K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Also meant to say Looky, Hope things are improving with Loreta. She must be a very special lady and I'm looking forward to hearing some positive news before too long for you both. (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-11 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thanks RK, yes maybe I'll have to make a book out of this and get someone to make a movie for us someday! :yes: We're going to make this work somehow even if it takes another year or so. We've got 10 years invested in each other and neither of us are growing any younger. :P

Well Looky, I know what you mean :blink: ... that clock just keeps moving.

Anyway, we had our Infopass meeting - He went along with all our paperwork. Went through the whole story from March 2011 to the present. She looked in the system and found everything was exactly as we had thought... that everything had been put together, looked like they had everything they needed and it seems that the person that worked on our file then gave it to the supervisor who had been asked to expedite it. (The supervisor told us we could expect to hear something in 5-7 days - that was about 6 weeks ago). It turns out NOTHING HAS HAPPENED !!

So the woman at the local office was going to call them and find out what's going on. She also spoke to her supervisor who then became involved and said it was probably that the person who now had it, decided it was too difficult to do in a few minutes so put it aside. (what AGAIN??) Anyway, they were very sympathetic and wanted to help resolve it quickly by following up and to come back to us in a day or two (about now).

Well, it looks like any chance of getting there by the end of the year is not going to happen :( - our embassy process is very quick, and its probably still possible - but each day that goes by I'm just losing hope.

I'll let you know of any updates (don't hold your breath :reading: )
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-10-11 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thanks Looky. Its still all pretty much up one day and down the next - today wasn't such a good day - I was hoping for some news and still nothing. I just want to get on with life and the delays seem to go on and on. There is no reasoning behind it and we don't deserve this. Anyway, not much anyone can do.. its just all a day to day battle.

Thanks for your kind words..

Despite what they said... still haven't received anything

:crying: :cry: :( ....... :clock:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-09-08 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Andie, thats good to hear that they are finally getting your case together. You deserve an expedite. This whole experience has been very crazy for you, being in limbo for so long. It sounds to me like there's a little light peeping through the dark tunnel. Hopefully something good will happen soon. (F)

Thanks Looky. Its still all pretty much up one day and down the next - today wasn't such a good day - I was hoping for some news and still nothing. I just want to get on with life and the delays seem to go on and on. There is no reasoning behind it and we don't deserve this. Anyway, not much anyone can do.. its just all a day to day battle.

Thanks for your kind words..
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-09-05 05:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Just catching up here with the recent news. Lots of ups and downs for you Looky, but seems like things are turning around again. What a worrying time... yes definitely a movie in the making. I was relieved to read your last post and hope things continue to improve for Loreta over the coming days.

We still don't have any final word, but the Tier 2 said they seemed to have everything they needed.... this all took a couple more weeks. She then said she had done her appraisal and had forwarded it to her supervisor in Vermont with her recommendations. We then got a posted update from the supervisor saying the Tier 2 had requested an expedite and we would hear more in about a week. We should have something any day now, but I know there are lots of delays at present within the system, so we just wait and hope. There is still no certainty of an approval so its very stressful. I will let you knowof any more news at it happens.

RK also, thanks so much for your support. Today is 21 months since we have been together, so it has been a long road. Not much of a life, but if it all works out it will be worth it. Best wishes to you all.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-09-04 06:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Yes I can imagine the wait is killing, but hopefully you get some news soon. Government agencies can be painfully frustrating and also USCI is under staffed. :wacko:

I won't tell when I'm leaving cause of some strange things that have gone on. Now even my emails to and from the embassy have been directly to the visa chief and even the appointment letter came directly through her email. So to ensure no leaks .....

Ok... yes of course, I understand - well I'll keep you posted on what happens with us. To you both (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-08-02 06:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hey Andie don't give up hope on this, I mean they are working on it. Probably the worst that can happen is maybe they're missing a document or something. But they'll give you a chance to send a new one in. With all the mess they've made with your documents they really should just process your case and approve you, you deserve it! (F)

I still think the fact that they found most, if not all, of your documents is a good sign.

