # on it!!! DUDE, DeeDee Misa Chu ur Lucky Charm works!!! I dunno what to do! I'm still in shock! I still cannot believe it because there's no notice on their site and we haven't received our noa2 yet! Dude I can't believe it! OMG! OMG! OMG!

Haha... toldya it was close!!
Congratulations... best wishes for smooth sailing from here.. :thumbs:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-08-12 01:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

APPROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED! NOA2!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats you guys!!! nice work! :dance:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-08-12 01:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

We got our NVC case number today!

Good news guys ... another step in the right direction! :thumbs:

Nice to see everyone moving along... got to be your turn soon TJ... :yes:

(Just checking in).. (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-08-10 00:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hey everybody, I just came back from the gym to find another message in my mailbox from USCIS. Guess what they didn't send me another RFE but an approval email! :dance:

Yup definitely great to have this one under my belt, but the next stage is the one that matters.

Good luck to everybody that hasn't got their NOA2 yet, they are coming!

Yes!!! Isn't this so cool... Congrats Looky... just had to have my say... :dance: :dance: :dance:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-08-04 04:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

HI everyone. Just to inform that we got today our NOA2!!! Thank you God and angels! We are so ready to go forward in the process. :dance:

Thanks VJ :star:

Congratulations!! :thumbs:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-07-28 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

i want to share my lucky drawing. as soon as i finished it i got the email from USCIS. hope she'll bring you good luck with noa2, nvc and interviews as well!!!!!

Hey Congratulations DeeDee&Sam - great news!!

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-07-28 00:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

here's the link to the citizinship and immigration site for Canada:

and the forum: click

hope this helps!

Great.. thanks so much.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-07-27 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Congrats to all who have moved another step forward... I've lost track a little here.

Does anyone know the best way/site to find about immigrating to Canada? Whether there is a similar site to this? Does VJ have a section or link? Thanks
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-07-27 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

I checked the VJ NZ embassy info. It says that they will do Direct Consular Filing for US Citizens and they don't have to be legal residents. That means you can file the I-130 directly with the consulate which means you skip over USCIS. If that might work with your plans, then look into it. Good luck Andie.

Thanks Looky for this ... I have read through it and I dont think we comply and sadly we have run out of time.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-07-25 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status Changed to Administrative Processing
Congrats to u!
Jay HisWife NewbyFemaleJamaica2014-02-24 18:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
We had our infopass appointment at the beginning of the week since we have still had nothing back regarding our NOA2.

The supervisor at the local office said that he was sending our file off and there were strict instructions to respond urgently and send us a case number.

... still no NOA1, after all this time. We are to expect our Case number sometime in the next few days and it will be easier to follow our situation. I was pretty upset because I thought we were going to get more than that after all this time. We have no idea whether they have recommended an approval but this our second infopass and we have had two other supervisors from USCIS that have said they had everything they needed (all the correct paperwork) and we should have an approval soon. It has all been confused till now because of them mixing our first petition (March 2011) with our second petition... they keep bringing up the file under the name and there are 2 versions of everything. This has been sorted out several times, but then dropped without anyone completing it. This supervisor has sorted out everything properly (apparently) and requested the case number urgently.

He was a lot more positive and explained that once we have a number (which identifies the 2012 petition) we can move ahead.
So I guess we give it a bit more time, but with Christmas coming up, it could drag on a while longer. :blink:

I'm thinking I might travel over to Canada... I have a brother there, and meet my fiance in Canada just after Christmas .. since I dont have enough ties to my own country now to get a visa into the US. If I'd known it was going to take forever to get approved, I would have found a job and could have gone to visit him at home. Anyway, I'm trying to find flights which of course are all pretty full and expensive around Christmas.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-12-14 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Congrats nargie!

K-1s should have baggage allowance of 50kg (100lbs) and 2 free bags! :help:

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-12-14 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

thanks!!!!!! and yes we are going to be very happies :D
the interview was so easy!!
the official only ask me where are we going to married... i said USA and he gave me the visa !! :dance: :crying:

wow !! so easy... maybe that was his Christmas present :D
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-12-13 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Hey fellow marchies, just checking in. Still no answer... Called my representative today... since we're so close to the end of the 60 days after the RFE response, they'll start the inquiry, (THANK GOD!!!) I sure hope the rest of this journey goes a bit quicker.

I'm glad to see so much progress with most everyone else... It gets me excited for our entry...

Her niece got maried last Saturday so they had skype on for the ceremony and reception in Fort Worth.... by the end of the reception she was crying her eyes out... it broke my heart.

At this point I'm planning to go back to China in Feb for Chinese New Year, and then plan from there....

I'll keep you updated as we go.

I really hope you get some action from them very soon. :yes:

hi guys !!!!!!! saludos para todos !!! y abrazos.. big huges :D i got the VISA!!!! the monday im so happy... THANK YOU for help me :D

Great news... nice to hear such happiness !! (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-12-13 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Hollywood Fl

oh ok.. I'll be up at West Palm Beach if I ever get back there... haha
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-12-08 15:13:00