Thanks so much Looky - Well she can see what they've got in their system and seems to be saying that we sent everything. She also seems to be very aware of the mess with parts of our petition all over the place and is trying to collect it all up so it can be processed. I'm hoping its a good sign too - but the waiting is just killing me ... :wacko:

BTW, when do you go away ?
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-07-31 22:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

.. they wanted a different check. The one he sent was his own company - which has his last name and no initials so didn't match the petition (what???). So by the time he received it and resent it in it was late May (hence the May 24 submission date).

That is the printed name on the check.. not the signature by the way :)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-07-31 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
He called back the next day and was told our paperwork was in four different places - she was going to ask for everything to be sent to her by Friday - and told him to call back Monday. He called back Monday and she said she was still waiting for one thing which still hadn't arrived on her desk - (but it looked like they had everything they needed :o )

I've put May 24 on my profile for submission date but actually it was sent in March (about the 30th I think) - we heard nothing for several weeks - no NOA1, but I'd noticed from VJ that was happening to a few people about that time and tried not to panic - then they returned it because they wanted a different check. The one he sent was his own company - which has his last name and no initials so didn't match the petition (what???). So by the time he received it and resent it in it was late May (hence the May 24 submission date).

She realised things were out of hand. She told him to call back later this week and to make sure we had all our other docs ready :o .... I'm too scared to even 'think' this out loud..
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-07-31 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Andie--You are welcome. Hurray!!!!! :dancing: :dance: :dance: :dancing: I am so very, very glad to hear the good news you shared! More prayers, all best wishes for continuing good news and successes for you!! --RK

Thanks RK .. things are certainly looking so much better .. best wishes to you as well !
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-07-25 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Oh Andie, I know what it's like to have documents go missing like that, and the relief when you know they finally have what they need. It's funny, with all the ####### we went through in the beginning, we were one of the first here in the group to get our greencards. So, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you can't have bad luck/bad karma always... So, hopefully we can start seeing more good news from you and from Looky too soon!

Thanks Thea - I had forgotten you had gone through so much of this as well - You just get scared its never going to be resolved. Looky had said how good the Tier 2's were and he was right. We're waiting for the next bit of news from them and how they will proceed, but for now just feeling so much better.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-07-25 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Andie, thats great news! :D What a relief! I can't remember the last time you had good news, other than your new petition. Hopefully all goes smooth from here! :yes:

hi Looky ... yes, such progress. After all this time, finally some real answers. I'm scared to think too far ahead, but at least our documents aren't lost in a whirlpool of paper. Thanks for your good thoughts and wishes.. I truly appreciate it. :yes:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-07-25 05:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Thanks Looky and RK so much for your support. I'm often online here and look around for familiar names and wonder how everyone is.

I have some good news!

Kev called this morning and spoke to a Tier 2 person.... (YAY!!)

He was armed with copies of all our information with him going right back to our first petition and explained what has been happening since Day 1.

The Tier 2 lady was great. She checked the computer and found everything !! She said our documents are all over the place - even located the missing followed up documents that we sent way back from our first petition. (We had wondered if they were floating around somewhere and confusing things). Anyway she said that when files look tricky in any way, often they are put to one side, which is what seems to have happened with ours. She said she was going to start working on it and he is to call again tomorrow and speak with her.

I am just so happy and relieved that everything is there and no longer just lost in space somewhere and that there is a person in their system that knows what is going on.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-07-24 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Well Looky I guess you're right.. but I don't see any alternative so I just keep trying to stay on track. I'm not working so its virtually impossible for me to get a visitor visa (insufficient ties) and because I spent too much time there earlier on. I didn't realise the significance of that - I thought so long as I was able to provide for myself, it wasn't an issue butI was wrong. We just have to wait, and if I knew the paperwork was all together and in progress it would be easier - not having a time frame is the most difficult thing.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-07-21 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Thanks Thea... but great to see you have made it through the trail and can get on with life for a while without thinking about it all.

There is no doubt we made a big mistake initially and left out important documents with our first petition. When we forwarded them a week later with a copy of our NOA1, in our naievity it didn't occur to us the two lots of documents wouldn't meet up. After the 5mths of waiting we were devastated to be denied and after trying to fix it, realised this was never going to happen. In the meantime we talk every day, send each other packages and continue to miss each other terribly. We have had some upheavals over that time, but not related to us wanting to be together - just outside things beyond our control. It is unbelievable that things have gone astray again. After what happened the first time I'm thinking maybe we should restart, but then that delays us 2-3 mths - Its difficult to know whether this petition will resolve itself. We're giving it a little more time and in the process of trying to talk to someone there who can give us some information (if they in fact exist) lol.

Good to hear where you are up to and living in 'normality'. (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-07-21 16:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hi Georgina, we had to get it rescheduled. No matter, we found out her police reports were stolen from her by that man. So it takes a month or so to get the new reports. The interview is in September, and I will go over there several days before and go to the embassy with her. I think that incident with that man took a toll on her, but I'm going to make sure she stays calm and knows there's nothing to worry about.

Hi Looky .. good to hear you have a plan in place and making progress. We sent a second petition in May finally .. didn't get a response so chased it a few weeks later. In the meantime the check has been banked and still no NOA1 or message though we sent the G1145 requesting those messages.

He has tried calling several times and gets nowhere ... just told to call back in 15 days or whatever. Then went to the local USCIS office a few days ago. There is only the secured area where the interviews take place and you cant get in without an appointment. There haven't been any Infopass times online since then, but I havent heard what has happened in the last 24hrs so can only hope something has happened.

I've noticed that there have been others who sent in their applications around that date that have similar problems so it seems it was a bad time. So all we have is the banked check and a reference number but no 'A' number.
What a ridiculous process!

Hope you and Loreta are both well otherwise.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-07-19 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Looky, I can only hope for the best for you both and will continue to do so ... (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-06 03:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hey people, just got my EAD/AP card in the mail! yaaay!! Now things can go back to normal lol

@Geor, how's everything? When are you going (or coming)?

@Looky, that sounds way too strange, she should not open the door for strangers and wow, what the hell! Get your woman safe, that is really creepy! Hopefully nothing else will happen!

Congratulations Carolina ... very cool (F)

Geor, sounds like things are heading in the right direction (F)

... Looky, yes that really is very creepy :angry:

I have to hand it to Loreta that she kept it all together through such an invasion of privacy. Very tricky because if it was legit you don't want to look obstructive but it doesn't sound normal to me either. All the best for the interview ... it will be great when it is all over - thinking of you both (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-03-26 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Indeed RK, I need to go there soon to solve things out. And if it doesn't work out at least I will be able to say "I tried everything". But now things are getting waaaaay more complicated. Before fighting we planned to have another baby... and today results came out positive... (talk about destiny huh? :blink: ) he's happy obviously but still mad! lol I'm planning to travel without him knowing for his birthday on April, but the sad part is Sebastian can't leave Peru without Dante's consent because of his double nationality and being born over here, he must leave with his Peruvian Passport, and MUST have father's consent if travelling with mom grrr! I'm planning on going by myself though, but I would miss my baby sooo much :(

Yes... I'd have to agree that as life goes on it gets more complicated, .. it would be good to have some time together - you guys have even more to talk about now. Thinking about you and hoping for the best (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-03-16 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thats great to hear, that you're finally close to getting your petition started again! :yes: You two have known each other since your childhood, or high school days right? Its about time to get it done so you two can finally be together!

Hi Looky, Haven't looked at this thread for a little while.
Yes, we met when I was 9yrs old and at the same schools for several years (... and I'm not telling how long ago that was, lol) but we've had many years when we didn't see each other. This time round we've been back together since 2009. So yes it has turned into a long road, through other issues that you tend to collect as you move through life - if we were 20 it would be easy, but anyway we don't plan to give up. (now 15+ months apart... not easy)

I hope everything is more straight forward for you and Loreta this time and things fall into place as they should. (F)

Edited by Andie, 16 March 2012 - 08:47 PM.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-03-16 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Oh thats too close to home Thea! I'm glad it missed you both, and the residential area. I've been hearing about tornadoes out mid west and south. Hopefully they go away soon when the season finally turns to Spring.

Yeah another countdown but we're ok and more determined than ever to get thru this. Its actually a bit easier for us these days now that I got her this international sim card cause now we can talk pretty much every day. I just realized there's a pneumonia vaccine these days, and we're both eager to get her that.

Hi Looky, Things are sounding better... yes, I didn't think about the vaccine - great.

We are still stumbling along on opposite sides of the world... I think we are gettng closer to our new petition. We have had so many delays caused by outside influences/complications. Hoping we are on the move very soon. I have had time to put into renewed paperwork etc. so here's hoping it will be on its way shortly. It's now over a year since we saw each other, so its not easy.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-03-03 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hi guys and gals. I haven't been around that much, well a few of you know Dante was here in Lima, now he's gone. But unfortunately our journey has ended, or at least for now. We had a few problems when he was around, and decided to give us some time to re-think about some things... So I guess is a goodbye for now, I've deactivated my fb account so I can't put any on the group there (this way I avoid haters telling "I told you so" and bs like that)
But I wanted to thank you all for your support and for just being there. You are awesome people and I wish you the best :thumbs: I hope this is not an absolute good bye, just a see you later... but only God knows nowadays...
I feel devastated as you all can imagine, but I guess is for the better, to have this kind of "separation" today, than later...

Oh Geor, so sorry to hear this ... Don't know what to say other than hope you have some good people around you to help you through this rough time and it all works out for the best. :yes: (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-03-03 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Just a quick note to let you know that the tornado hit near here but not on top of us. Thankfully it landed on the strip instead of in a residential area, and we had no fatalities in town, though some homes were destroyed. It hit really close to where Stuart works, but about 10 minutes away from where we live. I checked out the damage yesterday, it's incredible, there's hotels missing walls, a brand new restaurant that is missing it's entire side, my grocery store's parking lot is a huge pile of rubble, and I think it will be a while before it reopens, if it can. Crazy, but we're safe...

@Looky, finally another timeline to count down! Here's to your health!

Oh Thea, how frightening. Some crazy weather going on down in NZ in the last 24hours, serious damage but no lives lost as far as I know. Stay safe you guys.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-03-03 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

You don't have to say anything Andie, sometimes bad luck streaks hit us and good streaks too. She has friends over there but I don't really trust her friends anymore. Cyprus is next on the list after Greece to go bankrupt which means more and more people are going to lose their jobs. I'm helping her as much as I can. This is all a chain reaction from that taxi accident and now I'm always reminding her to wear her seatbelt. The worst has got to be over for her. I imagine for a couple weeks she will have to go to the clinic everyday for antibiotic injections and she'll feel weak from them. She'll get through this and I can now talk to her everyday. She can get food delivered to her.

Maybe this time I will try again to go there for the interview, I'll see how she is feeling.

I know that once you hit a low ebb it can take a lot to climb back to a good level of health and sounds like she has a good routine set up to do that. So that's all positive.

Best wishes to you both (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-07 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Here's an update. I talked to Loreta this morning, afternoon her time. Somebody in her apartment bldg last Thursday found her on the floor and called an ambulance. She's still sick and trouble breathing and it hurts when she coughs. Pneunonia is an infection of the lungs. I was so relieved to hear from her. Will have to deal with the embassy again, but what can you do?

Oh no Looky ! Dont know what to say.... is there anyone there who can help her get her health on track and go with her to the interview?
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-07 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Looky: Any news yet?? Best wishes for both of you!! Fingers crossed! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-06 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Looky, got ya. I hope her interview goes well if already happened, if not I wish her luck and all the best to you guys.

@Geor, lol ya know... I have no idea how I know so much hahaha :rofl: Are you getting excited huh? :P

@Andie, how's your process? Hope everything is fine. :)

And Looky, I ain't waiting anymore! lol I stopped worrying about this process and JUST got the appointment letter for my I-765 and AOS!!! :dance: FEBRUARY 16TH!!! That was fast though :blink:

Hi Carolina... well our situation has been caught up with issues... as the years go by life becomes more complicated ... but it looks like our new petition is getting close. We have been apart for 14mths now so its not easy. I keep checking in on you guys just to make sure you are settled and happy - things are certainly looking good !

So best wishes to you all and hopefully I have something to report on our side before too long .. (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-01-31 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Yes Andie, and to add I'm one of those who believe there are only a few people in the world that are perfectly in tune with you. I'm almost 50 and I've never been married and there's only a few I ever considered, but now I've found her and I'm not letting her go.

In a way I believe Loreta and I have got the hardest part out of the way, the part where you have to build a trusting and loving relationship and can take on any problems with your partner and solve them. Of course I haven't been in the same place with her for 10 years but we certainly have been having the conversations over the phone over that time span, about everyting and know how to deal with each other.

Nothing good ever came into my life without a fight, but once you get through it you appreciate the prize much more! Thanks for the wishes! I want to believe you two have the same sort of relationship Andie, just there's a bit of a road block that you have to get through first. So best wishes for you too Andie. (F)

Road blocks and bumps in the road are definitely present Looky .. You pretty much have it summed up. I understand your determination - sometimes these things can't be explained without writing a book, so like you, we try to stay strong and deal with the bumps as they occur.

There is no other way. It is the only road. Just be sure and let us know the good news when it happens. (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-01-27 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Well congratulations Carolina! I don't think you realize how different my relationship is with Loreta than almost any relationship I know about and could easily be a good movie story. First of all the fact is she has always had way too many health problems and now that she will be 37 in 4 months its not getting any easier for her. I've known about the problems since I met her, almost 10 years ago. She and I are best friends and we can never be apart for too long. She's tested me against past boyfriends and just about everything else but I've always won her, over and over again. We both need each other. I really wonder sometimes how long it will be before some health problem comes along that could put her over the edge, but I'm going to be there for her cause there's no one else that can take care of her the way I can.

So don't worry about me, she and I are fighters till the end and we've already given each other so much happiness that we will always be happy for what we have!

I think I know what you are saying Looky ... I believe we go through different stages in our lives and patience and understanding increase as time goes by - life is full of compromises ... for the interview, my best wishes - I hope for the very best for you both. (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2012-01-26 04:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Well the Embassy was pretty quick to send the interview date of January 2nd. I had to call them and tell them that was way too soon! Anyway we settled on January 27th.

She still has some brief mild, dizzyness and/or headaches in the mornings but they're getting better. I think this third time will be the charm!

Sounding good Looky !

Happy New Year everybody! (Jan 1st now in this part of the world)

Very best wishes for a fantastic 2012 to you all :yes: (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-12-31 14:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Happy holdays and best wishes to everybody, Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate.

I never thought about it before Andie its summer for you over in NZ so then you have never had a white Christmas over there??? Well then its a good thing Santa's reindeer fly or his sleigh would never work without snow on the ground!

Thanks Andie, things seem fine for Loreta right now, I want to give her time to relax and ease her mind before I can say much else. Best wishes to you and I hope Santa drops your wish come true down the chimney! (F)

Hi Looky,
No such thing as a white Christmas here unless you want to go climbing in the mountains at least 4 hours further south from where I live, and its pretty rocky with slushy melting snow at this time of the year. I have had a white Christmas a couple of times in Canada many years ago and it was pretty amazing.

Nice to know you and Loreta are getting back on track and she is feeling better. Hope the interview is close and you can be together soon. (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-12-28 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
I haven't been able to keep up with everybody but just wanted to say as we approach the Christmas Holiday - most of the March filers seem to be where they want to be now and those of us who have not achieved that yet are hanging on. One month of summer down here in NZ already gone, so far mostly rain :wacko:

Anyway.. to you all Happy Holidays and best wishes wherever you are team.

(Looky, very best of wishes to you and Loreta and I'll be watching here to read some good news.)

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-12-21 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thanks Thea, I am trying my best. I think she should be free now to travel home now, if she feels strong enough. I would love to go to Germany and help her to Cyprus but with no direct way to communicate I am afraid that we might cross each others path again ( as in, I might go to Frankfurt while she is on her way to Cyprus ). She and I don't want anymore drama either, I'm just a little bit afraid that maybe her health is failing more and more so I can't guarantee no more drama. But I am a fighter and so is she and I will find a way to make it happen as long as she holds on.

Thanks for your support Thea, unfortunately I think only time can tell on this one, and how she feels about everyting after recovering from her operation.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-12-15 16:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

My appointment was at 8:30 this morning, we got to the embassy at 7:00, and there were already 5 people in line ahead of me. We finished at 10 and the answer was YES!!!

I did not need any of the supporting documents that I brought along, or the extra photos, but yes, better safe than sorry!

Thankyou everyone for all the support! See you on the AOS side!

Wow !! This is great! I was trying to wish you luck before the interview but lost track of the date (since I am a day ahead in NZ - it gets confusing - and I haven't been on VJ much lately)
.. but you did it without me :lol:

You must be feeling so happy !! (understatement) :dance: :dance: :dance: (F)

Edited by Andie, 27 October 2011 - 03:40 PM.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-27 15:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

I'm back from Vancouver, Sean's interview was on 10/12 and we were APPROVED!!!! Finally we can plan our future! I am so grateful, thank God!!!

Excellent!! Great news... :thumbs:

Hey Looky... things are looking on the up and up for Loreta. Dec 02 is pretty close. It all sounds like a good plan.

Edited by Andie, 15 October 2011 - 03:23 PM.

AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-15 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Today we are getting social security cards and more shots. We have the shot records from the UK and the list of what the medical inspector told us, so we ought to be fine. Once we get the shots then we search for a civil surgeon to transcribe the data to the right paper for AOS.

I wish we had insurance already. The kids! Oh my they are 5 and 6 and in the 2 weeks they have been here we already had a nasty fall (no broken bones but lots of scuffs), a dump on the head, a bite from a dog, and a finger in a mousetrap. Of course we TELL the kids about the mousetrap, we SHOW them what it does, but of course one of them always has to figure it out on their own!

School starts back up on the 25th so we will be ready for that. The kids want Halloween so that's a plan.

We're doing family things, we have never been so happy. VJ made the move entirely painless and we knew what to expect every step of the way as a result. Onward!

This all sounds so cool.... it is 'real family life' stuff. And the kids... well, despite the bumps and scrapes, they must be having so much just being kids. Best to you all :yes: (F)
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-15 15:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Hi Looky, yes I think so... it's a very honest approach and the fact that you have known each other so long shows you are committed to each other. Also the fact that you have had your ups and downs shows that you are realistic in your expectations and even more sure about your future. Go for it !! :yes:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-10 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thanks Andie, how are you and Kevin doing, got your new petition in? Yes this concussion was scary cause until yesterday she was hesitant to walk around for getting dizzy and all, but she felt ok with it while walking with the dog in the mornings and evenings when it was cool outside.

Hi Looky, no.. not yet :(
He has all sorts of complications at the moment, it is almost ready.

I hope Loreta is continuing to do well.
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-10 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Good luck to those who have interviews coming up - RJ and Inday I know yours is Wednesday!

My fiance's interview is in Vancouver Wednesday! I'm packing my bags as we speak...get on the plane tomorrow...I get to see him after 5 long months...God I am nervous, this is the moment we have been working towards for 2 1/2 years. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, I will post when I get back.

Will do! Try not to be nervous... best wishes ! :thumbs:

... and goodluck for Wednesday RJ and Inday. :thumbs:
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-10 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

I'm going to go there for about 1.5 to 2 weeks near interview time. Want to save vacation for when she is actually here in the US.

I called the embassy for a new interview. Ended up talking to the CO and she threw me a loaded question for me to ask Loreta. 'Does she want to immigrate to the US?' Then she said get back to us and then they'll schedule the interview.

Funny, what was she implying? Did she not believe that Loreta was in an accident? Did she think Loreta wanted to marry me just to immigrate to the US? Did she think Loreta was just toying with me? Well don't know but, Loreta's answer is that she only wants to immigrate to the US to marry and be with me.

Hi Looky, good to hear that Loreta is improving - a bad bump to the head can be really scary and it takes a little while for things to come right. Concussion and injuries are no picnic!

Interesting to hear of the CO's comments. I don't remember if Loreta had contacted the embassy prior to the accident, but maybe they sensed some hesitation. I don't see that as being unusual and in fact probably pretty common. The situation is really about being together and one party has to give up their home, friends and family which is never easy. Unless that person is in a really miserable situation, there is always going to be an element of hesitation or sadness at leaving those people and the life they know. If Loreta has a doctor's report of some sort, it may be worth taking it to the interview in case that comes up. My best wishes to you and Loreta (F).
AndieFemaleNew Zealand2011-10-08 15:43:00